basic therapeutic diets

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  • 7/31/2019 Basic Therapeutic Diets


    Basic Therapeutic Diets

    Therapeutic Diet

    Normal diet that is modified or designed to treat or cure diseases .

    Therapeutic means cure

    Diet means food or beverages ingested in our body.

    List of Diets1. Regular Diet

    Diet for ambulatory or bed side patient that doesnt need any dietary modification .

    2. Clear Liquid Diet

    liquids at body temperature and somewhat transparent in light

    Given for 24 36 hours only.

    Indications for use1. Bowel preparation before surgery or medical diagnostic tests2. Initial diet after complete bowel rest to prevent dehydration, relieve thirst, and minimize

    stimulation of GIT3. Illness4. Burns5. Acute inflammatory of GIT (Diarrhea, Gastroentitis, Pancreatitis)6. Post Op Cases

    Foods Allowed 1. Clear fat free bouillon or broth (soup stock)2. Clear or Diluted Fruit Juices (apple, grape, cranberry)3. Plain Gelatin4. Hard Candy5. Regular or Decaffeinated Coffee (limited can cause stomach upset and sleeplessness)6. Tea

    Foods Not Allowed 1. Milk2. Fruit Juices with Pulp3. Carbonated Drinks

    3. Full Liquid Diet

    Intermediate diet between Clear Liquid Diet and Soft Diet

    Liquids at body temperature

    Foods that can be liquefied upon reaching the stomach.

    Indications for use

    1. Chewing and swallowing difficulties (dysphagia)2. Illness3. Burns4. Acute Inflammatory of GIT5. Post Op Cases

    Foods Allowed 1. All foods included in clear liquid diet2. Strained Cream Soups3. Pureed Foods

  • 7/31/2019 Basic Therapeutic Diets


    4. Plain Ice Cream5. Milk

    4. Cold Liquid Diet or T & A Diet

    Thyroidectomy (removal of thyroid gland)Andenoidectomy (removal of andenoids)For blood clotting

    Indications for use1. Tonsillectomy (removal of tonsils)2. Dental Extraction3. Minor Throat Surgeries (T & A)

    Cold Foods Allowed 1. Plain Ice Cream (Vanilla)2. Sherbet3. Cold Milk

    4. Cold Traditional Iced Tea

    5. Soft Diet

    Intermediate diet between Regular Diet and Full Liquid Diet (after full liquid)

    Composed of foods that is1. Soft and Smooth in texture (easily chewed2. Readily digestible (no long fibers and connective tissues)3. Bland4. Not highly seasoned

    Indications for use1. Chewing and swallowing difficulties (dysphagia)

    2. Mandibular Fractures, Broken Jaw3. Oral and Plastic surgery of the head and neck4. Stroke Patients

    Foods Allowed 1. All food in liquid diets2. Tender, cooked, minced ground meat, poultry, and fish3. Low fiber vegetables (carrots, chayote, squash)4. Low fiber fruits without skin and seeds (banana, mango, sectioned orange, papaya)5. Plain desserts (custard, pudding)

    Foods not allowed 1. Long Fibers2. Hard Meat3. Hard Fried foods4. Highly Seasoned Foods5. Foods that contain skin, nuts, and seeds6. Raw and gas forming fruits and vegetables (apple, beans, cabbage, celery, cherries, coconut, egg

    plant, melons, onions, wheat)

    5. Bland Diet

    Diet to allow stomach lining to heal

  • 7/31/2019 Basic Therapeutic Diets


    Indications for use1. Diarrhea2. Indigestion3. Gastritis4. Gall Bladder Disease5. Ulcer

    Foods Allowed 1. Bland and Mild Flavor 2. Soft and Smooth in Texture3. Not irritating to stomach4. Doesnt stimulate gastric secretion

    Foods Not Allowed 1. Fibrous2. Hard Meats3. Herbs and Spices and Condiments4. Strongly flavored vegetables (cabbage, onion, leek, cauliflower, turnip)5. Coffee and Tea6. Citrus Fruits7. Very hot and cold beverages

    Tube or Osterized Feeding

    Liquid diet introduced to stomach passed by ASEPTO Syringe to POLYVINYL TUBE inserted thrunose then mouth. (check patients stomach with glug glug sound means tube is inserted properly andfood is in the stomach already)Food is placed into sterile bottle and discarded after 24 hours.

    Indications for use1. Mobility or Refused food as obstruction of esophagus2. Anorexia Nervosa (mental stale leading to complete aversion (hatred) of all food)3. Severe Burns4. Comatose

    Foods Allowed 1. Liquid Foods ( Pureed, Blended)2. Soft In Texture

    Other Special Therapeutic Diets1. Diabetic Diet

    Diet varies with individual, severity of diseases type and extent of insulin therapy received.2. Residue Modified Diet

    Certain foods with fiber free may leave high amount of residue

    Indications for use1. Bowel Diseases2. Hemorrhoids

    Foods that give residue1. Lean Meat and Fish2. Liver 3. Hard boiled egg4. Strained Fruit Slices