basic terminologies for film

Basic terminologies

Upload: kim-joven

Post on 09-Jan-2017




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Basic terminologies

Shot:A shot is ONE CONTINUOUS piece of film that threads through the camera. In digital terms, it would be the data that is contained between rec. and stop. If you interrupt that shot, lets call it a, in editing, so you get a sequence that goes a-b-a, a is still the same shot, since b has only interrupted it in editing, NOT in the camera. That also means that if the shot corrupts or gets ruined or you "roll out", just because you cant use it doesnt mean its no longer a shot. It is still a shot, and the script supervisor will call it a shot. They will just make a note that its an unusable shot.

Sequencea sequence is a succession of shots that provides the illusion of continuity. It does not have to be a complete thought, it is the "phrasing" in the syntax of film. The term sequence is used to describe something as short as an exchange of dialogue to a whole run of events that happen in the film, as long as they are closely related in information.

SceneIn describing a film, a scene is a segment of narrative in which something happens in a complete thought and most likely in a continuous time. Something has occurred, even if its something miniscule. Scenes are usually linked to changes in scenery, since most likely if the set changes, the purpose and actions of the scene are separate as well. Where defining scenes becomes difficult is when surreality comes into play and the audience is deliberately tricked into not knowing what is happening, such as during a dream sequence or montage, still they are usually referred to as "dream sequence" or "montage" if it is clear enough.


is a series of scenes shown in a rapid succession. It usually indicates the passage of time.


Mis en scene

Wide shot

Wide shot a shot that is from far away; the character's whole body is in the frame.


Medium a shot that frames a person from the waist up or so.


Closeup: a shot that frames a person from the shoulders up.


Extreme close up: shot that is so close it cuts out the edges of the subject entirely.


Insert: shot of an item that relays information, usually a character is not involved in the shot, although it is possible, such as an insert of a ringing phone and then someone's hand enters to pick it up