batiomal iiedical associati01f to the b01js.b of dei ... · ties and services in hospitals. the...

RBP<BT OP THE PRESIDEMT-ELECI' OF THE BATIOMAL IIEDICAL ASSOCIATI01f TO THE B01JS.B OF DEI,EGATBS SEVENTIETH ADUAL COHVDTIOH, AUGUST, 1965, CINCIDATI, OHIO llr. Speaker, aeabers of the Bouse of Delegate• of the National Medical Association, and fellow pbyeiciana - greeting•. Your preaident-elect, who ia about to take office as the titular head of the National Medical A ssociation, is highly hon- ored for the opportunity and challenge which faces hia. During the past year be bas been involved in the preparation and devel- opaent of bis proposed program and its formal presentation at the opening inaugural aeaaion which, with the help and cooper- ation of the Truatee Board Chairman, the trustees individually, and the members of the Society, he hopea to carry out with credit and distinction. An accounting of the activities of the office of president- elect during 1961-'65 and recomm.endationa are herewith set forth. I The president-ej ect'& first official act was to assure the presi- dent, by letter, of bis willingness and readiness to assist in carrying out any chore which he should request as far as w as humanly poasible and fea»ible. Chronologically, the president-elect responded to a requeat by appearing as guest lecturer in gastroenterology as a part of a two-man team with Dr. Claude Beck, heart surgeon of Cleveland, Show Ohio, .ii presenting a five-hour "Clinical Road/" before the Indiana Chapter of the American Academy of General Practice at October the Holiday Inn, Muncie, Indiana,~ 28, 1964. On.. 4, 1964, he gave a lecture titled "The Aged Citizen, Geriatric Care, and the Church" at the corner atone

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  • RBP

  • -2

    laying services of a Federal Government supported h0me for the

    aged at Kansas City, Kansas . On the following night he met with

    the NMA Component Society of Kansas City, Mo. and Kansas, and

    discussed common medical problems which are the concern of our

    organization. Oc tober

    On Xcnct!llll-lm 29 , 3ql964, the president-elect visited Cincinnati

    and conferred with the Component Host Society for the 70th annual

    convention and its various Arrangement Committee Chairmen, regard

    ing matters for which he would be primarily responsible during

    the Cincinnati convention, where he would preside as president.

    These discussions concerned primarily the formal opening Tuesday

    morning program and certain problems which had arisen in this re


    On October 11 , 1964, the president-elect met with the

    Detroit Component Society of NKA, arranged by Dr . Lionel Swan

    and Dr . Arthur Boddie. Between cocktails there was a "skull"

    session on the geographic aspect of problems of equal opportuni

    ties and services in hospitals.

    The president-elect attended the interim session of the

    NMA Trustee Board as a participating member at Netherland-Hilton

    Hotel, Cincinnati, February 13-14, 1965. He presented prelimi

    nary plans for the projected program of his administration as

    president. He requested Trustee Board approval of the names of

    four outstanding medical men to receive NM.A awards at the open

    ing formal session in August 1965. These men were Dr. Albert Sabin,

    Dr. Henry N. Harkins, Dr . Charles W. Mayo, Dr. James A. Bailey,

    and Mr. Aaron Henry, pharmacist . The selections of the president

    elect were approved. The remainder of the program for the formal

  • -3opeaias •-1• ••• r.,.i..,N, dtaou••ed, ••• ell4oraecl b7 waaai110U• •ote.

    OD r"a•t of tile Kt•lnippl ..uoal uca suralcal .tuoctatloa, a Coaatltueat 8octet7 of•~• mil, t•• ,nelcteat-elect aa•• no leeturee ta olla1-oal aad research 1utroeaterolOSF cmrlq tlM fOtll auual atate llfttla& at GrNAYill•, w...1u1pp1, 1111. Tb• •-1089 were lle1cl at tbe .&fflOl'J' of tu lliaa1Nipg1 Natloaal Guard, wltb •esro •llieipal policte officer• •enl.. •• .. laoaor parda." It waa tlle flhlt aoa-wblt• poup .,,_. to bold a ....1.. la tb•• qaartera. oa llarcb M, lNI, tbe pr•td•at-el•t ooneeect a sroup of tbut7 .lataaiata, wbo ue •• aad potntlal Jllll ....._., wltb tile Cblcaso Kedloal

    Aaaooiat• aad otlaff Cbtcaso tateratate •••lna •• boat• tor•• of fellonb1p aad cll•oualoa of prol>l- of OOIIIIOD tater..t to

    ib• IIM • ...bffabip recnltant ••• eaplaa•ta4"1. Tbe•• •a••• atteacltaa tbe 1oldea aaa1•era&7 ...,,., ot tbe Collea•

    of fty•1cbu 1a Cllleaco, durtaa whloh. the &W•ldeat-eleet •enect

    u vice &•

    capital plua oootrontat!011. Fortunately, hen• c.lled vpoo to

    treat oely oae caaualty - fiat larulaea to the face ot a

    Korthwc•tern Uatv..ralty pbyatce proteasor. The prntdeat-e1.ot

    ••• plea•ad to aeet on that occaeioo and aerve with ~ur t~Utff

    board aecretarr, Dr. J.L.S. Holloaan of•• York. Otlaer m ll4tllben la 11o1tt1••r1 • tllta ocoaatoa •••Dre.Herbert C&••,

    •• 'fork Cit7, w.B• .Joaee, lld., Queatta 1'ouas, .reaa Sparlook,

    aacl .Jolla lll'aat.oa of Cbic-,o, Da•ld rreacll, D.C., alld otllera. All

    4octora llw• luted av.eel •olaatar11J la lbe aau of tb• lflfA

    aacl tb.e llecllcal can ttt.. tor a1cht• ta cooperattoa w111&

    looal Alaba• doctor• •

    ...... JlaJ 15, •nd Hay u, 196G, th prNldnt-eleet attead.. tbe Jolat ...t1nc b•t..en tb• A1181'tcu aad caucttaa ,..._

    trMtaterolos1•1 ,.....,. 1D l!oatreal canada... opeaed t• 41..


  • owtoa ot a ,-per, rei,ortlq r••rob la "Bllclwopio Gaet•obiOPIIJ

    Gbitffftt1ou" bJ a•• York Vnt•enltJ poup...w... •-1.., tbe prHl4eat.-.1Mt beld eDCOllr'aalac 1.i.,.1 .Pl'i•••• talka with four •ocatlMtra white ,..ttoeateroloalllt• OD a JWOPGNd Pl'otrr•• tor

    eatabll•blng "oor aaloatloae" aorOIIII raoe aacl ,._.-aplllo lla•

    at• oa•oa proi...1oaa1 lffel OD bUMD rllllte la 1141d1o1M.

    Jlurlaa tbe rear the pr•tdut-elect WOl'Jled •ff7 bard aad

    ol01Jely witb tile Ctiail'llaa of Ille COUaoll Oil 1141d1oa1 Bdu0at1oa

    alld ._pitala• Dr." L. Barri• lleft'J"o:f Cbicaco, ia uteAdl.. re

    oruJ.t•at 1Ja 1Nd1ca1 oaNeH CUl!f!8wblob bad MIU dur1.. tbe Prfftou• 7•r. Be waa ateo aot1•• 111 tbe ar• of recrutt

    -t ot HW ...._.. lor tu l'JIA. Other ••t111C8 atteaded 111 order to keep ••••t of c•aeral

    ae41cal "breNtea Dftll" to aid la hi• upo•1DS adlllllillt•atloa •••

    the AIIA'a flat •••1 Coasr•• oa lledtaal Jlducattoa la Cbtcaao F•brUarJ' e, 1NI, au a one-da7 •ialt to tbe auaal AIU. coav•.. tloa la•• York C1'7, JU11e lNI.

    In ti.. of u.pia, up tbe 1ad1•1dua1 prof-toeal

    taas• of th• Pl'•icteat-eleot 111 a41dlclae aad cOIIIIUDity attain, be coattaued to aer.e u ehall'IMlD ot tile H•altb CC1altt.. of tile

    Mayor•• Coewt.utoa on Buaaa aetat1ou ta Cblcaco alld ...._. 01

    tile Pro1...1w1 Orlotatloa Ca 11 1t.ttff Of tbe Cbicaao llectloal

    Soo1et1, eo.»oaeaat Dalt of AKA. "~of•••1oaal :l•a•"

    • .. . ' • • fl •FtaallJ• ta tile uea 01 • • ~ •• ', ',' for the IOIA, your

    p,•ldeat-eleet aeat to prea aa article OD "hrtber -•leao•

    wltb the &err, Ga•trOblGPIQ' lcop4a" ao4 aubllittecl a requ..t•d

    artlol• iitled "Yinl Gaetroeat•ritl•" .. a ooetribut1111 autbor

    to a ..., book publuhe4 1>J tbe • .a. laulldel'a Co. , tltlef'Cuneat

  • -D

    D1a_t•• " Aleo, Ile putlolpated la a a,.,_1u Oil "Up,- G.I•

    .__,..•••" •ltb. a ll'CNP .i Mtloaally -- petrCMatwol..late for

    tile "lle4lleal TrltMaae."

    •.. .. , I ' p The pr•ld•at-ele.:t p,reaeata the tollowiaa recOllll4tndatiou

    for a4opt1oa aad to bacOM ettectt•• at tb• boclmuna ot bill act

    tatat.atrattOD •• pr..idnt. Thlt tint P'ObP wtll coaoua aatte111

    Wbi.cb aay pro,-rl.J' r-autr• aou.. of Del•cat••' actioa, 'bllt eadorae-t b1' tile 8oard of Truat... t• requ..ted.

    1) l'llBID>m'S AllYI8Clt1' COllll'ITU QI urGULATIQI

    It 18 r•cOM.eladed tllat tben N cNate.S a utloml coaattt.••

    to" kaowa •• tbe 'Pr••ideat•a AdYlaory C011111tt.. oa IM•l9latloa.

    Appo1ataoata aro to be b7 tbe pr•1deat. It abou14 1>e a

    coaa1tte. oft~• 1Dd1v1dual• wttb tllre.e-year t... atauered

    ao ~bat oa. appoint-at u aad• each 7nr at boataaiq of the pr•J.dential tar.. Tbie CCllllllttff WGCtld ..,..... • re..noir

    of curr•t latonaatioo on 1a.,e0d.1aa leatolatioa affeettna 11MN11eal

    .Pr"•otl:c., aedloal ecluca:ttoa. end b_..o rigbta in aed.1c1a•. Tb•

    •daia1strattwe•t•l"J', the leaal counael, tbe public r•latiou

    repreaentetl•• would •hue tb• r••po-ibility wttb otber eourcN

    ta routlDS la10l'!Yt1oa to tile coaa1tt•• oa current lll0d1cal lqia

    lation, coaalttee Mariap, title aad awabe.r Of le11.alatlv• bllla,

    •tc. C...tttff Mabel'• would ao11c1, iatOl'll&tiOll fr• aeutora.

    b••• ..llben, oaaalttee cbairaaa. etc., aDd k••.P the pnatdeat

    Of tM aNoclatloa ad•iaect at all ,1... ao tut be at111t act appro

    ,rlatelJ aDd coaat1tutioaa11~. The preaidaat_.leot •hall be aa

    otflcio -bei- of t~ia cGlllli,t•, alo.. witb cllalraaa of trGat••

    board aacl ai-ue ot b.ouae. lo otbw offtar or iad1Yldut alaall •••WM

  • -8

    tbe prerogatlye of aotl.. o1t1o1ally or UJ10tf101a117 for th•

    au-,1atiOJ1 la alldl..o• with CODP"-loul cOllllltwee, lobbJ'•

    teta, tlMt utioa'• Preet.deat, b1a oablMI ....,.... , or ad•la••

    • ottMtn cooaectod with natloaal lest.ttlatloa, sew•-•• policy,for thta purpoee

    eto., • la oa111118 national ...t1DS-.'Ucept tbrc,usb tbe office

    ot ,reatctqt aDCI bill acs.1._,. coaitt••• I) LIIIITDO OITICS IIOLDllfO 81' OD COll8TITUIIT 80CIB'IT

    ca on DDIVIDUAL It 1a reao•tacled tllt.t thltl body •tabltllb •• a •tt• ot

    fut•• Polle,~ tbe upaSS.\lOD, atataa at peat•r rans• of

    coMtltuat eocietJ l"•pr....tatl• ad fU'~lol,atl•., •1aat ••Pt

    where there ua prOl'ea laoll: ot •• ayallabl• qua11f1ed peraoo eleewbel"e aot ..,. tba two Mlll>en ot the u.a CODlltltu•t -.oolety

    ur OOllCUITeatly b.Old •• offto• ta the utlODal ...ociat1on or

    oba1naaabip of OM of lte couDGlla or aatlonal C011111•1oaa or

    oOlllalti... Bo1d1ns ot two otflc•• ooacul'l'•atlr by aa ind1•1dual ov.rtl7 or COV"er~Jl' aball be 1lf~&'&l.


    In order to ••old dupllcatlon o• effort a•d CloUbl• upeue, lt 1a rec-..Qded tbat the atructure uttli&M bJ the recruit

    aent couJSCll duriq lte one year of exlatence be •tntalned; tbe PHae•tlJ' appolat•d ,-•oanel of both couaotl• ~ coa

    timtff. 81GC• th coutituttoaallJ eatabllehed Council OD

    lledleal Education and Boepitala cleal"lJ' baa the tuacttoa by

    p,ec.Sent a11d otherwS.H of recrui t • acJ other educatioaal

    alld hmpital JrOblea activltl.. and flextbllltJ, th• COW1Cll•

    ahould be cOllbtraed: and tbe •• of tbe co.billed ceunctl• aball

    be Coaacil oa lledlcal Bduoatioa ead. R•pltala. The proJected

    pro,ra• tor recruitaent •• eun-entlJ proJect•d oaa :r..a1a U.e

  • .... witb tbe aau ebatnaan, if ......1.ctect by tile eouactl,.


    It 1• ree0111Nndcd thnt tu~• bo oatablt•h•d a eo.te•toa oa ••o a11bta ta •odtclae. conat•tlag ot five ... wtth atenered

    tenua ao tbat OM ao ....,.~ la uaed each 1•ar. Tho auttaoi-lty

    zw ••tablisbaeat aad •• of tb• coaai•aioa a.ball ~id• la t11• Boaae ot Del•s•t••· The ,ar,oee of th• eCM!llli..loa aball M to ••tabliab lulttoa between tts. ID and c1vi1-r1sbta aad

    hwaaa-r11bta •••aJ.aatlou, wbether they be aoa ••dlo•l, •odical,

    or paralledtcal, in glviua DA suppc,rt ~r •dloal eaerceneie• tn

    the cl•il•rlgbta atrunt• aad la the l•pl...otattoa of civtl•riabta

    1•••• for greater equ lity aaoq all A•ricaaa ill tbe d1atr1but1oll

    of uu~gr•ge ted quality aod1~al care. 1 iaeactal contrt butloaw

    by the Asaoci nt 10J:l to aaapaig-• tn eouthf>rn •tatea and elsewhere

    ahould bu cleared t hrough thta cooti nu1q CGIUliUton. TM eOIUlia•

    aion ahttll promote t he J ust iflplettont Jt t ioii ot "' d1caro." Tho

    ,restchHtt, epeakor, f4Dd truatee bo rd chaina11 ailall bo ex-oft1•io

    members. I}>

    5 ) J>JSTtbt&BED BmVICE >WAnD .

    I t i ~0111mended t hat t he d i t in uiah(td a ervl .co award

    I ~

    0 ,.11 contiauo to be given. to ou t• Jldiq edical ac1ent1ate for I

    tbelr c/atributioa to aecltcloe 1tael!, wbo u-e ...._,. 01 th•

    Aaoolatloa, and that tbe Couacll on D1atlJlluieb•d S.Z.Y1c• Anrda

    ••t up• ..coad •••»'d wltll appropru-. but d1ffereat aa• to be giYen amw.a11y or pnolOdlcallr for outatall41ag ae.rvtc• to tb.4t

    Watloaal tledloal A..ociatloa, ~-l~dtas lo,altF la att•auace, etc.

    aad tbat atiaite alterla be ..t UJ) w1tb tb• ala of elilllaatiq

    poltttcal OOM1derat1ou ••faro• posai ble.


  • l

    The ooaeept of prett1deat-elect hae el••1• bad a ntiou.le

    ia orsaalsattoaa which ha•o auob aa office. l dollbt tllat ta tbe

    •at1-..1 lle4lca1 A••octatioa it 1'Ml eYer •ant to bo • ..-.1, a

    drape with wlilcb to cover a 4octor whil• be •tool •ot1oa1... aacl

    •1• for oae 7eal." ta tbe ahactow of t!Mt ttr..1deaoy. The

    e01111titutloa• th

  • --1

    attaiatatratt•• •.aetarr. liJldue aa.d oaa-.tborla.«l pr...ur•• upoa hla office tor ,-rforaanco of t:uaka aa~ apectal fa••• •hould IMt

    •• kaowD to tbe total Tnsatoe Doard 1n h1a oftlela1 re~t.

    beret•• of coatllct11li autbQrity cagataa .., of th•

    adaiatetratl:n •eoretary ahoUld lMt aYOl.cled b7 clearly dettntea

    the prero,at1vea ot each office by tb.a elul1rlllllll of tbo Ju41eial

    Couacil,wbed a•c....r1.

    10) ltlDICAR.I

    It la recOIIIIIODded that it 'be tu otltcial poller ot the

    JIIIA to elippc,rt lederal legJalatiOll kAOWD •• ••Jle41caNt.. to ••

    tend sedical end boaptta.1 caro to the Acod and work with ua

    rettitt i n« vigor !or it Just iaplo.:1ontation. lt ts at tho

    local level tbat w-e must protect tbQ r1tbte of patient• and

    pbyslclone. eapecially io the south. Cobtlnued ~bJ•ctlou to

    11.D. participation 111 $OC1al accurt t)· u the oalJ reaaini,ag

    aoa-purttciptttng o~~P tioul group ia .irroaaat, alld doe•

    11.0t rapreaent the aaJo~l ty opieiioD of tbe ID aeaberabtp or •

    l&ra• ••CM•t of tb• total prot..atoa.


    Tbo Auociat1oa deplorff the operation or atte119ted

    o:,e-nt1011 of polltioal cU.cauea, ••eatallliabMQta, •• "trueal••, • ••d aubroea "uiaf• aov...ata, •tt..pt1na to cootTol tll• wc•

    ataatloul policies aad act1Y1tte•. Th• Sootet, ab«1.14 reaala

    free aDd for tbe beaeflt and partlclpattoa of all ••ber•

    purel1 on the ba•l• of aer1t, character, aad broad repr..eatatioa.

    12) RECRUITUIIT AD (IUDTA'l'IOJI 0, an M.'lllllEB.8 The lOOS-YitJ ol any oraanl&a.tloa le ctepeect•at uproa aow


  • lllftlbenbtpa. la tb•• tt... of rapid eooiel-at•uc:ttare cballC•

    •ad lller•••tac opJ1101"tun1.t1ea for youaaar S.aro dcw:ton. tile DA 9Wlt aotlYely C-Ollpete witb other geacral Mdleal eoct•tl..

    tor their •llberablps. Thie eun bocone " euddn and preot.pi•

    tou• prObl••· lheaa non-whit• doc._• are tighttn tor ••bor• abtpe eQd partloipation in nedoelnaatly white oraaaimatiou, ta. RU auat aot b•• a de1aoto ..,reaatoct 1- if &t ta to contllltte

    •• aa ettectlve IP"OWiD& orpnu:atloa. I therefore recGlllleDd tllat

    tbe.,. COQneil OD llelllbenbip BoCJ"Uttaeat broaden aDd acc•t•r•t•

    1ta Jroera• to iaclude orieatattoa alld aotieitattoa of htsb

    calibre •eDberahipe, 11ot only Jfe~oee but ncroea race lines.

    13) D.l'OllCFJIE!ff Alff) FOJJ4f...THltotJOB OM APPI\OYBI)

    RBCOJ8llmDJ\T10lfS AIU> RESOLtlr!

  • -11

    It le hoped that all cGllllltteoa rec:01111eoded 8Jld agprovod

    will be .....s •:rly enousb 111 this 0011veat1oa .. that tu, ••7 aeet aad tlloir prq:rau.


    tfne i11CG11iD1 J)rNJ.dent i• de-eplr COlllltted and ball tir•ateet

    conoera of all for cont1Dt.le-d •utvtq oa tbe P••t of tile •.a-ra o~ tho ..•ocia\loa tor ~oar... la tbe qualtty of 11• aeteatitio

    propau aa4 •xh1b1ua, ao tbat our••t •• • ~hat of proaottoa

    of prof...icmal gro1rth ao •• to d•ltver tDe fi~o•t ca.11bre of

    patient caro - Will cout1D11e to bo achioved.

    Jtnally, tbo ,oroaid,ent-eloct w1aht.ts to thank sincEu,•oly all

    of th• otflcera and. maabe~• Qf the •atiOJ'.Utl Uvdlcal uaootntion

    •bo huvo eooi,e•ated with bia fiurilla tbo year, a1Hl he lo