basic of computer by rimon rayhan


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The Presentation About Basic information of Computer


Page 1: Basic of Computer By Rimon Rayhan



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Abu Rayhan

Program : BBA ID No.:

13142101039Intake : 33rd Section : 01

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Basic Information Of


Our Topic Is

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What is computer?

Hey Jerry

Just Wait

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The word computer comes from the word “Compute” which means “to

calculate”. Computer is a electronic device that takes data as a input,

process those data and then store or show those data as a output.

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Input(Material Raw)

Processing Output( Result)

Here we will see that

How does a computer work?

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Components of computer??????????????

Don’t Worry

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Computer itself a combination of different type of separate electronic device. Computer only will be computer if it has INPUT DEVICE, PROCESS UNIT, and OUTPUT DEVICE.

Central Processing Unit (CPU) : It is heart and mind of the computer without this unit computer unable to process.

Keyboard : This is an input device which is used to input the data into the computer.

Mouse : This is also an input device which is used to input the data into the computer.

Monitor : This is an output device which is used to show the result of the instructions.

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Generation Of Computer

First Generation

(1940 – 1955)Electronic Numerical

Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) , EDVAC.

Second Generation

(1956 – 1965) 

IBM 1401Third

Generation (1966 – 1975)IBM


Fourth Generation

(1976 – 1985)

Macintosh 128k

Fifth Generation (1986 -till date) 


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Now I am going to discuss about

Computer Software

Software is a logical programmer to solve the complex problem.

System Software : This is special type of software which is responsible for handle the whole computer system.

Application Software : This is special type of software which is used to solve a particular problem.

Embedded Software : This type of software embedded with hardware to do a specific type of job.

Open Source Software : This type of software may be freely available and can not be use in commercially. We can modify, and use it under the same license.

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Now, Computer Languages

Machine Level Language : This is low level programming language. Computer or any electronic device only understand this language. i.e. Binary number i.e 0 and 1.

Assembly Level Language : This is a low level programming language which is converted into executable machine code by a utility programmer referred to as an assembler.

High Level Language : High level language is a programming language which is easily understandable by human.

Interpreter : This is a convertor which converts high level language programme to low level language programme line by line.

Compiler : This is also a convertor which converts whole high level language programme to low level language programme at a time.

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Oh, I can’t understand , What is number system?

No problem. I am here to help you

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Number System

Binary Number System : It has only base 2 i.e 0 and 1

Octal Number System  : Base of octal is 8 i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Decimal Number System : Base of Decimal is 10 i.e. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Hexadecimal Number System : Base of this number system is 16 i.e. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

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What are you doing, Tom?

Nothing. But I need some idea about Operating System

I can help you

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Windows: This is a Ownership Operating system and vendor is Microsoft. Windows 2007, Windows vista, Windows 2008 etc.Linux : This is an open source Operating System such as ubuntu, fedora, debian , mandriva, centOS etc.

Thank you Jerry

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