bed bugs presentation


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Page 1: Bed bugs Presentation
Page 2: Bed bugs Presentation

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Bed Bug

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Taxonomy Background Life stages Life cycle Damage Control

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T.N: Cimex lectularius

Family: Cimicidae

Order: Hemiptera

Other Names : Bat bug, Bird bug


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• Last of 17th century bed bugs have been a house hold pest issue in

Egypt, that were used to cure snake bite.

• In 18th century they were abundant in North America by the arrival of

Europeans settler, considered one of the top three pest.

• Almost eliminated in US at the mid of 20th century by use of DDT.


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Rising numbers since 2001 and increase rapidly in last 5 years.

Actually originated in the Middle

East, in caves of humans and bats.

Record of last 12 years, bed bugs has been reported in the;

U.S, Canada, European & Asian countries, Australia and

some parts of Africa.

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In ancient Rome, they were called Cimex, meaning “bug”.

The species designation lecturlarius refers to a couch or bed.

How they were named…???

Bed bugs are commonly found in beds, on sofas, in

chairs and areas near where people sleep or lounge.

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Feeding lasts 3 – 12 minutes

After meal, increase in length by 30%-50% weight 150%-200%

Wingless, Ectoparasites

Bed Bug

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Can’t fly, jump or burrow, they crawl.

Seeks warmth, which helps locate warm-blooded hosts


Often brought in on luggage or used furniture.

Bed bugs more active at night, but if that feel hunger they can bite at any time.

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Eggs are creamy white.

Mostly eggs are present at hidden places.

1 mm in size (size to two grains of salt).

Eggs are held in place on surfaces with a glue like substance.


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Similar to adult but smaller in size.

Clear or a yellowish color.

Nymph feed on blood.

5 nymphal instars

Nymphs feed for 3 minutes fully swell.


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Adults are reddish brown and oval shape.

Its size is 5mm long and 3mm its width size of an apple seed.

After feeding, bed bugs can swell to upwards of 10mm and

get heavier and darker in color.

Not as small as you might think Adult

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FemaleRounded abdomen

MalePointed abdomen

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Temperature Effects

Below ~13˚C Development stops

Above ~40˚C Development stops

Flourish at temps between ~18˚C - 27˚C

Die at Temps > 44˚C or < 0˚C

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• Female lay between 5 -12 eggs each day , on rough surfaces.

• Lay upto 300-500 eggs in life span.

• The hetching period is 1 week.

• Nymphal period is 4-6 weeks.

• Its is multivoltine (3-4 generations per year).

• Life of adult is 6 month.

• The starvation period is 1 year.

Life Cycle

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4-6 weeksSize increase 1.5-4.5mm

1st instar

2nd instar

5th instar



3rd instar




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•It cause damage during night.

•Its bite is painless

•It feed on blood meal of animals.

•After bite, it cause redness, irritation and lesion can be produced

over the victim.

DamageBed bug bites do not transmit disease.

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Severe Reaction

Immediate reaction

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Vacuum Cleaning Steaming Furniture

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Bed Bug Detection Dogs

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•Use of kerosine oil inject it in the cracks.

•Pyrithroids ( 0.1% - 0.5 % )

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Cimex-Attractant Traps

Cimex Detection Case Nightwatch

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