bdc -common health problems in college students

CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM Chapter 1 presents the background of the study, the theoretical and conceptual framework , the statement of the problem, the hypothesis, significance of the study, the study delimitations and the operational definition of terms. Background of the Study The present-day situation, some students have low resistance in reacting to the realities of nature like cold and extreme warm temperature. Some failed to eat balance diet due to growing habits like eating in fast food chains while others are much dependent on junk foods. Unlike in the previous generation where diet of children were much on fresh vegetables and fruits. One of the greatest problems in academic field is getting sick the inability of the body to sustain the rigors of academic activities. Many nursing subject requirements could not be met due to complaints on headaches, fever, toothache, stomach ache and the like. Due to intense pressure of the nursing course, some failed even 1

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Chapter 1 presents the background of the study, the

theoretical and conceptual framework , the statement of the

problem, the hypothesis, significance of the study, the

study delimitations and the operational definition of terms.

Background of the Study

The present-day situation, some students have low

resistance in reacting to the realities of nature like cold

and extreme warm temperature. Some failed to eat balance

diet due to growing habits like eating in fast food chains

while others are much dependent on junk foods. Unlike in the

previous generation where diet of children were much on

fresh vegetables and fruits.

One of the greatest problems in academic field is

getting sick the inability of the body to sustain the

rigors of academic activities. Many nursing subject

requirements could not be met due to complaints on

headaches, fever, toothache, stomach ache and the like. Due

to intense pressure of the nursing course, some failed even

in their subjects which resulted to re-taking the subject

and some dropped. The irony is that much has already spent

and the family of course suffered a financial loss.


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Considering these tremendous expenditures, it can be

said that the per capita cost of education is high and so

failure to pass nursing subjects among students has become

a gross and blatant disappointment to the guardians.

To say at least, it is a waste of time, money and

effort to put up a student to school, start an academic

calendar year, and carry on the task of teaching students

who seem to be disinterested in school work, and who end up

with failing grades or just obtain modest grades when they

could have achieved more. On the other hand, it is

pleasurably consoling when students turn out to be what is

expected of them academic achievers, conscientious and


In school, the major activity of the students is

learning and the goal of this activity is academic

achievement. Success in an educational field will enable a

student to develop his potentialities and gain security and

satisfaction ( Mitz, 2001). However, when he fails in the

academic field, he is disappointed or dissatisfied. This

dissatisfaction could arose anxiety which may lead to

maladjustment – a condition which the school wants to avoid.

The focus of this study is the health condition of

students which has been greatly considered as a contributing

factor to academic performance.


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The general opinion is that students with healthy

conditions perform better in school than those who are

sickly. For even under the best of conditions, students are

likely to encounter a great many frustrating and

exasperating experiences. Thus, only those who are

personally committed to getting an education in a school of

his own choice and course that he personally chooses can

forge ahead despite obstacles that come his way. In

addition, the health condition of an individual becomes a

factor that pushes the student to actively participate in

any school activity. This condition drives him to be

diligent in his studies and conscientious in tasks asked of

him by his teacher. Thus, from such attitude, higher grades

are expectedly obtained.

The desire of the researchers to identify common health

problems and its effect on academic performance is the main

reason for undertaking this research.

Theoretical Framework

Several educational innovations have been tried in

Philippine schools for the maximum development of every

need. However, in spite all efforts to get students to

achieve, wide variations in achievement are found in every

educational level. This is due to tremendous differences

existing among individuals in their physical, mental,


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social, emotional and cultural backgrounds. These

individual differences and the different factors that affect

learning could primarily be shaken by health conditions of


This study is anchored on the theory of Johnson (2003)

that is designed to help interpreting the relationship

between the health conditions and student achievement was

used in this study. Its purpose is to explain variations in

student performance that occur among classroom considering

health factors.

Thus, the core assumptions while implementing

establishing sound mind, sound body and healthy academic

performance theoretically anchored Johnson Principles : (1)

Every person is a learner;(2) learning is an ongoing and

lifelong process; (3) People learn within social and

cultural contexts, independently and through interaction

with others; (4) What is learned depends on the way it is

learned and with whom it is learned; (5)principles of health

is wealth-learning takes place when participants are

physically and mentally ready .

Independent Variables Dependent Variables


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Figure 1. Conceptual Framework Common Health Problems Affecting Academic Performance of

Level III Nursing Students SY 2006-2007

Statement of the Problem


Academic Performance

Excellent Very

Satisfactory Satisfactory Fair Poor

Common Health Problems

Tension head ache

Migraine Sinusitis Toothache Cough Diarrhea Skin diseases


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The researchers would like to ascertain the common

health problems encountered by Level III nursing students

and its effect on the academic performance SY 2006-2007.

Specifically, it would answer the following questions:

1.) What are the common health problems encountered by

the respondents for SY 2006-2007?

1.1 tensions and headaches

1.2 migraine

1.3 sinuses

1.4 toothache

1.5 cough

1.6 diarrhea

1.7 skin diseases

2 ) What is the academic performance of the Level III

nursing students ?

3) Is there significant effect on the identified common

health problems to the academic performance of level III

nursing students?


The following null hypothesis will be tested at .05

degree of significance ;

Ho There is no significant effect of common health problems

to the academic performance of the Level III nursing



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Significance of the Study

The results obtained from this research serves as

valuable information and knowledge about the common health

problems encountered by Level III nursing students and its

effect on their academic performance. However, it is

beneficial to the following groups:


The administration of Butuan Doctors’ College will

have the information on the common health problems of

nursing students so they can plan for course of actions, to

equip school clinic with staff and medical supplies to meet

the needs of studentry.

Nursing Faculty

The faculty will establish their instructional goals

and objectives anchored to the total development of

students. The assessment on physical conditions of students

will provide the faculty with information about the capacity

of the students to comprehend and learned with emphasis on

their physical readiness. Psychological equilibrium could be

maintained when actors in the students’ life performed their




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The students will develop a effective mastery skills

when they are physically healthy. Thus, the research will

provide them avenue to present problems for resolutions.


The parents are directly responsible for their children

and the result of the study will help them look to the

health care plan for their children.

Future Researchers

The result of this research work will serve as basis or

reference for future related studies specifically in the

education aspect.

Scope and Delimitation

To determine the boundaries of the study, the following

parameters were considered:

Content Delimitation

The study focused on the common health problems and its

effect to the academic performance of Level III Nursing

Students SY 2006-2007 at Butuan Doctors’ College.

Subject Delimitation

The subject of the study are 160 level III students’

affiliates at Butuan Doctors’ College SY 2006-2007.


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The study involved two kinds of variables, termed as

independent and dependent variables.

The dependent variable is the academic performance of

Level III nursing students.

The independent variables are the common health

problems encountered by level III nursing students.

Time Delimitation

The study is conducted 2nd semester of School Year

2006-2007 and tabulated and interpreted 1st semester of

School Year 2007-2008.

Definition of Terms

To be able to know and understand the meaning of the

major terms found in this research study clearly, some of

the major terms are defined operationally:

Academic Performance. It refers to the concrete

achievement of the students in knowledge, skills and

aptitudes in relation to the requirements of the course. As

used in the study, it refers to the average rating that

students rated in the concept immunologic disorders for

level III and level IV communicable disease nursing.

Cough. This refers to a health problem experience cold

and chilling.

Diarrhea. This refers to gastrointestinal disorder

characterized by excessive bowel movement.


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Migraine. The term refers to a migraine headaches

happen when blood vessels in the head open too wide or close

too tight.

Sinusitis. This term refers to headache that occurs

when fluids in the nose aren’t able to drain well and a

build up of pressure occurs in the sinuses.

Skin Diseases. This term refers to skin disorders

experiencing itchiness and irritation.

Tension headache . This term refers to tensions

headache which create a stress and manifest mental pain.

Toothache. This refers to tooth disorder experiencing

extreme pain emanating from the teeth.


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Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

This chapter discusses about the conceptual and related

studies conducted about the problem.

Links Between Health and School Performance

It is well known that healthy behavior can have long

term benefits. For students, healthy behavior can also have

more immediate consequences of better school performance.

According to American School Health Association (1998),

“Schools are ideal places to reach children and youth.

Because students’ health and learning are linked. Students

cannot learned when they are not well or when health

concerns interrupt their ability to concentrate (Lenninger,

2002) .

Many students have shown a link between participation

in high risk and unhealthy behaviors and school performance.

Drug use, alcohol use and tobacco use, poor nutrition and

physical inactivity and violence are all related to

diminished school performance. These studies suggest that if

students are not in good health, they will not able to learn

and achieve to their highest potential (Bucks, 2001).

There is a wide range of school performance problems

that have been linked to unhealthy and high risk behaviors.

Dropping out, truancy and delinquency are related to such


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behaviors. Lower academic achievement as measured by grade

point average, test scores and education level as well as

memory, attention and motivation have been linked to

unhealthy behaviors.

Nutrition and Physical Activity

Given (2002) stated that good eating habits can help

students learn better. Experts suggest that healthy eating

is necessary for optimal brain development and functioning.

Food intake can affect energy levels, concentration and


Academic Performance

Academic performance reflects the productive

integration of the students’ interest and teachers’

expertise in the teaching-learning situation (Brookover,

1999). It demonstrates the students’ grasp of the subject

content which is partly measured by oral and written tests.

However, such measurements do not directly assess holistic

individual capabilities in relation to intelligence

quotient, motivation and interest, attitudes towards the

subject and attitude towards the teacher. Measured in terms

of grade point average, often expressed in percentages,

academic performance reflects the extent of students

achievement in terms of knowledge, skills and values


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acquired vis-à-vis the content, course, scope and degree of

difficulty of the course (Tuckman, 2001)

Along the same vein, Oliva ( 2000) averred that in

relation to academic performance there are valuable

indicators of the psychological construct of the individual.

The individual’s interest and attachment to certain objects,

concepts and orientations invariably the type of personality

and the aspiration and visions of the individual.

Asher (2000) recognized the many different conditions

affect the efficiency, as well as the amount and quality of

an individual learning. Some of these conditions are his

mental ability, degree of maturation, readiness, interest,

goals, values, experiential background, mental and physical

health, previous achievement and social adaptability. Others

are the skill, artistry and personality of the teachers and

nature of the material which the individual is expected to

learn. Still others are the individual’s classroom

environment, the composition of his group and the

interaction of the member.

Many educationalist contended the importance of good

health and nutrition to the academic performance. The

physical, social, mental and emotional environment

contributed to the academic success and improve mental



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Learning processes are complex processes which requires

soundness of mind and body.




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This chapter presents the research design, research

locale, the respondents, instrument, sampling technique,

the data gathering procedures and statistical tool

utilized in the course and analysis of the study.


The study wanted to identify common health problems and

relate them to the academic performance of Level III and IV

Nursing students. Gathering facts and information along the

line constitute a descriptive research. Correlating

independent variables with dependent variable is a

correlational research.

Research Locale

The study was conducted at Butuan Doctors’ College


BDC is providing tertiary education in Caraga region.

Form part of its vision and mission is to institutionalize

medical education as key to human formation and academic

competence. It has been provider of health practitioners for

more than two three decades.



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The respondents of the study were 160 level III nursing

students randomly taken as respondents. Of the total

population of 225 coming from six sections.


As means of data gathering, a set of structured

questionnaire-interview was developed. Respondents were

allowed to check appropriate answers. The survey form has

two parts, namely , Part 1- Letter of Invitation ; and

Part II – The Common Health Problems Encountered.

To ascertain the validity and reliability, the

researchers’ adviser and Research subject instructor checked

the guide questions.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers made a simple questionnaire for study,

and then the researchers’ adviser checked it for corrections

and approval. The approved questionnaire was reproduced and

administered personally by the researchers. Prior to the

actual gathering of data, the researchers made a letter of

request addressed to the Dean of College of Nursing asking

permission to conduct a study along the common health

problems encountered while in school.

Upon approval, the researchers identified target

respondents . The instruments were retrieved, tabulated and

statistically treated.


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Academic performance was based on the information

provided by the office of the registrar as requested by the


Treatment of the Data

The researchers utilized statistical method for the

analysis of data. The researchers coded the responses of the

respective respondents using the Likert scale.

Scale Range Verbal Description

5 4.51- 5.0 Always

4 3.50- 4.49 Oftentimes

3 2.50- 3.49 Sometimes

2 1.50 - 2.49 Seldom

1 1.0- 1.49 Never

Statistical Technique


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Frequency of responses, including the respondent’s

socio-demographic profile, were tallied for the computation

of percentage value. The following statistical tools were

employed :

1. Frequency. It is the total number of responses.

2. Percentage- used to determine the frequencies and the

percentage of the first variable. This includes the manner

on how the items were rated after the consolidation of data.

Formula: = f/x (100)

Wherein: f = frequency of respondents

X = total number of respondents

3. Weighted mean- This technique was used by the researchers

for the purpose of quantitative analysis.

Formula: Wm = F (X 1 + X 2 + X 3 + X 4 + X 5 ) N

Where f = frequency

X1-= weight in the four point scale

N= sum of the frequencies

4. Chi square is used to test significant effect.



This chapter discusses the major findings of the study

and its interpretation.


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Problem # 1 What are the common health problems encountered by the respondents for SY 2006-2007?

When asked as to tension headache, the respondents

answered that they oftentimes encountered tension headache

with an average mean of 4.03 with a verbal description of


Table 8 shows that the respondents oftentimes

experience headache in the forehead , suffered pains

radiating to the head, really stressed out of the pain, had

an eye strain, and could not have a good sleep..

Table 1 Frequency and Mean Distribution of the Respondents’ Perception on Common Health Problems as to Tension

Headache Affecting Academic Performance

Common health problems 5 4 3 2 1 Wxm Verbal description

1. Tension Headache 1.1 I experience ache in my forehead, above my ear and back of my head.

70 40 30 10 10 3.93 Oftentimes

1.2 I suffered pains and it radiates to my head.

85 35 20 14 6 4.11 Oftentimes

1.3 I am really stressed out.

37 90 23 5 5 3.93 Oftentimes

1.4 I had an eye strain. 35 100 15 7 3 3.98 Oftentimes

1.5 I could not have a good sleep.

58 80 13 7 6 4.18 Oftentimes

Overall Average Mean 4.03 oftentimes

Majority of the respondents sometimes encountered

migraine as health problems with an average mean of 3.14

and has a verbal description of sometimes. The respondents


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oftentimes experience headache starting from the head and

move to the other part, feel uncomfortable with the

experience, light hurting the eyes and causing headache,

and after headache, feeling drained and tired.

Table 2Frequency and Mean Distribution of the Respondents’ Perception on Common Health Problems as to Migraine

Affecting academic Performance

2. Migraine 5 4 3 2 1 Wxm Verbal description

2.1 I experience headache that started at the side of my head and move to the other part.

10 33 89 20 5 3.08 Sometimes

2.2 I feel uncomfortable in my stomach.

15 25 84 23 13 3.03 Sometimes

2.3 Light hurts my eyes and cause headaches and worsens during my activities.

25 25 75 25 10 3.18 sometimes

2.4 After the headache, I had drained feeling and tired

22 27 95 9 7 3.3 sometimes

Total average mean 3.14 sometimes

Majority of the respondents had health problem on

sinusitis with an over-all average mean of 3.68 and a

verbal description of oftentimes.

Items perceived as oftentimes a health problems are

pain in the forehead, cheekbones and worsen in the morning,

increased pain when bending , having a stuffy nose and runny

nose and difficult breathing due to the conditions.


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Table 3

Frequency and Mean Distribution of the Respondents’ Perception on Common Health Problems as to Sinusitis

That Affect Academic Performance 3. Sinuses Problems (Sinusitis)

5 4 3 2 1 WXm Verbal description

3.1 I had pain In my forehead, cheekbones and worsen In the morning.

40 90 14 10 6 3.92 Oftentimes

3.2 I had an increased pain when I bend over or touch my knee.

27 80 34 10 9 3.66 Oftentimes

3.3 I had a stuffy nose. 18 100 22 15 5 3.69 Oftentimes

3.4 I had a runny nose 20 93 22 15 10 3.61 Oftentimes

3.5 I have difficulty in breathing

20 88 22 17 13 3.53 Oftentimes

Total average mean 3.68 Oftentimes

Majority of the respondents oftentimes encountered

toothache as a health problem with an average overall mean

of 3.81.

Items considered as oftentimes a problem on toothache

are swollen gums and tooth decay, dizziness and exhausted

due to toothache ,could hardly eat and painful to chew,

leave all activities unattended, and could not rest and

sleep due to toothache .

Table 4Frequency and Mean Distribution of the Respondents’ Perception on Common Health Problems as to Toothache

That Affect Academic Performance4. Toothache 5 4 3 2 1 Wxm Verbal



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4.1 I had a swollen gums and tooth decay

25 85 37 13 15 3.64 Oftentimes

4.2 I felt dizzy and exhausted due to toothache

40 90 10 15 5 3.90 Oftentimes

4.3 I could hardly eat and it is painful to chew.

30 118 12 8 2 4.15 Oftentimes

4.4 I had to leave all my activities unattended.

28 100 17 10 5 3.65 Oftentimes

4.5 I could not sleep and rest due to toothache

30 85 27 12 6 3.75 Oftentimes

Total average mean 3.81 Oftentimes

When asked as to the problem on cough, majority

responded that cough was oftentimes experienced with an

average mean of 3.88.

Items encountered as oftentimes are the conditions that

drain the respondents’ energy, irritates their nose and

throat causing feeling dizzy during coughing, having a hard

time breathing and expectorating and coughing out yellowish


Table 5Frequency and Mean Distribution of the Respondents’ Perception on Common Health Problems as to Cough

That Affect Academic Performance 5. Cough 5 4 3 2 1 Wxm Verbal


5.1 It drains my whole 49 80 20 6 5 4.01 Oftentimes


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energy.5.2 It irritates my nose and throat, causes pain

48 77 26 8 1 3.71 Oftentimes

5.3 I felt dizzy when coughing

40 90 20 8 2 3.93 Oftentimes

5.4 I had a hard time breathing and swallowing

50 77 23 5 5 4.01 Oftentimes

5.5 I expectorate and cough out yellowish sputum.

30 80 36 6 8 3.73 Oftentimes

Total average mean 3.88 oftentimes

When asked as to the problem of diarrhea , majority of

the respondents oftentimes experience diarrhea with an

average mean of 3.69.

Items considered as oftentimes experienced by

respondents with diarrhea are indigestion; having loose

and watery stool; weakens their body; hardly maintain

equilibrium and, vomiting and being dehydrated.

Table 6Frequency and Mean Distribution of the Respondents’ Perception on Common Health Problems as to Diarrhea

That Affect Academic Performance 6. Diarrhea 5 4 3 2 1 Wxm Verbal


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6.1 I always have indigestion

30 85 20 15 10 3.69 Oftentimes

6.2 I had a loose and watery stools.

20 95 39 10 5 3.88 Oftentimes

6.3 It weakens my whole body and functioning

34 70 36 10 10 3.65 Oftentimes

6.4 I could hardly maintain my body equilibrium

27 80 14 23 16 3.43 Oftentimes

6.5 I am vomiting and dehydrated.

26 88 34 8 4 3.77 Oftentimes

Total average mean 3.69 oftentimes

Majority of the respondents perceived oftentimes having

skin disease a common health problem with a weighted mean of


Items identified to be oftentimes a common health

problems are feeling itchy and irritable, irritates the

respondents the whole day, having disturb concentration and

having a painful experience with the condition.

Table 7Frequency and Mean Distribution of the Respondents’

Perception on Common Health Problems as to Skin Diseases7. Skin diseases 5 4 3 2 1 WXM Verbal



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7.1 I felt itchy and irritable

38 76 38 6 2 3.88 Oftentimes

7.2 It irritates me the whole day.

37 85 25 7 6 3.87 Oftentimes

7.3 It disturb my concentration to studies

33 77 23 10 7 3.65 Oftentimes

7.4 It is painful experience with the condition.

28 74 29 20 7 3.75 Oftentimes

Total average mean 3.78 Oftentimes

2. What is the academic performance for the

first semester, 2006- 2007?

Majority of the respondents performed satisfactorily in

their academic performance with a frequency of 115 or 44.6


Table 8Level of Academic Performance of Level III and IV Nursing


Academic Performance

Range Frequency Percentage

Excellent 90 and above

10 6. 30

Very satisfactory

85- 89 23 14.35

Satisfactory 80- 84 82 51.20Fair 75-79 35 21.85Needs improvement

74 and below

10 6. 30

Total 160 100


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3.) Is there significant effect on the identified common health problems to the academic performance of nursing students?

Table 9Chi-Square Correlation Between Common Health Problems and

Academic PerformanceVariables Df Computed

X square value

Tabled X

square value


Tensions and headache 4 139.36 9.448 Reject Ho

Migraine 3 123.58 7.815 Reject Ho

Sinuses 4 120.03 9.448 Reject Ho

Toothache 4 173.32 9.448 Reject Ho

Cough 4 129.40 9.448 Reject Ho

Diarrhea 4 126.99 9.448 Reject Ho

Skin diseases 3 105.87 7.815 Reject Ho

When tested to significant effect using the Chi square

between common health problems and academic performance,

table 21 shows that computed x square are higher than the

tables x square then the decision to reject the null is

carried. Therefore, there is effect of the perceived common

health problems to the academic performance of the students.

Chapter V


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This chapter presents the summary, conclusions and

recommendations drawn out of the study.


The study aimed to ascertain the effect of the common

health problems perceived by Level III Nursing students for

school year 2006-2007.

A self made instrument was reviewed and approved by the

adviser , then distributed and answered by almost 258 level


After the administration of the instrument the

researchers tabulated the frequency, weighted means and

their verbal interpretation. To test the significant

difference in perception, the respondents tested both

variables with analysis of variance while significant effect

employs a chi-square.


Majority of the respondent oftentimes experienced

common health problems like tension headache, migraine,

sinusitis, toothache , cough, diarrhea and skin diseases.

Majority of the respondents performed satisfactorily in

their academic performance for the 1st semester of SY 2007-



Page 28: Bdc -Common Health Problems in College Students

The study revealed that perceived common health

problems have significant effect in the academic performance

of the Level III nursing students.


On the basis of the above findings, the following

recommendations are proposed:

1. The school administration should enhance medical

services for students’ welfare like regular check-up and

hire more clinic physician and/or school nurses and lengthen

clinic hours..

2. Nursing Faculty to identify students needing medical

care and use a better referral procedure for students to

health care providers in base/affiliating hospitals.

3. The parents monitor not only the heath status of

their students but also determine effects of their health on

their academic performance.

4. The students should submit to regular check up and

follow treatment regimen

5. For future researchers to undertake the same study

and involve more variables affecting academic performance .


Asher, Jesicca. Motivation. Management Theories and Practice: Newcrawton Publishing Corp. Revised


Page 29: Bdc -Common Health Problems in College Students

Edition. (2000)

Brookover,M. Learning and Coping. Psychological Review- Psychological Society publication. 1999 edition.

Colley, Richard. Perspective in Health . Brookover

Series. 1999 Edition.

Given ,Mendel.(2002). Human Development . New York:

Mcmillan Book Company .

Johnson, D. (2003). Nursing Education.Charles C.Thompson Publisher Springfield CA.

Leninger, James . Medical Review. James C. Printing

Company. September 2002 Issue.

Mitz , John (2001). Physical Development. London:Prentice Hall Publishing Company.

Letter to the Respondents

March 12, 2007

Dear respondents,


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We would like to inform you that we are presently conducting a study on the “Common Health Problems and Its Effect on the Academic Performance of Level III Nursing Students SY 2006-2007” as part of the requirements in the subject research.

In this connection, we would like to invite you as respondents to this study.

Thank you very much.

Very truly yours,

Group ____

Common Health Problems Among Level III Nursing Students and Its Effect on the Academic Performance SY 2006-2007


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Questionnaire -Checklist

Name __________________________ (Optional)

I. Common Health Problems

The following statements are considered health problems encountered while studying. Kindly check the appropriate column using the following scale: 5 = Always

4 = Oftentimes 3 = Sometimes 2 - Seldom 1 = Never

Common health problems 5 4 3 2 11. Tension Headache 1.1 I experience ache in my forehead, above my ear and back of my head.1.2 I suffered pains and it radiates to my head.1.3 I am really stressed out.1.4 I had an eye strain.1.5 I could not have a good sleep.2. Migraine2.1 I experience headache that started at the side of my head and move to the other part.2.2 I feel uncomfortable in my stomach.2.3 Light hurts my eyes and cause headaches and worsens during my activities.2.4 After the headache, I had drained feeling and tired3. Sinuses Problems (Sinusitis)3.1 I had pain In my forehead, cheekbones and worsen In the morning.3.2 I had an increased pain when I bend over or touch my knee.3.3 I had a stuffy nose.3.4 I had a runny nose3.5 I have difficulty in breathing4. Toothache 4.1 I had a swollen gums and tooth


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decay4.2 I felt dizzy and exhausted4.3 I could hardly eat and it is painful to chew.4.4 I had to leave all my activities unattended.4.5 I could not sleep and rest5. Cough 5.1 It drains my whole energy.5.2 It irritates my nose and throat, causes pain5.3 I felt dizzy when coughing5.4 I had a hard time breathing and swallowing 5.5 I expectorate and cough out yellowish sputum.6. Diarrhea 6.1 I always have indigestion 6.2 I had 4 loose and watery stools.6.3 It weakens my whole body and functioning 6.4 I could hardly maintain my body equilibrium 6.5 I am vomiting and dehydrated.7. Skin diseases7.1 I felt itchy and irritable 7.2 It irritates me the whole day.7.3 It disturb my concentration to studies7.4 It is painful.