baths of diocletian

Baths of DIOCLETIAN Presented by: Lindsey Berman

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Baths of DIOCLETIAN. Presented by: Lindsey Berman. Location. The baths are in the the North-East summit of Viminial , which is the smallest of the S even Hills Located inside Agger in the Sercian Wall - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Baths of DIOCLETIAN

Baths of DIOCLETIANPresented by: Lindsey Berman

Page 2: Baths of DIOCLETIAN

Location• The baths are in the the North-East summit of

Viminial, which is the smallest of the Seven Hills

• Located inside Agger in the Sercian Wall• Larger than 11 hectare, which is equivelant to

27 acres. Largest bath house in Rome, out of the 900

Page 3: Baths of DIOCLETIAN

Origin• Built throughout 298 AD and 306 AD• Built by Maximius in honor of Emperor


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Uses of the baths• Bathed the people in the quarters of Viminal,

Quirinal, and Esquiline• 3000 people could use the bathing complex

at a time• Diocletian consisted of a gymnasia, swimming

pool, libraries, gardens, shopping arcades, art galleries, sports grounds, walking paths, and in the middle was the cold bath, (frigidarium) lukwarm bath, (tepidarium) and hot bath. (calidarium)

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Destruction of the baths

• In 537 AD, Goths invaded and the baths were ruined.

• Parts were incorporated into new buildingsAula Attagona (octagonal hall)Basilica of Santa Maria deligi Angeli e dei

MartiriChurch of San Bernardo alle TermeMuseo Nazionale Romano (National Roman


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