before his imamah 28 questions a.s. hashim, md questions about al-baaqir

Before his Imamah 28 Questions A.S. Hashim, MD Questions about Al- Baaqir

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Page 1: Before his Imamah 28 Questions A.S. Hashim, MD Questions about Al-Baaqir

Before his Imamah28 QuestionsA.S. Hashim, MD

Questions about Al-Baaqir

Page 2: Before his Imamah 28 Questions A.S. Hashim, MD Questions about Al-Baaqir

Questions, Al-Baaqir, Up to his ImamahQuestions, Al-Baaqir, Up to his Imamah 22

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Definition of Terms in this Slide ShowDefinition of Terms in this Slide Show

• Institute of Ahlul Bayt:Institute of Ahlul Bayt: Refers to the teachings Refers to the teachings and discussions by Ahlul Bayt. This was and discussions by Ahlul Bayt. This was conducted at:conducted at:• The house of the ImamThe house of the Imam• Masjid Al-NabawiMasjid Al-Nabawi• At or near the Grand Mosque during HajAt or near the Grand Mosque during Haj

• Piety-minded:Piety-minded: Refers to the many Schools of Refers to the many Schools of thought: Like that of Ibn Abbas, of Ibn Omar, thought: Like that of Ibn Abbas, of Ibn Omar, Jabriah, Qadariyah, Murj’iah, Ahlul Raa’y, Ahlul Jabriah, Qadariyah, Murj’iah, Ahlul Raa’y, Ahlul Qiyas, etc.Qiyas, etc.

Page 3: Before his Imamah 28 Questions A.S. Hashim, MD Questions about Al-Baaqir

Questions, Al-Baaqir, Up to his Imamah


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Chart the lineage of Al‑Baaqir.

a. Al‑Baaqir was born to Zainul Abideen son of Al-Husain and Fatima daughter of Al-Hasan

b. Was born to Zainul Abideen son of Al-Husain and Sakeena

c. Was born to Zainul Abideen son of Al-Husain and Khadijah

d. Was born to Al-Abbas brother of Al-Husain and Fatima daughter of Al-Hasan

Page 4: Before his Imamah 28 Questions A.S. Hashim, MD Questions about Al-Baaqir

Questions, Al-Baaqir, Up to his Imamah


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Describe the conditions of Al‑Baaqir as a child when he was in Karbala.

a. Al‑Baaqir was about 3½ years old when in Karbala, and he saw smiling happy faces of everyone.

b. Al‑Baaqir was about 3½ years old when in Karbala, would persistently cling to his aunt Sakeena, and he saw the serious, somber looks on the face of everyone.

c. a+ He was very insecure during travel, d. a+ During this trip Al‑Baaqir had constant


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Questions, Al-Baaqir, Up to his Imamah


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Explain the trip Al‑Baaqir took to Damascus and the effect of the death of Sakeena on him.a. For about 700 miles across the inhospitable

desert, Al‑Baaqir saw ahead of him the head of his grandfather, Al‑Husain, carried on the tip of a spear, by mean‑looking people. 

b. Frightened and apprehensive, he clung to his aunt, Sakeena. 

c. But to his surprise, a few weeks later Al‑Baaqir suddenly lost his loving aunt Sakeena—she died. 

d. a+b+c+ The nightmares were too often to haunt young Al‑Baaqir from then on, repeatedly, for months if not for years. 

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When back in Medina what did Al‑Baaqir notice his father and great aunt doing?a. He saw his great‑aunt Zainab, on a

vigorous campaign, about Karbala.b. He also saw his father Zainul Abideen go

into seclusion and cut off most contact with people. 

c. Al‑Baaqir also observed that the people of Medina were inflamed and very angry. 

d. a+b+c+ Everyone cried and mourned for Imam Al‑Husain. 

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Questions, Al-Baaqir, Up to his Imamah


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Describe the happenings in Medina when Al‑Baaqir was 5½ years old.

a. When he was 5½ years old, Medina revolted against the despicable Yazid, but Zainul Abideen was the host for 400 of Benu Umayya clan

b. a+ He learned that numerous Companions were killed by the army of Yazid, and a lot of trouble took place in Medina

c. He learned that a few Companions were killed by the army of Yazid

d. That Yazid’s army was defeated

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Questions, Al-Baaqir, Up to his Imamah


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Explain about Al‑Ansaari's message to Al‑Baaqir. a. Al‑Ansaari was an old Sahaabi who he had lost his

eye-sight,b. He was seen often in the Prophet's Mosque calling

for Al‑Baaqir.  c. The people at the time, not knowing of any

Al‑Baaqir around, thought Al‑Ansaari to be out of his mind. 

d. a+b+c+ When Al‑Ansaari finally met Al‑Baaqir he hugged him, kissed his hand, and joyfully conveyed the salutation of the Prophet (pbuh) to the boy.

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Questions, Al-Baaqir, Up to his Imamah


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Explain about what Al‑Baaqir was hearing when he was 7½ years old.

a. When 7½ years old, Al‑Baaqir heard about the many revolts and uprisings in Iraq against Benu Umayya

b. a+ to avenge the blood of Imam Al‑Husain. 

c. Al‑Baaqir discovered how much Benu Umayya loved Al-Husain

d. a+ That Yazid loved Al‑Baaqir deeply, but not the people of Iraq.

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Questions, Al-Baaqir, Up to his Imamah


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How was Al-Baaqir tutored?a. Father, Zainul Abideen, concentrated on

teaching him the Holy Quran, then its Tafseer, followed by the Hadith and Al‑Ah'kaam.

b. Al‑Baaqir was extremely receptive.  c. He not only showed an unparalleled brilliance

of mind but also the eagerness to absorb the Islamic knowledge

d. a+b+c+ It was not only his father who tutored him, but also great‑aunt Zainab and others in the family

Page 11: Before his Imamah 28 Questions A.S. Hashim, MD Questions about Al-Baaqir

Questions, Al-Baaqir, Up to his Imamah


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Give 4 samples of the questions Al‑Baaqir was asking as a child.

a. Why did Muslims kill my grandfather Al‑Husain?

b. Were the killers really Muslims?c. Why did these people put us on

bare‑back camels in the desert to go to Damascus?

d. a+b+c+ Why did they put the heads of many people on tips of spears?

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Questions, Al-Baaqir, Up to his Imamah


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Give 4 more samples of the questions Al‑Baaqir was asking as a child.

a. Why is my father in seclusion?b. Why are all the spies and undercover

agents about my family?c. a+b+ Why are we under surveillance?d. b+c+ How come Yazid loves us so


Page 13: Before his Imamah 28 Questions A.S. Hashim, MD Questions about Al-Baaqir

Questions, Al-Baaqir, Up to his Imamah


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Give 4 samples of the questions Al‑Baaqir was asking as a child.

a. Who is Yazid, is he truly Muslim?b. a+ Why is the city of the Prophet

(pbuh) destroyed by Yazid's people, are they Muslims?

c. a+b+ Why cannot we take a vacation in Damascus?

d. Does Allah love Yazid and his family?

Page 14: Before his Imamah 28 Questions A.S. Hashim, MD Questions about Al-Baaqir

Questions, Al-Baaqir, Up to his Imamah


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What essentially was Al-Baaqir taught early on?

a. Al‑Baaqir was taught early on that he and his family were of the Prophet's lineage,

b. They were purified by the Almighty, c. That they were the Ma'sooms, d. a+b+c+ and he discerned that, they, Ahlul

Bayt, were of unique status and standing.

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Questions, Al-Baaqir, Up to his Imamah


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Define the experiences Al‑Baaqir had when he was a teenager.

a. The politically turbulent times continued under Al‑Zubair's rulership, and Abdul Malik.

b. Ibn Zubair was supported in Hijaz, Yemen, Iraq, and southern Syria.

c. a+b+ But ibn Zubair was finally subdued. He was not a devotee of Ahlul Bayt

d. a+b+ But ibn Zubair was a true lover and devotee of Ahlul Bayt

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What are the efforts of Zainul Abideen when Al-Baaqir was a teenager?a. Zainul Abideen produced high quality

scholars,b. who were to teach others about true

Islam,c. thus to spread the word to the general

public about the motive of and the principles which Imam Al‑Husain had given his life for, and

d. a+b+c+ at the same time uncover the offenses of Benu Umayya.

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Questions, Al-Baaqir, Up to his Imamah


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Define the experiences Al‑Baaqir had when he was a teenager.a. Al‑Baaqir and his father were busy in the

educational process, the discourses, which were active and dynamic.

b. a+ The teenager Al‑Baaqir raised so many thought‑provoking questions that people nick‑named him Al‑Baaqir.

c. Al-Baaqir took up arms against Benu Umayya in a revolt

d. Al-Baaqir preferred to be passive and non engaged

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Questions, Al-Baaqir, Up to his Imamah


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Give the meaning of the word Al‑Baaqir.a. Al‑Baaqir means the one who penetrates

deeply, or delves into any problem and extracts its high value, its treasure.

b. a+ Thus religious problems that seemed too difficult to solve by most people were easy for him to come out with good answers.

c. Al-Baaqir means the great writer.d. Al-Baaqir means the great author of great

scientific knowledge

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Questions, Al-Baaqir, Up to his Imamah


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What is the Institute of Ahlul Bayt?

a. The foundation for establishing the Islamic Institute or University was being laid by now, quietly, imperceptibly, without fanfare, lest the ruling classes destroy it.

b. The institute was at first simple, the number of students not very large, and the emphasis was always on quality.

c. a+b+ The scholars increased in number gradually, and the Masjid Al‑Nabawi was usually the seat for their meetings

d. The Institute was soon discovered and destroyed

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Questions, Al-Baaqir, Up to his Imamah


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What are the 6 ideologies hotly disputed when Al‑Baaqir was in his twenties.a. the Jabriah, the Qadariyah, the Khariji, the

people of Al‑Raa'y, the people of Al‑Qiyas, and the Murji'ah

b. the Jabriah, the Qadariyah, the Khariji, the Safawi, the Hijazi, and the Medanese

c. the people of Al‑Raa'y, the people of Al‑Qiyas, and the Murji'ah and the Safawi, the Hijazi, and the Medanese

d. the Khariji, the people of Al‑Raa'y, the people of Al‑Qiyas the Safawi, the Hijazi, and the Medanese

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Questions, Al-Baaqir, Up to his Imamah


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Name four scholars who attended the Institute of Ahlul Bayt.

a. Hasan Al‑Basri, Al‑Thamali, Al‑Zuhri, Ibn Tawoos,

b. Bukhari, Ibn Maajeh, Hasan Al‑Basri, Al‑Thamali,

c. Al‑Kaafi, Kumayl, Thamali, Al‑Zuhrid. Abu Dawood, Al-Suddooq

Al‑Thamali, Ibn Tawoos,

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Questions, Al-Baaqir, Up to his Imamah


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Give the name of the wife of Al‑Baaqir and her lineage.

a. His wife was Umm Farwa, b. a+ She was the great-granddaughter

of Khalifa Abu Bakr.c. She was the great-granddaughter of

Khalifa Omar.d. She was the great-granddaughter of

Khalifa Uthman. 

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Questions, Al-Baaqir, Up to his Imamah


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Give the name of Al‑Baaqir's first son.

a. In the year 83H, Al-Baaqir’s 1st son was Ja'far.

b. In the year 83H, Al-Baaqir’s 1st son was Al-Kadhim.

c. In the year 83H, Al-Baaqir’s 1st son was Al-Ridha.

d. In the year 83H, Al-Baaqir’s 1st son was Zaid.

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Abdul Malik the Khalifa could not solve the currency crisis, whom did he consult? a. Abdul Malik sent for Al‑Baaqir to take his

advice.b. Al‑Baaqir left Medina and after several weeks

arrived at Damascus.c. He was ushered in the plush palace where the

Khalifa, the court officials, and ruling class were seated.

d. a+b+c+ It was explained that the Byzantine emperor was threatening to withdraw the dominant Byzantine currency, unless untenable concessions were made by the Muslims

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Describe the points Al‑Baaqir presented to solve the currency crisis for the Ummah.

a. to cut off and sever dealing with the Byzantine currency, and build Muslim currency (coins) instead,

b. inscribe on one side La Ilaaha Illa Allah, inscribe on the other side Muhammad Rasool Allah,

c. stamp the edge of the coin with the date and locality, and

d. a+b+c+ have special scales to weigh the gold currency pieces to make sure its accurate worth.

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What degree of involvement in politics did Al‑Baaqir have?a. Zainul Abideen and Al‑Baaqir shunned

politics completely, b. yet they held to the Shari'ah viewpoint that

the contemporary rulers and their administration were not valid nor were they legitimate.

c. a+b+ Khilaafah by now had been rendered a more mundane imperial power, no longer based on Islam.

d. Al‑Baaqir was completely involved in politics and instrumental.

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Questions, Al-Baaqir, Up to his Imamah


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Explain how Medina evolved to be the intellectual center.

a. Medina evolved as a university-like town, b. Students, became scholars after completing

their studies and returned home to educate the local people, the common man,

c. They taught by means of sermons and discourses about the genuine and pure Islam.

d. a+b+c+ The scholars also exposed the inequity, discrimination, and injustice of the ruling class. 

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Explain about the Piety‑minded community and its far‑reaching influence.a. The enormous endeavor produced a

Piety‑minded community that became well entrenched,

b. The Piety‑minded success was astonishing and undeniable.

c. a+b+ It became like a government inside a government, with Al‑Baaqir's brother the one in charge of finance, collecting Zakat and Khums, to be distributed justly and in fair manner to the needy and disadvantaged.

d. This was eagerly done with collaboration of the government

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What did Zainul Abideen give to Al‑Baaqir before he died?

a. Zainul Abideen gave him the trust of the Corpus of Knowledge that came from Ali down to each Imam.

b. Zainul Abideen gave him the Holy Quran.

c. Zainul Abideen gave him the Saheefa Al-Sajjadiya

d. Zainul Abideen gave him his will. 

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How old was Al‑Baaqir when Zainul Abideen died?

a. 25 Years oldb. 38 Years oldc. 48 Years oldd. 55 Years old

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