basin-scale analysis, synthesis, and integration (basin) of

Peridinium Mollusc Medusae Tintinnopsis Diatoms and flagellates Sagitta Ammodytes Oikopleura Clione Tomopteris Pleurobrachia Balanus larvae Pseudocalanus Acartia Calanus Podon Evadne Nyctiphanes Amphipods Decapod larvae Temora Juvenile Herring Adult Herring A North Sea food web schematic Fish species that depend upon Calanus finmarchicus in some parts of the North Atlantic U . S . G L O B E C N W A T L A N T I C / G E O R G E S B A N K S T U D Y 1 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 02543 USA 2 Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Plymouth, PL1 3DH, UK 3 Hamburg University, Hamburg 22767, Germany 4 Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3300 USA 5 Memorial University, St. John’s, NF, A1B 3X7 Canada • 6 Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08903-0231 USA 7 Marine Research Institute, Reykjavik, Iceland • 8 CNRS / Universit de la Miterran , F-13007 Marseille, France Abstract Integration and synthesis of data sets must be coupled with modeling studies at the basin-scale to elucidate the mechanisms underlying observed changes in physical and biological changes in the North Atlantic Ocean and to predict consequences of climate and environmental change. The dominant physical forcing across the North Atlantic basin is the large-scale atmospheric circulation and the associated coupled air-sea interactions. In addition, the population distributions of key biological organisms, such as Calanus finmarchicus, span the ocean basin. As a result, spatial scales of biological events are often larger than national or regional waters, and require an international effort to understand physical-biological coupling at functionally - relevant scales. Such large spatial scales also dictate important time scales requiring study from storm events to the interannual. To launch such an effort, a workshop focusing on the basin scale dynamics of Calanus and selected pelagic and demersal fish as target species was held in March 2005 in Reykjavik, Iceland. As defined at the workshop, the specific goals include: integration and synthesis of existing basin-wide data sets; advancement of the current state of the art in bio-physical modeling; development of hindcast modeling studies to understand the observed historical variability of the North Atlantic ecosystem; construction of scenarios of possible ecosystem changes in response to future climate variability; identification of data gaps that limit process understanding and contribute to uncertainty in model results; and specification of new data that will be needed to assess the performance of forecasts and assist management decisions. Achievement of these goals will contribute to an integrated management approach for marine ecosystems and their services. Additional workshops are now planned to promote the development of the BASIN approach. BASIN Iceland Workshop Aim To understand and simulate the population structure and dynamics of broadly distributed and trophically important ecosystems, and thereby contribute to ocean management. Workshop Objectives • Integration and synthesis of existing basin-wide data sets • Build on the current state of the art in bio-physical modeling, • Hindcast modeling studies to understand the observed historical variability of the North Atlantic ecosystem, • Construction of scenarios of possible ecosystem changes in response to future climate variability. • Identify data gaps that limit process understanding – and contribute to uncertainty in model results and collect new data to fill the gaps, • Specify and conduct observation and process studies needed to establish population structure and dynamics across the deep ocean and shelves. Workshop Conclusions Continental shelf and marginal sea ecosystems are affected by basin-scale forcing on decadal scales and cannot be studied in isolation. Advances in modeling marine ecosystems will require coupling numerical formulations across trophic levels that have differing degrees of resolution and embedding these in a basin-scale representation of the physics and biogeochemistry. There is no single, fully integrated model that can simulate all possible ocean ecosystem states. The key steps in representing extended food webs in complex marine systems are: • To concentrate the biological resolution, or detail of representation, in the main target species, and • To make increasing simplifications, or decrease the resolution, with distance both up and down the trophic scale from the target species. The BASIN Rhomboid Approach Unstructured meso and macrozooplankton Functionally resolved representations of autotrophs – diatoms, flaggelates Heterotrophic microbes Nutrients – macro and micro Physics and chemistry – vertical fluxes, mixing, sophisticated in the vertical, air -sea interactions, gas exchange, pH structure Primary Production Focus First Order Vertical Structure Open Ocean and Shelf Zooplankton Focus Fish - myctophids , redfish, herring, blue whiting; Zooplankton - gelatinous, euphausiids Fish - sandlance , capelin, herring, sprat, mackerel, Norway put, blue whiting; Zooplankton - gelatinous, euphausiids Physics and chemistry high resolution large scale circulation, coupling between global, basin and shelf models Food for zooplankton: Microzooplankton , diatoms, non -diatoms, Phaeocystis Unstructured competitors for structured zooplankton Zooplankton – Structured population representations of key basin distributed species – variously, particularly congeneric Calanus spp., euphausiids First Order Horizontal Structure Open Ocean Shelf Planktivorus Predators Fishing, Piscivorousfish, birds, mammals Planktivorous Fish- Structured population with closed life cycle, broadly distributed species sandlance , capelin, mackerel, Norway pout, blue whiting, redfish Unstructured competitors for structured fish Fish food: aggregates of zooplanktontaxa Fish food: aggregates of zooplanktontaxa Physics and chemistry– highly resolved shelf circulation, ocean -shelf exchange Planktivorus Fish Focus First Order Horizontal Structure Open Ocean Shelf Fishing, Piscivorous fish, birds, invertebrate predators,mammals Demersal Fish - Structured population with closed life cycle, broadly distributed species – cod or haddock Unstructured competitors for structured fish Fish food: aggregates of pelagic and benthic invertebrate and fish taxa Physics and chemistry – highly resolved shelf circulation, ocean-shelf exchange First Order Horizontal Structure Demersal Fish Focus Shelf Figure 4b Conceptual Funding Strategies EU/NSF Joint Call for Proposals Integrated proposals with investigators from both sides of the ocean Peer review of proposals by EU/NSF reviewers Joint panel review of proposals Joint EU/NSF funding decisions by Managers Joint funding of accepted proposals Unified Process Separate Process EU/NSF Joint Call for Proposals NSF PIs prepare separate proposals noting links to aspects of EU proposal Peer review of NSF proposals by NSF reviewers NSF panel review of proposals NSF funding decisions based on panel recommendations and EU decision on EU proposal Funding of accepted NSF proposals EU PIs prepare proposal in relation to text in Framework Program, noting US collaborators EU Reviews EU Proposal in the context of the Framework Program Funding of EU proposal If both sides have fundable proposals EU funding decisions By managers Next Steps: A European/North American Collaboration is being developed under the EU Global Change of Ecosystems entitled: “Resolving the impact of climatic processes on ecosystems of the North Atlantic basin and shelf seas: Integrating and advancing observation, monitoring, and prediction: BASIN.” BASIN Initiative Objective & Workshops The principle objective of this BASIN Initiative is to develop a joint EU-North American research program in the field of ocean ecosystems in support of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) initiative. To do so, the BASIN Initiative will support four workshops to: • Identify and document the state of the art of climate-related ecosystem research in the North Atlantic basin and associated shelf seas, • Assess the feasibility of developing a joint EU-North American basin-scale research program focusing on the ecosystems of the North Atlantic, • Seek to develop an implementation plan where by joint research initiatives involving the EU and other nation (e.g. USA, Canada, Japan, China) can be developed and funded. Workshop Activities 1) Assess and report on the status of climate-related ecosystem research in the North Atlantic basin and associated shelf seas (from Georges Bank to the Barents Sea and the North Sea shelf) conducted intensively over the past decade particularly through national GLOBEC programs (US, Canada, UK, Germany), GLOBEC related projects (ICES, Mare Cognitum), and EU projects, particularly ICOS and TASC. 2) Identify and document gaps in systematic observations and process understanding of atmospheric and oceanic parameters, necessary to improve forecasting of ecosystems in the North Atlantic and associated shelves. 3) Identify via the development of a meta-database the potential for consolidation of long-term observations from EU and international databases for the modeling and in particular prediction of the dynamics of North Atlantic and associated shelf ecosystems and their services (biogeochemical and exploited resources). 4) Determine and report on the feasibly of developing a joint EU-US-Canadian research program in the field of ocean ecosystems focused on the effects of climate processes on the North Atlantic basin and associated shelf sea ecosystems. 5) Develop, in concert with representatives from the EU DG Research (and others as appropriate) and program managers from the US National Science Foundation and the Canadian NSERC, an implementation plan for the development of jointly funded EU-North American research programs. 6) Produce a proposal for submission to The EU 7th Framework Program and the US NSF and Canadian NSERC focused on: • Resolving the natural variability, potential impacts and feedbacks of global change on the structure, function, and dynamics of the ecosystems of the North Atlantic Basin and associated shelf seas; • Improving the understanding of marine ecosystem functioning in North Atlantic Basin and associated shelf seas; • Developing ecosystem based management strategies that incorporate the effects of global change and hence contribute to the sustainable use of the marine resources of the North Atlantic Basin and associated shelf seas. The Collaboration Partners Michael St. John: U. of Hamburg, Institute of Hydrobiology and Fishery Science, Germany, [Project and coordinator] Roger Harris: Plymouth Marine Laboratory, United Kingdom Peter H. Wiebe: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA Francisco E. Werner: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA Brad de Young: Memorial University, Canada The rhomboids indicate the conceptual characteristics for models with different species and offering areas of primary focus. Rhomboid is broadest where model has its greatest functional complexity i.e. at the level of the target organism. deYoung et al. 2004, Science 304 The emphasis of the program will be determined by the ecological requirements to achieve the understanding required to simulate the population dynamics of the selected targeted organisms. Below, the structural components required for a basin scale study focused on phytoplankton, zooplankton, planktivorus fish, or demersal fish. Zooplankton 1 0 Production Demersal Fish Planktivorous Fish Trophic level Basin-scale Analysis, Synthesis, and INtegration (BASIN) of oceanographic and climate related processes and the dynamics of plankton and fish populations in the North Atlantic Ocean Wiebe 1 , P. H., R.P. Harris 2 , M.A. St. John 3 , F.E. Werner 4 , B. DeYoung 5 , D.B. Haidvogel 6 , O.S. Astthorsson 7 , and F. Carlotti 8 Study Area Tools & Methods Program Facilitation/Implementation North Atlantic oceanographic science programs are normally funded nationally or regionally (e.g. by the European Commission) and funding has usually been limited to residents from that country or region. There is a strong motivation and necessity for individual scientists of different nationalities to work together on projects beyond the scale of funding or resources presently available for national or regional programs. The absence of a coherent funding structure is a serious impediment to accomplishing the ultimate goals of Earth System Science and management particularly when addressing geographical areas as large as the entire North Atlantic basin. In order to eliminate such structural impediments two actions are needed: 1) Collaborative international workshops to facilitate exchanges of ideas and to build working partnerships among the scientists involved in or interested in conducting the basin-scale synthesis/modeling research; 2) Definition and implementation of appropriate joint mechanisms to enable the funding of collaborative studies involving international multi-disciplinary teams of researchers. Acknowledgments Grants for the Iceland workshop were provided by NSF and the European Union EUR-OCEANS Network of Excellence. New funding for the Next Steps is being sought through the EU Sixth Framework Program (Specific Support Actions), NSF, and NSERC (Canada).

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Diatoms and flagellates







Balanus larvae

Pseudocalanus AcartiaCalanus


Nyctiphanes AmphipodsDecapod



Juvenile Herring Adult Herring

A North Sea food web schematic Fish species that depend upon Calanus finmarchicus in some parts of the North Atlantic






1Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 02543 USA • 2Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Plymouth, PL1 3DH, UK3Hamburg University, Hamburg 22767, Germany • 4Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3300 USA

5Memorial University, St. John’s, NF, A1B 3X7 Canada • 6Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08903-0231 USA 7Marine Research Institute, Reykjavik, Iceland • 8CNRS / Universit de la Miterran , F-13007 Marseille, France

Abstract Integration and synthesis of data sets must be coupled with modeling studies at the basin-scale to elucidate the

mechanisms underlying observed changes in physical and biological changes in the North Atlantic Ocean and to predict consequences of climate and environmental change. The dominant physical forcing across the North Atlantic basin is the large-scale atmospheric circulation and the associated coupled air-sea interactions. In addition, the population distributions of key biological organisms, such as Calanus finmarchicus, span the ocean basin. As a result, spatial scales of biological events are often larger than national or regional waters, and require an international effort to understand physical-biological coupling at functionally - relevant scales. Such large spatial scales also dictate important time scales requiring study from storm events to the interannual. To launch such an effort, a workshop focusing on the basin scale dynamics of Calanus and selected pelagic and demersal fish as target species was held in March 2005 in Reykjavik, Iceland. As defined at the workshop, the specific goals include: integration and synthesis of existing basin-wide data sets; advancement of the current state of the art in bio-physical modeling; development of hindcast modeling studies to understand the observed historical variability of the North Atlantic ecosystem; construction of scenarios of possible ecosystem changes in response to future climate variability; identification of data gaps that limit process understanding and contribute to uncertainty in model results; and specification of new data that will be needed to assess the performance of forecasts and assist management decisions. Achievement of these goals will contribute to an integrated management approach for marine ecosystems and their services. Additional workshops are now planned to promote the development of the BASIN approach.

BASIN Iceland Workshop AimTo understand and simulate the population structure and dynamics of broadly distributed and trophically

important ecosystems, and thereby contribute to ocean management.

Workshop Objectives• Integration and synthesis of existing basin-wide data sets• Build on the current state of the art in bio-physical modeling,• Hindcast modeling studies to understand the observed historical variability of the North Atlantic ecosystem,• Construction of scenarios of possible ecosystem changes in response to future climate variability.• Identify data gaps that limit process understanding – and contribute to uncertainty in model results and collect

new data to fill the gaps,• Specify and conduct observation and process studies needed to establish population structure and dynamics

across the deep ocean and shelves.

Workshop ConclusionsContinental shelf and marginal sea ecosystems are affected by basin-scale forcing on decadal scales and cannot be

studied in isolation.Advances in modeling marine ecosystems will require coupling numerical formulations across trophic levels

that have differing degrees of resolution and embedding these in a basin-scale representation of the physics and biogeochemistry.

There is no single, fully integrated model that can simulate all possible ocean ecosystem states.The key steps in representing extended food webs in complex marine systems are:• To concentrate the biological resolution, or detail of representation, in the main target species, and • To make increasing simplifications, or decrease the resolution, with distance both up and down the trophic

scale from the target species.

The BASIN Rhomboid Approach

Unstructured meso andmacrozooplankton

Functionally resolved representations of autotrophs –

diatoms, flaggelatesHeterotrophic


Nutrients – macro and micro

Physics and chemistry – vertical fluxes, mixing, sophisticated in the vertical, air -sea interactions, gas exchange, pH structure

Primary ProductionFocus










Open Ocean and Shelf


Fish - myctophids , redfish, herring, blue whiting;

Zooplankton- gelatinous,


Fish - sandlance , capelin, herring, sprat, mackerel, Norway put, blue whiting;Zooplankton

- gelatinous, euphausiids

Physics and chemistry – high resolution large scale circulation, coupling between global, basin and shelf models

Food for zooplankton: Microzooplankton ,diatoms, non -diatoms, Phaeocystis


for structured zooplankton

Zooplankton – Structured population representations of key basin

distributed species – variously, particularly congeneric Calanus spp.,


First Order Horizontal Structure

Open Ocean Shelf

Planktivorus Predators

Fishing, Piscivorousfish, birds, mammals

Planktivorous Fish- Structuredpopulation with closed life cycle,

broadly distributed species –sandlance , capelin, mackerel, Norway pout, blue whiting,



for structured fish

Fish food: aggregates of zooplanktontaxa

Fish food: aggregates of zooplanktontaxa

Physics and chemistry – highly resolved shelf circulation, ocean-shelfexchange

Planktivorus FishFocus

First Order Horizontal Structure

Open Ocean Shelf


Fishing, Piscivorous fish, birds, invertebrate predators,mammals

Demersal Fish- Structured population with closed life cycle, broadly distributed species – cod

or haddock

Unstructuredcompetitorsfor structured


Fish food: aggregates of pelagic and benthic

invertebrate and fish taxa

Physics and chemistry – highly resolved shelf circulation, ocean-shelf exchange

First Order Horizontal Structure

Demersal Fish Focus


Figure 4b

Conceptual Funding Strategies

EU/NSF JointCall for Proposals

Integrated proposals withinvestigators from both

sides of the ocean

Peer review ofproposals by

EU/NSF reviewers

Joint panel reviewof proposals

Joint EU/NSF funding decisions

by Managers

Joint funding ofaccepted proposals

Unified Process Separate Process

EU/NSF JointCall for Proposals

NSF PIs prepare separate proposals noting links to aspects of EU proposal

Peer review ofNSF proposals by

NSF reviewers

NSF panel reviewof proposals

NSF funding decisions based on panel

recommendations and EUdecision on EU proposal

Funding of accepted NSF proposals

EU PIs prepare proposal in relation to text in Framework

Program, notingUS collaborators

EU ReviewsEU Proposal in the context of the

Framework Program

Funding of EUproposal

If both sides have fundable proposals

EU funding decisionsBy managers

Next Steps:A European/North American Collaboration is being developed under the EU Global Change of Ecosystems

entitled: “Resolving the impact of climatic processes on ecosystems of the North Atlantic basin and shelf seas: Integrating and advancing observation, monitoring, and prediction: BASIN.”

BASIN Initiative Objective & WorkshopsThe principle objective of this BASIN Initiative is to develop a joint EU-North American research program in

the field of ocean ecosystems in support of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) initiative.

To do so, the BASIN Initiative will support four workshops to:• Identify and document the state of the art of climate-related ecosystem research in the North Atlantic basin

and associated shelf seas, • Assess the feasibility of developing a joint EU-North American basin-scale research program focusing on the

ecosystems of the North Atlantic, • Seek to develop an implementation plan where by joint research initiatives involving the EU and other nation

(e.g. USA, Canada, Japan, China) can be developed and funded.

Workshop Activities 1) Assess and report on the status of climate-related ecosystem research in the North Atlantic basin and

associated shelf seas (from Georges Bank to the Barents Sea and the North Sea shelf) conducted intensively over the past decade particularly through national GLOBEC programs (US, Canada, UK, Germany), GLOBEC related projects (ICES, Mare Cognitum), and EU projects, particularly ICOS and TASC.

2) Identify and document gaps in systematic observations and process understanding of atmospheric and oceanic parameters, necessary to improve forecasting of ecosystems in the North Atlantic and associated shelves.

3) Identify via the development of a meta-database the potential for consolidation of long-term observations from EU and international databases for the modeling and in particular prediction of the dynamics of North Atlantic and associated shelf ecosystems and their services (biogeochemical and exploited resources).

4) Determine and report on the feasibly of developing a joint EU-US-Canadian research program in the field of ocean ecosystems focused on the effects of climate processes on the North Atlantic basin and associated shelf sea ecosystems.

5) Develop, in concert with representatives from the EU DG Research (and others as appropriate) and program managers from the US National Science Foundation and the Canadian NSERC, an implementation plan for the development of jointly funded EU-North American research programs.

6) Produce a proposal for submission to The EU 7th Framework Program and the US NSF and Canadian NSERC focused on:

• Resolving the natural variability, potential impacts and feedbacks of global change on the structure, function, and dynamics of the ecosystems of the North Atlantic Basin and associated shelf seas;

• Improving the understanding of marine ecosystem functioning in North Atlantic Basin and associated shelf seas;

• Developing ecosystem based management strategies that incorporate the effects of global change and hence contribute to the sustainable use of the marine resources of the North Atlantic Basin and associated shelf seas.

The Collaboration PartnersMichael St. John: U. of Hamburg, Institute of Hydrobiology and Fishery Science, Germany, [Project and coordinator]Roger Harris: Plymouth Marine Laboratory, United KingdomPeter H. Wiebe: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USAFrancisco E. Werner: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USABrad de Young: Memorial University, Canada

The rhomboids indicate the conceptual characteristics for models with different species and offering areas of primary focus.

Rhomboid is broadest where model has its greatest functional complexity i.e. at the level of the target organism.

deYoung et al. 2004, Science 304The emphasis of the program will be determined by the ecological

requirements to achieve the understanding required to simulate the population dynamics of the selected targeted organisms.

Below, the structural components required for a basin scale study focused on phytoplankton, zooplankton, planktivorus fish, or demersal fish.


10 Production







Basin-scale Analysis, Synthesis, and INtegration (BASIN) of oceanographic and climate related processes

and the dynamics of plankton and fish populations in the North Atlantic Ocean

Wiebe1, P. H., R.P. Harris2, M.A. St. John3, F.E. Werner4, B. DeYoung5, D.B. Haidvogel6, O.S. Astthorsson7, and F. Carlotti8

Study Area Tools & Methods

Program Facilitation/ImplementationNorth Atlantic oceanographic science programs are normally funded nationally or regionally (e.g. by the European

Commission) and funding has usually been limited to residents from that country or region. There is a strong motivation and necessity for individual scientists of different nationalities to work together on projects beyond the scale of funding or resources presently available for national or regional programs. The absence of a coherent funding structure is a serious impediment to accomplishing the ultimate goals of Earth System Science and management particularly when addressing geographical areas as large as the entire North Atlantic basin. In order to eliminate such structural impediments two actions are needed:

1) Collaborative international workshops to facilitate exchanges of ideas and to build working partnerships among the scientists involved in or interested in conducting the basin-scale synthesis/modeling research;

2) Definition and implementation of appropriate joint mechanisms to enable the funding of collaborative studies involving international multi-disciplinary teams of researchers.

AcknowledgmentsGrants for the Iceland workshop were provided by NSF and the European Union EUR-OCEANS Network of

Excellence. New funding for the Next Steps is being sought through the EU Sixth Framework Program (Specific Support Actions), NSF, and NSERC (Canada).