bcm school

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Post on 14-Apr-2018




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  • 7/30/2019 BCM School


  • 7/30/2019 BCM School


    About BCM School

    BCM Aryas world of KNOWLEDGE and

    LEARNING dispels the darkness of ignorance and

    radiates a new era of ENLIGHTENMENT that

    makes every child an epitome of vision and

    commitment stricling small steps towards a big

    journey creating a gleaming trail of success

    powered by knowledge and driven by values with

    elevated VISION OF LIGHT.

    Learning gives creativity

    Creativity leads to thinking

    Thinking provides knowledge

    Knowledge makes you great.

  • 7/30/2019 BCM School



    BCM will promote excellence in educational

    endeavours at all levels so as to develop human

    resource which will meet the future challenges of

    the society.


    To impart Quality Education by providing a dynamic

    learning environment, inculcating universal valuesand developing global vision so that each child

    becomes a life long learner and takes initiative for

    global peace, harmony and sound economy.

  • 7/30/2019 BCM School


    To raise achievement of all students in Academics andSports.

    To improve the Health and wellness of BCM AryanFamily (student, teachers and supporting staff).

    To promote Innovation focusing on best practices and

    quality efforts. To develop and recognize High Performance of BCM

    Aryan Family (teachers and supporting staff).

    To build Strong Relationship with students, parents,teachers and school management.

    To provide a Safe and Secure physical andtechnological environment for BCM Aryan Family(student, teachers and supporting staff).

    To promote Moral and Ethical values among BCMAryan Family.

    To promote Globally competitive, High-tech and

  • 7/30/2019 BCM School


    Principals MessageEducation is the knowledge of how to use the whole of oneself;To know how to make a tool of every faculty;

    How to open it; how to keep it;how to keep it sharp; And how to apply it to all practical purposes.

    We the team of BCM Arya, are a part of the great mission to chisel theglittering careers of the students and nurturing excellence and creativity inthe young minds with education and empowering them to explore individualtalents by deploying globally contemporary pedagogical tools and bestpractices have made the institution luminary among the public schools anda towering like image in the educational map of Punjab. Besides academicexcellence amongst our students we also ensure their all round personalitydevelopment so that they grow up to be not only useful and responsiblecitizens but also useful members of world community to create a BETTER


  • 7/30/2019 BCM School


  • 7/30/2019 BCM School


    Classes of BCM School

    The school has well furnished, airy and wellmaintained class rooms. The class rooms areaesthetically pleasing as well as functional. Therooms are decorated in good taste and present acheerful atmosphere, thus enabling the childrento develop aesthetic appreciation easily andnaturally when they move in an environment that

    is attractive.

  • 7/30/2019 BCM School



    The school starts functioning with the blessings ofthe Almighty by performing 'Havan' daily in the

    yagyashala. The classes go for Hawan on

    rotation basis.

  • 7/30/2019 BCM School


    Auditorium (Swami Dayanand Hall)

    The school has magnificent and well designed multi-purpose Auditorium with a seating capacity of 1000. Ithas a stage which is well equipped with moderntechniques of sound and dazzling lights which add toits scenic beauty. The various school activities andfunctions are performed round the year in this


  • 7/30/2019 BCM School


    Labs in School

    Digital Language Lab

    Math Lab

    Biology Lab

    Physics Lab

    Chemistry Lab

    Home Science Lab