becky cremin


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Post on 14-Mar-2016




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Page 1: Becky Cremin

becky cremin

3 poems

Page 2: Becky Cremin

For Eleanor Performing Without Pathos she. agree over and with she. for for us this focussing she. striking with. an authority she. pose position. positioning she. she. as she a matter. positioned subject she. us a la fem. she matter subjectively she. to con si dher. a her her. contained. she argue her her. of a part. of she glamour her. mirrored she. ehs her. woman to mirror her. this as of subject. A she her. the victim. the passive. the under her. the as she. her the as fem fem. leaved becomen and lest fem. negatived her she leaves. host fem. fled womyn. fled her host. she fem. live off. she of. her of to live fem. non natured romantic. she walk fem. her site. away guard. she her away fem. away guarded novel. un her lock she she. fem pathos. she helplessness. non she. less same as night. her fem she a she. flood. the over of a her. fem in she. her lessness. this fem terrant as she. terra guistic. her sculpted fem. non she. measured and her between. sculpther she. object as fem sculpt. her fract her. as thos and fem. she gaze her. rend her ing. fore she portrait her. she portraits. her portrayed. fem portraying. her. act shine. she chromeatic from fem hard her. monetary is she. fem surge. sculpt her her. vast fem vast she. detach. as object her. in a she as portray. her she of body fem. fem. site in fem through she as her body fem. she. femumable. her. devour and fem. she. her out. fem lay. she distance as her fem. her through fem out as she. to fem. pose her. as she formed. this fem. she for present in her. fem as she fem. is she. in her. in fem. is fem.

Page 3: Becky Cremin

Ma Handed

- - - hand pushed t oo ha rd hand pushed hand pu hand hand . Bea te hand push hand pushed ou t hand r i gh t and l e f t hand t o

- - -

bow ove r b roken and f r om and down ra t t l e so and down kn i f e and f a t i a l y and res t i ng bod ied i n t e r po in t t o and i na - cesk bod ies s t and s t i l l aga ins t f r ay and ove r bode ies he r l ong do t t ed and bow o f he r f i nged f r om l eng th i ng agap he r f r om con t i nua l move t o d i s t ance and t ake be tween shedd ing be tween bod ied be tween and aga in s t banded s tomach be tween a r ched back aga ins t a r ched t o t o t a l o f be tween and g reen man passed Pass be tween

Page 4: Becky Cremin

Sunk Through Mesotoic

Penetrable non – am out gained

Darkenly lined, cavern up markedly

Tang beered, gasp bedded fires

Render am – box’ed rested

Flatt end plat, surface bi coil shower

Smoulder, shower: cigarred bell

Receipt – passing people –

Bodily changed re again re again

Beaten – re again. Facial mining

- a down shoot

- a hurned up

Roam roam palmed bedded

We – can

them for the. Clinic.

The verb truth, I have to

like and shin away. Doorways

chewing, marry lure – ings

per cardboard. Known my

sonnel again new again – factory

- approach

- still one

Again roam a roam –

A bodice.

Page 5: Becky Cremin