bayside health service | media and communications unit - the … · 2019-02-08 · future hospital...

Family Room fresh look thanks to local camera club ISSUE #2 | FRI, 8 FEB 2019 BAYSIDE HEALTH SERVICE page 3

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The Pulse is published weekly by the Media and Communications Unit, LBHN Submit an item >

Redland Hospital Paediatrician Dr Shivanand Hebbandi has presented his research topic at the 7th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies in Paris.Dr Hebbandi said his research, ‘Early Onset Neonatal Sepsis in Non-Tertiary Neonatal Unit’ was conducted over six years from 2010 at Redland Hospital on all new born babies who were at risk of infection or showed signs of infection.

“The presentation was well received by the audience which included paediatricians not only from Europe but also from rest of the world.

“They were impressed with our very low infection rate in our babies and zero deaths due to infection.”

Dr Hebbandi said conclusions

drawn from the study included that the incidence of Early Onset Neonatal Sepsis at Redland Hospital was very low at 0.33 cases/1000 live births which compared to a national rate of 0.38 /1000 live births and Queensland rate of 0.32 /1000 live births.

He said other finding were a neonatal sepsis mortality rate of zero, median incubation time to true positive growth of bacteria of 9.65 hours and a recommendation to stop antibiotics at 24 hours in babies who remained clinically well and had negative culture.

“In the past I have presented my research papers at various international and national conferences based on research all conducted in Redland Hospital’s Paediatrics Department,” Dr Hebbandi said.

Redland research impresses

international audience

Previous presentations• 35th European Society of Paediatric Infectious

Disease, Spain 2017,• 28th International congress of Paediatrics,

Canada, 2016. • 20th Annual Congress- Perinatal Society of

Australia and New Zealan, Australia 2016. • 25th International congress of Paediatrics,

Athens-Greece, 2007. • RACP Congress, Australia, 2007.• 10th Annual Congress- Perinatal Society of

Australia and New Zealand, Australia, 2006.


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A picture tells a thousand words as the saying goes and photographs now displayed in Redland Hospital’s newly refurbished relatives room and viewing room are no exception.Director Allied Health Gail Gordon said in keeping with the Planetree principles of creating quiet, healing environments, the rooms had been transformed with the support of a wonderful new partnership with the Redlands Camera Club.

She said new soft furnishings and fittings in what would now be known as the Family Room were matched with beautiful images from across the Bayside and captured by members of the Redland Camera Club.

“The partnership with the Club involved members submitting a selection of photographs from the local area and from an initial collection of over 60 photographs, a small committee from the Club and Redland

Hospital selected 20 photographs which were printed and displayed in the hospital foyer to allow patients, visitors and staff to vote on their favourite photographs to hang in this special area.”

“There were over 100 votes received and with the assistance of Club President Maree Morrison the selected photographs where appropriately curated and mounted on canvas,” Gail said.

She said she hoped the space and the photographs would provide comfort for families of patients and those grieving the loss of a loved one.

Lyn Rankine said being able to display her photograph and help other people was a

Featured: Gail Gordon

Julie ElliottLyn Rankine

Karen Duffy and Wendy Bauer.

Absent: Garry Watterson.

Redland Camera Club captures families hearts with photographs

humbling experience and the single best thing that had come from being involved with the club.

“This means more to me than any award that I’ve ever won,” she said.

Club President Maree Morris said it had been a joy to work on the project.

“We did a lot of soul searching about which photographs would be submitted and we carefully considered the images that would work in this space,” she said.

Lyn said all the photographs were taken in the local area with some scenes captured in the middle of winter with still waters, sunsets and reflections.


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With 15 years between her first baby and brand new twins Archie and Ollie, Keiran Townsend says she nearly had a heart attack when she discovered she was going to have more than one baby.

“But it was a great surprise and we are looking forward to the journey ahead,” the Redland Bay mum said.

Born at 37 week and 1 day, little Archie and Ollie arrived only one minute apart in Redland Hospital’s Birth Suites on December 11 making an extra special early Christmas present for Keiran and partner Todd.

“They’re perfect,” Keiran said.

“They’re dad is just over the moon and my daughter is so happy.”

Archie and Ollie were two of 142 babies born at Redland Hospital in December.

a special surpriseArchie and Ol lie

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Metro South Health

Centres for Health Research

Available to all Metro South Health employeesFunded by Metro South Health SERTA

Metro South Health BIOSTATISTICS


For more details, visit 5, Clinical Research Facility R Wing, Princess Alexandra Hospital07 3176 7135 | [email protected] |

Metro South Health

Centres for Health Research

Available to all Metro South Health employeesFunded by Metro South Health SERTA

Metro South Health BIOSTATISTICS


For more details, visit 5, Clinical Research Facility R Wing, Princess Alexandra Hospital07 3176 7135 | [email protected] |

Metro South Health

Centres for Health Research

Available to all Metro South Health employeesFunded by Metro South Health SERTA

Metro South Health BIOSTATISTICS


For more details, visit 5, Clinical Research Facility R Wing, Princess Alexandra Hospital07 3176 7135 | [email protected] |

Queensland HealthQ




Contact your nearest public health unit—13 QGOV (13 74 68)

For further information call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) or visit

Staying safe and healthy

in hot weatherStay connected

Stay hydrated and nourished

Stay cool

Look after yourself.

Drink plenty of water.

Keep your body cool.

Stay out of the sun from 10 am to 3 pm.

Check on sick or frail friends, neighbours and relatives.

Avoid drinks with alcohol, caffeine and high sugar.

Find a cool and shady spot.

Slow down and take it easy.

Listen to the news.

Eat small meals more often.

Wear light, loose cotton clothes.

Avoid hot, closed spaces.

Queensland Health




Contact your nearest public health unit—13 QGOV (13 74 68)

For further information call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) or visit

Staying safe and healthy

in hot weatherStay connected

Stay hydrated and nourished

Stay cool

Look after yourself.

Drink plenty of water.

Keep your body cool.

Stay out of the sun from 10 am to 3 pm.

Check on sick or frail friends, neighbours and relatives.

Avoid drinks with alcohol, caffeine and high sugar.

Find a cool and shady spot.

Slow down and take it easy.

Listen to the news.

Eat small meals more often.

Wear light, loose cotton clothes.

Avoid hot, closed spaces.

Queensland Health




Contact your nearest public health unit—13 QGOV (13 74 68)

For further information call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) or visit

Staying safe and healthy

in hot weatherStay connected

Stay hydrated and nourished

Stay cool

Look after yourself.

Drink plenty of water.

Keep your body cool.

Stay out of the sun from 10 am to 3 pm.

Check on sick or frail friends, neighbours and relatives.

Avoid drinks with alcohol, caffeine and high sugar.

Find a cool and shady spot.

Slow down and take it easy.

Listen to the news.

Eat small meals more often.

Wear light, loose cotton clothes.

Avoid hot, closed spaces.


Metro South HealthA Future Hospital Program initiative

Research& Innovation


Symposium 1ST




“Igniting the Future”

Professor Ian Frazer Professor Jeffrey Lipman Associate Professor Andrew Mallett



Metro South HealthA Future Hospital Program initiative

Research& Innovation


Symposium 1ST




“Igniting the Future”

Professor Ian Frazer Professor Jeffrey Lipman Associate Professor Andrew Mallett




8.15 - 8.45am

Registration open TRI Auditorium Foyer

8.45 – 9.15am

Welcome and Official Opening Mr Geoff Lau, A/Executive Director Allied Health Welcome to Country Ms Janine Walker, Chair, Metro South Hospital and Health Board Prof Liz Ward, Centre for Functioning & Health Research

TRI Auditorium

9.15 - 9.45am

Keynote Address “Technology Enhanced Rehabilitation” Prof Trevor Russell, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, The University of Queensland

TRI Auditorium

9.50 - 10.30am

“Rapid Fire Showcase” Chair: Prof Liz Ward

TRI Auditorium

9.50 – 9.55am

Early oral feeding after colorectal surgery: a mixed methods study of knowledge translation Taylor Robertson

9.55 – 10.00am

Exploring Allied Health delegation models: can Allied Health Assistants conduct dysphagia screening? Maria Schwarz

10.00 – 10.05am

Implementation of a training package to support and promote the use of telepractice by clinicians (across disciplines) for outpatients in the Redland Hospital catchment area Denis Morton

10.05 – 10.10am

Achieving client-centred goals within the Community Adult Rehabilitation Service Anita Blight

10.10 – 10.15am

Evaluation of a Pre-Surgical Dietitian-led VLCD (Very Low Calorie Diet) Clinic model of care for weight loss in obese patients in preparation for elective surgery Sally Griffin

10.15 – 10.30am

Q&A with presenters

10.30 – 11.00am

Morning tea TRI Atrium

11.00 – 12.30pm

Concurrent Sessions

Models of Care Chair: TBA

TRI Auditorium

Assessment, Screening and Surveillance Chair: TBA

Seminar Room 2003 11.00 – 11.10am

Evaluation of Primary Contact Occupational Therapy Hand Clinics for patients on surgical outpatient waiting lists in eight Australian public hospitals Ruth Cox

Validity and predictive value of the DeMorten Mobility Index (DeMMI) in the Medical Assessment and Planning Unit (MAPU) Jeremy Lindsay

11.10 – 11.20am

Sound Thinking: Neurologic Music Therapy for cognitive training in adult mental health rehabilitation Cameron Haigh

The development of quality indicators to measure quality of care for musculoskeletal injuries in the Emergency Department Kirsten Strudwick

Date and time: • 1 March 2019• 8.45am - 3.30pm

Location: 37 Kent StreetTranslational Research Institute (PAH Campus) Woolloongabba