beib 4

The use of a puff is also a massive reason why pop magazines sell so well. This is because they always include interesting facts/stories that are included inside the magazine. This one in particular has ‘special report’ written around it which draws in the reader and makes the story featured sound exclusive and informs the readership that this information cannot be acquired anywhere else. The readership will love to read exclusive gossip because it means they’re the first to know and they are ‘in with the crowd’. Pop magazines always seem to have posters within their magazine, given away as a free gift to the readership. Many young girls love to fill up their bedroom walls with popular artists so this is a good thing to have in a pop magazine. The reference to the free poster is placed in the bottom area of the right hand third and is one of the last places the TA will look, leaving it fresh in their mind and acting as a last persuasive push to buy the magazine. The artists featured in this sell-line are also well known which will add more

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Post on 26-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Beib 4

The use of a puff is also a massive reason why pop magazines sell so well. This is because they always include interesting facts/stories that are included inside the magazine. This one in particular has ‘special report’ written around it which draws in the reader and makes the story featured sound exclusive and informs the readership that this information cannot be acquired anywhere else. The readership will love to read exclusive gossip because it means they’re the first to know and they are ‘in with the crowd’. As the article itself focuses on Niall from One Direction, this is another thing that will draw in the target audience, as they are likely to be big fans of this boy band as it is the most popular one in the world. Equally, the readership will be interested in finding out how Niall managed to achieve such an amazing thing.

Pop magazines always seem to have posters within their magazine, given away as a free gift to the readership. Many young girls love to fill up their bedroom walls with popular artists so this is a good thing to have in a pop magazine. The reference to the free poster is placed in the bottom area of the right hand third and is one of the last places the TA will look, leaving it fresh in their mind and acting as a last persuasive push to buy the magazine. The artists featured in this sell-line are also well known which will add more appeal to the TA.