beginner rose gardening

Beginner Rose Gardening (Manual)

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If you are looking for information on how to grow a rose garden then this ebook will give you guidelines on growing a rose garden at home.


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Beginner Rose Gardening (Manual)

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Please Start By Reading This - Then Pass It On

- "The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win." Roger Bannister

- "The spirit, the will to win, and the will to excel are the things that endure. These qualities are so much important than the events that occur." Vince Lombardi

- "Success in our calling is the result of a person's love of and belief in the work he has undertaken. Earnest and conscientious labor often accomplishes more in the end than the brilliant genius." Anonymous

- "Food offered without affection is like food offered to the dead." Hindu Proverb

- "What you have to do and the way have to do it incredibly simple. Whether you are willing to do it, that's another matter." Peter F. Drucker

- The best motivation is self motivation. The guy says, "I wish someone would come by and turn me on." What if they don't show up? You've got to have a better plan for your life. Jim Rohn

- "How does one measure time? No, not in days, months, or years. It is measured by the most precious of all things: Love. Without which all beings and things whether brave and/or beautiful would perish." Irish Blesshin

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Table Of Contents:- The Great History Of Roses................................................................................................5

- The Basics Of Starting Rose Gardening..............................................................................7

- Learn About The Different Types Of Roses........................................................................8

- The Most Popular Roses For Growers.................................................................................9

- How To Create Classy Container Gardens With Roses......................................................10

- How To Take Care Of Your Roses......................................................................................10

- How To Prune Roses...........................................................................................................14

- Maintaining Your Roses......................................................................................................15

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The Great History Of Roses“It was roses, roses all the way.”

- Robert Browning“What's in a name? That which we call a rose; By any other name would smell as sweet.”

- William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, Act 2 scene 2Roses have a long and colorful history. According to fossil evidence, the rose is 35 million years old.

Today, there are over 30,000 varieties of roses and it has the most complicated family tree of any known flower species.

The cultivation of roses most likely began in Asia around 5000 years ago. They have been part of the human experience ever since and mentions of the flower are woven into a great many tales from the ancient world.

And there are so many beautiful stories that include roses through out the ages that we all can recognize.

Greek mythology tells us that it was Aphrodite who gave the rose its name, but it was the goddess of flowers, Chloris, who created it. One day while Chloris was cleaning in the forest she found the lifeless body of a beautiful nymph.

To right this wrong Chloris enlisted the help of Aphrodite, the goddess of love, who gave her beauty; then called upon Dionysus, the god of wine, who added nectar to give her a sweet scent. When it was their turn the three Graces gave Chloris charm, brightness and joy. Then Zephyr, the West Wind, blew away the clouds so that Apollo, the sun god, could shine and make the flower bloom. And so the Rose was...

In another story, an ancient Hindu legend, Brahma (the creator of the world) and Vishnu (the protector of the world) argued over whether the lotus was more beautiful than the rose. Vishnu backed the rose, while Brahma supported the lotus.

But Brahma had never seen a rose before and when he did he immediately recanted. As a reward Brahma created a bride for Vishnu and called her Lakshmi — she was created from 108 large and 1008 small rose petals.

Several thousands of years later, on the other side of the world in Crete , there are Frescoes which date to c. 1700BC illustrating a rose with five-pedaled pink blooms. Discoveries of tombs in Egypt have revealed wreaths made with flowers, with roses among them.

The wreath in the tomb of Hawara (discovered by the English archaeologist William Flinders Petrie) dates to about AD 170, and represents the oldest preserved record of a rose species still living.

Roses later became synonymous with the worst excesses of the Roman Empire when the peasants were reduced to growing roses instead of food crops in order to satisfy the demands of their rulers. The emperors filled their swimming baths and fountains with rose-water and sat on carpets of rose petals for their feasts and orgies.

Roses were used as confetti at celebrations, for medicinal purposes, and as a source of perfume. Heliogabalus used to enjoy showering his guests with rose petals which tumbled down from the ceiling during the festivities.

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During the fifteenth century, the factions fighting to control England used the rose as a symbol. The white rose represented York , and the red rose symbolized Lancaster . Not surprisingly, the conflict between these factions became known as the War of the Roses.

In the seventeenth century roses were in such high demand that roses and rose water were considered as legal tender.

In this capacity they were used as barter in the markets as well as for any payments the common people had to make to royalty. Napoleon's wife Josephine loved roses so much she established an extensive collection at Chateau de Malmaison, an estate seven miles west of Paris .

This garden of more than 250 rose varieties became the setting for Pierre Joseph Redoute's work as a botanical illustrator and it was here Redoute completed his watercolor collection "Les Rose," which is still considered one of the finest records of botanical illustration.

Cultivated roses weren’t introduced into Europe until the late eighteenth century. These introductions came from China and were repeat bloomers, making them of great interest to hybridizers who no longer had to wait once a year for their roses to bloom.

From this introduction, experts today tend to divide all roses into two groups. There are “old roses” (those cultivated in Europe before 1800) and “modern roses” (those which began to be cultivated in England and France around the turn of the 19th century).

Until the beginning of the 19th century, all roses in Europe were shades of pink or white. Our romantic symbol of the red rose first came from China around 1800. Unusual green roses arrived a few decades later.

Bright yellow roses entered the palette around 1900. It was the Frenchman Joseph Permet-Ducher who is credited with the discovery. After more than 20 years of breeding roses in a search for a hardy yellow variety, he luck changed when one day he simply stumbled across a mutant yellow flower in a field. We have had yellow and orange roses ever since.

The rose is a phenomenal plant and is rightly known as ‘the world’s favorite flower’. No other flower has ever experienced the same popularity that the rose has enjoyed in the last fifth years. In temperate climates, roses are more widely grown than any other ornamental plant, and as cut flowers they are forever in fashion.

It has been estimated that 150 million plants are purchased by gardeners worldwide every year, and sophisticated breeding programs have produced a plant that dominates the world’s cut flower market; the annual crop is calculated in tons. Roses have also made a tremendous contribution to the perfume industry.

Roses boast an ancient lineage, and they are intricately entwined in our history and culture. As a motif, the rose has been and still is depicted in many national emblems.

It has been adopted by countless political factions, and even by businesses and several international events. It is no wonder so many of the beautiful rose varietals are greatly appreciated and cultivated by hobby gardeners around the world.

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The Basics Of Starting Rose GardeningWhen spring is on its way and the ground is soft, it is the perfect time for planting roses. Roses have been a very popular bloom over the years, not only do they look good, but they smell wonderful too.

However, planting roses cannot be done just anywhere or in just any climate. They need special care and treatment.

Here are some tips that you need to consider in order to successfully grow roses:

1. Roses require about 4 to 6 hours of sunlight everyday. It would be best to plant your roses in a clear area where there are not too many trees or other types of plants. The reason behind this is that the rose may lack sunlight exposure and the roots are also likely to become intertwined with the rose and throttle its growth. If you wish to replace an old rose bush, you should remove about 1 ½ cubic feet of the old soil and replace it with new soil so that the newly planted rose will have fresh soil to start with.

2. When thinking about the position of your roses you must consider the type of rose you are planting. Place ramblers and climbers along trellises, fences and next to pergolas or arches. This is important to consider because they need space to grow freely and these positions are perfect for bigger blooming roses.

3. Roses will look good in island beds which can be mixed with perennials. Smaller roses make great edging plants, which are perfect for combining in front of taller species. Dig a hole large enough for the size of the root ball, but remember to loosen the soil in the bottom of the hole. You can also add bone meal which acts as a slow acting resource of phosphorus. This will help establish a healthy root growth for your roses.

4. You should be careful when considering the planting depth as this depends on your climate. If you live in a cooler climate, plant roses deeper, but if you wish to plant in a pot, you must dig about 1 inch deeper than the usual potted level.

5. Make sure that you place roses in the hole carefully. The hole should be refilled with soil so that the roots are covered completely. Before you make the final covering, water the rose. Then mound the soil about 8 inches high around the base of the plant. The earth will keep the stems from drying out until the plant is completely rooted. As the leaves open, you can remove the excess soil that surrounds the plant.

These some important tips you need to consider when planting roses. It will be worth the effort, as your roses will bloom beautifully.

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Learn About The Different Types Of Roses

A rose is a rose, is a rose, right? Actually, roses come in several distinct varieties and each has its pros and cons. Before you shop for roses for your new rose garden, you should know which types of roses there are.

If you love the way roses look climbing over an arbor, then you may want to take a close look at climbing roses. While most people call any rose that shoots up fast a climbing rose, some of these roses are actually sprawling roses.

However, they all basically are roses with vigorously growing canes, small flowers that bloom profusely during the rose’s blooming season, and rather wicked thorns. As climbing roses become well established, some gardeners replace their pruning shears with a tree saw to hack these plants down to a manageable size. These roses are usually quite disease resistant.

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When you plant a climbing rose, you should cut down all but three of the strongest, most powerful canes. This gives the rose plenty of energy to put into growing stronger, more vigorous vines. Tie the three canes gently into place to guide them in the direction you’d like them to grow.

If you prefer lush, fragrant blooms, you will want to take a close look at the tea rose. These roses bloom several times a year. The flowers are large, especially if you pinch off the side buds so that the center bud on each stem can get all of the nutrients and energy.

The floribunda rose blooms in groups of flowers. The flower in the middle of each group matures faster than the other flowers, so rose fanciers often pinch that flower off so that the entire group, or spray, opens at the same time.

Once flowering roses are those roses that bloom just one time each year. These roses are absolutely wonderful and are literally packed with blossoms when they do bloom, which is why they are still quite popular.

Shrub roses are incredibly hardy, thorny roses that are fairly low growing. The blossoms on these roses are rarely spectacular, but there are so many that the bushes are quite colorful, even from a distance. Finally, you may want to consider miniature roses.

These tiny roses are the perfect way to edge a garden border with color. Many of these roses are a bit delicate and susceptible to disease, but others are very hardy and grow so vigorously that, eventually, the only thing tiny about them is the size of their leaves.

The Most Popular Roses For GrowersAs any rose gardener will tell you, there is nothing in the world more addicting than tending to these plants.

Roses are the most popular flower in the world, and they offer a great option for any landscaping scheme, as they look good both when cared for every single day and also when they are left to their own devices.

They can get by with as much or as little work as you want to put into them, and the sheer variety of roses is absolutely staggering.

Single stem to multiple flowers, climbing roses to spreading bushes, giant plants to mini, and every color imaginable, there is a type of rose to fit every gardener’s taste. Among all the options, however, the most popular choice when it comes to roses is the hybrid tea rose.

The first Hybrid Tea rose was called Le France, and was introduced in 1867 by rose breeder Jean- Baptist Guillot. They were the result of crossing two original China roses with Bourbon and Noisette roses.

These roses are considered to be more delicate than the other breeds, and are also the most popular species when it comes to those bought and sold in flower shops. This variety of rose blooms every six weeks in ideal conditions, although in colder areas it may only bloom once annually.

They have large flowers (some with over 60 petals, five inches across!) with high centers, and may have a tea like scent to them. The plants themselves may grow to be six feet tall, or as short as three feet.

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Although Hybrid Teas may be more delicate than other varieties, there are still many breeds available to suit any climate. If you are thinking about planting your own, then it is vital that you look for a species that is suited to the area in which you live.

Be aware of the humidity or lack in your area, and choose your roses based on this factor as well as the variations in temperatures. Hot and dry areas will require plants with good root systems and the ability to tolerate heat. Excessive humidity can also be detrimental to some Hybrid Teas, so make sure to find a species that is mildew resistant.

Remember when caring for your Hybrid Teas that these plants bloom every couple on months depending on conditions, and thus they will require extra food for optimum health.

They need to be fed once every week, starting with the season. Apply a fertilizer that has been designed for roses, and remember to stop well before the first frost in your area in order to avoid damage to tender new blossoms.

As with most garden plants, there are a few basic rules when it comes to watering Hybrid Teas. To preserve water, apply some mulch (this will also help to insulate root systems in colder areas). Also be sure to apply the water to the soil, and not over the plants via a sprinkler or other such device, as this could lead to the growth of mold.

Hybrid Teas are the most popular rose in the world, and are a beautiful addition to any garden. Their diversity ensures that they are appropriate to almost any climate.

How To Create Classy Container Gardens With RosesAccording to the National Gardening Association, 91 million households participated in some form of do-it-yourself lawn and gardening activity in 2005, spending an average of $387.

Over the past decade, an increasing percentage of this total has gone towards container gardening.

Containers offer a versatile form of gardening that fits into any lifestyle and yard size. City dwellers can use them to brighten up lifeless balconies, roof decks or front stoops, while those with more space can decorate high-traffic spaces and incorporate them into lawn and garden areas for added drama and flair.

Because of the multitude of options on the market, container gardens are an easy way to add a splash of color to any outdoor space, big or small.

Roses are among the most spectacular and rewarding choices for a container because of their combination of color, fragrance and season-long blooms. Also, with advances in hybridizing, roses are easier to grow than ever before.

Look for the All-America Rose Selections (AARS) rose logo as a "seal of approval," which indicates that the rose excelled in the most difficult plant trial in the world: two years of testing in 23 gardens across the country, representing all climate zones. By performing well against 15 criteria including fragrance, ease of maintenance and disease resistance, AARS roses are proven to be the very best.

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Tom Carruth, director of research at Weeks Roses and hybridizer of eight AARS Winners in the past nine years, provides the following tips for building the perfect container rose garden:

Pick the right pot. Size is the most important consideration. Make sure the pot is not too small and, when in doubt, go for the larger size to allow the roots to grow without constraint over time. Make sure all pots have at least one drainage hole to prevent root rot. Do not use saucers beneath the pot; instead, use pot "feet" to lift the pot off any surface and guarantee good drainage.

Get the good dirt. Roses prefer a well-drained soil. The commercial soil mixes do well but can dry out quickly. Consider adding some soil from your garden to help stabilize the mix and extend the moisture retention. Plants grown in pots require more water, organic matter and fertilizer than plants in the ground.

Select the right spot. Remember, roses like full sun and good air circulation. Since pots have the advantage of mobility, you can move the pot around to find just the right location.

Think vertical. Place a rose bush in the center of the container and surround with "filler" and "spiller" plants at the base. The rose plant draws the eye upwards and adds height to the space, while the fillers and spillers cover the base and accentuate the container.

Group plants strategically. Choose plants with the same sunlight and watering requirements as roses. Shallow-rooted fillers do best as they will not compete with the deeper rose roots. Try annuals such as sweet alyssum or lobelia, or consider smaller creeping herbs such as thyme or ornamental oregano.

Don't forget the foliage. Mix colorful plants with those in various shades of green to create a more intensified, three-dimensional effect. Smaller, variegated ivy hybrids look great and will spill out over sides of the container as they grow.

Consider "pot-scaping." Choose pots of different sizes and shapes that are made from similar material or those that are similar in color to create a complementary and leveled look. Pot feet can also be used to create levels with pots of the same size.

For the best results, experts prefer to start with AARS award-winning roses, including this year's best new roses-Julia Child, Rainbow Sorbet, Tahitian Sunset and Wild Blue Yonder-all of which are suitable for container gardens.

These and more AARS Winners are sold in select mail-order nursery catalogs and at local nurseries and garden centers nationwide.

How To Take Care Of Your RosesThe rose is a very beautiful flower, often considered to be the queen of all flowers. The inherent beauty of the rose is peerless; no other flower can ever compare to it. Gardeners who have successfully cultivated their own rose gardens prize the fruit of their own labors highly and take a lot of effort to care for and maintain their gardens.

For indeed, if you want to be able to enjoy the beauty of a rose plant, you must be prepared to exert the effort needed to cultivate, care for and protect these plants.

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The task of caring for roses is no easy feat. To take care of roses can be arduous and can consume a good amount of time every day. But no matter how laborious cultivating roses can be, the effort exerted is very much worth it. To see a healthy and thriving rose plant in your garden is certainly very rewarding.

Caring for rose plants involves regular watering, pruning and constant protection from the weather and from disease.

Watering Your Roses

There are flowers and plants that do not require a lot of water. Just sprinkle a few inches of water on them every morning, and they will stay healthy. On the other hand, there are flowers and plants that need a lot of water. Such flowers and plants must have a steady drizzle of water over several hours to keep their roots soaked well and to keep the soil in which they are planted moist. The rose is one such flower that needs a lot of water.

Water is vital to the rose when it is newly planted. To encourage the growth of your new rose plants, you need to keep the soil moist for most of the day, but not soaking wet. When your rose plant becomes established, it would not need water as much as when it was still young, but it would need its root system soaked completely most of the time.

Slow and steady watering over a period of several hours is necessary to do this. If you do not have the time to spend just watering your roses, you ought to put up a simple irrigation or sprinkling system that will make the task of watering much easier for you.

Pruning Your Roses

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Taking good care of your roses also involves regular pruning. Pruning is beneficial to the rose because it promotes good air circulation, protects it from disease and encourages its growth.

Pruning is done best during the rose’s dormant season, usually in spring when the new leaf buds have begun to sprout from the stems. The dead branches and what appears to be weak growth must be cut off so as not to sap nutrients from the healthy portions of the plant. The branches that rub together must be cut off as well.

To stimulate a healthy growth, young and newly planted roses should only be allowed four stems or canes so that the nutrients would be more concentrated within the plant. Once they are established, they can have eight canes or more. When pruning the canes of a rose, you should cut them back around half or a fourth of their original height.

Pruning should also be done regularly during the rose’s growing season. The weak growth should be cut away at the base so it would not steal the nutrients from the healthier canes.

Removing the dead flower heads and the dried leaves also encourage the plant to flower more and repeatedly. There are some gardeners who prefer to disbud their roses. In disbudding, only one rosebud is allowed per stem so the flower will grow as big as it can get.

Protecting Roses in Winter

The winter cold is not a friend of roses. So that the plant will not die during the winter season, it must be adequately protected. A common method of protecting the rose plant in winter is to bury it in soil and mulch for most of the season, especially if it gets very cold.

To do this, you have to dig a trench as tall as the rose plant itself, and then tip it down. You can put a mesh ring or a rose collar around it.

Afterwards, you cover it up in a mound of soil up to 12 inches in height. Cover it further with a mound of organic mulch to protect it from the freeze.

However, if it gets too cold and frosty, use a rose cone to cover the tips of the plant rather than mulch. If you do use a rose cone, make sure that you remove this covering whenever the sky is cloudy so that your plant will not get shocked and burned from the sudden exposure to sunlight. Remove all covering completely once the freezing is over.

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Protecting Roses from Disease

Most roses available nowadays have been bred to become resistant from disease. Nonetheless, constant care is still necessary to keep the roses from becoming sick and defoliated.

To protect your roses from disease, you should prune your roses regularly. Remove all dead buds and dead leaves from the plants. Also, get rid of the weak and dead stems that can become breeding areas for spores and insects. Remember to cultivate the soil on a regular basis so that any insects and spores breeding there will be exposed to and killed by sunlight. Keep the weeds from growing around your roses.

A good spray of water mixed with baking soda and a little corn oil can also help keep disease away. Done regularly, such a spraying program will prevent diseases such as the black spot from infecting your roses. If you see signs of infection on a portion of your plant, quickly cut it away to hold it from spreading to the other sections of the plant. The appropriate pesticide is also in order in this case.

Roses are beautiful flowers, but they need constant attention and care. But no matter how taxing taking care of roses can be, it is always rewarding to see a healthy and thriving rose plant.

More On Pruning RosesPruning your roses is an essential part of rose maintenance. There are many ways and opinions on the best way to prune, when the perfect time to prune is, and which roses need pruning.

Many seasoned rosarians have their favorite tested methods.

Pruning roses is not as complicated as some people think. To make it easy, there are 7 basic rules to follow when pruning your roses. If you keep these rules in mind, you will be rewarded with the most beautiful rose bushes.

The first rule in pruning roses is to remove any dead or dying growth. In doing this, your bushes will look good and will be free from signs of diseases. Removing the deadwood will discourage insects from making your rose plant their home. Insects love rose plants so keep an eye out for them while pruning.

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Second, you should keep the center of your rose plant clear. This helps keep your bushes clear from pests and insects and allows good ventilation, which reduces the likelihood of fungus growth and other diseases.

Third, it is important to keep your rose plant away from other bushes so that their growth will not be impaired. If your rose plant is disturbed or overcrowded by other plants it may not grow, as you desire.

Fourth, you must shape your rose bushes while they are growing. This will prevent the roses from growing too wildly. If you do this, your roses will grow properly in the right direction. You will notice some roses growing in different directions. These are roses, which have not been shaped during growth.

Fifth, you must use sharp pruning shears. This is important so you make a clean cut and don’t effect the areas that you are not pruning. If you use a pruning shear that is not sharp, it may result in uneven branches, which can hinder or result in uneven growth.

Sixth, you must clean your pruning shears so they are free from diseases or fungus spores. The shears should be kept dry to prevent rust formation which makes your shears dull. If your shears are not sharp, you will have a hard time cutting the desired parts and will end up damaging the branches.

And lastly, you should seal the cuts you have made so that they will be free from disease. Using Elmer’s glue works well and it is inexpensive.

Roses are considered tolerant plants so pruning roses is important to keep them free from diseases and insects. If you follow these basic rules, your roses will flourish and live for many years. It only takes a little patience and your efforts will be well rewarded.

Maintaining Your RosesWhile it is true that you will spend more time on rose maintenance than most other plants, the care you give them during the growing season can be done easily while simply enjoying the blooms.

Many people choose not to grow roses because they believe that they entail too much work.

Following these simple steps will make your roses beautiful and keep the plants healthy.

Fertilize your plants every three weeks during active blooming with a complete fertilizer formulated for roses. Roses need a balanced diet, as do most plants.

You will want to choose fertilizer with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. This is often made easier by simply choosing one of the many brands of rose food available at any home and garden center.

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Watch closely for pests and diseases and react quickly to destroy them. Black-spot, mildew, and blight together with insects, such as Japanese beetles, are some of the more troublesome rose disease and insect problems.

Control is easy and prevention is practical with the regular use of chemicals that controls most fungal diseases and detrimental insects. Use pesticides labeled for roses as needed and weekly fungicide applications to control powdery mildew and black spot. Always apply according to label directions.

If you do not care to use pesticides on your plants there are organic methods for dealing with many insects. Pesticides do not differentiate between the good bugs and the bad ones and you do not want to kill beneficial insects.

There are organic soaps available for purchase that will deal with most insects. You can also purchase beneficial insects at your local nursery like the praying mantis or lady bugs.

Roses require about an inch of water per week per bush. Watering bushes during dry periods will ensure continuous flowering during the growing season. Drip irrigation is best to water slowly, thoroughly, and deeply without wetting foliage.

This can be accomplished by purchasing soaker hoses. These hoses are snaked through your rose bed, preferably under the mulch to hide the hose, and attached to a regular hose when watering.

This way watering is a simply matter of just turning on the spigot once a week. Keep the plants mulched with pine needles or bark to conserve water, cool the soil and discourage weeds.

Remove spent blooms to keep plants blooming and encourage new growth. Cut flowers regularly to enjoy inside as well. Practice disbudding to encourage the growth of larger blooms. Disbudding is the early removal of bloom buds. This practice removes the competition for nutrients to the buds that remain.

On Hybrid Tea roses, you will see that the terminal bud is the first to form. This is the bud on the very tip of the stem. Shortly after, secondary buds are formed around the terminal bud.

Removal of these secondary buds early on sends the rose's energy to the terminal bud producing the larger bloom. The removal of these secondary buds should be done early in their development. You simply pinch them off with your fingers.

When walking through your rose garden, look for any diseased canes, dead wood, and/or suckers. Cut these away anytime they occur, but do not prune severely in the summer.

Finally, pull out any weeds as soon as you see them. Once different weeds get established in your garden, they can be difficult to control. I would advise to never use any type of weed killer - regardless of what the commercials may say - around your roses.

The roots are very close to the surface and even the most careful application can result in the death of half of your favorite bush. It is an avoidable nightmare.

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"Many People Choose Not To Grow Roses Because They Believe That They Entail Too

Much Work. Following The Simple Steps In This Guide Will Make Your Roses Beautiful And Keep

The Plants Healthy..."Introducing....

DIY Rose Gardening

Inside This eBook You Will Learn:

Learn the 8 most important factors when selecting the rose that is right for you.

Learn which roses are perfect for the novice gardener.

Get Guidelines for planting your potted roses successfully.

22 key tips to follow when planting organic roses.

Learn which watering technique to avoid because of the threat of fungal diseases.

Find out which season is the best time for roses to be planted.

Page 18: Beginner rose gardening

Learn when you may need to cut the roots of organic roses to encourage proper growth.

Discover the easiest way to prevent diseases from taking over your roses.

Discover a tactic that can only be performed before planting that will give your roses room to grow.

5 simple steps to air drying your roses - keep them forever!

Understand the importance of pH levels when planting roses.

Realize a crucial time in your rose's lifecycle and how to treat it appropriately.

Learn when NOT to fertilize your roses - doing so could be disastrous.

Find out the best place to plant your roses in order for them to grow properly.

And so much more!

(Click Below)

Happy Rose Gardening!

Best Regards,

Andrew Akers.