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    Department of Applied Science (Chemistry)



    B.E First YearI / II Semester

    Chandigarh University,

    Gharuan (Mohali)

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    Table of Contents

    S.No Name of ExperimentPage





    Introduction & demonstration of various components of

    computer: Introduction to windows: user interface, icon,

    folder and its features, installing window7, features and

    various settings in windows, navigation with drives;

    creating and sharing of folders, moving files into folders;

    remote desktop connection.


    Working with MS-Word:

    Basics opening document, saving and closing, text creation

    and editing, concept of headers & footers, use of formatting

    features, working with tables; create a resume using word




    Working With MS-Excel:

    Basics, elements of electronic spread sheet, manipulation of

    cells, providing formulas, insertion/deletion of

    columns/rows; using spread sheets for small accountings,

    creation of various charts; create a spread sheet consisting

    of total marks of student in different subjects and calculate

    the percentage for same.



    Working with MS-PowerPoint:Basics, creating presentation, preparation of slides and slide

    show, slide manipulation, use of design templates, adding

    pictures/clip art, diagram, tables & charts in slides; create a

    power point presentation on any topic. .




    36-36Programs for displaying messages as output.

    5.1 To print messages on screen using escape sequence.


    Programs based on conditional statements.

    6.1. To find that given number is even or odd.6.2 To find the greatest among three numbers using if else


    6.3 To add, subtract, multiply, divide using switchstatement.



    Programs based on loops and jumping statements.

    7.1 To print pyramid for different patterns using for loop.

    7.2 To print the table of a given number using while/ do

    while loop.

    7.3 To print the factorial of a number.


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    Submitted By:

    (Lakhindra Kumar) (Dr. Madhav Kumar)

    Roll no. 46 I.Sc. Physical Vice Principal

    Date: 2/8/2013


    Program based on functions with use of recursion and

    argument passing.

    8.1 To swap two numbers using call by value & call by


    8.2 To print the sum of first n natural numbers by using






    Program based on single dimensional and two dimensional


    9.1 To display the biggest value in an integer array.

    9.2 To multiply two matrices using arrays.


    Program based on the use of string functions.

    10.1 To concatenate two strings & store the result in third


    10.2 To check whether the string is palindrome a) without

    using string inbuilt functions b) with using string inbuilt




    Program based on structure and union.

    11.1 To read & print the record of 5 students using


    11.2 To implement the concept of union.


    12 Program based on files for various file operations.

    12.1 To copy the contents of one file to another file.57-58

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    Title:basics of Keyboard, Mouse, Motherboard, RAM, Hard disk, Different printers.

    Objective: Providing basic information so that students become familiar to variousperipheral devices.

    S/W Requirement: Operating System

    H/W Requirement: Keyboard, Mouse, CPU, Motherboard, RAM, Hard disk, printers.

    Theory:RAM: Random Access Memory (RAM): allows data and instructions to be accessed randomly

    from any memory location (address). Primary storage.Volatile - lost when power is turned off

    Motherboard: Attachments to the motherboard include: Main Memory: types of main memory include:

    RAM - temporary (includes virtual memory storage). Include RAM cache

    ROM - permanentWhen add main memory, make sure add-on chips are compatible

    Real time clock (current date and time) Microprocessor or CPU (central processing unit)

    Control Unit: traffic cop portion of the CPU

    ALU: arithmetic logic unit processes all math and logical operations performed by the


    CPU: Control Unit: works with the operating system to move data between auxiliary storageand main memory; and between main memory and the ALU

    Arithmetic/Logic Unit (ALU): processes data arithmetically (addition, subtraction,multiplication, division) or logically (greater than, less than, equal to)

    Main Memory: contains both program instructions and the data that is required. A single machine can have multiple CPUs to share processing tasks (co-processors,

    multiprocessing), but each CPU can execute only a single task.

    Keyboard: Windows PCs use tow basic types of keyboards that are classified by the numberof keys they have:

    101-key Enhanced keyboard 104-key Windows keyboard

    The windows keyboard has some extra keys that address windows specific functionssuch as opening the start menu or opening the shortcut menu.

    Many new style keyboards also include keys or buttons for connecting to the internet,sending and receiving emails, and adjusting the volume of the sound systemseparatesoftware needed to manage them.

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    Department of Applied Science

    Mouse: Parts of a typical mouse:Right Button

    Left ButtonScroll Wheel

    Mouse terms:

    Right Click - clicking the right mouse button once

    Left Click - clicking the left mouse button once Double-click - clicking a button twice in rapid succession Dragging - holding a button down over an object while moving the mouse Dropping - letting the mouse button up after a drag


    A computer printer, or more commonly a printer, is a computer peripheral which produces

    a hard copy (permanent human-readable text and/or graphics) of documents stored in

    electronic form, usually on physical print media such aspaper or transparencies. Many printers

    are primarily used as localperipherals,and are attached by aprinter cable to a computer whichserves as a document source. Some printers, commonly known as network printers, have

    built-innetwork interfaces (typically wireless orEthernet), and can serve as a hardcopy devicefor any user on the network. Individual printers are often designed to support both local andnetwork connected users at the same time.

    Different Types are:Dot Matrix

    Ink jet printer

    Laser Printer

    Introduction to windows


    The Desktop

    The word desktop has been derived from real life desk top were a manager puts all the things

    required by her. For instance, on a desktop, there may be pen stand, notepad, calculator, etc.Lying, which are required by the manager. The desktop of a Windows also serves the same


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    In Windows Operating System, the screen upon which icons, Windows, etc. are displayed is

    known as desktop. The Windows Operating System desktop may contain a background, oneor more active or inactive windows, a taskbar and icons. A background can be anything from

    a single- color screen to an elaborate artistic image. All windows and icons are superimposed

    on the background, whatever it may be.

    The Icons

    Icons are the pretty pictures representing Windows elements like files, folders, shortcuts, etc.Icons play a very important role in graphical user interface.

    Commonly used icons are:

    1. Application icons: These are the graphic rendering of the software packages logo.If you double click over this icon, the related application gets invoked.

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    2. Shortcuts icons: These are little graphics pointing to a particular application,document or folder, etc. By double clicking over them the concerned

    application/document/folder etc. becomes active.

    3. Document icons:The active document window, which is a window within anapplication window, can be minimized to a document icon. Point and double click onthe document icon to restore the document window.

    4. Disk-drive icons: Disk-drive icons graphically represent five disk drive options:floppy disk, hard-disk, network, Ram, and CD-ROM. The floppy disk,


    Hard-disk and CD-ROM icons resemble the faceplates of the disk drives. Typically, PCs

    have only one or two floppy drives, assigned to A and B.

    The Taskbar

    This is bar that is usually found at the bottom of your screen. The start button about which

    we have discussed just now is located on the task bar only.

    Apart from the start button, the taskbar hosts the clock, some toolbar and the buttonscorresponding to all open windows.

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    Buttons on the taskbar show you which windows are open, even if some windows are

    minimized or hidden beneath another window. You can easily switch to a different windowby clicking its taskbar button. That is, if you are currently working in Microsoft Excelswindow and now you want to switch to Microsoft PowerPoint, which is also active in

    another window, then, all you need to do is: click the button representing MicrosoftPowerPoint on the taskbar.

    The Start ButtonUsing start button, we can accomplish almost any task. We can start programs, open

    documents, customize system, get Help, search for items on our computer, and more. Some

    commands on the start menu have right-facing arrow which means additional choices areavailable on a secondary menu. If we place our pointer over an item with an arrow, another

    menu appears.

    To use the Start Menu

    1. Click the start button. The start menu appears.2. Click the option you want to open. Point to option with right-facing arrows to open

    secondary menu.

    Starting and Closing Programs

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    Most of the programs on the computer are available one convenient location- the Programs

    section of the Start menu. Depending on how your computer is set up, what you see on the

    Start menu varies.

    To start a program

    (MS Paint located on Accessories Group)

    1. Click the start button, and then point to programs. The programs sub-menu appears.2. Point to the group such as Accessories here that contains the program you want to start

    and then click the program name i.e., on MSPaint in our case.

    To quit an open program

    1. Just click the close button in the upper-right corner of the program window2. Alternatively, you can also click upon Exit option available on the File menu of the

    application or you can also press the shortcut key Alt+F4.

    Window control buttons

    You can work with open windows in Windows 98 by clicking one of the window controlbuttons located on the far right of the title bar.

    MINIMIZE: It is used to minimize a window. Aminimized window is still open, and a window button appears on the taskbar.

    RESTORE: Return a window to its previous size i.e., the original size in which itwas opened.

    CLOSE: It is used to close the window.

    Control Panel

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    This is used to change the settings of your computer. When you click on the Control Panel on

    Task bar windows showing the contents of it appears.

    Conclusion:Students are made familiar with various I/O devices and components of CPUthrough the demonstration and with the windows operating system, its icons and menus andControl Panel through the working.

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    Title: Practice with MS Word, Operating and closing document, Preparation of document,setting of document, familiarization with various tools, mail- merge practice.

    Objective:To understand the Word in depth like creating, editing, formatting and printingthe documents and to understand its good tools like Mail merge

    S/W Requirements: MS-Office (MS-Word)

    H/W Requirements: Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor.

    Introduction to MS- word

    Microsoft Wordis Microsoft's flagship word processing software. It was first released in 1983under the name Multi-Tool Word for xenix systems. It is a component of the Microsoft

    system; however, it is also sold as a standalone product and included in Microsoft works suite.

    Beginning with the 2003 version, the branding was revised to emphasize Word's identity as a

    component within the Office suite; Microsoft began calling it Microsoft Office Wordinstead

    of merely Microsoft Word. The latest release is Word 2008 for Mac OS X.

    Starting Microsoft Word

    Two Ways1. Double click on the Microsoft Word icon on the desktop.2. Click on Start --> Programs --> Microsoft Word

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    Special Features of MS word

    Creating a new document





    Other helpful functions

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    Many of the steps you are about to read are for both PC and Mac computers. Some of the steps

    have very similar descriptions. For your benefit, this tutorial has combined the information but

    will offer different screen shots for each system when necessary.


    To launch Microsoft Word, go to Start > Programs > Microsoft Office > Microsoft OfficeWorld. A blank Word document will open.

    Navigate to Microsoft Word on a PC TOOLBARS

    Microsoft Word uses toolbars to allow you to modify your document. When you first open

    Word, usually the three toolbars discussed below will open. However, each computer may set

    up these toolbars differently, so they will usually look different than the toolbars below. If you

    do not see these toolbars, or to open up other toolbars, go to View Toolbars and place a

    checkmark by the toolbar you wish to open. If you do not see anicon you expect on a toolbar,

    click on the arrow at the end of the toolbar to reveal hiddenicons. Word willalso allow you to

    customize your toolbars by going to View > Toolbars> Customize.


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    The Menu bar:This toolbar is constructed of word commands and not icons (pictures).

    The Menubar contains all the options available to you in Microsoft Word. Using this toolbar

    to format and change your document will often allow you greater control than using the icons

    on the other toolbars. However, the other toolbars may be more convenient.

    Menu bar.

    The Standard toolbar: This toolbar contains icons from common commands such as

    Save, Print, Tables, and Spell Check. These icons are convenient but will not bring up the

    dialogue boxes that allow you to change the settings of these actions. You should use

    whichever method works the best for you.

    Standard toolbar.

    The Formatting toolbar:This toolbar contains icons for common formatting actions,

    such as Font Style, Font Size, Bold, Italic, Underline, Alignment, NumberedList,

    Bulleted List, Indentation, Spacing, and Font Color. These icons are convenient but will

    not bring up dialogue boxes that allow you to change the settings of these actions. You

    should use whichever method works the best for you.

    Formatting toolbar.


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    From the same menu (Figure 1), select Layout to customize the layout of your document.

    Click on Page Setup, and then select the orientation of your document. Click Portrait if you

    want your document to be 8.5 x 11 inches (most common). Click Landscape if you want your

    document to be 11 x 8.5 inches. Landscape simply flips the page 90 degrees.


    To format your paragraph, first highlight the paragraph you wish to format. To highlight more

    than one paragraph, click at the beginning of the paragraph and drag the mouse over the text.

    To apply changes to the entire document, go to Edit > Select All. To specify Alignment, Line

    Spacing, Indentation, and Page Break click Format > Paragraph. This will open up the

    Paragraph menu (Figure 2). The Alignment option allows you to choose how you want your

    paragraph to look (i.e. justified, right, center, or left). The Line Spacing option allows you to

    set the desired spacing, such as single or double. The Indentation option allows you to

    tab/push the line(s) in your paragraph either left or right. The Page Break option is found in

    Paragraph menu, but you must first select the Lineand Page Breaks tab. Page break allows

    you to split a paragraph or a page up into sections. You can also bring up this menu by right

    clicking (or by hitting CONTROL + click on a one button mouse) within the document and

    selecting Paragraph.

    Changing the Paragraph attributes with the Paragraph menu.

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    Before you type, you should select your font style, size, color and attributes (such as bold, italic

    and underline) by using the Formatting toolbar or by going to Format > Font. This will open

    the Font menu (Figure 3). However, if you wish to change text that has already been typed,

    click and drag over the text to be changed to highlight it (or go to Edit > Select All to select

    the entire document) and change it as before.

    Changing the font attributes in the Font menu.

    NUMBERED AND BULLETED LISTSTo create a simple numbered or bulleted list, click on the Number or Bulletbutton on the

    Formatting toolbar. To have more control over the format of your list, go to Format > Bullets

    and Numbering. This will open up the Bullets and Numbering Menu. Select your desired

    list format and click OK. Type the first item in the list and press RETURN to move to the next

    number or bullet. Press RETURN twice to exit the list.

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    Cut and Paste

    In Microsoft Word, you can cut (delete) text from one area of a document and save that text so

    it can be pasted elsewhere in the document. When you cut text, it is stored on the Clipboard.

    You can also copy text. When you copy text, it is also stored on the Clipboard. Information

    stored on the Clipboard stays there until new information is either cut or copied. Each time you

    execute Cut or Copy, you replace the old information on the Clipboard with whatever you just

    cut or copied. You can paste Clipboard information as often as you like.

    Cut - Using the Menu

    1. Type the following:I want to move. I am content where I am.

    2. Highlight "I want to move."

    3. Choose Edit > Cut from the menu.

    4. Your text should now read:

    "I am content where I am."

    Paste - Using the Menu

    1. Place thecursorafter the period in the sentence "I am content where I am."

    2. Press the spacebar to leave a space.

    3. Choose Edit > Paste from the menu.

    4. Your text should now read

    "I am content where I am. I want to move.

    Copy and Paste

    In Microsoft Word, you can copy text from one area of the document and place that text

    elsewhere in the document. As with cut data, copied data is stored on the Clipboard.

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    Copy - Using the Menu

    1. Type the following:

    You will want to copy me. One of me is all you need.

    2. Highlight "You will want to copy me."

    3. Choose Edit > Copy from the menu.

    Find and Replace

    These functions help you locate and replace a certain word or phrase in your document. To use

    these options, click on the Edit tab and click on Find or Replace. The difference between

    these is that the Find command will do just that; it will locate the word(s) you are looking for,

    but thats all. The Replace command will ask for the word or phrase you wish to change, along

    with the word or phrase you would like to use instead. When you use either of these commands,

    Word will locate every instance of the word or phrase in question, not just the first one.

    Font Size

    In Microsoft Word, you can change the size of your font (text). The following exercise

    illustrates changing the font size.

    Change Font Size - Using the Menu

    1. Type the following:

    I am the smallest. I am a little bigger. I am the biggest.

    2. Highlight "I am the smallest."

    3. Choose Format > Font from the menu.

    4. Choose the Font tab.

    5. Type 8in the Size field, or click 8 in the box below the Size field.

    6. Click OK.7. Highlight "I am a little bigger."

    8. Choose Format > Font from the menu.

    9. Choose the Font tab.

    10.Type 14in the Size field, or click 14 in the box below the Size field.

    11.Click OK.

    12.Highlight "I am the biggest."

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    13.Choose Format > Font from the menu.

    14.Choose the Font tab.

    15.Type 24in the Size field, or click 24 in the box below the Size field.

    16.Click OK.

    17.Your text should now look similar to the following:

    "I am the smallest. I am a little bigger. I am the biggest."

    Undo and Redo

    In order to undo an action, go to Edit > Undo. To redo an action, go to Edit > Redo. It is

    important to note that not all actions are undoable, thus it is important to save before you

    make any major changes in your document so you can revert back to your saved document.

    Common Shortcuts

    These are some common shortcuts that you can use on your keyboard in almost any

    Microsoft Office program:

    Copy: CTRL + C

    Align Left: CTRL + L

    Bold: CTRL + B

    Spell Check: F7

    Select All: CTRL + A

    Cut: CTRL + X

    Align Right: CTRL + R

    Italic: CTRL + I

    Thesaurus: SHIFT + F7

    Undo: CTRL + Z

    Paste: CTRL + V

    Align Center: CTRL + E

    Underline: CTRL + U

    Find: CTRL + F

    Save: CTRL + S

    Help: SHIFT + F1

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    Redo: CTRL + Y

    Other helpful functions

    Insert option

    To insert a table:

    Click on the Table button in the toolbar, or click on the Table tab at the top of the screen,

    then click Insert, and Table.

    You will have to specify the number of columns and rows, and then click OK.

    To add rows or columns in a table:

    Click on a cell where you would like to insert a row or column.

    Click on the Borders and Tables button.

    In the toolbar that comes up, click on the word Table

    Click on one of the Insert Rows/Insert Columns choices that appear.

    To delete rows or columns:

    Click on a cell in the row or column you would like to delete.

    Click on the Borders and Tables button. In the toolbar that comes up, click on the word Table

    Click on either Delete Rows or Delete Columns.

    Inserting Symbols:

    To insert a symbol that isnt on the keyboard (for example, , , 8, ., , etc.), click on the Insert

    tab, and then click on Symbol. You can choose which symbol you would like to use, then

    click on the Insert button when that symbol is highlighted. Click on the Close button to return

    to your document.

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    Spell Check

    Word checks your spelling and grammar as you type. Spelling errors display with a red wavy

    line under the word. Grammar errors display with a green wavy line under the error. If you

    want to spell check your entire document, press F7 and click the spelling icon , or choose

    Tools > Spelling and Grammar from the menu. If you want to spell check part of yourdocument, highlight the area you want to spell check. Then press F7 and click the spelling icon

    , or choose Tools > Spelling and Grammar from the menu.

    Headers and Footers

    Headers and Footers can be used to give a uniform look to the pages of your document. To

    create one, go to View > Header and Footer. Use the Header and Footer toolbar to insert

    and format words and objects in the header. To move between the header and footer, use the

    Switch between Header and Footerbutton. Click Close to exit the header or footer.

    Using the Header and Footer toolbar.

    Mail Merge

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    Mail merge enables you to create form letters, mailing labels, envelopes, or catalogs. There are

    two files needed for a mail merge. The data source contains the data that varies in the merged

    documentsfor example, the name and address of each recipient of a form letter. The data

    source can be an existing spreadsheet, database, or text file, or a Word table that you create.

    The main document contains the generic information that you want to repeat in each form

    letter, mailing label, envelope, or catalog.

    In the main document, merge fields (name, address, city, state, zip) are the

    placeholders that tell Microsoft Word where to insert data from the data source. Merge fields

    are identified by the guillemots ( ) around each field. When you execute the merge

    command, Word automatically generates letters by replacing the merge fields in the main

    document with the appropriate data from the source document. Each row (or record) in the data

    source produces an individual form letter, mailing label, envelope, or catalog item. The idea of

    a mail merge is to save you time and keystrokes; therefore, type as much information in the

    main document as possible. For instance, if one of your merge fields will be a price (i.e.

    $14.00), type the dollar sign in the main document so you wont have to type it for every price

    in the source document.

    Create a Mail Merge

    The Main Document

    1. Begin with a new document or you can also use an existing document.2. Go to Tools Mail Merge The Mail Merge Helper will open.

    3. Select Create. Under Main document and choose the type of document you wish to create.

    4. Word will ask if you wish to use the active window as your document or create a new

    document. If you began with a blank or existing document, choose Active Window. The active

    document becomes the main document. A new document is created and the Mail Merge tool

    bar will appear.

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    Conclusion: Students are made familiar with the basics of MS Word and how to use them

    on all the commands in this part of application software.

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    Title: Practice with MS Excel, Operating and closing spreadsheets, Preparation ofspreadsheets, familiarization with various tools- formating cells, applying formulas cells.

    Objective:To understand the Excel in depth like creating, editing, formatting and printingthe spreadsheets , formating cells, applying formulas cells.

    S/W Requirements: MS-Office (MS-Excel)

    H/W Requirements: Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor.

    Introduction to MS-Excel

    Start Excel 2007 from the Start Menu

    Click on the Startbutton, point to All Programsthen Microsoft Officeand click on

    Microsoft Office Excel 2007.

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    The first screen that you will see a new blank worksheet that contains grid of cells. This gridis the most important part of the Excel window. It's where you'll perform all your work, such

    as entering data, writing formulas, and reviewing the results.

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    Microsoft Excel 2007 Workbook and Worksheet

    A worksheetis the grid of cells where you can type the data. The grid divides your worksheet

    into rows and columns.

    Columns are identified with letters (A, B, C ), while rows are identified with numbers (1,2, 3 ).

    A cellis identified by column and row. For example, B8 is the address of a cell in column B(the second column), and row 8 (the eighth row).

    A worksheet in Excel 2007 consists of 16,384 columns and over 1 million rows. The

    worksheets in turn are grouped together into a workbook.

    By default each workbook in Excel 2007 contains 3 blank worksheets, which are identified

    by tabs displaying along the bottom of your screen. By default the first worksheet is called

    Sheet1, the next is Sheet2 and so on as shown here.

    Tools to be used in Excel:

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    Office button: When clicked, this button opens the Office menu, from which you can open,save, print, and exit as well as the Excel Options button that enables you to change Excel's

    default settings.

    Quick Access Toolbar: A small toolbar next to the Office button contains shortcuts for some

    of the most common commands such as Save, Undo, and Redo buttons. You also cancustomize quick access toolbar.

    Ribbon: A combination of old versions menu bar and toolbar, arranged into a series of tabsranging from Home through View. Each tab contains buttons, lists, and commands.

    Name box: Displays the address of the current active cell where you work in the worksheet.

    Formula bar: Displays the address of the active cell on the left edge, and it also shows you

    the current cell's contents.

    Worksheet area: This area contains all the cells of the current worksheet identified bycolumn headings, using letters along the top, and row headings, using numbers along the left

    edge with tabs for selecting new worksheets.

    Sheet tabs: Excel 2007 contains 3 blank worksheet tabs by default. Click on the intended tabwill go to the particular worksheet.

    Status bar: Reports information about the worksheet and provides shortcuts for changing the

    view and the zoom.

    Zoom control: Use to zoom the Excel screen in or out by dragging the slider.

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    Excel 2007 ribbondiscover the new ribbon elements in excel

    The Excel 2007 Ribbona new outlook that replaces the previous versions menu bar anddrop down menus.

    Yes, Excel 2007's user interface is based on the ribbon, which is a bar across the top of the

    window that contains tabbed pages of commands and icons/buttons.

    With the Ribbon, it shows you all the most commonly used options needed to perform a

    particular Excel task and you just click on it to take action.

    Here are some important terms related to Excel 2007 ribbon:

    Ribbon: The whole bar, including all of the tabs.

    Office Button: On the far left side of the Ribbon, the Office Button lets you perform tasksthat are common across many Office applications.

    Quick Access Toolbar: Located on top of the Excel screen beside the Office Button.

    Tab: Excel's main tasks are brought together and display all the commands commonlyneeded. Clicking a tab name once activates the tab.

    Group: A section of a tab that organizes related command buttons into subtasks. For

    example, the Home tab has the following groups: Clipboard, Font, Alignment, Number,Styles, Cells, and Editing.

    Dialog box launcher: A small icon in the bottom-right corner of a group, from which you

    can open a dialog box related to that group.

    To understand tabs on the Excel ribbon

    Home: Use this tab when creating, formatting, and editing a spreadsheet.

    Insert: Use this tab when adding particular elements (including graphics, PivotTables, charts,hyperlinks, and headers and footers) to a spreadsheet.

    Page Layout: Use this tab when preparing a spreadsheet for printing or reordering graphics

    on the sheet.

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    Esc key: Pressing the key will cancels the current data entry.

    Save A Sheet:

    To save a workbook (first time)

    From Office Button, click SaveOR .Click the Savebutton on the Quick Access Toolbar.

    From the Save Asdialog box displayed, ensure that you browse to the folder/disk drive that

    you would like to save the file.

    Enter the file name in the File name:text box. The file name can be up to 255 characters inlength.

    Click on the Savebutton.

    To close a file:

    From the Office Button, click Close.

    You will be asked if you wish to save any changes you have made to the file.

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    Click Yes to save the workbookOR click Noto ignore (without saving) the changes

    OR click Cancelto cancel the operation

    To conclude, you have two choices for saving a spreadsheet file:

    Save As- this choice allows you to save your spreadsheet file with a new name and choose

    the location to save the file.

    Save- this option updates the spreadsheet file with your most recent changes. If you use Saveon a new file that hasn't been saved before, it has the same effect as Save As.

    Conclusion: Students are made aware of the working of MS Excel and all the types of dataprocessing commands

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    Title: Practice with MS Power Point, Opening and closing slides, Preparation of slides,familiarization with various tools- applying design, themes, animation on slides.

    Objective:To understand the PowerPoint in depth like creating, editing and formattingslides, also applying design, themes, animation on slides.

    S/W Requirements: MS-Office (MS-PowerPoint)

    H/W Requirements: Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor.


    Introduction to MS-PowerPoint

    To start PowerPoint 2007 from the Start Menu

    Click on the Start button, point to All Programs then Microsoft Office and click on

    Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007.

    The first screen that you will see a new blank presentation begins automatically with one


    From this first slide, you can see the Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 environment consists of the

    following elements:

    When you click the Office Button, commands related to managing PowerPoint andPowerPoint presentations are gathered together on this menu.

    The Title bardisplays the name of the active presentation. At the right end of the title barare the three familiar buttons - Minimize, Restoreand Closebuttons.

    Below the title bar is the Ribbon, which makes all the capabilities of PowerPoint available

    in a single area so that you can work efficiently with the program. You can find moredescriptions about the PowerPoint 2007 ribbon.

    Across the bottom of the program window, the Status bar gives you information about the

    current presentation.

    At the right end of the status bar is the View toolbar, which provides tools for adjusting the

    view of presentation content.

    Discover The Power point 2007 Screen Elements and It Function

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    Once you want to start learning the PowerPoint 2007, it's important to know the PowerPoint2007 Screen Elementsas well as its functions.

    Office button: Opens the Office menu, from which you can open, save, print, and start new


    Quick Access Toolbar: A small toolbar next to the Office button contains shortcuts for someof the most common commands.

    Title bar: Identifies the PowerPoint program running and the name of the active presentation.

    Minimize button: Shrinks the application window to a bar on the taskbar; you click its button

    on the taskbar to reopen it.

    Maximize/Restore button: If the window is maximized (full screen), click will changes it

    to windowed (not full screen) and vice versa.

    Close button: Closes the application.

    Ribbon: Functions as a combination of menu bar and toolbar, offering tabbed "pages" of

    buttons, lists, and commands.

    Presentation window: Where active PowerPoint slide(s) appear where you work on the


    Status bar: Reports information about the presentation and provides shortcuts for changingthe view and the zoom.

    Adding New slide in power point 2007

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    Slideis the foundation of a presentation. To create a presentation, you need to add new slide

    to your presentation.

    A slide layout contains placeholders, such as text, chart, table, or Smart Art graphic, where you

    can enter text or insert elements.

    When you create a new slide, you can apply a standard layout or a custom layout of your owndesign. You can also apply a layout to an existing slide at any time.

    To create a new presentation

    Open PowerPoint 2007.

    Click the Office Button, then click New.

    From the New Presentationdialog box displayed, select Blank Presentation.

    Click Createbutton.

    To enter title and subtitle

    Click on "Click to add title" section of the slide and enter the slide title.

    Click on "Click to add subtitle" section of the slide and enter the desired text.

    To insert a new slide with different layouts

    On the Hometab, in the Slides group, click the lower portion of the New Slide button. This

    will displayed several layouts:

    Click on the intended layout will insert the slide to your presentation.

    How To Copy Slides From Other Power Point Presentation

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    There are several ways to copy slides from other presentations. These included:

    Open two PowerPoint windows side-by-side and drag-and-drop slides between them.

    Open two PowerPoint presentations, copy slides from one of them to the Clipboard (Ctrl+C),

    and then paste them into the other presentation (Ctrl+V).

    Use the PowerPoint Reuse Slides feature, as described here.

    Save a Presentation and backup copy

    To save a presentation, you can either save in your computer hard drive or other devicesuch as diskette or handy/flash drive.

    To save a presentation (first time)

    From Office button, click Save OR Click the Savebutton on the Quick Access Toolbar.

    From the Save Asdialog box displayed, ensure that you browse to the folder/disk drive thatyou would like to save the file.

    Enter the file name in the File name:text box. The file name can be up to 255 characters in


    Click on the Savebutton.

    Conclusion: Student is made familiar with the features of Power Point and createspresentations using various affects and animations.

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    Title: Write a program to print a message on screen using escape sequence.

    Objective:To understand basics of C programming and basic input/output functions such

    as printf() and scanf().

    S/W Requirements: Turbo C

    H/W Requirements: Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor.




    void main()


    printf("\t\tThis is a C program");




    Conclusion: Students are taught to implement the basics of C programming and make use of

    input output functions.

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    Experiment6Title: Programs based on conditional statements.

    Objective:To study various conditional control statements and implement them in differentprograms.

    S/W Requirements: Turbo C

    H/W Requirements: Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor.

    Theory: There are different types of conditional control statements such as simple if, if-else, nested if else, if else if ladder and switch case construct.

    6.1 Program to find that given number is even or odd.



    void main(){

    int number;


    printf("Enter any number\n");



    printf("\n%d is Even Number");


    printf("\n%d is Odd Number");




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    Programs to find the greatest among 3 numbers using if else statement.



    void main(){

    int a,b,c,big;


    printf("Enter First Number\n");


    printf("Enter Second Number\n");


    printf("Enter Third Number\n");


    if(a>=b && a>=c)

    printf("%d is greatest",a);

    else if(b>=a && b>=c)

    printf("%d is greatest",b);


    printf("%d is greatest",c);




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    6.3Program to add, subtract, multiply, divide using switch statement.



    void main()


    char ch;int a,b,c;


    printf("Enter the value of First Operand");


    printf("Enter the value of Second Operand");


    printf("Enter the Choice");


    printf("\n entered choice is %c",ch);



    case 'A':


    printf("Result after Addition of %d and %d numbers is:%d",a,b,c);








    Conclusion: Students are made aware to implement decision logic using C programmingconditional statements in different programs.

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    printf(" ");



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    printf("%d * %d = %d",number,counter,ans) ;





    b) Using Do While Loop



    void main()


    int number,counter=1,ans;


    printf("Enter a number whose Table is to be printed");






    %d * %d = %d",number,counter,ans) ;


    } while(counter

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    7.3Program to print the factorial of a number.


    #includevoid main()


    int number, i;long fact=1;


    printf("Enter the Number whose Factorial is to be find");scanf("%d",&number);






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    Experiment8Title: Programs based on functions.

    Objective:To understand the user defined functions and create user defined functions fordifferent programs.

    S/W Requirements: Turbo C

    H/W Requirements: Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor.

    Theory: 8.1 Program to swap two numbers using a) call by value b) call by reference.


    Call by Value



    void swapv(int,int);

    void main()

    {int a,b;


    printf("Enter The Values of A and B");

    scanf("%d %d",&a,&b);


    printf("\n A=%d B=%d",a,b);




    void swapv(int x,int y)


    int temp;





    printf("\n A=%d B=%d",x,y);



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    b) Call by Reference


    void swapr(int*,int*);

    void main()


    int a,b;


    printf("Enter The Values of A and B");

    scanf("%d %d",&a,&b);


    printf("\n A=%d B=%d",a,b);swapr(&a,&b);


    printf("\n A=%d B=%d",a,b);



    void swapr(int *x,int *y)


    int temp;






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    8.2 Program to print the sum of first n natural numbers by using recursion.



    int add(int n);

    void main(){

    int n;

    printf("enter a positive no");scanf("%d",&n);



    int add(int n)



    return n+add(n-1);}

    Conclusion: Students are made aware of the functions and call functions using call by value

    and call by reference concepts.

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    9.2 To multiply two matrices using arrays.



    void main()


    int a[5][5],b[5][5],c[5][5],i,j,k,r1,c1,r2,c2;


    printf("Enter the Rows and Coloumns of First Matrix\n");


    printf("\nEnter the Rows and Coloumns of Second Matrix");




    printf("\nEnter The Elements Of First Matrix");


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    printf("\nFirst Matrix is");


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    printf("Matrix Multiplication is Not Possible");




    Conclusion: Students aremade aware about arrays and perform various operations onarrays.

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    Experiment10Title: Programs based on strings.

    Objective:To understand the use and implementation of strings using characters arrays andimplement various built in string manipulation functions.

    S/W Requirements: Turbo C

    H/W Requirements: Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor.

    Theory: 10.1Program to concatenate two strings & store the result in third string.




    void main()


    char str1[50], str2[50], str3[50];


    printf("Enter first string");

    scanf("%s", str1);

    printf("Enter second string");

    scanf("%s", str2);

    printf(" Result: %s", strcat(str1, str2));




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    10.2 Program to check whether the string is palindrome.

    a) Without using string inbuilt functions



    void main(){

    char str1[50];

    int i=0,j=0,len=0,flag=1;


    printf("Enter the String");


    printf("\n String is:%s",str1);

    while(str1[i]!= '\0')





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    void main()


    char str1[50], str2[50];

    int i;

    clrscr();printf("Enter string");

    scanf("%s", &str1);

    strcpy(str2, str1);


    i=strcmp(str1, str2);



    printf("\nInput string is palindrome");




    printf("\nInput string is not palindrome");





    Conclusion: Students aremade aware of the concept of strings and use string manipulationfunctions.

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    Experiment11Title: Programs based on structures and unions.

    Objective:To understand user defined data types and create user defined data types usingstructures and unions.

    S/W Requirements: Turbo C

    H/W Requirements: Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor.

    Theory: 11.1 Program to read & print the record of 5 students using structures.


    #includestruct Student


    char Name[20],Class[10];int RollNo;

    } ;

    void main(){

    struct Student s1[5];

    int i;clrscr();


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    11.2 Program to implement the concept of union.#include

    union job {

    char name[32];

    float salary;int worker_no;


    int main(){printf("Enter name:\n");


    printf("Enter salary: \n");

    scanf("%f",&u.salary);printf("Displaying\nName :%s\n",u.name);

    printf("Salary: %.1f",u.salary);

    return 0;}

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    Conclusion: Students are taught to create user defined data types using structures and unionsand use them in programs.

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    Experiment12Title: Programs based on files.

    Objective:To understand the concept of files and perform various file operations using Cprograms.

    S/W Requirements: Turbo C

    H/W Requirements: Keyboard, Mouse, Monitor.

    Theory: Program to copy the contents of one file to another file.



    void main(){

    FILE *fs, *ft;char ch;fs=fopen("Struct.c","r");


    {puts("cannot open source file");




    puts("cannot open target file");









    print(File Copied Sucessfully);fclose(fs);fclose(ft);




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    Conclusion: Students aretaught to implement various file related concepts using various

    file manipulation functions.