before we continue to study antigone, let’s briefly discuss how to use context clues in sentences...

ENGLISH II DECEMBER 7 TH Before we continue to study Antigone , let’s briefly discuss how to use context clues in sentences to find out the meaning of words.

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Page 1: Before we continue to study Antigone, let’s briefly discuss how to use context clues in sentences to find out the meaning of words


Before we continue to study Antigone, let’s briefly discuss how to use context clues in sentences to find out the meaning of words.

Page 2: Before we continue to study Antigone, let’s briefly discuss how to use context clues in sentences to find out the meaning of words

REMINDERS Turn in your Antigone Study Guide on the

stool before class ends. Homework: Get together all semester

notes. Due Monday before the bell rings. On Monday, bring:

Notes that you’ll take today Textbook Study Guide questions

Page 3: Before we continue to study Antigone, let’s briefly discuss how to use context clues in sentences to find out the meaning of words


Reading 3.2 Compare and contrast the presentation of a similar theme or topic across genres to explain how the selection of genre shapes the theme or topic.

Page 4: Before we continue to study Antigone, let’s briefly discuss how to use context clues in sentences to find out the meaning of words


Learning how to guess words you don't know is an important skill. Nobody wants to look every word up in a dictionary! If you learn how to guess the unfamiliar words in sentences, then you won't have to read with your dictionary open all the time!

Context clues = hints in the sentence that help you figure out what the word probably means.

By using context clues, you can guess the likely meaning of many unfamiliar words.

Page 5: Before we continue to study Antigone, let’s briefly discuss how to use context clues in sentences to find out the meaning of words


The snake slithered through the grass. He was hunting. You must discover what slithered means by using logic.

Here are your choices, and the analysis: A) danced 

INCORRECT: the sentence above says that he was hunting. Dancing and hunting are not associated with one another, so logic tells you this is probably wrong.

B) slept in the grass  INCORRECT: the sentence above says “through” which implies movement. Also, snakes don't sleep when they hunt.

C) ate something INCORRECT: the sentence above says he is hunting. Snakes don't eat when they are hunting. They eat AFTER they hunt.

D) moved or traveled  CORRECT ANSWER: the sentence above says THROUGH the grass. 'Through' means that there is movement.

Page 6: Before we continue to study Antigone, let’s briefly discuss how to use context clues in sentences to find out the meaning of words


On a piece of paper titled “Context Clues,” write down your choices for the following six questions. Let’s do the first two together:

1) The tiger's roar could be heard in villages far away.

What does roar probably mean? A) food a tiger eats B) a tiger's dream C) a tiger's ear D) a sound a tiger makes

Page 7: Before we continue to study Antigone, let’s briefly discuss how to use context clues in sentences to find out the meaning of words


On a piece of paper titled “Context Clues,” write down your choices for the following six questions. Let’s do the first two together:

1) The tiger's roar could be heard in villages far away.

What does roar probably mean? A) food a tiger eats B) a tiger's dream C) a tiger's ear D) a sound a tiger makes

Page 8: Before we continue to study Antigone, let’s briefly discuss how to use context clues in sentences to find out the meaning of words


2) The thought of eating a rat is abhorrent to most people.

What does abhorrent probably mean? A) fun, lively B) horrible, disgustingC) interesting, intriguingD) sweet, sugary

Page 9: Before we continue to study Antigone, let’s briefly discuss how to use context clues in sentences to find out the meaning of words


3) You can trust the salesmen at that store because they always conduct business in an aboveboard manner.

What does aboveboard probably mean? A) honestly, openly B) sneaky, dishonest C) businesslike, friendlyD) strange, unusual 

Page 10: Before we continue to study Antigone, let’s briefly discuss how to use context clues in sentences to find out the meaning of words


4) Petra has so many friends because she is a gregarious person.

What does gregarious probably mean? A) clever, intelligentB) busy, activeC) friendly, outgoing D) rude, hostile

Page 11: Before we continue to study Antigone, let’s briefly discuss how to use context clues in sentences to find out the meaning of words


5) I can't believe it! Right in the middle of our conversation, Peter turned around abruptly and walked out of the room! 

What does abruptly probably mean? A) formally, seriously  B) casually, carelesslyC) suddenly, without notice  D) quietly, in an unusual manner

Page 12: Before we continue to study Antigone, let’s briefly discuss how to use context clues in sentences to find out the meaning of words


6) After the harvest, we had an abundant stack of apples. As a result, we were able to make apple pie, apple sauce, and apple juice.

Without having letter options, use context clues to guess what “abundant” means. Write your answer down…

Page 13: Before we continue to study Antigone, let’s briefly discuss how to use context clues in sentences to find out the meaning of words


6) After the harvest, we had an abundant stack of apples. As a result, we were able to make apple pie, apple sauce, and apple juice.

Based on your thoughts, choose the best answerA) tiny  B) beautiful  C) interesting  D) plentiful 

Page 14: Before we continue to study Antigone, let’s briefly discuss how to use context clues in sentences to find out the meaning of words


7) When Sara was sick, her voice was practically inaudible so she had to write her thoughts on a piece of paper.

Without pre-selected answers, write what you think “inaudible” means.

Page 15: Before we continue to study Antigone, let’s briefly discuss how to use context clues in sentences to find out the meaning of words


8) The hill was too arduous for us to climb. We had to walk our bicycles up the hill.

Without seeing choices, write down what you think “arduous” means.

Page 16: Before we continue to study Antigone, let’s briefly discuss how to use context clues in sentences to find out the meaning of words


8) The hill was too arduous for us to climb. We had to walk our bicycles up the hill.

Now, use the choices to guess: A) spiky, sharp  B) fun, exciting  C) long, extendedD) difficult, steep

Page 17: Before we continue to study Antigone, let’s briefly discuss how to use context clues in sentences to find out the meaning of words

ANTIGONE STUDY GUIDE Get into the following groups:

GROUP 1: Krystal, Desire, Camila, KeaunGROUP 2: Karen, Joy, MernaGROUP 3: Michael, Brandi, Maria,GROUP 4: Denise, Sabrina, BrendaGROUP 5: Kaila, Rickie, Elizabeth GROUP 6: Roberto, George, Michelle

Page 18: Before we continue to study Antigone, let’s briefly discuss how to use context clues in sentences to find out the meaning of words


One paper per group: Out of the five ways to compare Black Boy to Antigone (main character, minor character, setting, conflict or theme) which three do you feel most comfortable discussing? Write them below:

What specific part of the story (i.e. textual evidence) would be best from EACH STORY as support/proof/an example for each comparison?

1. _(Put Antigone passage here)_and_(Black Boy event)_

2. _(Put Antigone passage here) _and _(Black Boy event)_

3. _(Put Antigone passage here) _ and _(Black Boy event)_

1. Ex.: Setting 2. 3.

Page 19: Before we continue to study Antigone, let’s briefly discuss how to use context clues in sentences to find out the meaning of words


Your final exam will be a group essay in which you are asked to compare the stories Antigone and Black Boy. You will write this essay THIS Thursday and Friday.

Page 20: Before we continue to study Antigone, let’s briefly discuss how to use context clues in sentences to find out the meaning of words

FINAL EXAM REVIEW To prepare for your final exam, you’ll

need to be able to write about THREE of the last questions on questions 1-5 of your study guide. Each of these have to do with comparing

Antigone to Black Boy. You will need to compare three of the

following: major characters, minor characters, setting, conflict and theme.

You will need to have a very clear and detailed example/evidence/proof for both texts in each body paragraph in order to prove the comparison.