"because the question is, would not give up"

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  • 8/8/2019 "Because the question is, would not give up"


    "Because the idea is to never give up".;

    The idea is to not give.

    Patiently wait in the end children get older

    I'll meet again for longer

    So easy to roll up into themselves

    And as a bucket in the well to moan string"-Anna Janko.

    Because the idea is to never give up / do not give.

    Because when a person is healthy, he sees a healthy, feel healthy, healthy senses sees everything that is relevant, that is healthy.

    The Bible says: For pure all things are pure:"too clean your eyes that stared atevil and injustice can not approve" (1.13 Ha).

    Another example from the book "Wisdom of the Bible": Joseph Murphy ""Then put itup, showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world and the devil said to him:"I will give you the power and grandeur of it all [...]So if you fall downand worship me, all will be yours"(Luke 4, 5-7). Then Jesus said to him:"Get thee hence, Satan! It is written, the Lord your God you worship and him only shaltthou serve"(Matt. 4:10). Only towards the source of blessings in you, towards the sources and Safety should always remain loyal and devoted. And against anything else."

    When a person is healthy and brain and heart of a healthy, clean air and the soul by immaculate lungs breathing, how can they give up then knock down the abyss,since such good habits?

    But it is written in Scripture:"Do you think you stand ... See, you do not fall"(cf. 1 Cor 10:12). The brain is a good example: in fact, decide about everything, the brain is healthy when there are "cavities".

    When they fall, ie:"we are"...: In extreme cases, it is this: you're falling deeper into himself, liver, or heart thy heart, or / and the brain, like a dying /forced to live, is like a parasite / parasite: are you the person you become like one big, the whole set.Like the larvae feed on the half-alive insect and "eatit" until it completely devoured, and he dies, so you you feed to each other, you are his shadow and caricature and said the parasite, and finally the enemy himself.In the extreme case, you're one big fall. A proverb says clearly:"whenever

    you feel that you start to fall, by all means pick up!"

    Because the same time (you never know how long it will take / takes the "larvae") strawisz himself and at that you become a parasite, not a man, but as a greatmartyr (in the name of what is suffering?) Feeding him his own will: not Give up!

    Do not give only to lose his free will, do not let the "parasites" "eat" his free will!-That would be a tragedy!-You'd be just as substitute of life than livingin this wonderful planet of a great statesman and a great format, a wonderful man who controls his whole life, which is not subjected to the will of the oppressor, but he knows his worth and fight "for her".

    So where does your soul?-The five (or even more (!)) Thy senses, consciousness,her breathing and lung-free will. Do not let it eat any of their authority: theymake a whole speech: the whole body, your creatures as well, as an absolute. Re

  • 8/8/2019 "Because the question is, would not give up"


    member: there is nothing / nothing more precious in the universe, but is your life: it is specifically yours, and no no, not another.

    With the above-mentioned book by Joseph Murphy, speaks:"Judge Thomas Troward inthe book.:"The Hidden Power" emphasizes the great truth:"Acknowledging that there is any power outside of you, even if you recognize it as a benevolent power, sow the seed that sooner or later must give fruit in the form of fear ruin your l

    ife, love and freedom. A third path does not exist".

    He adds:"The judge Troward stresses in his teaching that we are living this principle and that the difference exists only between a general concept, and specification of the thing itself." The Bible, in turn, develops this idea emphatically, saying:"Neither the son nor wife, nor his brother, or friend does not give power over each other for life, not your riches or give to someone else, you regret it, do not need to ask not"(Sirach 33 , 20).

    Joseph Murphy:"No matter what happened to you, the important thing is what do you think about it", The Bible :"... before they call, I answer them (Isaiah 65.24)". Murphy:"God is beyond time and space . The concept of age does not apply to

    him. So you can attract to each other all their good right now".

    "The real thinking is free from fear, from worries and negative activity of anykind". Bible:"He sent his word, and healed them"(Psalm 107.20),"Who is weak, letthem say I'm a hero""(Joel 4:10). And God said:"[...]Let [man] have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds, the cattle, the earth and over every living thing that moves upon the earth"(Gen 1:26 ).(...) God said that everything created is good-very good."Murphy: To quote an old aphorism here:"Even if it is not now-will be. Readiness is everything."