beginnings of the cold war the problems of peace potsdam conference potsdam conference –allies...

Beginnings of the Cold Beginnings of the Cold War War The Problems of Peace The Problems of Peace Potsdam Conference Potsdam Conference Allies agreed to temporarily divide Allies agreed to temporarily divide Germany Germany and and Berlin Berlin into four zones of occupation into four zones of occupation Allies worked together to establish a plan Allies worked together to establish a plan to rid Germany of any remnants of the Nazi to rid Germany of any remnants of the Nazi Party and Nazi beliefs through the Party and Nazi beliefs through the Nuremberg trials Nuremberg trials Allies worked on a plan for Germany to pay Allies worked on a plan for Germany to pay reparations for the destruction caused by reparations for the destruction caused by the war the war

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Beginnings of the Cold WarBeginnings of the Cold War

The Problems of PeaceThe Problems of Peace Potsdam ConferencePotsdam Conference

– Allies agreed to temporarily divide Allies agreed to temporarily divide GermanyGermany and and Berlin Berlin into four zones of occupationinto four zones of occupation

– Allies worked together to establish a plan to rid Allies worked together to establish a plan to rid Germany of any remnants of the Nazi Party Germany of any remnants of the Nazi Party and Nazi beliefs through the and Nazi beliefs through the Nuremberg trialsNuremberg trials

– Allies worked on a plan for Germany to pay Allies worked on a plan for Germany to pay reparations for the destruction caused by the reparations for the destruction caused by the warwar

Beginnings of the Cold WarBeginnings of the Cold War

The Allies conflicted over what to do with The Allies conflicted over what to do with the rest of Europethe rest of Europe

– Soviet Union believed they needed a buffer Soviet Union believed they needed a buffer zone of friendly governments in Eastern zone of friendly governments in Eastern Europe to guard against another such attack; Europe to guard against another such attack; Stalin promised to respect the rights of Stalin promised to respect the rights of people in Eastern Europe to choose their own people in Eastern Europe to choose their own governmentsgovernments

– American and British leaders believed that American and British leaders believed that Stalin planned to establish Stalin planned to establish pro-Soviet pro-Soviet Communist governments Communist governments

Beginnings of the Cold WarBeginnings of the Cold War

The Conflict WorsensThe Conflict Worsens Cold War: Cold War: an era of high tension and bitter an era of high tension and bitter

rivalry between the US and the Soviet Unionrivalry between the US and the Soviet Union in the decades following World War IIin the decades following World War II– struggle of power and control between two struggle of power and control between two

nations with very different forms of government, nations with very different forms of government, economic systems and ways of lifeeconomic systems and ways of life

– Cold War, in short, was a conflict between Cold War, in short, was a conflict between command ommunism command ommunism and and capitalist democracycapitalist democracy

Winston ChurchillWinston Churchill used the image of an used the image of an iron iron curtaincurtain to describe the sharp division of to describe the sharp division of Europe that was the result of Soviet actionsEurope that was the result of Soviet actions

Beginnings of the Cold WarBeginnings of the Cold War

Truman Doctrine: Truman Doctrine: a pledge to a pledge to provide economic and military aid to provide economic and military aid to oppose the spread of communismoppose the spread of communism

US was committed to helping free US was committed to helping free peoples resist takeover by “armed peoples resist takeover by “armed minorities or outside pressuresminorities or outside pressures

US launched the US launched the Marshall PlanMarshall Plan: plan : plan for the economic reconstruction of for the economic reconstruction of Europe after WWIIEurope after WWII

Beginnings of the Cold WarBeginnings of the Cold War

Cold War ConfrontationsCold War Confrontations containment: containment: involved resisting Soviet aggression involved resisting Soviet aggression

in order to contain the spread of communismin order to contain the spread of communism Western leaders began to plan for the creation of Western leaders began to plan for the creation of

an independent democratic German nation to be an independent democratic German nation to be formed from the three western zones of formed from the three western zones of occupationoccupation

Soviets blocked off all routes into West Berlin to Soviets blocked off all routes into West Berlin to prevent any supplies to come into the cityprevent any supplies to come into the city

Westerners organized the Westerners organized the Berlin AirliftBerlin Airlift: a massive : a massive effort to supply West Berlin by aireffort to supply West Berlin by air

Beginnings of the Cold WarBeginnings of the Cold War

US, Canada and most of Western US, Canada and most of Western Europe joined together to in a military Europe joined together to in a military alliancealliance– NATO: NATO: a defensive military alliance of a defensive military alliance of

twelve Western nations formed planned to twelve Western nations formed planned to establish a democratic government in West establish a democratic government in West Berlin (Western military alliance) Berlin (Western military alliance)

Warsaw Pact: Warsaw Pact: a military alliance of the a military alliance of the Soviet-dominated countries of Eastern Soviet-dominated countries of Eastern EuropeEurope

Beginnings of the Cold WarBeginnings of the Cold War Allies agreed to temporarily divide Allies agreed to temporarily divide Korea Korea in in

halfhalf– Soviets established Communist government in Soviets established Communist government in

the the northernnorthern half half– US supported a non-Communist regime in the US supported a non-Communist regime in the

southernsouthern half half – North Korea attacked South Korea in order to North Korea attacked South Korea in order to

unite Korea under a Communist governmentunite Korea under a Communist government– Chinese communists gave aid to North Korea and Chinese communists gave aid to North Korea and

able to push UN troops back out of North Koreaable to push UN troops back out of North Korea– war settled into a war settled into a stalemate stalemate and then agreed to and then agreed to

an an armisticearmistice in 1953 in 1953

Superpower RivalriesSuperpower Rivalries

The Arms Race BeginsThe Arms Race Begins West received news of a successful West received news of a successful

Soviet test of an atomic bombSoviet test of an atomic bomb US tested the first fusion powered US tested the first fusion powered

hydrogen bombhydrogen bomb US and Soviets increased their US and Soviets increased their

stockpiles of nuclear weaponsstockpiles of nuclear weapons

Superpower RivalriesSuperpower Rivalries

Both sides used the strategy of Both sides used the strategy of deterrencedeterrence– the development of or maintenance of the development of or maintenance of

military power to deter, or prevent, an military power to deter, or prevent, an attackattack

US and the Soviet Union were locked in US and the Soviet Union were locked in an arms race:an arms race:– a struggle between nations to gain an a struggle between nations to gain an

advantage in weaponsadvantage in weapons Soviet Union launched SputnikSoviet Union launched Sputnik

– history’s first artificial satellitehistory’s first artificial satellite

Superpower RivalriesSuperpower Rivalries US government established the National US government established the National

Aeronautics and Space Administration or Aeronautics and Space Administration or NASANASA

people built people built bomb sheltersbomb shelters to protect them to protect them from a nuclear explosionfrom a nuclear explosion

Red Scare: Red Scare: Americans feared possible Americans feared possible Communist influence in the US governmentCommunist influence in the US government

McCarthyMcCarthy: led the effort to expose : led the effort to expose Communists in the American film industry Communists in the American film industry and government, accusing many innocent and government, accusing many innocent people of Communist activitiespeople of Communist activities

Superpower RivalriesSuperpower Rivalries

Cold War Around the WarCold War Around the War Vietnam:Vietnam:

– France sought to reestablish its former France sought to reestablish its former colonial control over Southeast Asiacolonial control over Southeast Asia

– Communist rebels fought back forcing the Communist rebels fought back forcing the French to give up control of VietnamFrench to give up control of Vietnam

– Vietnam was temporarily divided into Vietnam was temporarily divided into northern (northern (Communist controlledCommunist controlled) and ) and southern (southern (anti-Communistanti-Communist) halves) halves

– US supported the US supported the southsouth and sent military and sent military aidaid

Superpower RivalriesSuperpower Rivalries

Berlin:Berlin:– Soviets began to build the Soviets began to build the Berlin WallBerlin Wall– also became a symbol of also became a symbol of the brutality of the brutality of

the Communist systemthe Communist system

Superpower RivalriesSuperpower Rivalries CubaCuba

– rebels under the leadership of rebels under the leadership of Fidel CastroFidel Castro overthrew overthrew Cuba’s dictator and installed aCuba’s dictator and installed a Communist Communist government government

– Castro established a centrally planned economy and Castro established a centrally planned economy and forged close ties with the forged close ties with the Soviet UnionSoviet Union

– Bay of Pigs invasionBay of Pigs invasion: the failed attempt of Cuban exiles : the failed attempt of Cuban exiles backed by the US to overthrow the Cuban socialist backed by the US to overthrow the Cuban socialist government of Fidel Castrogovernment of Fidel Castro

– Cuban missile crisisCuban missile crisis: confrontation between the US and : confrontation between the US and the Soviet Union over the Soviet missiles in Cubathe Soviet Union over the Soviet missiles in Cuba

– Soviet leaders removed the missiles when the US agreed Soviet leaders removed the missiles when the US agreed to remove US missiles from Turkey and promised not to to remove US missiles from Turkey and promised not to attack Cubaattack Cuba

Superpower RivalriesSuperpower Rivalries Other:Other:

– Egypt angered the West by taking over the Suez CanalEgypt angered the West by taking over the Suez Canal– AfricaAfrica– Central/South AmericaCentral/South America

nonaligned nationsnonaligned nations: nations who refused to ally with : nations who refused to ally with either side in the Cold War between the US and the either side in the Cold War between the US and the Soviet UnionSoviet Union

Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon and Reagan Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon and Reagan all worked to promote the limitation of nuclear all worked to promote the limitation of nuclear weapons through various methods: Open Skies weapons through various methods: Open Skies Treaty, Test Ban Treaty, détente, SALT I/II, Missile Treaty, Test Ban Treaty, détente, SALT I/II, Missile Defense System (Star Wars), Intermediate-Range Defense System (Star Wars), Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces TreatyNuclear Forces Treaty

Finally, the relationship between the Soviet Union Finally, the relationship between the Soviet Union and the US was beginning to improveand the US was beginning to improve

Changing SocietyChanging Society

North AmericaNorth America Economic ChangesEconomic Changes

– US citizens bought a lot of consumer goodsUS citizens bought a lot of consumer goods– During the 1970s there was inflation and During the 1970s there was inflation and

high unemployment along with a spike in oil high unemployment along with a spike in oil pricesprices

– Unemployment dropped in the 1980s but Unemployment dropped in the 1980s but the national debt grew sharplythe national debt grew sharply

– US companies closed factories which led to US companies closed factories which led to a loss of jobs but increased jobs in the a loss of jobs but increased jobs in the service sectorservice sector

Changing SocietyChanging Society Social changesSocial changes

– GI Bill of Rights: a law that helped millions of GI Bill of Rights: a law that helped millions of American veterans attend college and make a American veterans attend college and make a livingliving

– baby boom occurredbaby boom occurred– Truman ordered the military to desegregateTruman ordered the military to desegregate– Brown v Board of Education: a court case that Brown v Board of Education: a court case that

ruled schools needed to desegregatedruled schools needed to desegregated– Civil Rights MovementCivil Rights Movement– women’s movement emergedwomen’s movement emerged– counterculture: a rebellion of teenagers and young counterculture: a rebellion of teenagers and young

adults against mainstream American society adults against mainstream American society

Changing SocietyChanging Society

Western EuropeWestern Europe Western Europe lay in ruins but due to the Western Europe lay in ruins but due to the

Marshall Plan they were able to restore to Marshall Plan they were able to restore to some economic powersome economic power

NATO helped unify many European nations NATO helped unify many European nations in a strong military alliance with the US and in a strong military alliance with the US and CanadaCanada

Western European countries undertook Western European countries undertook broader efforts to develop a single regional broader efforts to develop a single regional market free of trade barriers and with market free of trade barriers and with unified economic policies (European unified economic policies (European Economic Community or the Common Economic Community or the Common Market)Market)

Changing SocietyChanging Society

Eastern Europe and the Soviet UnionEastern Europe and the Soviet Union Soviet Union had a centrally planned Soviet Union had a centrally planned

economy or a command economyeconomy or a command economy– command economy: command economy: the government controls the government controls

all economic decisions all economic decisions Khrushchev Khrushchev “de-Stalinzed” but continued “de-Stalinzed” but continued

it it Soviet leaders put down several revolts Soviet leaders put down several revolts

and protests throughout Eastern Europeand protests throughout Eastern Europe Poland used the Solidarity in order to Poland used the Solidarity in order to

protest Soviet controlprotest Soviet control

Changing SocietyChanging Society

Government planners set production goals Government planners set production goals without thinking about the needs of the without thinking about the needs of the statestate

GorbachevGorbachev proposed two concepts: proposed two concepts: glasnost and perestroikaglasnost and perestroika

Gorbachev also pursued arms control Gorbachev also pursued arms control agreements with the US, reduced central agreements with the US, reduced central planning, introduced some free-market planning, introduced some free-market mechanisms and urged local leaders to mechanisms and urged local leaders to adopt reforms to Communismadopt reforms to Communism

Changing SocietyChanging Society

Eastern European countries soon began to Eastern European countries soon began to revoltrevolt– Velvet Revolution: a quick, peaceful revolution Velvet Revolution: a quick, peaceful revolution

that swept the Communists from power in that swept the Communists from power in CzechoslovakiaCzechoslovakia

– Poland: Solidarity movement led to free electionsPoland: Solidarity movement led to free elections– Romania was one location where there was Romania was one location where there was

bloodshedbloodshed East Germans fled to Hungary in order to East Germans fled to Hungary in order to

move back into West Germany, which led to move back into West Germany, which led to the the fall of the Berlin Wallfall of the Berlin Wall in in 19891989

After the Cold WarAfter the Cold War

The Breakup of the Soviet UnionThe Breakup of the Soviet Union Soviet Union had Soviet Union had 15 15 separate separate

republics, who all wanted their republics, who all wanted their independenceindependence

Soviet leaders sought to end Soviet leaders sought to end Gorbachev’s reforms and preserve the Gorbachev’s reforms and preserve the Soviet Union by taking over the Soviet Soviet Union by taking over the Soviet government in a coup d’etatgovernment in a coup d’etat

Boris YeltsinBoris Yeltsin, leader of the republic of , leader of the republic of Russia, opposed this ideaRussia, opposed this idea

After the Cold WarAfter the Cold War

At the end of 1991 the Soviet At the end of 1991 the Soviet government had ceased to functiongovernment had ceased to function

12 of the republics eventually united 12 of the republics eventually united in a loose confederation known as the in a loose confederation known as the Commonwealth of Independent StatesCommonwealth of Independent States

Soviet UnionSoviet Union no longer existed and no longer existed and the Cold War was over, the Cold War was over, communismcommunism ended in the former Soviet republicsended in the former Soviet republics

After the Cold WarAfter the Cold War

Yeltsin began to reform the economy and Yeltsin began to reform the economy and make it more make it more capitalisticcapitalistic– He allowed private ownership of business and He allowed private ownership of business and

landland– Business owners and workers received more Business owners and workers received more

freedom to take advantage of economic freedom to take advantage of economic opportunityopportunity

– Prices rose and most Russians could not afford Prices rose and most Russians could not afford to buy productsto buy products

Two main issues bubbled to the top: Two main issues bubbled to the top: Ethnic Ethnic unrestunrest and the need for and the need for new governmentsnew governments

After the Cold WarAfter the Cold WarEurope after CommunismEurope after Communism Due to Communistic control, ethnic and religious Due to Communistic control, ethnic and religious

tensions were suppressed in Yugoslaviatensions were suppressed in Yugoslavia Serbs tried to prevent the break-up of Yugoslavia Serbs tried to prevent the break-up of Yugoslavia

but led to a larger conflictbut led to a larger conflict The most violent wars took place in The most violent wars took place in BosniaBosnia and and

HerzegovinaHerzegovina because they declared because they declared independence from Yugoslaviaindependence from Yugoslavia

Serbs used ethnic cleansing to get rid of Serbs used ethnic cleansing to get rid of Bosnian Bosnian MuslimsMuslims– Ethnic cleansing: Ethnic cleansing: the elimination of an ethnic group the elimination of an ethnic group

from society through killing or forced immigrationfrom society through killing or forced immigration US sent a diplomat to help resolve this conflict, US sent a diplomat to help resolve this conflict,

which ended in 1995which ended in 1995

After the Cold WarAfter the Cold War Soon another conflict emerged in Soon another conflict emerged in KosovoKosovo

– SerbsSerbs and ethnic and ethnic AlbaniansAlbanians fought over control of the fought over control of the areaarea

– Peace negotiations failed and led to NATO bombing the Peace negotiations failed and led to NATO bombing the area but Kosovo still remains a province of Serbiaarea but Kosovo still remains a province of Serbia

People started new businesses but many are not People started new businesses but many are not earning enough money to support themselves or earning enough money to support themselves or are unemployed causing them to move to are unemployed causing them to move to Western Europe to compete with others there for Western Europe to compete with others there for jobsjobs

Europe established the Europe established the European UnionEuropean Union, which is , which is a political and economic union among the nations a political and economic union among the nations of Europeof Europe

After the Cold WarAfter the Cold War

The United States TodayThe United States Today Economy:Economy:

– Unemployment was low, Budget deficits Unemployment was low, Budget deficits shrank, Economic success was due to the shrank, Economic success was due to the developments in computer technologydevelopments in computer technology

– Concerns of the new century include: high Concerns of the new century include: high energy costs, increased government energy costs, increased government spending and a rising national debt, gap spending and a rising national debt, gap between the rich and poor and high between the rich and poor and high unemployment rateunemployment rate

After the Cold WarAfter the Cold War

New ConflictsNew Conflicts– New conflict in the Middle EastNew conflict in the Middle East

Saddam Hussein attacked KuwaitSaddam Hussein attacked Kuwait negotiations failed and the US sent troops negotiations failed and the US sent troops

into the into the Persian Gulf WarPersian Gulf War– coalition troops quickly freed Kuwaitcoalition troops quickly freed Kuwait

– US took part in peacekeeping efforts US took part in peacekeeping efforts around the worldaround the world

After the Cold WarAfter the Cold War

War on TerrorWar on Terror– US was hit by terrorists throughout the US was hit by terrorists throughout the

1990s1990s– These hits were planned attacks by These hits were planned attacks by al al

QaedaQaeda led by led by Osama bin LadenOsama bin Laden Islamist terrorist organizationIslamist terrorist organization

– 9/119/11

After the Cold WarAfter the Cold War

– US responded by attacking al Qaeda and US responded by attacking al Qaeda and TalibanTaliban TalibanTaliban: a group that was then governing : a group that was then governing

Afghanistan according to a strict interpretation Afghanistan according to a strict interpretation of Islamic lawof Islamic law

– Bush went into Iraq to find weapons in Bush went into Iraq to find weapons in 2003 but weren’t able to find any such 2003 but weren’t able to find any such weaponsweapons

– It will take some years before Iraq is able It will take some years before Iraq is able to stand alone without help from the US or to stand alone without help from the US or any other countryany other country