bee gee news november 10, 1937 - scholarworks@bgsu

Bowling Green State University Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 11-10-1937 Bee Gee News November 10, 1937 Bee Gee News November 10, 1937 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News November 10, 1937" (1937). BG News (Student Newspaper). 445. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU.

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Bee Gee News November 10, 1937 Bee Gee News November 10, 1937

Bowling Green State University

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Chapter Will go to Convention



Pi Kappa Delta is holding its annual dinner-dance, Nov. 20 at Shatzel Annex. The bids will bo sixty cents each and can be (btained from any Pi Kappa Delta member.

The dinner-dance is open to any student interested in speech a' d in our chapter of Pi Kappa Dtlta.

This year we will be host to other colleges quite a few timps. On March 17th, all the colleges in the Northeastern Ohio De- bate Conference will hold a tournament here.

Some of the trips we arc taking this season will lead us into some far-away places. On the list is New York University. Eight students will be taken to Topeka, Kansas, for the nation- al convention in oratory, debate and extempore speaking. They're going to Franklin, Ind., too— so Freshmen if you aren't tak- ing your debate seriously, here's something to work for—if you don't care about grades. Anyone who is interested in debating, whether or not he is taking the course, come in and take an af- firmative brief from Prof. CarmichaePs room and look it over.

Let's dig out our unknown talent and put Bee Gee first in all the contests at the National Convention.

Williams Hall has just re- ceived new furniture for the

parlors. The girls are grate- fully acknowledging their ap-

preciation to Dr. Offenhauer

for this improvement. The par-

lors arc now cosy and cheerful.

Realizing this fact, there is a noticeable increase in the amount

of company invading these


Since this new furniture plus

other lamps and mirrors came

before Homecoming week-end,

the girls proudly exhibited the

rooms that week-end. They cele- brated Homecoming by having

"open house" Saturday after-

noon, serving hot chocolate to the friends who came.


Fourth Meeting


Committee Announces


Prof. McEwen Attends Conference

In Georgia

Mr. McEwen was in Georgia IJSI week for a conference with the vocal teachers of the high .schools of that state. The pur- pose of the conference was to plan for the State Festival and Contest to be held next April. Prof. 4rthui Williams, of Ober- lin, conducted the instrumental conference. These two men will act as -adjudicators and dir- ectors for the Georgia State Contest in April.

Do Your Shoes Need Shining? Take a Tip From the Shysters

The Cleveland District Bowl- ing Green Association held their

fourth annual luncheon at

Hotel Cleveland, Oct. 29, 1937.

The purpose of the Associa- tion is to promote the good will

of the University.

Eighty members enjoyed the reunion with former classmates

and associates. The membership

consists of students, former stu-

dents and alumni of the univer-


G. L. Thourot, president, pie- sided at the business meeting.

Dr. H. B. Williams introduced

the guest speaker, Dr. R. E.

OfTenhauer, who said, "We mu.^t

continue to build the University

for two reasons." First, "Wo

owe it to the State of Ohio to

build citizens," and second, "I

found a University solidly built so we must progress in a steady

way. This we can accomplisn

though cooperation."

Wallace Lackey, Gates Mills,

was elected president for the

1937-38 term with Harry Frank-

father, Elyria, as vice president

and Melva G. Rockwood, CICVJ-

iund, secretary and treasurer.

Dr. II. B. Williams, president-

emeritus, was uwarded an hon-

orary vice-presidency in the


"Justice is blind," said Cecil Stump as he picked another ci acker crumb from his back and prepared to polish on a large pile of shoes. It all came about this way. Monday night poor Mr. Cecil Stump crawled in bed only to find it filled with cracker crumbs. "This calls for justice," he cried as he flicked the little offending particles off his anatomy. So Friday night a "Kangaroo" court was held by the boys at 702 E. Wooster. Andy Rohrbaugh was selected as the (partly) Hon. Judge, CUrk of Court, Sergeant at Arms, and Foreman of the jury. Mr. Stump took the part of the prosecuting attorney, process server, and star witness. Aus- tin Shelton was selected as the attorney for defense. The evi- dence first pointed quite plain- ly to Mr. James Cira. He con- s t a n 11 y contradicted himself under Attorney Stump's cruel grueling and admitted that he was "a mean and contempible liar." It was with little avail that the attorney for the defense pleaded to get him to talk in his own favor.

When the final pleas were put through poor Cira argued and pleaded and played on the sympathies and better natures

of the jury in a most pensive fashion. Attorney Stump strut- ted quite confident of a certain victory. But the pleadings must have been to some avail for when the vote of the jury was taken it was found that by a seven to two vote lady justice had pointed her crooked finger diicctly at the Prosecuting At- terr.ey himself.

"I protest! I protest!" were the only words that could come from his lips. However, he grabbed the rag and prepared to pay his fine by shining the shots of the boys in the house. Then his keen mind came to the rescue. He asked for a record of the proceedings and found that, instead of listening to the testi- monies, the clerk had entertain- ed himself by drawing such di- verse and unrelated things as, baling wire, puppy dogs, di- verse aspects of the human figure, and several other sundery subjects.

"This court did me dirt!" he cried. "Besides there are too many votes. The judge must have voted."

Sure enough he had. So by ur.animous decision, the poor judge was elected to do the shoe

(Continued on page 4, col. 3)

Play Class to Present Unusual Variety of

One Act Plays

Three one-act plays, "A Small

Down-Payment", "Moonshine", and "The Tents of the Arabs,"

will be presented in the P. A.

auditorium on Dec. 2 by Dr. Tressman'.i play production class. Th«. program is interest- ingly varied, the first play be- ing a humorous domestic com- edy, the second a Kentucky mountain play, and the third an oriental play by Lord Dunsany.

1. Organizations open to the whole student body and unclass-i f ied groups should meet on Mon- day evenings; social groups on Tuesday; the professional groups on Wednesday; and the religious groups on Thursday evenings. If special meetings are called advisors should be con- sulted.

Exceptions to this rule are only by approval of the Social Committee. Any new organizat- ion should have its classification determined and filed with the Social Committee.

2. Requests for dates for the year 1938-39 must be made by May 2nd, 1938.

3. Students inviting guests to a party should secure "guest cards" for any one not enrolled in the University.

4. Faculty guests for college parties should be invited early in order that they may arrange their own engagements more easily. At least one couple should be requested to sign a chaperon's card and to assume the responsibility of being pre- sent all evening. Courtesy re- quires that students should jpeak to faculty guests and chaperons and introduce their guests to them either while they are in the receiving line or some time during the evening.

5. Committees in charge of parties should ask the chair- man of the Social Committee for information concerning the amount of money available and other details of arrangements; should make out a budget of ex- penses; and secure "orders" to bo presented to merchants be- fore charging any bills. Dishes and other equipment may be ob- tained from the custodian of the social kitchen.

6. It is the policy of the So- cial Comimttee to restrict to the buildings on the campus all dances subject to its supervis- ion. Exceptions may be made

(Continued on page 4, col. 2)


Two little girls, supposedly

from Williams Hall, the other day found themselves more

than ordinarily hungry. So

taking the law into their own

hands, they marched downtown, went into a store and emerged with hamburgs. A little later the phone rang at Williams Hall and a vo-ce informed Mrs. Mc- Williams that the little blond and brunette had said she would foot the bill.

New shots of the campus buildings will be one of the

photographical highlights in the

1933 Key according to Tom Recker, the man with the

camera. It seems that the same pic-

tures of the P. A., the Ad., etc. have been used for the last four years. "Some beautiful cloud pictures," Recker says, "are among the new poses."

Another unique picture re- sulted when a picture of President Offenhauer was taken in trie presence of his grand- son. The grandson wanted his picture taken, too; so we have a picture of Prexy's grandson.

Incidentally, speaking of pictures, have you Seniors and Graduating Sophomores had your pictures taken yet? You are requested, yea, commanded to have them in soon.



Sorority pledging is done by preferential bidding on Bowl- ing Green State University cam- pus. This proves most satis- factory to all parties concerned. Each sorority gives two in- formal rush parties after the first six weeks. Following this is rush week. Rush week is from Nov. 8th to the 13th. Dur- ing rush week each sorority gives a formal party and pledges are selected.

In sorority pledging, scholar- ship and the Alma Mater conies first in estimation of the mem- bers. Other social graces and activities follow in line.

Mineralogist Visits Prof.

W. P. Holt Mr. B. Lane, noted minealo-

gist of Gelina, Kansas, recent- ly visited Prof. Holt of the Geo- logy department. Mr. Lane was on his way to Boston to attend a meeting of minerologists. He stopped for a short time in Bowl- ing Green to show Prof. Holt some of his specimens. He has a collection from "a Tri-State district, which contains some fine specimens of zinc, iron, lead and especially cal- cite crystals. Mr. Lane is one of the best known minerologists in the United States, and owns some of the finest specimens in existence.

Beta Pi Theta Writes French

Essays Beta Pi Theta, national hon-

orary French society held a most interesting meeting Wed- nesday evening, Oct. 27. The program was furnished by the prospective members who read original essays written in French. These essays dealt with different aspects of French life. Several French songs were also sung during the meeting.

Canadian Singer* At Chapel Today

The students enjoyed a unique chapel program which was giv- en this morning by the choris- ters of the Canadian Singers Guild with Walter Bates con- ducting. The eighteen singers, comprising the group, were colorfully costumed, a fact which added a pleasing note to the program.


BEE GEE NEWS blished Every Wednesday of College Year

by the




Editor-in-Chief _ George Squire 410 S. Main Street Phone 356

Associate Editors George C. Beattie, Richard McCartney Sports Editors _ Robert Baron, Clyde Scott

Society Editor Virginia Frances

Features June Stump, Andy Rohrbaugh

Advertising Manager George C. Beattie, Phone 9172

Special Writers—Esther Ellen Long, Margaret West, Alice Sprang, Art Shanly, Charlotte Dunipace, Marjorie Squire, Marilee Hargcsheimer, Evelyn Leader, Ralph Rosenberger, Marguerite Barker, Berenice Dennis, Jane Kuhn, Robert E. Lee, Emily Jane Jump, Robert Habenstcin, Frank Higham, Tony Frances

Faculty Advisor _ Prof. G. W. Beattie

An Open Letter It Seems To Me By Andy Rohrbaugh

Our Lame Duck Council . . A little more than a week ago, the new Student Council be-

gan its work for the year—just seven weeks too late. The pre- sent constitution brings its members into office with the year al-

Dear Professor: Today I cut your class. When

we meet again you will severely reprimand my conduct, harshly criticize my attitude, then de- mand some excuse for my mon- strous crime. Listed below are some passible excuses. (In parentheses are the professors reaction mental or vocal.)

1. I was ill. (Trite, overused, often untrue.)

2. I overslept. (Why don't you go to 1 ed earlier or purchase an alarm.)

3. 1 had no time to prepare my lesson. (Come to class any- way, take your F—and my an- gry reaction like the man you aren't.)

4. Unavoidable circumstance detain me. (My class is more irntoitiint than anything in the world.;

5. Your class bores me and I think you're a "stuffed shirt". (Who would dare say that?)

.So, dear sir, is it not a waste uf time to scold me, to arouse

most one-fourth gone, its chances for a unified policy of action I m,v I"is',''tmt'"t "Jfainst

:~~ ..-..ui.. —J A II IS! Aren t you being petty and cheap to pry into my af-

immeasurably reduced.

Apparently, the plan is to have the council complete with its freshmen members before taking charge. But the advan- tage of waiting until the freshmen are elected is difficult to see. The freshmen will not be the leaders in any action the council undertakes. And, too, waiting for the freshmen invites bad feeling caused by jockeying for their support at the election of Council officers, not to speak of aiding pledged candidates.

The uppcrclass members are elected in the spring, but the old Student Council without its president, always a senior, is at the head of student government the following year until it holds elections for freshmen members.

Unless some junior member comes forward, as was done this year, the council is practically non-existent for the first of the year—really the most important time for the council, with its responsibility during Freshman Week, the elections, and the formulation of a definite policy. Even if a member of the old council does take charge temporarily, he must hand his authority to a newcomer before much can be accomplished. Naturally he will not put the enthusiasm or thought to the task that one faced with a full year of direction would.

We suggest that the new Student Council lake charge at the first of the year, and eliminate the inefficient exchange halfway around the pylon.

To provide immediate, planned leadership, the uppcrclass members of the council should select in the spring that they are elected a president and vice-president to serve the following year. The freshmen members would then join the council after their election in the fall.

fairs? What satisfaction do you get licm knowing some of my trumped-up excuses? Wouldn't it be better to ignore my ab- Bence? I am no child. If I had no reason I would not ham skipped class. Did you ever sk'p class when you attended CO! lego.' Did jou?

C'mon fellow.

professor, be a real

Yeur loving pupil, Fanny


WHO'S WHO- {Each week for five weeks portraits will be presented of two

of the ten students elected as the university's representatives in

Who's Who in American Universities.)

Virginia Mae Powell, vivac- ious senior and a member of the Five Sister sorority, is one of the most active and well-known girls on the campus.

Virginia Mae has been very prominent in extra-curricular activities during her four years as a student. She has participat- ed in Emerson Literary Club, W. A. A., and was vice-president of the Westminster Club and Social Editor of the Bee Gee News. In her freshman year Miss Powell was elected treas- urer of hci class.

This year Virginia Mae is serving as Secretary to the Five Sisters and publicity chairman of Quill Type. Miss Powell also is a member of Y. W. C. A., Student Council, Com- mittee en Campus Organizat- ion, Women's League, and this year received the special honor of being elected to Who's Who of American Colleges.

Virginia is a resident of Bowling Green and is taking a Commercial Education course.

Mary Alice Hawley, an active- junior and Five Sister, is a typical university co-ed.

All through her college career she has been prominent. She was prominent. She was elected secretary of her freshman class. As a sophomore she ser- ved as a representative on the Student Council. And this year was elected secretary of her freshman class. As a 3ophomore she served as a representative on the Student Council. And this year she was elected Vice- President of her class, Treasur- er of the Five Sisters Sorority, and to the Who's Who of Am- erican Universities. Also she is a member of Sigma Tau Delta and W. A. A.

Mary Aliee is an English major student from Greenville. 0.

Dr. Rew was heard to say "The hen-pecked husband is more amusing to the French than to Americans because in France he is more rare."

Johnny Daniels—Greatest middle distance runner school ever had. One half mile to two miles.

Kennenmuth and Doyle—Low hurdle twins, both hold records in Northwest Conference. Re- cords still .standing.

Aneil h'ddinyton—Best all round track and field star the school ever had. Holds records in 100 and 200 in N-W confer- ence. As good an anchor man on relay team as coaches can find.

"Howie" Filiere — teaching and coaching at Cleveland Lin- coln—^.urns out yearly cham- pionship basketball teams, all round athlete, played end in foot- ball, guard in basketball, pitch- ed in baseball, and Brown award winner. Sends us such good boys as Pick, Ponton, Cor- disco, Marko, Soskey.

Jack Mollcnkopf—teaches and coaches at Waite H. S., Toledo, O. End in football, catcher in baseball, always showed a keen interest in any athletic game which makes him a fine coach today.

Shelley Radcnbaugh—teach- ing at Leipsic, end in football, outfielder in baseball, very de- pendable chap.

Bob Sheffer — coaches and teaches at Perrysburg, O., was a lineman in football and an outfielder in baseball. Loved the game so much that he still plays baseball.

Don Stacy — teaches and coaches at Whitmer, was always a keen student of sports want- ing to learn as much as possible about them. Was an excellent intra-mural sports manager, now successful coach.

It seems to me a perfect shame that it is not possible to g've more funds for homecom- ing. I believe that those return- ing were most royally enter- tained by their organizations and that the homecoming com- mittee was successful in their tafk of entertaining. However, I can't help but feel that there should have been more decor- ations.

The buildings are new and undoubtedly nice looking but unlike many Universities we have few if any spots that re- flect campus lore or hold any traditions. I don't doubt that they are a welcome sight to the "Old Grads" but I wonder if a bit of decorations would not make them more attractive and give a feeling of congeniality and welcome. The cost should not be excessive. Even during the last student elections we had a more decorated campus than homecoming and I haven't heard that their cost threw any students into bankruptcy.

Of course the committee this year was forced to cut the bud- get, not only whore the short- age of funds would be least noticed, but instead, they had to cut every place it was pos- sible to cut. It was for this reason that the homecoming Committee was given such limit ed funds with which to operate.

When in the future there is a loosening up of funds I hope the homecoming committee is the first to be appropriated more. As students we may feel that this is one of the first places we can cut, but it seems to me that in doing so we are simply skipping out of an ob- ligation or debt we owe. Just because the alumnae does not contribute to the activity fund and because it has no voice in the matter does not mean that it is unimportant. If we are to maintain an active and aggress- ive campus life we must never forget or fail to show our ap- preciation of our predecessors.


Wednesday, Nov. 10—Areopagus meets at Dr. McCain's, 5:00 P. M.; Dr. Swanson speaks on "Personality of a Teach- er" at Intermediate Club at 7 P. M.; Kappa Mu Epsilon meets at 7 P. M.; Concert Band rehearsal in P. A. build- ing at 4 P. M. Women wel- come; Quill Type 7 P. M. in P. A. building.

Thursday, Nov. 11—Armistice Day. Bowling Green vs Heidel- berg at Tiffin at 2:16 P. M.

Saturday, Nov. 13—Rush Week ends.

Monday, Nov. 15—Men's Glee Club 4 P. M.; Treble Clef Club at 4 P. M.; Bee Gee News staff meeting.


Any and all organizations who desire their articles in Bee Gee News must have them in the news box in the Well before Saturday noon, unless their activities are on Sunday, in which case the deadline is Monday at 8:00 A. M.

Tickets for transportation to the Heidelberg game may be purchased for $1.00, round trip from the W. A. A.


Now that the festive season is at a lull I wonder if I am speaking out of turn when I re- mi.d some that it is only a mat- ter of four or so weeks till test time again appears. Not that everybody doesn't know that, but this time I swear I am go- ng to be all caught up with my

Really, now, they've told me about it so often I'm beginning t> believe there IS something wrong with us here in college. The most noticeable pallor that we evidence is what sports writers term lack of school spirit. They're right, we don't seem to have any; but it's not because we don't care, it's just that we don't seem to have suf- ficient gumption. Are we study- ing too hard or too long? Our Prof.'s would like to believe so but they can't quite fool them- selves that much. Some of them get excited and call us lazy or exceptionally slow-witted, but really it's neither. The most frequently heard phrase on the campus, excluding "why, shoor!" is "I'm tired." It isn't spring, so no one should alibi it as be- ing "the long hard winter," or the ironical prescription of the needed "sulphur and molasses".

■ ng to DO. an caugnt up with my iphaM „„. .* v. ., • . ,,..,, J tnere must be something PISP woik when the day of reckon- p,m„ A <• aumumng eise. . «... . lEven dates aren't much fun; no

one has more than a half-hour's ng appears. I have sworn that

every time but this time I am actually going to. None of this midnight oil for me. Every les- son caught up to date. (Start- ing tomorrow.)

Presbyterian Church Offers Associate


Student members of the West- minster Club of the First Pres- byterian Church are this week inviting university students who have attended the First Pres- byterian Church to take advan- tage of the Associate Member- ship privilege which the church is offering. A corps of student works under the leadership of Floyd Gehres have undertaken this service.

Dr. C. C. Kohl will continue the series next Sunday on "The Founders of Great Religions". Last Sunday nearly 100 students

store of "ginger". Maybe it's the Heinz Co.'s smoke, or the air, or the gas wells, or the water system, or the—well, any- way I wish someone would find the answer and change the condition. I'm so tired of being so tired.

were present at his class. At the Westminster Club

meeting next Sunday evening, Miss Florence Sprague, who spent a year in China, Japan ar.d Siam, will speak.


Many a young "god" has clay feet, but we don't mind if he has sand in his backbone.

Rip Van Winkle wasn't in a drunken slumber—he was wait- ing for a book at our library desk.

Heil, Blum!




The less said about our night- mare last Saturday the better,

but there's something to be said about tomorrow's game. That

is, "We gotta win". Just to refresh your memory,

Bee Gee won a football game Oct. 16. Since then Northern, Kent and Wittenberg put the skids on whatever Ohio confer- ence ambitions we had, so we're a little disappointed.

No Alibis However, unless they weren't

in condition you can't blame the players. Everyone knows that the players themselves want to win more than anything else. Nor can anybody place any particular blame on the coaches. We have absolute confidence in Coach Ockcrman and his system and believe that next year the Falcons will go places. Some of the games this year have been pretty weird and B. G. hasn't had its share of the breaks. Is This The Answer

But maybe there's another reason why the Falcons haven't hit the winning trail. There seems to be a lack of cordial cooperation between the team and the student body. The spirit of the student body at the games has been pathetic, and yet the same students freely "pan" the team when they lose. And then maybe the team hasn't entirely considered its duty to the school—that they're play- ing not only for their own vic- tory but also for a thousard others who want to be proud of the school of the orange and brown.

Tomorrow comes the final chance of the squad and student body to vindicate themselves. So we gotta' win.

Husketbull Already Basketball practice started

last week and a promising bunch of casaba tossers served due notice that B. G. will no longer be the doormat of the conference in that sport. Amcrg those who answered the pre- season call to the hardwoods were Capt. Conrad, Bishop, Wilke, Cordisco, Zechman, Budd, Cooper, Keller, Pick, and Smith. No doubt Kormazis, Marko, Sos- key, and others will turn out as soon as football takes an exit.

In Bishop and Wilke, Coach Landis has two boys who are exceptional ball handlers and accurate shooters. Bishop was all-state forward on the Find- lay high school team that was runner-up in the state tourn- ament in '35. Wilke was the mainstay of the local high school team that reached the quarter finals in the same state tour- ney. Both played with oppos- ing teams in their high school days.

While Big Jim Zechman is somewhat slow, he is a capable pivot man and valuable in tak- ing the ball from the bank- board. Then there is Capt. Con- rad, Smith, Pick and Cordisco, all of whom have shown they have what it takes to make up a polished quintet.

Meanwhile, remember the opener of the cage season is less than a month off—Griffin here Dec. 4. Brrr! Is it winter already? Oh, grandmaw, where are my red flannels?

NOTICE All entrants in handball

tourney see bulletin board in men's gym for results of drawings.

Wittenberg Trims Falcons in

Upset Before a surprised Homecom-

ing crowd of 3,000, an inspired Lutheran football eleven from Wittenberg unleased a powerful second half attack that swept them to a 12 to 0 upset over the highly favored B. G. U. Fal- cons Saturday at University Field.

After staving off two Falcon scoring drives in the first half, the Red and White came back in the second half to turn the tables and register 11 first downs to 2 for the home team and score touchdowns in the third and fourth periods.

Outcharging, outblocking and outsmarting the Falcon forces, the Lutherans tallied first on a sustained drive of 80 yards climaxed by a pass Hall to Abrams, who came down with the oval in the end zone in the midst of several B. G. players.

The old "statue of liberty" play worked perfectly for the invaders in their next score. After Wittenberg had driven to the B. G. 25, Dickerhoff took the pigskin on the old trick play and raced around his left end untouched for six more points.

The victory was a sweet one for the downstaters who hadn't won a game this season.

Meanwhile there were no alibis in the Falcon camp, most players admitting Wittenberg was the better team Saturday afternoon. Many praised the Lutherans as the best open field blockers they had been up aguinst all year.

Football Yardstick

BG W No. of plays 65 72 First Downs 9 18 Yds. from scrimmage .145 193 Lost scrimmage 35 5 No. of passes 15 10 Passes completed 1 3 Yds. from passes 8 27 Passes intercepted 1 3 Total yds. gained 118 215 No. of punts 24 25 Fumbles 7 3 Fumbles recovered 8 2 Penalties 5 7 Lost by penalties 25 30


Nearly twenty alumni re- turned for an interesting hockey game in which they defeated the University team 2 to 1. Af- ter the game a brunch was ser- ved to all present W. A. A. members and the hockey teams in the Men's Gym. During the brunch, Miss Shaw told of the plans for the new Women's Gym which will be constructed on the soccer field across from the Practical Arts building as soon as the necessary funds are available. It will be similar to the Men's Gym, except that it will be 30 feet shorter in length.

At the W. A. A. meeting Miss Warner talked for a short time on her experiences in Turkey,






Annual Handball Tourney Opens

This Week With drawings in the mens*

handball tournament completed, approximately fifty aspiring, "paw swingers" were expected this week to swing into the in- itial rounds of the annual event to decide the single and doubles championships of the university.


Large Group Expected To Follow Team

To Tiffin

Ted Grignow and Pete Wilson tied for first place in the News Football Contest for Nov. 6, each picking 15 winners out of 20 games. The prize was ten hot fudge sundaes given by LABEY'S SWEET SHOP. Fourteen others tied for second place with fourteen correct.

Every week more and more students are taking part in the contest. It will run for ut least four more weeks; so, keep up on your football.

Below are the contest games for Nov. 13. The prize to the winner will be a lucious T-bone steak dinner (with or without onions) given by WILLIAMS DINOR corner Court and Main.

Mark an X by the team you pick to win. Leave both places blank for a tie and deposit blanks in B. G. News box before 5 P. M., Friday.

Cincinnati— Marshall-

Alabama— Georgia Tech—

Arkansas— Mississippi—

Army— Net re Dame— Baylor— So. Methodist— Boston College- Kentucky—

Columbia— Syracuse— Cornell- Dartmouth— Duke— N. Carolina—

Ohio State - Illinois—

Name _


Indiana— Iowa State Michigan— IViinsylvani"—

Brown— Holy Cross—

California— Oregon— Carnegie T^on— Michigan S*.ie—

Case— Oberlin —

Minnesota-- Northwestern - -

Missouri — Oklahoma- • Pittsburgh— Nebraska—

Texas— Texas Christian—

Still smarting from the 12 to 0 defeat handed them by lowly Wittenberg, the B. G. U. Fal- cons were being sent through their final workouts in antici- pation of a stiff battle when they travel to Tiffin tomorrow to meet the Student Princes of Heidelberg in the season's final. In fact, the orange and brown will no doubt enter the game as decided underdogs.

However, the Heidelberg fra- cas will be their last chance to vindicate themselves over two weeks of none-to-impressive play, and the Falcons are point- ing to the fray in a do-or-die attitude.

Nevertheless, it will take not only inspiration but also strong concerted football if the Falcons expect to upset Heidelberg, a team that beat Kent State and Capital and tied Ohio Northern.

Last week the Student Princes filled the air with passes in beating Capital 7 to 6. Stopping their aerial attack will be one of Bee Gee's big worries.

A host of Falcon followers are expected to make the 38 mile trek to Tiffin tomorrow since school will be closed at noon.

*~The ci^Zd

comparing the former conditions there with those of the present time. Ten years ago Miss War- ner taught Physical Education in the Y. W. in Constantinople.


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FAREWELL HOMECOMING! Ruth Parties To Be Center of Social

Activity This Week

Alumni, faculty, and students mingled together in many social events over the week-end and made this homecoming of the twenty-fifth year of the establishment of Bowling Green State University the most outstanding gathering in the history of the school.

One hundred sixty alumni and faculty gathered at Shatzel Hall Saturday evening for the Homecoming dinner-dance, with Dr. Dallas March, president of the Alumni Association, presiding. Three tables were reserved for Commoners, while the Foreign Language Club had a special table of twenty-one. Thirty-one of the Class of '27 sat together with Professor and Mrs. Schwarz as their guests of honor.

The program was opened by/? Dr. March, who introduced the friends met together to again

toastmaster and several alumni representatives who said a few

words for their respective

groups. Among them was Ivan

Lake, '27, who is well known to

campus students.

Dr. OfTenhauer discussed the

good work of the association and gave especial merit to the ac-

complishments of Dr. Williams,

President Emeritus. Dr. Wil- liams, dear in the hearts of all

alumni as their president, spoke of the occasion, warmly welcom- ed the alumni and commended their good work. At the close of the meeting guests danced to niu.sic of Wayne Williams and his orchestra.

Dancing to the music of Wayne William* and hit band the evening before, twelve hundred alumni and students opened the Homecoming week- end festivities at a dance spon- sored by the Fraternity and Sorority councils and held in the men's gym. Renewing acquain- tances and exchanging dances with former classmates, talk- ing over old times with profs, kept everyone busy. The faculty line, everlastingly long, greeted the many former students who return but once or twice a year. The occasion was also the op- portunity for many alumni to meet the new president. The gym was decorated with the colors and insignia of every sorority and fraternity on the campus. To give it a bit of foot- ball Atmosphere, pennants re- piescnling every Bowling Green Ohio Conference foe played this year were strung across the g] nmusium. Gallons of cider and dozens of doughnuts were distributed freely to everyone. The dance, closing promptly at 11:80 p. m. found fraternity brothers and sorority sisters Kathering together to continue the hours of merriment. All in all, the dance was a success in no small manner and certainly started the celebration off with o bang—just the thing that needed.

Saturday morning and noon several organisations and sor- orities were hosts to alumni at breakfasts and luncheons at the Woman's Club and the Nookery. Much interest was shown in the Home Economics Department open house. The apartment, in which Home Ec. girls will live a certain time be- fore graduating, was of inter- est to many. Every sorority had a larger attendance this year, and all enjoyed meeting together again, cementing old friendships and making new ones.

The Wittenberg game in the afternoon *'as really a part of the social events, for there

see the Falcon.* play. The dances and dinner-dances

Saturday night, and the frater- nity and sorority house parties continued iho homecoming fes- tivities. Every house was filled even to the chairs.

The Las Amigas and Phratra breakfasts Sunday morning at the Woman's Club wound up the program.

This week social events con- fer around the formal rush par- ties of all the sororities on the campus, whicn were begun by the Skol dinner at the Woman's Clu'i on Monday night. Tuesday evening the Las Amigas Sorority entertained their rush- ers at the Nookery Tea Room, while this evening the Three- Kay sorority will be hostess to a group of girls at dinner and the theatre. The Phratra formal dinner Thursday, and the Seven Sister Dinner Friday, will also have as their guests a large number of ^irls, while on Sat- urday the Five Sisters formal party winds up the rush part- ies. Over one hundred girls will be entertained during the week, and will pledge on Monday, Nov. 15 at four o'clock in the office of the dean of women.

Do Your Shoes Need (Continued from page 1, col. 2)

shining for the whole house. In the shoes poured. White sheet., black shoes, brown shoes, old shors, shoes that were worn only for good, every day shoes, shoes that never would be worn a&ain, and even a few that looked like they might have come from some other house. They kept the judge-bootblack busy for several hours.

When the last shoe was fin- ally "polished off" and the shoe polish was finally dug out of hit fingers the poor culprit dragged himself over to the dance and felt quite content that he reached there in time for in- termission so he could sit down and rest.

It is the unanimous decision that from now on the court would have a jury composed of outsiders. Not that they don't trust each other, but old dame fortune seems to slip in and avert justice when the accused are a part of the jury.


Spring Tour Planned by Treble Clef Club

President Roosevelt discov- ered a bitter flavor in the "Alphabet soup" when he bit down on the K. K. K.

We'd be willing to bet that when the Spanish finish the game, they'll find that the Duce takes the trick.

Some students have an inner struggle about whether to go to chapel or stay awake.

Committee (Continued from page 1, col. 4)

under unusual circumstances if a written request is presented to the Social Committee. This request should be in the hands of the Social Committee at the time of their regular meeting on the first Monday of each month.




Hektograph Ink and Hektograph

Carbon Paper

Butler's Drug Store

End of Court on Main

You haven't heard anything from us lately, but we've been busy having rehearsals and it is rumored we're doing right well, too.

Plans an? progressing for the spring tour which the club is an- ticipating. Miss Ruth Hilty is the club's choice for manager and she will attend to the bus- iness end of the trip. If you have uny suggestions to offer, pass them on to Miss Hilty or Mr. Kennedy.

Come to the


FOOD (Mother does our cooking)

Meadow Gold Milk

State Tested and Approved


E. J. Digby, Mgr.

With all the business of launching programs, arranging

a Homecoming breakfast, and holding elections, the K-P Club has betn very active so far this year.

An interesting program was

presenUd at the last meeting with ivSss Beattie as the speaK

er, who brought out the im- portance of belonging to a pro-

fessional organization. Plans

were also diLrussed for the an- nual Alumni breakfast which was held Sa;urday morning at

The Nookeiy. Approximately

sixty guests were present, in-

cluding aluir.nL guests, and

membtrs. Dr. Hissong was the speaker • nd Miss Shaw, the club's guest. Miss Margaret Billings, a It- mecomer and for- mer president, and Miss Roberta Campbell, a Newcomer, spoke briefly.

Memttrs are urged to attend the meeting tonight in 104 A at 7 p. m. as an election is to be held ;vs well as an interesting program planned.

Dr. Zaugg Represents University at

New York

Dr. W. A. Zaugg attended an alumni meeting and an edu-

cational conference at the New York University. He regrets not enjoying our homecoming but as he was one of the speakers, he was happy to represent Bowl- ing Green State University at these meetings.

Cold Weather Ahead! —Change to winter oil and grease now.

j SUNOCO STATION! Cor. Washington-S. Main



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to have your KEY photograph taken is

— Nov. 15 —

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25c University Supplies

Hectographs Gold Ink

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High School

Sorority Dance with

Wayne William's Orchestra

Friday, Nov. 12 9:00-1:00

At I. O. O. F. Hall

Bids $1

Phone 6654 for further information


LOSE-- Your troubles

FIND- Relaxation and Rhythm

DANCING on the satin - smooth floor of the