basic psionics

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Post on 19-Feb-2018




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  • 7/23/2019 Basic Psionics


  • 7/23/2019 Basic Psionics


    doing was somehow electrical3. %f course there was one little problem4finding

    assistants willing to stand all day and ha"e their tummies tapped. $brams sol"ed

    that by in"enting the !eflexophone which looked like a bongo drum on its side

    and sort of acted like a portable tummy. *hat became the precursor to the stick


    Now the reason I just bored you with all that is because it's a good fun story and

    I lo"e to tell it. 5odern Psionics has actually rather little to do with $brams

    because we don't think of it as purely electromagnetic and we aren't that

    interested in healing, well, at least I'm not.

    *here are three basic principles of Psionics.

    &.If it exists it can be known.

    6.If it is known it can be studied.

    7. If it an be studied it can be manipulated.

    Psionics is a means of gathering information and then manipulating that

    information to bring about results. Information is gathered by "ariants of

    dowsing, using "arious tools such as the pendulum or stick pad and then

    manipulated either by translating the information into a numerical readout on a

    radionic instrument and then working the numbers or by direct influence such as

    by using an amplifying pattern or hooking the helmet into the system, using the

    instrument to lock onto the target and then "isuali8ing the result.

    Numerical manipulation is used most often in healing. *hat is done by placing the

    witness 2which can be anything that represents the subject3 on the witness plate

    of the instrument and then turning each dial while mentally asking what is the

    rate for the condition in 9uestion. %n a threedial machine using dials calibrated

    (&( the rate might be &.:, ;, and 6.7. *o cure that condition a balancing rate is

    used. *hat is found by subtracting all three rates from ten so the dials are then

    reset to .>. *his rate is then left on the machine with the witness and by

    some means we ha"e no idea what the disease condition is remo"ed from the

    energy field of the body ultimately resulting in a physical cure,or at least that's

    the theory. It doesn't always work that way and sometimes people don't get wellbut it works often enough that it's worth the try.

    Now, that techni9ue can be used for any psychic influence as well, so if you ha"e

    a troublesome thoughtform floating around, you can balance that out of existence

    as well.

    *he capacity of radionic de"ices to lock onto a target is extremely useful in

    remote "iewing and direct psychic manipulation. In those cases you take what we

    call a contact rate for the subject and that rate is like an open telephone line to

  • 7/23/2019 Basic Psionics


    the person. ?ou then hook up your headgear and "isuali8e either the result you

    want or send the message you want the subject to recei"e.

    )o there you ha"e the basics. *he rest of what you need is pretty much explained

    with the descriptions of the instruments so ha"e fun.