bayport briefs mrs. vanderbilt's children attack...

1 / r i r i d i i f P 1 I < ¦ I , . t J r f ' 1 I . J 1 I t ! J i - . r r ur- "" » ' J P i P * < ¦ i i K i i ' t i»- ,j , - -J-. t , fi O , n to t , < fl« <" ' f r' i a ( I ! r IJ i I ^ _ , 0 I J o i ' i n , j i o 1 3ir J . <" < r ( r i ) < I T , ' ., o f . x I f 'Cl . f ( * - r . 1 r i ' | < i. i i 11 | C 1 Oc > / m ; a v i ; it J i i ' . j i o ) J I' ( ; > ; i o H < ; > \ ; x. ! KI i i P i I , Amaiini in f.jiypor ' - Novesnbev 1 '!' ;:; - r-i: Ulilci'lg i'lL . ' - . <: ' :€h with <) !" .< - - i ¦ l' .ir:(ii. - . 'd ! vv ' ;¦/. ¦! : ' :*r,;itlig' _ on * . - ¦!; . ' * . ¦ ,*'¦:, ' . side ci - uyciiim Uu i :*, Eaypo .:, ' v. ih b' * : . -id ' . ' .: cUiV!K. .l KiiMirdli . V , ><.' )- ' ¦ ( . mi. 'i .r S: ' .. if; 2 p. m. : .:i tin- premise;; [ ' ; by Ao - 'icntei ;, , fcid'xr A. viii«r . ) and : ' . ' . - ;:::;• in B .Si: . -i : , ci Paichog-i' . - . Suy- . dam l.ane i*. c. - .e; ci the lines- rcuciei:- \ tin; v"*c: , i'-n:; he- . . ' r ' -n, i' .\, a r.d many of s ' 'rr. ' : horn-:; ui. oocu' jied by ail year res- \ \ •'*!' -!)!' . A ni. -n. !'/.r of l . ' ne i -cienlists i ¦ f/. ' .m the B. Sh ' aj ml Lah- * ; : !.:ai';:- y at Union re-vide on suydam I; ' . __. -. n*.. includhi" Dr. Phil;:) Morse. An X aiv'-i i i-s-cuient. i;-;Kcribina tho lois ap- \ ; i*(-ai' i. el.;cv.-hv - i'iv in this KM :! ' . J LAKE RONKONK OMA BAYPORT BRIEFS 1 i fj ) . Glub will again sponsor ; ( ii H IV ffe 'en party for tbe h io r< -di r ri-agfcrs oi the village. ' - r i flu , j ot held at tr.;- Bayport . < ¦ io . , oi F OJ evening, October ; fh < _ <- . 'I oner, at 6:45 and the , m 'h i 1 begin at 7; 15. Triers ' . i j CO "1 i- movie for the little ' . i cirri i = later for ths others. ; HO iif ! who is general chair- ; r i* pr )t i . has announced the ; oli < h men who v. -iil fc* as- ) _ i club members on the i r c < u mi n-es: Announce:*, the F<* r . t ) Bennett; prizes , Mrs. ; r i ,,„ r 'ind march. Mrs . Ben- : ' i i iiri'i s. Everett J. Trochel- ; iii I pt !• B. Dunkerley: decora- : on*. I I_ J rrochelman; fire and j , i er p J ' c oi "P. A. Dixon : motion ! r I s Di :on. There will be- a ! r i i i tents admission to cover r-1 0)1/ nd light refreshments 1 ori - cost in the cafeteria. Ofo , r V Kuper entertained ten I u oi t ji day afternoon at the j I rri' o i icicnv-i , Mr. and Mrs. J. \ P H r Kur~ -\ of Gillette Avenire , ! t ui.itt-1 tii his seventh birthday. \ I ir t i oi cn -rjoyed a treasure hunt , i f 'n l\Zl o ten games and con- f (l i ch delicious : :-irc*sh- n , J < f r fa. Miss Marina Von v < - in- 1 JI l ie week end here from \Ii I nt . -c ool at Princeton , N . J. j j p i i brother on his binh- c_ 1 f < " , i „couts and Brownies and tr ' ifa' tis } il attend the 11 o ' clock f i _e on Sunday in the Bayport \U odi Chui cn. In the -evening at i 4- r inn mg and qu-cstion box 1 bf < tu-i d as well as a movie ) if iu , t ie . Outcast , '* a picture oi ndi i l"is will be sponsored by m soil group of the W.S.C.S. i c i OJ ! i tendance is desired. Jo ' r.n Hollins ' Sr., chief of live Say- port Fire Department , has received notice to refuse all requests for per- m it* .; to burn leaves or any olher trash. As Ions as tiie present drought con- tinues , the police are authorized to is. -iue summonses to anyone building a fire of anv kind. On Friday. October 31st. at one o ' clock , a Hallowe ' en party for chil- dren of kindergarten through sixth "radc will i.e ' zield in the school. There will be prizes for costumes. All pre- school children are also invited , as well as the parent' . * of those attending. The Missc- .s Delia and Elizabeth Rogerson are spending vacations of three weeks irom their work wit h the Long Island Lighting Company with tlieir broth . r an-J ' sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rogerson , in Miami , Fla. The Bayport Fire Department was eal' ied out on Tuesday morning to ' put out a grass li re which was threatening •the barn of Wilford Still. Ihe depart- ment put out thc fi re before it did more than scorch the barn. Mrs. C. 0. Erickson , who is making her home here with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. aiid Mrs. Larry Erickson , has been coiifiirod to her bed by illness for the past several weeks. Tn correction of an item carried ln the News lust week , Mr. and Mrs . Wil - bei* Prall bought the liouse On lower Snedecor Avenue from Mrs, Frail's aunt , Mrs. Echvard H. Rogers. Th, ** Bayport. Hi^h School sophomore clnss will hold a "H arvest Moon " d ance ' this evening, Faculty advisors are Miss Hasina ciotruzzolo and Joh n Foley, Mr . and Mrs. Alfred Mechow have i moved into the new house built by I John Watson ivt the corner of North Ocean Avenue and Polger Street. ; ' James Shand came home from Syra- | disc University to spend list week end j with his parcnls , Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ; Shund. ' ¦ - 1 George D. Dill is home on vacation from liis work ' in the Union Savings hank of Patchogue, V , Mr. and Mrs, Leo Muller , of B*ell- more , spent Sundny Willi Mr. and Mrs. TO. B. Dunkerley. Mrs , Jessie,.Dudley, of Woodbridge , Conn , Is vi.slt.iivi! Mr. and Mrs. George hn. -ver. There will be a soccer Kiniie here to- day with the T.slip teum, f Mrs. Irving C. Mahz. of Brooklyn nd Bayport , who is pr-:** .rr; of the /omen ' s Council o. the National As- ' jclation of Real - Estate Boards , and 'ho is - known profe- .sionahy as Lillian I. Moebus , will leave ear:;. * in Novem- er to attend the 40th national con- dition of the association wilier) will fleet ih San Francisco, opening No- ember 8th. Miss Moebus has h_ *sn -resident for the Za. t two years and ias traveled ovur 50,000 miles through- lut the nation, in. the work of her ifSce. She will he the only wman n-amber of a panel at one of th-e gen - ¦ral sessions of five convention. Her opic will be "Back to Selling. " She vill also attend as a voting delegate rorn Greater Netv York the Xs.tional 3hi Scout Council which will meet at -ong Beach , Calif. Mi:- .:- Moe ' ous is spending this weei ana pari of ire:-:t in Cincinnati , O., Louisville. Ky. and West 3 alm Beach , Fla., attending meetings v. the Real Estate Bca-d Associations - jf those states and speaking at vari- -jus sessions of each. Last _ Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs . Ernest Stoll accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Gillette attended the installation and . dinner of the Ladies ' Auxiliary of the Southera N-iw York Volunteer Firemen ' s Association. The affair was held at the Hotel Franklin in Jamaica. Mrs. Stoll was installed as first vice-president of the auxiliary. On Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Stoll and Mr. and Mrs, Alex Schultz, of Sayville , were guests at the 50th anniversary dinner of the vVoodhaven Exempt Firemen ' s Asso - ciation which was held at the Hotel N*ew Yorker , in Manhattan. Mr. and Mrs. h. O. Bernhard and tteir son , Richard , spent the \reec end in Gllboa , N. Y. visiting Mrs. Bern- hard' s brother-in-law and sister , Mr. and .. Mrs. Raymond Brandon . Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Trochelman, Miss Althea Trochelman and Miss Janet Egner attended a performance of "Oklahoma " in Kciv York last Friday in celebration of Ak' nea ' s birth-day. The Bayport school was closed on Wednesday for the meeting of the teachers of the Second Supervisory District, and the Patchogue school in Patchogue. Mrs. Leslie Davis is recovering as well as can be expected in the South- side Hospital from an appendectomy performed last Thursday. Bayport firemen were summoned at 9:30 o' clock last night to subdue a grass fire near the Long Island Rail Road depot. Miss Ida M. Frieman was hostess to her bridge club on Wednesday after- noon. Mrs. H. Garton Lewis entertained her club on Tuesday evening. S. S. Community Chorus Plans December Concert The South Shore Community Chorus- has begun work on numbers for the December concert ,. 'first of the- 1947- 1948 season.. A medley ot old English carols and the familiar French "Angels Who Art- Heard on High" are among those be- ing rehearsed . Tire music committee will . make final selection of the rest of the program urthin lhe next two wee ks. Evidence of widespread interest in the chorus is shown by the affiliation of Miss Jeiuinette Raynor , of West- hampton. Membership In* the chorus is still open. Those interested are urue d. " to attend rehearsals at ' Pa't - chogue High Scliool on Wednesdays at 8:30 p. m. Miss Anne Dickerson is again ac- companist for the chorus. Williani Jiraiiek heft 86,000 The late William , Jirnnck of . Siijivlllc , who died on August 28th, left an -estate valued itt SG. U00 , all in personal prop- erty, it was revealed in Surrogate ' s Court. '¦ Application for letters of ad- ministration were filed ' by Mrs ' . Bar- bara jiraiiek , his widow. In normal time* India lends the ,voi*lcl in tlie production of cane sugar , producing three times as much as her learost comnctlior. Cuba. Mrs. Vanderbilt ' s Children Attack Will ; The sin and daughter of the late M:: .. William K. Vanderbilt. of Center- port appealed for a construction of til.:-::* mother ' s will or. Monday in Stirro- ; gate ' s Court, Riverhead , on grounds that its zording is ••ir._a_iing:ess" an d j that the will Ls thus invalid. In arguments before Surrogate Rich - ; ' ard W. Hawkins , Barclay H. War- burton 3d. of Pride ' s Grassing, Mass.. avid Mrs. William C. T. Gaynor , of Southampton, who are children of Mrs. Vanderbilt ' s first marriage, w-ere represented by Sol A. Rosenblatt , at- torney, of 630 Fifth Avenue . Mew York. If the will is invalidated , the childre n ; will inherit the estate as Mrs. Vandvr- , Lilt ' s heirs. Gasscr . Hayes ar.d Davidson, of 20 , Pine Street, Manhattan, attorneys for tire Guaranty Trust Company of New York , executors and trustees of Mrs. Vanderbilt ' s estate, argued that Article , IV . the section in c . uestion , which deals with disposition of the residuary es- tate , clearl y states that Mrs. Gaynor . j ' and Mr. Warburton are each to re- celve ^ half of the " i ncome from tire es- i. tale " for life: that the legatees ' cMl- I droit are to inheri t half the principal j upon their parents' death , and that , I i in tire event slther legatee dies wiih- j | out issue, the principal is to revert to the other legatee. I Since Mrs. Gaynor , the former Rose- : i mary Warburton , ha s a 'ftve-month- | old son , he ' was ' , represented in the | action by a special guardian appoint ed by the court , Max Hollander , of Hunt- | jr.gton Station: The Surrogate reserved his decision and hoth sides will ' submit briefs with- ; in two weeks. Mrs . Vanderbilt Those first Husband was Barclay H. Warburton Jr., of j Philadelphia; died Augus t 28th. When her will was Sled for probate on c_sp- i Sth, only the formal estimate I of more than $10,000 was made of the ; value of the estate. However , her hns- ! band , , ' tire former president of the Mew i York Central , who died in 1944 , left ' her property ' at Miami Beach , Little j - N-eck. Queens, and at 651 Park Ave- j- nue , New York , as well as a life inter- \ est in his residuary estate. Mr. . Van- | derbilt' s -estate was appraised before I . Don't Forget the . Crippled Children , --^j (See Pa«e One) * " ' . I ' " . ' . ' .. - ¦ ¦ ' ¦ - ¦ i ' and estate ta.tss. at a. net valua of 532 ,630,000. Mrs. Gayncr and Mr. Warburton are also rf. -iciuary heirs under thsir .step- father s will , of which tht- Guaranty Trust Company is also executor and trustee. In a separate action , they are . -e.vking to have the Guaranty Trust tt moved as extcutors of their mother ' ., wil l , because, they assert , a conflict of inteissts exists. No decision has ct-tn made in this action. it is not wise to scak clothes in hot wener and leave tlvsm in it until the water is cold , as cloth fiber expands ::i warm water and contracts in cold I wate:- and will in this way hold the dirt. Make a suds of cold water it you wan: to soak thc-:r. for a length oi time. Joh n H" T'i r >¦» i . ncc-r and h< c I I I Const 'Ut i ( l' j 1 Stref - N* i ' Karl- 1 ts -> t r ' terian \Uo r f i I-eBrun v i - - i art- n i i Magowr I n Frentn n< ' r Kant UK -. M < * * Jdhji H. I-' n-ii ' - 'h Succumbs Adore Her , S ' ^/k g l . . mm Mer „.. W fMt 'W ^ ^A 1 " ' wSm %)%A A 3%. ^^ < 't *wr \ " : Symbolize these bug htest of all moments ' |i|WfsV with the brig htest all tokens . ... a <s£- ^* ^ 4 diamond ring from our extensive and oxi ting selection. Manv styles aliS&^j&' *?{ '% i i l ' ^d^J eaW * , ' moderately priced. «©» «^' ;. and up ^W f ' /^^^^P^m Sma11 deposit will hold gift purchase until Xmas . IHr . COOK JEWELER S ^ %^^^^ 2 1VEST >!- •">> ' ST - PATCHOGUE 1204 REPAIR WORK DONE ON THE PREMISES Si BBg^^ ^ J^^S^ S ^^^ C ^XN ^^^^ S IO ^^^S ! 7- ¦' IIIIMIIIII - l. inn - II , _crTmt__»-»__* !-mcT,_ITW7j .B ?S ! !. ' ' . ¦ ' ¦ .': '' . i ! Ladies and Gentlemen- . , i ' ¦ ¦ ' ' '' . ' . : ' . . , i I - " ' ! | "We have been in business for 18 years in one and the same spot , | and we intend to remain in the same spot, liemember when a few : \ weeks ago I ivrclc about breaking prices? Itaiiio station WOll helped S mc a great deal in thi _ matter. Well , 1 have succeeded lo some extent I 1 t ; and I am going to show yoii . I don 't want to know about the other | fellow's, prices of meat. I am interested only in tlie welfare of the j people of 'SulTolk C' DUiitv. g. ENGEL j- .,. ¦ . ¦ . . :., . _ . AS MUCH AS YOU WANT SHUCK AAQ c I POT ROA ST . . lb. : : j: TOP SIRLOIN C ' Q- C ROAST .... J J lb. ; GENUINE SPRING LOIN gr c LAMB CHOPS . . .. P3 A. PLATE and NAVEL , CORNED 97' c- BEEF . ..V . ... £- hh. " ———. ___ i SMOKED ky ^ V TONG UES . . . 45 J. FRESH . LOINS of CQc ! PORK .... - . 0«J «|. I fflBffi ffi^ Hr^ ( ,. ? »* . « * » » ¦? •* t ' , *5» a .F *l* * * I . - I! t Bid Vour %\ ; ; : Household Expenses x •{• Set ' Ahead of i i ».., «, j ;!; .). i •{• Enjoy good credit by ; j; ; •j; . SA •j; paying all your bills ' , _ ' . % ' . •j* with cash we'll give ' t* 1 x y.\ -l- you in a ;!; !| I I "Small loan " | i * i i i .> Pay us back in month- 4 if- , . i .{• ly installments at a •!« | t I "Low Interesi Rate " j| X ,ji - x §! ; I South Side Bank 11 f of BAY SHORE , N. Y. f j f -. A - - ¦ ¦¦ $ JE. Main St., Bay Shore Av.jg " I :|: Opp. the Post Office |- ! v ¦ ¦ TA Y Mcmlicr Fcileral Kcscrve Deposit X i X ¦ ' ' X i , i , Insui'itncd Coi'poi'ittioii ..J, | ' k ' ;,. i' I . •'!" , M" ' ,*!,,!"!,»!",J"!«»j ";«!«t«ij«»j»;«»;<«j»«;«;»»;«j«5"i rj . s™-• r ( "" ,. ¦ """ ' , ""*"" ' V. ' , . , : '¦/. ' ¦; * "^~~ ""—-"""" ' -*--—- ™—-•——•-——r'"—'--~ - . .—.¦».. , ..,.„..„. '*i__K_r*:i-*io Jnwrt——"—«— .. " i^.M,M ,„ ,—.—.—,.—... . ,,. J .,w ' —.—. —^—— ...^.—.—-.^—. „— i——,...,., _~...,..«...^_t___ ._. „__ ' ' . ,1 " ¦1 # M^Ra e Bros. :1 TIGHTiWf ROOFS ^ . ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦: y. . .m >. . . ^aJAbhoyMS .Jk^ . t ' ¦ : - : «S:^ ROOFING-SIDING HUNTIHSTO H * 2746 ' I B_ I ( I I I mm , >«. . . tL j ^^itW ' ~ INSULATION - A r-^ATAA^ A I .1 1' PIP*"" * -—"—TTT"=~-*-^—~~- I ' - ' ¦ ' ¦ ., •"** , "*SS'- * *"" i* ,a'MK!l' i ^ '• ' - * - . . Jl.,_ __ _JL , Jf --—TH j' f ' '"" ' - "- " " M'U ,lli . I NEW SERVICE OFFERED THE HARD OF HEARING Mi' , U'ti l.iiriiey, Heurliiij Aid _ Mr , T.iarney is a person who •Authority, will conduct a FREE " know s, intimately, Uie problems m .ARlNCi .AID ClJNIO at i.H* ' , ' " el ' people sulTerlng from im- I'iitelnnuai Motel , PatcUftRwc , on : paired liearini;. He knows that Friday, October at and Sniiirday , soiiiet.lines It i. *< « mutter of 11- Noveniber 1 , between tho hours ' nances Mint holds people buck of it A.M , and 7:30 p,M, from (jettliiu un aid . Well , Mr. In addition to tlie free hunrhi'' hnriiey will Kindly jliow. you a test, lie Is prepared to oiler , prominent lieurii ' ii, ' aid , like a IVI r , l-tii'iicy iilso wm outline a Weatorn Kleeli'le , reeondltloneel veckly service lie will render wit h new puns i.liiu, ' c«n be bmiRlic to lieni'tni? tiki IIM ' I'H , , , to for ns little an $:io,r»0. He will supply pariR needed , Mich as also clempiisi.i'nu. i\w . Beltone , cords, hiiltei-ii ' .s antl ninlie re- an ulcl that, \ ., i». ' nR ' worn loclny rmli'M for all nuike.s of Instru- by ever 100,000 users and ts Mil) inents , , , hi all , a rounded out instrument accepted by the i-ci-vleo to keep Ilcariiu; Alrixup Council of Physica l ' Medicine of to lop eflU'|i, *pcy, If you nro the Aiiit'i'lciin Meclipn): Assoein- oni' of lliiise pcopli' who ure luu'd Hon , The lieimue I M small In ' size , of hearlni! unci iiuve no licivriiiR r«mlre« no sepamto, bnttory ' piiek nld , Mr, hiirney ' s lest, on the or blndliiR ' cord . , . , in fuel , to- . Helloiit! H -llieionu'iei' will (jive day more people wesu' Tleltoue yni iKlvniiee proof 0 f how you llitul any oilier ono-tinit HoarliiK ai'iiiiiliy t'iin iieur with an nld. Aid ; if you warn mi itppoint. - Tlie .seleeionn'ter la science ' s men!, us n special time of the newest Invention thai permits dny or iii ., lit. on eltlw October yuu , piu'sdivu lly, to . .elect the ' ,11 or November l , tolophone nld thai (its your ' Indlvldunl , Patelioitiio lioo and tisk for lows , Tliere i . no nucssworlc. Mr. Larney, I j H^^Sf . \ / vr 7 %^i ^£^ t%£? Front End Repairs ® WHEELS BALANCED © WHEEL ALIGNMENT . Comple te Brake Servic e ® BRAKF. DRUM REGROUND ® GRIZZLY BRAKE BANDS Mnto St. & Fosu-r Avu. Tel. SAYVILLE 1225 ¦**^ . . . . . *.¦¦,¦« —*—. . - . ___ ___________ 'V2- -S-VL?' -D. 'i'jL-' j.'ii 'V A- ' -1ci ; J VT Z.yj .;V i- 'Y"* i ' f ' 2.; « ir*}* _rOj ' . ' iViAA >c "A-ZZ%AT . - . %' ¦ ' Z" A "" ' ' . " ' "" ' '"" '" " ' " ' - * * ' - * Z-i I FOR YOUR | ¦ .. - ' £, ! - - Halloween Party - 1 ii , ;f> A . ,. * , ' - i- ' ¦ ¦ ¦ » } ' i I Vtt- ¦ ' L. IO' 1 U"A I I ' Ti&mMshM kMrniSi 1 . A ' " ' ^ >? _ ¦ ¦ . , " ri IXC. p. f lid KAST MAIN S'ntl-.i:*!* VATCHOnH l lC ,fe ¦ _ ' >' - I i ^ : Reasonably Priced I I - I t Choose Your Special Attention I ¦ j :¦¦ ' ¦¦ f,B A Owsi Selection to Mail Orders I ' ¦ " ' " " . - ¦ ' ' \>:~ ¦<¦ ' " ' r I - - Telephone rafchogue 272© $ fi' ' H ^^liL&i 1 ^ . itw . iij f-tt * »i ii ii I * _ I « I / r3u . ri i/Aj ' rt -a ftiv _rui A!?Au iii_fi . rrfi air? .ilvS^r rrfi al* rf r* ri K^^ rt^YA^ffYi i*! f-+<++**+*m+++++++ + **¦*** < * *, + + *+++***^ \ BEAUTIF Y | lYQOR HOME!! J . ^^ m ,,, l- =Br_^=' { ^ Hr-^= =^ g , , |t|) v Vv0 -_ } _%_ , " , \ I -* _ 2 i S_ ^ I— ; 1 ^ Vluminum \ I iP- pr^-S- rd CS» Ii c r \ V 1 <Z ¦ _.- . I 1' Ull DOM I J \\ on) BUM ) . x>i unmn \ il S l U r S S b t l l- U &ntl I l Zf ' W L I i) I I Wide Range of Linoleums ! I * Small drift Rii ' j { j' °9 < 12 Ku-s j > Con ijo wall ; > DlflriM C(1T I 9 Fell sc> : ' Inlaid i i ®~ t i Othei- Items to D IC - J Up ! I Your Home ! \ ' Plastirlilr | \ l- u'< i i or JI ; z 9 SKowei CufUuns j f e Ball-. Mats I > e Radiator Enclosures ! * Table Pads I \ •'Window Shad es i \ ' ®— : l Get An Kstimate at j \ No Charge on Our | I 3-in-l Storm Sash ! J Made in California liml Wmj il > rn* All Aluiiiimiii) 'S A ¥il Y | VENETIAN BLIND CO. > -18 S. C>cc;m Avff. I' atchogue l.- . 'if) * * ' + + + ** + *'* + *¦*+*#+** *» **>*¦*++*4 + 0 + +1#

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Page 1: BAYPORT BRIEFS Mrs. Vanderbilt's Children Attack ' ifa'tis } il attend the 11 o'clock f i _e on Sunday in

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I , Amaiini in f.j iypor'- Novesnbev 1!¦ '!';:;-r-i: U l i l c i' l g i ' l L .' - . <:':€h w i t h <)!".<--

i ¦ l'. i r :( i i .-.'d ! vv ' ; ¦/ . ¦! :':*r,;itlig '_ on *.- ¦!;. ' *.¦,*' ¦: , '. side ci - uycii im Uu i :*, Eaypo.:,' v. ih b ' * : .-id '.'.: cUiV!K. .l Ki iMirdl i .V , ><.')-

' ¦ ( . mi.'i .r S: '.. if; 2 p. m. :.:i t in- premise;;

[ '; by Ao - ' i cn te i ;,, fcid'xr A. vii i«r .) and: '.'.- ;:::;• in B .Si:.- i :, ci Pa ichog- i' .- . Suy-

. dam l.ane i*. c.-.e; ci the lines- rcuciei:-

\ t in ; v"*c: , i'-n:; he-. .'r '-n, i' .\, ar.d m a n y ofs ' 'rr.': horn-:; u i . oocu' j ied by ail year res-

\ \ •'*!'• -!) !' . A n i . -n . !'/.r of l . 'ne i -cienlists

i ¦ f / . ' .m the B. Sh ' aj m l Lah-*; : !.:ai';:- y at Union re-vide on suydamI; '. __ . -. n*.. includhi" Dr. Phil ;:) Morse. An

X a iv'- i i i-s-cuient. i ; - ;Kcribin a tho lois ap-

\ ; i*( -ai ' i. el.;cv.-hv - i'iv in th is KM :!' .J

LAKE RONKONK OM A BAYPORT BRIEFS1 i f j ) . Glub will again sponsor ;

( i i H IV ffe 'en party for tbeh io r < - d i r ri-agfcrs oi the village. ' -r i f lu , j ot held at tr.;- Bayport .

<¦ io., oi F OJ evening, October ;f h „<•_ <- . ' I oner, at 6:45 and the ,

m 'h i 1 begin at 7; 15. Triers '.i j CO "1 i- movie for the li t t le '.

i c i r r i i= later for ths others. ;H O i i f ! who is general chair- ;

r i* pr ) t i. has announced the ;o l i < h men who v.-iil fc* as-

) _ i c lub members on the ir c < u mi n-es: Announce:*, the

F<* r . t ) Bennet t ; prizes, Mrs. ;r i ,,„ r 'ind march. Mrs. Ben- :

' i i iiri'i s. Everett J. Trochel- ;iii I pt !• B. Dunkerley: decora- :

on*. I I_ J rrochelman; fire and j, i er p J ' c oi "P. A. Dixon : motion !r I s Di :on. There will be- a !r i i i tents admission to cover

r-1 0 ) 1 / nd l ight refreshments1 o r i - cost in the cafeteria.

Of o ,r V Kuper entertained ten Iu o i t ji day afternoon at the j

I rri' o i icicnv-i, Mr. and Mrs. J . \P H r <¦ Kur~-\ of Gillette Avenire, !

• t ui.itt -1 tii his seventh birthday. \I ir t i oi cn -rjoyed a treasure hunt , i

f 'n l\Zl o t e n games and con-f ( l i ch delicious : :-irc*sh-

n , J < f r f a . Miss Marina Vonv <- in- 1 JI l ie week end here from\Ii I nt . -c ool at Princeton , N . J.j j p i i brother on his binh-


1 f <", i „couts and Brownies andtr ' i f a ' t i s } il attend the 11 o'clock

f i _ e on Sunday in the Bayport\U odi Chui cn. In the -evening ati 4 - r inn mg and qu-cstion box

1 bf < tu-i d as well as a movie) i f iu , t ie . Outcast ,'* a pictureoi ndi i l"is will be sponsored by

m s o i l group of the W.S.C.S.i c i O J ! i tendance is desired.

Jo'r.n Hollins ' Sr., chief of live Say-port Fire Department , has receivednotice to refuse all requests for per-m it *.; to burn leaves or any olher trash.As Ions as tiie present drought con-t inues, the police are authorized tois.-iue summonses to anyone building afire of anv kind.

On Friday. October 31st. at oneo'clock , a Hallowe'en party for chil-dren of kindergarten through sixth"radc will i.e 'zield in the school. Therewill be prizes for costumes. All pre-school children are also invited , aswell as the parent'.* of those attending.

The Missc-.s Delia and ElizabethRogerson are spending vacations ofthree weeks irom their work with theLong Island Lighting Company witht l ie i r broth .r an-J ' sister-in-law, Mr.and Mrs. J. T. Rogerson , in Miami,Fla.

The Bayport Fire Department waseal'ied out on Tuesday morning to ' putout a grass li re which was threatening•the barn of Wilford Still. Ihe depart-ment put out thc fi re before it didmore than scorch the barn.

Mrs. C. 0. Erickson , who is makingher home here with her son anddaughter- in- law, Mr. aiid Mrs. LarryErickson , has been coiifiirod to herbed by illness for the past severalweeks.

Tn correction of an item carried lnthe News lust week , Mr. and Mrs. Wil-bei* Prall bought the liouse On lowerSnedecor Avenue from Mrs, Frail'saunt , Mrs. Echvard H. Rogers.

Th,** Bayport. Hi^h School sophomoreclnss will hold a "Harvest Moon " dance

' this evening, Faculty advisors are MissHasina ciotruzzolo and Joh n Foley,

Mr . and Mrs. Alfred Mechow havei moved into the new house built byI John Watson ivt the corner of NorthOcean Avenue and Polger Street. ;

' James Shand came home from Syra-| disc University to spend list week endj with his parcnls, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur; Shund. ' ¦ • -1 George D. Dill is home on vacationfrom liis work ' in the Union Savingshank of Patchogue, V ,

Mr. and Mrs, Leo Muller , of B*ell-more , spent Sundny Willi Mr. and Mrs.TO. B. Dunkerley.

Mrs , Jessie,.Dudley, of Woodbridge ,Conn , Is vi.slt.iivi! Mr. and Mrs. Georgehn. -ver.

There will be a soccer Kiniie here to-day with the T.slip teum, f

Mrs. Irving C. Mahz. of Brooklynnd Bayport , who is pr-:**.rr; of the/omen 's Council o. the National As-'j clation of Real - Estate Boards , and'ho is - known profe-.sionahy as LillianI. Moebus , will leave ear:;.* in Novem-er to attend the 40th national con-dition of the association wilier) willfleet ih San Francisco, opening No-ember 8th. Miss Moebus has h_ *sn-resident for the Z a . t two years andias traveled ovur 50,000 miles through-lut the nation, in. the work of herifSce. She will he the only wmann-amber of a panel at one of th-e gen -¦ral sessions of five convention. Heropic will be "Back to Selling." Shevill also attend as a voting delegaterorn Greater Netv York the Xs.tional3hi Scout Council which will meet at-ong Beach , Calif. Mi:-.:- Moe'ous isspending this weei ana pari of ire:-:t inCincinnati , O., Louisville. Ky. and West3alm Beach , Fla., a t tending meetingsv. the Real Estate Bca-d Associations-j f those states and speaking at vari--jus sessions of each.

Last _ Saturday evening. Mr. andMrs . Ernest Stoll accompanied by Mr.and Mrs. Howard G. Gillette attendedthe installation and . dinner of theLadies' Auxiliary of the Southera N-iwYork Volunteer Firemen 's Association.The affair was held at the HotelFranklin in Jamaica. Mrs. Stoll wasinstalled as first vice-president of theauxiliary. On Wednesday evening. Mr.and Mrs. Stoll and Mr. and Mrs, AlexSchultz, of Sayville, were guests atthe 50th anniversary dinner of thevVoodhaven Exempt Firemen's Asso-ciation which was held at the HotelN*ew Yorker , in Manhat tan .

Mr. and Mrs. h. O. Bernhard andtteir son , Richard , spent the \reec endin Gllboa, N. Y. visiting Mrs. Bern-hard's brother-in-law and sister, Mr.and ..Mrs. Raymond Brandon .

Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Trochelman, MissAlthea Trochelman and Miss JanetEgner attended a performance of"Oklahoma " in Kciv York last Fridayin celebration of Ak'nea 's birth-day.

The Bayport school was closed onWednesday for the meeting of theteachers of the Second SupervisoryDistrict, and the Patchogue school inPatchogue.

Mrs. Leslie Davis is recovering aswell as can be expected in the South-side Hospital from an appendectomyperformed last Thursday.

Bayport firemen were summoned at9:30 o'clock last night to subdue agrass fire near the Long Island RailRoad depot.

Miss Ida M. Frieman was hostess toher bridge club on Wednesday after-noon.

Mrs. H. Garton Lewis entertainedher club on Tuesday evening.

S. S. Community ChorusPlans December Concert

The South Shore Community Chorus-has begun work on numbers for theDecember concert ,. 'first of the- 1947-1948 season..

A medley ot old English carols andthe familiar French "Angels Who Art-Heard on High" are among those be-ing rehearsed . Tire music committeewill . make final selection of the restof the program urthin lhe next twoweeks.

Evidence of widespread interest inthe chorus is shown by the affiliationof Miss Jeiuinet te Raynor, of West-hampton. Membership In* the chorusis still open. Those interested areurued." to attend rehearsals at ' Pa't -chogue High Scliool on Wednesdays at8:30 p. m.

Miss Anne Dickerson is again ac-companist for the chorus.

Williani Jiraiiek heft 86,000

The late William , Jirnnck of .Siijivlllc,who died on August 28th, left an -estatevalued itt SG.U00 , all in personal prop-erty, it was revealed in Surrogate 'sCourt. '¦ Application for letters of ad-ministration were filed ' by Mrs'. Bar-bara ji raiiek, his widow.

In normal time* India lends the,voi*lcl in tlie production of cane sugar ,producing three times as much as herlearost comnctlior. Cuba.

Mrs. Vanderbilt 's Children Attack Will ;

The sin and daughter of the late M::.. William K. Vanderbilt . of Center-port appealed for a construction of til.:-::* mother's will or. Monday in Stirro- ;gate 's Court, Riverhead , on grounds tha t its zording is ••ir._ a_ iing:ess" an d jt ha t the will Ls thus invalid.

In arguments before Surrogate Rich - ;'

ard W. Hawkins, Barclay H. War-burton 3d. of Pride 's Grassing, Mass..avid Mrs. William C. T. Gaynor , ofSouthampton, who are children ofMrs. Vanderbilt 's first marriage, w-ere

represented by Sol A. Rosenblatt , at-torney, of 630 Fifth Avenue. Mew York.If the will is invalidated , the children ;will inherit the estate as Mrs. Vandvr- ,Lilt 's heirs.

Gasscr . Hayes ar.d Davidson, of 20 ,Pine Street, Manhattan, attorneys fortire Guaranty Trust Company of NewYork , executors and trustees of Mrs.Vanderbilt's estate, argued that Article ,IV. the section in c.uestion , which dealswith disposition of the residuary es-tate , clearl y states that Mrs. Gaynor .

j ' and Mr. Warburton are each to re- •celve

^half of the" income from tire es- i .

tale "for life: that the legatees' cMl- Idroit are to inherit half the principal jupon their parents' death , and that , I

i in tire event slther legatee dies wiih- j| out issue, the principal is to revert to

the other legatee.I Since Mrs. Gaynor, the former Rose- :i mary Warburton , has a 'ftve-month-| old son , he ' was ' , represented in the

| action by a special guardian appoint edby the court , Max Hollander, of Hunt- |jr.gton Station:

The Surrogate reserved his decisionand hoth sides will 'submit briefs with- ;in two weeks.

Mrs . Vanderbilt Those first Husbandwas Barclay H. Warburton Jr., of jPhiladelphia; died August 28th. Whenher will was Sled for probate on c_sp- Sth, only the formal estimate Iof more than $10,000 was made of the ;value of the estate. However , her hns- !

band ,, ' tire former president of the Mew iYork Central, who died in 1944 , left '

her property ' at Miami Beach, Little j -N-eck. Queens, and at 651 Park Ave- j -nue, New York , as well as a life inter- \est in his residuary estate. Mr. . Van- |derbilt's -estate was appraised before I

. Don't Forget the .Crippled Children ,--^j(See Pa«e One) * "'. I

' " . ' . ' . . - ¦ ¦ '¦ -¦ i

' and estate ta.tss. at a. netvalua of 532 ,630,000.

Mrs. Gayncr and Mr. Warburton arealso rf.-iciuary heirs under thsir .step-fa the r s will , of which tht- GuarantyTrust Company is also executor and

trustee. In a separate action , they are.-e.vking to have the Guaranty Trustt t moved as extcutors of their mother'.,wil l , because, they assert , a conflictof inteissts exists. No decision hasct-tn made in this action.

it is not wise to scak clothes in hotwener and leave tlvsm in it unti l thewater is cold , as cloth fiber expands::i warm wate r and contracts in cold

I wate:- and will in this way hold thedir t . Make a suds of cold water it youwan: to soak thc-:r. for a length oit ime.

Joh n H" T'i r >¦» i. ncc-r and h< c I I I

Const 'Ut i ( l ' j 1 •Stref - N * i 'Karl- 1 ts -> t r 'terian \Uo r f iI-eBrun v i -- iart- n i iMagowr I nFrentn n< ' r

Kant UK-. M <*

* Jdhji H. I-'n-ii '-'h Succumbs

Adore Her, S' ^/kgl .. mm Mer „ . . WfMt 'W ^A1"' wSm%) %AA3%. ^ <'t*wr\

": Symbolize these bughtest of all moments '|i|WfsVwith the brig htest o£ all tokens . . . . a <s£- * 4

diamond ring from our extensive andoxi ting selection. Manv styles aliS&^j& '*?{'%

i i • l ' ^d J eaW * ,'moderately priced. «©»«^' ;.and up

^Wf'/^ ^ P^m Sma11 deposit will hold gift purchase unt i l Xmas

.IHr .COO K JEWELER S^%^ ^ 2


>!-•">>' ST- • PATCHOGUE 1204



J^ S S^ C XN^ ^ SIO^ S! 7- ¦' • I I I I M I I I I I - l. inn - II , _crTmt__»-»__*!-mcT,_ITW7j .B?S !! . ' ' . ¦ ' ¦

.' : '• '. i

! Ladies and Gentlemen-.— ,

i • '¦• ¦' ' ' '.

'. :

' . . , iI - " ' !|

"We have been in business for 18 years in one and the same spot ,

| and we intend to remain in the same spot, liemember when a few :

\ weeks ago I ivrclc about breaking prices? Itaiiio station WOll helpedS mc a great deal in thi _ matter. Well , 1 have succeeded lo some extent I1 t

; and I am going to show yoii . I don 't want to know about the other| fellow's, prices of meat. I am interested only in tlie welfare of the

j people of 'SulTolk C'DUii tv. g. ENGELj - ., .

¦„ .¦ .• . •

:., . _.


SHUCK AA Q cI POT ROA ST . . ™ lb.: : j : TOP SIRLOIN C 'Q- C

R O A S T . . . . J J lb.;


L OIN gr cLAMB CH OPS . . . . P3 A.PLATE and NAVEL ,

COR NED 97' c -BE E F . . .V . . . . £- hh."

———. ___ i

SM OKED ky ^ VTONG UES . . . 45 J.F R E S H .

LO INS of CQc !P O R K . . . . - . 0«J «|. I

fflBffi ffi^ Hr^ (

, .? »* . « • • • * » • »¦ ? •* • • • • t

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I . - I!t Bid Vour %\;;: Household Expenses x•{• Set ' Ahead of i

i »..,«, j;!; .).

i •{• Enjoy good credit by ;j; ;•j; . SA•j; paying all your bills ',_'.% •'.•j* with cash we'll give 't* 1x y . \-l- you in a ;!;

!| II "Small loan" |i * ii i.> Pay us back in month- 4if- , . i.{• ly installments at a •!«| tI "Low Interesi Rate" j|X ,ji -

x §! ;

I South Side Bank 11f of BAY SHORE, N. Y. f jf - . A - - ¦ • ¦ ¦

$JE. Main St., Bay Shore Av.jg " I

:|: Opp. the Post Office |- !v ¦ ¦

TAY Mcmlicr Fcileral Kcscrve Deposit X iX ¦ ' ' „ X i,i, Insui'itncd Coi'poi'ittioii . . J , |'k ' ;,. i' I.•'!",M"',*!,,!"!,»!",J"!«»j";«!«t«ij«»j»;«»;<«j»«;«;»»;«j«5"i rj .

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" ¦1 # M^Ra e Bros. :1TIGHTiWf ROOFS

. ' ¦ ¦

¦ ¦: y . . .m>. . . ^aJAbhoyMS.Jk . t' ¦ : - : «S: ROOFING-SIDING

HUNTIHSTO H * 2746 ' I B_ I (— I I I • mm , >«. . .

tLj ^^itW ' ~ I N SU LA T I O N -Ar-^ATAA^ A I

.1 1' PIP*"" * -—"—TTT"=~-*- —~~- I '- ' ¦' ¦ . , •"**,"*SS'-**""i*,a'MK!l' i

'• ' -*- . . Jl.,_ __ _JL , Jf --—TH j 'f ' '"" ' -"- " " M'U ,lli „ . I


Mi' , U'ti l.iiriiey, Heurlii ij Aid _ Mr , T.iarney is a person who•Authority, will conduct a FREE " know s, intimately, Uie problemsm .ARlNCi .AID ClJNIO at i.H* ' ,' •" el' people sulTerlng from im-I'iitelnnuai Motel , PatcUftRwc , on : paired liearini;. He knows thatFriday, October at and Sniiirday , soiiiet.lines It i.*< « mutter of 11-Noveniber 1 , between tho hours ' nances Mint holds people buckof it A.M , and 7:30 p,M, from (jettlii u un aid . Well , Mr.In addition to t l i e free hunrhi'' hnriiey will Kindly jliow. you atest , lie Is prepared to oiler , prominent lieurii 'ii,' aid , like aIVI r , l-tii'iicy iilso wm outl ine a Weatorn Klee li'le , reeondltloneelveckly service lie will render wit h new puns i.liiu, 'c«n be bmiRlict o lieni'tni? tiki IIM 'I'H , , , to for ns little an $:io,r»0. He willsupply p ariR needed , Mich as also clempiisi.i'nu. i\w. Beltone ,cords, hiiltei-ii ' .s antl nin lie re- an ulc l that , \., i». ' nR ' worn loclnyrmli'M for all nuike. s of Instru- by ever 100,000 users and ts Mil)inents , , , hi all , a rounded out ins trument accepted by thei-ci-vleo to keep Ilcariiu ; Alrixup Council of Physica l ' Medicine ofto lop eflU'|i,*pcy, If you nro the Aiiit 'i ' lciin Mec lip n ) : Assoein-oni' of lliiise pcopli ' who ure luu'd Hon , The l ie imue I M small In ' size ,of hearln i! unci iiuve no licivriiiR r«mlre« no sepamto , bnttory ' piieknld , Mr, hiirney 's lest , on the or blndlii R ' cord. , . , in fuel , to-

. Helloiit! H-llieionu'iei ' will (jive day more people wesu' Tleltoueyni iKlvniiee proof 0f how you llitul any oilier ono-tinit HoarliiKai ' i i i i i l iy t 'i in iieur w i t h an nld . Aid ; if you warn mi itppoint. -Tlie .seleeionn 'ter la science 's men!, us n special t ime of thenewest Inventio n tha i permits dny or iii ., lit. on eltlw Octoberyuu , piu'sdivu lly, to ..elect the ',11 or November l , tolophonenld tha i (its your ' Indlv ldunl , Patelioitiio lioo and tisk forlows , Tliere i . no nucssworlc. Mr. Larney,

Ij H^^Sf.\ / vr7% i

£ t%£?

F r o n t End R e p a i r s® WHEELS BALANCED


. Comple te Br ake Servic e® BRAKF. DRUM REGROUND


Mnto St. & Fosu-r Avu. Tel. SAYVILLE 1225¦** .. ... . *.¦¦,¦« —*—..-. ______________

'V2--S-VL?'-D.'i'jL-'j.'ii 'V A- '- 1ci;J VTZ.yj .;V i- 'Y"*i'f'2.;« ir*}*_rOj '. 'iViAA >c "A-ZZ%AT. -.% '¦' Z " A "" ' ' .

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V 1 <Z ¦_.-. I 1' Ull DOM I J

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i Othei- Items to DIC -J Up !I Your Home !\

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' ®— :l Get An Ks t imate a t j\ No Charge on Our |I 3-in-l Storm Sash !J Made in California liml Wmj il> rn* All Aluiiiimiii)

'S A ¥il Y| VENETIAN BLIND CO.> -18 S. C>cc;m Avff. I' atchogue l . - .'if)**' + + + ** + *'* + *¦*+*#+** *»**>*¦*++*4 + 0 + +1#