bedok green 4na mye 2015 - greendale humaniacs -...

BEDOK GREEN 4NA MYE 2015 SECTION A - SOURCE BASED CASE STUDY [30 Marks] Question 1 is compulsory for all candidates. Study all parts of Question 1. In answering the questions, you should use your knowledge and understanding of the period to help you interpret and evaluate the sources. You must use the sources to which you are specifically directed, but you may use any of the other sources where they are helpful. (a) Study Source A. Why was this poster created? Explain your answer using details from the poster and your contextual knowledge. [5] (b) Study Source B. What is the message of this photograph? Explain your answer using details from the photograph and your contextual knowledge. [5] (c) Study Source C and Source D. How similar are the two sources? Explain your answer. [6] (d) Study Source E. How useful is Source E in showing that Hitler was a charismatic speaker? Explain your answer. [6] (e) Study all sources. Hitler rose to power because of his leadership qualities.” How far do these sources support this view? Use these sources and your own knowledge to support your answer. [8]

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Page 1: BEDOK GREEN 4NA MYE 2015 - Greendale Humaniacs - · Was Hitler’s rise to power due to his leadership abilities? Hitler was



Question 1 is compulsory for all candidates.

Study all parts of Question 1. In answering the questions, you should use your knowledge and understanding of the period to help you interpret and evaluate the sources. You must use the sources to which you are specifically directed, but you may use any of the other sources where they are helpful. (a) Study Source A.

Why was this poster created? Explain your answer using details from the poster and your contextual knowledge. [5]

(b) Study Source B. What is the message of this photograph? Explain your answer using details from the photograph and your contextual knowledge. [5] (c) Study Source C and Source D.

How similar are the two sources? Explain your answer. [6] (d) Study Source E.

How useful is Source E in showing that Hitler was a charismatic speaker? Explain your answer. [6]

(e) Study all sources. ‘Hitler rose to power because of his leadership qualities.” How far do these sources support this view? Use these sources and your own knowledge to support your answer. [8]

Page 2: BEDOK GREEN 4NA MYE 2015 - Greendale Humaniacs - · Was Hitler’s rise to power due to his leadership abilities? Hitler was

Was Hitler’s rise to power due to his leadership abilities?

Hitler was the supreme leader of Nazi Germany from 1934 to 1945. His rise to power

began in September 1919 when he joined the Nazi Party. He gave the German

people hope and he promised to bring Germany to greatness after the humiliation of

the Treaty of Versailles. Political and economic circumstances at that time together

with Hitler’s leadership abilities enabled Hitler to rise to power and become

Chancellor of Germany in 1933. Germany was searching for a leader and Hitler was

able to take advantage of the situation and gain complete control of Germany.

Hitler's "rise" can be considered to have ended in March 1933, after

the Reichstag adopted the Enabling Act of 1933 in that month and president Paul

von Hindenburg appointed Hitler as Chancellor on 30 January 1933.

Study the following sources to find out if Hitler’s rise to power was due to his leadership qualities.

Source A – A propaganda poster printed in Germany in 1932.

Hitler: Our last hope

Page 3: BEDOK GREEN 4NA MYE 2015 - Greendale Humaniacs - · Was Hitler’s rise to power due to his leadership abilities? Hitler was

Source B – A photograph in Andrew Nagorski’s book Hitlerland which discusses the way Americans saw and wrote about the early days of the Third Reich.

Source C – An account on Hitler’s speech by Karl Ludecke, a German who wrote a book called “I knew Hitler” in 1924.

Hitler was a slight, pale man with brown hair parted to one side. He had steel-blue eyes...he had the look of a fanatic....he held the audience, and me with them, under a hypnotic spell by the sheer force of his conviction. He was holding the masses, and me with them, under an hypnotic spell by the sheer force of his beliefs. His words were like a whip. When he spoke of the disgrace of Germany, I felt ready to attack any enemy. Of course, I was ripe for this experience. I was a man of 32, weary with disgust and disillusionment, a wanderer seeking a cause, patriot seeking an outlet for his patriotism.

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Source D – A German historian’s account on Nazi victory in the elections. Source E – Historian Volker Ullrich, author of New German Biography: Hitler's Underestimated Charisma, discusses Hitler in an interview.

Source F – A historian’s account on life in Germany after the signing of the Treaty of Versailles

Life for the German people became very difficult after the Treaty of Versailles. Germany was forced to borrow vast sums of money from America in order to pay its war debt to England and France. In 1929, the United States experienced an economic depression. A depression is a time when business is bad and many people are out of work. America was unable to continue lending money to Germany during the depression. Without the income from American loans, Germany was unable to pay its war reparations to England and France. The result was a severe depression in Germany. German money became close to worthless. They German people were angry with the Treaty of Versailles; they felt the terms were unfair. Many Germans believed a strong leader could return their nation to greatness.

The Nazis gradually devised an electoral strategy to win farmers and white collar voters in small towns, which produced a landslide electoral victory in September 1930 due to the depression. Refused a chance to form a cabinet, and unwilling to share in a coalition regime, the Nazis joined the Communists in violence and disorder between 1931 and 1933. In 1932, Hitler ran for President and won 30% of the vote, forcing the eventual victor, Paul von Hindenburg, into an election. After a bigger landslide in July 1932, their vote declined and their movement weakened, so Hitler decided to enter a coalition government as chancellor in January 1933.

Munich around 1920 was an ideal environment for a right-wing agitator,

especially one who could give speeches as fiery as Hitler's. But he was also a

skilled tactician, outmaneuvering his competition step by step. He surrounded

himself with followers who looked up to him devoutly. To understand Hitler's

power as a speaker, we must consider the fact that constructed his speeches

very deliberately. He began very calmly, tentatively, almost as if he were

feeling his way forward and trying to sense to what degree he had a hold of

the audience so far. Not until he was certain of their approval did he escalate

his word choice and gestures, becoming more aggressive.

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Bedok Town 4NA MYE 2015

Section A (Source-Based Questions)

Question 1 is compulsory for all candidates.

Study the sources carefully, and then answer all the questions. You may use any of the sources to help you answer the questions, in addition to those sources you are told to use. In answering the questions you should use your knowledge of the topic to help you interpret and evaluate the sources.

1(a) Study Source A. Why was the poster produced? Explain your answer. [5]

(b) Study Source B and Source C.

How similar are the sources? Explain your answer. [6]

(c) Study Source D.

Does Source D prove that Stalin’s Five Year Plans were successful? Explain your answer. [6]

(d) Study Source E.

How useful is this source in showing the standard of living of the Russians in the 1930s? Explain your answer. [6]

(e) Study all Sources. ‘Stalin’s Five-Year Plans benefited the Russian people.’ How far do the sources support this view? Explain your answer. [7]

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Was Stalin’s Five Year Plans beneficial for Russians?

Source A: A Soviet poster of Stalin,1929.

Source B: A Russian worker at a textile mill in the 1930s, telling Western reporters how she felt about her manager’s idea of increasing their pay if they could tend four looms instead of just the usual two looms (devices used to make cloth).

I asked for it! It's hard work, but I wanted to make more. You are on the run all the time, but after a few bumps, you learn the shortest way from one loom to another, and how to save steps. I feel alright, tired, but nothing serious. I guess it would be easier, though, if we got more nourishing food. What we get is pretty poor.

Source C: A remark made in 1930 by a member of a group opposing Stalin, about the first Five Year Plan.

Hence the *exaggerated tempos, the exaggerated figures, the exaggerated plans which collapse as soon as they come into touch with reality... These high tempos exist only on paper, in books, in articles, and in plans.

* Exaggerated means ‘to overstate or inflate’.

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Source D: An extract from Stalin’s speech at the First All-Union Conference of Stakhanovites (workers who followed the example of Alexsei Stakhanovite of working at an extremely fast speed in an attempt to produce more) in 1935.

Life has improved, comrades. Life has become more joyous. And when life is joyous, work goes well. Hence the high rates of output. Hence the heroes and heroines of labour... Our revolution is the only one which not only smashed the fetters of capitalism and brought the people freedom, but also succeeded in creating the material conditions of a prosperous life for the people.

Source E: An extract from a history textbook on the lives of the Russians in the 1930s.

The new industry turned out capital goods, not consumer goods…. Items such as refrigerators, automobiles and washing machines were out of the question. Even basic food had to be rationed for a while… It is testimony to the extraordinary capacity of the Russian workers to suffer in silence that so much was accomplished at such high costs with so little reward for those doing it.

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Section A (a) Study Source A. Why was this poster created? Explain your answer using details from the poster and your contextual knowledge. [5]

Target Skill: Inference

Level Band descriptor


L1 Describes the poster Award 1m for details. e.g. The poster shows the words ‘ Hitler: Our last hope’ and some men.


L2 Identifies message with support. Award 2 marks for message without support and 3 marks for message without support. e.g. The poster was created to make the Germans realise that Hitler was the man who would help them have a better future. [2] The poster shows many men and the sentence, “‘Hitler: Our last hope’”. This means that the Germans relied on Hitler to help them have a better life as they did not have anyone else to rely on.[3]



Purpose-identifies message, the intended outcome, impact on the audience Award 5 marks for more developed answers. The poster was created to make the Germans (audience) realise that Hitler was the man who would help them have a better future. The poster shows many men and the sentence, “‘Hitler: Our last hope’”. This means that the Germans relied on Hitler to help them gave a better life as they did not have anyone else to rely on.(message)[3]. In doing so, the propaganda poster was aimed at encouraging (action word) the Germans to realize that Hitler would improve their lives so they would support Hitler and accept Hitler as their leader. (impact) [5]


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(b) Study Source B What is the message of this photograph? Explain your answer using details from the photograph and your contextual knowledge. [5] Target Skill: Inference

Level Band descriptor


L1 Describes details of the photograph. e.g. The photograph shows Hitler making a speech to thousands of people. His fists were clenched and he seemed to have captured the attention of his audience.


L2 Identifies sub-message with support Award 2 marks for one valid sub-message and 3 marks with support e.g. The message of the photograph is Hitler is a charismatic speaker [2]. The photograph shows Hitler making a speech to thousands of people and his fists were clenched.[3]


L3 Identifies main message with support Award 4 marks for the message and 5 marks for message with support. e.g. The message of the photograph is Hitler is a charismatic speaker who was able to capture the attention of his audience. [4] The photograph shows Hitler making a speech to thousands of people and his fists were clenched. This shows that many people were captivated by Hitler’s speech and looked up to him as their leader. [5]


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(c) Study Source C and Source D. How similar are the two sources? Explain your answer. [6]

Target Skill: Comparison

Level Band descriptor


L1 Identifying the similarity or difference, no matching of content or compare provenance. e.g. Source C is an account of Hitler’s speech by a German [1]while source D is a historian’s account of Nazi victory in the elections. [2]


L2 Matches content for similarity or difference in detail with support Award 4 marks for more fully developed answers. Similarity e.g. Sources C and D are similar because they are on Hitler’s leadership qualities. According to source C, “he held the audience, and me with them, under a hypnotic spell by the sheer force of his conviction. He was holding the masses, and me with them, under an hypnotic spell by the sheer force of his beliefs.” This shows that Hitler was a good speaker who had charisma and who was able to capture the attention of the Germans who listened to his speech. Similarly, source D also shows Hitler’s leadership qualities. According to source D “The Nazis gradually devised an electoral strategy to win northern farmers and white collar voters in small towns, which produced a landslide electoral victory in September 1930”. This means that Hitler, as the leader of the Nazi Party was able to win the support of Germans by employing suitable election plans. This shows Hitler’s good leadership qualities. OR Difference Sources C and D are different in terms of the method the Nazis used to gain power in Germany. According to source C, “When he (Hitler) spoke of the disgrace of Germany, I felt ready to attack any enemy.” This means that the reason the Nazis gained power in Germany was Hitler used his charisma to influence the Germans and make they feel that they had been shamed so they were willing to fight to regain their dignity. According to source D, “ Refused a chance to form a cabinet, and unwilling to share in a coalition regime, the Nazis joined the Communists in violence and disorder between 1931 and 1933.” This means that the Nazi gained power by working together with the Communists to instil fear in the Germans.


L3 Matches content for difference and similarity of view with support. Award 6 marks for more developed answers.


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Level Band descriptor


Similarities e.g. Source C and D are similar because they are on Hitler’s leadership qualities. According to source C, “he held the audience, and me with them, under a hypnotic spell by the sheer force of his conviction. He was holding the masses, and me with them, under an hypnotic spell by the sheer force of his beliefs.” This shows that Hitler was a good speaker who had charisma and who was able to capture the attention of the Germans who listened to his speech. Similarly, source D also shows Hitler’s leadership qualities. According to source D “The Nazis gradually devised an electoral strategy to win northern farmers and white collar voters in small towns, which produced a landslide electoral victory in September 1930”. This means that Hitler, as the leader of the Nazi Party was able to win the support of Germans by employing suitable election plans. This shows Hitler’s good leadership qualities. AND Source C and D are different in terms of the method the Nazis used to gain power in Germany. According to source C, “When he (Hitler) spoke of the disgrace of Germany, I felt ready to attack any enemy.” This means that the reason the Nazis gained power in Germany was Hitler used his charisma to influence the Germans and make they feel that they had been shamed so they were willing to fight to regain their dignity. According to source D, “ Refused a chance to form a cabinet, and unwilling to share in a coalition regime, the Nazis joined the Communists in violence and disorder between 1931 and 1933.” This means that the Nazi gained power by using the Communists to instil fear in the Germans.

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(d) Study Source E How useful is Source E in showing that Hitler was a charismatic speaker?

Explain your answer. [6] Target Skill: Utility

Level Band descriptor


L1 Yes/No based on provenance/typicality. Award 2 marks for additional details e.g. Source E is useful because it is an account of Hitler by historian Volker Ullrich, author of New German Biography: Hitler's Underestimated Charisma.


L2 Yes or No based on content. Award 4 marks for more developed answer. e.g. Source E is useful in showing that Hitler was a charismatic speaker because it tells me that “To understand Hitler's power as a speaker, we must consider the fact that constructed his speeches very deliberately. He began very calmly, tentatively, almost as if he were feeling his way forward and trying to sense to what degree he had a hold of the audience so far”. This means that he planned his speeches well and was able to gauge the level of interest of his audience.

3 -4m

L3 Yes or No, explained by cross-reference to contextual knowledge or other sources. Award 5 marks for cross-reference with one source and award 6 marks for cross-reference with two sources.

eg. Source E is useful in showing that Hitler was a charismatic speaker because it tells me that “To understand Hitler's power as a speaker, we must consider the fact that constructed his speeches very deliberately. He began very calmly, tentatively, almost as if he were feeling his way forward and trying to sense to what degree he had a hold of the audience so far”. This means that he planned his speeches well and was able to gauge the level of interest of his audience. Source E is supported by source B which shows Hitler making a speech to thousands of people and his fists were clenched. This shows that Hitler was a charismatic speaker who was able to capture the attention of his audience.


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(e) Study all sources. ‘Hitler rose to power because of his leadership qualities”. How far do these sources support this view? Use these sources and your own knowledge to support your answer. [8] Target Skill: Assertion

Level Band descriptor


L1 Writes about the hypothesis, no valid source use. Eg. Hitler was a man with exceptional leadership qualities and he was able to rule Germany with confidence and determination


L2 Support or Do not support, supported by valid source use. Award 2marks for one Yes or No supported by valid source use and an additional mark for each subsequent valid source use up to a maximum of 4 marks. Support Sources B, C and E support the view that “Hitler rose to power because of his leadership qualities”. Source B is a photograph which shows Hitler making a speech to thousands of people and his fists were clenched. This shows that Hitler had the ability to command the attention of thousands of people. According to source C, “He (Hitler) was holding the masses, and me with them, under an hypnotic spell by the sheer force of his beliefs. His words were like a whip. When he spoke of the disgrace of Germany, I felt ready to attack any enemy.” This shows that Hitler had the leadership quality of commanding the attention of his audience and making them ready to fight for him. According to source E, “he (Hitler) was also a skilled tactician, outmaneuvering his competition step by step. He surrounded himself with followers who looked up to him devoutly. To understand Hitler's power as a speaker, we must consider the fact that constructed his speeches very deliberately.” This shows that Hitler planned his strategies to rise to power and his speeches well. His leadership qualities helped him to rise to power. OR Do not support No, sources A and D do not support the view that “Hitler rose to power because of his leadership qualities”. Source A is a


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Level Band descriptor


propaganda poster which shows many men and the sentence, “‘Hitler: Our last hope’”. This means that the Germans relied on Hitler to help them gave a better life as they did not have anyone else to rely on. Hence , Hitler rose to power because the Germans viewed him as their last chance to improve their lives and not because of his leadership qualities. According to source D, “The Nazis gradually devised an electoral strategy ….which produced a landslide electoral victory in September 1930 due to the depression.” This shows that Hitler’s Nazi Party won the elections because of the depression which affected the lives of the Germans and made them support Hitler.

L3 Support AND Do not support, supported by valid source use Award 5 marks for explaining one Yes and No supported by valid source use and an additional mark for each subsequent valid source use up to a maximum of 8 marks. e.g. Both aspects of Level 2. e.g. Sources B, C and E support the view that “Hitler rose to power because of his leadership qualities”. Source B is a photograph which shows Hitler making a speech to thousands of people and his fists were clenched. This shows that Hitler had the ability to command the attention of thousands of people. According to source C, “He (Hitler) was holding the masses, and me with them, under an hypnotic spell by the sheer force of his beliefs. His words were like a whip. When he spoke of the disgrace of Germany, I felt ready to attack any enemy.” This shows that Hitler had the leadership quality of commanding the attention of his audience and making them ready to fight for him. According to source E, “he (Hitler) was also a skilled tactician, outmaneuvering his competition step by step. He surrounded himself with followers who looked up to him devoutly. To understand Hitler's power as a speaker, we must consider the fact that constructed his speeches very deliberately.” This shows that Hitler planned his strategies to rise to power and his speeches well. His leadership qualities helped him to rise to power. No, sources A and D do not support the view that “Hitler rose to power because of his leadership qualities”. Source A is a propaganda poster which shows many men and the sentence, “‘Hitler: Our last hope’”. This means that the Germans relied on Hitler to help them gave a better life as they did not have anyone


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Level Band descriptor


else to rely on. Hence , Hitler rose to power because the Germans viewed him as their last chance to improve their lives and not because of his leadership qualities. According to source D, “The Nazis gradually devised an electoral strategy ….which produced a landslide electoral victory in September 1930 due to the depression.” This shows that Hitler’s Nazi Party won the elections because of the depression which affected the lives of the Germans and made them support Hitler.

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Answer Scheme (Bedok Town) Section A (SBQ) 1 (a) Study Source A.

Why was the poster produced? Explain your answer. [5]

Level of Response

Level Descriptor and Rubrics Marks Allocation


Source A shows Stalin steering the ship of state


L2 STATES PURPOSE, UNSUPPORTED Award additional mark for more than 1 inference made. e.g.

The poster was produced to make the people support Stalin.


L3 STATES PURPOSE, SUPPORTED Award 3 marks for more supporting evidence from source and 4 marks if student explains the evidence. e.g. The poster was produced to make the people support Stalin. Stalin was depicted as a ship captain, steering the ship of state towards modernization. This is done to encourage Russians to support industrialization and the five-year plans.


L4 EXPLAINS PURPOSE WITH LINK TO MESSAGE AND IMPACT e.g. The poster was produced to convince (verb) the Russian people (audience) that Stalin was a capable leader (message). This is done as propaganda so that the people would support his industrialization drive (impact). Stalin was depicted as a ship captain, steering the ship of state towards modernization. This is done to encourage Russians to support industrialization and the five-year plans.


(b) Study Source B and Source C.

How similar are the sources? Explain your answer. [ 6 ]

Level of Response

Level Descriptor and Rubrics Marks Allocation


Both are oral sources



Both sources are different in showing whether Stalin’s Five Year Plans could succeed. OR They are similar as both highlighted the high intensity of work to be completed by the Russian workers according to Stalin’s Five Year Plans.

2 m



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Award additional mark for supporting evidence from both sources. e.g.

The Sources are similar as Both highlighted the high intensity of work to be completed by the Russian workers according to Stalin’s Five Year Plans In Source C, it was highlighted that Stalin’s Five Year Plans required workers to work at “high tempos”. Similarly, the Russian worker in Source B also commented that she was “on the run all the time” when working at the factories. OR

Both sources are different in showing whether Stalin’s Five Year Plans would succeed. In Source C, the worker was sure that Stalin’s Five Year Plans was too “exaggerated” and would “collapse” and not succeed at all. However, the Russian worker in Source B suggested that the Five Year Plans would succeed as she insisted she felt “alright” even though the work was hard.


L5 DIFFERENCE BASED ON PURPOSE/MOTIVE, SUPPORTED Award additional mark for supporting evidence from source. e.g.

The sources are different in purpose. While the Russian worker sounded quite supportive of Stalin’s Five Year Plans in Source B as she was eager to “make more” and was able to “learn the shortest way from one loom to another”, the worker in Source C was all out to criticise Stalin’s plans as being unrealistic as he emphasized how “exaggerated” the plans were. Thus the worker in Source C was trying to convince the Russians not to support Stalin as he did not think that Stalin would improve Russia. However, the Russian worker in Source B was instead trying to convince the Western reporters that Stalin’s Five Year Plans was successful and the workers could cope with the demands of the Five Year Plans.


(c) Study Source D. Does Source D prove that Stalin’s Five Year Plans were successful? Explain your answer. [ 6 ]

Level of Response

Level Descriptor and Rubrics Marks Allocation

L1 ASSERTION BASED ON PROVENANCE ONLY e.g. Source D does not prove that Stalin’s Five Year Plans were successful as it was from a speech given by Stalin.




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Award additional mark for explanation of evidence e.g.

Source D proves that Stalin’s Five Year Plans were successful as Stalin mentioned that there were “high rates of output” and the Five Year Plans had “succeeded in creating the material conditions of a prosperous life for the people”. Thus it was evident that there was significant progress in Russia.


L2 + …However, Source D cannot prove that the Five Year Plans were successful as in this speech, Stalin was biased and only highlighted the positive outcome of the Five Year Plans to get the support of the Russian workers. It does not tell us how the other Russians felt about the Five Year Plans.


L4 L3 + CROSS-REFERS TO OTHER SOURCES AND/OR CONTEXTUAL KNOWLEDGE TO CONFIRM AND/OR CHALLENGE WHAT SOURCE C SAYS Award 5 marks for cross-referring to one other source and 6 marks for cross-referring e.g.

L3+ … Source A also shows that the Five Year Plans was a success as it shows how there was rapid industrialisation in Russia as shown by the building of industries and machines in the Soviet propaganda poster which left the West in disbelief. However, Source E pointed out that it was not totally successful as the “new industry only turned out capital goods, not consumer goods” and thus there was a shortage of consumer goods and food for the people who had to “suffer in silence”.


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L4+ EXPLAINS PROPAGANDA PURPOSE IN CONTEXT e.g. L4… Thus, Source D is largely unreliable and therefore cannot be trusted, as it was merely an example of Soviet propaganda which was exaggerated. Stalin clearly knew how much the workers had suffered in order to reach the high targets that he had set for the industries but because he needed the workers’ support to further speed up production in order to prepare for war, he tried to motivate them to work harder. Besides, the Five Year Plans were in reality, not so much aimed to benefit the workers and by creating a prosperous life for them but more for Russia to be on par with the West.


(d) Study Source E How useful is this source in showing the standard of living of the Russians in

the 1930s? Explain your answer. [ 6]

Level of Response

Level Descriptor and Rubrics Marks Allocation


Source E is useful in showing the standard of living of the Russians in the 1930s as it is an extract from a history textbook that describes the lives of the Russians in the 1930s.


L2 UNCRITICAL ACCEPTANCE, SUPPORTED BY SOURCE CONTENT Award additional mark for explanation of evidence e.g.

Source E is useful to show that the standard of living of the Russians in the 1930s was poor. Source E mentions that they did not get to buy items like refrigerators, automobiles and washing machines. There was also shortage of basic food as it had to be “rationed for a while” which suggested that the Russians may be suffering from hunger.


L3 L2 + DETECTS LIMITATION IN SOURCE. e.g. L2 + …However, Source E is not completely useful as it did not show that there were some improvement in the standard of living of some workers.


L4 L3 + CROSS-REFERS TO OTHER SOURCES AND/OR CONTEXTUAL KNOWLEDGE TO CONFIRM AND/OR CHALLENGE WHAT SOURCE C SAYS Award 5 marks for cross-referring to one other source and 6 marks for cross-referring to two sources to confirm and challenge what Source D says. e.g. L3+ … Similarly, the worker in Source B also felt that the food they got was “poor” and it would be better if they could get “more nourishing food”. However, the worker in Source B suggested that their pay may be increased if they were willing to work harder. This is similar to what Stalin was trying to emphasize about the Five Year Plans succeeding “in creating material conditions of a prosperous life for the people , suggesting that the standard of living was better.



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e.g. L4+…Thus Source E is useful to show the poor living standards of the majority of the Russian workers in the 1930s. It was evident that the Five Year Plans was focused on developing the heavy industries whereby the people did not directly benefit from it. Even those who had their pay increased were not the majority of the Russians and they also suffered in their attempt to earn more money.

(e) Study all Sources.

‘Stalin’s Five-Year Plans benefited the Russian people.’ How far do the sources support this view? Explain your answer. [7]





L1 Answers on the five-year plans but, no source use


L2 Finds evidence in sources that the five-year plans benefited the

Russian people

Only award 6m if one or more sources are not taken at face value

e.g. Sources A, B and D seem to show that the Five-Year Plans

benefitted Russians. In Source A, the cartoonist depicts a confident

Stalin steering the Russian ship-of-state towards industrialization and

prosperity for the Russian people. Source B depicts a Russian worker

being motivated to work harder in order to produce more looms of cloth.

She admits it’s hard work but she earns more, thereby benefiting her as

a Russain. Source D also showed that there is general improvement in

the lives of Russians due to industrialization, saying it ‘succeeeded in

creating the material conditions for a prosperous life’.


Finds evidence in sources that the five-year plans did not benefit

the people

e.g. On the other hand, Source C and E does not exactly show that the

five-year plans were beneficial to the Russian people. Source C

mentions that many of the figures regarding productivity and output of

the five-year plans were exaggerated and ‘exist only in books.’ Source

E also seemed to show the five-year plans did not benefit the Russian

people, as only capital goods were produced with the Russian people

suffering in silence and without much reward.


L3 Both aspects of L2

Only award 8m if one or more sources are not taken at face value.

[NB: Only credit source use where reference is made to the source by

letter. Simply writing about issues mentioned in the sources is not

