beginners guide to couponing extreme couponing guide


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“Extreme Couponing for beginners ”

From the Desk James Moore Editor of Bull City Publishing: Dear Friend, If at Any point while you're reading this book you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. You can best reach us at Twitter (@bullcitypub), or on our Facebook Fan Page Even if you don't have any questions, We'd love for you to come by and say hello! If you want to reach us in a private you can email us at [email protected] or on our blog Warmest Regards,


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Contents Beginners Guide to Couponing ....................................................................................................................................6

Coupon Lingo.........................................................................................................................................................6

How do I get more coupons? .......................................................................................................................................7

Where to get more coupons? ......................................................................................................................................7

Organization of Your Coupons: ....................................................................................................................................8

The Filing Technique: .............................................................................................................................................8

The Binder Method: ................................................................................................................................................9

Coupon Usage ............................................................................................................................................................9

Planning your shopping trip....................................................................................................................................... 10

Coupon Quick Start Guide ......................................................................................................................................... 11

Get Organized ...................................................................................................................................................... 11

Keep it Simple & Small......................................................................................................................................... 11

Get a Stock Pile then Maintain it ............................................................................................................................ 11

Know Your Coupon Policies ................................................................................................................................. 11

Know How to Use Your Coupons .......................................................................................................................... 11

Be Considerate of Others....................................................................................................................................... 12

Be Patient and don’t forget to Breathe .................................................................................................................... 12

Extreme Couponing .................................................................................................................................................. 13

Internet Grocery Clubs and Rewards Cards............................................................................................................. 13

What is an IP address and how does it affect my printable coupons? ........................................................................ 13

Smart Phone rebate apps........................................................................................................................................ 14

Social media websites ........................................................................................................................................... 14

Couponing on a budget ............................................................................................................................................. 15

Be organized and prepared .................................................................................................................................... 15

Couponing with WIC ............................................................................................................................................ 15

Couponing with Food Stamps/EBT/Snap benefits ................................................................................................... 15

Couponing at Publix (Guide Sheet)............................................................................................................................. 17

Couponing at Walgreens (Guide Sheet) ...................................................................................................................... 18

Couponing at CVS (Guide Sheet) ................................................................................................................................ 19

Couponing at Walmart (Guide Sheet)............................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Websites for Printable Coupons and Rebates ................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Blogs for Match ups and More......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Couponing 101: For the Beginning Expert

Couponing for some may be a way to save money for their family, for others it is used to stock pile goods for

their family and to also give back to the community in donations of stockpile items and for others it may be an

extreme sport with an adrenaline high. Whatever your reason may be for beginning in this new “hobby” you

have come across an article, which provides loads of information! From the basics of getting started and where

to begin, to becoming an avid extreme couponer. Definitions of commonly used abbreviations on coupon

websites and blogs, will help the beginning couponer understand what all that jargon means. Complete with

guides to shopping at specific stores and ways to organize your coupons.

With a quick start guide to get you started and pointed in the right direction, by following the simple tips and

tricks of the guide, you will be able to understand everything you need to know about getting started with

coupons. Included are multiple links that lead you to awesome blogs that make your couponing experience

even easier and links to websites for more printable coupons and some current rebate offers. There are detailed

guide sheets for national drug stores such as CVS and Walgreens and a guide sheet for shopping at Publix

grocery stores. These sheets break it down in an easy to read format and supply you the basic information for

shopping at these particular stores. Couponing should be fun and rewarding, by using this guide filled with

valuable information it will be just that!

Beginners Guide to Couponing

Hey Newbie, we’re talking to you!

Welcome to a great place to get awesome and down to earth information on the ins and outs of couponing!

A newbie’s guide to understanding couponing:

The first thing a beginner should do is learn the couponing lingo. It is very important and will help you a lot!

Below is a list of commonly used abbreviations and definitions:

Coupon Lingo

B1G1 (or BOGO) = Buy 1, Get 1 - Refers to a particular sale such as buy 1 get 1 free

B2G1 = Buy 2, Get 1 – Refers to a particular sale where you would purchase 2 of one product and

receive 1 free.

B1G1 50% = Buy 1, Get 1 at 50% off – Refers to a particular sale where you would purchase 1 product

at full price and receive the second at 50% off.

SS = Smart Source Coupons – distributor of coupons

Blinkies = Coupons in Store - Refers to coupons from a SmartSource automatic coupon dispenser with

a red blinking light on the top.

RP = Red Plum – Coupon distributor

P&G Coupon – Commonly known as Proctor and Gamble, coupons may be found in local newspapers

or from the company web site. (limitations to printable coupons may apply)

CAT = Catalina Coupon - Refers to the type of coupon that prints out of a separate machine at the store,

usually at the end of the transaction

DND = Do Not Double - Refers to coupons that state do not double on them – typically located right

next to the expiration date

Ea = Each - Refers to the price of an individual product

ETS = Excludes Travel Size - Refers to coupons that are not good on items from the travel size section

GAF = Publix Green Advantage Flyer – A coupon booklet printed by Publix, commonly found in front

of all Publix grocery stores or at the customer service counter. These booklets are printed in bi – tri

weekly schedule and can be used at any Publix store or Competitor grocery store that accepts Publix


PAF = Publix Purple Health Savings Flyer - A coupon booklet printed by Publix, commonly found in

front of all Publix grocery stores or at the customer service counter. These booklets are printed in bi –

tri weekly schedule and can be used at any Publix store or Competitor grocery store that accepts Publix


GC = Gift Card - Refers to deals when you buy certain items and earn a gift card to that store

GM = General Mills Insert - Refers to the insert received a few times a year via the newspapers.

IP = Internet Printable - Refers to coupons that are printed online

MIR = Mail In Rebate - Refers to deals where you can get money back by sending in a rebate to the

manufacturer or in some cases the store itself

MM = Money Maker - When the use of coupons exceeds the purchase value of the product resulting in

an overage. These items are referred to as money makers.

NLA = No Longer Available - Refers to a coupon that once was available to print online, but has now

ran out of prints

OOP = Out Of Pocket - Refers to what you to pay after all coupons and sales prices are applied

OOS = Out of Stock - Refers to items that are out of stock either online or in-store


PQ = Publix Coupon

WDQ = Winn Dixie Coupon

TQ = Target Coupon

Now that we know the couponing jargon, let’s move on to the best way to get coupons.

How do I get more coupons?

This is a question that is asked by every new couponer. Back in the days of my parents, couponing wasn’t quite

as extreme as it is these days. The coupons were not as easy to come by for them as it is today for us. Thank

goodness things changed, because there are so many ways to get your coupons now!

Where to get more coupons?


you can purchase multiple newspapers or if there is someone locally that sells just the inserts (only the coupon

booklets found in the Sunday newspaper) usually if you find someone who sells just the inserts you can get

them at a lower price than purchasing the entire Sunday paper. There are also vendors online that sell just the

coupon inserts as well.

Internet Printables

These are awesome if you have a computer and printer at home, but can’t afford to purchase multiple

newspapers or inserts every week. Take a look at these basic rules of internet printables.

You must never ever make a copy of any coupon, internet printable or otherwise. You must not ever SELL

your coupons. This is coupon fraud and you can serve jail time, trust me you don’t want to go to jail for this!

You can print up to two coupons per IP address. What the heck does that mean? This means that if you have a

desktop computer at home and you found an internet printable for diapers that you want to print, you may press

“print coupon” twice, for a total of two coupons. Do you have more than one computer? If you do, then you

can print two coupons from that computer as well. Always remember that each coupon you print is linked to

your computers IP address, which means it is connected to you. This is why you must always follow the first

rule of couponing.

You can get printables at various places across the internet, for example; your favorite products manufacturer

probably has a website, just do a search for their name and look for any section that might have coupons. You

can also find coupons online that are the same as the recent publication of coupons in the newspaper, such as;

Smart Source, Red Plum and Proctor & Gamble, please see above for links to directly print coupons from their

web site.

When printing an internet coupon you will need to make sure that you know what kind of coupon you are

printing. Is it a store coupon or is it a manufacturer’s coupon? You can determine the type of coupon, prior to

it being printed by looking at the print preview, across the top will be a black car that will indicate either store

or manufacturer’s coupon, along with the expiration date.

Social Networking

Get on a social networking site that has coupon groups in your area and trade for coupons you want. This is a

great way to get rid of coupons that you won’t use and to get coupons you will use. Some companies give you a

coupon for liking their web site or social media page as well. Once you have liked the page you will also get

updates in the future for more coupons.

Store Coupons

Many Grocery Stores offer coupons and discounts for signing up for their “members only” reward cards; these

can be for grocery items, fuel rewards and even baby and meat coupons! The best way to get these store

coupons is to sign up on their web site for their reward card. Sign up for any baby club that the grocery store

may offer and load any e-coupons that are available. (e-coupons are usually manufacturer coupons) As long as

you provide accurate mailing information you will receive periodic coupons in the mail.

The good ol’ friends and family method

You can get more coupons by asking friends and family members to save the coupon inserts out of the

newspapers they purchase. You can always tell them in return you will let them shop from your stockpile, a

great bartering system if you have the time and they don’t. A lot of coupons expire within 30 days, like the

Proctor and Gamble coupons; those come out once a month and are usually only good for 30 days. You can

also ask your neighbors to save them for you. Additionally, as long as it is not illegal where you live, you can

also get your inserts from recycle bins and even recycling centers. You will want to contact your local law

enforcement or recycling agency about the laws in your area and if there are any restrictions to getting them out

of the recycling bins. In some places it is totally ok and in others it is completely illegal, know before you go!

Organization of Your Coupons:

Now that we know how to get coupons, we need to know how to organize them once we have them.

Organization of your coupons will be what keeps you from having an anxiety attack when you get to the

register. If you have a good organizing technique then couponing will be easy, it can be very overwhelming if

you are unorganized or your coupons are in chaos. So, how do you get organized? We will describe two

techniques that are commonly used among all couponers.

The Filing Technique:

This would probably be the easiest technique for a beginner, because you don’t cut out every coupon and file it.

What you need:

A small filing cabinet, a milk crate or plastic crate that will hold hanging files.

Hanging files – to fit your container (standard or legal size) – these usually come with a way to label them as


Stapler – to keep the “like” pages together.

Permanent Marker – to mark on the outside of each set of like pages.

How to Organize the Inserts:

-The best way to organize your inserts using this method is to first put all your “like” pages together. This

means that you take all your inserts and put all the pages that are the same together. This can be tedious at

times depending on how many inserts you have and how many coupons came in that circular.

-While you match the like pages you will need to find a place on the page that doesn’t interfere with your

coupons and staple it there. Once you have done this for an entire coupon insert, you can write the date on the


-Then put all the paired pages together in a hanging folder that has the date the coupons were issued and who

issued it. For example: Red Plum 4/5/2014

-You will do this for each different set of inserts for the week. If you got a SS, RP and a PG in one week’s

inserts you would have three different hanging files, one for each set, but they would all be for the same date.

This will help you find the coupons you are looking for when you are using a “match-up” web site.

-Using this method you will only cut the coupons out as you need them. This can be done while you are

shopping or ahead of time while you are making your shopping list.

The Binder Method:

-Using this method can be time consuming, but your coupons can be organized in any way you choose.

What you need:

A 3-ring binder – you will want to purchase one that zips so you don’t lose any of your coupons. One that has

rings on both sides is great and has lots of space

Something to put your coupons in – this can be pages that are specifically made for coupon storage, you can use

baseball card holders, or you can be really inventive and make your own with a sewing machine, copy paper

and paper protector sheets. You can check out a tutorial on how to do that (insert link for a tutorial)

A paper cutter – You can get the slider kind or the kind that chops. This is an investment you will want to make

because it will save your fingers and you can cut more than one page at a time.

How to Organize Your Coupon Binder

There are many ways to organize your coupon binder, check them out and go from there, whatever makes it

easier for you is what you will want to use. It make take several different times of organizing and reorganizing

before you find a method you like, but don’t fret once you find the perfect fit keeping it organized is easy.

Here are some ideas for organizing your binder

Alphabetically by product – use separators such as A, B, C, D and so on. Any coupon starting with an “A”

would be found in the “A” Section and so on and so forth.

By section in grocery store – Dairy, meat, dry goods, beverages, baby – this can be more specific or generalized

depending on your preference

If you use a binder with 3-ring on both sides – one side for manufacturer coupons and one side for store


Coupon Usage

Now that we know the lingo and our coupons are neatly organized, how do I use them?

Using Your Coupons

What does stacking mean?

Stacking coupons is when you combine a store coupon with a manufacturer’s coupon. This can only be done if

your store allows it. In some states there they do not double coupons, but allow what is known as “stacking”

coupons to get a better deal.

What does doubling mean?

Doubling is when a retailer allows a coupon value to be doubled. This means if you have a .50 off the purchase

of 1 item, at the check-out your coupon will ring up as $1 off the purchase of that one item. You will need to

check with your store to see if they allow doubling of coupons and any restrictions that may apply.

Can I use more than one manufacturer’s coupon on an item? No.

You may only use one manufacturer’s coupon per item. However, your coupon may say $1 off the purchase of

4. This means that one coupon attaches to four items and cannot be combined with another manufacturer’s


Planning your shopping trip

I have my coupons, they are organized and I know how to use them. I want to go shopping, now what?

Now to make your shopping list, this can be really easy if you look to the internet for help. It is very useful to

find a couponing web site that constantly updates its pages. You will want to find a page that does match ups

for all your local stores. But what are match ups? A matchup is a list of items, usually what is on sale at a

particular store, and what coupons can be used with the sale. It will tell you where to find the coupons, the

value and direct you to a printable coupon if needed. They will also tell you the price of the sale item and what

your final cost will be per item/s purchased. It should also have a database of coupons where you can type in

any search criteria and it will generate a list of coupons. There are many out there so you may not want to limit

yourself to just one website for reference. On most of the match up sites you can also generate your shopping

list and print it right at home, no more scribbled notes that aren’t easy to read once you get in the store.

Once you have decided what deals you want and printed any coupons you may have needed, you will want to

match up your coupons. To make things easy and less overwhelming, get a small accordion file and put only

the coupons you are going to use at the store in the file, carry ONLY the file with you at the store. Use your

printed shopping list to file your coupons in the same order to make shopping easier. To get the best deals you

will want to always make purchases in groups of two. Once you have your shopping buggy ready, head to the

check out and prepare yourself for an adrenaline rush! Most grocery stores will unload the buggy for you, if

yours does, this is when you can pull out all of your coupons and organize them for the cashier. When your

cashier is ringing them up, make sure to pay attention that they all scan properly. Just remember your cashier is

only human and may not be familiar with coupons yet and always have patience. Once the cashier is done you

will receive your new grand total, if at first you don’t think that you are doing well, just consider that any

savings, even if only 50% is still better than paying full price. The more deals you go out and get and the more

familiar with your local stores and policies you are the easier it will be.

Now go out and get those deals Newbie so you can become a seasoned couponing Expert!

Coupon Quick Start Guide

When you first begin to coupon you are thrilled by the very idea of saving money, but somewhere along the

way, between clipping thousands of coupons and being disappointed at the check-out because you weren’t

properly prepared can be frustrating. Couponing can be overwhelming and confusing at first, there are a few

simple steps you can take to get you started and easily avoid all that unnecessary aggravation.

Get Organized

This is the most important step, because if you aren’t organized before you even leave your house, it will be

chaos at the store. Creating a shopping list and only bringing the coupons on your list when you first start out

will keep you focused and make the transaction easy. Knowing where items are in your store will be a great

benefit; you can organize your coupons for that trip by aisle in the store, making your trip quick and easy.

Keep it Simple & Small

When you are looking at deals, matching your coupons and preparing for a shopping trip, as a beginning

couponer you should keep your deals or transactions small. Eventually you will do huge hauls that make you

grin ear to ear, but for starting out, keep it small and keep it simple. It’s much easier to get the hang of it this

way. Shop only at one store until you are comfortable enough to venture out to other stores.

Get a Stock Pile then Maintain it

It is very easy to get a great stockpile of household products in about 30 days, once you have your stockpile, the

only thing you need to do is maintain it. Remember sale cycles usually come back around every 4-6 weeks, so

if you are running short on money for an item you already have enough of, don’t worry, it will go on sale again

and sometimes at a better price! Depending on the size of family you have would determine how often to shop

the sales and how much of an item you will need once it is on sale. You don’t have to purchase an item every

time it goes on sale, I know how hard it is to pass up an amazing deal, but only you will know your limits.

Know Your Coupon Policies

Knowing your stores coupon policy will save you a lot of time and trouble. Most grocery and drug stores have

their policy online and available for print. If you use the filing method or the binder method for storing your

coupons, you can keep your printed policies in a place easy to locate, so you can call on it for those times that a

specific rule slips the memory. Again, you want to keep it simple, start with one store or drug store, get

comfortable with couponing there, then move on to another store or drug store, until you are completely

comfortable walking into any store with coupons.

Know How to Use Your Coupons

So you have these great coupons and your shopping list, but you are unsure of how to use them. Knowing the

difference between stacking and doubling could be a big difference in dollars. Make sure you read your

coupons, front and back and that you follow their specifics exactly, otherwise when you get to the checkout,

your coupon may not work, and that is not something you want! So always check the size requirements,

specific brands or amount of the product needed so you don’t have an embarrassing time at check out.

Clip & Print your Coupons based on your need for them

What this means is don’t clip and print in excess beyond your need for the item, just because it’s a great

coupon, doesn’t always mean it’s a great deal or an item you would normally use. Printer ink can get very

expensive, so if you are debating whether or not you would use the coupon, save yourself the time and ink and

don’t clip it. If you have a small family, don’t get 10 sets of newspaper inserts every week, try getting four and

see if that will hold you until the next sale cycle.

Be Considerate of Others

It happens so many times; you prepare your coupons and organize your trip, just to get to the store to find empty

shelves. This alone can throw off your entire shopping trip, but don’t worry; most grocery stores and drug

stores will write you a rain check if they are out of a particular item. It is advisable that when you go shopping

to be considerate of other shoppers and couponers like yourself and to not clear out the shelves. If the sale lasts

a week and it is not out of the way, make more than one trip so you don’t clear out every item, or shop at

multiple stores, you can even price match at some retailers, which not only would help the “shelf clearing” but

could also get you a lower total out of pocket price at check out. Shelf clearing tends to happen on the first day

of a great sale and it well populated areas where there are a lot of couponers; most extreme couponers have been

waiting a week in advance to get the deal and hit the stores when they first open and unfortunately buy every bit

of a product if that store or manager will allow it. If all couponers were able to follow this little rule of common

courtesy then there would be a lot more happy couponers, however, this is not a rule, and not all stores set limits

Be Patient and don’t forget to Breathe

The checkout can be thrilling and intense, to keep yourself from having an anxiety attack let your cashier know

before you start that you are going to use coupons. Often times if you let them know ahead of time they can

open up a lane just for you, so to not inconvenience other shoppers. If this doesn’t happen and a disgruntled

shopper is behind you, just try to be polite and smile and don’t take it personally. As each coupon gets scanned

and your total balance gets smaller and smaller, don’t forget to breathe! It is so exciting to fill a grocery cart

with tons of food and house hold products and walk away paying very little, that one very well could pass out!

By following these simple and practical rules of thumb you will be well on your way to savings!

Extreme Couponing

Extreme couponing refers to when a person or person takes couponing to the maximum. The extremist will

maximize every deal for the best savings, utilize every resource for the best deal, save tons of money and have a

huge stockpile. There is a negative stigma in the couponing world surrounding extreme couponers and the

question most asked is “when is it enough?” “When does it stop?” What a lot of folks don’t realize is that some

are couponing for themselves and other family members, some coupon and donate to various organizations and

some coupon to stretch the small amount of money they may have towards groceries each week.

A few things to get you started

-Always shop in groups of two

-Purchase 10 newspaper inserts a week at a minimum. If you can find a local distributor that sells inserts for a

cheaper price than the purchase of the entire newspaper, then that will save you money.

-Create an email address just for couponing, something easy to remember like

[email protected]. The reason you will need to do this, is because any online retailer or

website will want your email address to send you certain coupons and weekly newsletters. Your personal email

account will get flooded, so it makes it easier to separate the two.

-Make sure you have at least 2-3 computers at home, a reliable printer and plenty of ink and paper for printable


-Make sure you get organized and stay organized.

-Know which filing method you are going to use and have it already set up. You will need at least one months’

worth of newspaper inserts to really get you started.

Internet Grocery Clubs and Rewards Cards

Many grocery stores have rewards cards that you can link to your online account with that retailer. They also

have baby clubs, these are where you sign up because you have a baby and they send you coupons periodically.

They will allow you to upload e-coupons to your reward card, when you use it at check out, it automatically

deduct the coupon and you don’t have to clip any coupons. Please consider that digital coupons are usually

only good for one or two items and aren’t effective if you are attempting a stockpile haul. They do however,

make for great filler items. Your list of loaded coupons should also be available to print, then you will know

which ones are available to use, I know I always forget which ones I have loaded once I get in the store and

have been shopping for other things. Every grocery store and drug store reward card is different and has

different rules, make sure you know them exactly before planning a shopping trip. Make sure you link all your

applicable grocery store and drug store reward cards to your Upromise account, this will help maximize your

savings and earn money towards your child’s college education.

What is an IP address and how does it affect my printable coupons?

An IP address is also an Internet Protocol address; this is a series of numbers that are used to identify your

computer, or mobile device. Anything that connects to the internet generates an IP address. When you connect

to the internet you are identified in the simplest terms by your IP address. Now, when it comes to printing

internet coupons, you are usually only allowed to print two coupons per item per computer. 1 computer = 2

coupons, 2 computers = 4 coupons and so on. If you were to attempt to print a third coupon, you would be

denied, and the way it is tracked is by your IP address, there is no way around it. There are some exceptions

where a coupon is in .pdf format and you can print it as much as you, this is rare so DO NOT count on this

happening. Almost all internet printable coupons print your IP address somewhere on them, this is how they

attempt to keep people from committing coupon fraud. Making copies of any coupon is considered fraud, so if

you tried to make copies of a coupon and use them or even trade them to someone else, it would eventually

come back around to you, and you would be found out by your IP address, which is on file with your internet

provider. Just don’t commit coupon fraud, there are such great deals out there that you shouldn’t need to

defraud the system and it’s just not worth going to jail over.

Smart Phone rebate apps

Getting more money back on your purchases after you have already made them is another perk of couponing.

There are several apps that have rebates that change weekly or monthly, when you make the purchase, you just

send in a picture of your receipt, scan the barcode of the item you purchased and it credits your account. Some

pay using PayPal and others pay via a check once you meet a certain dollar amount. The best part about being

paid via PayPal is you can get a debit card or you can just use it as a savings type of account. At the end of the

year with all the rebates you receive you will have extra money for the holidays that took very little effort to get.

Sometimes you will be getting paid to shop and it’s for the things you already love! The following apps are

recommended for use and have been tried and tested and genuinely pay you back! - Get smart, get paid! This is what the page proclaims and with the time and planning put

into using this app alongside your coupons, OMG the savings you will be racking in. This app pays via PayPal. - Start saving on brands you love! Using this app on your smart phone you can

photograph your receipt and scan your items barcode to receive dollar credits to your account. Once you reach

$20 you are eligible to receive a check in the mail. - Private offers in your nearby stores – This app is also a rebate app, using your

smartphones camera to photograph your recipet and barcode scanner to validate your purchase, you receive

money in your account, once you reach a certain amount you can cash it out to PayPal.

Social media websites

If you already have a facebook website and you are going to extreme coupon, then you probably don’t want

your newsfeed cluttered with ads from all the company websites you may visit. Since you created a separate

email address for couponing, use that address and create a second Facebook account. Anytime a coupon link

directs you to a Facebook page to print a coupon, you must first like the page and then you are able to print the

coupon. Now that you have liked the page, you will be notified of any other future discounts, savings and new


Using Facebook groups is also a great way to learn about deals without using a match up site. Members of the

groups post photos and breakdowns of their deals so it will help the visual learner pick it up more quickly.

Don’t limit yourself to one group, jump on several of them, this way you can sit and watch and then pick and

choose what deals you want to do. This is also a great way to find other unadvertised deals that you most likely

would have missed. Just remember you can still only print your coupons twice from one computer, so to get

multiples, you would still need to log on to other computers to the most coupons.

There are a ton of blogs that are dedicated to nothing but couponing, some recommendations have been made to

get you in the right direction, but you may find others that you want to use. Try not to overload yourself with to

many blogs and match up sites, but don’t use just one or two. Not everyone is perfect and the folks writing and

maintaining these blogs are regular people and mistake can happen. You may also find variations in pricing and

what coupons are available depending on your region, but don’t worry, there are so many printables available

that what you missed may still be available.

Couponing on a budget

Most everyone is living on a budget, be it a stay at home mom of three or the couple who is retired and living

on a fixed income and they are always looking for new ways to stretch their dollar, make extra money or live

frugally. Couponing may seem like it can’t be done on a budget, but it can be and without taking up 40 hours of

your week. Once you are seasoned in couponing and are acquainted with the ins and outs of each store you

prefer to shop at, couponing on a budget can be a breeze. The simple reason is you are only maintaining your

stockpile. For every item you have, set a limit for how many you want on the shelf before you purchase more.

Adjusting how much you purchase and how often a sale runs will help you to always have a full stockpile, so

that your shopping trips are only for maintaining the stockpile, purchasing essential items that you don’t have

coupons for (yes this unfortunately happens even to the experts) and picking up any new coupon booklets. As

with any new endeavor you embark on you must practice and practice to gain perfection. It does not happen

overnight and it doesn’t happen on your first couponing trip. Mistakes will be made and that is nothing to

worry about, just don’t give up, because in the long run you are saving so much and that is what makes it worth

it. Each new shopping trip will give you experience and confidence to continue to coupon, so don’t give up if

you don’t save as much as you expected in your first trip.

Be organized and prepared

Use a spread sheet to help you with keeping track of how much you spend on your grocery bill. If you have a

certain amount that you want to spend per month, make that your goal. This will be easily achieved once you

have your stockpile built up, this only take about 30-45 days of shopping good deals. Once you have finished

your shopping trip, input all your receipts information, grand total, savings and what you paid after coupons, at

the end of the year, you will be completely amazed at how much you saved, just by purchasing in bulk when

there is a sale and maintaining your stockpile. Check out any match up sites that release the new sales ad ahead

of time, even 24 hours before a sale can give you a great head start on what you want to shop for during that

sale cycle. Also remember sale cycles last about 4-6 weeks, as one stores sale stops another stores sale will start

and often times for the same items, so if you miss the sale, you will have another chance at it.

Couponing with WIC

Since the WIC program is a federally regulated program, anytime a woman gets approved for the WIC program

she is told that she can use coupons to help decrease the grand total at check out. Not many women actually

take the time to do this, because they consider the food as “free”, but if we use coupons on these items we can

help save money for the program, so that it doesn’t get phased out and we lose it completely. Couponing is a

simple way to do this, There are coupons for bread, milk, eggs, cereal (hot and cold), baby food and formula

and much more that WIC provides. Also, once you have used WIC to make these purchases, you can use your

smart phone and get rebates on your milk, bread and other items, all you have to do is sign up and submit your

receipt. It may seem like a waste of time to use coupons on items that you don’t have to pay for; but that small

savings may help another mother who is in need of WIC services, get what she needs, sort of like a “pay it

forward” mind set.

Couponing with Food Stamps/EBT/Snap benefits

Using coupons along with all of your coupons and in store deals or discounts is an excellent way to stretch the

benefits you get. In my personal experiences with using food stamps, I get $100 a month and have consistently

been able to purchase $300 or more in groceries. That is a significant difference had I not used coupons! That

is a considerable amount of food if you actually look at what you are purchasing. The price of food is not

cheap, so when you are able to stretch the amount you get and make it go farther, it can help greatly. An added

perk to couponing is most products are name brand or new items and they are available for next to nothing and

sometimes even free, so you get to try new things even on a budget.

Couponing at Publix (Guide Sheet)

Where are Publix Grocery Stores Located?

Florida (760 stores), Georgia (182 stores), Alabama (55 stores), South Carolina (49 stores), North Carolina (2

stores), Tennessee (36 stores)

First things you need to know

1. Coupon Policy

2. What competitor coupons are accepted

3. Have you linked your Upromise account?

4. Have you uploaded all your e-coupons or digital coupons?

5. Did you print/clip all necessary coupons and prepare your shopping list?

Publix coupon policy Basics – Click the link to see it in full

-Publix allows stacking

-Publix in certain regions allows doubling – Florida does not double

-Publix will accept competitor coupons

-Publix will accept a competitor’s coupon for their private label brand; this means you can use the coupon to

purchase Publix brand items.

Knowing what competitor coupons your Publix will accept

-This is as easy as contacting your Publix via phone and asking them what competitor coupons they take or if

have one in a convenient location there will be a sign on the front of the store that will have a list of competitor

coupons they accept.

-Click the link to do a search for your closest Publix, displays address and phone


What is a Upromise account?

This is a way to earn money towards your child college and get great coupons for your purchases. Many people

don’t know it, but Publix takes part in this all you have to do is ask your customer service or cashier. They will

activate your card at the register and then you go home and log on to and link your card to

your account. They have lots of great coupons you load straight to your card, and then just use it at check out.

What are e-coupons?

Publix offers digital coupons that you load to your Publix account; they are accessed at checkout by using your

10 digit telephone number. These are only good for one item or two depending on the specifics of the coupon.

These would not be good for extreme couponing deals, but better for that last minute item you needed but didn’t

have a clipped coupon for. The best thing to do with these coupons is to clip all of them and if you don’t use

them it doesn’t count against you, but if you do use them, then you have saved even more off your total with

little effort.

Are you prepared to go shopping?

Make sure you have all your coupons ready, the Publix website also has a shopping list that you can use on the website or their app for Iphone or Android

and can be printed. Make sure you have all your digital coupons uploaded and head out to grab those deals!

Couponing at Walgreens (Guide Sheet)

Coupon Policy Basics

Click here for the full Coupon Policy

-Walgreens accepts one manufacturer’s coupon per item

-Walgreens accepts one store or Walgreens coupon per item

-Walgreens will allow you to stack a Walgreens store coupon with a manufacturer’s coupon

-Walgreens does not accept any competitor coupons

Printable Coupons

Occasionally Walgreens will have store coupons available to print from your computer. A user would be

allowed to print two coupons per item. Other coupons available will be manufacturer’s coupons, so be sure to

look for the Walgreens logo on the coupon before you clip and print it.

Reward Card

Walgreens has a reward card that gives discounts, coupons, email discounts and coupons and mailers sent to

your home. You can link your card to your online account to keep track of how many reward points you have

accumulated. Any sales or weekly deals that are posted in the weekly sales circular will be auto deducted once

you scan your reward card at the checkout.

Register Rewards

You can only earn these on specific items, usually indicated in the weekly circular. They will only be printed

for items that are currently in stock. You may only use one Register Reward per offer, per customer, per

transaction. Customers can only redeem one Register Reward per offer. These are great ways to get other

items in the store, but are not for multiple item purchases, and have an expiration date. Register Rewards have

limitations and restrictions, so get familiar with the entire policy before you plan a trip. Register Rewards are

considered to be manufacturer coupons, so you can only use one per item and/or stack with a Walgreens store


Walgreens App

Available on google play for android is a Walgreens App. This app has multiple features available, including

access to the weekly ad and creating a shopping list.

Walgreen coupon booklets

There are multiple booklets around the store, check every single aisle because these booklets have great

coupons in them. Some are Walgreens store coupons and some are manufacturer coupons that you can use at

other retailers. If you check the back you will see a coupon redemption policy and the front will have a

scanable barcode. There is also a monthly coupon booklet that is issued, the best part about coupons in this

booklet and the weekly ad, is that you only need one coupon when checking out. The register will

automatically take off the coupons discount for every item.

Last check before going to the store

Make sure you have all the coupons you need for the items you are purchasing. You should have an equal

number of manufacturer coupons as items you are purchasing. Check the expiration dates on any coupons that

were in booklets to make sure there isn’t a mishap at the register.

Couponing at CVS (Guide Sheet)

Coupon Policy Basics

-Accepts one manufacturer coupon and one CVS store coupon per item purchased.

-Does not accept any competitor coupons

-Does not accept percent off coupons

-Accepts coupons for items that are on sale

Extra Care Bucks

-Users can setup an online account and link it to the Extra Care Bucks card, by doing so you will receive weekly

emails about deals and printable coupons. You will also receive Extra Care reward coupons that can be loaded

directly to your card, and you scan it at check out. Also, sign up for quarterly Extra Care boost rewards that

give you Extra care bucks for purchases you have made during a particular time period. Extra care buck can be

earned on various items and have specific restrictions and limitations. You must meet certain criteria in

purchases to earn the extra care bucks. They will print out on your receipt for use at your next transaction;

make sure you don’t throw them away. Extra care bucks have an expiration as well, usually about 30 days from

the day it is printed, so you have to be sure you use them before you lose them. For more information about

extra care bucks refer to the complete coupon policy at


Buy One Get One Free

CVS accepts two coupons on a BOGO promotion. Such as a $1.00 off the purchase of 1 coupon, two of these

coupons would be accepted with the BOGO deal as long as two items are purchased and the coupons match.

CVS will also accept a BOGO coupon on an item when they are running a BOGO sale. If the BOGO coupon

matches the BOGO deal then you will get both items for free and pay the applicable taxes for your area.

Printed at home coupons

CVS accepts coupons printed from home as long as they have a scanable barcode and meet all other applicable

coupon requirements.

Magic Coupon Machine

This awesome little device will print various coupons for you to use and is located at the store. Just walk up to

it and scan your CVS extra care card and it will print out your coupons. Always scan your card twice, because

often times it will print out even more coupons! Be sure to check your weekly at for the newest deals printing

at the coupon machine. Awesome deals ranging in free toilet paper, cheap laundry soap and much more!

Heading to the store

Don’t forget that you can use a manufacturer coupon, a CVS store coupon, your extra care card and extra care

bucks on your transaction. Depending on your transaction you may actually earn more extra care bucks with

diligent and patient planning. Make sure when you get to the store to check out the clearance section for even

more added discounts and savings.

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