basketball floor - montana state...

LUME VII. ILL-ST AR GAME WILL BE FIRST OF SEASON ht Star Basket Shooters Intend to Be Here-Three From Last Year's L ineup. MONTANA STATE COLL EGE, FRIDAY . DECEMBER to , 1915. UMBER 13. E NGINEERING SOCIETIES HAVE JO INT MEETING. nwn1ing at 11 o'doc· 1 h<' varionf; held t ,Pir m.onthly meetinJ.?;s Al lhf' Civil Enginr>Pring the Reinstatement Of Military Drill At College Probable COLLEGE ROOM \ BASKETBALL FLOOR The splf'ndid new private> TO BE KEPT ACTIVE room at tlw llozeman hotf:'l ust>d for the first time on Thursday e\"en inc: of wen\.;: when rhe Ane\"f'S Followers of the Winter Spor t Will only of importan<'e wag ;1 ih"· U. S. COMMISSIONER OF EO LIC A TION IN SISTS UPON RIGID EN- C'iuh IH'l<I a dimw·r in honor ot' thP See Several Games on the Colle -e F loor. l'ision lo rfl'\'iRP tlH> constitution. Pro. FORCEMENT OF FEDERA L LAW-FEDERAL AID GIVEN TO lll:'W nwmhPrR. dub, whi<'h fps:-:or Richter a tall, in STATE COLLEGE ON CO NDITION THAT THEY IN - I laRt yPar. Initiated !hf' \\hirh lw J;?a\'P thP sOC°iPty "OmP I STITUTE MI LITAR Y DRILL. 1;:sther Belle ('orley. Irene Ah- The Sl•a:-:on opens ht! ror tt1t> All-8tar .., 1 i..:,ePstlons_ 1 1 Ruby aml :\f ,,. with the _gnnw on l>ec· lt:. ll•' flt·c· 111, an· rapid!) l·om· At the so-- 1 tha .Johnson. Sonw inrlPpc>tHlf'tll learn will bf' mf'l 1 .hi,.; will lw ttw n•c11riet:r meeung u clf'c·1rle<1 tn 1 1 ,, •, 11 J>r<>babi·ii·i, 1111 . 111 a 1 .,. di·i'll ,,. 1 . 11 _-\ftPr a 5':.11mpt11ons at llll' J _ 1 !!:Tl attemJ1l to nffi''.ate with the ,, . . week bnt \\t1s rPfPr rPd to C'hanrPllor the club adjourn<'d to th" away from home a1Jou1 01n 1 .• : t H? }\ i il t •f tlw <·au of bt" rrqulrPcl of the men at :\Tontana Elliott \Yho will aC'f upon thP matter honw of \ii ss Lenh Tfortman wlH•rP I ut-xt regularly _sl·heduh:•<! will be . 'h of ihl Hkhtrr irn.n• his nn thf' mat rwxt sf'mE'Rtt>r and wi1ho11t whPn hr> offirP nPxt lhP c•prPmo11ieR of inlro1'11rini::- thP in with the ('arrrngton. :\, ll .. wam on up. •o bl' a fast llllP I('!' thnt ii' tl)P marrrr wrrp- do11ht thP drill rei:ulation will hP rPg· New Armory Ne cess:iry. itin.t<'g tn the !:ie<'rf"fR of thP c·lub wf'rr I with thP 111 'llf'll ha\c 11:- nmiHl/.!"f'cl right he 111011 ght that Pll· Hlarlr a11r\ thnro11i:hly Pnfor<'Prl nPxt If <lrlll is E--Stablish P<l it will mPnn perfnrmNI. anil a so<'\:11 1w11 r ,, 1 ., 11 s to hP plan?tl in Hulti' as tfons of Ue n:g hPrP ior t lP 011 · tranl'f' , m lrl bP ohta 111 ,j fnll Tlw T'11i1Pd StatPs a on thP as it Thr olrl of the <' 11 1 I n·t onh· hni arP nrn<·tiC' ·a t in of year's ('hrlm- "r Tle.•rl><•r•>" r>'"•>nllll"l>•l•'•I Pr nf F:duc·ation \\ho sUpPr· will hP to hn,·p an nrmory . 11 .e .• ,,.,'-: [ .,,. h Hartm ... 11 ('Pcil "'al · · · I "' .... " r ' .- ' ,' ' ,, . Plans ior a l tah trl\1 an• g P, at n Hommv Rltibi , 11 t 11 r• 0 ·•r r·nn <>f 1 ,,,.,.,,,,'-:S 11 1 1 mPr the ,·arinu:s rollPi.!PS Jnre:P Pnone;h to drill thrPP or four ker F'.rma T F.the-1 '.\hpv.rald I l t t"o n '' " · .. ' ' . • ' ' ' . nParh ('Olll\11£-ll:•. Thi· trip will t.1kf' id I .(Jlt fl .... adnllll"\d :w\ndit1:..: '1 iiroe:rnm rlPalim:. hn:s npnn u morP rigirl Pll C'OmpanlPs. n5' the weathpr hPrf' wonl!l noroth\" ZIPharih, 'T:in n:rniPl:son ·ind - 1 1 I' 11 who ,,.,·t11 <••1>1 •• ,,r 11t"f"'"f Ill<' i·l•1t1. lnrc·<'nl!'nl of !]H• F'1•fl1>rrd ll'l\\ not P<'rmlt rlrill onti:;irlP Dur· I lll Poe-ate lo ac·ar ern .. -, rii.:. "" ,- ... ,., v Alice :\tr> 0 onf' ·ham YounJ?:" c·ollege ,;nd l 1 tah Aggies. s a ar gu \rd ...,,.,.·H•ri!I ""' 'R ag-i _ Tlw f<'f!Ptf'll 1i<1 l!in:•n 10 1·01- ine: rinP WPAther drill would lie hP\11 _ --- F' 11 r who el learned tnll h or i:-. nn <'ot11lifi1'n that thP'" instnll I on tlH• nPw athlPtk flr>lrt Tlw wnr It jnRt about sf'ttlPd that hoth , D d Gonza!!:t 311'1 \\' S. c will lw brought ( r I Pair Co-eds Have A militarv ,\rill aml thP appropriations r\ejoartment wonld have In fnrnish th>' Frosh ls isplease herp for two"""'"' ead1 and \WO ..... \nother old t ne " <":111 hf' withhPl1l upon thP ref\lRal nf !tHns anrt P(]11l11mPnt hut PXpPrt lhP t. tnrn games with th ese institutions e seen lll lC lOtl s A .d T Th iht rnllf>l?P lo l'Onlply with lhP law I statf' to furnish th(' armory Sinrh 'l w·th The Seafincr . \\ill hP laler 1 l- :irtm \ltlw1 git lw has ht't.'ll trst l 0 e Thi" 'lorrill A<"t of j b11ildfn c; wo11l<l ('Onslst prlnC'ipalh nr l i. F-t 1 r Then· are quite a nr \H"<r the g:ttnP ror a num >er 0 Tnl\" '."!, 1Sli2. making a lancl wall :rnrl rnof anrl a <llrt floor In Assembly teams trying to hook -:--:IP "a1 k o" int! :o do!-< ... .is"' 11 l·!a· fO, I <'UltHrP u1d me<'hanu al rollee:f's habit or thf' uniform<. b1•t 1 ° 11 a wpstPrn nip. Among these are 1 s he wi1" umlullhted 1 \ 1blt !fl Hun urv for 'hp partial E'TldO\\ 111POt ot agri \ ThP !WYl"rnmenl not hPPll 111 lhC' . t I the- :\linnenpolis the 1 wit hr _g'RmP in the capacity o ---- that thP mrome from thpse Innrlc:: ""hnli Hamilton f5':. makin<:! :1 \ I . 1 \st ron2" est team in tlHll the Bul·k.· E1rt>e ITPinle of former Chi- The fllll or honw f't'onomH·c:. .1nrl"- are be 11Rrd ro maintain <'ollegps '·wh ('re I pffn rt to hr.Ye thf'm c::;n 1'h 0 That pe rfert b ro ther v RI1 rtt I Tl " ll1'•·lianlo,;ou h ,I b' t h II b 'th t if r \ , t h l not •x1'st a ll th: nle111bo r . ,.\ eye Paint Co .. Inilian;i; tht- Troy an< ()i· · prt>JlRnnc. :ll 1 nomlnnl 1 O'-:f 1 <' IPR11 ne: o lE'<' a e. "1 on un orm" orme1 v 11sp11 "oc:: " rm ....- ,_. .. - 11 "1ar . bl thP hv and the. :\'ebraska Pllh wi' 'ill o11t If' - La<>t WPPk .To!-'-PphinP Kountz. \rl:1 <'M l11chng other sdentifl<' an<l :rnd v.PrP H?rv sen'l<''"'a P Several games with thesr t eams will iad HePrstPrhPr anrl P.dith Fc.wlrr ore- :il ;mrl including- military - Juniors and Seniors Not Exemnt. a dPplorable incident thru unrloubtedh be Rchedulerl. There will rh e BhtP an<l Gold team ha" rnt. al-' 1 ,., 1 r,,...1 :-- mPal for ninf'> J•POJ)le in whi<'h to teac·h stwh hranrhes of learn· Thf' rlrl11 reg-nlati on <'alls for rwn before last :ts!"e m l :f j · . 1 1 b r •. 11 ., d be no gnme:-: dur111g 1 le WPe" e ore bef'n chosen. but with a tPW 1 tltr total <'O""t nf tlw rnw ma.terinl was I 11 s re late<\. 1o apTi<':!ilori:> nn1l of rlrill for all malP The taking part In thr 1 s:i I tournament aF. most of tll<' players wil l .hl's practice and the class sertes, lonlv I:\ or rentQ n pliltP. thP mrrhaniC' arts anrl juniors nnrl ma y it a ff air were th ree members of the<' n 1 ss be out referE>eing high school develop material, a strong squad wPPk "\fary KrC'tlo\i: l'r.;:u\o The 11hrn••H:• "and including military As thP o tfirf"rs n.rP from thP of '19 'T'hP fundamental or JUld bf' fortlwominK and a good c·on- :rnd Glarlyf:. Ritz arP ,goine: I if' t lw on ly me,ntlon or rlrill uppPr It probnhle that ev- the trouble was an unfm·tnnate 'TiiR· j PROFESSORS ATTEND BANQUET. t \g 10 prpnarP one In which th< i·ni::i of 111 the art. tinct an anwncl- pryonp wtll he Tf' Qllirerl to lnkr his take In the seating ar Last "'edn esday eYe nln e: lhf' Bel· raw will hP fifteen c•Pntf:. or mPnt put In. ai:; tllf' rountry in thP two \'t:>ars at th\s timP the asse m bly I grade C'hamhE'r of Commerce r:ne .i KEO TO DELIVER AN ADORE5S. lei:tl" to the platP. 1'he 2irl!=i plan the I mirlst or the rh;t war, re lt thE' nePd j Tr rlrl ll Pstabll shed next Of the three coiirprneil. ont> ba nqu et :H which ro,·ers were laid for menl!:t hn'" the matPria l" and rook the of military trainine. 1'he law hll!:t It wllt prohnbly bP undPr the direct on w as abROlutely dlssatlsr!Pd ·-•·i th thP about 1211 giies t s. The 8 ubjert ,\ >rofessor ('onkling has liet·n asked meal!:t, 11sf'rl fn thP prPJl<t ne,·pr hPen s tri rtly Pnfo rcerl 3.l'l it haR. of a faculty pew to which he had b PPn \was at the meeting wa ... the t}repare an ac-dresfl. on thP ration of the meal rarerul)\· I bPen imnnssible to C'OmpP l Pnt ler. Conch Renninn an d " ii- It not because he d:rt not h avn a reclaiming of th e land in the 1rn111e;h state lo be reHvere.l !'it fnto the rost "ur h I officers. hut thP national I son haH• h fld experlf'n<·e in this e-oorl view or the r os tnnn for hP I ate \'i('inity of which is <lain ) Montana fnstitute or Munlcipal c:nlt flour and thP llkP. mon:>mPnf tor : md may bP C'1111Pd upon The SPt fmJ!: seaterl well towa rd thP fro nt of the aged by water at the preseat time •g-ineerf'. wh·1·11 will be h<>l<l in Hill· aiwayc; been in lhf'ir hro11ght It into notlre agai n up p;..:prrisf'« ("an he gi\'Pn in the gym- room. Had fortune not ll erref'rl that 1 Professors Conkling and wrr-=- . h .. 1 Attempts Made to Secure Offict'r . I naf:.ii1m. n n1i rhP dr\lls without the shou lrl hf> all0terl '.among thA ptincipal s\leaker c:i nf thP :s next mo11th He mriv r- 10\" 1 .... t nn:v attempt to preparP r eap mP. s " h . h , . 1 "' PTP5':.l dent Hamilton has at \ the marrhlng <'an he c:lYPn with the Ing to thC> ah1h:ibet thP rr"rnhlP 1nlght e··etlfn". 111 pans vi ·lw iro· of the w If' .1 ... w1 ... 1e.,. ""· '- " e-- c:lnrP drill dlf:.<''mtinued old s:iins, nevf'r hflVf' arise1L as it hap-1 posed r erlaiming. ' RNETI ATTENDING EASTERN MEETINGS ad of Animal Industry Department Will Study Wool Question While Away . Wit h many plans to further In· ·ests of Jive 8to<'k growers ta \t on- 1a, Prot C. Arnett ot t he li ege is spending se,·eral wPeks in icago and Boston His first 1uty fi rn nttPnrl thP mPrting- of the Y. M. C. A. DEPUTATION TEAM abou t nln e vear• ogo. made o<tem pl• I Hi sto rical. pened hi• n ame °"""n with a lett er MAKES TRIP TO THREE FORKS to se<'ll r f' a 811itablP co mma ndant. a Drill ha !'. c·onrln<'ted mn rp or which ocrnples a to thP 1 MANY ANTIQUES ARE off!C'Pr from the aC"t he !po,;<; ..:;in<'f' the ParJ\" days of front of the 26 while -)es there ..\ rlf'putation team from thf' ("ollNre se r vl<'f' hut fa r bPen \ thP rollPg'P. Onp of thP first rom- wns ac::; mmal a woman in the rasP- Y :\T C A gp"nl Saturday <'YPning- RpYernl flgo he saw m: Lle11tPnnnt Allf'rn, ;i with a l ette r w!1i<'h Is SHOWN AT COLLEGE •. nd Sunday in Three F'ork:;; and j CTPnrral but nothint? i:nt1ln:11f• of Point. who took rar to the rear that lt almoc::;t ..;.e\'eral and 1 1Pli c.hlln l <·ame nf it C'hare-1--> in lhP Fn ll of but wnR e:ett1 nf? into the nl phahet nt all. ther<'. . Tlw m.atler ranw tlJl at tlw lllf'Ptinp I ,-:111Prl into activf' sf'n·IN,. i11 fhP S1i;rn- "'bpthPr thP arrlen t fusser Ii:; Girls of Home Economics Club Give 1 lw \l( r-<:.onnel of the team \\A. m rlf' or thf' statf" hoarrl of PdllC'ation Jnst f<'ontlnned on Pae;P ThrPE'. \ to ha\·e thiR alpha.bPti ril Exhibit in Honor of Mrs . Hel en 1p follows r r. rTol1 Lawn 111 ·P 1 tion erndiC'ated somP tinlC' in thP fn· lla\·Ps. Stanley HPdrirk. E. Hoh- ture ls ror th e JitllP man with thP b1rn !1<011 Haymon<! 'annnn nnrl F'ran· 1 F h Lead T J' Tz"th Jun z"o rs a nd nrrow• to de<ide hut. bo tlwt n• l'is \\"onlddg-P_ I-t oll. flaypo,;, !1P1lr1rk ros yy j it TIP\' thf' ra<'t th'1t 11f' trl•d The gir\R or the hOOll• :::in11 rannon. <'om1u1..:;p !hf· quartPI I to n fPllO\\ who C'lnh h arl onP of ihe ex h i\Jit..; of whi<'h thf' mn i" ancl l-<:. hP-1 s d l Cl s S lucky to h !'!Ye a\r.hnbntlral antiquefi (>\"er gntberPli together in f millj! a wPktHllP 3(lditi011 In econ n ass er re tf'ndPnC'iP<:: to the fal; ('(l·f'rl the lust Friday :lfte 1 noo•1 :rnd lrogr:1m. The man. who in tlw 11··sitil1•1 e,·eninp;. The day w;1s the hir!IHh' Tlw tPam !Pf\ l\07.Plllall c-:n S:1rnn\;1Y to r\Pmanrl terms. nf fer P<l tn 1 nf '\frs 1-\t•lt•n 11khnnl):;, \\ i..,.ii tt Rich ards. afff'rnonn and hr-Id thPir finil mPt>I· THIRD.Y EAR MEN THE FAVOR ITES AT OPENING OF SERIES his Sl•at for the c::mall rf'!Hl1ll•,.ra'"i"'l1l one tinlf' prt>sident 01 the "\at1on:\I nal association or S.ta.lliOJl illl! that e\·pning Thi!' mPr>lilli? W'IS FALLEN BEHINO- FR ESHIV E'\i HAVE VERY GOOD BASKET- of and a book His Home SO<'iE'tY wl1 I tlon Hoa r ds \\herC" a number of in 1hr form of a sodal affair BALL MATERIAL-SOPHOMORES ARE LOW MEN . DUE howeYPr. wpr(' st r ictly in flt was 111\P of the \·m•rkar1 portant questions were to com 0 Ht'. IJll<HtPt with musk was rvtOSTLY TO THEIR POOR BASKET \·anN' and the other fre . W<h 1luri11g her time II is lhe 'kinL:" to the ·lf tl1e Pd by other TlH'lllhf'rs of tlw tPa.m I SHOOTING nnflhlP to 1Hodn('e the neressa ry n1slom of thP \'il!'iouB home economies rk or these boarrls in th e p\·era l a-nd aho111 :in hn11r ;inrl ;1 huH Ho- amount on notkQ. rlw chat w i·elPbrat<' l11•r birthrln ttPlll It ,,.as Pxpertf'<l the μ;ram was put on waf:. not rons11mmatPd whrtt ea(·h ypar rio11s stateg would <lgTef> what stud On Sunday ilw \Yith lhP round ot :.?;:1mi>..; Fr eshmen. 19: Sophomores , 5. stnnrl thP young l ady took 011 the The .,,,.hihit was u k sho uld be recogniz ed Prof was helrl in thP J>lav<•<I <1ff .. h,,. fr•" im1-n lencl wiT h a T he frpshmen P<lSily thP mattPr or rnther whot !';Pat she wonlrl affai r . nlthont?.h Miss ll;;:, " 5 <'hanpl The n.1 this nH'Pt- - . 1 h:ive JikP<l to takf', b not known ed tlw arrain;:emem of lt arsn nett 18 s ecre ta.ry of th e Montana I' pf'r<'enhu:.f' of fflllowP d by lh-' sophomorP haskPthnll tf'<lm ltl . . 'Ill and '\follie Allen. 'lli. tle· illion Ree;istration board ing were C r Hoh F' G Rnbins<lll juniors with .r.Gfi. ·1·•w sPni'>rs j?amP of tlH• fir1:tt rounrl of t h " 111ter- TlH•rP is lilt le il nuht that t h e t.1 Pr dell. . f . dit ror fllld L av.TenC'e Tt £:y(?'s Thf' <JH3rtPt h c·lass ThP tinal "<'Orf' was "'tlitor will be uhlf' to mee1 thP termf:.' sent> no "1w1ll o \ c1e_, \\"111 P r A tt Iso atten ded t he meet a perC'enwg-e of "hi 10 tlv• !llOP · 1 ·- " \ h tnt 01 1 ex.(e -c- r o. rne a gave sP\·Pral to :; ThP p\a\" \\35':. rathe r c::low a nd beforP the npxt and in nl rollectlll);!; an PX 1 k . f tlw ;- tn Chicago ot the Percheron Hor se At the rhnrrh ln the morps are in thP rellar \\ir h . I I I e 1 th n ·e m·HtP1" will hr qualitY Great C'a r{' was ta en o eeder .- .-.ssoct'ation, of which the col- TlH' differencP betwePn ,,,,. two n11mProns fn11 l :-; s owe< 11. 1irobabi it,. e g-rL \ c on exhibition and at no tinn• ., ... P\"Pning a hirc:P 11nlnn Tl 1 la •pd an excf'llent tt l 1 nt that timP "" ':" ls a membP \\'hilf' in rhirago lwl<l an<l thf' building was <'rowrlPd to to Re PC . the (' 01011 visited the \Va re· <'apacit.\' Special mu!ii<' was furnished · 1 1 ti h·1skPt p\·e n nnder ,I rhase is in '\fis.,i.0111;1 d . k thP frpshmPn lhese two tea'lls hl" <'onne<'t w1 1. It' •. ·• . . . - ial 111 t\w 11rt>se111 d:1y on ex USP and Stora ge co mpan y's plant to In thf' fl\iartet and H f' nr tied 'fhiR i9. somewhat nn <'ertain. O\\- th<' hPsl of r1 r ,·u111):;t;1n<·e:s. Ross ,incl ·1 fnrmers · hibition. \fos1 or tlw artide'-: \\'Elf!' tdy the diff e r e11t methods ''' pack· or the e\·en ing wer P '1n" t<1 the cleC'iclPrl improH•nu•1;• ln Rorton <lid good work for the lonne1l to the duh by the peoplE' of \ l N tb est F'ranrh.; Cannon ,.., htl H flt and DPrcmnn ; and grading woo l n t le. or w - and Stanl<'Y Heri · th frosh, but that they are w E" nm on ' ALKS TO E I th<' t0wn. nltho u.c: h tht:'re wen• :<iWte:. Frof. Arn e tt IS now in E. r 10 wns <'learly .;: t arred for th<' frf'shmen. INGRAM J antiriuitiNI from other .parts of lhE' ston to study to follow the wool ri<'k l ast when the'" WE'l'f' F reshmen. Juniors , 16: . •.;; £ SOClETY FRID ly sctaastleo,nwhich wel'P sent 111 for th-· tl<'- trk ets there tor a time The pur- fOr("ed to ex t end to the ThP "on from the JUlllm. f'\ . se Of thtse latter investi!!;al.1ons iB SOPHOMORES DEBATE limit to beat the tlwir rontest b).· H ot •. ' .. - 'The px.hibit C' ed old qui11s. de te rmin e what .•1onuma wool I ., I, 1•,. ,,.,·11n1·n,. t<<O •1 a ·1 !!llt from tht=> to ll i Tl far thP b f'!:'t ball k I 111 di old books olcl r- ., ' - 1 rlassmPn La!"t Thursday nt It till o'C'lot· t w 0 t s · · . .. . and a hu11 3 can <lo in the w ay or br eeding . I ['ROSH NEXT FRIDAY ] th P freshmen ha\'P 11roved \ c:.ePn so far. Th <' hfl"-k<'lball Fl<'C'lri<' c-lu b hf'l<l se1·oncl nwt>tiHtt <lag11prrntype8'. \\ a1 .I •. ·11tert>s t <':iring-, and parl<ini!' tttelr wool t: lhf'>ir s11pf'rio rlt y in on£' morP of the. ghowpd much more treat I. son Ta\"lor r eo,;t•ht>r 11; I dr<>tl nf no I "' .t i 11 .• h "·011\d en han ce its market val ue. lh fln in the orhPr <'On es fo r t us . . ·rn1l ,\. 1·n\1Pnio11 of 31lliq11C':> from Son l , srn• 11 C'lasR c·up pven ts 1 1 11 l ca 11 Pd the mee11nc, to ' · thf' P\hthit - al f<l<' ;ill Th P juniors more rn I\ l \JR 1 . 1 ,, 1 . 111 ., ., ... ,. 1 .,,_ 1 Anwrka adtled m11d1 to - . Thf' se niors wPrP Pasy m1i., II 1 f t 1 e repo1 .. ..... 1 _UMNUS MAKES EXPERIMENT S. Th<· inter-rlass r\Phate w1ll h p pulled h11t th e sophm11 m·es. whom dP lh nn fpamwor k and in thf' la8t C'n ec or . "urer The c·l11h in· This cn\lPC"tion tlw 1iropert,· o I . l o o'<·lo1·k l f" ''' of nl:n the betlet ron dt -1 tan and tlw trea: . ... , .. ,1 '''''· \11·'· l'l1·1r\t•s Hartman, \\hu --- ci'f next E''rid ;.1 ,. p,·pnin.g: :i "' · reated in bo th .i.:;nmes. The fWJl w- ' •· 1 ind ·1 (ll- .. - ' I 1qo•1 la :s tlon or tlH' rrPshmrn h f'!!Bll to tf'll lO lfl\(' a )llllt I : .. ••• tlwir rdllrl\l'(I IP l't'l)lll Eq1mdor Miss Orewe r ol l l" ... ,. !'. I The question to br c1isrussecl "HP· I mores ha\·e a hard lrn·k tP:lm. In the\.· ni)p() np fl lpnd The to ,11oh" Tlw dn•ss ·\llil.iit ''ao,; on<-' cir th1 nws1 the ro-author,or a_bulle-t1:l.l•'.ll o11t Thai thr Fe>clPral GoYernmPnt floor work thP)" arl· good.' uot .... or lhf' r:11mf' wpre thP roo l. apJ>rO'\ill. rra1,c: · ,,., ut "1 £he rornpll ExpPrmu·nl at ... r·t of lh P li<·llt'I' than a1n othPr t('i.1111 Ill thP to th1' !';tudenn• 1111 the . . > _,, l'l"t l'.!:"1 ... \\'P,.f' 1ara. '.':ew York lt is one of the phon<' anci Sp• Pills I. ,r· 'R but thev ar<' dp!idrn1 in hendv pln'.'-'lng of Rergman and thP sulatlon. telling ui the nl . , . •Plllar whk l1 rorne11 l'nited States." s1 It., . I fig'ht nf T:1ylor who s<·o r 111t l'i . . ,. lf':-; thP usPtl eol\P<"lf'(l 111 nm-. wolll . . .. e11ntr1'bntinu to thP farmPr:s of thal noth l Palllfi haYP hPen pulling in In P"'P llll! •. '" poi nt s a11t1 ra11non fol· tlw 1Jlffetent t. I . Tl. \I \ l (''It' ol ;\font.lll-1 <:: nl 1 Own and Operate the 1'etP- thi·y haYP tlw .on a ll . tlH 11 ·.' in lht-"il ('On:strndinn nnd tht' likt•. 11:-0 . rs . i . ro:; ("lnlPrl w<wl d11rin tP "HPHllf:. as a Pone!." i::. thP tit Ji:> ho < i<'ks for tht" pa!-i t mont h ·. nu t a1·f' JllRl no ... l'd 0111 ,\l low<'cl with fi f'a<'h l , - followt•il h,· :1 il('monstr:t oldf'H tl nJH'P . l •f th'· b11l1Ptin 11 1111 !hf' rli· !'Olllt" ha1U l . .. I t Tllf' ""nior..;. W<'l"f' hPt S op honiores , 10 Seniors. 11 t><llll'l" \\,t"' 1 t<> .... 1.111"' 11nie .... \ tlw entlJP ,\flt>1noon "h1le sp\Pr1 i f <l 1 rlehatP is assured Thh• Tlw 111rn ('nun. I Thi manai::ell to \\in turn on t - l • l ii i:. gR\tl i\ t ,·ti h !111y 'Im! fonct \·nh1P nf 11 a1l111•' a111111a, l. dPbnte lt>I' ,JI fir't than in llw r'"I'· I •1 ·111 nnn \{Ills \\PIP 11:.t>d rn t H t H" g-i I l arh d·1\c::; (' part, WhilP lh P }a:.;1 IHrl ;..: ,. r 1 I (l·(s 0111 ()\'f'r th<• h\" lhP C o: '·i'' \' \\Pl'e ,d..;11 shl'"ll ferent OlPthOd'-llSel Ill {\('e •' "' 'o,; won wlwn ll H'Y !"<'<'mE'c lo 2,!l o 1:. • . . "<'<ll'P of 11 to 10 Th.P \\fl"' tlsJs . " I 11 \ ,,,,,.,. ,,\tl'Jl"'d Se\1 r.11 1111nrlrPd pt•ople 'l"llfrl I \'OIPd to diffPrPnt whicli 'ht. , 'l wl rn\P h 1\< hPC'll '' I \ 1·1 wn 1 ( l I\ 1 I . ·11 JrnvP to PXIPnd Tlw us• . :in1l han1.ro11g-h1 lhl'ong-hnut \\lfh 11' "'' I l<P1rn111" \\ln·h•--,.,1exh1h1t ih" d.1' :uu tl !'" preparP <I fo r HSP Oil ih<' tnhlP yPar st icn onlrr lo r<'- imprn\·in{{ both 111 SJ1N'(l arnl fir-.:.t onr> tPam :rn<l lh<'ll ihr t•h1.r 111 Ol'\llllt •11\Jl\ fn •·11\,1 1h;1r ntlw1 fessPd it to be thP l1e> ... t c1tl1l> iMR Brewer hancll<"d thP last I 11t or thPnlt'f"hf'. · · work Thr, llPW' r11\ps whkh al · 1 rl lhl" ip\pg-J"!llh\" a one: ' 1 1 \er "'t't'tl ..\. 11 •·m H'r • \111\letln a nd th" food \"3lllP W:I.R \H?at 11 illh· hf'ino ;1IH'n(l nnth p aye. llol I ·1·1 1"1nrtnwnt rr>t'4•\\l•l I kin11 lhE"\" \i.H - n I ,- .... 1 p ... 1 • nil :l\'I' m11c·h trnn l '' Ur i' rap · - l '"kPt 1 wcrl, l<' 1 ' I \11h IP.1 ' nrkPcl out by lfelen Ca nnon of J,le>w1•1lyn L111 P .. Pf> .1r ,1 [ - ·u 1 <• result thil1 fo11\i: 11111 whf·l1 fl l:. , . plipllH'lll rP1.:1·nll' anti i. it . . .. · r ·11,.. rnell The g-o a way w'll f\PfC'!HI tlw nft'irnrn l iYf' and llJaRIPrNl '.:. onr hno,; hl"Pll W'1" i\l l f'll1Jllt:.'<I \! W<'l" ·1 lon•! I t.". ·k II time whil'h lwR.ff'rs in the- ci I f thP sophomore ;1rr> J.f>1·c1m111,.., P\\ r . ·11Hl ra r PI\" wc->nt thro11d1 thP \oop. uO\\ :1h l' lfi Jiii l .1,'.,,,1" rrnm :=;;I. \"lsil ir fl d1;·• ·p to nn i. .,. ward making th e publication sue- uphol<l lhP rnnor o I . \'I di:sq1nlHit>d on till' four foul .Tl1<• 'lt l"ll"gl inct\\·iclual 5('01·f'r nf th r> t ht> l•nm11•n :-- ' r111 "'' \fl 1rs1 while- ll aYicl r:n1'.'-· .no1P11 •· .. \ •. ltl1ou"h sP\'(•ral haq• hpt•n ... l' i . . (1 11 ' th wtll rrpr<'SE'Ot 111 e . . l (('ontinuer:1 on Page Four.) I ·ram 1st't Hdl l•fl•fJil for IWr Jll!l'f rlf tllP b1il ,H\l\ J. l'Wi!-'- rH )ral lht• Jilllit. !in 1hr <' l ass.

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Post on 03-Sep-2019




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ht Star Basket Shooters Intend to Be Here-Three From Last

Year's L ineup.



TllP~ilay nwn1ing at 11 o'doc· 1 h<' varionf; engine€rin~ ~odetie::i held t ,Pir re~ular m.onthly meetinJ.?;s

Al lhf' Civil Enginr>Pring ~O<'if'ty the

Reinstatement Of Military Drill At College Probable

COLLEGE s:~~EN~~N~~:N ROOM \BASKETBALL FLOOR The splf'ndid new private> di111n~ TO BE KEPT ACTIVE

room at tlw llozeman hotf:'l wa~ ust>d for the first time on Thursday e\"en inc: of IH~t wen\.;: when rhe Ane\"f'S Followers of the Winter Sport Will

only huRillNH~ of importan<'e wag ;1 ih"· U. S. COMMISSIONER OF EO LIC A TION IN SISTS UPON RIGID EN- C'iuh IH'l<I a dimw·r in honor ot' thP See Several Games on the Colle - e F loor. l'ision lo rfl'\'iRP tlH> constitution. Pro. FORCEMENT OF FEDERA L LAW-FEDERAL AID GIVEN TO lll:'W nwmhPrR. T'~f> dub, whi<'h wn~

fps:-:or Richter ~nH" a ~hnrt tall, in STATE COLLEGE ON CO NDITION THAT THEY IN - I or~anized laRt yPar. Initiated !hf' \\hirh lw J;?a\'P thP sOC°iPty "OmP ll~Pful I STITUTE MI LITAR Y DRILL. :0.llRRe~ 1;:sther Belle ('orley. Irene Ah-

The l~.H:-1-lti hrt~kf'1ball Sl•a:-:on opens ht! plan~ ror tt1t> All-8tar ha~\,f'lb;11l ..,1 i..:,ePstlons_


1 raham~on. Ruby Hodg~kisg aml :\f ,,. with the A\\.~tar _gnnw on l>ec· lt:. ll•' flt·c· 111, an· rapid!) bt.>111~ l·om· At the ~ecl~ani.<'al Pll~ltlPr-rinµ: so-- 1 tha .Johnson. Sonw inrlPpc>tHlf'tll learn will bf' mf'l

•1.hi,.; will lw ttw fir~t n•c11• riet:r meeung u \\3~ clf'c·1rle<1 tn makf~


1,, •, 11 J>r<>babi·ii·i, 1111.111 a 1.,. di·i'll ,,. 1.11 _-\ftPr a 5':.11mpt11ons repa~t at llll' J _ 1 !!:Tl attemJ1l to nffi''.ate with the Am~ri- ,, . . week bnt \\t1s rPfPr rPd to C'hanrPllor the club adjourn<'d to th" away from home a1Jou1 01n 1 .• : t H? }\ ~c-bc"h. i il g~lll t •f tlw "~··l,.;on <·au ~orif'l\" of En~inrPr~. rrofp~,.,or bt" rrqulrPcl of the men at :\Tontana Elliott \Yho will aC'f upon thP matter honw of \iiss Lenh Tfortman wlH•rP I ut-xt regularly _sl·heduh:•<! ~ame will be . 'h look~ of ihl .\ll-~tar Hkhtrr irn.n• his \'\ew~ nn thf' mat ~lntP rwxt sf'mE'Rtt>r and wi1ho11t whPn hr> takP~ offirP nPxt ~f"mr>strr lhP c•prPmo11ieR of inlro1'11rini::- thP in with the ('arrrngton. :\, ll .. wam on up. ~,-or: ~:->es •o bl' a fast llllP I('!' ~Wtlnc: thnt ii' tl)P marrrr wrrp- do11ht thP drill rei:ulation will hP rPg· New Armory Necess:iry. itin.t<'g tn the !:ie<'rf"fR of thP c·lub wf'rr I ·"1 ~;\\~0. ~anws with thP ~d\oo~

111 ~l,:;-111. 'llf'll ha\c ~igi1il'1

Pd ;lwi~ 11:- nmiHl/.!"f'cl right he 111011 ght that Pll· Hlarlr a11r\ thnro11i:hly Pnfor<'Prl nPxt If <lrlll is E--Stablish P<l it will mPnn perfnrmNI. anil a so<'\:11 1w11 r ,,


11s ~llnPs to hP plan?tl in Hulti' ~trP as

tfons of Ue n:g hPrP ior t lP 011

· tranl'f' , m lrl bP ohta 111,j fnll Tlw T'11i1Pd StatPs ('ommi~'-'inn- a n~w hnlldln~ on thP rnmp11~ as it ~nPnt Thr olrl mPmhr-r~ of the <' 11 1 I n·t onh· tentath~ hni arP nrn<·tiC' 111 ~ ·a t in of ln~t year's ('hrlm- i~·o\·,,. "r Tle.•rl><•r•>" r>'"•>nllll"l>•l•'•I Pr nf F:duc·ation \\ho t>\f'r<"i~C'S sUpPr· will hP nr"CP~S<_\f\' to hn,·p an nrmory .11 .e ~r 1· .• ,,.,'-: [ .,,. h Hartm ... 11 ('Pcil "'al · · · I "' .... " r ' .-' • s~.-. ~· ,' ' ,, . a~:stffe<l Plans ior a l tah trl\1 an• g P, at n Hommv Rltibi , 11 t 11 r•

0 ·•r r·nn <>f 1,,,.,.,,,,'-:S 11•


1 vi~ion mPr the ,·arinu:s ~lr\!P rollPi.!PS Jnre:P Pnone;h to drill thrPP or four ker F'.rma T f'~~t>l F.the-1 '.\hpv.rald I l t t"o n '' " · .. ' ' . • ' ' ' . nParh ('Olll\11£-ll:•. Thi· trip will t.1kf' id I .(Jlt f<'n,aril~ fl .... adnllll"\d :w\ndit1:..: '1 iiroe:rnm rlPalim:. hn:s insi~ll'1l npnn u morP rigirl Pll C'OmpanlPs. n5' the weathpr hPrf' wonl!l noroth\" ZIPharih, 'T:in n:rniPl:son ·ind I· -1 1

I' 11 'Bin~· Hodc:~k.1~ who ,,.,·t11 <••1>1 •• ,,r 11t"f"'"f t~ Ill<' i·l•1t1. lnrc·<'nl!'nl of !]H• F'1•fl1>rrd ll'l\\ not P<'rmlt re~ular rlrill onti:;irlP Dur· I lll Poe-ate lo ac·ar ern .. -, rt>~tun. rii.:. "" ,- ... ,., v Alice :\tr>0 onf' ·ham YounJ?:" c·ollege ,;nd l1 tah Aggies. s a ar gu \rd ...,,.,.·H•ri!I ""' 'R ag-i _ Tlw f<'f!Ptf'll 1i<1 l!in:•n 10 ~tnt*"' 1·01- ine: rinP WPAther drill would lie hP\11 _ ---

F' 11 r who el learned tnll h or 1~ ....-,...~ i:-. nn <'ot11lifi1'n that thP'" instnll I on tlH• nPw athlPtk flr>lrt Tlw wnr It 1~ jnRt about sf'ttlPd that hoth , D d Gonza!!:t 311'1 \\' S. c will lw brought ( r I Pair Co-eds Have A militarv ,\rill aml thP appropriations r\ejoartment wonld have In fnrnish th>' Frosh ls isplease herp for two"""'"' ead1 and \WO ..... \nother old t ne " <":111 hf' withhPl1l upon thP ref\lRal nf !tHns anrt P(]11l11mPnt hut PXpPrt lhP t. tnrn games with th ese institutions e seen lll lC lOtl s p· A .d T Th iht rnllf>l?P lo l'Onlply with lhP law I statf' to furnish th(' armory Sinrh 'l w·th The Seafincr . \\ill hP p\a~f'd laler 1 l- :irtm \ltlw1 git lw has ht't.'ll trst l 0 e Thi" fir~t 'lorrill A<"t of rong:rp~f:;. j b11ildfn c; wo11l<l ('Onslst prlnC'ipalh nr l i. F-t

1 r Then· are quite a uumb(~r nr \H"<r the g:ttnP ror a num >er 0 Tnl\" '."!, 1Sli2. making a lancl ~rnnt wall :rnrl rnof anrl a <llrt floor In Assembly [e~sional teams trying to hook ~ame~ -:--:IP "a1 k o" int! :o hi~ do!-< ... .is"'11l·!a· fO, I <'UltHrP u1d me<'hanu al rollee:f's stal'·~ habit or rurnishin~ thf' uniform<. b1•t 1 °11 a wpstPrn nip. Among these are

1 s he wi1" umlullhted 1\ h~ 1blt !fl Hun urv for 'hp partial E'TldO\\ 111POt ot agri \ ThP !WYl"rnmenl h a~ not hPPll 111 lhC'

. t I the- :\linnenpolis Asc-Pn~ions the 1 wit hr _g'RmP in the capacity o ---- that thP mrome from thpse Innrlc:: ""hnli PrP~irlent Hamilton f5':. makin<:! :1

\ I . 1 \st ron2"est team in tlHll <"it~; the Bul·k.· E1rt>e ITPinle Holme~ of former Chi- The fllll or honw f't'onomH·c:. .1nrl"- are be 11Rrd ro maintain <'ollegps '·wh ('re I !;fron~ pffnrt to hr.Ye thf'm ~:i c::;n 1'h0 That perfert b ro ther v RI1 rtt roe~ • I Tl " ll1'•·lianlo,;ou h ,I b' t h II b 'th t if r \ , t h l not •x1'st •~tw•en a ll th: nle111bo r . ,.\ eye Paint Co .. Inilian;i; tht- Troy ~a-tPam~ an< ()i· · prt>JlRnnc. :ll 1 nomlnnl 1 O'-:f 1 <' IPR11 ne: o lE'<' ~ a e. "1 on un orm " orme1 v 11sp11 "oc:: " rm ....- ~ ,_. .. -

11 ~ll "1ar . bl thP f~P~hman cla~!; wa~ evi,h•n t·~ll hv tional~ and the. :\'ebraska ..\ll-Sta1:~· Pllh wi' 'ill o11t If' - ·~ La<>t WPPk .To!-'-PphinP Kountz. \rl:1 <'M l11chng other sdentifl<' an<l cla~!-\H ~u.nn :rnd v.PrP H?rv sen'l<''"'a P Several games with thesr teams will iad HePrstPrhPr anrl P.dith Fc.wlrr ore- :il ~t1111ir~ ;mrl including- military t;1~ - Juniors and Seniors Not Exemnt. a dPplorable incident thru O<:"C'll rlr~d unrloubtedh be Rchedulerl. There will rhe BhtP an<l Gold team ha" rnt. al-'

1,.,1r,,...1 :-- mPal for ninf'> J•POJ)le in whi<'h 1ir~. to teac·h stwh hranrhes of learn· Thf' rlrl11 reg-nlation <'alls for rwn ju~t before last Friday·~ :ts!"em l :f j · . 1 1 b r •. 11 ., d be no gnme:-: dur111g 1 le WPe" e ore bef'n chosen. but with a tPW

1 tltr total <'O""t nf tlw rnw ma.terinl was I In~ 11 s ~re re late<\. 1o apTi<':!ilori:> nn1l year~ of rlrill for all malP ~tudent ~. The prinripal~ taking part In thr

1s:i I tournament aF. most of tll<' players wil l .hl's practice and the class sertes, lonlv ~ 1 I:\ or ninPtf'~n rentQ n pliltP. thP mrrhaniC' arts anrl juniors nnrl senior~ ma y ~1Prt it a ffair were th ree members of the<' n1ss be out referE>eing high school ~amPs. develop material, a strong squad Thi·~ wPPk "\fary KrC'tlo\i: l'r.;:u\o The 11hrn••H:• "and including military As thP otfirf"rs n.rP rho~Pn from thP of '19 'T'hP fundamental <'au~e or

JUld bf' fortlwominK and a good c·on- Hodgi:;ki"~ :rnd Glarlyf:. Ritz arP ,goine: I ~ac·ti<'i::. • if' t lw on ly me,ntlon or rlrill uppPr r ln ~se~ It i~ probnhle that ev- the trouble was an unfm·tnnate 'TiiR· j PROFESSORS ATTEND BANQUET. t \g :ls~ured 10 prpnarP one In which th< i·ni::i of 111 th e ~f orr111 art. tinct ,,a~ an anwncl- pryonp wtll he Tf'Qlli rerl to lnkr his take In the seating ar·~ne:emPnt ar Last "'ednesday eYenln e: lhf' Bel·

raw material~ will hP fifteen c•Pntf:. or mPnt put In. ai:; t llf' rountry in thP two \'t:>ars at th\s timP the assem bly I grade C'hamhE'r of Commerce r:ne .i KEO TO DELIVER AN ADORE5S. lei:tl" to the platP. 1'he 2irl!=i plan the I mirlst or the rh;t war, re lt thE' nePd j Tr rlrl ll l~ Pstabll shed next ~~me~;er Of the three ~rsons coiirprneil. ont> ba nqu et :H which ro,·ers were laid for

menl!:t hn'" the matPria l" and rook the of military trainine. 1'he law hll!:t It wllt prohnbly bP undPr the direct on w as abROlutely dlssatlsr!Pd ·-•·i th thP about 1211 giies t s. The 8 ubjert ,\ hir~i >rofessor ('onkling has liet·n asked meal!:t, ~·ver'.\·thinc: 11sf'rl fn thP prPJl<t ne,·pr hPen s tri rtly Pnforcerl 3.l'l it haR. of a faculty mP~lh<'r Prof~s"or 'f~~- pew to which he had b PPn a ~si e;n ed \was cli~wussed at the meeting wa ... t he t}repare an ac-dresfl. on thP ~ubje.·t ration of the meal l~ rarerul)\· n~irC'd I bPen imnnssible to ~11pply C'OmpPlPnt ler. Conch Renninn and R:P'lf:.*~n r " ii- It wa~ not because he d:rt not h avn a reclaiming of the land in the 1rn111e;h state highwi-y~. lo be reHvere.l !'it fnto the rost in<'h1rli11~ "urh thin~s I officers. hut thP pre~ent national I son haH• h fld experlf'n<·e in this w~rl\ e-oorl view o r the rostnnn for hP ':'a~ I ate \'i('inity of Bel~rade. which is <lain ) Montana fnstitute or Munlcipal a~ c:nlt flour and thP llkP. 'T'llf~ g-ir l ~ mon:>mPnf to r preparedne~c: ha~ :md may bP C'1111Pd upon The SPt fmJ!: seaterl well towa rd th P fron t of the aged by water at the preseat time •g-ineerf'. wh·1·11 will be h<>l<l in Hill· lrn \~e aiwayc; been :-:11c·c·es~ru1 in lhf'ir hro11ght It into notlre again up p;..:prrisf'« ("an he gi\'Pn in the gym- room. Had fortune not llerref'rl that 1 Professors Conkling and ~now wrr-=-. h .. 1 Attempts Made t o Secure Offict'r . I naf:.ii1m. n n1i rhP ~111 dr\lls without the ~eats shoulrl hf> all0terl ~r<'or'1· '.among thA ptincipal s\leakerc:i nf thP :s next mo11th He mriv r- 10\"1 .... t nn:v attempt to preparP r eap mP. s "

h . h , . 1 "' PTP5':.ldent Hamilton has at varlou~ \ the marrhlng <'an he c:lYPn with the Ing to thC> ah1h:ibet thP rr"rnhlP 1nlght e··etlfn". d'is"<l",si·n~ 111 pans vi ·lw iro· 1~ of the ~1.b.iect w If' .1 ... w1 ... 1e.,. • ""· '- " e--lime~ c:lnrP drill wn~ dlf:.<''mtinued old s:iins, nevf'r hflVf' arise1L Rn~ as it hap-1 posed rerlaiming.


ad of Animal Industry Department Will Study Wool Question

While Away .

With many plans to fu r t he r th~ In· ·ests of Jive 8to<'k growers ta \t on-

1a, Prot C. ~. Arnett ot t he •liege is spending se,·eral wPeks in icago and Boston His first 1uty

fi rn nttPnrl thP mPrting- of the ~;,-

Y. M. C. A. DEPUTATION TEAM abou t nlne vear• ogo. made o<tem pl• I Hi sto rical. pened hi• name °"""n with a letter MAKES TRIP TO THREE FORKS to se<'ll r f' a 811itablP comma ndant. a Drill ha !'. ~Pn c·onrln<'ted mn rp or which ocrnples a p.o8itl~n w~ll to thP 1 MANY ANTIQUES ARE rnmmi~~ionPd off!C'Pr from the aC"the !po,;<; r'·~11larly ..:;in<'f' the ParJ\" days o f front of t he 26 while -)es t he re

..\ rlf'putation team from thf' ("ollNre ser vl<'f' hut ha~ thn~ fa r bPen ur1 ~ur- \ thP rollPg'P. Onp of thP first rom- wns ac::; mma l a woman in the rasP-Y :\T C A gp"nl Saturday <'YPning- c·P5 ~r11 l RpYernl ~·pare: flgo he s a w m: 111hw1~ wa~ Lle11tPnnnt Allf'rn, ;i her~ be~an with a letter w!1i<'h Is ~o SHOWN AT COLLEGE •. nd Sunday in Three F'ork:;; and h~l<l j CTPnrral \\~ood pPr~ona1l~· but nothint? i:nt1ln:11f• of "·P~l Point. who took rar t o the rear that lt almoc::;t ml~~Nt ..;.e\'eral inte1·e8tin~ and 11Plic.hllnl <·ame n f it C'hare-1--> in lhP Fn ll of l ~~ i but wnR e:ett1 nf? into the nl phahet nt all. mf':lii1~s ther<'. . ~ Tlw m.atler ranw tlJl at tlw lllf'Ptinp I ,-:111Prl into activf' sf'n·IN,. i11 fhP S1i;rn- "'bpthPr thP arrlen t fusser Ii:; ~l, 1 111? Girls of Home Economics Club Give

1 lw \l( r-<:.onnel of the team \\A. m rlf' or thf' statf" hoarrl of PdllC'ation Jnst f<'ontlnned on Pae;P ThrPE'. \ to ha\·e thiR alpha.bPti ril different!~ Exhibit in Honor of Mrs. Hel en 1p a~ follows r r. rTol1 Lawn 111·P 1 tion erndiC'ated somP tinlC' in thP fn· lla\·Ps. Stanley HPdrirk. E. r· Hoh- ture ls ror th e JitllP man with thP b1rn

!1<011 Haymon<! 'annnn nnrl F'ran· 1 F h Lead T J' Tz"th Jun z"o rs a nd nrrow• to de<ide hut. bo tlwt n• l'is \\"onlddg-P_ I-toll. flaypo,;, !1P1lr1rk ros yy j it TIP\' thf' ra<'t rPmnin~ th'1t 11f' trl•d The gir\R o r the hOOll• 1~ronom1(•:-; :::in11 rannon. <'om1u1..:;p !hf· quartPI I to bri1~ n fPllO\\ <'l;u~sman who wn~ C'lnh harl onP of ihe be~t exh i\Jit..; of whi<'h ~11pplif'rl thf' mn i" ancl l-<:. hP-1 s d l Cl s • S lucky Pnou~h to h !'!Ye a\r.hnbntlral antiquefi (>\"er gntberPli together in

f millj! a wPktHllP 3(lditi011 In ·111~ econ n ass er re tf'ndPnC'iP<:: ~imilar to the fal; ('(l·f'rl the ~tall"' lust Friday :lfte1 noo•1 :rnd lrogr:1m. The man. who wa~ in tlw 11··sitil1•1 e,·eninp;. The day w;1s the hir!IHh'

Tlw tPam !Pf\ l\07.Plllall c-:n S:1rnn\;1Y to r\Pmanrl terms. nfferP<l tn rPli11qni~-h 1 nf '\frs 1-\t•lt•n 11khnnl):;, \\ i..,.ii _w~:; tt

Rich ards.

afff'rnonn and hr-Id thPir finil mPt>I· THIRD.Y EAR MEN THE FAVOR ITES AT OPENING O F SERIES t.~AVE his Sl•at for the c::mall rf'!Hl1ll•,.ra'"i"'l1l one tinlf' prt>sident 01 the "\at1on:\I nal association or S.ta.lliOJl R1~g:is illl! that e\·pning Thi!' mPr>lilli? W'IS FALLEN BEHINO-FR ESHIV E'\i HAVE VERY GOOD BASKET- of ~~ and a son~ book His it•rm~. Home E(·ono111k~ SO<'iE'tY ~wd wl1 I tlon Hoar ds \\herC" a number of in 1hr form of a sodal affair BALL MATERIAL-SOPHOMORES ARE LOW MEN . DUE howeYPr. wpr(' st r ictly (',1~:l in flt was 111\P of the ~rpatt~st \·m•rkar1 portant questions were to com0

Ht'. Tllf~ IJll<HtPt with musk was :1..:;si~l· rvtOSTLY TO THEIR POOR BASKET \·anN' and a~ t he other fre . .:hm~111 W<h clwmbl~ 1luri11g her time II is lhe 'kinL:" to the ~tanrl~rd1zing ·lf tl1e Pd by other TlH'lllhf'rs of tlw tPa.m I SHOOTING nnflhlP to 1Hodn('e the neressary n1slom of thP \'il!'iouB home economies rk or these boarrls in th e p\·eral a-nd aho111 :in hn11r ;inrl ;1 huH Ho- amount on ~urh ~hort notkQ. rlw chat ~o<'ietif.'s w i·elPbrat<' l11•r birthrln ttPlll It ,,.as Pxpertf'<l th~t the µ;ram was put on waf:. not rons11mmatPd Tu~t whrtt ea(·h ypar rio11s stateg would <lgTef> what stud On Sunday mornin~ ilw fir~1 lll~<'l \Yith lhP ~1·1·0111' round ot :.?;:1mi>..; Freshmen. 19: Sophomores , 5. stnnrl thP young lady took 011 the The .,,,.hihit was whol~: u s~1~dt'l~t

k should be recognized Prof ~ ng was helrl in thP Pr<'~hytPrian J>lav<•<I <1ff .. h,,. fr•" im1-n lencl wiT h a T he frpshmen P<lSily outt'la.~~t"rl thP mattPr or rnther whot !';Pat she wonlrl affai r . nlthont?.h Miss B~l u~~er ll;;:, " 5 <'hanpl The SJ1Pake r~ n.1 this nH'Pt- - . 1 h:ive JikP<l to takf', b not known ed tlw arrain;:emem of lt • arsn nett 18 s ecreta.ry of the Montana I' pf'r<'enhu:.f' of .~·~:1. fflllowP d by lh-' sophomorP haskPthnll tf'<lm ltl th~ a~t . . ~· ~ 'Ill and '\follie Allen. 'lli. tle· illion Ree;istration board ing were C r Hoh F' G Rnbins<lll juniors with .r.Gfi. ·1·•w sPni'>rs h· '"'~ j?amP of tlH• fir1:tt rounrl of t h" 111ter- TlH•rP is lilt le ilnuht that th e t.1 Pr dell. . f . dit ror fllld L av.TenC'e Tt £:y(?'s Thf' <JH3rtPt h c·lass s'"'ri<'~ ThP tinal "<'Orf' was l~' "'tlitor will be uhlf' to mee1 thP termf:.' sent> no "1w1ll ,1n~o111~t o \ c1e_, \\"111 P r A tt Iso atten ded t he meet a perC'enwg-e of .:n:~ "hi10 tlv• !llOP ·1• ·- " \ • h tnt 01 ~uc 1 ex.(e -c-ro. rne a gave sP\·Pral :;elP<·tion ~ to :; ThP p\a\" \\35':. rather c::low a nd beforP the npxt a~sembly and in nl rollectlll);!; an PX 1 k . f tlw ;- tn Chicago ot the Percheron Horse At th e \f f'thorll~ T rhnrrh ln the morps are in thP rellar \\irh 1111~ . I I I e 1 th n ·e m·HtP1" will hr qualitY Great C'a r{' was ta en o

eeder.- .-.ssoct'ation, of which the col- TlH' differencP betwePn ,,,,. two n11mProns fn11 l:-; nl ~o s owe< ~l\l 11. 1irobabi it,. e g-rL \ c art1'r\~s on exhibition and at no tinn• ., ... P\"Pning a hirc:P 11nlnn mPPtln~ wfl~ Tl 1 la •pd an excf'llent tt l 1 nt that timP ""

':" ls a membP \\'hilf' in rhirago lwl<l an<l thf' building was <'rowrlPd to 11~:de1.:::~r~n:"~:1i 11 1 ~~d 11:~~ 1 :~~1 ;:;hf~:::~ :~11


1~llng 1


~ 1 ,1

:t ~"erP un~hlp to Re PC . we~~~e~:e~'"~~!t a~~~i:~·1:~C'l~;!;11 the ('01011 visited the ~atlonal ~'ool \Vare· <'apacit.\' Special mu!ii<' was furnished ·11 ti h·1skPt p\·e n nnder F~ ,I rhase is in '\fis.,i.0111;1 attrntl\n~ d . k thP frpshmPn lhese two tea'lls ~,-:11 hl" <'onne<'t w1 1. It' •. ·• . . . - ial 1imt>~ 111 t\w 11rt>se111 d:1y on ex USP and Storage company's plant to In thf' fl\iartet and Stanle~· H f' nr tied 'fhiR i9. somewhat nn <'ertain. O\\ - th<' hPsl of r1 r ,·u111):;t;1n<·e:s. Ross ,incl ·1 fnrmers · meetin~. hibition. \fos1 or tlw artide'-: \\'Elf!' tdy the diffe re11t methods ''' pack· 1~he speake~ o r the e\·en ing werP '1n" t<1 the cleC'iclPrl improH•nu•1;• ln Rorton <lid good work for the ~o.pho- lonne1l to the duh by the peoplE' of

\ l N tb est F'ranrh.; ·~voolridf:e . Ra ~·mon cl Cannon ,.., htl H flt and DPrcmnn ; and grading wool n t le. o r w - Rohin~on and Stanl<'Y Heri · th frosh, but that they are ~ubif'C'~ more~. w E" nm on ~ ' ALKS TO E I th<' t0wn. nlthou.c: h tht:'re wen• n11\n~ :<iWte:. Frof. Arne tt IS now in E. r 10 Rlump~ wns <'learly dpmon~trated .;: tarred for th<' frf'shmen. INGRAM J • antiriuitiNI from other .parts of lhE' ston to study to follow the wool ri<'k last \Vedne~day when the'" WE'l'f' F reshmen. 2~ : Juniors , 16: . •.;; £ SOClETY FRID ly sctaastleo,nwhich wel'P sent 111 for th-· tl<'-trk ets there tor a time The pu r - fOr("ed to ex t end themseh·e~ to the ThP fre~bmPn "on from the JUlllm. f'\ . se Of thtse latter investi!!;al.1ons iB SOPHOMORES DEBATE limit to beat the 11;ophomore~. ~in tlwir ~econd rontest b).· H ~<·ol'f' ot • •. ' .. - 'The px.hibit C'ontn.ined old qui11s. d e termine what .•1onuma wool ~ow I ., I, 1•,. ,,.,·11n1·n,. t<<O •1 1·a ·1 !!llt from tht=> 12~ to lli Tl wa~ h~· far thP bf'!:'t ball k I 111 di ·he~ old books olcl 1liCtul'f'~. r- ., ' - 1 rlassmPn La!"t Thursday nt It till o'C'lot· t w 0

t s · · . .. . r~\~(·s and a hu11 3 can <lo in the w ay o r breeding. I ['ROSH NEXT FRIDAY] so1;l~ omores th P freshmen ha\'P 11roved \ c:.ePn so far. Th <' nw~r hfl"-k<'lball Fl<'C'lri<' c-lu b hf'l<l it~ se1·oncl nwt>tiHtt <lag11prrntype8'. \\ a1 .I •. ·11tert>st <':iring-, and parl<ini!' tttelr wool t: lhf'>ir s11pf'riorlt y in on£' morP of the. ghowpd much more treat ~ I. son Ta\"lor r eo,;t•ht>r 11; I dr<>tl otht~r tlnn~:-: nf no e~~ I "' .t i 11 .• h "·011\d en han ce its market value. lh fln in the orhPr <'On es fo r t us ~ea: . . ~0;·1ler ·rn1l ,\. 1·n\1Pnio11 of 31lliq11C':> from Son l , srn•11 C'lasR c·up pven t s

1 1 11 l ca11 Pd the mee11nc, to ' · thf' P\hthit - ~---- al f<l<' ;ill Th P juniors ~howl"Cl more rn I\ l \JR

1 .1 ,,1. 111., ., ... ,.1.,,_ 1 Anwrka adtled m11d1 to - . Thf' seniors wPrP Pasy m1i., II 1 f t 1e repo1 .. ..... 1 _UMNUS MAKES EXPERIMENT S. Th<· inter-rlass r\Phate w1ll h p pulled h11t th e sophm11m·es. whom th e~· dP rlns~ lh nn fpamwork and in thf' la8t C'n ec or . "urer The c·l11h in· This cn\lPC"tion i~ tlw 1iropert,· o

I . l o o'<·lo1·k l f" ''' m1' 1 111 t e~ of nl:n the betlet rondt-1 tan and tlw trea: . • ... , .. ,1 '''''· \11·'· l'l1·1r\t•s Hartman, \\hu rPi't'lltl~ --- ci'f next E''rid ;.1 ,. p,·pnin.g: :i "' · reated in bot h .i.:;nmes. The fW Jl w- ' •· 1 ind ·1 (ll- .. - ~ ' I 1qo•1 la :s tlon or tlH' rrPshmrn hf'!!Bll to tf'll ~lnrl 1end~ lO lfl\(' a )llllt I : .. ,~ ••• tlwir rdllrl\l'(I IP l~oz1·111:u1 l't'l)lll Eq1mdor Miss Ludlt~ Orewe r ol l l" ... ,. !'. I The question to br c1isrussecl i~ "HP· I mores ha\·e a hard lrn·k tP:lm. In the\.· ni)p() np fl ~11b~tantlnl lpnd The ~ubmit.tPll to t ~1 <' me1~1l>us·1-,' ,11oh" Tlw dn•ss ·\llil.iit ''ao,; on<-' cir th1 nws1 the ro-author,or a_bulle-t1:l.l•'.ll o11t ~olve<I Thai thr Fe>clPral GoYernmPnt floor work thP)" arl· a~ good.' uot fPnt11~~ .... or lhf' r:11mf' wpre thP roo l. apJ>rO'\ill. rra1,c: 1n ~u\n~. · ,,., ut "1 n1>1i1·f':1blef1?.ltr1's1)i1ht•d:i,·ac:~1,·l1s £he rornpll ExpPrmu·nl ~t.111011 at ... r·t ~ of lh P li<·llt'I' than a1n othPr t('i.1111 Ill thP to th1' !';tudenn• 1111 the ~nbJl . . > _,, l'l"t l'.!:"1 \~ar ... \\'P,.f' 1ara. '.':ew York lt is one of the phon<' anci 1'PIN~Ta(lh Sp• Pills I. ,r· 'R but thev ar<' ~a cll y dp!idrn1 in hendv pln'.'-'lng of Rergman and thP sulatlon. telling ui the acl\"a11t;1~t'" nl ln_,,pr(·~Pllll.llg h~ . , . •Plllar rfl'arlin~ ~P ri ef:. whkl1 rorne11 l'nited States." s1 It., . I fig'ht ~hooiilur nf T:1ylor who s<·or 111t l'i . . ,. lf':-; thP matNiill~ usPtl eol\P<"lf'(l 111 nm-. wolll . . .. e11ntr1'bntinu to thP farmPr:s of thal noth l Palllfi haYP hPen pulling in hil~kf'I ~ho0tilll!. In P"'P llll! •. '" poi nt s .JOl'lrPn~on a11t1 ra11non fol· tlw 1Jlffetent t. I . Tl. \I \ l lluntl~r (''It' ol ;\font.lll-1 ~ ~ <:: nl 1 Own and Operate the 1'etP- thi·y haYP tlw f'<h~f' .on a ll . tlH 11 ·.' in lht-"il ('On:strndinn nnd tht' likt•. 11:-0 . rs . i . ro:; ("lnlPrl w<wl d11rin tP "HPHllf:. as a Pone!." i::. thP tit Ji:> ho < • i<'ks for tht" pa!-i t mont h ·. nu t thf'~- a1·f' alwny~ JllRl no ... l'd 0111 ,\l low<'cl with fi f'a<'h l , - followt•il h,· :1 il('monstr:t oldf'H tl nJH'P . • l •f th'· b11l1Ptin 11 t,1l:P~ 1111 !hf' rli· !'Olllt" ha1U l . .. I t Tllf' ""nior..;. W<'l"f' hPt Sop honiores , 10 Seniors. 11 t><llll'l" \\,t"' 1 t<> .... 1.111"' ~1 11nie .... \tlw entlJP ,\flt>1noon "h1le sp\Pr1 i f <l 1 rlehatP is assured Thh• i~ Tlw 111rn ('nun. I Thi '-'PllJOI~ hnrf'I~ manai::ell to \\in turn on 111~11.1t1on t - l • l i i i:. gR\tl d1>mo11~tration-.:. ~'~ i\ t ,·ti h !111y 'Im! fonct \·nh1P nf hP~n~ 11 a1l111•' eal:,~no1<1t l1 a111111a, l. i~~prf'lns!-\ dPbnte lt>I' ,JI fir't than in llw r'"I'· ".".nlf'~ I •1 ·111 nnn \{Ills \\PIP 11:.t>d rn t H t H" g-i • I l arh d·1\c::; (' part, WhilP lh P }a:.;1 IHrl ;..: ,. r 1 I (l·(s 0111 ()\'f'r th<• ~0Jlh011101'PS h\" lhP C fl~I" o: '·i''\ ' ~!lHlt•nts \\Pl'e ,d..;11 shl'"ll ferent OlPthOd'-llSel Ill {\('e •' 'll~ "' 'o,; •·«ar·~ ~011homorP <'hrn~ won ln~l wlwn llH'Y !"<'<'mE'c lo 2,!l o 1:. • . . "<'<ll'P of 11 t o 10 Th.P ~l\llll' \\fl"' tlsJs . " I 11 \ ,,,,,.,. ,,\tl'Jl"'d Se\1 r.11 1111nrlrPd pt•ople 'l"llfrl I \'OIPd to diffPrPnt wav~ whicli hr-:111~ 'ht. , 'l w lrn\P h 1\< hPC'll '' I \ 1·1 wn 1 ( l I\ 1 • I . ·11 JrnvP to PXIPnd Tlw ~amE"s us• . ~,·rn :in1l han1.ro11g-h1 lhl'ong-hnut \\lfh 11' \\ltt•t'""~ "'' I l<P1rn111" \\ln·h•--,.,1exh1h1t d111in~ ih" d.1' :uu tl !'" ·~·bl" preparP <I fo r HSP Oil ih<' tnhlP yPar b1~t st ~~~s :.~nr icn onlrr lo r<'- imprn\·in{{ both 111 SJ1N'(l arnl IP.:11~1 fir-.:.t onr> tPam :rn<l lh<'ll ihr t•h1.r 111 Ol'\llllt •11\Jl\ fn •·11\,1 1h;1r ntlw1 fessPd it to be thP l1e> ... t t11~pla\ c1tl1l> iMR Brewer hancll<"d thP last I 11t or thPnlt'f"hf'. · · work Thr, llPW' r11\ps whkh al f1r~ 1 ·

1 rl lhl" ip\pg-J"!llh\" a one: '

1 1 \er "'t't'tl ..\. 11 •·m H'r • \111\letln a nd th" food \"3lllP W:I.R \H?at 11 illh· hf'ino ;1IH'n(l nnth tram~ p aye. llol I • ·1·1 1"1nrtnwnt rr>t'4•\\l•l I kin11 lhE"\" \i.H t· - n I ,- .... 1 p ... 1 • nil Kin~ :l\'I' m11c·h trnn l '' Ur i' rap · - l '"kPt 1 wcrl, l<' 1

' I \11h ~t·nt>1l IP.1 ' nrkPcl out by Mi ~s lfelen Cannon of J,le>w1•1lyn L111 P .. Pf> .1r ,1 [ - ·u 1 <• result thil1 fo11\i: ilrifpn~in mo)':tt~· 11111 whf·l1 fl l:. , . plipllH'lll rP1.:1·nll' anti i. • it . . .. · r ·11,.. rnell The rPri pP~ g-o a t on~ way ("oll\11~ w'll f\PfC'!HI tlw nft'irnrn l iYf' and llJaRIPrNl .''·~ ~ '.:. ~o onr hno,; hl"Pll W'1" i\l l f'll1Jllt:.'<I \! W<'l" ~f'nP··all \' ·1 lon•! I <~ll!'' ';~·\\ t.". ·k II time sicm~ll" whil'h lwR.ff'rs in the- •linin~ rn~m. f!.~'1~n ~. ci I f thP sophomore ;1rr> J.f>1·c1m111,.., P\\ r . ...\~ot ·11Hl ra r PI\" wc->nt thro11d1 thP \oop. uO\\ :1h l' lfi Jiii l .1,'.,,,1" o\I~ rrnm :=;;I. \"lsil ir fl d1;·• ·p to ,1~11 nn i. .,. ward making the publication sue- uphol<l lhP rnnor o I . (~· \'I di:sq1nlHit>d on till' four 1wr~cmal foul .Tl1<• 'lt l"ll"gl inct\\·iclual 5('01·f'r nf th r> t ht> _g-~l\ l•nm11•n :-- ' tl~P p~hihit r111 "'' \fl 1rs1 da~s while- llaYicl r:n1'.'-· .no1P11 •· '· .. \ •. ltl1ou"h sP\'(• r al haq• hpt•n IH~nr ... ._~ l' i . . (1 11 ' th wtll rrpr<'SE'Ot 111 e . . l ~ (('ontinuer:1 on Page Four.) I ·ram 1st't Hdl l•fl•fJil for IWr Jll!l'f rlf tllP b1il ,H\l\ J.l'Wi!-'- rH )ral • lht• Jilllit. !in 1hr fre~hman <'lass.


P~A~G:E_T~W~O:'._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--:::::::::::::::::::~ , ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

- ii \\~s=o=c1=· e=ty~ll j THE WEERLY EXPONENT II ESTABLISHED JANUARY 1, 1910. _ ,.- l

1<1utrowth of )lnnl Y E::..pnm-- F w.h ~ht•d .Ja1 Jan l, l,,..1.

CALENDAR l'lu~~ ~t>ries n HaskL• hall


OFFICE-ROOM 1, REPUBL ICAN-COU R IER BUILDING. Dec. 16-Ragketball game: M S. C. vs.

rhe )1ist:<t·~ C· hr:; t•nt1·r1aint>d \lrs. I cna B. Jlt?rrkk. l\,1e.~ Lana Baldwin. I ~'liss Lila llarktn!' nnd :\lis~ Helen : Jlrt'" t'r nl din1lt'r Ttu'sdny tvening •


For Her Xmas Present A Fancy Box F illed With Deli cious Bunga low Candy - Make Your


[ __ r_he_B_un_g_' a_Io_w_--.l Pr11f ;1n1\ 'l~ l'oole>)-. enter-

llt·(.' 1 i Fn,:.:hman-Sophomore Debate. wined ar a sh·(.·our:.:t• 1urkey dinner

The• \\.t-Pldv Fxpon..rll is strldly a srndenl rnrerpri!,e. It"~ ch'.er Jlurpose C'brlstmas 'rt<'ntion he,:lm:i 1!.!.0n m Fridny eH•ning, C'OYers heii1~ laid ror

I. 1, Jin·~«·nt t,·, ii~ n·ndN:.:. ,,a«:h wiwk. an nc<'nrat~ and compkte record of ne<'Pmh<'r is ten The inYlied gues1s were i\lr and v d d exert tt- lnflu· 'lrs. Alfrt>d .\rki11son. ~Ir~ 2'\lilll'r.

t '•e "•·vf>loiiment~ in c·ollet.:t' affairs during tliat perio nn to · ~ .Tan. 4-V:icatlon c;nds


1 H

" u i l ult of ___ ;\liss J[(•il'Il HrPwP!' , llr and ;\!rs.• · encl' for thP nr•bnildlnJ?" Clf 'rontana :=:intf' Col1€'1!€'. Tbr JlilJl+?r s t te rel"'. I Dt:Ianey, ReY. and '.\l rs Sherman L.

voluntar~· pffort put forth by the students who c-ompo~e the staff. Dl\"ine And )lr. :ind ;\lr~. L. D. Conk·

I I Ung.


Publif'hPd eyery Friday of the <·olle~e- year by a staff chn~C'n from th~ ...rudt·uti:: of •}Ip \lontana ~tate College of _-\grlculture ind :\lecbon1c ..\ 1 r~.

of 1111 l'nn - .. " t:-- of \lonrnna. [Kzeman. )fontnn:a

I The Candy Gift I 'hnrsd•) el ellir•g ll1e K~•eke clulJ I

I I 1.11 nYt·d :t 1110~1 Plahorat1' tlh.111 at '1t! I fl

''De Luxe'' 1

uozL·ma11 1iot1•1. ~\·~1ttt-s he ml·mb"1':5 , I the Ad of I of ht• ch1b tlh·n_• '' t'l°l' l\ uumber of t

Entc·rt·d aH St.'( ond·r lss mall mattPr at lil111~man. '1mitann. tlDt er I I '"ll'!'t~ JH'l'Sl"lll Tho~t· 8e<1U?d were :

C:oHgrP!'l:~ ot \[arch~~ l'ifl 1

l H .cift tlw• hri11 ... s pkn:.:ure,1~~ I Amdia Stault_•y Hnth ::;,,eat . ..'.\lildred I --------------------------- I you rn1l 1 0 01ilt·1~ i8 l IJO:\ of ~

1 Stt_•wart. \cla J,1·1·1:-;t1•d1t:.•1, Jo~t>Ph 1~ f


You will want some nice flowers for CHRISTMAS

Retter order early at

Ten rent~ Ff>r Copy : lii.;J\,f ·I ~.ti~ ·~IHI! choc.:oli.H€'s. 1 Kountz, Jauelh_1 Lund. Edit l ow t:'r. '

Two nolla1'< Per Year I \lac· Clark, \'i<' l'olllf'I', 'lailg<' >Swilz- '! L AN G 0 HR' s ! I .b 111,~n 1,.,,-mt>ilt of tht> rl'~lll r acllYity fee. f1 I


11 ,

1 J . <'

Stu'1t·nts hP1·nn11• t'll i~rr1 t·r~ '' f LIGGETT'$ CHOCOLATES I t_•1-. Jeant>tlt.' \.t.' ey, .\ ar ont:! ,uaw,

I 'l1ldn:d Bartz, .\lurie \\'atermau. ~In·

~nt s "y and pit'ase becan~e they are rie Bunnel, Dorothy i\li!l~. :51ella Sul· ! I STAFF

ll~-R~~~T~~r~~)(~~· :~~ i m~dl" Jrom pure whnlr~mne ingredi ~~:· :\~~~c.~i~\~ .\~<ll\~~r: 1.1~n,:·:~ya 1 ~~u1~~·~;~ : 315 Tracy Avenue S Phone 95W RPSJ;\FSS '.\f_\~,\la~H lens. MA''Atll'>G EnITllR _ Rl'BERT STREETS, '18 ~chwalbe. AS~<H lATP ElltTOR CLl~TOX G STRA:'\AHA!\'. ·1~ f A ~1rt of this kind is appreciated :\liss l.'ybelle Taylor entenaiuet.I at

IIH'l'LATIOX M.\".'\..\GER ... CARI... LADE:\Bl'RG. '17 f hy <'Yt·ryo1w nnd b receiYed with diuner Sunday, ber g:11e~t~ being )Iii·

SPORT$ \\'RITER ··-- ....• FRED BULLOCK. Tl J delighr. drt:tl Stewart, Edith 1'..,ow1er. Lula

~O('JFTY Rl'~PORTER . ... ... .. ..EDITH FO'WLER '17 : l'ht>~t11ut and .lt·aneltl' Kelley.

' - GENERAL REPORTORIAL STAFF. ;1 ROSE DRUG co. J (";(lrdon Sewell 'IS Don Lnng:ohr. Ti Henry Murray. 'U1. Henry I Lorentz, 'l!l. John "" .\rinar, 'l<!. Frank Hogelnnd. '1!.l. Curtis Nelson, '19. I


The Rexal St ."lre



\\'edne~day eYe11i11g the junior lrnnh

t'('Onomit_•s C'hlb enjoyed a dinner sen·ed by '.\lar:r Krl'tlow, Gladys Ritz and l. rsula I lodgskiss. 'fhose seated were :Miss Harkins, Josephiup ,{c~untz,

Ada Been;techer. Ea1tti Fowler, Ida Trumnn. Rub)· Stnhltord. and rhe hOS·


I Suntla~ morning a number of girls

Dr. F:dw:i.rd Charle~ Elllott, cbancellor-Btect of the Consolidated rni· Bradley from Hamilton hall, enjoyed bieak·

th t Or President fast ttl tl1e Bungalow Those ·,\ho yersitr or Montana. ts visiting the cot le~e toda)-· n!l: e gi.1es . I k s went were Doris Ingram. 011al Locher,

Hamilton He i~ not here in hie otriciAl ('apncltY, tor he doe~ no: ~~ e weaters Etta Haynes. Lynnie Chattin. Etta

office until Feb 1. hut is Inspecting the different branchei:; of the .(nner-1 1 Norcutt, Martha Johnson. Myrtle

sltr OYer which he will ba,·e jurisdiction and ls making- obsen·atton~ so I Extra Heavy, All Wool Kunns, Etta Ktrb~. .\111'"' .\fC' 'one.

that he ·will ha.Ye the i::ltuation well in haml by thP date of his lnau~ura.tlon Hatie Arneson . .Jpgsjp tt1nn:-;on and

Those who are acquainted with r)r. Elliott end nre familiar with the • 1 lll,'d)-·s Ritz.

work he has done In the educatton~I "'orld are conrtdent that he is onl' of thl' (anadiaD J The Anen1i:; dub e•1;c'.\F·rl a ~ii1111e-r best men tn the country who cvuld be selected for the lmportnnt task nf • al The Bozeman hotPI T'1•:r~rlnv eYcr.·

solving succesttfully, the problPm~ a~·so<'lated with hl,g-her education in Mon-I Mackinaws I ir;g Arter dinnpr thP. :·Jnb \\"Pllt to

tann. rn hts work In Montana, Dr. Elliott will hn,•e no p?'e'cedents to g0 by. I ''IL Hartman home. I b.1s, 1,resr11t

The problem of a university <'Ompo!=:ed of sej?"regaterl branches is one that Ca r Be Found Only At w~re Erma Lessel, Eethel .~liewalrl , ! Allee )fcCone. Rubv Hodgsk1ss, Irene

ts confronting educators ln m'l.rtY other f\tate e. As yet It hns not been com- I Abrahami:t<in. )tar): Danielson, ('ecil

pletely solved. D11r1nJ?: the next few years the eyes ot the countn·'~ Pd•t· ' "'alker, Leah Hartman, Dorothy Zie-

<atort1 wtll be expectantly turne·1 to Montana. Wa I sh s baMb. Martha Johnson and Esther Dr Flllott can count on thf> unrtt vldPd support of the entire !tudent RP.\? ( oolC'Y

body or Montane Stnte In hts errort~ to npbulld Montana's Untversl"\· o. e . Club Entertalna.· 1 l

The members of the 0. B. C'luh en- 1 HAVE WE ANY GLEE CLUBS? L SYSTEM CLOTHES tertalned their fMend< nt n ''erv en-

.\tthouJ?h last Friday'g snn~ a~~emhly was A Alight Improvement over

He:. prPdeceg__qor or seYeral wt-eks ago. nn appllr:itlons of Ice were necesgary

to TPdnrp the heart a<'tlon of anyon P O\'errome with spirit nnd enthuel-

tt~m. I· w•rrn11P ~c>rmr1l OYt~rjoyp to let ht~ nf'l~hbor tnke <'are or the vo--

rnl work ant1 :tc:. n rP~nlt !'ome <'harm int! lnlabv~ "·prp sung. WP would like

joyable house p:irty Inst Friday f'V<'n-Stetson Shoes and Stetson Hats I ing. T'hf~ i!ii the first ~o ial affair

glYen by the ('tub In their c,1mrnndi· 011~ new hnu.:::P on Sixth nnd Olh·~

~treets. and proved a dPHe-htful ~01 r·

prh;e to the friend~ or the mem11f-r!'"

A. G. McKEY The Printer


Montana State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts

Practical courses tn CiYH, Electrical and Mechanica l E n gineering, Mechanic Arts, Agriculture, Dairy. Horti-cultural, Home Economics. 1ndustrial Chemistry

Economic Biology, Music and Art.

Beauti!ul grounds, commodious buildings. complete wood and iron shops.. extensLve laboratories, model kitchen and sewing rooms. music and an studio.





done at our shop. Try our new shine art11t.





Oll!ce-<:olden Rule Block

Pbone--Office 97 W

Residence, 601 W.



tn he nblP tn say that that dear nl1l nur~ery rh~·mP, '\Tln~"le. Bells" over

which WP ll~Prl I" ~o Into r:1ptnrec:.. wh~n we ,.,.ere- lParntn~ the tblrd mnl­

tlplk:ntlon tablp_ ~-q~ for la~t FrldaY'g Ron~ pro!?'ram but we

The membern nnd their ci1estg <''1·

jOYed the Tlf>rformRnC'e Of "rarmPn' heforP golntr to the hnn~e ThP dPPOl"·

atlon~ were gupplementE'd by nn ar· tlstfc arr;:inl!PmPnt nf C'Anopled reiJ.

I -1 I -~~~~~~~~~ :.--------------- I do the best Heatlr.g and Plumb-

can't ft W'l~ most RultnblP fn PVef'· WRY.

thp :-'lnJ?in" m1•fP Of )foutana ~t,.1e's bnshfnJ Y01":1Ji~tq mf!?ht have l1een in·

~pirf'd IC' raf.::p thefr ·oic-e~ In !lOnc:


A fpw comntalntR have C'ome in to thr F.xrwnPnt nffi<'f' be('nu~P Romf>

<Jf thP Rhort <'Ollr~e ~tudents, who ha YP pnld their A<'tivir'.'" fe-e, hlWP not

re<>PiYPd cop!pg nf thp paper eaC'h week. l~!lueR of thfl rmpf'r ha,·1· he-en

mailrcJ f'\<'ry Wf'el to 111 ghlf1Pnti:; who arr Pntltled to rE3'<'Pl\"e thp Exponent.

and wbn dn not call ror it at thl-' table In )lnntanri hnll nf noon on Fri1ln~·R

'T'hosP who havf' not reC'eiretl the pa flPr are the on PR whn haYP not turned

their addrei;.gr·i:; In nt thP postoffi('e. The papers nre sent out each W<'f'k by

the: circulation department and are ad<lreMP<l with the Rt11rtPnt'R name only

8tle<'int effort~ ha\·e heen mar1e to secnrP And turn tn to the po!iitofflce

thr achlrC'~~rs nf thP ~tnclf'nt!" whnse C'oples of the Exponent haYe been

rrturned undeli\"PrPd, Ir you are not getting :o-·our pnper re~1larly Rend

your arlrlreRR ro the po.::toffice and notify Rome mrmhrr ot the Rtarf and

the matrf'r will hP r1 medled nt onre.

THE WOOLY WEST. rn11a, r11hhine: shonldPr~ with 1·olh•.i..:e proir>!-'sors. hank pr(•si<lent~ and pros·

Tlw folln'' ing- is a dash of l11c·n\ perrn1~ appp:irine; nwn of b11~lness." C'Olor" from tht> l•rnsh of tlw ~pon'ng "Kalmln Pditor from SyrnctHH' in <'Ortn<>c-t1on -- --- -- -

\\ ith thP )fl~!=IOnla game. !IP11ry )fnrra~· ·rn . ha~ h<>en <'Onfin-

ll:ir l~· 1110111110\\nt'.-•r~ from 11, f<tr N1 ro hl!'l: l1Pd fnr thf' past week with ru:tc·hE·~ 1.f tht" tnwrring rnng-e~.

~\\8.rthy 1111111--s. ~.1rhed in O\"ernll" and

ium1 r~ ~ ·nu11~ of rhatterln~ ln<lian!'I, C'lothp,d In !hf' brilliant raimen of

Fi 11 l f' 1 ' tt c 11 HtL bu k,· <"OW.

hoy:.: fr1·s 11 fror1 t lP ..-ancl1eR: hob­nohl t d \\ 11 flH" ar:stOC'r3(.'Y of )IOU·

I roft- :-;or FootP who rf>l'''lltly 1111·

11t·rw<'nt n s 1cc·p stul 011Prat on for n1 1t>1Hlic1tls ha!-i •1ffid('11tly rt~co' ereil

to hnw• rPSPmed his 1lutiPs on 1h1• liJl

,,_ ______ -----------------E 'trao dinary

E OF MA CA::.>is E"'o _Ts STICKERS - ETC.

.. - S ... JlOK STORE FOR JOl-i '"'re 'S OR LOW!\IEYS


\\ 1 h .t ~ rl·· kr numbc:r of 1111.:11 1 c n. t gll 1..\Cr hcitln:.

l lur lm1..: will iurni:--h \,,

! \\al·_ ... 1 11· 'h ng- r,ut 1'1 tht! o.nli­n<\n 11 a .it .Ji -wll\ 111 •t ~ek : H;,., f·nm it?


H. A. Pease & Co. Jewelers ar.d Optometrlsh.

The Ha llmark Store,

I tne-s And C'OZ'.\" C'ornPr~. :lll exeC'uted tn

the c>lnb rolnr~. (!TPPn rmd ~old. Thf' eventn~ wnA plPa.:::nntty ~ppnt with

1 rard!' and rlnnrtne-, and elnborate re· tre~hment.::: werr ~erYPd at a late

hour J The <'hRpl'rnnec; wprp Mr ancl \frs

Wtlllam R. Plflw The hn~t~ wPre · Rtlmer Dahl. Robprt Chrkson. RPnnn necnmp, Rnlph .TOrf!Pn.:::on David 'Mlornn~. Cnrl LndiPnhlln?. F.tH?PTIP Ra­

r>atz. C'harle• C'ook, A L. C'hMsten•en. R11hprt ~tT'f'Pt~. F.dwRrd Pre!llton. War· ren Drummonil, RAymonrt Wallare Tn~d. C'Rrl Rnrtnn


Lllw-renC'P ~,ath:iri:; John \frf'abP_ .lark ~went. Rolanrl C.l<"l~!il Homrr 'T'Avlor, l..loyrl MorphPY nnd rJArrncP ner£?· mnn 'T'he ei1f'~f'!C: WPrP \fr!l: RobPrt C'lnrk~on. rinrl :\fi!C:~P!l: A~P!:; ~11lllY:ln.

B;tf'lla Solhrrc- Amrlia 8tnn1Pv Rlan<'h e "Rnrder. \farjorte Cannon Reulah HAllPr. Hrlpn ~oYnk, Louise l.an1!':ohr. M:1rjorle Qnaw. \tar'.'r Dan­ielson. Opnl LnrhPr 'follif' _-\llf>n. Hat­tie \rn('i:;on HPlPn Grav 'far thA Johnson Mary l·onwn~·. Lur~· AxtPll. ' fii:;i:; ShE'phrrd, TTRZ('l n11nc·n11 and F.liznhf'th ~tumpf




F ev'ry man's name described him as well as VELVET'S

I a t e describes it, a lot of folks 'I ''"' ld be applyin' to

h" egbia ture.


Thelen & Hanley ! Livery, Saddle Hor-ae1 and Auto I

For Hire.

Phon e 57. Bozeman

Ing jobs In town, If you want the •

best, see D. H. BUDD CO

Central A•enue. Phone 300 J

:----------------;I I Dr, W, C. Dawes,



Kayserti Chi ititmas lineti 01 silk

hose and i:;llk underwear oll in

now, and ready ror your lwlida.\


The new effe<'IS are e,;:tn·mel)-·


Knysers silk hose. ~I 25, ~ l.fill.

and $1 75.

In plain colors n.nd rnncy pat


Kaysers KnlckNhockers, $2.l:i.

l.adH•s black silk knkkerhu<.·ke.·s

In all Rizes.

Embroidered ::;ilk ve~ts $2.~ll.

Kay~erR sill;; Vi'sts, dainty em­

brnldt•rleclyokes In pink and white

~ilk union ~uit.:~. ,, 2.:!~1

Ka::s1·rs :\'t'H:'ltian sUk unton

~nits in wld1e ntl p1!1k


Martin Block

Bozeman Montana

Ors. Davidson &. Cool<,


Commercial Nat'\ Bank Building

Trail Creek Coa Bear Wood

Frank Kyle F-hone 326. 46 E Main 8

Use A Conklin .-.('(f flHIJI).:, (HI lJll \ 11 l\ l\ ht• U •'· t

l HINtl

n11d up ut

Roechers Drug Store

'Varsity Six­Hundred [I I .. ti(..' TH'\\ 11\1..rroat iDr young J

h.'11 T' ~: .in: ma1k by I I art

rhaiint r a'" 1 \larx ;ind if y lll

1'! mt'

gn..•t " th the" arc 1 I

t' ... • nu'cl \\ eur

Holloway's fiome of Hart, Schaffner & Man:


11,._ _____________ ._:

[. w. Thompson BARBER SHOP.

II Under National nank of Gallatlt1


---:=====--==='=H_:::E_W__:E:.E:.K~LY EXPONENT I <il DAY, DcCE MB ER 0 .• 1o.

College Notes 111100 BOOKS ARE SOLD -i-:::~--- --=--------===------========P=AGE:::T=.HR-EE s l'c•o1e;1"o"tortownlhlsweekl , AT SONG ASSEMBLY j Get That New Suit

lecturing at Farmers 1nstttutes at I Spirit Is Absent at Sing ing of Old

:\txon. Florence, Heron and Smtth. So ng:a~: A::~,m~l~diany.M on - I f1 1 111 I lank ant1 EU an cl tt w1U he ng-ht in c\ ... : y n..-.ut:ct.

lla\L' that old suit t."\\. ii it , .... <lone l>) President Hamilton e.ttended the I

~tate board mf>ethi~ at Helena this week. The regular a~Rembly las t F'ri,hly HA

was ~!Yen over lo reh f'arnin.e: some of I NK (Q\ ED ~Ciss :'.'tarie ~tadler leaves Satur- the songs in the new <·ollf'ge song I C/. • day for "·n~hin~ton. n. c .. where she book. \·ery littlp spirit was shown in =================------------------------==-=~=­will spend her C"hristmas vacation. the sln1!"lng nf the son!!:s and the litt le ========---=========~~~==---------------------~

that was fn evirlenre wns ch1P in large l e~e \Vithou t great difri<'ult. u .d part to a few faithful membPrs of th e not enrich John ll e·itl~." r e .~


e~ R " ' """hitloC'li rE>tnrned to big du·

tie~ on the hl11 Jai:;t Thur~day atter f:PE>ndlng- n thrC'e weeks vac-r1tion at hi!'; home in 'fflchita_ Knnga~.

Alumni and Ex-Students

glee elubs . · ~ • . or mid-. night oil." f'ithPr :\'or 11C'f'd he be n

The IPnfPnf'y nf thf' frtC'Ult~· In al- ObjeC't of• pit~· for O\"Prwork Jt is 1owfng stn~Pnts song nooks on <'redH I simply n uNHion of whpre he will arrountPd rn larg-e part for the num- pm in his dayli::rh .

ber of books i_n evtrlenre at the as- \\'hen other fellows arf' rrolkklnl! sembly: Approximately 100 song bonks ancJ -~ossipin~ at the frat~rnitv hou.;es wpre <lisposprl or at the booths in the I will h<" ha\·p thP rPsolntion ; 0 _get 11 ~ halls and in the a!•rnembly President hi~ n£>xt la .· - 1 . . <> fl Hamilton lPd thP sin~ln~ but wa!'\ un- ha.Yr> ~o est~~"'. "~;<.>t' th P ma~· oflPI\



Post Office News Stand able to ~et nrn<'h of n '"P~pon~e from plnyfnt? t~,~~I~ ~'0~; c>fnnt~n~/

11 "~~hi"rl'·: the ~tucient~. '.'.::============-=--- rr>e:rf'trnbl('. YP1 hP :s no mor"'" 1ft" \ ,--------------

\fr. and !\Ir.-. i' 1 hir~1her bo1h I~'. IhlOt ~o hadly off, :.?s his <'Ollll'"!flp~ th· ii 11 1 \ . S . OF A NOTES. ~l\'P f?nne into ~tore~ ;11Hl fador •·~ I C Fl and two gons, 1'€1'11' it.:ol II) 'I nw11-~cnrl f Halr an I . I . . I \\'lien in Tlf'l:'d flf 'ln\" tol!St•rl·tl work ut owe rs I tl . . . . __ • 1011r m l lf' e:ymna~mm 1l·t1lv . ' · ~ I

1e first or the v.e1 k after "'lien•hng- a I Tb s 1

will J·ppp 11 .. h . . 1 IC'f an arnst <lo it Yon ,,Ill find few days in the city \tr Ktrg<'her i:-; e 'C' rnnl of \ ~lriilture wHI hold nene' . kl ts <'Ill t, stomal' t awt them a the F' .\RHIO:\ n \Rl'FH

a basketball tournament ~at11rclav aft s ~or ne:. . . . . , ' I POTTED PLANTS I county ~mrveyor or Broadwater · ~ • · · TT . . : . . ;:;HOP and BATH l!Ol~sr~ county. ernoon. necPmher 11 ThP !lr~t. sec- . P. ma~ miss son~l' fin1·. <H'j•f'l·; .. 11 ~ J !

I ond and thirct year men PaC'h lutve a I <ollre:e h.fP .. C'erta111 Pnn<'hitH!' .if Hazor honinµ- a sepcialty J ' TULIP BULBS team which IR e'<pectlng ,irtory sonal lnllmac·1es nm,· lw impos<ihl< I j I' I

College Students a Specialty. ~ 1 The many friench:; of \fr~ . \\~alter __ not beca11sP of ay11 soC'ial clist·r Ht LETTS & MARQUIS. I T -==============~ I Collins were ROrn- to learn of her '.';ext Friday O\'Pning the S. of A. attaehin~ lO t!H· work. hut IJpc··lll"C h Under Gallatin Trust Ban k. I racy 1· lioo sudden death At Butte 'frg, C"ollins club will give a party nt the C'ity Y I ~u~t limit his e-xpen~P~ and 1r~t,-el a I t pENNIES was formerly 'llss '!argaret Ferris M. c. A. building after t he debate. dtfterent path lie will nrnke hrs OWi\ 'I Greenhouses

and attende-<1 colle-~e for some time the member s will .:-11 1 rrtain thP. !'h<rt I fr iendc;h ips. The~ m1v lH? larl?Ph I ~::LEARS. She "as the wife of Walter Collins '02 which "ill be h eld that 11igh1 an d among other earn mg students Tl,e•e I ,_ _____ ·---------'

c.011rse students before the\· lea\·p for bO~g ma) COOl(' frnm nbsru re r.1milwg I n a systematir saving 01 a certain I surprised with the exrellence ot "The T hei r persistence anrl ambition will

~ad doUars make rlchea,-it'8 all Many Bozeman theater.goers were I the Chri~tmas , aration. b ut they I.HI' E> :t rngg-ed s trength

tJum weekly. G~rl in Yellow.. The show ls the I m ake them h ea rd from rn tn years



t; , ~ 52 weeks of sa\·lng at our bank I work of Eugene Quaw. 'll. He wrote GRAIN JUDGING CONTEST the~e frie-n~~l~ipg mav he more helpful dll give you a better standing than the entire plaY lnC'htding the must<' I -- than rn;goc·1atton with r lrh men's .-011!';.

i2 \\eeks of spending. I and all. Sever~i C'olle~e students took Saturday morning, the preliminary 1

. Ro let no anxion!'l; par Pnt b old bark Try it and see. I part tn the plav and a full house grain judginE? conte!'l;t, to plrk a team an ambitions bo~· c:tve him his Ga llatin Trust&. Savlnga Bank. greeted the M~nday and Tuesday I to meet the one repre~enting 1be chanre- to work om the faith that is in

night performances. · : S~ate Seed GrowerR n5'soriation. in l hlm . F ort ~·a~·np <Tnd.l .TournaJ.Ga---- I Livingston nPxt F'ebr uary_ will be helcl ZPtte Do your Xmas shoplng early

Have tbe chol1e&t selectlon.

Coal, Wood Lumber

i eity to attend the funeral of M r s. Four C'la~Re~ or grain '''tll be uRed WANT CHANGE IN RULES.

Watches In Gold, Gold Filled ,

Dr H. C Gardiner. '02, was In the I in the Agricultural building_ '

"'\Yalter Collins. The con testants will he reQul red 1o

1 -- of wheat. oats. ba rley and flax. Twen- I cattng the adoption of a new rule tn Silver cases, $50. down.

I place the ftrst three or five ~amples C'oacbes or middle west are ad,·o-1

CAMBRIDGE-Or 10.000 Cambridge ty mrnuteR will be allowed ror each 1

football abohshin!' the free kick for I students who have enlisted, 470 ba,•e class and the winners wtll he <· no<::.en goal after a tonC'hdown. They claim

I heen k1lled, 700 wounded and 300 de<> accordln~~ to t. h •1r plaC'ln~ ,1nd oral thnt a free goal is too small a m argin orated for distinction on the field . r eason s. Fourteen men. both four to ''in a game

Rings, many styles, $1.00 up.

Thimbles In Gold and Sliver 35c


and a n1.' al welcome awaits a ho<t oi shue buyer' for this week.

Keoyon=Noble Lumber Co. 320 We&t Main St.

Commercial National Bank

Klassy Kicks and QUALITY FOOTWEAR !or

College Men and Women

year and ghort C'ourse, will parti<'1pntE> Among tb o~e advorattng such a I change in the rules are Dave Fultz. and up.

~~MILITARY DRILL Bill Lanford, "Hurry Up" Yost, Dr

I Sharpe. Zuppke or llllnois and Dr "·mtam!'l; or thP Fnlverstty or Min­n~ota .

I (Continued from Page One. Another ruh.· that these men are

~oing to bring up before the rules ish-AmPrkan war thP next ~11rtng. The c·ommittee is in regard to a tree ball battalion c·onslstPd of two rompanles. being kiC'k~d over the goal line. RPno Ra!Ps. ·~~. now rhlef geologi~t The ~opposition i!" nR rollows:

Lockets, Chalna and Charms In

Gold and Gold Fiiied.

Match Boxes, Scarf Pins, Emhlum

Buttons, Fobs ln ma.ny patterns.

Cuff Links and Broaches, 60c to


J. H. Harris '& (o. r


AU Kinds of

CAPITAL STOCK ............ $150.000 t 1 of tlw Anarornla C'opper rompany was A team in the pos~ee~ton of the $10 .. PORTRAIT WORK

Students' Headquarters. SURPLUS and PROF!TS .... $250.000

Reed's Bootery J. H. BAKER, Cashier. BOZEMAN. MONTANA

The Great American Smoke -"Bull" Dul'ham

Fall in line with the hundreds o f thousands of red­blooded smokers of the :;ood old U. S. A Sinoke the cigarette tobacco thut·s bcr"'! n American ins t 1tt.L1on for three generations-"I3ull" DL. '.1am. "J.he rich'. rcliohy. star­spangled t;:. ,te of "Bull" ~uts the n_at10nal sp:~1t o f .. gd-up· and-hustle into you r hand-rolled cigarette. Bull IS the freshest, snappiest, liveliest of smokes.



"R..,11 yo1 r, wn" with "Bull" Durham and )·ou'll find I

a iar great<-r r L1cl1~n in smoking yo'1r CJi!"'?.ttc . I you e\·er did bef rt'. 'The rich, mild tobacco leaf Bull~ ir m. ade of h~s th at d£'l1c;htfu l mellow- ,, · . sweetnf'SB "tvhic-h suits your taste ~1\,;. 1

to [\ "l. ·. And its arornatic I fra~rance is supremely uni"!ue. fvlt>n -.vho n ever smokt'.d c1ga- i

l'ettf"s h~fore a n o"\v "rolling • their own" v·itl "Pill" Durham.

t"Pptain of C'om1rnny A. nnrl H B. ~·nt. ball attempts a field l?onl. The ball 1pr~ wa~ c-·aptain of Company B Is partially blocked. but goes oYer

Tu thP fall of 1 fl02 anrl ~prln~ of the goal line. A member of the uina. Ralph Benton. 'Oti , a ..;t11ol"nt kicker·s slde attempts to rail on thP h:ir1 chari:::-<· or the r1rl11 under faC'ulty ball put is 11111led away by a pl.1yer o[ ~rnperYision. with the rank or m jor the defenslvp side This hnldine: Renton is now assl~tnnt proff'5sor ot would call for the hall to be returned biolovy at thP rnh·ersity of Southern •o thP pla<·P of kickln~ nnrl a pen· California. a lty of 15 y::lrds imposed upon the

Drill was resumed In .lam11r'\. HHll. rlefensh·e side pro\'iding a member 1rndPr ·roft'~sor Thaler. Floy<l Lo- of the offen!'l;f\'e team reC'o\·ers the rPntz 'ff7, now with tbe- "\Iontana ball U. howeYer. the ball is prac­PowPr cnm1iany at Great F·11ls was tlcaJly in the grasp of the offensin• f'aptain or Company A. anti Hiram player before the foul ts committed rook. who was drowned in the Yel· and a. player on the defensive side lo'v!'l;tnnP rh·er hPfor e his graduation should recover the ball. then it Jg a was ca11tain of rompan}' R. Drill was hard matter !or the referee to rulP. I held tw1<'e a week and required of To get arou nd th e- rule, many aJI male rollege fre shm en 1'11\ sopho· coaehes agree to derline the pen­mores and prepArntory ~t 1 111 Pnts, a lty and award the kicker' i; side a hu5'iness c.:ourse. and short C'OHTSP men. rmlC'hdown.-F.\'ert:rPPn, ~·nshlngton and elerti\'e tn juniors and seniorf' StatP College 1'he rnn rse <'onslstect of :-rtting 1111 ex­ercises. manual of arms, and target

I prnctlce on the mll!l!• rnnge, and bayonet exercises. J

The equipment used was the Spring-. I IF YOU WANT FIRST­CLASS WORK DONE

field Cadet rlne. old trlangnla'"' ba~·o·

("1 me l<1 nttr .. h11p \'nthm!.!· h 11t iir..,;,t da ....... \\l rkmen ~m

ployed. ~t ril·t 1.'· ..,;,:inita1 and up·'

Fountain Pins. $1.25 to ~10.

M. S. C. jewelery in pins. stick

pins. hat pin~ and rings broarhes,

souciner spoons.

Chains for ladies or Gents $1.00

to $35.00

La Vallien; In gold $2. to $40.

Leslie E. 6age


F ransham Coal Co. THE THREE BEST COALS.

Get a CouutY Scale Ticket wlth every order.


Phone 253

With Your Next Order of groceries try a pound or our special blend 35c coffee.

Its :mre to win a place in your home.


227 West Main

--George Bartz, Pr oi:> .--Pn mt·t DellTery

Bell Pbolle S8

net and cartrtd~e 11ouch. Th~ rifl~ was a forty·fhe calibre h av ing a bor e re· semblin~ a shot g:un. and a1tbot11!h not as heavy as the old. regulation sprlne-­fielcl. 1t ts hcnYY and rumhe-rsome a~ moder n rtnes go The range and power of this \\'":ipon iA remarknblr and it bPetows a kick of rth1111~ rlt·,·en-

I ~~~ES' BARBER SHOP I ____________________ _

I FRED HINMAN I We are ec uipped to produce portraits


mule power If reports are 10 he be­



Reports from the tare-e increni::;e~ In

(•alleges sho" tl1P rre~hm n

C"l:-t~ses In this c·onntrv ol' Wt':llth,

1 morP a1Hl m11r11 JH~oplp are- ftnding the money tn pa~ coli<'hP hill~ \!so llHWP I

I pPnple arr" apprPl'iating thP n\\ue ol the tralninl! amt lhPr+ i~ an inne;ts· Ing number of 5't11d.f'nf~ whn wnrl<

I thf'lr own w:n Al Prin1·Nnn. thi~ fall fo1 in~tanl'e.

r: JJP\\' f.lf•p h; s inst ht•PI\ takPJ\ lf\W nl thi~ spirit of drm1wrac~· ~P\"e ty boys ar1• waiting on tab!!': in t11~ tlln illi:t h,ills r 1(1\' rt>t't' \'{' 11't' .. hp 1rrl for thi~ ~i·rYi<'E- Thi' 1ldl•st oc 1 mn!'> 1

C'On~Pn·atl\< 111. t1t111ions 01w11 1hf r rloon~ to th <"IA s of 1·art1 n~ :-111


\ " "ot11thl) llrtght youn can work his ''"Y thron~h u1~

that are right and our Jon ~ experience is back or eYt'r) p lt.:rt.: YI e make


111 DR . W. E. DEAN,

WITHAM'S STUDIO Osteopathic Ph ystcian


1 I I I


Mich igan Bldg.

1 Bozema n, Mont. PHONE 86 J NEAR GEM THEATER I



Safety Razors

11S LOV. AS .!5c-OTHER5 FROM $1011 Ai JJ LP DO IT NOW-Sli:E



THE VIEEK D"Y DE CEM - 10, 1915.

of the juniors Ill (loor work. but _rnil- 'I Ch f" D • h p t I I, '"to rm·l the baoket The mdn•<l· For That a 1ng lS ar y I F Th I 11ln~-er~ and scort.'S were as fol· I I I: ree f 0 '\ Or evening lunl"h. ti") a \\"elsh Rarebit. made from th<• big C.2' vouur . ""'"' "MONA RCH " BLUE RIBBON CHEESE. I , .Tllt1 on- r.an1n. '.?,Sherry -l: ('('Ok J I i By Fritz lorc-•'nsm1 1n: Ga1ton. -1 C'nnnon. '1 .' ,_-o.. full r t•am. rich. nu.:llow rlH't':O:<' The onh dh't·st- ol thb kind ' 11 · \" It t'I"""· _,· 11·c1:o;PER : -===========·c -- '· ::;ophomorPs Kmc-. n1c-k~on 2 c (>YPf S' ippf"11 {I\ (,a 1\1111 a ('~ ! A remarkahlCI e'\hibition t'f ro1~~i::-:t nort(1u. !! \hri,,.tt>n~·1n - Rogs. 1 · I PER POUND 30c. l I ent haskf'I ~hootinc: wa" gin'~ th~ \ P1>rton '1

I C'ther nl~lll in tlH" :-:nphnnwri nn or Juniors. 43 : Seniors 12.

1 \\'l•: PAY 1.111<.• .\ OOZE'.': FOil FRF.SH l·:GG$ I

I game ()ut of ~i trit>s tlw jun or" n,- ~i11wrior tertm work wi lrn~kf>t II FpillC'-d 11 throuch Ille hemp or ·1 Ji('f· ;;h~tin T11PRrlay·~ C"flfl"!f •• ,,~· ,1 l i. m l CQ


Military Drill Next }'ear

Gallatin Laundry Company G. R. MILBURN, College Agent

IF ~ARTICULAR TRY US PHONE 79. • re11tn[!t" or;;~ Thf' ~nphg , .... (""f' not 31 (':1..:'· \·ktory for tl·• , .. ~t t11T11o r I THOS. H. REA - I ! !'O s11N·(',,.i;f11\ shootin::' on! pf 1-. tram F'rnm ·'he ~tnrt It ~,·;1 <'-lf\r"tt • t l ---------------------===--==:;;;;;; Tl1f' nnlor:o: shot "1 Pf'r ~f·n! tllf"' thttt ~' P ,,.,..!, ' Wf'l'(> I ~t' t. i~nw:l~ I l'hone 2-l- t I..

"'"h i..-. pointci of 1hr u1mf' an.\ rn · , 11•''t nfcht ; ~aln:-t the> sPniPrs mPrPl~· ll fl\lj;,'SliOll n f h•)" ))i~ ·1 r-nrP ===o...==========================-


Hi ! , CHR'S!',.AS TIE



()tJf 10i11b~ s i~ rt'<lil~ llH' is~ortu11 .. 11 ts 1:1r~11 ;tnd llf \\'ill:-:011


I 5~~~~~~~-

I \ln "~ !ht""' t e~ \\:c•re -..<>I• t·t1 •

l1y }'0111\f.:" n.11•n for yotin~ m. ,111 ;\1111 e r(): sold lw \"()1rnc 11·e11 who \\

I he ~xfh)rl il\lt'P-, "h1-"n i;; i-ul )n

Jinttf'rn qlor or shar'f'

from Santa

1Claus 1Land

I • •

' I

I : The W iJlson Co. I

J are inany of the articles i:ow on display in OUR SHOP Appr· -1 priate for Holid~y G• ts will be fourd such articles as Neck­ties, Embroidered Line:i and I Silk Handkerchiefs. Mufflers. , Hosiery. etc. ·~~~~~~--~~~~

' ICHLECHTEN~ I Wt: invite th_e special 1

tion ct the ladies tao this ue-

I Xmas Photos partment. I

Everything the lat est.

wJ \lu1mLun scenery make

11propriatt> Pre~~uts

SGHLEGHTEN STUOW i u Black ATaa•& I Chavcy & Jacob6.

Popular Price Store for Men BOZEMAN - MONTANA I "--------------·-

------------1 Mimeograph and Typewriter



p c:;a BOKMA 10r6 W. Babcock !


Th~ Bozema n

firin .11 I t1•" Ill;

···1 • • r 11 •I d

II " •,11 ·lt1•


' " l• I





N \illing-

r .• n t ll ir )\\It ('it!art'lt1· . l"<lll •. I ' rnl\. .. p;q11'r .... :· Ht'f\lll:--t• 1

l.i1·-1· "orld-fa11111u-.. 1·iga n·Llf' ... 111uk1·-... tlt ... LH·t 1u11 al all lillh:'S


consit11•fPrl t<XC'Pptionnlly hi.l!'h ~hnr.1 thi> junior" wnuld nin ~I" Tl~·' f r~t inc e:-ped:lllY wlwn ii i!l: renH•rnh~rt"l half rf'~nltt>d in a s<'(H"E" of 11 10 l tlrn..t tilt' Triw ~ntlonals- ·f h<' brst _ . t . .\ wPr<' f!Plrl hn>.:\.:i>t~

Of thf' 1 porn:-: ! IP:l.m "t't'll n thP Wf'st la!'I \·ertr :-:hr'! I nnd 3 fouls. The jnnlorg.· :.-l"nr• ... ·a:; I II s prr rP11t in their g-anw with f 11· 1>ntnts on fiC'l(l b ... 1-.~t~ I • mad<.• up o • · \f S. . C nnrl t on ronl~


Xmas Ties -- Thf' gpronrl hnlr wa~ C>-' Ptl mf'rf' d" ! Tlw frc•,lltnPn rimstPr:- in lhPlr lnt::t .1 H 1 fa\·or of thf' iunior~ than

ga11H? with lh<> ~ophs had 2:l i·h11nc-eH I~~'.~:' t~e i;ir~-~:1 It re~ultPd in a ~rorP l [EE THEM nnd wern ~ll<'<'f'~~rnl in ... ~l!!hf mnkinq of 21i to ~ •. mn,1,ing- thP fin~! "cn~e 1:~ j 1 n -.p rct'nt::ie-f' of ft hnnt -~ •. lo l~. Relnw is 1hr \ndind11nl ~corf' !



-- . I 'f th<' 11la~·prs 1'hP frf"~1inH'n lnr-k 01 P man 10 lhP

1 . lort?;f>Jlson ~, · (":innon. '; I The Hub r1,rwm·rl po~iti<'Il to wnr\ with T'l\"· Sl~Pt~~:~~-fl. <~attr:n '1 ~ . C:Hdn 1: 1' Jnr or thp~· wou\il ha\"C" :1 fil~i wpJI ~.~, nr.: , 1 ilhnrn 1\ ~f'anrn.n!' I: Ed. arid Lou Howard, Proprietors h:il:lll<'f'1l TPnm Thf'\" !Jn\,--. ;1 11 111 " 1.P·~·~IH'l" 2 n~rnhrnl!. C'arr :

1 Walk.Over Shoes nn!Clt~ in 1•rnl11r.'\t11•fl nn,1 i1 f"a!ll

13 wnrk hur 101 111 i111Hvid1 .1 ahiJir,· Freshmen, 17· Scphomores J Tlll' ~ 1 r nnrl nH hr>twr•·ll tlu• frn..;h 1

a HI 1!w "n\lh~ n's11\tPfl inn ,.i<'tnn· tor Tlw o:o11JJ<; nlw I''~ .-.•-1•,. C' t h' 1h rnwr hy a ~('{1rP o r 17 to t:i. IH'ir hf'.::.f r-r1111e u:n'nc:t h• b11i,,rq Thr !!":llllf' n11P' , .. ~ •11 ,.,.n· slnwh

l•ut • rf• •mnhl 1• t w " 'r "ll h••th tPam-.. sf'Pming: 10 h:\Yf' 1ro11hl1

!ors ' in u·h wQ.,kPr ' i11 t' n1wclin:.! with thC' hnll ancl wlwn

11a,,· .ii1I the,- hl'ld 11·nnhlP n 11l:idn!'.' ~11111f' "Pkrtlir1 n1~ff'r ·1 " "'= •wii1 .. ;, throu!::h th1""' rin:..: Thr .:.oph 'mm· .. ~ lP \..: 1 n11r·lr>11' "r ili. 1•1· .~ :rnrl sc·on•d tlw first h:t~lH'I whPn ilw C":1m1• _cold fi\'r> thi" , .... u C,:lllt 1 ,,n~"Pr ~ntl 'fnnnc·er Tiirr> an· wnrki1·. 'n mid ~peedPcl up n hit and :l rout nn th ""i1sn11 form \I lC'nst four ~1·n l l'~P'l !='<Ophs. followed hy a fiPlrl !!;Onl ~a\·p

lhP rrnf.;h the- len1l Thh:; tlH•r hPl1l t 1 lrnn' ..:howP<l Ill' to ::-no1l :1c1ntn"'l'.!P nn the rnc1 of the half· as thr so11hs J •h· • fr1•shninn fr>:im. 1lnmilti 11 •<: • I >.:('OrC'd hnl onP frf'f' rhr.nw in Tl~nt ! h·1r1i workf'r .rnd i·onsi::-:te111 h·1.:l-1' hillt T1lf" half wos fairh fos• .,.tTl1 I "hr nlt'f nPJ'l!TW"lll :it "llrll'<I kf'('>ll<: hi>.: '\ t

ht>:ld <lf nil tlnH'S :ind i~ s1rong i1n thr> frPfltlPnt fouls which cenrr:ilh· I IN I to !;d,·flo1hr opponents :in~· $C'O.r". :1"h~ I pflo.::-:in.e: \Ylrnl lH> laC'ks in RJl"Pfl hi~ ~('Ol'P at thP Pnrl nr fhr hntr "ns I ·l morr than ninkl"" i111 in hPa!) work

nnr!!"P~s ig n mi..;:<'r Rllrl a C'losp cnvPr1•r in f:1vPr of the frosh ThC' sp1·ond hair opt=>n"<l will· ., ·~t JI h11t !.: l litflP wpak 011 lotH! Tl;l~"ef' !"t•rmf'<l

10 he fl rf'\'h·nl fr•r !ht) <:t)ph~ llnmer Ta\·lnr is lhP he"t ha!'l'<1 r TO~S

Pr nnd 11:-:f>~ fh<' dribhl<' to 1!'(1nrl nil who $non tierl thp "c·ore Th. fro~li JI \antnC"P. All ro11r -.:how :1 e-norl nowl .::.11h~titntNl "\Jorphev for t.imh•'l ., '

1! rnnl nl 1hP he~innine of tlw half '1 erhrP pf th<' finPr points nf th<> c:ame !Ind tlw snph~ "oon srnl in Al nnrt•1n I

~'rom !ht· ... nphomorP:-: Ro~s is OllT :O:('t)fp for p;lrl or thi~ lrnlr rC'lllrtinPcl

Stetson Hats


Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet


U.00 do~ o and $1.00 a week. Sale bei:tos Saturday, Nm· 27th.




fn tnkt• Kine:·..: pl<H'f• nt ~i:lrrl_ 1'h" I o.:f:tt'rlint:\,· thf' he1:;1 mnn h11th :11 I

i;,,<J rtnit llriTll!!' lnnkerl c-Mrl for tbPl ----------------------------' hrf'aldn1 .. up plnv:-. an1l in u:i~.:,in~ thP ---hrtll fl<· j:;: PYt>r willin .c- In plow In '!'l'tnh~_ till llatniltnn 11lrt<'Pcl thP hrtll ===========--==================== ancl r(lngh it with thP ro11srhPf'l nirk hnm~h tlw rinc:: for two iirPtt~ ~hots <:<on, wliile hi' i<> fast :ind n !?on<l pa!='<R· h<\Yine: r(>(·m·Pr<'tl thP hall from fhP rr b tno lii:rht :uir1 tno wP:ik n11 hn~ ..;oph!='< 1111 a f11mhlP of whic-h th<"re were k1,1s to hp nf fir~t.iP<lm 1·alihr1> TlH mnn,· thrnng-hont !hf' rnntf'~T JlomC'r

T· ,·Jo· ·it rnrwnrtl wil-.::. prnhah\,· thP l'nli1·r> jnlliOl' tt~;'lm lllll::=I hP OWntiOllf'd .. "l I .- fl'OS.h. \\ hilP nixon 'llH1 (' t:;dfOn i1:; !?olm.: hf'ltPr 1han t>\"('r :wd :-;1;1. fol :hP\.Ptl ·t faql ! fnr tlu:• lnnk~ lilW 11 g"()O<I J'if'k for :I Plrt('(•.1 n ll toll J 1:1. ' . <'annnn. Rlthont?:h hl• i:-: lrn\"ill:..: s.nmf' :-oophs. Tllf• lillf"·UP 1ro11hlP m c:Pttin.l!'" thP rnlP:o: i!own is, f'rPshmen Po~ition Sophnmon•.:,



.:.11n1 ~ho! Hlllt'~S C'lo~Ph f'0\'tll'Pt1

Ills t'hlc·f WPrtk1w..:" howevc1 i~ in



rn·1 1zine- on t1l t1w hall Gnarrl~

ln1nrllP!' tlw hilll l1t>lter 1hnn most of Hamilton thPm :11111 will ma\,t• a strn1it? hi1l Cent<'r

<' Horfln

for a hPrth flan 11 is 11\Pl'P \dth hi'!' l.imlwr1 ( ·hrl~t 1~n..;.nn

Kin:.; l. lt11non

nltltllllf' J)t•!I :lllcl l~ 11\\ f\\'S ill lhP 'fay\or •:rn11• Shf'rry shows i\ !?Ornl lrnowl· \f prnhM' ·tl~f· of 1hP !.!anw. hut is 1 trifle• .. mall

~'"amans of th1' :-:t>ninl'!'; is 11i .. 1r i. •:-:t hr!, both il1 "hnotine aml i11 floor

rk 'filhnn. \\"f's llis sJ1f'N1 :tntl is h:1nl richtrr ().;r'nhrl!:.! I~ showi11e-1

11 s11rprl~lllel\" Wf'll :H floor wnrk Jlll•l t!l'ff>llSi\"P


fC'111Hi1111t>1I from PilCP Onp I i.:anw \\"!JS RPam:lns. with ti1t11· 1 f J.p sl'nior.;· 11 points jn hi~ t'l'i'tlil o ... r•11 hr E: nrn1le onP baskPt F'ni· ·h1• .:onh· 11111on~ .... Dll'k~nn anrl <'hr\strnsnn 1 a1·h n 11ll' fnur point<.: nnrl nn1ti>1 two

Freshmen 24: Seniors. 3 fast <l'ltl hard-fOnJ?hl lhmu..:h


First Round . Fn,~hnw11 II .lnninr ... ::!I ~1'\phnnwrt...·"· I S.Pninr-.: ti'! FTt?:-:llrnrn '.!t~ ~i>nior-.. 1~ ~qphomorr~ 11 ri111iors . 1; .I rnior-.::.. ~' ~eninrs. -Frpshm<'n. 1~1 S,n1,homnrP~

Second Round Fn•shnt+'ll ~:\ lunln ·:-: l•~ ~01111»111111·1 :- tn S.1·ninrs l 1 Fq•shmi>n. :!~. S1•nior.:.. ~!

~011hnnwr• :-:_ t-:- .lnninr:- ·:n .luninrs. I': ~C'ninr:o:. 1~

FrPshlllf'll I "i ~ophnmor1~:-- 1 ''

lOTANDING OF THE TEAMS \Y011 l.n:-:1 1'1"1

••-:-:iilpr! r·onl('i.f lhf' trC':-:hmt·n dr• F'n•shm1•11 r .. atP1t !hf' sr•niors by a scorP nr !!t .luniors ro :: \fondaY evPnlne Seamnn~ cHrl ~1·11inrs 1111 th" ~rnd1n.: for the spnior<.: annPX· ~ophomorP:-:

'i! ,1 111wl nf thr('P poin1s Hamilton :1"' 1)11' hP.:f iH<1iVfrl\t;1\ "('()rt'!' fol' jl\;'

··"h cPllin • lour field bask..ts TIH ,.irst half wn:-: sonwthln~ of :i walk-1\\ :n- for !lw frosh. so 111111°]1 so, in .1d that Ril-hnnlson. road1 nf tl1P •

frl'.;h111P11 s11h.:tit11tr-d an Plll irf' Ill'\\' siring-

l,,ro111 this point 011 I ht" gamr> was :1 •·rit'" of h:inl krnwk.; and h11mp"· 1111~

rr 1 1 l--..1 • "'"...: n1:1ldnr:: u11 in rlt>hl ,.., al thl'\" l:H-l{1•1l in S('\P11('P .-\ ,.


Seniors in Home Economic'i "s~i""t 1 Teact'.ers in Schools o' 8o"?e

man and Ma nha ttan

1 h '!':..h !hf'\" f;dlpr] t11 St'Ol't• mon• !han ~P\l'i'al nt' !ht• sr>nior 111111.1 l\\n poh1ts tlw rrnsh lwhl tlw senior~ nomks i"irl-.. 01r1• ~:1 1 11. \ii\'\ 1• '' " 1·or1~lt·.:,s 1nlf Thi• 11l:1yprs .1nd t1~•ll'hinK -:qlt'ri<•tH 1• thi~ ~·t·<tr l·1~111 I' l!\i1l11111 ~1·1·•·1·"' \\t:>l'f• as fnllnw~ \\rnlkPr. R:-.tlwr Coo\t•\' Lt1la <'ht'sllllt

l·'rns- T·11tor ,; ll:\111ilto11. ~ Llm· ·•n I \(ollh> \ ltll ar~ :-;:-j~fJlli! \liss I ~ ..... ; .. 'fl" •) I Kirk lu thP dtv ~dwols wliiJf' Ill \1

' 1 \1111 ' " 'h<> " ''Tlnl' l}r1 i, l\~t'IJa Sl'l'llll~ t•'l('h l"J'ld. ~ I' tr 1 'il'~ 1 r<: •'·~··.- 1 ~,.,... '' nh1· l''t 11•-. 1·c·n111•111l<·o.: in th·_ .\\:1nl·•tr•11

~. 11111 1s. " \lilb1 rn hicl1 ~1 hnol Thr t''\llt'r!l'HC' '! ll1wd c:,,..n~C'n"IO"'t"S 17 I ··... "Q 11 1h1 \\ol'k shnuld •rc1\"1· ot" l!J'l';lf

'1>1•p111 r llllf' \101 il·n \ 1 ... ;.i ':i\ut• lb 111a11r of th1• 1.!l"<trl\l:\lt·s rnni ' ' 1·c 0n11 t• •l 1 •' tlH· " •11 11\p horn» p(·11nomks t•our:-:e ff'l\ow 1111 1

f:dr1' i'\t'll n In ,,,, la~1 •· th .. l"ii•·hin~ prnfpssinn lil'ltini::: r nr nh1\ 'T1, ri,.,,,, llf •\·"' o••l'h with thp ~,~1hotls 11:-;1•11 11

rt nr fl :-N'-!":t\\ n111('-..t 1irs• •h• 1 «il1ng is som1~1l1 ni;: t11r1'·1~1 .. In f1•\• ,,, ~ 1 1h1•1l th, "' l1nn11 I C'hoob h,1\"(' n 1·httn<'P (O i!f•I Thi

"111'•~ w:1~ fo-.:1 frn111 "' 1 t tn fh1- \ "irl" ~1rp e:pttin~ somP rrPdit In ('Ol· ,i...., sophomnn~s b1~int.: thP 1•qnal 11 ~f' f11r th!!' work

The Gallatin Lumber Co. H~a<lt1uarters (or thl"'" iamou~ OWL CR EE K and PEERLESS BEAR CREEK COALS.-Your 1rade wit] he ap1iredn1ed Opposite Court House Phone 20.


Come on and Belong-F .1 11 in line with Tuxedo, and \Ou ~nd "Tu x" will

never I.ill OU[. Join the arm y of s·mokers ot tne Sunn} Smile, who have found the world's top-notch tobacco and ,1re >preading the good news in puffs of pure pl easure.

The original ''Tuxedo Process" turns out the fineJf ji11ir/1{,/ pr~1/11ct in the smoke-11·orld. Tobacco 11 ithout one· 11 .1rti< le o f harshness or bite in it-so rnotlring and mil I .:11 I,· · ""''you nel'er w~nt to stop smoking it, a~d nn ": hc11e tn . lt 's all-day-long e nj oyment with I u'c'~ '.' tro1;1 the first bracing

snrnke 111 the morning to the I.1st re-1 1 111 pipe at night.

r,,11 tr\' it for '1 11·cek- in pipe or 1.:igart.·tt~-t:.rrl\· and ofre11. St.t1..·k ~it up ai;ain"t the best \<'Ill c\·er '"'"!;."I e1n,I ) ou'll fin,! SDl1lt:thlll~ /Hf/(r in rlJXl'dO.


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