basic safety measures

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  • 7/26/2019 Basic Safety Measures


    Acid Hydrolysis and Catalytic Condensation of Coconut Coir

    Dust for Diphenolic Acid ProductionTechnical


    Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng MaynilaCollege of Engineering and Technology

    Chemical Engineering Department




  • 7/26/2019 Basic Safety Measures


    Acid Hydrolysis and Catalytic Condensation of Coconut Coir

    Dust for Diphenolic Acid ProductionTechnical


    Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng MaynilaCollege of Engineering and Technology

    Chemical Engineering Department


    Cocophenol Corporation adapted the following safety measures in order to

    prevent unwanted incidents and injuries from occurring. The safety measures were in

    line with the Occupational afety and !ealth tandards "#s #mended$ %&'&( of the

    Department of La)or and Employment Philippines. The safety measures were divided

    into the following aspects*

    %( Personal afety+

    ,( -oring Environment+

    /( 0ire Protection and Control+ and

    1( !ealth ervices.

    Personal Safety includes the )asic safety guidelines that the employees must

    strictly o)serve in the worplace at all times and the mandatory use of the Personal

    Protective E2uipment "PPE( in the worplace at all times.

    Safety in the Working Environmentincludes the measurement of the atmospheric

    woring environment and other elements in the worplace that the worers have to

    interact with every day. This also includes the proper storage of the chemicals used$ the

    machine guarding for screw conveyors$ provisions in electrical safety$ identification of

    piping system$ and emergency precautionary measures.

    Fire Protection and Control is the aspect of safety that deals with the prevention

    and control of fire. This includes the )uilding construction$ fire3fighting facilities$ alarm

    systems and emergency drills.

    Lastly$ the company also includes Health Services in order to cater the medical

    needs and other emergency situations that re2uire immediate medical attention.


  • 7/26/2019 Basic Safety Measures


    Acid Hydrolysis and Catalytic Condensation of Coconut Coir

    Dust for Diphenolic Acid ProductionTechnical


    Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng MaynilaCollege of Engineering and Technology

    Chemical Engineering Department



    These )asic safety rules and guidelines were formulated to promote a

    harmonious and safe woring conditions among worers. 4t is a must that they eep in

    mind and strictly adhere to these guidelines at all times.

    %( #ll worers are re2uired to )e familiar with the e2uipment$ machines$ and tools that

    they are tased to operate. They must read and eep in mind at all times all the

    instructions and manuals supplied along with their respective e2uipment.,( #lways pay attention when inside the worplace. Music$ cellphones$ and other

    forms of distraction are strictly prohi)ited during wor hours./( Employees must report any medical emergencies immediately. Mae sure

    everyone has an easy access to medical e2uipment and emergency materials.1( -orers must focus on the tas assigned to them. 5ut at the same time$ every

    worer has to eep an eye on each other so that they will )e aware if something is

    wrong.6( The wor area should always )e ept clean and free from o)structions. The

    manufacturing area should )e clean$ light$ and well organi7ed. Mae sure that

    there is plenty of space to wor on.8( moing is not allowed inside the plant. moing is only allowed in the designated

    smoing area outside the facility.9( #n employee shall never attempt to perform a tas for which he:she has not )een



  • 7/26/2019 Basic Safety Measures


    Acid Hydrolysis and Catalytic Condensation of Coconut Coir

    Dust for Diphenolic Acid ProductionTechnical


    Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng MaynilaCollege of Engineering and Technology

    Chemical Engineering Department


    To protect the worers from the ha7ards present inthe woring environment$ the worers were re2uired to

    use proper personal protective e2uipment and devices

    "PPEs(. ;nder posed to a ha7ardous environmental

    condition without protection. #ll PPEs issued are of the

    approved design appropriate for the e>posure and wor to

    )e performed. The following are the PPEs issued to the worers of Cocophenol Corp.?smanufacturing facility*

    ! Eye and Face Protection

    Due to the presence of chemical vapors in the

    worplace$ the worers are issued with face shield (full

    length)and splash gogglesto protect their eyes and face.

    The following chemicals are present in the worplace*

    @aO!$ !Cl$ phenol$ the main product$ Diphenolic acid

    and the intermediates: )y3products levulinic acid and

    formic acid. These chemicals re2uire proper eye and face protection when handled.

    pectacles which provide optical correction are also issued to the worers who

    re2uire corrective lenses.

    "! Head Protection


  • 7/26/2019 Basic Safety Measures


    Acid Hydrolysis and Catalytic Condensation of Coconut Coir

    Dust for Diphenolic Acid ProductionTechnical


    Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng MaynilaCollege of Engineering and Technology

    Chemical Engineering Department

    !ard hats are re2uired in the facility in order to

    ensure the protection of the worers from impact

    penetration from falling and flying o)jects$ )lows$ and from

    limited electric shoc and )urns. The hard hats issued

    have the following specifications*

    %( made of non3com)usti)le or slow3)urning

    materials$,( total weight should )e =.16 g "%8 ounces( or less$/( have a )rim all around to provide protection for the head$ face and )ac of the

    nec$ and1( cradle and sweat)and are detacha)le and


    3. Hand and Arm Protection

    Aloves are re2uired for worers that will )e handling

    corrosive su)stances such

    as acids and )ases. They are made out of natural

    ru))er$ synthetic ru))er$ or plia)le plastic material

    resistant to corrosion.

    #! $ody ProtectionLa) coats are re2uired inside the facility as

    a defensive measure for chemical spills. 0ull suits

    are also present in the facility "on stand3)y( in case

    of large spill.

    %! Safety Shoes

    ;se of safety shoes are mandatory inside the

    facility for the protection of the feet and legs from injuries.



    -oring environment measurement "-EM( means the sampling and analysis

    carried out in respect of the atmospheric woring environment and other fundamental


  • 7/26/2019 Basic Safety Measures


    Acid Hydrolysis and Catalytic Condensation of Coconut Coir

    Dust for Diphenolic Acid ProductionTechnical


    Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng MaynilaCollege of Engineering and Technology

    Chemical Engineering Department

    elements of woring environment for the purpose of determining actual conditions

    therein. Cocophenol Corporation strictly o)serves the implementation of woring

    environment measurement to maintain and control the woring environment in

    comforta)le and healthy conditions for the purpose of promoting and maintaining the

    health of the worers.

    %( -oring environment measurement includes temperature$ humidity$ pressure$

    illumination$ ventilation$ concentration$ of su)stances and noise.,( The records of measurement are made availa)le to the enforcing authority./( -EM is performed annually. 4t is performed )y the medical personnel of the



    ince Cocophenol Corp.?s manufacturing facility deals with the manufacture of

    Diphenolic acid$ and utili7es ha7ardous chemicals such as phenol$ @aO!$ and !Cl$ it

    needs to comply with the provisions of

  • 7/26/2019 Basic Safety Measures


    Acid Hydrolysis and Catalytic Condensation of Coconut Coir

    Dust for Diphenolic Acid ProductionTechnical


    Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng MaynilaCollege of Engineering and Technology

    Chemical Engineering Department

    Specific Labelling equirements

    La)els shall contain the following information*

    %. sym)ol of the relevant category of ha7ard of the su)stance contained+,. trade name in addition to the chemical name of the su)stance+/. a description of the principal ris or riss+1. a statement of the necessary precautions to )e taen+ and6. if necessary$ a statement of the first3aid or other simple measures to )e taen in

    case of injury or emergency.

    '! Testing of Atmosphere

    The atmosphere of worrooms are tested annually to ensure that the

    concentration of irritating or to>ic dusts$ fumes$ gases$ mists or vapors are ept within

    the threshold values*

    !Cl B 6 ppm

    @aO! B , mg per cu)ic meter of air

    Phenol B 6 ppm

    Diphenolic #cid B % mg per cu)ic meter of air

    #! Cleaning

    -here to>ic and irritating su)stances are )eing handled$ manufactured or used$

    the floors$ walls$ structural surfaces$ wor )enches$ ta)les and e2uipment are thoroughly

    cleaned daily )y means of vacuum cleaning$ wet )rushing or sweeping$ outside of

    woring hours.

    %! Precautionary &easures for Emergencies

    !arning Devices

    4n all worplaces where ha7ardous su)stances are manufactured$ handled or

    used$ suita)le warning device were installed wherever possi)le$ to alert the personnel in

    case of the li)eration of dangerous 2uantities of said su)stances.

    "raining of Personnel

    -orers are trained on procedures to control the li)eration of ha7ardous

    su)stances$ eliminate pollution$ and to evacuate from the affected area in an orderly


    (! Spillage


  • 7/26/2019 Basic Safety Measures


    Acid Hydrolysis and Catalytic Condensation of Coconut Coir

    Dust for Diphenolic Acid ProductionTechnical


    Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng MaynilaCollege of Engineering and Technology

    Chemical Engineering Department

    pillage of irritating or to>ic su)stances shall )e removed as 2uicly as possi)le

    )y the )est technical and scientific means possi)le and availa)le.

    )! *nstruction on Health Ha+ards

    #ll worers are thoroughly informed of the health ha7ards associated with their

    wor and the measures to )e taen to protect themselves there3from.

    ,! &eals

    The introduction$ preparation and consumption of food$ drin and to)acco in the

    worroom is strictly prohi)ited.

    -! Personal Cleanliness

    #ll worers are re2uired to wash their faces and hands thoroughly )efore eating$

    drining$ smoing$ or )efore leaving the premises since they are e>posed to to>ic

    su)stances which may enter the )ody through ingestion.

    .! &edical Aid

    #ll worers are re2uired to report promptly any physical complaints.

    ! E/posure 0ecords

    The company maintains accurate record of employee e>posure to potentially

    to>ic materials. These are re2uired to )e measured and monitored. This record is open

    to authori7ed agents and the worers e>posed to such ha7ards.

    "! Handling

    #ll handling of corrosive or hot li2uids in the plant are done )y pumps and

    pipelines. Transporting in small containers are eliminated in order to minimi7e the

    e>posure of the worers to the su)stances.

    '! Spillage of Acids and Alkalis

    %( 0loors are ept as dry as possi)le,( pillage are avoided. pilled corrosive li2uid are guarded until removed to

    prevent worers from stepping or getting into contact with it.


  • 7/26/2019 Basic Safety Measures


    Acid Hydrolysis and Catalytic Condensation of Coconut Coir

    Dust for Diphenolic Acid ProductionTechnical


    Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng MaynilaCollege of Engineering and Technology

    Chemical Engineering Department

    /( pilled or escaping corrosive acid are flushed out with water or neutrali7ed with

    chal or lime. #)sor)ing the spill )y waste cloth or other organic materials are

    strictly prohi)ited.

    #! Physical Contact 1ith Corrosive Su2stances

    %( 4t is mandatory for the employees to use protective and e2uipment conforming to

    the re2uirements of

  • 7/26/2019 Basic Safety Measures


    Acid Hydrolysis and Catalytic Condensation of Coconut Coir

    Dust for Diphenolic Acid ProductionTechnical


    Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng MaynilaCollege of Engineering and Technology

    Chemical Engineering Department

    this$ the pipelines were painted with respective colors corresponding to what they

    contain inside*

    Wat! P"#"$%B 5lue

    Sta P"#"$%B

  • 7/26/2019 Basic Safety Measures



    0ire protection is one aspect that is needed to

    o)serve in any facility. 4n accordance with it.

    /( @o steps or stairs are placed in hori7ontal e>its as they may cause tripping and

    may lead to injuries. -hen there?s a difference in level )etween cemented floor

    areas$ ramps or inclines of not more than one to ten "% to %=( slopes are


    "! Stair1ays

    %( #ll stairways used as fire e>its lead directly to the street.,( #ll approaches to fire e>its are cleared of any o)struction and are properly

    mared to mae the direction of egress clear.

    '! Fire Doors

    %( tairway enclosures$ fire e>its and partitions are provided with fire doors of the

    self3closing type and easily opened from either side towards the line of travel in

    leaving the )uilding.,( Doors that give access to stairways are configured in a way that they do not

    open directly on stairs$ they are to open on landings leaving a path of travel

    e2ual to a less the width of the door at any point during its swing./( Doors swinging on )oth sides$ vertical sliding doors$ rolling shutters and

    revolving doors are not allowed as e>its.1( Doors from stairways to the outside of the )uilding have a width e2ual to at least

    the effective width of the stairs.6( Doors leading into or out of any )uilding or floor are not loced or fastened

    during period of occupancy.

  • 7/26/2019 Basic Safety Measures



    To ensure safety against fire$ the manufacturing facility adapted certain fire3

    fighting measures in3line with section %&11 of ceeding %' g$

    e>cept wheeled types$ are installed not more than % m. a)ove the floor.e( E>tinguishers are inspected monthly to ensure that they are in their designated

    places$ to determine physical damages and that they are in good opera)le

    condition.f( On the place where the e>tinguishers are located$ the type and use of the

    e>tinguishers and instructions on its proper use are mared in visi)le and easily

    reada)le letters.


    Sounding Devices

  • 7/26/2019 Basic Safety Measures


    %( #ll )uildings having two or more stories in height are e2uipped with fire alarm

    system and signals of distinctive 2uality and pitch clearly audi)le to all persons

    inside the )uilding.,( !and3operated sending stations of fire alarm )o>es are provided on every floor

    and located that the travel to reach a station is not more than thirty "/=( meters./( 0ire3alarm stations are conspicuous$ readily accessi)le$ and in the natural path

    of escape from fire.


    Emergency drills "fire and earth2uae( are conducted at least twice every year to

    maintain an orderly evacuation. These shall only include evacuation of persons and shall

    not include salvage operation.


    # clinic is designated to cater the medical needs and other situations that re2uire

    immediate medical attention. # minimum 2uantity of medicines$ medical supplies$ and

    e2uipment are provided and are ept inside the treatment room. # company nurse was

    assigned in the clinic. The clinic provides the following medical services*

    5asic first aid treatment+

    Chec3up and consultation+ and

    !ealth education for sicness prevention.