basic quran course in .ppt

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This is for Quran Basic and Quran Grammar.


Page 1: Basic Quran Course in .ppt

Begin to UnderstandBegin to UnderstandQur’an & Salah – The Easy Qur’an & Salah – The Easy


Lesson - 1Lesson - 1


Page 2: Basic Quran Course in .ppt

Lesson PlanLesson Plan

HadithHadith Spoken ArabicSpoken Arabic QuranQuran - - Al Fathihah 1-4Al Fathihah 1-4 GrammarGrammar - - He, They, I, We, He, They, I, We,

YouYou Motivational Tips – Motivational Tips – Book of BlessingsBook of Blessings RemindersReminders

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“ “ The deeds are considered by the The deeds are considered by the intentions,intentions, and a and a person will get person will get the reward according to his intention.the reward according to his intention.

Narrated 'Umar bin Al-Khattab (May Allah be pleased with him), reported: Messenger of Allah Narrated 'Umar bin Al-Khattab (May Allah be pleased with him), reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, (PBUH) said,

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. Source: Riyadh us [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. Source: Riyadh us Saaliheen 1-1Saaliheen 1-1

So whoever emigrated for Allah So whoever emigrated for Allah and His Messenger, his emigration and His Messenger, his emigration will be for Allah and His will be for Allah and His Messenger; and whoever Messenger; and whoever emigrated for worldly benefits or emigrated for worldly benefits or for a woman to marry, his for a woman to marry, his emigration would be for what he emigration would be for what he emigrated for".emigrated for".

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Allah Rewards

By Your Intention

So, let us intend to study the Qur’an only

to please Him

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Al-Fatihah Al-Fatihah

The Opening ChapterThe Opening Chapter

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Surah Al-FatihahSurah Al-Fatihah

ورة ورةس% Chapter (feminine)Chapter (feminine)س%

ت)ح) ت)ح)ف) He openedHe openedف)

ات,ح ات,حف) Opener (male)Opener (male) ف)

ة ات,ح) ةف) ات,ح) Opener (female)Opener (female) ف)

ة ات,ح) ة% ال3ف) ور) ةس% ات,ح) ة% ال3ف) ور) Opening Openingس%ChapterChapter

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Open your notes – Lesson Open your notes – Lesson No.1No.1

Let us study it verse by verse. Let us study it verse by verse. Keep looking at your notes for writing Keep looking at your notes for writing

with pencil. with pencil.

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ج8ي ج8يالر: الر:

8 8م ط�ان م ي� ط�� ط�انال ي� ط�� ال ط� ط�م� م� م� م�م�الل م�الل ذ� ذ�و ذ�ط�ا ذ�و ط�اthe the

outcastoutcast ShaytanShaytan fromfrom in in AllahAllah

I take I take refugerefuge

2702*302688 00

Feel the presence and enmity of ShaitaanFeel the presence and enmity of Shaitaan Say it and feel that Allah is giving the Say it and feel that Allah is giving the Like applying perfume. It gives a halo of Like applying perfume. It gives a halo of

good smell around you.good smell around you. Lasts for some time (unless we forget Lasts for some time (unless we forget

and break this protection by sins).and break this protection by sins).

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8 ح8يم 8الر: ح8يم الر: حDمBـ حDمBـالر: الر:

ن8ن8FاللF الله8ه8 8 8ب 8ب م Dم8سDس

The Most The Most MercifulMerciful

The Most The Most GraciousGracious

(of) (of) AllahAllah

In the In the namename

Both these words are from the root ر ح م


intensely intensely

mercifulmercifulcontinually continually


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8 ح8يم 8الر: ح8يم الر: حDمBـ حDمBـالر: الر:

ن8ن8FاللF الله8ه8 8 8ب 8ب م Dم8سDس

The Most The Most MercifulMerciful

The Most The Most GraciousGracious

(of) (of) AllahAllah

In theIn the namename

• Feel the intense and continuous mercy of Allah as you recite by imagining the blessings.

• Feel the confidence that he is going to help you always.


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L DعLال Lال DعLال ال

Lم8ينLم8ين Oب LرOب Lر Fه8لل Fه8ل ل DمLحD DحLمDال الSدSد

(of) the (of) the worldsworlds

Cherisher & Cherisher & sustainer sustainer

(be) (be) for for


All All praises & praises &



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SدDمLحD DحLمDدSال ال

All praise



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Fب LرFب LرWho takes care of

all the needs to help us grow


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عLالLمعLالLمworlds world


LمSون LمSونعLال عLالLم8ين Lم8ينعLال عLال

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Visualize the wonders of the Visualize the wonders of the worlds (world of humans, of worlds (world of humans, of animals, of plants, of angels, …) animals, of plants, of angels, …) and praise Himand praise Him

Thank Him for taking care of all Thank Him for taking care of all your needsyour needs

L DعLال Lال DعLال ال

Lم8ينLم8ين Oب LرOب Lر Fه8لل Fه8ل ل DمLحD DحLمDال الSدSد

(of) the (of) the worldsworlds

Cherisher & Cherisher & sustainer sustainer

(be) (be) forfor


All All praises & praises &



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ح8ي ح8يالر: الر:

8 8م حDمBـ م حDمBـالر: الر:

ن8ن8The Most The Most MercifulMerciful The Most GraciousThe Most Gracious

• Mentioned 2nd time in this 1st Surah itself to remind us again about His mercy and never lose hope.

• Feel the intense and continuous mercy of Allah as you recite by imagining the blessings.

• Feel the confidence that he is going to help you always.

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ن8ن88 LوDم 8ي LوDم ي 8ك8 8ك8مLـال مLـال

JudgementJudgement Day (of)Day (of) Master (of)Master (of)


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SمDوL LوDمSي عيد عيديSومL LومSي فLةي LرLة عLف LرLام ع: :امأي أي

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System of LifeSystem of Life

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ن8ن88 LوDم 8ي LوDم ي 8ك8 8ك8مLـال مLـال

JudgementJudgement Day (of)Day (of) Master (of)Master (of)


• One of the most important days in life, the day of our FINAL results.

• Feel the horror of that day

• Expect that Allah will reward us with paradise

• Be afraid of the punishment

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Silent Study for 2 Silent Study for 2 min. in Silencemin. in Silence

Use your pencil to Use your pencil to mark or mark or underline new words.underline new words.

And now And now translate…translate…

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ط�ۃ م� ط�ا يل ذ� ا �ط ط�ۃذ�و م� ط�ا يل ذ� ا �ط ((44--11 )آيات )آيات ذ�و

SوذSعL LعSوذSأ DطLان8 أ ي 8الله8 م8نL الش: DطLان8 ب ي 8الله8 م8نL الش: بج8يم ج8يمالر: الر:

8 الل م D8س 8 اللب م D8س 8 م� م� ب ح8يم حDمBـن8 الر: 8 الر: ح8يم حDمBـن8 الر: ((11))الر:





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ط�ۃ م� ط�ا يل ذ� ا �ط ط�ۃذ�و م� ط�ا يل ذ� ا �ط ((44--11 )آيات )آيات ذ�و

SدDمLحD DحLمDدSال بO 88 ال Lلله8 ر Oب Lلله8 ر Lم8ينL DعLال Lم8ينL ال DعLال ((22))ال

8 ح8يم حDمBـن8 الر: 8 الر: ح8يم حDمBـن8 الر: ((33))الر:

8 الدOين8 مBـل8ك8مBـل8ك8 LوDم 8 الدOين8 ي LوDم ((44)) ي




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– – قواعدقواعدGrammarGrammar

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HeHe طو ذ�TheyThey ي ذ�youyou ط! ي" ط!�ا ي" �ا

you allyou all ي ذ# ي" ي �ا ذ# ي" �اII Lا Lاأن أن

wewe SنDحL LحDنSن 8سبق - ن



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1295 1295 times or times or 1.5% of 1.5% of

total total wordswords

HeHe طو ذ�TheyThey ي ذ�youyou ط! ي" ط!�ا ي" �ا

you allyou all ي ذ# ي" ي �ا ذ# ي" �اII Lا Lاأن أن

wewe SنDحL LحDنSن ن

Page 28: Basic Quran Course in .ppt

We will learn dual We will learn dual and feminine gender later on. and feminine gender later on.

Just 6 instead of the 14 belowJust 6 instead of the 14 below..

، DمSا، هLمSه ،LوSه ، DمSا، هLمSه ،LوSن:هSا، هLمSه ،Lن:ه8يSا، هLمSه ،Lه8يDمS Dت Lن SمLا، أ Dت ، أن LتD SمDأن Dت Lن SمLا، أ Dت ، أن LتD SمLا، أن Dت ن

L ، أ Dت8 Lن SمLا، ، أ Dت نL ، أ Dت8 Lن ، أ

Sن: Dت Lن Sن:أ Dت Lن أSنDحL Lا، ن Lن LحDنSأ Lا، ن Lن أ

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6 forms only instead of 146 forms only instead of 14

Sوا :ذ8ينL آمLن ~هLا ال يL Lا أ Sواي :ذ8ينL آمLن ~هLا ال يL Lا أ means means ي

both males and femalesboth males and females Dual forms come very rarely Dual forms come very rarely

We will learn dual We will learn dual and feminine gender later on. and feminine gender later on.

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Motivational tipMotivational tip

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We have to understand the We have to understand the Qur’an…Qur’an…

Otherwise we can Otherwise we can not fulfill the not fulfill the purpose of purpose of revelationrevelation

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Purpose of RevelationPurpose of Revelation


LارL مSبك�

LكD Lي 8ل إ L Dن ل LنزL أهSا

Lاب� 8ت ك

full of blessings;

to you )O! Muhammad,


We have revealed it

)It is( a book

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Purpose of RevelationPurpose of Revelation

8ه8 Lات آي وا Sر: Lد:ب Oي لits verses so that they


Lر: LذLك Lت 8ي Lاب8 وLل Dب Lل Dوا األS وDلS : )ص أ

29)and men of understanding receive admonition.


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Pondering: What & Pondering: What & How?How?

You don’t need it while you read a newspaper!

But can you read a book of science the same way? You have to stop and think at every step. This is pondering.

You can ponder only when you understand!

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Let us not neglect..Let us not neglect..

Let us not be like deaf persons who Let us not be like deaf persons who don’t care what is said to them.don’t care what is said to them.

Let us pray to Allah that He helps us Let us pray to Allah that He helps us fulfill this purpose.fulfill this purpose.

Let us realize this great blessing and Let us realize this great blessing and work for benefitting from it by work for benefitting from it by understanding it first. understanding it first.

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What have we learnt?What have we learnt?

Quran :Quran :شيطان، رحمن، رحيم، عالم، يوم، دينشيطان، رحمن، رحيم، عالم، يوم، دين Grammar :Grammar : his, her, their, their, my, ourhis, her, their, their, my, our

Educational tip:Educational tip: Book with full of Book with full of


Study the material thoroughly, and then fill up Study the material thoroughly, and then fill up the work sheet in the .pdf file sent with the the work sheet in the .pdf file sent with the

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Remember Dua

7 Home Works

5 Min Study at the Start of the Day

5 Min Recitation without Translation5 Min Recitation from Memory

30 seconds study @ 5 times30 seconds study @ 5 times (preferably before or after Salah) (preferably before or after Salah) from the pocket book/POSTERS from the pocket book/POSTERS 1 Min Discussion about the lesson with someone

Recite different Surahs in the SalahListen to the Cassettes

Pray to Allah after almost every Salah Pray to Allah after almost every Salah that Allah give you & your friends to that Allah give you & your friends to

continue this work.continue this work.

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Be ready for the next Be ready for the next lesson!lesson!

Allah has chosen you to learn Qur’an Allah has chosen you to learn Qur’an this Ramadan. Thank Him & don’t this Ramadan. Thank Him & don’t

reject his selection by walking away!reject his selection by walking away!

Don’t give up!Don’t give up! LكL ان LحD ب Sس 8حLمDد8ه8 وLب الله8 LانLحD ب Sس

Lد8كDمL8ح وLب اللهSم: Lك Sف8رDغL ت DسL ن LتD Lن أ : 8ال إ LهL 8ل إ : ال Lن أ SدLه DشL ن

LكD Lي 8ل إ SوبS Lت وLن