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Page 1: BelbinTest

8/13/2019 BelbinTest 1/10

The Belbin Test

For assessing team roles

This version of the Belbin test has been taken from "Teambuilding"  by Alistair Fraser and SuzanneNeville: The Industrial Society 1!

Self Perception Inventory

To com#lete each section of this inventory$ tick in the far left hand column the one$ t%o or three sentencesmost a##licable to yourself

Then in the column on the ri&ht$ a##ortion 1' #oints bet%een those sentences that a##ly to you: one of%hich you feel sums you u# %ell %hile the other only a##lies some of the time In this instance you could&ive your first choice seven #oints and the remainin& #oints to your second choice In some instances youmi&ht decide that there are t%o sentences %hich a##ly to you e(ually ) if this is the case$ a%ard five#oints to each

 You must allocate all 10 points in each section.

When you have complete the test an revie!e your profile against the characteristicsescribe" you shoul T#$%SF&# T'& #&(&)$%T *&T$I(S T+ Y+,# T,T+#I%- $TI+% P($%

Page 2: BelbinTest

8/13/2019 BelbinTest 2/10

S&TI+% $

*+,N IN-./-,0 IN A 2.3,4T *IT+ .T+,2 ,./,: Tick   oints

  I can be relied u#on to see that %ork that needs to be done is or&anised  I #ick u# sli#s and omissions that others fail to notice  I react stron&ly %hen meetin&s look like losin& track of the main ob5ective  I #roduce ori&inal su&&estions  I analyse other #eo#le6s ideas ob5ectively$ for both merits and failin&s  I am keen to find out the latest ideas and develo#ments  I have an a#titude for or&anisin& #eo#le  I am al%ays ready to su##ort &ood su&&estions that hel# to resolve a #roblem

S&TI+% B

IN S,,7IN8 SATISFA4TI.N T+2.98+ ; *.27:

Tick   oints

  I like to have a stron& influence on decisions  I feel in my element %here %ork re(uires a hi&h de&ree of attention andconcentration


I am concerned to hel# collea&ues %ith their #roblems  I like to make critical discrimination bet%een alternatives  I tend to have a creative a##roach to #roblem solvin&  I en5oy reconcilin& different #oints of vie%  I am more interested in #racticalities than ne% ideas  I #articularly en5oy e<#lorin& different vie%s and techni(ues


*+,N T+, T,A IS T2;IN8 T. S./-, A A2TI49/A2/; 4./,= 2.B/,:

Page 3: BelbinTest

8/13/2019 BelbinTest 3/10

Tick   oints

  I kee# a %atchin& eye on areas %here difficulty may arise  I e<#lore ideas that may have a %ider a##lication than in the immediate task  I like to %ei&h u# and evaluate a ran&e of su&&estions thorou&hly before choosin&  I can co)ordinate and use #roductively other #eo#le6s abilities and talents  I maintain a steady systematic a##roach$ %hatever the #ressures  I often #roduce a ne% a##roach to a lon& continuin& #roblem  I am ready to make my #ersonal vie%s kno%n in a forceful %ay if necessary  I am ready to hel# %henever I can

S&TI+% *

IN 4A22;IN8 .9T ; 0A;)T.)0A; *.27:

Tick   oints

  I am keen to see there is nothin& va&ue about my task and ob5ectives  I am not reluctant to em#hasise my o%n #oint of vie% in meetin&s  I can %ork %ith all sorts of #eo#le #rovided that they have &ot somethin&%orth%hile to contribute

 I make a #oint of follo%in& u# interestin& ideas and>or #eo#le  I can usually find the ar&ument to refute unsound #ro#ositions  I tend to see #atterns %here others %ould see items as unconnected  Bein& busy &ives me real satisfaction  I have a (uiet interest in &ettin& to kno% #eo#le better

S&TI+% &

IF I A S900,N/; 8I-,N A 0IFFI49/T TAS7 *IT+ /IIT,0 TI, AN0 9NFAI/IA2 ,./,:

Tick   oints

Page 4: BelbinTest

8/13/2019 BelbinTest 4/10

  I often find my ima&ination frustrated by %orkin& in a &rou#  I find my #ersonal skill #articularly a##ro#riate in achievin& a&reement  y feelin&s seldom interfere %ith my 5ud&ement  I strive to build u# an effective structure  I can %ork %ith #eo#le %ho vary %idely in their #ersonal (ualities and outlook  I feel it is sometimes %orth incurrin& some tem#orary un#o#ularity if one is tosucceed in &ettin& one6s vie%s across in a &rou#


I usually kno% someone %hose s#ecialist kno%led&e is #articularly a#t  I seem to develo# a natural sense of ur&ency

S&TI+% F

*+,N S900,N/; AS7,0 T. 4.NSI0,2 A N,* 2.3,4T:

Tick   oints

  I start to look around for #ossible ideas and o#enin&s  I am concerned to finish and #erfect current %ork before I start  I a##roach the #roblem in a carefully analytical %ay  I am able to assert myself to &et other #eo#le involved if necessary  I am able to take an inde#endent and innovative look at most situations  I am ha##y to take the lead %hen action is re(uired  I can res#ond #ositively to my collea&ues and their initiatives  I find it hard to &ive in a 5ob %here the &oals are not clearly defined

S&TI+% -

IN 4.NT2IB9TIN8 T. 82.9 2.3,4TS IN 8,N,2A/:

Tick   oints

  I think I have a talent for sortin& out the concrete ste#s that need to be taken &ivena broad brief


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8/13/2019 BelbinTest 5/10

  y considered 5ud&ement may take time but is usually near the mark   A broad ran&e of #ersonal contacts is im#ortant to my style of %orkin&  I have an eye for &ettin& the details ri&ht  I try to make my mark in &rou# meetin&s  I can see ho% ideas and techni(ues can be used in ne% relationshi#s  I see both sides of a #roblem and take a decision acce#table to all  I &et on %ell %ith others and %ork hard for the team

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8/13/2019 BelbinTest 6/10

Scoring /ey for Self Perception Inventory

Transfer your #oints allocation from the seven sections of the Self erce#tion Inventory to the a##ro#riatebo<es belo% The #re)#rinted numbers in the &rid refer to the (uestion numbers of each section Fore<am#le if for Section A you scored seven #oints for (uestion ? and three #oints for (uestion 1$ you %ouldallocate them in the columns 2I and I res#ectively


S' + P( #I & IP TW F

$ 222 3 222 4 222 5 222 6 222 1 222 7 222 8 222  

B 1 222 5 222 6 222 7 222 4 222 3 222 222 8 222  

  3 222 4 222 5 222 8 222 222 6 222 7 222 1 222  

* 8 222 222 5 222 4 222 6 222 1 222 7 222 3 222  

& 5 222 6 222 1 2222 3 222 222 4 222 8 222 7 222  

F 5 222 4 222 6 222 1 222 222 7 222 3 222 8 222  

- 6 222 3 222 5 222 222 8 222 1 222 7 222 4 222  


.nce you have allocated all your #oints$ total each column

The hi&hest t%o totals re#resent your #rimary and secondary #referred team roles

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8/13/2019 BelbinTest 7/10

The Belbin Team #oles

The #ersonal skill inventory identifies ei&ht team roles %hich are described belo% There is also anotherteam role called the Specialist %hich is not identified in the (uestionnaire

S' Shaper 

haracteristics+i&hly strun&$ out&oin&$ dynamic

Sha#ers are hi&hly motivated #eo#le %ith a lot of nervous ener&y and a &reat need for achievement.ften they seem to be a&&ressive e<troverts %ith stron& drive Sha#ers like to challen&e$ to lead and to#ush others into action ) and to %in If obstacles arise$ they %ill find a %ay round ) but can be headstron&and emotional in res#onse to any form of disa##ointment or frustration

Sha#ers can handle and even thrive on confrontation


Sha#ers &enerally make &ood mana&ers because they &enerate action and thrive on #ressure They aree<cellent at s#arkin& life into a team and are very useful in &rou#s %here #olitical com#lications are a#t toslo% thin&s do%n Sha#ers are inclined to rise above #roblems of this kind and for&e ahead re&ardlessThey like makin& necessary chan&es and do not mind takin& un#o#ular decisions As the name im#lies$they try to im#ose some sha#e and #attern on &rou# discussion or activities They are #robably the mosteffective members of a team in &uaranteein& #ositive action


0rive and a readiness to challen&e inertia$ ineffectiveness$ com#lacency or self)dece#tion

$llo!able Wea9nesses

rone to #rovocation$ irritation and im#atience$ and a tendency to offend others

P( Plant


Individualistic$ serious)minded$ unorthodo<

lants are innovators and inventors and can be hi&hly creative They #rovide the seeds and ideas from%hich ma5or develo#ments s#rin& 9sually they #refer to o#erate by themselves at some distance fromthe other members of the team$ usin& their ima&ination and often %orkin& in an unorthodo< %ay Theytend to be introverted and react stron&ly to criticism and #raise Their ideas may often be radical and maylack #ractical constraint

They are inde#endent$ clever and ori&inal and may be %eak in communicatin& %ith other #eo#le on adifferent %ave)len&th


The main use of a lant is to &enerate ne% #ro#osals and to solve com#le< #roblems lants are oftenneeded in the initial sta&es of a #ro5ect or %hen a #ro5ect is failin& to #ro&ress lants have often madetheir marks as founders of com#anies or as ori&inators of ne% #roducts

Too many lants in one or&anisation$ ho%ever$ may be counter)#roductive as they tend to s#end theirtime reinforcin& their o%n ideas and en&a&in& each other in combat


8enius$ ima&ination$ intellect$ kno%led&e

$llo!able Wea9nesses

9# in the clouds$ inclined to disre&ard #ractical details or #rotocol

+ o:orinator 

Page 8: BelbinTest

8/13/2019 BelbinTest 8/10


4alm$ self)confident$ controlled

The distin&uishin& feature of 4o)ordinators is their ability to cause others to %ork to shared &oals ature$trustin& and confident$ they dele&ate readily In inter#ersonal relations they are (uick to s#ot individualtalents and to use them to #ursue &rou# ob5ectives *hile 4o)ordinators are not necessarily the cleverestmembers of a team$ they have a broad and %orldly outlook and &enerally command res#ect


4o)ordinators are useful #eo#le to have in char&e of a team %ith diverse skills and #ersonalcharacteristics They #erform better in dealin& %ith collea&ues of near or e(ual rank than in directin&

 5unior subordinates Their motto mi&ht %ell be "consultation %ith control" and they usually believe intacklin& #roblems calmly In some or&anisations$ 4o)ordinators are inclined to clash %ith Sha#ers due totheir contrastin& mana&ement styles


*elcome all #otential contributors on their merits and %ithout #re5udice$ but %ithout ever losin& si&ht ofthe main ob5ective

$llo!able Wea9nesses

No #retensions as re&ards intellectual or creative ability

& onitor &valuator 


Sober$ unemotional$ #rudent

onitor ,valuators are serious)minded$ #rudent individuals %ith a built)in immunity from bein& over)enthusiastic They are slo% deciders %ho #refer to think thin&s over ) usually %ith a hi&h critical thinkin&ability 8ood onitor ,valuators have a ca#acity for shre%d 5ud&ements that take all factors into accountand seldom &ive bad advice


onitor ,valuators are at home %hen analysin& #roblems and evaluatin& ideas and su&&estions Theyare very &ood at %ei&hin& u# the #ro6s and con6s of o#tions and to outsiders seem dry$ borin& or evenover)critical Some #eo#le are sur#rised that they become mana&ers Nevertheless$ many onitor,valuators occu#y key #lannin& and strate&ic #osts and thrive in hi&h)level a##ointments %here arelatively small number of decisions carry ma5or conse(uences


3ud&ement$ discretion$ hard)headedness

$llo!able Wea9nesses

/ack of ins#iration or the ability to motivate others

#I #esource Investigator 


,<troverted$ enthusiastic$ curious$ communicative2esource Investi&ators are &ood communicators both inside and outside the or&anisation They arenatural ne&otiators$ ade#t at e<#lorin& ne% o##ortunities and develo#in& contacts Althou&h notnecessarily a &reat source of ori&inal ideas$ they are (uick to #ick u# other #eo#le6s ideas and build onthem They are skilled at findin& out %hat is available and %hat can be done$ and usually &et a %arm%elcome because of their out&oin& nature

2esource Investi&ators have rela<ed #ersonalities %ith a stron& in(uisitive sense and a readiness to seethe #ossibilities of anythin& ne% +o%ever$ unless they remain stimulated by others$ their enthusiasmra#idly fades

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2esource Investi&ators are (uick to o#en u# and e<#loit o##ortunities They have an ability to think ontheir feet and to #robe others for information They are the best #eo#le to set u# e<ternal contacts$ tosearch for resources outside the &rou#$ and to carry out any ne&otiations that may be involved


 A ca#acity for findin& useful #eo#le and #romisin& ideas or o##ortunities$ and a &eneral source of vitality$llo!able Wea9nesses

/iable to lose interest once the initial fascination has #assed

IP Implementer 


Im#lementers are %ell or&anised$ en5oy routine$ and have a #ractical common)sense and self)disci#lineThey favour hard %ork and tackle #roblems in a systematic fashion .n a %ider front they holduns%ervin& loyalty to the or&anisation and are less concerned %ith the #ursuit of self)interest

+o%ever$ Im#lementers may find difficulty in co#in& %ith ne% situations


Im#lementers are useful because of their reliability and ca#acity for a##lication They succeed becausethey have a sense of %hat is feasible and relevant It is said that many e<ecutives only do the 5obs they%ish to do and ne&lect those tasks %hich they find distasteful By contrast$ Im#lementers %ill do %hatneeds to be done 8ood Im#lementers often #ro&ress to hi&h mana&ement #ositions by virtue of &oodor&anisational skills and efficiency in dealin& %ith all necessary %ork


.r&anisin& ability$ #ractical common sense$ hard %orkin&$ self)disci#line

$llo!able Wea9nesses

/ack of fle<ibility$ resistance to un#roven ideas

TW Team Wor9er 


Socially oriented$ rather mild and sensitive

Team *orkers are the most su##ortive members of a team They are mild$ sociable and concerned aboutothers %ith a &reat ca#acity for fle<ibility and ada#tin& to different situations and #eo#le Team *orkersare #erce#tive and di#lomatic They are &ood listeners and are &enerally #o#ular members of a &rou#They co#e less %ell %ith #ressure or situations involvin& the need for confrontation


The role of the Team *orker is to #revent inter#ersonal #roblems %ithin a team and allo% everyone tocontribute effectively Since they don6t like friction$ they %ill &o to &reat len&ths to avoid it The di#lomaticand #erce#tive skills of a Team *orker become real assets$ es#ecially under a mana&erial re&ime %hereconflicts are liable to arise or to be artificially su##ressed Team *orker mana&ers are seen as a threat to

no one and therefore can be elected as the most acce#ted and favoured #eo#le to serve under Team*orkers have a lubricatin& effect on teams orale is better and #eo#le seem to co)o#erate better %henthey are around


 Ability to res#ond to #eo#le and situations and to #romote team s#irit

$llo!able Wea9nesses

Indecision at moments of crisis and some failure to #rovide a clear lead to others

Page 10: BelbinTest

8/13/2019 BelbinTest 10/10

F ompleter:Finisher 


ainstakin&$ orderly$ conscientious$ an<ious

4om#leters$ or 4om#leter)Finishers$ have a &reat ca#acity for follo%)throu&h and attention to detail$ andseldom start %hat they cannot finish They are motivated by internal an<iety$ althou&h out%ardly they may

a##ear unruffled Ty#ically$ they are introverts %ho don6t need much e<ternal stimulus or incentive4om#leter)Finishers dislike carelessness and are intolerant of those %ith a casual dis#osition 2eluctantto dele&ate$ they #refer to tackle all tasks themselves


4om#leter)Finishers are invaluable %here tasks demand close concentration and a hi&h de&ree ofaccuracy They foster a sense of ur&ency %ithin a team and are &ood at meetin& schedules Inmana&ement$ they e<cel by the hi&h standards to %hich they as#ire$ and by their concern for #recision$attention to detail and follo%)throu&h


 A ca#acity for fulfillin& their #romises and %orkin& to the hi&hest standards

$llo!able Wea9nesses

 A tendency to %orry about small thin&s and a reluctance to "let &o"



rofessional$ self)startin&$ dedicated

S#ecialists are dedicated individuals %ho #ride themselves on ac(uirin& technical skills and s#ecialistkno%led&e Their #riorities are to maintain #rofessional standards and advance their o%n sub5ect *hilethey sho% &reat #ride in their o%n %ork$ they usually lack interest in other #eo#le6s %ork$ and even in

other #eo#le themselves ,ventually$ the S#ecialist becomes the e<#ert by sheer commitment alon& anarro% front Fe% #ossess the sin&le)mindedness$ dedication and a#titude to become a first)classS#ecialist


S#ecialists #lay an indis#ensable #art in some teams$ for they #rovide the rare skill u#on %hich theor&anisation6s service or #roduct is based As mana&ers$ they command su##ort because they kno%more about their sub5ect than anyone else and can usually be called u#on to make decisions based on in)de#th e<#erience


rovide kno%led&e or technical skills in rare su##ly

$llo!able Wea9nesses

4ontribute only on a narro% front