behavior of reinforced concrete beams with minimum torsional reinforcement

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  • 8/11/2019 Behavior of reinforced concrete beams with minimum torsional reinforcement


    Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 21932205

    Behavior of reinforced concrete beams with minimumtorsional reinforcement

    Hao-Jan Chiu, I-Kuang Fang, Wen-Tang Young, Jyh-Kun Shiau

    Department of Civil Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, 701, Taiwan, ROC

    Received 17 February 2006; received in revised form 9 October 2006; accepted 8 November 2006

    Available online 22 December 2006


    An experimental investigation was conducted on the behavior of thirteen high-(HSC) and normal-strength concrete (NSC) full-size beams

    with relatively low amounts of torsional reinforcement. The crack patterns, the maximum crack widths at service load level, torsional strength,

    torsional ductility, and post-cracking reserve strength results of the experiments are discussed. The main parameters include the volumetric ratio

    of torsional reinforcements, the compressive strength of the concrete, and the aspect ratio of the cross section. It was found that the adequacy

    of the post-cracking reserve strength for specimens with relatively low amounts of torsional reinforcement is primarily related to the ratio of the

    transverse to the longitudinal reinforcement factors in addition to the total amounts of torsional reinforcement. The minimum requirements of

    torsional reinforcement for NSC beams proposed by other researchers are also discussed on the basis of our test results of both HSC and NSC

    beams.c 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Keywords:High strength concrete; Reinforced concrete beam; Torsion

    1. Introduction

    Structural elements such as spandrel beams in buildings,

    curved beams, and eccentrically loaded box girders in bridges

    are subjected to significant torsional moments that affect their

    strength and deformation. The torsion design provisions in

    the ACI Building Code before 1995 were based on the skew-

    bending theory [1]. Since 1995, the design for torsion is based

    on the thin-walled tube [2], and space truss analogy[3], which

    covers both prestressed and nonprestressed concrete members.

    The torsional cracking strength Tcr includes the effects of

    concrete compressive strength, solid or hollow cross section,and level of axial or prestressing force.

    Unlike the 1989 version of the ACI 318 Code [4], the

    contribution of concrete to the ultimate torsional strength in a

    structural concrete member was neglected, whereas the nominal

    torsional moment strength specified in the ACI 318-05 Code [5]

    is proportional to the amounts of transverse and longitudinal

    Corresponding author. Tel.: +886 6 2757575x63163; fax: +886 6 2080565.E-mail address:[email protected](I.-K. Fang).

    reinforcements, and the angle of the compression diagonals.

    The code provisions also assume that both longitudinal and

    transverse reinforcements yield prior to the ultimate strength

    stage. Furthermore, the maximum shear stress is specified to

    control the crack width. To prevent brittle and sudden failures

    upon the formation of the first inclined cracking, the minimum

    amount of transverse reinforcement specified in ACI 318-

    05 Code [5] includes the effect of compressive strength of

    concrete. Nevertheless, the test data used to validate the above

    specification were primarily based on the beams subjected

    to pure shear [68]. More details about the torsion design

    provision in ACI 318-05 will be introduced in the followingparagraph.

    Recently, Ali and White [9] proposed that the minimum tor-

    sional reinforcement specified in the ACI 318-95 Code [10]

    could result in a negative calculated minimum longitudinal rein-

    forcement and cause unnecessary confusion to designers. Thus,

    they suggested that the minimum required torsional reinforce-

    ment should be a function of the torsional cracking strength.

    Koutchoukai and Belarbi [11]investigated the effect of high-

    strength concrete on the torsional cracking strength Tcr. They

    also proposed the minimum required torsional reinforcement

    0141-0296/$ - see front matter c 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2006.11.004[email protected]://[email protected]://
  • 8/11/2019 Behavior of reinforced concrete beams with minimum torsional reinforcement


    2194 H.-J. Chiu et al. / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 21932205


    Acp area enclosed by outside perimeter of concrete

    cross section, mm2

    Ag gross area of concrete cross section, mm2. For a

    hollow section,A gis the area of the concrete only

    and does not include the area of void(s).Al total area of longitudinal reinforcement to resist

    torsion, mm2

    Al,min (ACI) minimum area of total longitudinal reinforce-

    ment required for torsion, mm2

    Ao gross area enclosed by shear flow path, mm2

    Aoh area enclosed by centerline of the outermost

    closed transverse torsional reinforcement, mm2

    At area of one leg of a closed stirrup resisting torsion

    within a distances , mm2

    At,min (ACI) minimum cross-sectional area of one leg of

    closed stirrups, mm2

    bw web width, or diameter of circular section, mmfc specified compressive strength of concrete, MPa

    fyl yield strength of longitudinal torsional reinforce-

    ment, MPa

    fyv yield strength of closed transverse torsional

    reinforcement, MPa

    pcp outside perimeter of the concrete cross sec-

    tion, mm

    ph perimeter of centerline of outermost closed

    transverse torsional reinforcement, mm

    s spacing of torsional reinforcement measured in

    a direction parallel to longitudinal reinforce-

    ment, mm

    Tcr torsional cracking moment under pure torsion,kN m

    Tn nominal torsional moment strength, kN m

    x1 shorter overall dimension of rectangular part of

    cross section, mm

    y1 longer overall dimension of rectangular part of

    cross section, mm

    angle of compression diagonals in truss analogy

    for torsion

    associated with the minimum required torsional strength to the

    torsional cracking strength.Experimental investigations on the torsional behavior of

    reinforced concrete beams with relatively lower amounts of

    transverse and longitudinal reinforcement are limited. The

    effects of the ratio of transverse to longitudinal reinforcement

    on the post-cracking reserve strength and crack control under

    service conditions for members with the minimum amount

    of torsional reinforcement still need to be discussed in the

    literature. Therefore, this paper presents the test results of our

    investigation of the behavior of reinforced concrete beams with

    relatively low levels of torsional reinforcement and evaluates

    the minimum torsional reinforcement provision in the ACI 318


    2. Research significance

    The crack patterns, crack width, post-cracking reserve

    strength, and torsional ductility for NSC and HSC beams

    with lower amounts of torsional reinforcement under pure

    torsion were investigated. The main parameters included the

    volumetric ratio of transverse to longitudinal reinforcement,compressive strength of concrete, aspect ratio of the cross

    section, and hollow and solid sections. The minimum

    requirements of torsional reinforcement for NSC beams

    proposed by other researchers are also discussed according to

    the test results.

    3. Brief introduction of torsion design in the ACI 318-05


    The design provisions for torsional cracking strength for

    the nonprestressed concrete beam in ACI 318-05 Code [5]are

    specified as follows:

    Tcr =





    for solid section (1)

    Tcr =







    for hollow section. (2)

    Upon torsional cracking, the ACI 318-05 Code assumes that

    the torsional resistance of a structural concrete member is pro-

    vided mainly by closed stirrups, longitudinal reinforcements,

    and compression diagonals, which construct a space truss. In

    accordance with the space truss analogy and current torsion de-

    sign provisions, the torsional strength and the required longitu-dinal reinforcement are specified as follows. The angle of the

    compression diagonal is specified as varying from 30 to 60


    Tn =2AtAofyv

    scot (3)

    Ao = 0.85Aoh (4)

    Al =At




    cot2 . (5)

    The ACI 318-05 Code requires a minimum amount of

    torsional reinforcement to provide the torsional resistance when

    the factored torsional moment exceeds the threshold torque

    specified in Section 11.6.1 of the code. For pure torsion,

    the minimum amount of closed stirrups is specified by the

    following two equations, depending on whichever is greater:

    2At,min (ACI) = 0.062



    2At,min (ACI) 0.35bws

    fyv. (7)

    According to the Eq. (6), we find that the effect of the

    compressive strength of concrete has been included in the

    design of the minimum amount of transverse reinforcement.

  • 8/11/2019 Behavior of reinforced concrete beams with minimum torsional reinforcement


    H.-J. Chiu et al. / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 21932205 2195

    Fig. 1(a). Comparison of minimum transverse reinforcement requirements for

    pure torsion.

    The current design code also specifies the following minimum

    longitudinal torsional reinforcement.

    Al,min (ACI) =5







    fyl. (8)

    In order to ensure the development of the ultimate torsional

    strength, to control crack width, and to prevent excessive

    loss of torsional stiffness after the cracking of the reinforced

    concrete member, the ACI 318-05 Code specifies the maximum

    spacing of the torsional reinforcement in Section 11.6.6. The

    spacing of transverse torsional reinforcement shall not exceed

    the smaller of ph /8 or 305 mm. In addition, the provision of

    the longitudinal reinforcement required for torsion is specified

    in Section of the ACI 318-05.

    The effects of the concrete compressive strength on theminimum transverse, longitudinal, and total amount of torsional

    reinforcement requirements specified in the current and older

    versions of the ACI 318 Code are compared inFigs. 1(a)1(c).

    4. Experimental program

    4.1. Specimen details

    Thirteen beam specimens, having rectangular cross sections

    of 420 420 mm (y/x = 1.0), 350 500 mm (y/x = 1.43),

    and 250 700 mm (y/x = 2.8), were constructed in the

    laboratory and tested under pure torsion. The details, includingthe identification and design parameters of the specimens are

    shown in Figs. 2(a) and 2(b) and Table 1. A clear concrete

    cover to the outer surface of stirrups was 20 mm. Additional

    transverse reinforcement was placed at both ends of the beam,

    so that failure would occur in the central test region of the beam.

    The test zone was 1.6 m wide to allow at least one complete

    helical crack to form along each beam specimen.

    The primary parameters consisted of the: (1) ratios of

    transverse and longitudinal reinforcement (t= 0.13%0.61%,

    l = 0.43%0.91%); (2) compressive strength of concrete

    (fc = 3578 MPa); (3) aspect ratio of the cross section (A-

    series (y/x = 1.0), B-series (y/x = 1.43), and C-series

    Fig. 1(b). Comparison of minimum longitudinal reinforcement requirements

    for pure torsion.

    Fig. 1(c). Comparison of minimum torsional reinforcement requirements.

    (y/x = 2.8)); and (4) hollow (H) and solid (S) sections.

    In addition, we use the ratio of transverse to longitudinal

    reinforcement factors t fyv /l fyl , the volumetric ratio of

    the torsional reinforcements including the effect of the yield

    strength of the reinforcement, to investigate the behavior of

    the reinforced concrete beams with lower amounts of torsional

    reinforcement subjected to pure torsion.

    The HSC specimen HBS-82-13 inTable 1,designed with the

    minimum amount of transverse reinforcement and maximum

    spacing of transverse reinforcement (ph /8 = 190 mm) of

    the ACI 318-05 Code [5], i.e., At/s = (At/s)min,(ACI)(t =

    0.13%) and Al = 1.52 Al,min,(ACI)(l = 0.82%), hadits sum of torsional reinforcement ratios total = 0.95%.

    Similarly, the NSC specimen NBS-82-13 was designed with the

    maximum spacing of the transverse torsional reinforcements

    (ph /8 = 190 mm), having At/s = 1.39(At/s)min,(ACI),

    t = 0.13%, l = 0.82%, and total = 0.95%. Another

    HSC specimen HBS-74-17 was designed with At/s =

    1.35(At/s)min,(ACI), l = 0.74%, and total = 0.91%. The

    ratios oft/l for the above three specimens ranged from 0.16

    to 0.23.

    The values of total for the other ten specimens, as shown

    inTable 1, varied from 0.87% to 1.41%. The ratios oft/l for

    these specimens varied from 0.43 to 1.0. Among them, the HSC

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    2196 H.-J. Chiu et al. / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 21932205

    Fig. 2(a). Elevation of the steel cage.

    Fig. 2(b). Specimen details.

    specimens HAS-51-50 and HCS-52-50 were designed with

    Tn = 1.0Tcr and = 45 deg, which is equivalent to At/s =

    1.99(At/s)min,(ACI). Similarly, the HSC specimen HBS-60-61hadTn = 1.2Tcr, = 45 deg, and At/s = 3.05(At/s)min,(ACI).

    The NSC specimen NBS-43-44 was designed with Tn =

    1.29Tcr and = 45 deg, and At/s = 3.02(At/s)min,(ACI). In

    addition, the specimens HAH-81-35, NCH-62-33, and HCH-

    91-42 with hollow sections were designed to compare with

    those having solid sections.

    4.2. Material properties

    The concrete was supplied from a local ready mix plant. Two

    types of concrete mixture, for the normal- and high-strength

    concretes, were used and are shown in Table 2.For both types

    of concrete, Type I Portland cement, Type F fly ash, slag, localcrushed aggregate with a maximum size of 10 mm, and local

    river sand with a fineness modulus of 2.7 were used. Silica

    fume (11% by weight of cement) with a specific gravity of

    2.2 was used for the high-strength concrete. Superplasticizer

    (ASTM C494 Type G) was used to improve the workability of

    the mixtures for achieving the desired flow of 600 mm.

    For each test beam specimen, six 150 300 mm concrete

    cylinders and three 150 150 530 mm prisms were cast

    as control specimens for basic material strength. The concrete

    cylinders, prisms, and the test beams were stored together and

    sprayed with curing compound several times during the curing

    period until testing. The uniaxial compressive strength was

    determined according to the average test results of three control


    Mild steel bars were used as transverse and longitudinalreinforcements. The test yield strengths of the various sizes of

    reinforcement used in the test beams are shown inTable 1.

    4.3. Test setup and instrumentation

    Details of the schematic test setup are shown in Figs. 3(a)

    and3(b). Near the ends of the test region, the specimen was

    clamped with steel torsional arms, which were loaded through

    a steel transfer beam by the Shimatzu universal testing machine

    to generate pure torsional loads. The support devices were

    installed to ensure that the beam would be free to elongate in

    the longitudinal direction and rotate in the transverse direction

    during the test. At both ends of the central test region, aluminumrigs were tied to the surfaces of each specimen to measure the

    rotation of its cross section. Four electronic dial gauges were

    used to measure the relative deflections of the aluminum rigs,

    which were transformed into the rotation of the cross section.

    The twist of the test region was determined from the relative

    rotations of the two aluminum rigs at the sides of the test


    Electrical resistance strain gauges were mounted on the

    stirrups and longitudinal reinforcements in the test region to

    monitor the strain variations of the reinforcements, as shown

    in Fig. 2(a). As shown in Fig. 4, copper target points were

    attached to the front, back, and top side of the test region of

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    H.-J. Chiu et al. / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 21932205 2197

    Table 1

    Details of test specimens

    Specimen number y/x fc fyv fyl Longitudinal bars Stirrupss (mm) totaltfyvl fyl


    (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (%)

    HAS-51-50 76.0 396 6-No. 4 and 2-No. 3 No. 3@120 1.01 0.95 Tn = 1.0Tcr; = 45

    (l = 0.51%) (t= 0.50%) t/l = 0.98

    NAS-61-35 48.0 394 4-No. 5 and 4-No. 3 No. 3@170 0.96 0.56 At/s = 1.77(At/s)min,(ACI)1.0 385 (l = 0.61%) (t= 0.35%) t/l = 0.57

    HAH-81-35 78.0 493 4-No. 6 and 4-No. 3 No. 3@170 1.16 0.34 At/s = 1.39(At/s)min,(ACI)(l = 0.81%) (t= 0.35%) t/l = 0.43

    HAS-90-50 78.0 400 8-No. 5 No. 3@120 1.40 0.53 At/s = 1.97(At/s)min,(ACI)(l = 0.90%) (t= 0.50%) t/l = 0.56

    NBS-43-44 35.0 385 400 6-No. 4 No. 3@140 0.87 Tn = 1.29Tcr; = 45

    (l = 0.43%) (t= 0.44%) 0.98 t/l = 1.02

    HBS-74-17 67.0 600 505 4-No. 6 and 2-No. 3 No. 2@140 0.91 0.27 At/s = 1.35(At/s)min,(ACI)(l = 0.74%) (t= 0.17%) t/l = 0.23

    HBS-82-13 67.0 600 493 4-No. 6 and 4-No. 3 No. 2@190 0.95 0.19 At/s = (At/s)min,(ACI)1.43 (l = 0.82%) (t= 0.13%) t/l = 0.16

    NBS-82-13 35.0 600 493 4-No. 6 and 4-No. 3 No. 2@190 0.95 0.19 At/s = 1.39(At/s)min,(ACI)(l = 0.82%) (t= 0.13%) t/l = 0.16

    HBS-60-61 67.0 385 402 4-No. 5 and 2-No. 4 No. 3@100 1.21 0.97 Tn = 1.2Tcr; = 45

    (l = 0.60%) (t= 0.61%) t/l = 1.02

    HCS-52-50 76.0 396 6-No. 4 and 2-No. 3 No. 3@140 1.02 0.93 Tn = 1.0Tcr; = 45

    (l = 0.52%) t= 0.50% t/l = 0.96

    NCH-62-33 48.0 394 4-No. 5 and 4-No. 3 No. 3@210 0.95 0.52 At/s = 2.41(At/s)min,(ACI)2.8 385 (l = 0.62%) t= 0.33% t/l = 0.53

    HCH-91-42 78.0 8-No. 5 No. 3@165 1.33 0.44 At/s = 2.40(At/s)min,(ACI)400 (l = 0.91%) (t= 0.42%) t/l = 0.46

    HCS-91-50 78.0 8-No. 5 No. 3@140 1.41 0.53 At/s = 2.83(At/s)min,(ACI)(l = 0.91%) (t= 0.50%) t/l = 0.55

    Note:t= AtPhAcp s 100%;l = AlAcp

    100%;total = t+ l

    #2:A s = 28.3 mm2; #3: A s = 71.3 mm

    2; #4: A s = 126.7 mm2

    #5:A s = 198.6 mm2; #6: A s = 286.5 mm


    beam specimens to provide full information about the average

    surface deformations in the horizontal, vertical, 45 deg, and 135

    deg directions. The relative displacements of the adjacent target

    points were measured by an electronic digital caliper gauge

    at each load stage during the test. The angles of the principal

    compressive strain at mid-span during the test procedure were

    obtained using the Mohrs strain circle. The electronic load cells

    placed at the top of the steel torsional arms were used to monitor

    the applied load. The data of load, twist, and reinforcement

    strains of the beam were collected by a personal computer for

    automatic data acquisitions.

    4.4. Test procedure

    During the tests, the torsional load was applied in a

    controlled manner until several visible cracks occurred on the

    surface of the specimen. The cracking torque Tcr and the

    associated twist were recorded, and the specimen was then

    loaded monotonically to failure. At every load stage after initial

    cracking, the load was held constant for several minutes to

    measure the crack widths. In addition, the crack propagations

    were traced and marked on the surfaces of the specimens and

    the maximum crack width was measured by using a magnifying


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    2198 H.-J. Chiu et al. / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 21932205

    Table 2

    Concrete mixture proportions

    Constituents(kg/m3) Target strength Target strength

    70 MPa (HSC) 40 MPa (NSC)

    Cement, 413 264

    Silica fume, 44

    Slag, 65 61Fly ash, 28 81

    Sand, 622 725

    Coarse aggregate, 988 1033

    Water, 164 183

    Superplasticizer, 12.1 4.9

    (ASTM C 494 Type G)

    Fig. 3(a). Schematic test setup.

    Fig. 3(b). Schematic test setup at the end of specimen.

    5. Test results and discussion

    5.1. Crack patterns

    The observed crack patterns of the test specimens are showninFig. 5.One major inclined crack initiated on the top and front

    sides of the HSC specimen HBS-74-17 having relatively lower

    ratio oft fyv /l fyl (total= 0.91%, tfyv /l fyl = 0.27), and

    soon after that, the concrete on the back side of it was crushed as

    shown inFigs. 5(a)and5(b).The crack pattern of this specimen

    is similar to that assumed in the skewing bending theory[1].

    According toFigs. 5(c)5(g),for the specimens with relatively

    higher ratios of t fyv /l fyl , 0.440.97, we observe that the

    smeared helical cracks were evenly distributed on the surface

    in which the inclined concrete struts of the space truss analogy

    Fig. 4. Location of targets on concrete surface.

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    H.-J. Chiu et al. / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 21932205 2199

    Fig. 5(a). Crack pattern of specimen HBS-74-17 after failure (front side).

    Fig. 5(b). Crack pattern of specimen HBS-74-17 after failure (back side).

    Fig. 5(c). Crack pattern of specimen NAS-61-35 after failure.

    Fig. 5(d). Crack pattern of specimen HBS-60-61 after failure.

    were developed to resist the external torque. Corner spallings

    were observed on some of the test specimens.

    The selections of the angle of the compression diagonal

    for torsion design of reinforced concrete beams vary from

    30 deg to 60 deg based on the current provisions of the

    ACI 318-05 Code. If an angle of 45 deg is chosen for the

    Fig. 5(e). Crack pattern of specimen NAS-61-35 after failure.

    Fig. 5(f). Crack pattern of specimen HCH-91-42 after failure.

    Fig. 5(g). Crack pattern of specimen NCH-62-33 after failure.

    compression diagonal, it will end up with equal percentages

    of reinforcement in the longitudinal and transverse directions,

    i.e., t fyv = l fyl . However, if the selected angle deviates from

    45 deg, the designed percentage of torsional reinforcement in

    the longitudinal direction will differ from that in the transversedirection. The initial cracking angles of the specimens as shown

    inFig. 5are about 4347 deg, except for the specimen HBS-74-

    17, which failed shortly after its initial diagonal crack occurred.

    The angles of the principal strain at the ultimate strength stage

    of the thirteen specimens are about 3544 deg, which coincide

    with the tendencies of the angles for the compression diagonals

    calculated from the ACI 318-05 Code [5]. From Figs. 5(c)

    and5(d), the angles of the principal strain at ultimate strength

    stage for the specimens HAS-51-50 and HBS-60-61, having

    tfyv /l fyl = 0.95 and 0.97, are very close to 45 deg. Also,

    the deviations of the inclined angles at the ultimate strength

    stage from those at the initial cracking stage are insignificant.

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    However, as shown inFigs. 5(e)5(g),the angles of principal

    strain at the ultimate strength stage for the specimens NAS-

    61-35, HCH-91-42, and NCH-62-33, having t fyv /l fyl =

    0.440.56, are approximately 3537 deg, which deviate about

    79 deg from those at the initial cracking stages. The test results

    validate the theory that the tendency of deviation of the angles

    of the compression diagonal is mainly dependant on the ratio oft fyv /l fyl [12].

    5.2. Crack width

    For the crack control, there must be sufficient reinforcement

    in the cross section to ensure that the distribution of cracks

    can occur and the reinforcement does not yield at the first

    cracking. According to the theory of elasticity, when the

    specimens are subjected to pure torsion, the first inclined

    crack normally initiates in the middle of the wider face of the

    cross section. Therefore, during the test, the crack widths were

    measured at that location. As mentioned above, for specimens

    having similar amounts of torsional reinforcement, the torsionalcracking strength is lower for those with hollow sections or

    greater aspect ratios. As a result, the reinforcement started to

    resist external loads at an earlier load stage for such specimens.

    From the test observations, the specimen HBS-82-13 (At/s =

    (At/s)min,(ACI) and tfy v/l fyl = 0.19) approached its

    ultimate strength stage shortly after the formation of diagonal

    cracking. Furthermore, the deformations on the surface of the

    specimens HBS-74-17 and NBS-82-13 were concentrated on

    only a few cracks. Therefore, the crack control is inadequate for

    the specimens containing relatively lower amounts of transverse


    In this investigation, we select the A (y/x = 1.0) andC-series (y/x = 2.8) specimens to discuss the development

    of crack widths for specimens with lower amounts of

    torsional reinforcement. Fig. 6 shows the relationships of

    the T(test)/Tu(test) and the crack widths of A- and C-series

    specimens. Each curve starts at the cracking torque and

    terminates at the point when the reinforcement reaches its

    yielding strain. In this paper, we adopted the 60% of the

    nominal torsional strength calculated by the ACI 318-05

    Code[5] as the service load level, which was also proposed by

    Yoon et al. [7] and Ozcebe et al. [8] for reinforced concrete

    beams subjected to shear. The horizontal and vertical dotted

    lines in the figures represent the calculated service load level

    and crack width criteria in a flexure of 0.30 mm in the ACI318-95 Code [10] and in Eurocode 2 [13] at the service

    load level, respectively. Figs. 6(a) and 6(b) show that the

    calculated service loads are less than the experimental cracking

    loads; therefore, the specimens designed with relatively higher

    ratios of t fyv /l fyl , 0.34 to 0.95, remain un-cracked at the

    calculated service load level.

    As shown in Fig. 6(a), the crack width of the specimen

    HAH-81-35 with hollow section is greater than the HSC

    specimen HAS-90-50 with solid section at the same load level.

    A similar phenomenon is observed in Fig. 6(b) for the C-

    series specimens HCH-91-42 and HCS-91-50. Therefore, the

    developments of crack widths for the specimens with hollow

    Fig. 6(a). External torque level versus crack width for A-series specimens.

    Fig. 6(b). External torque level versus crack width for C-series specimens.

    sections are more significant than those of the specimens

    with solid sections. From Fig. 6(b), it can also been seen

    that the crack width of HSC specimen HCH-91-42 is greater

    than that of the NSC specimen NCH-62-33 at the same load

    level. Similarly, the tendency can be observed in Fig. 6(a)for

    HSC specimen HAS-51-50 and NSC specimen NAS-61-35 to

    go beyond 80% of the experimental ultimate torque. This is

    because the HSC beams have higher tensile strength and exhibit

    fewer inclined cracks and larger torsional crack width than

    the NSC beams. A comparison ofFigs. 6(a) and6(b) shows

    a significant difference in the development of crack widths

    between the A- and C-series specimens. The crack widths of the

    C-series specimens HCS-52-50 and HCS-91-50 (y/x = 2.8)are larger than the corresponding specimens HAS-51-50 and

    HAS-90-50 (y/x = 1.0) in the A-series, which indicates that

    the crack widths increase with increases in the aspect ratio of

    the cross section.

    According to the numerical analysis and experimental

    investigations conducted by Park et al. [14] the maximum

    crack width was affected by the relative amounts of torsional

    reinforcement in the transverse and longitudinal directions. The

    crack widths of specimen HCS-91-50 are smaller than those of

    specimen HCS-52-50 at the same external load level. A similar

    result is also shown in Fig. 6(a) for specimens HAS-90-50

    and HAS-51-50 after going beyond 80% of the experimental

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    H.-J. Chiu et al. / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 21932205 2201

    Table 3

    Summary of test results of specimens

    Specimen number Tcr(test) (kN m) Tu(test) (kN m) Tcr(test)


    Tu(test)Tn (ACI)




    HAS-51-50 62.10 84.86 1.15 1.56 1.01 1.37 4.12

    NAS-61-35 50.03 74.71 1.17 1.49 1.18 1.49 4.06

    HAH-81-35 44.42 94.31 1.39 1.46 2.02 2.12 3.88HAS-90-50 68.43 104.23 1.25 1.43 1.34 1.52 5.71

    NBS-43-44 44.50 60.60 1.25 1.32 1.29 1.36 3.79

    HBS-74-17 57.48 62.20 1.17 1.18 1.12 1.08 2.51

    HBS-82-13 56.31 56.31 1.15 1.20 1.06 1.00 2.72

    NBS-82-13 46.18 52.90 1.30 1.12 1.32 1.15 2.46

    HBS-60-61 59.01 93.70 1.20 1.47 1.30 1.59 3.81

    HCS-52-50 47.22 73.54 1.01 1.64 1.00 1.56 3.46

    NCH-62-33 36.61 64.14 1.43 1.60 1.57 1.75 1.95

    HCH-91-42 40.74 87.51 1.25 1.59 1.69 2.15 2.13

    HCS-91-50 53.22 95.86 1.12 1.60 1.26 1.80 4.73

    Average 1.22 1.44

    ultimate torque. This indicates that an increase in the amount

    of longitudinal reinforcement decreases the crack width forreinforced concrete beams subjected to pure torsion. The crack

    widths at 60% ofTu(test) for specimens HAS-51-50 and HCS-

    52-50 (total = 1.02%) are smaller than 0.3 mm. Thus, the

    specimens designed with Tn = 1.0Tcr provide adequate crack


    5.3. Torsional strength

    The experimental results of the torsional strength tests are

    listed in columns 2 and 3 ofTable 3and compared with the

    calculated values of the ACI 318-05 Code in columns 4 and 5.

    The crack initiates as the maximum applied tensile stress arrivesat the tensile strength of concrete; therefore, the torsional

    cracking strengths of the HSC specimens are higher than those

    of the NSC specimens. The test results indicate that the average

    value ofTcr(test)/Tcr(ACI)for HSC and NSC specimens are 1.19

    and 1.29, respectively, and the average value ofTcr(test)/Tcr(ACI)for all specimens shown inTable 3is approximately 1.22.

    As shown in Table 3, the experimental cracking strengths

    of the hollow section specimens HAH-81-35 (y/x = 1.0) and

    HCH-91-42 (y/x = 2.8) are 44.42 kN m and 40.74 kN m,

    respectively, which are less than the 68.43 kN m and

    53.22 kN m, respectively, of the corresponding solid section

    specimens HAS-90-50 (y/x = 1.0) and HCS-91-50 (y/x =

    2.8). In addition, the test results of the above four specimensalso reveal that the aspect ratio would affect the torsional

    cracking strength. We further normalize the torisonal cracking

    strength of the specimens with solid and hollow sections byfc as shown in Fig. 7. The normalized torsional cracking

    strength decreased as the aspect ratios of specimens increased.

    Furthermore, the experimental ultimate torsional strengths of

    the specimens HAS-51-50 (y/x = 1.0, total = 1.01%) and

    HAS-90-50 (y/x = 1.0, total = 1.40%) are 84.86 kN m

    and 104.23 kN m, respectively, which are greater than the

    73.54 kN m and 95.86 kN m, respectively, of the corresponding

    solid section specimens HCS-52-50 (y/x = 2.8, total =

    1.02%) and HCS-91-50 (y/x = 2.8, total = 1.41%). The test

    Fig. 7. Normalized cracking torsional strengthaspect ratio relationships for

    the test specimens.

    results also reveal that the ultimate torsional strength decreases

    with the increase of the aspect ratio of the specimens.

    5.4. Torsional ductility

    Fig. 8(a)(d) show the experimental torquetwist relation-

    ships of the test specimens. The torsional ductility of the

    specimen is defined as the ratio of the area enclosed by the

    torquetwist curve between the origin and 85% of the peak

    strength (A0.85Tu ) in the descending branch to that between the

    origin and the first yielding of torsional reinforcement (Ay ).

    The variations of torsional ductility among the specimens are

    listed in column 8 of Table 3. The reinforcements of the all

    specimens yielded prior to the ultimate strength stage, except

    for the specimens HBS-74-17, HBS-82-13, and NBS-82-13

    shown inFig. 8(a), which were designed with relatively lower

    ratios of t fyv /l fyl . Only the transverse reinforcement of

    the above three specimens yielded. The torquetwist curves of

    the HBS-82-13 and NBS-82-13 (tfyv /l fyl = 0.19), shown

    in Fig. 8(a), designed with the minimum amount of stirrups

    and maximum spacing of the stirrups specified in ACI 318-

    05 Code, respectively, had steeper strength decay than the

    other specimens shown inFig. 8. FromTable 3, the ratios of

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    (a) Beams HBS-74-17, HBS-82-13, and NBS-82-13. (b) Beams HAS-90-50 and HAH-81-35.

    (c) Beams HCS-91-50 and HCH-91-42. (d) Beams HAS-51-50, HCS-52-50, and NBS-43-44.

    Fig. 8. Experimental torquetwist relationships of the test specimens.

    A0.85Tu /Ay for specimens HBS-82-13 and HBS-74-17, hav-

    ing t fyv /l fyl = 0.19 and 0.27, are 2.72 and 2.51, respec-

    tively, which are less than the 3.81 of the specimen HBS-60-

    61 of the same cross section designed with a relatively higher

    t fyv /l fyl ratio of 0.97.From Fig. 8(b) and (c), the test results reveal that the

    ascending branches in the experimental torquetwist curves of

    the specimens with solid sections are slightly steeper than those

    with hollow sections. The ratios of A0.85Tu /Ay for specimens

    HAH-81-35 and HCH-91-42 with hollow sections, shown in

    Table 3,are 3.88 and 2.08, respectively, which are less than the

    5.71 and 4.73 of the corresponding specimens HAS-90-50 and

    HCS-91-50 with solid sections.According to the test results of Fang and Shiau [15], the

    torsional ductility of HSC specimens is better than that of NSC

    specimens. In this investigation, the ratios ofA0.85Tu /Ayfor the

    HSC specimens HBS-82-13 and HCH-91-42 are 2.72 and 2.13,

    which are greater than the 2.46 and 1.95 of the corresponding

    NSC specimens NBS-82-13 and NCH-62-33.The experimental torquetwist curves of the specimens

    HAS-51-50, HCS-52-50, and NBS-43-44 (t fyv /l fyl =0.930.98) in Fig. 8(d) show fairly ductile behavior in the

    descending branches. The ratios of A0.85Tu /Ay for the above

    three specimens are 4.12, 3.46, and 3.79, respectively. The test

    results reveal that the specimens designed with t fyv = l fylcan provide better torsional ductility than those having lower

    ratios oftfyv /l fyl .

    5.5. Effect of t fyv /l fyl ratio on the post-cracking reserve


    According to the equilibrium equations of the space truss

    analogy theory [3,16,17] for reinforced concrete members

    subjected to pure torsion, the ratio of the amount of transverse

    to longitudinal reinforcement (t/l ) significantly affects the

    torsional strength and the angle of the compression diagonal.

    Furthermore, Leu and Lee [18]and Rahal [19]found that the

    ratio oftfyv /l fyl has a significant influence on the ultimate

    torsional strength and failure mode of beams subjected to pure

    torsion. The test results of this investigation indicated that all

    of the torsional reinforcements of specimens yielded before

    reaching their ultimate strength stages. Therefore, the result

    ofTu(test)/Tcr(test) should be greater than 1.0, because the code

    provisions assume that all of the torsional reinforcements yield

    at the ultimate strength stage.

    The effect of the tfyv /l fyl ratio on the post-cracking

    reserve strength (Tu(test)/Tcr(test)) for specimens with lower

    amounts of torsional reinforcement is investigated as follows.

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    H.-J. Chiu et al. / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 21932205 2203

    As shown in Table 3, the post-cracking reserve strength

    Tu(test)/Tcr(test) for HSC specimen HBS-82-13 (with At/s =(At/s)min,(ACI) and l = 0.82%) and HBS-74-17 (with

    At/s = 1.35(At/s)min,(ACI) and l = 0.74%), having

    tfyv /l fyl = 0.19 and 0.27, are 1.00 and 1.08, respectively,

    which are less than the corresponding code prediction values,

    Tn(ACI)/Tcr(ACI), of 1.06 and 1.12, respectively. Similarly, theresult of Tu(test)/Tcr(test) for NSC specimen NBS-82-13, with

    reinforcement ratio t fyv /l fyl = 0.19 and total = 0.95%

    is 1.15, which is also less than the code prediction value of

    1.32. Therefore, the specimens designed with lower ratios of

    tfyv /l fyl , 0.19 and 0.27, did not provide adequate post-

    cracking reserve strength even though they were designed with

    torsional reinforcements oftotal >0.90%.

    The following HSC specimens were designed with relatively

    more transverse reinforcements, i.e., At/s = 1.39 to 2.83

    (At/s)min,(ACI), l = 0.81%0.91%,t fyv /l fyl = 0.340.53

    andtotal = 1.16%1.41%. The experimental reserve strengths

    for the HSC specimens HAH-81-35, HAS-90-43, HAS-90-50,

    HCH-91-42, and HCS-91-50 are 2.12, 1.48, 1.52, 2.15, and1.80, respectively, which are all greater than the corresponding

    prediction values of Tn(ACI)/Tcr(ACI), 2.02, 1.24, 1.34, 1.69,

    and 1.26, respectively. Similarly, for the NSC specimens

    NAS-61-35 and NCH-62-33, with At/s = 1.77 and 2.41

    (At/s)min,(ACI), t fyv /l fyl = 0.56 and 0.52, and total

    0.96%, the test values of the reserve strengtsh are 1.49 and 1.75,

    respectively, which are also greater than the associated values

    ofTn(ACI)/Tcr(ACI), which are 1.18 and 1.57, respectively.

    According to the code provisions of ACI 318-05 [5],

    i.e., Eqs. (3) and (5) in this paper, the angle of the

    compression diagonal is 45 deg for beams designed with equal

    percentages of torsional reinforcement in the transverse andlongitudinal directions. FromTable 3,we find that the values

    ofTu(test)/Tcr(test)for the HSC specimens HAS-51-50, HCS-52-

    50, and HBS-60-61, with At/s =1.99 to 3.22(At/s)min,(ACI),

    tfyv /l fyl = 0.930.97, and total = 1.01%1.21%, are

    1.37, 1.56, and 1.59, respectively, which are all greater than

    the prediction values ofTn(ACI)/Tcr(ACI), which are 1.01, 1.00,

    and 1.20, respectively. Similarly, for the NSC specimen NBS-

    43-44, having Tn = 1.29Tcr,At/s = 3.02(At/s)min,(ACI),

    tfyv /l fyl = 0.98, and total = 0.87%, the value of

    Tu(test)/Tcr(test)is 1.36, which is greater than the code prediction

    value of 1.29.

    To summarize the above comparisons of HSC and NSC

    specimens designed with total = 0.87%1.21%, which

    are close to the minimum amounts required by the current

    design provisions, the experimental post-cracking strengths

    are approximately 1.371.59 if tfyv /l fyl 1.0 is used.

    Therefore, the lower post-cracking reserve strengths of the

    specimens are primarily due to the design with t fyv

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    that of the torsional reinforcement in the longitudinal direction

    as specified in ACI 318 Code.

    As mentioned previously, the inadequacy of the post-

    cracking reserve strength for HSC specimens with a lower

    ratio of total was primarily due to the greater difference

    in the amounts of transverse and longitudinal reinforcements

    (t fyv

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    H.-J. Chiu et al. / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 21932205 2205

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