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  • 7/31/2019 Bck Updated


    Table of Contents

    Introduction to HRM

    Earlier references: In western countries HRM had its primitive beginning in 1930s. Not

    much thought was given on this subject in particular and no written records or documents

    interesting to note HRM concepts was available, in ancient philosophies of Greek, Indian

    Chapter No. Particulars Page No.

    Certificate from the Organization

    Certificate from the College

    Student Declaration

    Guide Certificate


    1 Introduction to HRM 08

    2 Introduction to Background Check 14

    3 Company Profile 31

    4 Grade Structure 41

    5 Research Methodology 44

    6 Data Analysis 48

    7 Findings From the Study 71

    8 Suggestions and Recommendations 73




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    and Chinese. This is not to suggest that industrial establishment and factories system, as it

    is known today, existed in ancient Greece, India or china. The philosophy of managing

    human being, as a concept was found developed in ancient literatures in general and in

    Indian philosophy in particular.

    Personnel functions: Till 1930s, it was not felt necessary to have a separate discipline of

    management called Personnel management. In fact, this job was assigned as part of the

    factory manager. Adam Smiths concept of factory was that it consists of three resources,

    land, labour and capital. This factory manager is expected to procure,

    Process and peddle labour as one of the resources. The first time when such a specialist

    person was used; it was to maintain a buffer between employer and employee to meet

    the legitimate need of employees. However, it is the employer who decided what is

    legitimate need of employees. In fact, the specialist person was more needed to prevent

    unionization of employees. This was the case before 1930-s all over the world.

    Environmental Influences on HRM: Since 1930s, certain developments took place,

    which greatly contributed, to the evolution and growth of Human Resources Management

    (HRM). These developments are given below:

    Scientific Management

    Labour Movements

    Government Regulations.

    Need for the Study :

    Shortage of skills.

    Skills and knowledge people are always on short supply. Alternatively they are too costly

    to hire from outside. The best alternative is to improve skill and knowledge of existing


    Technological Obsolescence.

    Growth of technology takes places very fast. This will render current technology obsolete

    in the future. There is a great need to upgrade technology. This needs suitable training.

    Personal Obsolescence.

    At the time recruitment employees possess a certain of knowledge and skill. As time passes

    knowledge becomes obsolete, unless it is updated by proper training. This happens because

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    of changes taking place in product technology, production methods, procurement of better

    machines, setting up of modern production lines, introduction of modern method of

    supervision and information processing through MIS and EDO..

    Organization Obsolescence.

    Modern management has introduced a number of innovative steps in functions of

    management like planning, organizing, controlling, coordinating and directing.

    Organization which is impervious to such changes is bound to fail and become obsolete.

    Upgrading Ability of Threshold workers.

    Public policy provides reservation to disadvantaged sections of the society like

    handicapped, minorities and dependents of deceased workers etc. All these are threshold

    workers having less than minimum prescribed level of knowledge and skill. They require

    extensive training to bring them up to the minimum level of performance standard.

    Coercive training by government.

    In order to provide better employability chances of unemployed youth, certain governments

    taken initiative to mobilize resources available at pubic/government and private sectors to

    outside candidates. One such example is the Apprentice Training conducted by govt. of

    India. A part of expenditure incurred for this by private sectors are reimbursed by


    Human capital

    The latest thinking is to treat employees as human capital. The expenditure involved is

    training and developments are now being considered as an investment.

    Scope of Human Resource Management

    The Scope of HRM is in deed fast. All major activities in the working life of worker

    from time of his entry in an organization until he / she leaves, come under the preview of

    HRM. Specifically, the activities included are Human Resource planning, Job analysis and

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    design, Recruitment, Selection, Orientation and placement, Training and development,

    Performance appraisal and Job evaluation, employee and executive remuneration and

    communication, employee welfare, safety and health, industrial relations and the like.

    HRM is becoming a specialized branch giving rise to a number of specialized areas like :


    Welfare and Safety

    Wages and Salary Administration

    Training and Development

    Labour Relations


    William James of Harvard University estimated that employees could retain their jobs by

    working at a mere 20-30 percent of their potential. His research led him to believe that if

    these same employees were properly motivated, they could work at 80-90% of their

    capabilities. Behavioral science concepts like motivation and enhanced productivity could

    Nature of Human


    of HRM


    Human ResourceManagement

    Employee andexecutiveRemuneration

    Employee hiring

    Employee Maintenance Employee Motivation

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    well be used for such improvements in employee output. Training could be one of the

    means used to achieve such improvements through the effective and efficient use of

    learning resources.

    Training and development has been considered an integral part of any organization

    since the industrial revolution era. From training imparted to improve mass production to

    now training employees on soft skills and attitudinal change, training industry has come a

    long way today. In fact most training companies are expecting the market to double by the

    year 2007, which just means that the Indian training industry seems to have come of age.

    Organization and individual should develop and progress simultaneously for the their

    survival and attainment of mutual goals. So, every modern management has to develop the

    organization through human resource development. Employee training is the most

    important sub-system of human resources development. Training is a specialized function

    and one of the fundamental operative functions for human resources management.

    There are few generalizations about training that can help the practitioner. Training should

    be seen as a long term investment in human resources using the equation given below:

    Performance = ability (x) motivation

    Background Check can have an impact on both these factors. It can heighten the skills and

    abilities of the employees and their motivation by increasing their sense of commitment

    and encouraging them to develop and use new skills. It is a powerful tool that can have a

    major impact on both employee productivity and morale, if properly used.

    Introduction to Background Check

    Background Verification is basically concerned with having the right types of people

    available as and when required and improving the performance of existing people to make

    them to work more effective on their jobs, Manpower management thus starts with

    Background check. It is first done by studying three types of Forecasts.

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    1) The economic needs,

    2) The Company sales and expansion forecast

    3) The employee market forecast

    Such forecast results in the companys organization plans. A Comparison of these two

    namely the forecast and the plans, can result in anticipating the manpower needs.

    Background Deals with the management of people in an organization. It is a

    management function that helps managers recruit, select, train and develops members for


    Background is related to the promotions and transfers from within the organization to

    jobs for which the existing personnel are suitable.

    Background deals with the management of people in an organization. It is a

    management function that helps managers recruit, selects, Train and develop members for

    organizations .It is with the peoples dimensions in organizations.

    Background is related to the continuous process of manpower planning, selection,

    performance appraisal, salary administration, training and management development and

    retention of talented employees.

    Thus Background refers to a set of programs, functions and activities, designed and

    carried out in order to maximize both employees as well as organizational effect venal

    effectiveness. Background is an actuating process, which involves every worker.

    Objectives of Background Check:

    The primary objective of Background check of Employees is to ensure availability of a

    competent and willing work force to organizations.

    Its main objective is to make the organization people oriented.

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    1. Social objectives

    To be ethically and socially responsible to the needs and challenges of the society

    while minimizing the negative impact of such demand upon the organization. The failure of

    organizations to use there resources for the societys benefits in ethical way may lead to


    2. Organizational Objectives.

    To recognize the role of Background in Brining about organization effectiveness.

    Background is not an end self. It is only a means to assist the organization with its primary


    4) Functional Objectives

    To maintain the departments contributions at a level appropriate to the organizations need.

    Resources are wasted when Background demands.

    5) To assist employees in achieving their personal goals, at least insofar as these goals

    enhance the individuals contribution to the organization. Personal objectives of

    employees must be met if workers are to be maintained, retained and motivated.

    10 Tips For A Better Criminal Background Check

    1. Get Complete Information From Your Applicant. A criminal background checkwill be based in part on the information provided by the applicant. If necessaryinformation is left out - such as which campus of a state university was attended, orthe city where they last worked - the turnaround time can be adversely affected.

    2. Order An Address History Search. This search serves as the foundation of athorough criminal background check. By identifying the applicant's residencyhistory, other searches such as County Criminal Records and Driving Records canbe conducted in the proper locations.

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    3. Easy Backgrounds' Address History Search is based on an applicant's SocialSecurity Number and name, so in addition to former addresses, the results willconfirm if it is a valid number and the names associated with it.

    4. Compare Criminal Background Check Results. Compare the address history

    provided on the candidate's application with the criminal background check searchresults. If there are inconsistencies, ask the applicant for an explanation.

    5. Include Work Locations. People spend a lot of time at work or in the area of theiremployer, so consider a County Criminal History search in this area as well if itdiffers from the applicant's Address History.

    6. Credit Checks for Employment. Credit History Reports for employment purposesare different than those obtained for credit-granting purposes. The reports foremployers have the individual account numbers screened out or altered (a fractionof it may appear or be substituted). Using a standard credit report for employmentpurposes is a violation of the FCRA.

    6. Obtaining Birth Dates Without Violating The Law. As a potentialemployer, you can't ask a candidate's date of birth - but you need a date of birthto run a Criminal History Search. One option is to extend the job offer before thecriminal background check is ordered, with the offer being contingent on theresults of the report. A second option is to have the applicant complete therelease form, including date of birth, and seal it in an envelope when theapplication is submitted. Use it only if you run a criminal background check oremployee background check.

    7. Get Names of Supervisor and Co-Workers. Human Resource

    departments will frequently give out only the most basic of information - startand termination dates, title, etc. If you can get the name of a Supervisor or a fewco- workers, they are frequently less restrictive in the information they divulgefor pre employment screening.

    8. Run A Statewide Criminal Search. We don't recommend StatewideCriminal Searches as a sole source of information during a criminal backgroundcheck, but they are a good way to augment your County Criminal Record Search.If it's available, it's a relatively inexpensive way to cover a broad area.

    9. Integrate With Your Applicant Tracking System. If you use an

    Applicant Tracking System, Easy Backgrounds can be easily integrated so that itwill pull all the necessary data to run a criminal background check. No doubledata entry.

    10. Get With The Times. The Web is how business gets done quickly. Ifyou're not using a Web-based criminal background check provider, you'reprobably waiting longer and spending more for your pre employment screeningreports. Give Easy Backgrounds a try.

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    Why We need the Employee Background Check!!!!

    Those two words have been devastating to many businesses and they could cost youmillions of dollars. Negligent hiring is the failure to check the backgrounds of jobapplicants before you hire them.

    When a pizza deliveryman raped a customer, a jury awarded the victim $6 million of theparent company's money. The firm had failed to do a background check which might havedisclosed the man's previous sex-offense record.

    A trucking company was ordered to compensate a family when several family memberswere injured in an accident caused by one of its drivers. The amount awarded was manytimes what it would have been had the company checked the driver's record before hiringhim.

    Every day people with criminal records, falsified educational credentials, and other serious

    liabilities are hired by companies who fail to thoroughly check their backgrounds. Theresult can be acts leading to expensive negligent hiring lawsuits.

    Knowing the backgrounds of the people you hire is absolutely essential because a

    business can be held liable for accidents and crimes committed by its employees Toprotect your company and minimize risk, get reliable background information abouteveryone you consider for employment.

    Employee Background Checkminimizes these problems with its services. You can verifythe accuracy and/or completeness of information provided by job applicants beforehiring and training -- and thus reduce the costs incurred by high turnover and reduce your

    risk of liability.

    Employee Background Check Services

    General Information Reports Driving Record Reports Workers' Compensation Reports Credit Reports Criminal History Reports Education Verification Reports In-Depth Reports Rush Services

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    services and companies from around the Web. The following companies offer pre-employment screening and background check packages which typically include verificationof education and employment, credit reports, driving records, civil records and any othertype of information you may need when conducting a search.

    Provides pre-employment screening and background checks in the areas of fraud detectionand prevention, risk management, debt collection, asset location and identification,information verification, due diligence claims investigations and other permissiblepurposes.

    Texas firm provides companies, individuals and organizations a time sensitive, costeffectivecriminalbackgroundcheckservice.

    A pre-employment screening service that provides a full range of public record searches,

    employment and education verifications and references checks both nationally and abroad.

    Provides HR professionals and hiring managers with full service employment backgroundscreening products including hand-pulled county criminal background checks, MotorVehicle Records, and education verification and many other services. Corra has craftedhandy screening packages to assist with screening various types of employment positions.


    A full service pre-employment background screening company providing criminal records,driving records, credit reports, employment/education verifications and more. Nationwidesearches, online ordering and retrieval. Visit their website, www.datacheckinc.com andrequest a free quote online.Background Information Services works closely with companies to develop a hiringscreeningprogram.


    Employment background screening, with emphasis on legal compliance, Internet accessand professional HR assistance. Site contains educational articles, reports and sources onsafe hiring.

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    Security and investigations company which offers employment and drug screening,criminal background checks, private investigations, physical security, bodyguards, andalarm monitoring and installation.

    Screening Services is a leading provider of employment background checks, drug testingand physicals.

    National online provider of employee background checks and investigative services. Theyoffer pre-employment screening, tenant screening and employment verification, whichinclude credentials check, driving records, criminal checks, sex offender checks, courteviction records, education verification, social security trace and reference checks forhuman sources and small business owners.

    The Background & Network service loss prevention, consulting, investigation andbackground screening agency.

    Employment screening and background check firm provides comprehensive backgroundchecks, employment screening and drug testing.

    Employment Background Checks:

    A Jobseeker's Guide

    Whether you are hired or promoted for a job may depend on the information revealed in a

    background check. Job applicants and existing employees as well as volunteers may beasked to submit to background checks. For some jobs, screening is required by federal orstate law. The current emphasis on security and safety has dramatically increased thenumber of employment background checks conducted.

    In short, employers are being cautious. At the same time, applicants and employees fearthat employers can dig into the past in ways that have nothing to do with the job.

    This guide explains the why and how of background checks. It also tells you what can becovered in a background report, your rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, and whatyou can do to prepare. For more information, go to the References section at the end of this

    guide. The PRC does not perform background checks.

    Why Does an Employer Conduct a Background Check: Employers check potential andcurrent workers for several reasons. The things an employer wants to know about you canvary with the kinds of jobs you might seek. Here are a few of the reasons for employmentscreening.

    Negligent hiring lawsuits are on the rise. If an employee's actions hurt someone, theemployer may be liable. The threat of liability gives employers reason to be cautious in

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    checking an applicant's past. A bad decision can wreck havoc on a company's budgetand reputation as well as ruin the career of the hiring official. Employers no longer feelsecure in relying on their instinct as a basis to hire.

    Current events have caused an increase in employment screening.

    Child abuse and child abductions in the news in recent years have resulted in newlaws in almost every state that require criminal background checks for anyone whoworks with children. The move to protect children through criminal background checksnow includes volunteers who serve as coaches for youth sports activities and scouttroop leaders.

    Terrorist acts of September 11, 2001, have resulted in heightened security andidentity-verification strategies by employers. Potential job candidates and long-timeemployees alike are being examined with a new eye following September 11, 2001.

    Corporate executives, officers, and directors now face a degree of scrutiny in bothprofessional and private life unknown before the Enron debacle and other corporate

    scandals of 2002.

    False or inflated information supplied by job applicants is frequently in the news.Some estimates are that 30% to 40% of all job applications and resumes include somefalse or inflated facts. Such reports make employers wary of accepting anyone's wordat face value.

    The "information age" itself may be a reason for the increase in employment screening --the availability of computer databases containing millions of records of personal data. Asthe cost of searching these sources drops, employers are finding it more feasible to conduct

    I don't have anything to hide. Why should I worry!!!

    While some people are not concerned about background investigations, others areuncomfortable with the idea of an investigator poking around in their personal history. In-depth background checks could unearth information that is irrelevant, taken out of context,or just plain wrong. A further concern is that the report might include information that isillegal to use for hiring purposes or which comes from questionable sources.

    What Is Included in a Background Check!!

    Background reports can range from a verification of an applicant's Social Security numberto a detailed account of the potential employee's history and acquaintances. Here are someof the pieces of information that might be included in a background check. Note that manyof these sources are public records created by government agencies.

    Driving records Vehicleregistration

    Credit records Criminal records

    Social Security Education Court records Workers'

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    no. records compensation

    Bankruptcy Character references

    Neighbor interviews Medical records



    Military records State licensing


    Drug test

    recordsPast employers Personal


    Sex offenderlists

    What Cannot Be in a Background Check Report!!

    Bankruptcies after 10 years. Civil suits, civil judgments, and records of arrest, from date of entry, after seven

    years. Paid tax liens after seven years. Accounts placed for collection after seven years. Any other negative information (except criminal convictions) after seven years.

    Arrest information. Although arrest record information is public record, in California and otherstates employers cannot seek from any source the arrest record of a potential employee.However, if the arrest resulted in a conviction, or if the applicant is out of jail but pending trial,that information can be used.

    In India, an exception exists for the health care industry where any employer whohas an interest in hiring a person with access to patients can ask about sex related

    arrests. And, when an employee may have access to medications, an employer canask about drug related arrests.

    Criminal history. In India , criminal histories or "rap sheets" compiled by lawenforcement agencies are not public record. Only certain employers such as publicutilities, law enforcement, security guard firms, and child care facilities have access tothis information. With the advent of computerized court records and arrest information,however, there are private companies that compile virtual "rap sheets."

    Workers' compensation. when an employee's claim goes through the becomespublic record. An employer may only use this information if an injury might interferewith one's ability to perform required duties. Under the federal Americans withDisabilities Act, employers cannot use medical information or the fact an applicant filed

    a workers' compensation claim to discriminate against applicants.

    In India employers may access workers' compensation records after making an offer ofemployment. To gain access, employers must register with the and confirm that the recordsare being accessed for legitimate purposes. Although the agency may not reveal medicalinformation and the employer may not rescind an offer due to a workers' compensationclaim employers sometimes discover that applicants have not revealed previous

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    employers where they had filed claims. In such situations, employers often terminate thenew hire because it appears they falsified the application

    Bankruptcies. Bankruptcies are public record. However, employers cannotdiscriminate against applicants because they have filed for bankruptcy.

    Although these laws should prevent an employer from considering certain information,there is no realistic way for the applicant to determine whether such information will berevealed in a background check. This is particularly true for investigations conductedonline where the information obtained from web-based information brokers might not beverified for accuracy or completeness.

    For example, if you were arrested but never convicted, a data search could reveal the arrest,but the investigator who compiled the information might not delve further into the publicrecords to determine that you were acquitted or the charges were dropped. Reputableemployment screening companies always verify negative information obtained from database searches against the actual public records filed at the courthouse.

    Can an employment application ask about things that should not be reported?

    For example, an employment application might ask if you have "ever" been arrested. Theconsumer reporting agency cannot report an arrest that from date of entry was more thanseven years ago. It does not say the employer cannot How to handle such questions on anemployment application is of real concern to many people, especially those concerned witha youthful mistake from the distant past.

    State employment laws may limit the questions an employer includes on a job application.

    Aren't some of my personal records confidential!!!

    The following types of information may be useful for an employer to make a hiringdecision. However, under the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act, the employer is required toget your permission before obtaining the records.,"

    Education records., transcripts, recommendations, discipline records, and financialinformation are confidential. A school should not release student records without theauthorization of the adult-age student or parent. However, a school may release

    "directory information," which can include name, address, dates of attendance,degrees earned, and activities, unless the student has given written notice otherwise

    Military service records. Under the federal Privacy Act, service records areconfidential and can only be released under limited circumstances. Inquiries notauthorized by the subject of the records must be made under the Freedom ofInformation Act. Even without the applicant's consent, the military may release name,rank, salary, duty assignments, awards, and duty status. For more on military records,

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    Medical records. In many states, medical records are confidential. There are only afew instances when a medical record can be released without your knowledge orauthorization. The requires your specific permission for the release of medical records.If employers require physical examinations after they make a job offer, they will haveaccess to the results.

    There are other questions such as age, marital status, and certain psychological teststhat employers cannot use when interviewing. These issues are beyond the scope ofthis fact sheet. If you have further questions, contact the resources at the end of thisfact sheet. The federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the fairemployment agencies in the states handle these issues.

    What can my former employer say about me!!

    Often a potential employer will contact an applicant's past employers. A former boss cansay anything [truthful] about your performance. However, most employers have a policy toonly confirm dates of employment, final salary, and other limited information. Californialaw prohibits employers from intentionally interfering with former employees' attempts to

    find jobs by giving out false or misleading references.

    Under Indian law and the laws of many other states, employees have a right to review theirown personnel files and make copies of documents they have signed. If you are a state orfederal employee, Jobs such as truck driver positions fall under regulations of the federalDepartment of Transportation. Employers are required to accurately respond to an inquiryfrom a prospective employer about whether you took a drug test, refused a drug test, ortested positive in a drug test with the former or current employer.

    Who Conducts Background Checks

    There are many companies that specialize in employment screening. It is outside thepurpose of this fact sheet to identify background checking companies by name. The mostimportant thing to keep in mind is that companies conducting background checks fall intoseveral broad categories. This can range from individuals commonly knownas"privateinvestigators," to companies that do nothing but employment screening, and toonline data brokers.

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    Corporations that employ large numbers of people may have an established relationshipwith a third-party background checking company or may even use an affiliated companyfor their employment screening. Other background checking companies may work on a lessformal basis with employers. There are about several companies that conduct employmentscreening and thousands others nationwide, including private investigators.

    With the information age upon us, it is easy for employers to gather backgroundinformation themselves. Much of it is computerized, allowing employers to log on topublic records and commercial databases directly through dial-up networks or via theInternet. Finding one of these online companies is as easy as using an Internet searchengine to find web sites that specialize in "background checks." Employers should bewareof companies advertising on the Internet that they can "find everything about anyone."They are not necessarily going to be in strict compliance with federal and state laws,especially the provisions that require accuracy of background check reports.

    Do I have a right to know when a background check is requested!!

    Increase the disclosure and consent requirements of employers who use "consumerreports." Such reports might consist only of a credit check. More extensive reports mightinclude criminal histories, driving records, and interviews with neighbors, friends andassociates.

    To be covered by the , the Federal Trade Commission says that a report must be preparedby an outside company -- a "consumer reporting agency" or business that "for monetaryfees, dues, or on a cooperative nonprofit basis, regularly engages in ... assembling ...information on consumers for the purpose of furnishing consumer reports to third parties."

    A job offer, or denying a promotion - it must take the following steps, which areexplained .

    Before the adverse action is taken, the employer must give the applicant a "pre-adverse action disclosure." This includes a copy of the report and an explanation of theconsumer's rights under .

    Afterthe adverse action is taken, the individual must be given an "adverse actionnotice." This document must contain the name, address, and phone number of theemployment screening company, a statement that this company did not make theadverse decision, rather that the the accuracy or completeness of any of theinformation in the report.

    The federal law has two significant loopholes. First, if the employer does notuse a third-party screening company but, rather conducts the background check itself, it is notsubjectto the notice and consent provisions of the . Second, the employer might tell the rejectedapplicant that its adverse decision was not based on the contents of the backgroundinvestigation, but, rather that the job pool was so exceptional that it made its hiringdecision based on the fact that there were individuals more qualified than the applicant.

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    In both of these situations, the applicant would not have the ability to obtain a copy of thebackground check to find out what negative information it contained. We have learned ofsituations where the individual remained unemployed for years, not knowing that wrongfulcriminal records which resulted from identity theft were the reason for the individual'sfailure to find employment.

    Workplace Investigations

    This is an investigation conducted by a third-party your employer may hire if the employersuspects you of:

    Misconduct relating to your employment.

    A violation of federal, state or local laws or regulations. A violation of any preexisting written policies of the employer. Noncompliance with the rules of a self-regulatory organization, that, for example,

    oversees the securities and commodity futures industry.

    It means your employer does not have to give you notice and get your permission toconduct a misconduct investigation. Like other inquiries covered by the FCRA, this onlyapplies if the employer hires an outside party to conduct the investigation.

    It also means you will not receive a notice of your rights as others who are subject to astandard employment background check normally would. If, at the end of the investigation,

    the employer decides to take some action against you, you receive the "adverse action"notice only afterthe action has been taken.

    You will receive only a "summary" of the investigation report, but not the more detailedreport that may include sources.

    Who will see the investigation report!!

    The report may be communicated to:

    The employer or its agent. Any federal or state officer, agency or department or any officer, agency or

    department of a unit of general local government. Any self-regulatory organization with regulatory authority over the activities of the

    employer or the employee.

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    Others, as is otherwise required by law; or A government agency, in accordance with an existing FCRA section that allows a

    consumer reporting agency to disclose personal identifying information to agovernment agency.

    Can I dispute the findings

    Not under the BG dispute procedure. That is because this new section on workplacemisconduct investigations was affected by removing this type of investigation from thedefinition of "consumer report." Thus, the usual protections that apply to a "consumerreport" conducted for employment purposes do not apply to workplace misconductinvestigations. If you find yourself in this position, you will probably want to seek theadvice of an employment law attorney.

    Medical records or payments. Residential or tenant history.

    Check writing history. Employment history. Insurance claims.

    For job applicants and employees, this means, starting in January 2005, you may receive afree copy of your "file" maintained by a "nationwide specialty consumer reporting agency"that supplies employers with background checks. Before, you could request a copy of your"file" but would have to pay for it.

    Now, companies that provide employment background check reports have to, as a

    minimum, set up a toll-free number that gives you instructions on how to get theinformation in your "file." Companies may but are not required to also provide access tothe free "file" disclosure through a web site address.

    Your "file" is not the same as your "report." The "report" is the document the backgroundscreening company gives to your employer. The gives you the right to receive a copy ofyour "report" directly from the employer," but only if the employer issues an "adverseaction" notice. Your "file" is defined in the as ".all of the information [about you] recordedand retained by a consumer reporting agency regardless of how the information is stored."You are entitled to see your "file," whether or not the employer gives the "adverse action"notice.

    Investigative Consumer Reports:

    The background check that includes interviews with "neighbors, friends, or associates"about your "character, general reputation, personal characteristics, or mode of living" iscalled an "investigative consumer report."

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    When information about you is gathered from interviews, the requires a separatedisclosure. You are also entitled to know the "nature and scope" of an investigativeconsumer report, but you have to ask. For more on how the staff interprets the term"investigative consumer report" and other keys topics under the

    How to Prepare for a Background Check

    When you know you are going to be on the job market, take the following steps to reducethe chances that you and/or the potential employer will be "surprised" by information foundin the background check process:

    Order a copy of your credit report. If there is something you do not recognize or thatyou disagree with, dispute the information with the creditor and/or credit bureau beforeyou have to explain it to the interviewer. Another individual's name may appear on yourcredit report. This happens when someone mistakenly writes down the wrong Social

    Security number on a credit application causing that name to appear on your file. Oryou might be a victim of identity theft.

    Check court records. If you have an arrest record or have been involved in courtcases, go to the county where this took place and inspect the files. Make sure theinformation is correct and up to date.

    Reporting agencies often report felony convictions when the consumer truly

    Check DMV records.

    Request a copy of your driving record from the Department of Motor Vehicles, especially if youare applying for a job that involves driving.

    Many employers ask on their application if you were ever convicted of a crime. Orthey might word the question to ask whether you have ever been convicted of afelony or misdemeanor. Typically, the application says you do not have to divulge acase that was expunged or dismissed, or that was a minor traffic violation.

    Do your own background check. If you want to see what an employer's backgroundcheck might uncover, hire a company that specializes in such reports to conduct onefor you. That way, you can discover if the data bases of information vendors containerroneous or misleading information. (Consult the Yellow Pages under "Investigators.")

    Or, you can use one of the many online search services to find out what an employerwould learn if conducting a background check in this way.

    Ask to see a copy of your personnel file from your old job. Even if you do not workthere anymore, state law might enable you to see your file. Under you can accessyour file until at least a year from the last date of employment. And you are allowed tomake copies of documents in your file that have your signature on them. You may alsowant to ask if your former employer has a policy about the release of personnelrecords. Many companies limit the amount of information they disclose.

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    Read the fine print carefully. When you sign a job application, you will be asked tosign a consent form if a background check is conducted. Read this statement carefullyand ask questions if the authorization statement is not clear. Unfortunately, jobseekersare in an awkward position, since refusing to authorize a background check may

    jeopardize the chances of getting the job.

    Notice of a background check has to be on a separate form. The only otherinformation this form can include is your authorization and information thatidentifies you. Neither the notice of a background check nor any other form shouldask questions like "race," "sex," "full date of birth," or "maiden name." Suchquestions violate the federal Equal Employment Opportunity laws. And, you shouldnot be asked to sign any document that waives your right to sue a screeningcompany or the employer for violations of the law.

    Tell neighbors and work colleagues, past and present, that they might be asked toprovide information about you. This helps avoid suspicion and alerts you to possibleproblems. In addition, their prior knowledge gives them permission to disclose

    information to the investigator. Forewarning others speeds up the process and helpsyou get the job faster.

    Request previous background check reports. If you have been the subject of abackground check covered by the BG Department, you may be entitled to receive acopy of your "file" from the employment screening company. If you do not know thename of the screening company, ask the employer who requested the check. For moreon your right to get a free employment report,

    Company Profile

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    Research and Methodology

    Statement of Problem:

    Human resource has gained a wide acceptance in the industry. The objective of the study

    was to access employee satisfaction. This has led to the need for more experienced and

    skillful employee where to be trained to meet the organization requirement.

    People in an organization are the most productive resource and also the most expensive

    organization spends on this resource in order to extract the best contribution out of them. A

    small judgment error in rectifying a non retainable employee could lead to decal losses in

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    terms of time and money spend on his training and job socialization as also initial losses in

    terms of job held up due to vacancy in position and other related job being postponed in

    todays fast pace corporate world, time management being important, such errors are not

    called for therefore more stress is laid on efficient, effective and potential worker for the

    organization corporate world today recruits people directly and prudently rather simply hire

    and fire people.

    The mobilization of money, the construction of factory building, the purchase and

    installation of machines and procurement of materials are the initial measures taken by a

    management in the establishment of a company. The recruitment and selection of people to

    man and machines and auxiliary services form a part of these initial measures.

    Without people to man and plant, the collection of physical resources by itself will not

    serve only purpose. The hiring of men and women required is more important than the

    marshalling of physical resources in the establishment of the company and the attainment

    of its objectives. Note that the hiring of people is confirmed to the initial stages in the

    formation of an enterprise. The employment is continuous one and it ends only when the

    enterprise eases to exist.

    More important, an enterprise grows and diversifies, and so there is great need for men and

    women. Recruitment and selection, therefore becomes a specialized function and is

    disclosed by the personnel department. In act, employments are one of the foremost

    functions of the human resource development.

    Therefore, it is necessary to know about the employment function i.e., recruitment,

    selection, interviews, placing and orientation of personnels. HR is the major inputs for any

    organization to achieve its objectives. Therefore its important for any organization to

    spend time and money till the right personnel are found.

    Field of study:

    This project work was carried out at (Pragathi Consulting Services ) PCS., Bangalore.

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    Research samples:

    IT industry plays a very important role in the economy. The sample was therefore

    chosen as it portrays the needs of the researchers.

    Research provides an insight into any study top basically evaluate and judge the data or to

    find the solution to any given problem a simple is representative of a group or population

    that identifies itself as part of it. The sample chosen for this report is M /S Pragathi

    Consultancy Services , Bangalore.

    Objectives of the study:

    Background Verification & analysis are one of major HRM function that helps manager to

    keep the skilled members in the organization.

    Data Collection:

    The data collected contains primary data and secondary data. The primary data has

    been collected mainly by interviewing and also observation and audit. Secondary data has

    been obtained from published journals, company broachers, books, internet, etc.