be steadfast in doing good


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Page 1: Be steadfast in doing good



Nor consider that it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation, perish not. And this spake he not of himself: but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation; And not

for that nation only, but that also he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad.


Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father,

and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the

end of the world. Amen. GOLDEN TEXT: JOHN 4:34

Jesus saith unto them, my meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.


Beloved brethren, the above texts speak for themselves. But I want to let you know that it is necessary that people should always come here to hear the recondite teachings from the source. This is because many of you still do not

know where you are; a result of which you behave anyhow. And, this same attitude is applicable to the people of the world. Many of them have grouped

themselves together and adopted names like Christians, Muslims, Eckists, and native doctors, Baha'is etc. But the truth of the matter is that none of them understands his or herself, neither do they understand what they do.

Many claim to be Christians. But what is Christianity all about? Our Lord Jesus

Christ who is the founder of Christianity sought to unite the entire world so that there might be in existence one flock under one shepherd. But the problem is that those who claim to be Christians have shunned unity and embraced

segregation and division. Some claim to be Muslims but, rather then emulate Christ who is the king of Sabbath, they turn to embrace segregation and make

sure all those who are not members of their fold are hated deprived, segregated against and killed. This is the time for God's glorification. Remember that about 2000 years ago, our Lord Jesus Christ commissioned the entire humanity thus:

And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the

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name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. (Matthew 82 : 02-81 KJV)

Now, the question is, how many people in the world today who claim to be God's followers have kept the mandate as quoted above? Note that the above mandate is for everybody to accomplish, so that there might be one flock under one

shepherd. This is why it is said that all sins shall be forgiven man, but whoever reviles the Holy Spirit shall never be forgiven. So, whoever causes division or

segregates, will not be forgiven. Even in your Bethel's anybody who segregates or causes division has committed the worst sin. This is regarded as the worst sin because our Lord Jesus Christ came and died in order to eradicate segregation,

thereby introducing unity and oneness into the entire world.

You are a witness to the fact that in the beginning, there was no division amongst the animals, birds, fishes, man etc., for every creature lived together as one without any form of division. By then, there was no diversity of language.

Everybody spoke just one language. He was the Lord and is still the Lord. There was nothing like a war, theft, falsehood etc., for every body worshipped just one

God. What existed then was, "Live and let live." So in the entire world, there was only one kingdom and it is the same kingdom that has been reintroduced today. We are witnesses: to the fact that any city that divides against itself cannot stand,

it is bound to fall. Adam was disobedient and was alienated from God as a result of this. So the greatest thing that alienates man from God is disobedience.

Anyone who is disobedient has not the father in him and such a person is doomed. This is why you are called, the church, (body without head).

Our Lord Jesus Christ is the head of the church. So if you are alienated from the head, it then means that you cannot do anything. This was why, when the

disciples of our Lord Jesus were going through the grain fields on a Sabbath day, they plucked and ate the grains. Then the Pharisees queried them on why they should do things that were not lawful on the Sabbath day. Then our Lord Jesus

Christ answered and said unto them.

And Jesus answering them said, Have ye not read so much as this, what David did, when himself was an hungred, and they which were with him; How he went into the house of God, and did take and eat the shewbread, and gave also to

them that were with him; which it is not lawful to eat but for the priests alone? And he said unto them, that the Son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath. (Luke 6:

5-3 KJV)

So, it is a veritable truth that our Lord Jesus Christ is the head of every human being, black or white. Do not answer that name church, because a church is a

body without head. Being without head, it cannot do anything. The churches that proliferate the entire world do not know their left from right, neither are they well

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led. Hence, you see them fumbling and declining each passing day. But it does not mean that you should segregate against them for being without direction

because Christ has said it that whoever does not gather with him scatters abroad. And whoever is not with him is against him. In fact everybody in the

world scatters abroad, because they do not gather with Christ. But note that he has now come to take over his rulership mantle and to judge mankind. And his judgment and rulership have no rival.

The whites, blacks, communities, societies, churches, etc., have no king. Our

Lord Jesus Christ is the only King and since they all are against him and have refused to gather with him, they do not have a king, the head. Our Lord Jesus Christ said:

Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my

Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. ( nhoJ

41 : 3-1 KJV)

Therefore, his death on the cross was of immense importance, it brought about unity in the entire world. This is because if he did not come and unite the world,

we would, by now, have perished. This act of uniting the entire world is still on and it shall continue till eternity. So, if you are among those who oppose this act, know that you are against Christ. Therefore as many as discriminate against

others because of sex, age, color and tribe are against Christ and so, do not gather with him. It is to this end that you were told that Brotherhood of the Cross

and Star is not a prayer house, or a church neither is it a secret society. Instead, Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is the kingdom of God. Brotherhood of the Cross and Star has come to rule and lead mankind. In fact, Brotherhood of the

Cross and Star is the collection center of all the creation of God and it is devoid of any form of the division. Brotherhood of the Cross and Star has a mandate, to unite the entire creation of God. In Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, there is no

man, woman, seniority, preferential treatment, tribalism, nationalism etc. It is only Jehovah God and his Christ that exists here in the kingdom. So you are all one

and have to go out into the vineyard and advise all the native doctors, soothsayers, mermaid, Oracle and idol worshippers and the like person to purge themselves of their bad deeds and follow after God. Seek to unite the entire

world by doing away with every form of division and discrimination among the inhabitants of the world. For by so doing, Christ is pleased, because much load is

taken off his shoulders. Furthermore, the Holy Spirit is the leader and ruler of all beings and things. He is

the one to superintend over all the creation of God. So, no man can do anything anymore. We are just to follow the Holy Spirit and nothing more. He uses all the

virtues to rule over all creation of God. His rulership does not tolerate the ruthlessness and operations of man, which include among other things, seeking

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redress, summons, imprisonment, detention etc. This is why it is imperative that you teach all and sundry to be virtuous and to shun all forms of segregation,

division and discrimination. Also let them know of the arrival of the Holy Spirit of truth they hitherto longed for. They should be made to understand that this is the

time of his rulership and, therefore the rulership of the world has ended. For by so doing, there will be much joy among the living. Read the first lesson again. FIRST BIBLE LESSON: JOHN 11:50-52

Nor consider that it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people,

and that the whole nation, perish not. And this spake he not of himself: but being high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation; And not for that nation only, but that also he should gather together in one the children of

God that were scattered abroad. EMULATE OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST

Beloved, the above text constitutes our duty on earth and if you are yet to perform the said duty, it then means that you do not know what you are doing

and that you are yet to start rendering services to God. This informs why we must go into the vineyard (the entire world) and inform all and sundry that irrespective

of where they come from, there positions, height, colors, age etc., they are all one in the Lord. Therefore they should love all equally and see one another as being equal.

Inform everybody to live in common and share everything in common. Let them

also channel all their problems to the father who is ever ready to supply our needs and direct our affairs. The Holy Spirit is sure to direct you and to ensure that everything about you is designed according to dictates of Christ hence, you

hear people testify to have hitherto been chronic drunkards, murderers, fornicators, etc., but are now changed by God. This is to prove that everything is

possible with God. But all he needs is the existence of one flock under one shepherd. He had promised to be with you till the end of time. Therefore, he is still with you. He has come, sending no one. He is omnipresent, yet people still

gaze into the sky to see him descending therefrom. Once you are with him and go into the vineyard and perform, his glory will manifest on each and every one of

us. We are today very lucky to be members of the kingdom we had longed for. The kingdom of God has fully manifested and the work has started in earnest. Therefore, death, sickness, hunger, tribulations, frustrations, war, afflictions etc.,

have ceased, giving way to eternal joy and glory. This is so because, all the former things have passed away and everything has

been made new. But, as long as you have not gone out into the vineyard and inform people of the Omnipotence of the Holy Spirit, native doctors, medical doctors, soothsayers, idol worshippers etc., will still deceive and dupe people of

fat sums of money and other commodities by claiming to be healers of the infirmities at the expense of God. Aside from God, no one can teach, lead, heal

and grant people's requests. So we have no problem since we have a father who is above all.

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The only mandate for us to accomplish is to go into the world and inform people

of God's existence on earth and also unite them with the spirit of oneness. Do not let this mandate appear impossible and; or difficult, for it is imperative that all

most worship God. See Romans 13:11. From what you have read from this text, you should know that you do not have to force people to embrace you and the word of God you impart to them. Just go out and preach to them so as to be

justified. For as far as you are with him, he is with you and as you gather with him, he also gathers with you. Once your services please God, he is bound to

use you for greater feats. He is always with you to instruct you on what to do and to change people when he deems fit. So avoid all forms of discrimination, segregation and distinction. Do not judge people in their churches. Do not impute

sins on people or churches, because everything is pure since the father has come by himself without sending anyone, to make all the things that were

hitherto impossible and difficult, possible and easy. Read the second lesson again. SECOND BIBLE LESSON: MATTHEW 28:19-20

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father,

and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.


If you do not come here and imbibe these teachings, what would you preach to the people you meet in the vineyard? If you do not come here to be shown the light with which you must move, how would you go about accomplishing the

above task? You are commissioned to go and teach people all the things he had commanded you. He commanded you to be virtuous, righteous and to ascertain

in you that he is sufficient to you. As such, you should not lament, weep, be sorrowful and look desolate. And these too must you go out and teach all the inhabitants of the world what you have received in the vineyard. When our Lord

Jesus Christ came to reconcile man with God through the blood he shed on the cross of Calvary, he came in the flesh and was known by all. Since after his

resurrection, he is no longer known in the flesh. Thus, The Holy Spirit that dwells in you is omnipresent. And there is no need seeking for him in the flesh.

In the same vein, it is wrong to direct people to come to 34, Ambo St., Calabar and see the father face-to-face so as to be saved. For when ever anyone accepts

baptism and confesses his sins, he is one with him and he becomes sufficient to the person. It is time you all refrained from all manners of sinfulness. You should also stop doing things out of your own volition. Always listen to the Holy Spirit for

he is always with you and ready to effect every good change in you.

Your work is to follow him sheepishly and make sure the gospel is imparted to all and sundry. After all, it is said that the end shall not come until this gospel is

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imparted to everybody. The irony of the whole issue is that, the moment the people you preach to believe and get baptized, the easier the work. This is

because they are bound to join you to ensure that the task of unifying the world in love is accomplished successfully. Do not claim to be better then the other

person, for all of us, apart from Christ are not good. Do not seek that a fellow man should give you food, clothes, accommodations etc., for God alone is the provider of these things for mankind. Once you go into the vineyard and unite the

entire world, you have pleased God and, from their, your food, clothes and other desires of yours will be provided. Do not listen to any man, Angel and pastor.

Instead, listen to your God alone, for before he sends you on an errand, he ensures that he accomplish the task for you spiritually. Therefore, you have no problems. Read the golden text again.


Jesus saith unto them, my meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work. THIS IS OUR FOOD

Beloved, have you not realized what our duty is? If you now rise up and get into

the vineyard of God different houses, villages and nations, this now constitutes your food. Because he wants us all to make the entire world to become one flock under one shepherd. And by doing this, we are filled, for all our heart desires

center on this issue. In fact, the eternal life, which we are in dire need of, is derived from this. And if you still disobey God and go about violating his divine

will, you have yourself to blame. Do not also monopolize anything nor deprive anybody of anything, which is at your disposal. Always be sure that everything at your disposal is owned by God and that he does everything. Note that our duty is

to obey God and hearken strictly to his injunctions. You may recall from the scripture a certain occasion when our Lord Jesus Christ made whole a man who

was always tormented by evil spirits. The inhabitants of the place he performed the wonderful work scared him out of the city and he left the city without comment. This is what is expected of you here in the kingdom. Do not resist the

evildoers, neither should you insist to stay at where you are not needed. This informs why I told those who come all the way from the University of Jos to see

me that, they have not really followed the dictates and norms of this kingdom. This I revealed to them because they attempted to take the laws into their hands when they were banned from the campus. At every time, anyone at the head is

your boss and you must obey and respect him. So, it was wrong for Brotherhood of the Cross and Star children who are well equipped with the teachings that lead

to the adequate knowledge of truth, to be disobedient and recalcitrant. You are to live by example. And it is this exemplary life that draws others nearer to God. So beware of the things you do.

If people dread you because you are brotherhood of the cross of the star

members and your friends, wife, husband, mother and father hate and discriminate against you do not be perturbed, neither should you dread, hate or

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discriminate against them. Rather, love and embrace them, because by so doing, you have overcome evil with good. And if such people were predestined to be

members of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, the father would, at the fullness of time, call them surprisingly. The Scripture enjoins you to cut down the bush

and leave the trash for God shall set in fire. Now, if the authority of the University of Jos penalizes the recalcitrant students who are Brotherhood of the Cross and Star members, thereby preventing them from writing their examinations, they

would turn to experience more dreadful punishment. The Scripture says that woe betides a person who constitutes a stumbling block to his brother. Therefore do

not constitute a stumbling block to people neither should you allow people to become a stumbling block to you because of your recalcitrant and disobedient nature.

Here in the kingdom of God, I cannot be a stumbling block to the government.

Hence, anytime the government prohibits Brotherhood of the Cross and Star from doing certain things, like preaching on air, I subdue. This is so because we have brought into the entire world, peace, love, mercy, patience, and meekness

among other virtues. We are to bear testimony to his glory. And for his own glorification to properly manifest, you need not be dogmatic but obedient and

submissive. Do not take the laws into your hands. Instead, surrender everything to God and give him a chance to react properly. Let the virtues of God be your watchword at every time. God seeks after the unification of the entire world. And

if you hearken to the advice I give to you, you are bound to emerge a victor and a good contributor towards the accomplishment of this task.

Most of the whites who have the spirit of the father in them know that it is good to be submissive to people and endure all things. So, always endure all things and

make sure you always use good to overcome evil. You are told not to commit sins or resist the evildoers. So, even though you do not commit sins, as far as

you have resisted evildoers you are bound to be punished. That is why we do not struggle for anything here in the kingdom. The thing which some brotherhood of the cross and star students in University of Jos did almost repeated itself in the

University of Uyo, recently. But the president of the Association of brotherhood academy students (ABAS)

they for saw the evil and countered such plan immediately. And because of that, the problems that would have erupted ceased. So never you struggle for anything. Always endure all things so as to be able to unite the entire world. It is

said that a stroke of cane is enough for the wise. Let those who have ears hear what the Holy Spirit has imparted to the entire world. May God bless his words.
