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Balochistan Rural Support Programme (BRSP)

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Balochistan Rural Support Programme (BRSP)

Harnessing People's Potential

Harnessing People's Potential

Balochistan Development Challenges and Opportunities

Harnessing People's Potential


Profile of Balochistan:Largest province of Pakistan -geographically Total population: (1998: 6.5 million) Population density:19 persons per Sq. KmTotal area:347, 220 km

Balochistan Development Challenges and Opportunities

32 districts 721 Union Councils (664 Rural Union Councils) 7,480 Revenue villages & 1.4 million households

Share of provinces in area and population of Pakistan

Harnessing People's Potential3Distinguished District Officials,Ladies & Gentlemen,AOA


Balochistan Development Challenges and Opportunities

Human CapitalInternational boardersYouth750 KM 6% of total land is cultivatedSource: economic survey of Pakistan 2011-12contributes 66% in Pakistan livestockMining and Quarrying establishments 22% of Pakistan

Harnessing People's Potential5

Approximately half of the population uses wells and open ponds for drinking water

Balochistan Development Challenges and Opportunities

Harnessing People's PotentialSpecific indicators from Jamali sb (Balochistan water strategy, with source)5

Rural girls enrollment 23%

Dropout rate in primary cycle 63%

Primary education completion is only 27%

10 thousand clusters are without any schools (43%)

>50% are single teacher one room schools

Poverty tends communities to send children to madaris

Harnessing People's Potential

Balochistan Development Challenges and Opportunities

HealthUnder Five Mortality- 89 per 1000 Live Birth

Under Five Mortality - Male 74 per 1000 Live Birth

Under Five Mortality - Female 107 per 1000 Live Birth

Infant Mortality 72 per 1000 Live Birth

Immunization 35% (Aged 12 to 23 Months)

Maternal Mortality Ratio 785 per 100,000 live birth Deliveries at health facilities 26% Antenatal care 39% at least once by skilled person Malnutrition under 5 years of age 41%

Harnessing People's Potential

Women are subject to discrimination, violence and deprivation from basic rights:

Balochistan Development Challenges and Opportunities

Harnessing People's PotentialGender specific indicators from caroline (with source)8

FloodsDroughtEarthquakesNatural Calamities

Balochistan Development Challenges and Opportunities

Harnessing People's PotentialThe Context44 % area of Country Land area Only 5 % population sparsely spread around water sources amid arid inhospitable terrainPioneer of domesticating animals and plantsLocational advantageHead Count poverty increased to 50.9%Insufficient & Inadequate Human and Institutional resource base result in weak GovernancePredominantly Tribal culture and vested interest of power structure

Balochistan Development Challenges and Opportunities

Harnessing People's PotentialYears of regional instability Militants exploited frustrations of deprived populace Afghan War disrupted socio-economic development. Exacerbated the local sectarian and tribal conflicts.Militancy increased gaps between service delivery and demandIgnored Youth particularly in rural populaceStrong Egos The Context

Balochistan Development Challenges and Opportunities

Harnessing People's PotentialThere are 2.7 million children in Balochistan between the ages of 5- 16 , of which 1.8 million or 66% are out of schoolMajority of out of school children are girls( 62% girls of age 5-16 years are out of schoolWith 12347 government schools in Balochsitan only 6% High schoolsQuality of education is poor as compared to children in the rest of the country; 51% of children in Class 5 cannot read a story fluently, 71% of children in Class 5 cannot read a sentence in English & 61 % of Children in Class 5 cannot perform simple two- digit division3 out of every 4 schools are missing the basic facility of toilet

Balochistan Development Challenges and Opportunities

Harnessing People's Potential

Rural girls enrollment is only 29%Overall girls enrollment is only 34%Dropout rate in primary cycle is 63%Primary education completion is only 35%Gross enrollment rate at the Primary level 69%Net enrolment at the Primary level(age 5-9) 39%10 thousand clusters are without any schools 43%>50% are single teacher one room schools Poverty tends communities to send children to Madrasas

Education Situation: (PSLM 2011-12)

Balochistan Development Challenges and Opportunities

Harnessing People's Potential


Non Profit, Non Government Organization but with a Distinct PhilosophyBoDs & Volunteerism Addressing poverty on scaleCapacity for Long term Survival Working with the Govt. Approach to ChangeDiversity, Iteration & AdaptionRSP Network

Rural Support Programmes

Harnessing People's Potential


Vision"A prosperous Balochistan where people especially the poor and women are provided with equal livelihood opportunities and are not socially and economically excluded""To harness potential of the rural poor to help themselves, assume control of local development and improve their standard of living"


Harnessing People's Potential

PSCSocial MobilisationCapacity BuildingTechnical/ FinancialAssistanceLinkagesGap between State and Citizen

Poverty TargetingInternal Lending Saving,Situation AnalysisNeed Prioritization Planning (MIPs, VDPs, UCDPsSelf Help InitiativesMonitoring and Management by CIsNeed-based Participatory DevelopmentBRSP A Catalyst

Costly DevelopmentNo OwnershipNon-functionalConflictsLow Socio-Economic IndicatorsEnhanced OwnershipShared O&MTransparency & AccountabilityCost-effectiveSocial CohesionImproved Management & local Governance Non Participatory DevelopmentCollective ActionsVision

Harnessing People's Potential

Balochistan Community Development Programme (BCDP)Duration = 36 Months (EU Contribution 100% = Euro 7 Million)

Project is Funded by the European UnionPROGRAMME PROGRESS2nd Year & Overall till November 2015

Harnessing People's Potential


To support the Government of Pakistan in alleviating the negative impacts of poverty through community-driven local development. Overall Objective:

Balochistan Community Development Programme (BCDP)

Harnessing People's Potential To empower local communities through social mobilization and capacity development, and by reconstruction/rehabilitation of small-scale community physical infrastructure for enhanced social cohesion and improved social services Specific Objective:

Balochistan Community Development Programme (BCDP)

Harnessing People's Potential

Expected Result (ER) 1: Establishment and strengthening of an inclusive and representative system of community mobilization for socio-economic development federating communities at village and Union council levels

Expected Results!

Balochistan Community Development Programme (BCDP)

Harnessing People's PotentialResult 1 Progress Cont.. 1.1: Analysis of CIs Fostered/Revitalized (COs):

Harnessing People's PotentialImmediate Outcomes:

Out of 2,872 community organizations (COs), 04% are holding regular monthly meetings and taking part in the participatory decisions and turn out to be in the Extra Ordinary category, 11% are in A category (75%-100%), 13% CIs falls in B category (50%-75%), 28% CIs are falling into C category (25%-50%) and 44% CIs are in D category with only (0%-25%) of their performances.73 VOs, 05 LSOs and 03 COs have opened and operating their bank accounts in ZTBL, ABL and Al-Baraqa Banks.Awareness raising sessions on basic human/civic rights were held with 6,140 participants (1,733 men, 3,355 women and 2,779 children) which resulted in preparations of 853 CNICs, 509 CIs members were registered in voters lists, birth and death registration.During the reporting period a total of 194 various nature self-help initiatives such as arranging polio campaign, repair and cleanliness of water channels, flood protection walls, repair of check dams etc. where CIS contributed in cash contribution of PKR.1, 557,400 in mentioned self-help initiatives and in kind contribution was recorded that is benefiting more than 28,769 men and women members of CIs.To mobilize and manage resources, total 151 VOs and 08 LSOs have got registrations with the Social Welfare Department and contributed Rs. 2,160,000 as their own share of registration fee.112 children enrolment campaigns have been held resulting in enrolment of 846 children (421 Boys & 425 Girls) in the government schools.

Harnessing People's Potential1.1: Analysis of CIs Fostered/Revitalized (VOs):Result 1 Progress Cont..

Harnessing People's PotentialResult 1 Progress Cont.. 1.1: Analysis of CIs Fostered/Revitalized (LSOs):

Harnessing People's PotentialResult 1 Progress Cont.. 1.2: Analysis of Community Management Skills Trainings:Immediate Outcomes:

2,021 COs maintaining proper records and enhanced understanding on the roles and responsibilities of community office bearer.

Community Institutions have record in place with each community institution, which includes record of meetings held by the community.

PKR 48,74,370 savings, PKR 17,750 internal lending benefiting 44 men & women, 40 self-help community initiatives contributing PKR 381,400 with 2,629 men & women beneficiaries and 27 COs developed their linkages with Line departments benefiting 475 men & women.

Harnessing People's PotentialResult 1 Progress Cont.. 1.3: Analysis of Leadership Management Skills Trainings:Immediate Outcomes:

285 VOs & 04 LSOs maintaining proper records and have enhanced understanding on the roles and responsibilities of community office bearer. Community Institutions have record in place with each community institution, which includes record of meetings held by the community.152 VOs have taken self-help initiatives and have worked towards leveraging MPAs development fund for construction of Check Dam in Loralai District, construction of irrigation channel in district Zhob, establishment of 3 community schools in Zhob, Khuzdar and Jhal Magsi, electrification of 2 Union Councils in district Khuzdar which were off-grid. The CIs contributed Rs: 1,896,900 in mentioned interventions that are benefiting 28,094 men & women in target districts of BCDP.43 VOs have developed linkages with different government line departments/INGOs and leveraged PKR 1,639,000 for various nature interventions that are benefiting 2,855 men & women.LSO Shama UC San Chako & LSO Gidan UC Abad in district Khuzdar has leveraged PKR: 220 million through linkages development and got approved these funds from Chief Minister Special Fund for electrification of 2 UCs which once realized will benefit 20,800 population.

Harnessing People's PotentialResult 1 Progress Cont.. 1.4: Analysis of Proposal Writing to the communities:Immediate Outcomes:

41 MVOs, 14 WVO & 07 LSOs have so far mobilized internal resources to the amount of (PKR: 398,160) through membership fee, from local philanthropists, by selling collection of animal skins and hide during Eid festivals for helping the poor HHs. The membership fee and monthly contributions are used for managing day-to-day administrative affairs of CIs.

CIs are maintaining financial records and now have enhanced understanding on maintaining day-to-day financial matters and developing proposal at community level.

Community Institutions have financial record in place with each community institution.

Harnessing People's PotentialResult 1 Progress Cont.. 1.4: Analysis of Financial Management to the communities:

Harnessing People's PotentialResult 1 Progress Cont.. 1.5: Analysis of Master Trainers/CRPs developed:Immediate Outcomes:

This trained resource pool of CRPs are performing as master trainers and are facilitating the programme in imparting community-based trainings, taking proactive steps in mobilizing communities, and assisting communities in leveraging additional resource, record maintenance and conflict management. CRPs have supported 65% data collection and validation process of PSCs, supported programme staff and communities in outreach to 70% men and 30% women membership in the community institutions. These CRPs have reinforced 90% poor households in becoming members in community institutions. They are supporting 100% illiterate CIs members of community institutions in maintaining records. Facilitation in community institutions bank accounts opening and registration processes is about 10%. They are regularly maintaining different records i.e. pass books, proceeding registers, resolutions and attendance of members. Helped in organizing training events in the communities and ensuring participation of office bearers in the trainings. CRPs have not only supported but also imparted 100% CMST trainings at communities level. Contribution in gender sensitization sessions trainings is approximately 50%. CRPs extend support in conduction of 50% DRR sessions in the communities.

Harnessing People's PotentialResult 1 Progress Cont.. 1.6: Analysis of Manager Conferences:Immediate Outcomes:

Community activists are sharing good practices and lessons learnt, among themselves and 70% of CIs are replicating best practices (70% Viable COs i.e. having meeting, savings, self-help initiatives) the learning in their community.

Harnessing People's PotentialResult 1 Progress Cont.. 1.7: Analysis of Exposure Visits:Immediate Outcomes:

Experience sharing through interaction with mature community institutions has enabled them to learn from best practices, practical experience and replicate these learnings in their respective domain. The participants have practically visited different UC-based poverty reduction models such as micro credit, Community Livelihood Fund (CLF), Interest Free Loan (IFL), VDP/UCDP, micro hydel energization projects, including different types of CPI, DRR, LSOs self-help initiatives & linkages developed with different stakeholders, CRPs effective role and assessed institutional development. The activists replicated these learnings and followed presentation templates in their organizations.

Harnessing People's PotentialResult 1 Progress Cont.. 1.8: Analysis of Youth Recreational Activities:Immediate Outcomes:

Youth was engaged in productive activities that are promoting peace and tolerance among communities. Multiple benefits have been witnessed such as mass awareness on subjects such as peace, social issues, health related behavior, role of youth in development, importance of education and rights of the vulnerable people etc. Moreover, as a result of these activities 33% Youth (from 18-28 age) have got membership to Community Organization (COs) and are taking part in community development activities and voicing their issues/rights at various platforms.

Harnessing People's Potential1.9: Organize provincial level LSO convention for influencing pro-poor policies

First LSO convention conducted in Nov. 2014, total 248 individuals participatedOverall target: 3 (Events)Achievement: 01 (33%)

Result 1 Progress Cont..

Harnessing People's PotentialResult 1 Progress Cont.. 1.10: Analysis of Stakeholders Meetings/workshops:Immediate Outcomes:

Effective linkages of 74 community institutions (27 COs, 43 VOs & 4 LSOs) developed. Key stakeholders particularly Deputy Commissioner and district line department officials have attended these workshops and in few instances the DC has taken note of community issues and concerns during the meeting. The interaction of CIs with line departments has strengthened and the district government line departments have recognized community as an active stakeholder by listening to their voice and concerns. The CIs were not only able to get their urgent issues of nonfunctional health or education facilities resolved but also have mobilized an amount PKR 1,639,000 for different initiatives that are benefiting approximately 3,481 community members (2,338 men & 1,143 women). CIs developed interaction with key stakeholders and ensured buy-in of the government for the programme. CIs developed effective linkages with NADRA and 853 CI members (432 men & 421 women) were able to get CNICs and 509 community members (280 men & 229 women) were registered in voter registration lists through 94 voter registration campaigns.

Harnessing People's PotentialResult 1 Progress Cont.. 1.10: Training of Trainers of Gender sensitization / mainstreaming:

Harnessing People's PotentialResult 1 Progress Cont.. 1.11: Analysis of Gender Sensitization:Immediate Outcomes:

2,331 community men and women through dialogues and formal gender sensitization sessions. Effective enhancement in outreach and inclusion of marginalized groups particularly women outreach 13,721 women got membership in WCOs, 1,131 women activists got membership in WVOs and 66 women activists are now members of LSOs in their General and Executive Body. 425 men & women linked with social safety net programme of Government of Pakistan and have received so far an amount of PKR 49,700 as monthly subsistence allowance. Through 391 awareness sessions on basic human/civic rights with 6140 participants (1733 men & 3355 women including 2,779 children) have increased their awareness level on basic rights. These sessions helped address the critical needs of marginalized women where access was a challenge earlier. For the first time gender concerns were reflected and addressed in 243 VDPs coming from women and men both and reflected women prioritized needs in the VDPs.

Harnessing People's PotentialExpected Result (ER) 2: Improvement of community physical infrastructure for improved basic social services

Expected Results cont.

Balochistan Community Development Programme (BCDP)

Harnessing People's Potential 2.1: Training of staff , COs/VO/LSOs and LGRD on Development of VDPs , UCDP & development of VDPs.

Result 2 Progress

Overall Target: 320 (pax)Achievement: 0 (0%)

Overall Target: 360 (Nos.)Achievement: 310 (86%)

Harnessing People's PotentialResult 2 Progress Cont..2.1: Analysis of Village Development Plans:Immediate Outcomes:

Altogether 243 VOs have undertaken the VDP exercise and identified their collective needs i.e. 28% Irrigation, 18% DWSS, 14% Education, followed by 8% each for Basic Health, communication, Floods/Disaster Protection sectors.

232 VOs with the support of BRSP and local government conducted assessments of 232 community infrastructure potential sites identified and prioritised needs at village level and have developed medium term Village Development Plans (VDPs) for their respective villages.

Harnessing People's Potential2.2: Analysis of CPI Site Identification :Result 2 Progress Cont..

Harnessing People's PotentialResult 2 Progress Cont..2.3: Analysis of Feasibility Surveys & preparation of project digests:

Harnessing People's Potential2.4: Scrutiny, assessments, and selection of the proposed projects by the Selection Committee

Result 2 Progress Cont..

Harnessing People's PotentialOut of 643 total 102 MoUs Signed with Community Institutions (CIs)Out of 23 total 07 ToP signed for government basic social service delivery facilities identified and prioritized by the communitiesOverall 25 CPIs schemes (17 Jhal Magsi, 06 Loralai & 02 Zhob) have been initiated at ground successfully So far, 2 events on DRR training conducted with almost 40 participants at provincial level.BRSP and LGRDD jointly organized a 4 days training workshop at rural development academy total, 218 Local Government/Line departments officials, community Activists and programme staff trained on Participatory development Approaches.

Result 2 Progress Cont..2.5: Establish Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Communities (3rd Dialogue)2.6: Establish Memorandum of Understanding with the concerned government authorities for rehabilitation of government basic social service delivery facilities (identified and prioritised by the communities)2.8: Initiate and complete schemes 2.10: Training of local administration staff/local bodies elected representatives on participative/community development approaches2.11: Training local administration staff/local bodies elected representative on DRR (2 events/pax 50)

Harnessing People's Potential

Formation of Community Institutions (Male & Female)

Female CMST

Stakeholders meeting/workshop

Exposure VisitPictorial glimpses

Harnessing People's Potential

Youth Recreational Activity

Manager ConferencePSC Data Collection

Need Identification & Prioritization at Village Level (VDP)

LSO ConventionPictorial glimpses

Site Identification & proposed scheme

Harnessing People's Potential


Thank You

Balochistan Rural Support Programme (BRSP)

Harnessing People's Potential