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  • 7/29/2019 BEE Lecture1


    16/08/2013 Bahman R. Alyaei 1

    Chapter 2

    Fundamentals of Electric Circuit

    Part 1

    Charles Coulomb

    (17361806)Gustav Robert Kirchhoff


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    This chapter presents the fundamentallaws ofCircuit Analysis.

    We will define the charge, current,

    voltage, and power. We will study the basic laws of electrical

    circuit analysis called Kirchhoffs Laws.

    The basic circuit elements are introduced(current and voltage source and resistor).

    Ohoms Laws.

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    2.1 Charge, Current, And

    Kirchhoffs Current Law

    The building block of a matter is the Atom.

    The Atom consists of a Nucleus (Neutrons and

    Protons) surrounded by Electrons.

    The fundamental electric quantity is Charge. Electron and Proton are called charge-carrying

    particle in an atom.

    The smallest amount of charge that exists is the

    charge carried by an electron or proton, equal to (in


    qe= -1.602 x 10-19 C, qp= - qe

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    Electrons and Protons are often referredto as Elementary Charges.

    Electric Current: is the time rate of

    change passing through a predeterminedarea.

    This area is the cross-sectional area of

    a metal wire. The unit of current is C/s, orAmperes.

    where 1 Ampere = 1 Coulomb/second.

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    where we imagine qunits ofcharge flowing through the cross-

    sectional area A in tunits of time,

    and in differential form is shown


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    The EE Convention states that: the positivedirection of current flow is that ofPositiveCharges.

    In metallic conductors, however, currentis carried by Negative Charges.

    These charges are the free electrons in theconduction band, which are only weakly

    attracted to the atomic structure in metallicelements and are therefore easily displacedin the presence of electric fields.

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    Ex 2.1: Charge and Current In A


    Find the total charge carrierQin a

    cylindrical conductor (solid wire) and

    compute the current Iflowing in the wire if:

    1. Conductor length: L = 1 m.

    2. Conductor diameter: 2r= 2103 m.

    3. Charge density: n = 1029 carriers/m3.

    4. Charge of one electron: qe=1.602 10-19.

    5. Charge carrier velocity: u = 19.910-6 m/s.

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    Now, we move one step forward,

    We need a flowing current in a conductor.

    In order for current to flow there must exista Closed Circuit.

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    A simple electrical circuit,composed of a battery(e.g., a dry-cell or alkaline1.5 V battery) and a lightbulb.

    Note that the circuitcurrent, i, flowing from thebattery to the light bulb isequal to the currentflowing from the light bulbto the battery.

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    Hence, no current (and therefore no

    charge) is lost around the closed circuit.

    This principle is known as Kirchhoffs

    Current Law (KCL).

    KCL states that, because charge cannot

    be created but must be conserved, the sum

    of the currents at a Node must equal zero.

    Node: is the junction of two or more


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    We usually defines

    currents entering a nodeas being Negativeand

    currents exiting the node

    as being Posi t ive.

    Thus, the resulting

    expression fornode 1 of

    the circuit shown is

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    Ex 2.2 KCL Applied To An

    Automotive Electrical Harness

    Figure 2.4 shows an automotive battery

    connected to a variety of circuits in an


    The circuits include headlights, taillights,starter motor, fan, power locks, and

    dashboard panel.

    The battery must supply enough current toindependently satisfy the requirements of each

    of the Load circuits.

    Apply KCL to the automotive circuits.

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    2.2 Voltage And Kirchhoffs

    Voltage Law

    It must take some Work, orEnergy, forthe charge to move between two points ina circuit, say, from point ato point b.

    Voltage: is the total work per unit chargeassociated with the motion of chargebetween two points.

    The units of voltage are those ofenergyper unit charge, or simply Volt.

    1 Volt = 1 Joule/Coulomb.

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    The Voltage, orPotential Difference,between two points in a circuit indicates theenergy required to move charge from onepoint to the other.

    The polarity, of the voltage is closely tied towhether energy is being dissipated orgenerated in the process.

    No energy is lost or created in an electriccircuit.

    This principle is known as KirchhoffsVoltage Law (KVL).

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    KVL states that, the sum of all voltages

    associated with sources must equal the

    sum of the load voltages.

    So that the net voltage around a closed

    circuit is zero.

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    Where the vnare the individual

    voltages around the closed


    For the circuit shown, it mustfollow from KVL that the work

    generated by the battery is equal

    to the energy dissipated in the

    bulb in order to sustain thecurrent flow and to convert the

    electric energy to heat and light,

    hence or

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    One may think of the work done in moving a

    charge from point ato point band the work

    done moving it back from bto aas

    corresponding directly to the voltages acrossindividual circuit elements.

    Let Qbe the total charge that moves around the

    circuit per unit time, giving rise to the current i.

    Then the work done in moving Qfrom bto a

    (i.e., across the battery) is

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    Similarly, work is done in moving Qfrom a

    to b, that is, across the light bulb.

    Voltage represents the potential energy

    between two points in a circuit.

    If we remove the light bulb from its

    connections to the battery, there still exists

    a voltage across the (now disconnected)

    terminals band a.

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    The presence of a

    voltage, v2, across

    the open terminals a

    and bindicates thepotential energy that

    can enable the motion

    of charge.

    Once a closed circuitis established to allow

    current to flow.

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    The battery by virtue of an electrochemicallyinduced separation of charge, a 1.5-Vpotential difference is generated.

    The potential generated by the battery maybe used to move charge in a circuit.

    The rate at which charge is moved once aclosed circuit is established (i.e., the current

    drawn by the circuit connected to the battery)depends now on the circuit element wechoose to connect to the battery.

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    Hence, the voltage across the battery

    represents the potential for providing energy

    to a circuit.

    Then, battery is a source of energy.

    Also, the voltage across the light bulb

    indicates the amount ofwork done in

    dissipating energy. In the first case, energy is generated; in

    the second, it is consumed.

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    This fundamental distinction requires

    attention in defining the sign (polarity) of


    We will refer to elements that provideenergy as sources, and to elements that

    dissipate energy as loads.

    Standard symbols for a generalized source-and-load circuit are shown in Figure 2.7

    which is symbolic representation of the circuit

    shown in Figure 2.5.

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    Ex 2.3: KVL For The Electric

    Vehicle Battery Pack

    Figure 2.8a depicts the battery pack in theSmokin Buckeye electric race car.

    Apply KVL to the series connection of31,

    12-V batteries that make up the batterysupply for the electric vehicle.

    Figure 2.8(b) depicts the equivalent electricalcircuit, illustrating how the voltages supplied

    by the battery are applied across the electricdrive that powers the vehicles 150-kW three-phase induction motor.

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    The application ofKVL to the equivalent

    circuit ofFigure 2.8(b) requires that:

















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    2.3 Ideal Voltage And Current


    Ideal Source: is a source that canprovide an arbitrary (constant) amount ofenergy.

    There are two types of ideal sources:1. Voltage Sources.

    2. Current Sources.

    Dry-cell, alkaline, and lead-acid batteriesare all voltage sources (they are notideal, of course).

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    You might have to think harder to come up

    with a physical example that approximates

    the behavior of an ideal current source.

    However, For an ideal current source,assume a voltage source connected in series

    with a circuit element that has a large

    resistance to the flow of current from the

    source provides a nearly constant though

    smallcurrent and therefore acts very nearly

    like an ideal current source.

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    2.3.1 Ideal Voltage Sources

    An ideal voltage source provides aprescribed voltage across its terminalsirrespective of the current flowing through

    it. The amount of current supplied by the

    source is determined by the circuitconnected to it.

    Figure 2.9 depicts various symbols forvoltage sources.

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    Note that the output voltage of an ideal source can be afunction of time.

    Uppercase for DC, and lowercase for AC (time varying).

    Figure 2.9 Ideal voltage sources

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    By convention the direction of positivecurrent flow out of a voltage source is outof the positive terminal.

    Figure 2.10 shows the source-loadrepresentations of an electrical circuit.

    It depicts the connection of an energy sourcewith a passive circuit (i.e., a circuit that can

    absorb and dissipate energy for example,the headlights and light bulb of our earlierexamples).

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    2.3.2 Ideal Current Sources

    An ideal current source

    provides a prescribed

    (constant) current to any

    circuit connected to it.

    To do so, it must be able

    to generate

    an arbitrary voltage

    across its terminals..Figure 2.11 Symbol for

    Ideal current source

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    2.3.3 Dependent (Controlled)


    The sources described so far have thecapability of generating a prescribed voltage

    or current independent of any other element

    within the circuit. Thus, they are termed Independent


    There exists another category of sources,however, whose output (current orvoltage)

    is a function of some other voltage or

    current in a circuit.

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    These are called Dependent (orControlled) sources.

    There are Two types of dependent voltage

    source:1. Voltage controlled voltage source.

    2. Current controlled voltage source.

    There are two types of dependent currentsource:

    1. Voltage controlled current source.

    2. Current controlled current source.

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    The symbols typically used to representdependent sources are depicted in Figure2.12

    In Figure 2.12; the table illustrates therelationship between the source voltage orcurrent and the voltage or current itdepends on vxorix, respectively,which can be any voltage or current inthe circuit.

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    2.4 Electric Power And Sign


    Voltage: is the work per unit charge.

    Power: is the work done per unit time.

    Thus, the power,P

    , eithergenerated ordissipated by a circuit element can be

    represented by the following relationship:

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    Thus, the electrical power generated by

    an active element, or that dissipated or

    stored by a passive element, is equal to

    the product of the voltage across theelement and the current flowing

    through it.

    (joules/second, or watts)

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    Power is a signed quantity (positive or


    This distinction can be understood with

    reference to Figure 2.13.

    First, we need to assign the polarities of

    the circuit elements, and the direction of

    the current through these elements. The conventional way is shown in Figure

    2.13, the procedure is as follow:

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    Figure 2.13 The passive sign convention

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    1. Choose an arbitrary direction of current flow.

    2. Label polarities of all active elements

    (voltage and current sources).

    3. Current is usually leaving the positive

    terminal of the source.

    4. Assign polarities to all passive elements

    (resistors and other loads); for passiveelements, current always flows into the

    positive terminal.

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    Thus, from figure 2.13, the polarity of the

    voltage across the source and the direction of

    the current through it indicate that the voltage

    source is doing work in moving charge from alower potential to a higher potential (power is


    On the other hand, the load is dissipatingpower, because the direction of the current

    indicates that charge is being displaced from

    a higher potential to a lower potential.

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    The Passive Sign Convention: is thatthe power dissipated by a load is apositive quantity (or, conversely, that

    the power generated by a source is apositive quantity).

    In other words, if current flows from a

    higher to a lower voltage (+ to ), thepower is dissipated and will be apositive quantity.

    EX 2 4 U f th P i Si

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    EX 2.4: Use of the Passive Sign


    Apply the passive sign convention to the

    circuit ofFigure 2.14.

    Assume that the voltage drop across Load 1

    is 8 V, that across Load 2 is 4 V; the currentin the circuit is 0.1 A.


    We can assign two differentdirections for the current as

    shown in Figure 2.15.

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    Current direction a) clockwise, b) counterclockwise

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    This is the first step in the passive sign


    According to each case, as a second step we

    need to assign the polarities to each circuitelement.

    Case 1: Assume clockwise current direction:

    Thus, direction of the current is consistent with

    the true polarity of the voltage source.

    The source voltage will be a positive quantity.

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    Since current flows from to + through thebattery, the power dissipated by thiselement will be a negative quantity:

    PB= vB i= (12 V) (0.1 A) = 1.2 W

    That is, the battery generates 1.2 W.

    The power dissipated by the two loads willbe a positive quantity in both cases, since

    current flows from + to :P1= v1 i= (8 V) (0.1 A) = 0.8 W

    P2= v2 i= (4 V) (0.1 A) = 0.4 W

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    Case 2: Assume counterclockwise currentdirection:

    In this case, the current is not consistent with

    the true polarity of the voltage source, thesource voltage will be a negative quantity.

    Since current flows from + to through thebattery, the power dissipated by this element

    will be a positive quantity; however, thesource voltage is a negative quantity:

    PB= vB i= (12 V) (0.1 A) = 1.2 W

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    That is, the battery generates 1.2 W, as in theprevious case.

    The power dissipated by the two loads will bea positive quantity in both cases, since currentflows from + to :

    P1= v1 i= (8 V) (0.1 A) = 0.8 W

    P2= v2 i= (4 V) (0.1 A) = 0.4 W

    Note that energy is conserved, as the sum of thepower dissipated by source and loads is zero.

    Power supplied always equals power dissipated.

    2 5 Ci it El t A d Th i

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    16/08/2013 Bahman R. Alyaei 55

    2.5 Circuit Elements And Their


    Figure 2.17 depicts a generalizedcircuit element: the variable iand vare the current throughand vol tageacrossthe element respectively.

    If the voltage applied to the elementwere varied and the resulting currentmeasured, then, it is possible toconstruct a functional relationship

    between voltage and current. This relation is called i-v

    characteristic (volt-amperecharacteristic).

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    Figure 2.18 depicts an experiment forempirically determining the i-vcharacteristic ofa tungsten filament light bulb.

    A variable voltage source is used to apply

    various voltages, and the current flowing throughthe element is measured for each appliedvoltage.

    Hence, we can express the i-vcharacteristic of

    a circuit element in functional form:i= f(v) or v= g(i)

    Note that, since the bulb is passive element,hence, the power dissipated is positive.

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    ContinueNote that, when a positive current

    flows through the bulb, the voltage ispositive, and that, conversely, a

    negative current flow corresponds to a

    negative voltage.

    In both cases the power dissipated by

    the device is a positive quantity.

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    The simplest form of the i-vcharacteristic

    for a circuit element is a straight line:

    i= kv, k is a constant

    Figure 2.19 depicts the i-vcharacteristic ofan ideal voltage and current source.

    An ideal voltage source generates a

    prescribed voltage independent of the currentdrawn from the load.

    The converse represent the current source.

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    Figure 2.19i-vcharacteristics of ideal sources