bedford presbyterian church newsletter february 2020 … · newsletter february 2020 e-mail:...

BEDFORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH NEWSLETTER February 2020 e-mail: [email protected] telephone: (540) 586-5284 fax: (540) 586-5284 This Year, Let’s Celebrate LENT … Together? Before coming to Bedford, my only practice of the Lenten season had been to attend Good Friday Services. But soon after arriving in town, I learned that the local Ministerial association had long sponsored well attended mid-week Lenten lunches for the entire community. It was time to get on board and I’m glad I did, because celebrating Lent for the past thirteen years has helped me to appreciate Easter that much more. Lent is a Christian tradition that is observed by many denominations (not just the Catholics). It is a forty-day period of disciplined sacrifice, reflection, prayer and service leading up to the Church’s annual commemoration of Jesus' death and Resurrection. These forty days are a time to rethink how we are living our lives in view of the life Christ Jesus gave for us. As scripture says, he died for all, so that those who live might live no longer for themselves, but for him who died and was raised for them (2 Corinthians 5:15). Lent isn’t mentioned in the Bible, so where did it come from? Apparently the early church had always observed special times of fasting and prayer during Holy Week- the eight days from Palm Sunday to Easter morning. By 350AD, the early Church had codified these into a 40-day period of self-discipline in imitation of Jesus’ 40 days of fasting and prayer in the wilderness. The name “ LENTactually means “lengthening” coming from springtime’s increasing daylight hours during which this special season occurred. For the Anglo-Saxon people it was also a much easier word to say than the official Latin title, quadragesima, which means the “40 days.” The season starts with Ash Wednesday, this year on February 26 th . Catholics begin the day by fasting, attending an early morning service to confess their sins and to receive a cross shaped smudge of ashes on their forehead or wrist. The ashes are made from last-year’s Palm Sunday palms. While Protestant Christians don’t practice confessing to a priest, we certainly should do a lot more confessing to God in prayer … and perhaps also to our sinned against brothers and sisters (1 John 1:9, James 5:16). Fasting for extended times of prayer should already be a regular discipline for those who wish to follow the example of Jesus and his disciples (Luke 4:1-4, Mt. 9:14-15). And yes, it is a rather humbling experience to wear a cross shaped smudge as a reminder that we are but dust and to dust we shall return. Since Lent is a season of solemnity and sacrifice, another tradition is to give up one personal pleasure as our reminder of the self sacrifice Jesus made to save us from our sins. Think about all the trivial things in your life that shift your focus away from God. Do you find that you dedicate more time to sending text messages and posting status updates than to prayer and time with God? Do you have a habit of eating junk food excessively? What is something your life could do without, at least for a month?

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Page 1: BEDFORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH NEWSLETTER February 2020 … · NEWSLETTER February 2020 e-mail: telephone: (540) 586-5284 fax: (540) 586-5284 This Year,



February 2020

e-mail: [email protected] telephone: (540) 586-5284

fax: (540) 586-5284

This Year, Let’s Celebrate LENT … Together? Before coming to Bedford, my only practice of the Lenten season had been to attend Good Friday Services. But soon after arriving in town, I learned that the local Ministerial association had long sponsored well attended mid-week Lenten lunches for the entire community. It was time to get on board and I’m glad I did, because celebrating Lent for the past thirteen years has helped me to appreciate Easter that much more. Lent is a Christian tradition that is observed by many denominations (not just the Catholics). It is a forty-day period of disciplined sacrifice, reflection, prayer and service leading up to the Church’s annual commemoration of Jesus' death and Resurrection. These forty days are a time to rethink how we are living our lives in view of the life Christ Jesus gave for us. As scripture says, he died for all, so that those who live might live no longer for themselves, but for him who died and was raised for them (2 Corinthians 5:15). Lent isn’t mentioned in the Bible, so where did it come from? Apparently the early church had always observed special times of fasting and prayer during Holy Week- the eight days from Palm Sunday to Easter morning. By 350AD, the early Church had codified these into a 40-day period of self-discipline in imitation of Jesus’ 40 days of fasting and prayer in the wilderness. The name “LENT” actually means “lengthening” coming from springtime’s increasing daylight hours during which this special season occurred. For the Anglo-Saxon people it was also a much easier word to say than the official Latin title, quadragesima, which means the “40 days.” The season starts with Ash Wednesday, this year on February 26

th. Catholics begin the day by

fasting, attending an early morning service to confess their sins and to receive a cross shaped smudge of ashes on their forehead or wrist. The ashes are made from last-year’s Palm Sunday palms. While Protestant Christians don’t practice confessing to a priest, we certainly should do a lot more confessing to God in prayer … and perhaps also to our sinned against brothers and sisters (1 John 1:9, James 5:16). Fasting for extended times of prayer should already be a regular discipline for those who wish to follow the example of Jesus and his disciples (Luke 4:1-4, Mt. 9:14-15). And yes, it is a rather humbling experience to wear a cross shaped smudge as a reminder that we are but dust and to dust we shall return. Since Lent is a season of solemnity and sacrifice, another tradition is to give up one personal pleasure as our reminder of the self sacrifice Jesus made to save us from our sins. Think about all the trivial things in your life that shift your focus away from God. Do you find that you dedicate more time to sending text messages and posting status updates than to prayer and time with God? Do you have a habit of eating junk food excessively? What is something your life could do without, at least for a month?

Page 2: BEDFORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH NEWSLETTER February 2020 … · NEWSLETTER February 2020 e-mail: telephone: (540) 586-5284 fax: (540) 586-5284 This Year,

Then, as a replacement for what you have given up, why not add something positive, such as resolving to be more mindful of others' needs, spending more time with your family and forgiving old grudges. Some families set aside their spare change during these 40 days and do something with that money. Since Bedford Presbyterian already practices this with our 5¢ a meal offering, how about donating some of your time this season and helping out at a soup kitchen, habitat, or disaster relief program.

Also, during the Lenten season in addition to your regular Sunday worship, make a point of attending other special worship events as often as possible. These services can give you that extra encouragement to stay focused on your conviction to keep up with your other Lenten disciplines. Many churches schedule Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Watch Night services.

For seven Wednesdays, we sponsor a Noon Lenten Worship Service in the Fellowship Hall of Main Street United Methodist Church. Asking for only a free will offering for the food and various charities, different churches each week serve a light lunch, followed by some hymn singing and then a Lenten devotional given by different pastors. Bedford Presbyterian is scheduled to serve on March 18

th. Chef David Grigg is already planning the meal and looking for volunteers, while Bill

Rutledge and I will be using our talents appropriately. It is no coincidence, that this year’s theme is “Celebrating the Practices of Lent.” If you have never done anything like this before, why don’t you join me in these Lenten practices to better prepare your heart for celebrating Easter. It certainly will. See you at Church. -- John A few other disciplines of Lent you might consider:

Set aside some specific times for self-examination and reflection. Christmas and Easter are times of happiness and joy. The same cannot be said about Lent. It is a time of simplicity and solemnity. It is a time to reflect on your dependence on God's mercy and your understanding of faith. Take moments during this time to think about how you have (or have not) embodied Christ's love in your daily life.

Start or spend more time on your devotions: Bible reading and prayer

Have a weekly sacrificial meal. A simple bowl of rice and glass of water instead of your family's traditional spread will remind you of what's normal for you, while highlighting that it isn't normal for others. Portions adapted from:

Page 3: BEDFORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH NEWSLETTER February 2020 … · NEWSLETTER February 2020 e-mail: telephone: (540) 586-5284 fax: (540) 586-5284 This Year,

2020 January Clerk’s Corner

A new tradition? The New Year’s Eve An Awakening Evening of Prayer service had around 100 people in attendance, including nine pastors and our new elected county sheriff Mike Miller.

Sunday morning worship attendance has increased to an average of 80 people.

New Members Class will meet Jan. 30 and Feb. 6. at 7 pm. There’s still time to check it out.

The choir is small and needs more male voices.

We didn’t forget: to ensure greater accuracy, December First Fruits distributions will be carried over to next year for Missions. The budget will run from February to February.

Lee Murphree will deliver the sermon on Feb. 16 and Philip Parker on Feb. 23.

In case of the pastor’s absence, John Blair and Bill Rutledge will determine church activity can-cellations due to inclement weather.

At the congregational meeting, the congregation will be asked to give suggestions to the commit-tee for any unfilled positions. However, candidates will not be voted on until they can be vetted by the committee.

Profits from poinsettia sales were $250, but additional donations totaled $920 towards Camps and Conferences. Thanks for your generosity!

Sales from Maggie DeWitt’s donated candles and decorations netted $55 for Camps and Confer-ences.

A youth lock-in retreat is scheduled for the weekend of Feb. 28 to March 1.

Session approved tipping the youth servers at the potluck on March 22. Tips will be collected with table baskets and go towards Camps and Conferences.

One man’s junk? A garage sale fund raiser will be held May 23 and 25 at the community center for Ryan Johnson’s Philmont expenses. Roy Cram and Ryan will handle all arrangements.

If you can, help us save on postage by using email or picking up items.

We are reverting to the bulletins without a tear-off. Also a cost saver.

At the risk of life and limb, John Salley and John Smith adjusted two of the sanctuary shutters. But the sun persists! Congregants will simply have to cope with excessive sunlight. Maybe switching your seat?

Session approved use of a new membership form developed by Paul, which better reflects those items needed for statistical reports.

Implementation of approved changes by trustees should be completed after funds transfer on Jan. 28.

After some minor adjustments, Session approved the budget as presented. Budget has about a $3,000 deficit, which amounts to 3 – 4 %.

Please express your gratitude to Judy Blair, who has served faithfully on Session as the Disciple-ship chair and just finished the second of two three-year terms.

Important dates:

Saturday, January 26 - called Congregational meeting

Sunday, February 16 - Lee Murphree speaks

Sunday, February 23 - Philip Parker speaks

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5:30 PM

Meet at the

Town Clock!!



First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings should be

made for everyone, for kings and all who are in high positions, so that we may lead a quiet and

peaceable life in all godliness and dignity. 1 Timothy 2: 1-2

if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from

their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14

Let us join together for focused prayer at key locations in town. We will

pray in front of Bedford County Social Services, Bedford County Court

House, Town of Bedford Police Station, Bedford Country Administration

Building and more.

All are welcome, so save the date and invite your friends, family, pastor

church and more!!

A project of Concerned Women for America of Virginia & Bedford Virginia Prayers.

Page 5: BEDFORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH NEWSLETTER February 2020 … · NEWSLETTER February 2020 e-mail: telephone: (540) 586-5284 fax: (540) 586-5284 This Year,

February 2020

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 Youth


2 10 am Service


Prayer Time

3 Quilters,6 pm

4 Something


4:30 pm.

Cubs, 7 pm


Joyful Noise,

6:15 pm

Choir, 7 pm

6 Purl Jam,

7 pm



Class, 7pm

7 Office




8 Quilters


10 am Service

Scout Sunday

Children’s Church

5 ¢ a Meal


Prayer Time

10 Shepherds’


Quilters, 6 pm

11 No Something


12 Joyful Noise,

6:15 pm

Choir, 7 pm

13 Purl Jam,

7 pm

14 Office






10 am Service

Lee Murphree

Children’s Church



Quilters, 6 pm

Prayer Walk

5:30 pm


No Something


Cubs, 7 pm

19 Joyful Noise,

6:15 pm

Choir, 7 pm

20 Purl Jam,

7 pm

21 Office






10 am Service

Philip Parker

Children’s Church

Prayer Time

24 Quilters, 6 pm

25 No Something


Cubs Blue &

Gold Dinner

26 Joyful Noise,

6:15 pm

Choir, 7 pm

27 Purl Jam,

7 pm

28 Office




29 Youth


112 Center Street

Monday- Scouts 6:30 pm , Tuesday- Narcotics Anonymous , 12 pm, Wednesday- Narcotics Anonymous , 8 pm

Sundays: Narcotics Anonymous 6 pm

Page 6: BEDFORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH NEWSLETTER February 2020 … · NEWSLETTER February 2020 e-mail: telephone: (540) 586-5284 fax: (540) 586-5284 This Year,

Barefoot: Shawn (nephew)

Barnes: Troy- (friend)

Benton: Fred Murray- (brother-in-law)

Carol Detraz- (friend)

Blair: James Thorne

Katy Neal

Boone: Sarah- (daughter)

Jim Hedrick- (friend)

Chryssikos: Dorothy Keener


Linda Arendt (neighbor)

Cire: Rowan

Clarke: Weebie

Cram: Winslow’s-(friends of Sally’s)

Janice Campbell (friend)

Military and First Responders

DeHart: Mary Detricks

DeWitt: Shirley Magann- (friend of family)


Amoni Logan

Diddams: Lois

Dills: Kathy & her father

Foster: Thomasine Davis -(aunt)


All Christians

Goodman: Barry Owen-(friend)

Katherine Saunders

Randall Sales

Heinrich: Steven - (grandson)

Barbara Lore- (Helen’s sister)

Hopkins: Bill & Dorinda

Kuhn- Kibbey: Nancy Milton-(friend)

Rachel Rutledge- (granddaughter) Dot Grandson Eric Bryant

Mauser: Joyce Reese- (friend)

Steven-(son’s boss)

Tom & Betty Clark- (friends)

Norma Jean -(Gayle’s sister)

Pat- (Al’s sister)

Meyers: Adrian

Patty and Family

Mitchell: Ruby- (friend)

Morris: All first responders, police officers and

forensic scientists

Rev. Pam Ledbetter-(friend)

Salley: John Solon-(Betty’s brother)

Claire (Betty’s niece)

David Etheridge- (fellow pastor)

Saunders: (Ronnie) Colin Bridges- (grandson)

Scott- (son-in-law)

Scheurer: Stephanie Hale- (friend)

Bob Lindell- (friend)

Schubert: Gerda

Smith: Sonya’s parents

Stetson: Nick’s step-daughter

Stevens: Jackie Landis

Chief Brad Creasy

Toney: Judy

Karen Hyde- (friend)

Mike Gillespie- (friend)

Cal Rice- (former pastor)

Van Dyke: Marilyn Bressett- (friend)

Weeks: Mary Lohmeyer-(friend)

Wilkerson: Ricky Wilkerson-(Dan’s cousin)

Prayers for those affected by floods and wildfires

Prayers for mass shootings victims

Prayers for the Middle East and persecuted


Prayers that anti- Semitism be erased

“This, then, is how you should pray: “ ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us

our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.’ (Matthew 6:9-13)

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February Birthdays

Kathy Dills - 4

Judy Blair - 6

Lester Heinrich - 7

Emilie Citty - 9

Janice Yule -12

Heather Poindexter -12

Elizabeth Creasy -13

BJ Poindexter -13

Ken McManis -13

Rev. Frank Avery -15

John Salley -23

Janis Easter - 26

Richard Overstreet -27

Karen Overstreet -28

February Anniversaries

Jim & Judy Harris - 13

Rev. Frank & Tinkie Avery- 14

In the Military

Nick Stetson- Navy


Ben Daniel- Army

Deployed- Iraq

Matthew McManis- Marine


Joy Byrne- Army

Deployed- Kuwait

Land of the Free,

Because of the Brave

Elks Home – 931 Ashland Ave.

Anna Latimer, Room B-208

Frankie Latimer, Room H-205

Frank & Tinkie Avery, Apt E-202

John & Lorraine Ledden- Apt. G-101

Bentley Commons

Pat Clarke

Bentley Commons,

1604 Graves Mill Rd. Room 210

Lynchburg, VA 24502

Heritage Green

Emilie Citty

Heritage Green #312

201 Lillian Lane

Lynchburg, VA 24502

Meeting at the town clock

at 5:30 pm the third

Monday of each month.

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Fe b r ua r y 2 0 2 0 N ewsl et t e r

And there’s more….

Chapter 9….Renew, A Miss Margaret Adventure #9

and Come to My House...A Grace Hanson Thriller are out.

Go to Amazon and get the Kindle edition or a

Paperback and enjoy!

Reviews are always needed and appreciated.

All the Stories of the Bible and Something More

We are continuing our exploration of some of the earliest stories recorded in the Bible and what they teach us (it’s more than what you learned in Sunday School).

Having looked at the creation stories, it is now time to consider humanity’s fall into sin and the repercussions that have continued to spread from that event. On Tuesday’s from 4:30-6:30, our “Something More” Bible study will dig even deeper into the background behind these stories.

Following is the schedule of topics that we will be covering in the month of February:

February 2, 2020 Genesis 5:1-5, 18-28, 6:1-8 Enoch: The Godliest Man you never met Something More: Angels & Giants & Mighty Men

February 9, 2020 Genesis 6: 8-8:22 Noah part 1: God pushes ‘reset’

No Something More

February 16, 2020 Missionary Lee Murphree will be bringing the message

No Something More

February 23, 2020 Rev. Philip Parker preaching

No Something More

New Mid-Week Prayer Group

Are you “Standing In The Need of Prayer?” Do you need a “Sweet Hour Of Prayer?” We invite you to be part of an intimate group of Christians who love Jesus and who want to grow a deeper relationship with Him.

The Deacons would like to start a middle of the week prayer group that will meet at the Fosters home (129 Foxwood Drive, Goode, VA). If you feel led to join us, please let Ellen Foster know what day and time would be convenient for you. We may even sing a song or two!