bay city man completes ultra marathon in memory of mother

Bay City man completes ultra marathon in memory of mother Wednesday, September 25, 2013, 12:30 pm By Jon Becker for the Daily News Photo provided Michael Spencer is show w ith his mother, Judy. He did it. After months of training, soul-searching and fundraising, a local endurance athlete made good on a promise he made to honor the memory of his late mother by recently completing an ultra marathon in Manistee. Michael Spencer, 36, of Bay City, completed the 50-mile trail run in 12 hours, 29 minutes and 15 seconds. The course did not have mile markers, perhaps by design because, as Spencer noted after the event, “That would mess with your mind. You just have to keep running. I couldn’t allow myself to think of running 50 miles. That would consume me too much mentally.” Prior to his mother’s (Judy Spencer) passing, her youngest child promised he’d do something special, really put himself out there, to make sure she would never be forgotten. Spencer had already completed nine marathons and was driven to find a new way to express his admiration for a woman whose courage continues to inspire him to strive for new heights. “The ultra run was my opportunity to tell my Mom’s courageous story,” Spencer said. That story included raising three boys and a daughter on her own, overcoming an abusive relationship, and fighting to the end, a battle that ended when she succumbed to ovarian cancer in November of 2011.

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Page 1: Bay city man completes ultra marathon in memory of mother

Bay City man completes ultra marathon in

memory of mother Wednesday, September 25, 2013, 12:30 pm

By Jon Becker for the Daily News

Photo provided

Michael Spencer is show w ith his mother, Judy.

He did it. After months of training, soul-searching and fundraising, a local endurance

athlete made good on a promise he made to honor the memory of his late mother by

recently completing an ultra marathon in Manistee.

Michael Spencer, 36, of Bay City, completed the 50-mile trail run in 12 hours, 29

minutes and 15 seconds. The course did not have mile markers, perhaps by design

because, as Spencer noted after the event, “That would mess with your mind. You just

have to keep running. I couldn’t allow myself to think of running 50 miles. That would

consume me too much mentally.”

Prior to his mother’s (Judy Spencer) passing, her youngest child promised he’d do

something special, really put himself out there, to make sure she would never be

forgotten. Spencer had already completed nine marathons and was driven to find a new

way to express his admiration for a woman whose courage continues to inspire him to

strive for new heights.

“The ultra run was my opportunity to tell my Mom’s courageous story,” Spencer said.

That story included raising three boys and a daughter on her own, overcoming an

abusive relationship, and fighting to the end, a battle that ended when she succumbed to

ovarian cancer in November of 2011.

Page 2: Bay city man completes ultra marathon in memory of mother

“She had a tough life,” Spencer said. “I knew this 50-mile run would be challenging, but

I felt it was nothing in comparison to the battles she faced.”

Having finished each of the nine marathons he entered gave Spencer confidence he

would, again, finish what he started when he embarked on the ultra journey . He had a

well-planned hydration and body-fueling food plan to sustain him physically throughout

the grueling run. A team of friends and supporters from the 14-mile mark on gave him

the emotional boost that he said was critical to his success.

“I focused on my eating and drinking regimen, which consisted of Pringles and Gatorade

every 12 to 15 minutes,” Spencer said. “When my support team showed up, they were

there every 3 to 4 miles to provide me with motivation, laughter and bagels. I would

have done it without them, but they sure made it a lot easier.”

Spencer, an Auburn Jaycee, partnered with that organization, as well as the Bay Area

Women’s Center and the Bay County Humane Society to help him promote his ultra

effort. Team Spencer raised about $2,500 in charitable contributions from the race,

money that will go toward domestic violence victims who can’t afford to board their

pets. Jeannie Nichols, president of the Bay County Humane Society, marveled at

Spencer’s tenacity—and heart.

“Michael is an inspiration,” she said. “What an amazing feat. His mother raised an

incredible son and we’re so grateful to be the beneficiary of him and his team’s efforts.”

No matter how well-conditioned and experienced a runner you are, a 50-mile jaunt will

present challenges, to one degree or another. Marathoners call it hitting the wall.

Spencer’s moment came at the 25-mile mark when “old running injuries surfaced.” He

was prepared mentally to deal with it.

“I knew it was part of the journey,” he said. “I focused on one step at a time, one song at

a time… By the time I came to the last mile, I allowed myself the opportunity to take in

what I was about to accomplish. Tears welled up inside of me as I knew my Mom would

be proud of her baby boy.”

After all the planning, all the running, all the knocking on doors to solicit charitable

contributions for the cause, when Spencer finally saw the finish line, despite being on

his feet for just shy of 12 and a half hours, “I sprinted and raised my hands in the air

giving thanks to God for protecting me through the journey.”

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It proved to be a life-altering experience.

“They say when you complete a 50-mile ultra marathon you become a new person,”

Spencer said. “This is true to the core because I know I can accomplish great things if

I’m willing to dedicate myself to it.”

Team Spencer had ended their fundraising just prior to the event, but he said they

decided to extend the deadline for another week or so.

“I thought we might be able to get a few more donations once people knew that I

actually completed the event,” Spencer said.

Misty Heller, a Northwood University student and mother of four, co-chaired Team

Spencer’s fundraising campaign, an effort they dubbed “Going the Ultra Distance for

Mom.” She agreed to assume the role because of the professional development challenge

it presented. What she got was much more than a resume-builder.

“As Michael and I began soliciting potential donors and as I listened to Michael’s

retelling of his Mom’s story, his passion, dedication and persev erance became incredibly

apparent,” Heller said. “I was in awe of Michael’s drive and ability to conquer such an

unimaginable feat. He showed us what heart, selflessness and dedication to a cause can


Heller, who made the trip to Manistee to root Spencer on, became a bit emotional when

she saw him do what many would deem unthinkable: complete a 50-mile run.

“As I watched him cross that finish line, I couldn’t help but feel immense pride

accompanied by a few tears of joy for the great feat he had just accomplished on so many

levels potentially affecting so many lives.”

Heller has a clear answer for those who wonder what type of individual even imagines

running a 50-mile race.

“Fifty Miles. Who does that? People who believe in themselves and people with great

passion, that’s who. That’s Michael.”

Spencer’s accomplishment extends far beyond the event’s finish line.

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“We’ve raised over $2,500 to date, funds that will give domestic violence victims

perhaps a small piece of mind knowing their beloved pets can be cared for during the

families’ difficult time,” Heller said.

If you’re interested in making a donation, phone Spencer at (989) 233-9685.