belief 1stnot fill - chronicling america

New January Victrola Records Just Issued I a. Climbing' Mountains Albert ca^- voell-Kenry Burr You Didat Want X* When Ton Mad Me. . .. r Henry Bur Walt Till You Oet Them TTp In the Air, Boy* Billy Mmtij Tlofctin' I>o wn Cotton Town Amtrlcu Qnul-et There's » Lot of Bluo-Ryed Marys Sown in Maryland Simmon Four Wondexfol Pal "... Sterlinr Ttfo My Baby's Arms Medley Pox Trot Ptttro And He'd Say Oo-1hv1>»: We».W«: . Me<Uey One-Step .Pletro X Want a Daddy Who Will Hock Me To Slaep.Medley P ox Trot All Star Trio All The Quakers Are Shoulder Shaker* . Medley To* Trot... All Star Trio I Might Be Your "Onc*-la-*-While" . Media y To* Trot Joseph C. Smith'* Orchestra Patches . Pox Trot Jossph C. Smlth'sOrchestra O! What a Pal Was Mary . Medley Walt* Joseph C. Smith's Orchsstra Nohody Hnows . Medley Oa*-Step. .. .. ...... Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra GNms from "Sometime" .Victor Light Opera Company Oerns irom "She's a Oood PeUow" Victor Ltpht Opera Company (1) Hush My Befee; (2) Happy Lao4; (3) Corns Thou Pount of Every Blessing- Victor Orchestra (1) Hush My Babe; (3) Happy Land; (3) Come Thou Pount of Every (1) America, the Beautiful; (2) Star* of the Summer Nl^ht '. . Victor Military Band (1) Spee<l the R-epubUe ; (2) Onward. Christian Soldiers Victor Military Band Only You . John McCormack Inn tat ton to the Walt* Philadelphia Orchestra D*ar Heart Haiillo Do Qogorxa We'll be glad to play any of them for you. Just drop in and ask for your favorite, or any of them NEW JANUARY RECORDS C. A. House Co. 1141 MARKET WHEELING i BELLAIRE NEWS v . / w. c. T. XJ. Til? Vi.'>v Orov \V I* T ' Mill meet En-lav 'h- A:«l li-ui tii ik. r. ... ^ t»,.. Rr.-. u- ;:an M. E. < 1> arch The Scu'.h IViUir. w T r. will m> >.t t!;:? H?ttrn-.-on u: th* home cf Mrs. W l!i r ^ JI> t*-r ii BcliiK'iit M:ii% i: !;<..!. \ I-...., . t1" \\ ..«t Mi. :i n... f Mrs. P. M . 1 h . .. \v-M- r- . I. Basketball, Notes. The hasketbai. team? in th" t &d* schools lis-, e been orjcsnu'd The «ev> ? nth and *:eK,h erades w:'l *H h* r* Pr'>- b\ (. *ii»v V-tli £irl.« .Ti l h-.-> T^i* i>p v:t .¦. i- under «av at th<- differ- n* ? . "1 i-im ,n M-Mnb- of t l:o Kv |s«iik -i'«'f P' '1 win* Of the Hi2h"<.,l t i r .- are couching t l»o youn?*t. r:* The s>t J [ i rh 1 -r. I N-\« iinv organized :i Ki.-fc-. i*HI r. -»!». Th»v liiV-- »e <j ,..!«¦. f r i h.- .. school --f- flOt»ts» U> »!>... til'- !<./ . II'U gv ni'iftgluiri e*rh Tu^ dx v .v>ni".e Ti.- I'.'tm »\:'l (¦lay -I. -v!i-di;t» uf u"»ni' * Church Naira. Serve* pre pi ra tory to communion wert- held lH*t mgfc* n :Iio Second P; . s byterian «-hur- I-. l>i. !' 1. <'re»-t. th«: pastor ,i>reieh«d The Kompart B:t-'e ..! t.'< f the Virst R-forrn- >1 '-hu" l> v- . >>< i -l-t ' tlu home of th-- i»;u h- r. \\ il'iutu K"nipiri, ««ji Th)r*\ .sixth »t i . ' Tea--iiers of ibe h;raf. M. K. Sunday school rn< ' '«.¦>' nijfht to ro\ i;*e the Sun- dav srh""l lesson. Memb*. rs of the ilvmnii B.bie via^s "f th« fir««t Reformed church will be »-n- t*rta!n»d v '*><. home of Y;r« l.ouisa Shahne Harrison s'r**t t«>n:sh'. The M'-sti'nnry .>..¦."'1* ->nd th->, Standard Bearers -f th- Y'irst M. K. olriroh W'M I'oM i ipoT" ^ t'Mnjrb' at the iwn'i! of Mrs. C iarenct U. I'awcitt on l:e I no nt ."'re*' Revival «> rvii'Cj, a' »li<> S. u'ii 1»elli r> M. E ihu" h sr> 'nr:nuin«r with much interest Rev. if. I. I'reet of th>* i>«cond Pres¬ byterian church returned to Bellalr<» .c^- t-rday frim Fo'.vhatan ¦.('"r' h' rr'aoh . d at revival scrvic*s Monday 'nul T'J's- day nigiits. liocai D»nc«» Tho S ..V.t!.»h . |ub dai'- "- last ntg!;t at tht <_»ui fellows hall pru\t<i a Easy to Make This Pine Cough Remedy Tbnnatml* of f»rolll»« « ¦» w by lt« prooint r««n1««. In*i ». aad win about K, i « » « « » Vou know that rme u»e<l .n nearlr .II prescription.* and for couc'ns. The reason p ne ronton* peculiar elements thit h.i*e % 'emark- ¦.ble effeel in soothin; no'l tho membranes of the throit and <*hest. Pini if> f.imous for t h » purpo««. r'r»r» couch *vr»p9 are '-o-Tib nations of pme and nvrup. The '\«vrup ' part tisuallv p'am «'icar srrup. To mike tb» be«t p:ae couff'n r»merir that mon'v can buv. put C'i ounce* of P;p»x in a pint bottle, an<5 fi'l up .with home ma'fe sucar 'Trup -Or tou | c»n use clirilied mo.a.*4e». hon^r, o<- .'o^n I ivrup, instead of » izsr *rrip. Knh»r Iwit. vou make a full pint. moro 'han A\"U can buy r<-adv-made for tbr<*i» t ^the raon»T It is pure, good and very pleasant. chiidr^o tak» it cjtf-rlr. Vou can fee' th a take hol'l oi a or cold ^n a w*y that means bus ne<*. The couch tu.iv be drr. hoarse and t ipH t . or miy be persistently loose from fh»! ¦formation oi rhln:®. lii» cati»<' is t'ne nm» nt!»med membranes. an! this i'loex and Syrup comb nat.on «'<! «fop it . usuallv >n 2t hour? or le>.« Splrml d, too, for b'Onchia' asthma, hoar.-i-aesa, or anv ord:na-y 'hroa? ai!m»nt. Pirex 's a h trblv roneeptrat' I o< im¬ pound Of Norw.iv p ne extra' t, and is fnmou» wrld «<v.-r for iti prompt effect up«-n eoujhs. Bcw.i'e of ulo't'i'CJ. '.-k rour d "tiers: - 1 for . vwer* p \ w ill direction^, s^l d»ri t ac » invth n; e)*e. Gtwrant»ed to c *». .ib.->o''it<« »<»i«- faction or money refunded. Th* Pioci Co., FL Wayne, !nd. most interesting eaent. It w as s'nctly i Masonic and was l.irccly at'ended. Ar» »'ivh#>>.tra tin, totisir. Tli^ Young .Mom's i*luh will bold a. |dano.- tvMght at the ha!l on Thirty-.-eo ul'd iitrrt The Moose I'luh will g, ve h. dnrtoe to- trght a* M'-ov. hill "ti I :fr<-..t. Uemtiaii' .-..'I room Jot .sale. of wal! paper :h.:- wtak only. ha-i;-.! .1 L'tiKKENLKK CO. Adjourned Mooting Toaigrht. i.'ity council « 1 1 1 hold an adjourned chambcr. It is ..» continuation of tho n»c of Tu'-dav evening. which saw »ini> !i hi.siivss in. tor ciisid' ration. Th-' in-je'uiK w i.s !!'.' vs.-nrj to I"- con- tlllU"d lh frii' r that a< I* ii fiiubt taken <>n the mi annual ai .nronriatlou ordmatu .*. Tl" ..nimaii' i was r«ady f. .r > i>iisii3' miikii Til- .-day iiiii'ii, when i* was t'"UM«| ti>.-ii iii.- amounts aj'pro- priat d «! .?.!. v d r. M-nu" on lmni| .aim tl><- .uno mat'd i> venue ltoli»ll 1 fot ' 1 kmiiii.v s v months. The ilna't. ii «t i.>n, oftnial.s am-. will ihc hit; on- l< r the it'y . ouacil t" settle uunri£ the present \<a r. I'-iviJ Jones. ' Oun< ilihan of 'h. Third ward, is the chairman of the titi.nn . . onmnttee. We sell awnings now for 1920. Wheeling Tent & Awning- Co. Tel. ((63. Will Take Up Pvanchlse- The ord'>.afM ..OK'Miittoe of city coun.dl and '"ity Solicitor '*hist«r C ?edcwi-k will me.', in rho tvnr future t'-r di«<"'i- sing ' . PHIH" t< provisions .it' i frii!"hi>. !'..» th. W" h . ...¦! i 11 Tra<- tior> company. ' "ouneij. j* undfr- stooo. s most d< mt<>uj> of settling the I franehis.- »i* !'. >\> y5>> They fear that if I; 'i.. i C |- 'f ii may hold uv> th«j re pa\ ir*K^rnni t'ouncil. it is be¬ lieved. will j*iie<.jst provisions that are not unr- ;i «einablc. Should th- traction (.¦.mraii- fail to how a. ¦¦.>ri' iliatorv spirit i'. I.-. ii»-t ii nl k* ly that nvre drat- tic action m.'i.v h- tik-n. Elect Director*. .M the annual meeting of th- stock- I holders ot th* Farmers and Merchants Bank the following directors were ¦ elected: Johr DuBoiS, John Schick. R. I. Bow rna". «"harles \rnotd. Oraw ford X>ff. J. M McPonald, T. V Ward. ' «>ors< %\ Ball and I W M^hois. The directors orcantzed by .stleetint; John PuPota president. John Schick and J. M. McDonald \Mcc presidents. R. I,. Row- man < ashler and W. O. Simpson arMlst- ant cashicr. High School in Shape. The hieh s-'hocl football team is now lnr*adlncss for tho double bill sched¬ uled for 'his week. Final practice wilt he held tonight ar r o'clock nt. th* I ''iravel Hilt sywnaslum fiarti.e was h'ld af'cr seh"oi rday. Much is e\pe<>te/| of l.ope^mn. forward, and Mc- Dcrmttt. cuard. in the contest * t!i's w»k with .Mar'tps Kerry and Mounds- Nille high h""l iiitntets. t'u'hey and KiliC're will alternate, at ernt-"r and l^haeKleford and Starr, t? «.!' :ilt»rnat» |nf ciard. Sniveiy will play i>'hT Execntive Committee. > nv . link; of tho ov.m u'iv. ¦...nitrilt- t ee of 'he Tiellnlre post. Amcrlean T.'-- >;ioi>. will h«- held tor»lgh» at tin- fifTi'"0 of \rrnrnev Ot'Ster >' Seditwick in th*» V and V. Bank huildnisr. \t tin* meet¬ ing final arran2"tiien'«i will h>- tnad" f«r th ot..*»r\ ani'i of >l'.Kinlev dav h\ th. k"n- orirani/a' >on on tann^rv ^.a <>th<r " v ill al««. h. »;lvcn ..onsid- ra tmti. Elect Directors \* the n;»f "ia I t»ie/»titic r>e . |,o holders of ?'»«. l*i rst Vstional Batik, hnild "ir d"*eetor«t f.-p the ensuing >esr wore re-'-'ecfe^ a«. of J a | Ttie follow < ,-'<rg> tV Tost. A i> M-'loti l'r»uk M' |nf . M. R<>def»-r. John r; (low. i;» org- Robinson and J A <'larl< Teun Held FracMce. Tv»o lor*| tnd< peiiilent hASkettvall ' ejims held pra. tie. >«ft nieli' The <lr lis (\-ere lfth heirj at > ho ^';r>.l Wnrd sell' Ol g\ t innsi':n>. The "estll pre- . e 1 tt (f the a oiinj; Mori's . I i.»« of tho 'jtli Fella i . M K. church ^e|d Its 1 r.r->. ti(.,. and 'v>" 'e<itn renrese nt iiii: ; ho : \oi»ric»n I .eg on a'«o pro-tieed. II* re. ifter 'tie .* as« team nil! praefji . ¦.ti \lentla\o a»d tno l.»gre. ..n U odneaday nigl.i " Second To Tlnlrh. I'harles Trisler. the federal eensus enumeratcr for precinct A l^urth 'Ward has completed hts nvork He finished '! p y««terdny. He was the see- ond of the lo> al enumerators to complete h:.» -i «'al\m W aM r was the first enumerator 111 thi;» uty to complete his ^duties. No. 2 Furnace on soon. The NV» ? furnace at the Cameg!® Steel works plant \\:ll V>« rla -d m oper¬ ation In the near future. Th* furm< o has b^n dried out. it is understood that it innv b' pln.c-J in operation on Friday. Th local tniil is now working: in a!! do- rirrments cxccpttng the N<-> ? furtive*". Wnticallv "til f tli'i '"ornur employe-* are now baci. at. thuir former work nemr:'n» jf:.] room lot sale of ^^11 pa in ... tli;.. weoV onlv 34-ia-j j. l. ukkknlkl ('». Aimjr Recruiting Notes. Ir^v n Fnn,*i5. well known voung I man, hv- applied at the Columbus re- ji!U'»iii goflice for enlistment in the jrn<>. ' His mother his resolved a. oom- j wunii-it ion from the recruiting office 1 1 :i. »-*.. asking for an affidavit ,ts t.> his Jg". Th* special recruiting party whnh [was hero in the interest of securing re. ; emits r> r the medical department of th.: j army has completed Us work and re I i turned to Columbus. Purl up th* sta>. of j tho parry her.- about ten recruits were (accepted for the service. "Violated child I,abor Law. Many prosecutions are likely in Bel- | I In. re. it is said. for violations of the ' ch'lil lab r law. espe.MV.l for employing gir'i under lo rears of ane Tohn Aprill. manager f T'io Roma theatre, faced Squire Msrifler yesterday, he being | charged with employing a cirt under is j years of age. He was rtn**d $Ti *»nd cost.- The arrest was made by Con stable George Conners Ballalre Briefs Lenta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Jos. epn Corbet t of West Bellaire. :s con¬ fined to the fa mil} home quite ill. Chief cf Police A. S. Mahone was a business visitor at M. Clalrsville jiS- terdoy. Coroner John K. Wyatt of Soutli Bel lairo was a witness before the grand jury at St. datrsvIPe yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. I'nd Davis have re¬ turned to their homo at Marietta after' visiting with friends and relatives here, j The semi-monthly of the Ameneus club will be held thlr- » veiling in the .Ni'-holso" building. M;ss Martha Jane Wallace has re¬ turned t" to r lioni" at Cambridge- after a visit with Kclluire relative... I Attorney Kenneth il Cooper lias ; turned from a business \isit at St. Clalrsville. BRIDGEPORT II l.eave news Items for TV: In'clll- ti-po'r at Hickey's News stand, s, tby & Reed's Priin Store or the Bridgeport Hardware Company or call Martin's Kerry CC7 J Albert \V. Otto, I<ocal Correspondent. I BELIEF DRIVE ! 1ST NOT Fill orncuLs or nrs jewtsh *Ei,rer COMMITTEE CROE CTTIZEN TO DO THEIR UTMOST IN DRIVE. Bridgeport Has a Record for Achtov- ment la All Drives Which Justifies High KopeH In Thin. In view of the fact that both of the neighboring cities of this county have fallen d<>*vn badly In th< ir .l< wish !;e. lief drive-. the committee !uvn .-tar:*d 'to put forth a special effort t" Kuaran- !" that this city will r< !i her ouoct. and hold tip the good record. for achieve¬ ment which has Vun made in the. \ari- [ou.s of the fortner drives which havo be«*ii made m this city. The quota Pi this drive is noi larg'\ amounting to the .sum of only fifty cents tor each of the residents of the .'¦.inmuitiiy. or J.'.Oftn for t entire community, includ¬ ing: Brookside. West Wheeling, Lansing and Elaine, and tl « hairmen of the | rommitfe expresses confidence that ! this Koa! will be reached. If all will j givri as largely a.s they are able, there is no question of the final su :>ess of !the efforts ot the committee. wlu« ar- .unselfishly Riving of their tim- and money for th* sako or humanity, and I to assist in preserving life for th« thou¬ sands of war Miff- rerv. who are suffer¬ ing through no cause ot their awm, most of whom, are w jrn. n ai;J children. A_nnnal Election. Th» annual meeting for the election of officer? of the Bridgeport ciiid of th'' National Rifle Association. -,v I be held in the club rooms to-"iglii, ;«pd n.i of th' club members re »>*reote<l to b< 'present. Several other l>usm«s:. ma'.- tcr:» ar<- expected to p.- disposed of. ZtOdgr* Affair Enjoyed. Th'- installation of 'he newly elected 'officers of Guiding Star <oun. il of the Sons and I uuu: liters of Liberty too\ placo at the m-eiing held l ist" night, land a good crowd of the member.-. \> rr.j prest nt_ Following th.. Puv.nese. a so- . clal session concluding w Mi an e\,-e>. J I* nt and appetising lunclu n. whi,-n t\a.- hi^ibly enjoyed. tanslng Man Dead. Onrl's Klea hnian, resident ' ne*r T.atisim:. dl»-d sti rda\ morning at ,'t:l5 nVlock, following t Pn» f lllii'ss of a complication ot dls-ease-.. He was horn at Woodsfield, O. June 11th 1S.V*,. wa- tij \ < -t rs of asr- a' tl" t 1 1 » .- of .]>-atl». and had only he.-.n a r. ..!¦ m o* thi' vicinity for little more than a Besides the wife, t w <> daughter.*. Mioses Marg ire'. and Josephine. Mir.ive to mourn his loss, both of whom are jat home The funeral services will be .conducted from th' family home thi> ] *fterno<<n a' C o'.-l.i.-k, mi charce ot" TJ M' L'Hiul. of liie First Papt'st I church of Martins Kerry, ^ and the iv- j mains v ill be shipped to Wt>oOsf;«.ld ;''. r | inlcrnv nt on Friday inornu.g B. B. ft T. Co. Stockholders Meet, The annua' meetinu of th% stockhold¬ ers of the Brid^epori Hank a.nd Tru>: company, was held in the directors' rooms of the bank yesterday afternoon, a? which time the r< port of_i_he veir ? busiTiese whs' read and appro\7d. Tli# report showed the business in a flour, ishlng iord:t|on. a')d all wre well pl'us- td with the Increase in earnings. Th » old bi'i'd of directors was rc-eieoiel to «orve for another yar." conmf inrr ot th-; fotlowing. C. A. Ilobiii.-oo, ,t r SNIFFLES, SNEEZES, HOARSE WHEEZES ! I ! Banish them by using Dr. I Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey TTTOUSANDS recommend it. Dr. I Bell's Pine-Tar- Hone v isn't in experiment, b»!t a cousjh and cold remedy that his steadily gToxvn popu-. i lar because it is quickly fnective For lingering cokis or rough* or frr? attacks Us balsamic and healing .infi septics are sure to bf beneficial .It bring* tpeedv relief from phlegm-con-i gestion, inflammation, tickling brnn- thial tube*. Good also for hoarseness, coughs due to grippe, and kirdred ail- ments. Economical . a bottle goes a| long way. 30c., C>0c-» $1.20. Pr.Bells .ftne-Tar-Hoitevi Jor Coughs and Colds A Fine Family I axative ^?-Oo-t-u. N»Mrr'» as<u«r»nt. «.'"» dM Wf and (Pf'« th« Itvrr on th» ;o*> ' niik* e»IoroW. Po-LVvlj* ii fjiicl b'.'t por'iv« m >. onrr""* < r>r>»tipatrjn in I H"ln>in. Ever Icy South. J. X.. Hlggin«, Henry Bf*rber*cn, August Kraatz. Jo¬ seph Meiftter, Senneea Lyje. Thomas .1. Maher. W. V". Th'-ma* #tnl F. .V Ilogg-i. Tho board of directors did not perfect their organization for tho >ear. 1»*j » a matins will bo held for tins purpose later. Wednesday Afternoon Clnb. The members or the Wednesday ,\f- j Urtir.on Club spent an enjoyable aft-r-i noon yeMerday as th" gucst6 of Mrs. John Kuhn at her home on Bennett St r"f. The hours w< re d"V0trd Jo 'he usual club diversions, and 'he affair concluded with a dainty lunchcon for j the members. Kadosavic runera.1. . 'I'ho funeral services for the late «,ath- erine Radoscvje, who .lied at h'-r honv j stop ?7 on the Barton Line, will b" <-ondu«Med from St Anthony's Catho¬ lic church in this city this morning at o'clock In cb«rge of R^v. <*». M. Voa Lintel, 'Mid th>> body v. ill l>. laid at lr';i in Li n wood centaury. Amartoan Laglon. \-i important meeting of all of the ex- ' soMi«»rs of this vicinity, whether or j ii"i they are members of the American Legion. has been e tiled t" take place at1 'he rooms of the Rifle club tomorrow evening. The annual election <">f <>tfi-j cf-rf- t<>r the local post will be the chief l»UM!ics}. for consideration. "The Han Hant«r." The management of the Family th'*a- 1 tre in this city takes pleasure In an- f flouncing the gnatest of All Famum thrillers In "The Man Hunter," which will be shown at the theatre this after¬ noon and evening. This is the wonder story <>f years, in winch Fa mum trai!.i his man more than ten thousand nulen over the continent and finally "gets'' him. Mr. McOrtw*! Condition S«rto*a. The condition of William McGraw. w ho wis injured near the Lansing mino j when his wagon was demolished by an automobile Tuesday, is reported to bo i in serious condition a' 'he Bellatre he>s- j pilot. The man's Injuries are mostly j about the h^ad and the attaches of tho institution hcsitau to j' ' tin- out-) come. Maccabees Meeting. Thv regular m'eitng i t the membcr.i ' of i'. I,. Fenny tent of the Knights of j the Maccabeus will be held in this city] tomorrow evening and .<11 of the nietit- I bers have been urged to attend, as * special program of interest has beeo j prepared for the meeting. 1 Ajrreed to Pav tha Bill. The daughter of ('onsiable John Moore of this ell v was kti'u kej down and in-' rifMl bv an aulomobilt >>ii West Mam j street about a wee* ago. Yesterday morning a voung man named Hammond, of SI. t.'lairsv ille. »as arrested charged with the offense, as he was drivinc the ear concerned in tho acci¬ dent. II' sioutlv denied having be.;n driving i he cur at the time, lui agreed to j«av all of tlic doctor's bill, on eoi»- dit ion thai the caso against turn ho dropped. StocLholdari X«et. The annual meeting of the stockhold- j crs of ihe I'ollar Saving4- l ank «>t this city will beld In ti»e bank this aitfr- noon. at which time thrv will r«e«tv'/ the report of the vcar's buslutss. and > he>ard of directors wilt be elected to handle ihf affairs of the l-n»>k tor the ensuiuc var It is lik>l> tliat tin.- Kinio board will be re-elected. Sarprisa Party. Mrs Umma Miller was delightfully surur:sed last evening at the home of her daughter. Mrs. illiam Kittler. Stop N'o. 7 West Wheeling m honor of her hirthrtav. The evening was upent I in enjoying a ver> good time. Members of tho" Mother McKinK.v Orclt were, present and gave t!ie hostess many beuutifiil presents Music durlrc tho| evening was furnished b\ a siring or¬ chestra of Etellalre. ,\t a |atr h«»ur i h^ Clients repaired 'e> th" dining iv<»m w here tliev ctiji'j cd a virv delicious luncheon. Brldreoort Brlef«. j Howard H Wilson. local undertaker.' was called on a business trip to Btoch ' Bottom vcsterdav aftornoon. J Th' mas <1. Hielow and Karri.* <~hlppf! ! loft v<-stcrdav for Cclunibu*. 10 at- j end Mi'- meeting <>f tiio el.usuc i f Ohio 1 Sportsmen. William Mcfjraw of I.anslnr. ft,, 1* ! r'-p.>rt»d sotn»>wliai improved at ihe D<jl- | lalro hospital. follow iuc hes recent In- J jury. | .1 « lTHnlci?i bas arrived limine after a few du\ * spent tit 1 "leveled. O.. o<* | business of Importance. T. Varm»r arrived home last ninht J after attending the funeral of .'i relative at Kltishlnc. O. T W. \V 1 1 1 1 ;. m « enntinues srr'oijslv 111 I hi his hopie in K ri. wood. and his condl- t:r>n is nr»t much improve.] Stiocia! S'.rvi'-. s nr. heme oorduefd in the West A\ he»l mc M. K. .'hurch »a<~h' '\ciuii: .<r ihis u k. with the e.vceptlon| of Saturdftv. 1 ,oe;il resident* nro Interest"! in I If annoum-emeni ih*it .> n. w pl'is* plan, is contemplated for Martins l'er* "hrts Veins, toMnacr of the V amity j theatre in tli.s nt\. bus arrived homo! nf'T a business trui t" F'it'«bur;;h Mrs. I.. T Kariner. i*f Klrkwood. hs« arrived homo si f ' T a f'-w da;, s' "ts I s 1 1 with r»tati\e* »t V'usblnc i"1 Thomas Mc<f"'jffh. of HrooUs d'. 's si>cnditic ii few n .1 s in t'olumbus. O.. on busin»s« | Mrs Will M'-'-itria JChv inntin'ix »o Jmprov follow nr h/r aoei<Jerital hr .' a r - I' Imp of an atikl" in a fall more than a \\ t < K t fo Mr*. Honr. r-irtcs* reported to be I imi.rovinc inc. l\ 'it o.-r liomr m Kirk-! wood follow nur lor fall i" v 'nc'i «ho j.m'-i 1 ted ;i l-rokfii :«'il>l'. Ia«t Saturday. ' The wf ek I v meotlnc o f:hr Kt.ljhts «.f the M*o.ahr.-« will !>'. held in this ', » ? \ * <»nu»rr< »\v 11 cht . MARTINS FERRY i.eare items for Th* InteiliC-neer the Furd N'*s A peney. South Four'h 1-treot, or call Martina Kerry CTT .T. Mhrrt W . Otto. t,o> :il < '..rrespondem. ( MARTINS FERRY j GAMBLERS FINED I OREEKS TIND IT EXPENSIVE TO ENGAGE IN THE OAMI or POKER Mike Veurdas. charged w ith the. lrorrl^'or of j. cambl'tt;; house. as weM| as ,l -hn fans a: id Mikr I'oina^ harred j with caniblmc. w.-r- civn « hearing he-; for« Mayor .".larl** ''..leman 'avt mcht The ro^ii wfr<- arrested h; otfi'-or> Hoy. I .< y n:^d Muhl'mai' nt t hv \orfii ITnd | Tu*«di: i'Uh! Th. y i>iiIim| fl .v of | *; 1 1 1 i-> t'" hire :i nd t n. d J 1 " , :ilid i«o.'t« . acli rw others harceil w Iiji ;f!> *.!'¦ rrtrii ' v . rh- offict rs \< 1 <!:».. h:i rc« d -"i ac . ,.r lark 01 t \ iden Water Work Still Oolntr 1 ii® pumpii'K |»la'it and the tugine* n- ' ti.f I. Ml'ii'lp:il r works w en -.tin I f 1 ». : i > 1 . * with all of tin o*d r itgnict r* on j 11,. i-d. |->>-< ji.<r»it r--ir<rdi'*r or ,< f .>\« . .. r-o><« \> . iihH'ij; n . i.tivi«i.'|H 1 < (T..11 ;o Ii.t. . <u; ¦ r' 11: . nd' r ' ,tenl;'>isj p. nioved fr>"> 1 ro Hid l'»Il.;at .¦n> j t'. »irii ».i |||.; pla'" 1 ln*l 11 C to j- . 1 1 I I'ir.vl.T of >. r\ 1. <. O.arl. t 1< r 1 1 <>- vlii'. d la*! t R H » " \|t of »t>. turn ¦ m- t rl"> -d S" !l>- (lift III :ir. w 1 1 1 1 l,sli.»d « l'i i-r> «« 1.1 .-Iii'dil Ion.- hi ih»- |dan' a»d | ill'. rt'iibl". t h' r* is not b> itn; d: b? 1 b'pi hut ,<s .s 1 >i > «d ^ 'lit . rda v ! I Mi' !li|f< ii<'rr li> h f. \> mdiv idunls who .1 t. 1 'iiio Id with ill- , Pocahontas Installation I'lo :~t r : m.i-iint; f.»r iho new \'"»r of j 1 1-. 1 1 I'o'-ahotM « ; of thi> .. » x I will |ip ti#> Id :i' lb** r..#.pi« ,>f ii-.,- |">j. I . riial II « * I -I'ls 'iilpj; mi uhi'li- ;iil of Mi. off I* 'I r* e I o. ' / d for I V rti sill ri (f j lorn. m|| i"M a I In) wnb tli" proper ''fiiiin1' v \ brif-r <.i». i.-'l ««i'i|, has! a!*.. I'lanu'd t" follow I'o work. Club Entertained j Mr« 1 1; Kiackfor.i w«t 1 1- riiarni- I if k host,., to larc iMimli. r nf tho' 101 'libel's ..f ;h- edn- .--diiy Vfterno.in1 TMinblf no.- at I" r !>¦ n,r . . X(,r,h ' O'lrtb vr.;. r v^ft»rdro <f,"rn"«n . orn r>l iiii'tit u ry t>. tirr inothof. \frs j; l("bb« I t.s \m;'.» 1 'a|. who is \|sit "K If re. Th. usual .lub dl\ n-sion.s w.r- . I" 1 whi.'h :i I- ll'flirt; lun-h- \\:i * «.r r Mlsalonary Mestlng \ vr w.n hi tended a>.d en" liu«lavt ^ hits lo ss m^. tiMK of the memh. rs of the f oreign Mlssjoiarv »ocletv of the I- Irst I resbyt' rlan church na« hold' J COLDS breed and Spread INFLUENZA^ KILL THE COLD AT ONCE WITH BILL'S \ CASCARA QUININE . *R0 Mll>£ Standard cold remedy lot 20 yeara 1 .in tablet form . late. *ure, no opiates . break* up a cold in 24 hours . relieve* crip in 3 day*. k Money back if it fail*. Tho genuine box has a Red top with Mr. Hill's picture. At All Drug St»u in th'- church on South Fourth street yesterday afternoon ?i nrl .ill of the mat¬ ters concerning the organization l'or the monili were il)sj».'s'-a f Radiator Covers save yonr walls. Wheeling Tent at Awning Co. Tel. 663. Mechanics Meeting The weekly business meeting of flu local council of Junior Order or" 1 tilted I Amcican Mechanics will b< I" id in the rooms on Hanuvtr M reel this «.. n n (C j and .i special program of Interest ha.« born rreparcd for the evening All of the members arc urged to attend. Notices Posted Notices ot' tho ruling of the Wheeling Traction company with regard to tho change in zones, charging an additional fare for patrons who hoard the ears on Main street at the Steel bride- cor¬ ner. beginning with next Monday morn¬ ing. have been posted on :ill of the cars coming to the i »h «» side. This it is claimed w ill relieve the congestion of trait n. at th< bridge corner. LOST . A fo?c terrier dog. black and whit*, short hair and short tail, wore i col la r wi! h hell. If found 'all Martins Kerry 180-M nr bring to HI'S Xo. Fifth S;.. Martins rry. and re. « jve reward. Th# dog i*. owned by Frank Harris. ja- 1 l it Committee to Hustle Th' membership ..¦ m 1 1 of tiiej local Hoard of Trade, consist nig of Wil¬ bur II' slop. Rof. r t >. I.upton. and \ .1, Fallen, have nlreadj begun in wurn >'f hustling tor th- new membership !'. -r the year and there is a del erminat ton h'ing expressed t-> increase the number i.f new members bc)oiaj tut itgure readied last year. Orchestra Secnrad '.no of tic best orchestras procurable in the valley has been secured for the ri"\t of the series of square dances which will be given by the ItnoMer com¬ mittee of t lie f;rd Men in t lie Frat Hall this evening and ilioSc who attend havo been promised the tune of their lives, Installs Officers. Mother McKinby i ir. le So. 4 l.adies j of tin i \. II. held th' annual installs- | lion of ofii>-ers «i rlnlr last meet rig in thejr rooms in this utv. I.argi number: i'f the' member* weer preset. i who wit-l nessed tip- installing of tl;« new of* I licers. I'ast "r* sidetii vVildn Morgan, I was m charge of rh.. ai^ning Kid lowing the busirte?.. pecsWm the members enjoyed a sociu.1 linv which was followed bt the ser> in; of delicious | refreshments. Followincr is the <(ftb < rs that w> re installed I 'resident. Mar> i'. .leff'-re \'iee pre-idenr. ,t. nnie Marshall. Junior vice ui esiden t. Worotliy i\rii>.r. Treasurer. Mwilda Morgan. S«'eret»r\, I'laia W'eiser. . 'hardain. .\tr> Johnson \ 'ondtiet or. Angeiia lYdd'.-ord Assistant conductor. Ml la t'oss. iJuard, Kmtna Miller. Assistant curd, .lane llall. I'airiotie instructor. Maggie Cos-.-. Body Shipped. T'l reniams Ot' tilt Jate ||.->III>M- V Wallace, well Known resident ot' \..riiii Third Street, win- di-d a few iia> - ago. Here -IllOt'ed t.' \V'eI!.sbllr»;. ».»ter da> afternoon. w ii. r* int. rnieii! will mad. }«<\eral !...¦;. relatives ..f tin J. e. "1 .!... . d til. !».||> . Musical Cotncdy of Class. Tin m. nibers .>t" tne Parisian Ko'.uc. who began m fi>ur da.vs i ngag^nv nt »' the \'-w l'astiine theatre last night, are lainied :.. h. among the best which liavv \ ett app. .ir-d :i. tins c!f> <i u r i n «c th> pre tit ^e.i^oii. ml tli.-'r Woi"\ :ti mu-i' i' coin, dy ami \.iud>'\ 1 1-* is s"tn; - j thing tile Planning- Bazaar. \. ., .oi-..|ii m. e':i g o|' th. m. m'i. ,.f i n.-Me- t'oiiiniiit". i.f tn. : ¦ d M. n. plans w.-re pi:n e.| on t'emt t'.-r bazaar and festival, which will ffi\en bv the tub. at - r.i. time in .!.. mar. frit 'i re. Hii.| th'*-<- t.» to.* doubt that loejt' ( r-u;dititb will loot, '.irwurd t.« the affiir' with pleas<irab!>' till ;.'ipat iioi. . "name of the Desert." . o-raidi'o l-'.irrar ." tin wond< rf| pr..d'1'Mf.'i . nt it led "l'";in f th- jiesert." will I'.- -.i n> a' 1 1:.' I-'.i ra> tli.'8ir> H.i- v-ni'ig. ii tins t*i. rowiiing :i.'ii;. vivrii! I.. gr-.,< star's I are. I-. Till- a .. ile ant »»..ry I.f a great .ii|v'iir.-| !.> I'.. fje»ert star- .fid ear':. > .. "i t r.«iti * ili/ed Ifivur!"" ...' t.. ndoe. t.i. barbaric spli -i ... rs- . "Id Kg> ;¦! Entertains C*ub. t',.. member's i.i t!" H "1 jb ef th'- ':t>. « III !.<. entertained a- the ;;ti..'t» of Mrs I*. >1 ! "a .. jt hi r b.jtn.- i-in Virginia str> . t. l-'ridaj eMiiln^ of BETTER THAN WHISKEY FOR COLDS AND FLUi New Elixir, Called Aspiron- al, Medicated With Latest] Scientific Remedies, Used and Endorsed by Euro¬ pean and American Army Surgeons to Cut Short a Cold and Prevent Compli¬ cations. Every Druggist in U. S. In-! structed to Refund Price While You Wait at Count¬ er If Relief Does Not Come Within Two Minutes. I Delightful Taste, Immediate Relief, Quick Warm Up. Tk' >.-nsaf '<¦>» th* »».ir n i lr;ia trsd.- if \«ptrorni the iw <v'it.- cold iP'l <oi)Rh 4 nt horlt a m el v pruarante.Mj bj the labnrat.or ^ ipprovcd an<1 mo»t »nf huj>ia?t:>-.tll.* <.!>- Jor^.d to the h'.lfhi-st aiithor:ti. . and proclaim, d by the .-ommon penplo as r. 1 time?- *..' «itjirU a'i(i effeeMvf a.<i | »htskr>. roek and rye, or :iny other! old ktnl i*oug!i remedy they ha>" f ri« rl All il-ue .in now surnlifd with tlio wonderful new clt*ir. po all you have to do to ft rid of that <-old to Ft- p ntu the mart-si drup store. hand Hi. ,-T. t'k half a dollar for a bottle of i .Vsplronal. ."itirl » o ! J him to »tvc you j i w o t* a^p^onful* »H'i four faeoonfuls t ¦,f ^ r r (n .t WUli your watch ii. >"'ir hand. tak. the dr'.nk *1 one uw alien and call for your money bark in U'.1 minute.- if you cannot f.i.l your) old fading away 1'kc a dream w.Ui.n' th.; time limit. rvn't b: bashful, for ill druPKists ln\lt<* you and .\\p. .:t > ou o try it Kverybody's doing: it. ti your co'd >.-r cou^h I.- relieved lal<>' the remainder of the bpMlr h<>m» j lo your wife snJ bahlr-5. for Aspironal i * by far the saf. m and most ^ffertive Iho ea«ie*t ¦*> take sod the most atree- »?jU- cold and c..u»?h remedy for Infanta ind children. Adv. 'tins w«k, and all of the- members who attend she affair have been promised a most enjoyable evening. Elks Dance. Tho members or the social elub o; the local Elks lodge, will give another or their enjoyable series of dances at tlieir home on North Fourth street this even- ing. and the committee in charge have I promised to leave nothing undone to make this Wit biggest affair of the kind yet held. Prayer Meetings To-night. The following Is the schedule or tna places where the home prayer meetings of tho members of the congregation of the I'nited Presbyterian church win be¬ held this evening: <iro;ip.s 1 and ". homo of Mrs. Robert. I 'arrah. N. Third street, K. L. ROtli- ermund. leader. *».._« . ¦roups :t and 4. hotii" of Mrs. IIIM' . lie'th x.-al. Old Cemetery road, i>. i-| Kerr, leader. _4L, Croups " and S. home of IT. r.~ Moore, I 70S l ark street. Ft. K. Kerr, leader. .Irotips o and home of Miss fcthel Herdmati, t>2'> Hanover street, £>. A. j Kutledk,'' . leader. , Group home of Edward kuckuck. LaugUiti liLighti. Kev. K. W. Jameison, leader. Terry vs. Beliaire. T !>» basketball attraction at the tin* school jvmnasium for this clt.v tomor¬ row night will be a game between the lo.-al High school team, and the team fr mi th. Bella! re high school and with good practice every evening of this week the local team is expected to cop tne gam.. An interested crowd of footers will b-. present at the game. Coal Miner Injured. Angclo Oambycy. one of the employes of tho Aetna Standard coal mine, *'as taken to the local hospital yesterday morning suffering from injuries to his back, which he received in a fill or ston>- while at work. He was reported by i t Laches of the hospital to bo doing nicely last night. Had Finger Amputated. Frank Nevin. Barton coal miner, had the middle finger of his right hand am¬ putate) at the loi^il hospital yesterday morning, following an Accident at the mine, in which the members were se¬ verely injured. The man '. reported to be got ting along nicely. Stltchery Club. Th" members of the: Thursday Night Stltchery club of this oily will be en¬ tertained at the home of Mrs. James Starling, "ii Virginia street this even¬ ing. and a vry enjoyable time is protn- ised the members. The usual social di¬ versions of the club will be followed by the ser\ing of a tempting luncheon. X>oses ringer in Accident. .lames Kan is, one of the residents of Hanov. r street, was so unfortunate as to haw or.e of his lingers of his right hand aceldentallj amputated while at work at the plant of the Wheeling Cor¬ rugating ornpany jesterday morning. He was taken to the hospital where his Injury was given attention. Arm Broken En Fall. Mrs. Walter Hums, of this city, was :)>. \lctini of a |>a«l fall on Jefferson street yesterday afternoon, in which she broke both of the bones in her right arm >he was reported to be resting easy and doing as well as could be- ex¬ pected las-, night. Martins Ferry Briefs. 1 'hie f Fd H via ml. of this city, spent yeMerday in St. Clairsville. O., on bus¬ iness. The weekly meeting of the members of the local (rib*- of Red Men will be held in the Fraternal hall tomorrow night. Miss Augusta I.uskey who underwent an operation nt the local hospital a few da\* ago, is reported improving nicely. Mrv W. W. L>avls, of this city, is spending a few duys «t Fostoria, O., attending a s'are meeting of the Ser- \ !... Star Legion. Ke\. ei. K. Bartlett. of the First Bap¬ tist church, of Parkersburg, W. Va.. conducted the services at the First Bap- tis' church in this city hist night. Th* regular me, tmg of the members of the ivgree of I 'ocohontas. will be heid this evening and officers will be install* d. Tile work of ri nio\ mg the fire hose from th< l.nughllti mine pit was started \ est. rda> and it is a big job *>f work. Wallet Morgan will remove his family tr«'m \orth Fifth street lo Virginia M reel ' o,i:n Officer !'. te Heddy will make a bus¬ iness trip to St. e'lairsvillu today as a w itness in a case. Mrs. 'lerhart Summers was th<; hostess to the members of the Katherire Von Bo til Sewing eluti at her home on Kim «t reel last night. \\ ilhatn Wilson w ill remove to hit hotn- on West Washington street to- <l t \ .is it is now ready for occupaucy. ST. CUE ! Belmont County Seat News GRAND JURt SESSION AT ST, CLAIRSVIUE Slxtr Caws to Probs. WU1 Require at ueu.t Tlue« Pays. Th. -r-tni) tti r \ roii'm-n.'' d their work ;n 'Iihiiod oil as rourt Wedncstiav. They hHVO about to ltlVl'Sti(8ll> and will t>c 111 «. ..««ion at leaft three | in.' followinc persons ar i on tlio t ;rr.itnl lurv: W. I:. Slet'raokon. Flush- i nit. I rank Wllhams. St c'lalrsvllle. il. K ' M. "racked. Kairnoini llarvev Love. I St ist rpy 1 1> William lI'Mielit. Ann- -ii-.-i'c - .M » - .1 .1 ( *(i 1 1 1 1 »»h. Mlcdcnia. ! "r. <i M'^'aruifv. li.'iuJr.sburc. -fl }. j Williams. Uaiton. K. Uocuo. J'i<*d-j m<>ni l*'i J'. Kr*'M. MHmont. Samuel I i>ll»r i 'lairpville; lino MH""on« I iii.tjih'- sr. i 'la r>vi|o. Jam<\« T' '"ross . land. St. !air>vill». U. Li. Koyd. St. I i iirs III*:. Henr\ Adams. St. Clalrs- I \ ll-v Common Pleas Court . Court Entries. I 'it ts.mrsh Mining Machinerv Co. v?. I Frank Gable Motion of defendant for new trial overruled. Judsnu-iit on \er- dte'\ |{. Scott \ h. A rni«"-onsr Porler. i ii Sal-- i.opflreirtd, d'.tds "rd' rtd. { ir.1' distribution i, h s Truav Jr.. .. «. T'ioma s A. Marian. ([ al. V'. (\ I'tiMola appointed Kuardian ad Hi in !".» r minor defendants m i'li I' a\<- to at.Hv *r w ithiti three da> «. Lcnora . 'onner u John C. t**onner. ! r»i\or'T rrnnted plaintiff on eronnd of I adultery. I >efendant to pay costs. Kat|jrrln< Alexander v«. A R, Aie\-| ander Alitrtonv awarded to plaintiff b\- rrr.-. i.i.'nt a* fi'Hi'W* To pn> plaintiff < ... .'.m. follows t A 00 within l'» da>.< i ; balance within si\ months, th'' >am.- .«. hereby tn.'tdt h Hon on oil real estate of defendant. 1 'f fondant to pay coats. Probate Court. Martha A tJrfRff, dee. Notice of pro¬ bate returned and 'Hod endorsed with proof L.f service "'anse continued In r^.ieooijnt « for MUlrntrnt Jan .It. 1'' ..f i>. hi ir (i ion of in.tic- of tiling a'-'ouina and llin*- of settlement there- ¦.I' A ai proved and ord> r> d re-orded of A" * H M 1.U.'U« ' Proof of I-iil'li- i: ion of not if. I' appointment .il'd. aurro\.-d and ord'-r- .1 recorded. l».;,ii. of Kmnci :;i .' pin n«. df.- Proof . of publication of none of appointment ! UK d. approw d and ordi-rr-l r-'.-.-rded. Theltim hu^a* a minor. Partial or- I'Otint filed t for h' arine !.". h. .'v. No- 1 1. ord'Ti d and .<nl khj.-i! Morn*. rzl>.'i't:. d> ¦.. PartiHl aft'ouni t' l"d. . t for h. ariinr Ki b. Notii1'*' ii'd and oniirni. il I Ai fl>on\ Mn lia^l . ari v. Tisli- monv of Mdu ard I/" taU< n r<" durod to writme and fil-.l 'A ill admitted to ;>to- liati and record ord* n-.l M rop I ! (ol., .iMi'r. of Parhari I d«"'\ ' Arder of publti- nali' ri«- j turned and 'lird 'fidors^d firf niiir* »old l*'"i* GO. 1 ? 9 to Peter Wderman for J1 ten «-ij. .'.-.ntlrnj. d at:d deed ordi r- ed ost« i-\p<»i»e«. t a \ c* and \alur of d-'wr ord^rrd uanl. Pi'.'..rd ordered "«a M. Smith. <!¦'... \ pnli'-nt ion for di'trrtnmat n-n of .'ollatcral in- heritap.'C t h v Heal «i*|i> ordered ao- rrm«. d. apprai««'ra appoiniod. order of Bpt»i-« i«"'Tni'ii wMii'd and ..ontinue.t M * ril, \\ 1 la';''. Hdinr'x.. of Kli.-lia i> >i. ¦'. - I. undo \\ 1.iu:u.«. it al S;Minii'.ii« n tiAriif'd and *ili d tnlorsed with i'in.rn of m'T'. In Sheriff of Siaik rount ''. He«ltT D«ed« TUad. | Ja« II Hr\ ant er au to Jot. B. Moore i et »ix. I.ot A In Centervtlle. J10 Win. MoGraw and wife and Louis a BLACK-DRAUGHT CLEANS THE LIVER Enthusiastic Texan Tells of Bad Fix He Was In and How He Got Out by Using Black- Draught Liver Medicine. Holland. Texas.. Mr. J. N. MeSser, who lives a short distance from here out in the country, says: "Black- Draught is without doubt the best liver medicine made. I do not hesi¬ tate to say it will do all it is recom¬ mended to do and more, "f am strong and healthy, but we all need a little active medicine once in a while, and Black-Draught is good enough for me. It does the work well and cleans the liver, carrying away bile, the easiest of any purgative I have ever seen. "Once, some years ago, I had Blow fever and my stomach was In a bad fix, and Black-Draught gave me relief and helped me a wonderful sight It cured me of indigestion and the bad feeling after eating. I keep it for my family; they use it and have for years, and, too, it saves doctor bills and is not expensive. "A stitch in time saves nine, and most sickness is caused by a bad liver. A few doses of Black-Draught fixes that', and I don't see why people don't use it, and they would see, as I have, what a help it would be." Ask your druggist for Thedford'a Black-Draught. Eustersic to Krank Pultorak. Lot in Cole rain ti>. ITM.60. L. Witt to Giovonni Miloni et al. Lot 4 in Bellairo. II. Camcsie S. Rinehaxt and G. P. Rine- harf. to C. K Albus. Land in Somerset tp. 51. Henrv Harris and Mary Ann Harris t<> JoscDh A. J ones et <U. Land in Pease to. 110. Verso&/Ua. Mr?. A_ L. left Wednesday for a visit with relatives at Cincinnati. Miss Marv Shepherd will be hostess to the members of tflc Kilabluc club on Saturday evening. Mrs. D. A. Elkins will entertain the Modern Priscilla club at her home on West Main street. Thursday evening. B. W. Hopkins, of Hcllaire, was a vis¬ itor in town Tuesday. The Phllath<a class of the Presbyter¬ ian Sundav school will hold a social at th* churrh on Thursdav evening. A number of local people have receiv¬ ed invitations to a dancs in Wheeling <fcon Friday, Jan. 2". Dance to be giv¬ en bv th^ Club of 1020 in the Auditorium Convention hall. SHADYSIDE The "W i 1 1 i n k Workers Society will meet this afternoon at the homo of Mrs. John A. Futhey, on South Central ave¬ nue. Mrs. Loretta Caldwell, of Central avenue, will be hostess this afternoon to the other members of the ladles' class of the Christian Rible school. Both boys and 'girls of the high school will po to-morrow evening tf- Kenwood for basketball games with the teams of that school. .Mrs. Belle Chambers has added a restaurant business to her confection¬ ery on Central avenue. She is now pre- pared to serve luncheon or meals at ~ any time. Members of the Wlakakec Club will meet this evening at the home of the Misses Hilda and Carrie Landkrohn on Lincoln avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Foreman expect to move front their present home on Central avenue to their new residence on Lincoln avenue some time nextwe*k. The house is practically completed. Mrs. Wilbur Boston, of Central ave¬ nue is spending a few days with rela¬ tives near Jacobsburg. Two of the children of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Weekley, of Summons" Place, arc ill with measles. Miss Algaretta Ault of Smithfield street, who is at the Bellairo hospital, where on last Monday sbc underwent an openation for appendicitis, js now im¬ proving. Mr. John Beveridge, who has been poorly for several weeks, is now con¬ fined to his bed at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Peter Schramm, on West Thirty-sixth street. He is suf¬ fering from a severe cold and infirmi¬ ties incident to his advanced age. Stockholders of the Futhey Lumber and Hardware Company, will hold their annual meeting on January 30th. Evangelistic services are being «on- tlnued in both Chriatian and Methodist churches this week. Special music is provide**, for the various services. Mrs. Irvln Whitehair, of Stewarts- ville, is spending the week here with her parents, Mr., and Mrs. Jaeob Long, of Avondale, and other relatives. Mr. Harry Kaylor. of West Forty- fourth street, has returned from Cen- t err i lie, where ho had spent a few. days with ins mother, who fell on icy steps at her home last week and sus¬ tained a broken hip. Mr. Thomas Leasure, of Futhoy addi¬ tion. returned Sunday evening from a trip of several weeks to Colorado and Texas. Mrs. P. A. Dorff and daughter, of North Central avenue, spenp Sunday with relatives in McMechen. The greater the necessity for s»vtng nsn oj .<jjun»o<Mo jno.< j*)v<m3 <qi The Intelligencer Want Ads. FREE TO Pile Sufferers IXm't Be Cut.Catll TW Try Till In . Some Out Tkai Asjm» Cm Um Without Dlaoomfort or L«n of TUa* Simply Chew up » riMMt Tutlix Tablet OcoMloailly tad Bid Toorsali of riles. LET ME PROVE THIS FREE- My Internal method for the treatment and permanent relief of piles la the cor¬ rect one. Thousand* upon thousands of grateful letters testify to this and I want you to try this method at *y expanse. N'o matter whether yottr case Is of long standing or recent development whether it Is chronic or acute, ahethe? it is occasional or permanent, you should send for this free trial treat¬ ment. No matter where yoo live . no matter what your .ige or oceupat ion. if you are troubled with piles, my method will re¬ lieve you promptly. I esp^pjjjiy want to send it lo those apparently hopeless case* -where all forms of ointments, salves and other local applications have failed- I want you to realise that my method "f treating piles Is the one most depend¬ able treatment. Thi» liberal offer of free treatment 1* too important for you to neglect a single day. write now. Send no money. Sim¬ ply mail the coupon . but do thia bow . TO DAT. . i Free Pile Remedy E R Page. 10«3A Page Bldg.. Marshall^. Mich." I'lease Bend free trial of your Method <o;

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Page 1: BELIEF 1STNOT Fill - Chronicling America

New JanuaryVictrola Records

Just IssuedI a. Climbing' Mountains Albert ca^- voell-Kenry Burr

You Didat Want X* When Ton Mad Me. . .. r Henry Bur

Walt Till You Oet Them TTp In the Air, Boy* Billy MmtijTlofctin' I>own Cotton Town Amtrlcu Qnul-etThere's » Lot of Bluo-Ryed Marys Sown in Maryland Simmon Four

Wondexfol Pal "... Sterlinr Ttfo

My Baby's Arms Medley Pox Trot Ptttro

And He'd Say Oo-1hv1>»: We».W«:.Me<Uey One-Step .Pletro

X Want a Daddy Who Will Hock Me To Slaep.Medley Pox TrotAll Star Trio

All The Quakers Are Shoulder Shaker*.Medley To* Trot... All Star TrioI Might Be Your "Onc*-la-*-While".Media y To* Trot

Joseph C. Smith'* Orchestra

Patches.Pox Trot Jossph C. Smlth'sOrchestraO! What a Pal Was Mary.Medley Walt* Joseph C. Smith's Orchsstra

Nohody Hnows.Medley Oa*-Step. .. .. ...... Joseph C. Smith's OrchestraGNms from "Sometime" .Victor Light Opera CompanyOerns irom "She's a Oood PeUow" Victor Ltpht Opera Company(1) Hush My Befee; (2) Happy Lao4; (3) Corns Thou Pount of Every

Blessing- Victor Orchestra(1) Hush My Babe; (3) Happy Land; (3) Come Thou Pount of Every(1) America, the Beautiful; (2) Star* of the Summer Nl^ht

'. . Victor Military Band

(1) Spee<l the R-epubUe ; (2) Onward. Christian SoldiersVictor Military Band

Only You . John McCormackInntat ton to the Walt* Philadelphia OrchestraD*ar Heart Haiillo Do Qogorxa

We'll be glad to play any of them for you. Just drop in andask for your favorite, or any of them




w. c. T. XJ.Til? Vi.'>v Orov \V I* T ' Mill

meet En-lav 'h- A:«l li-ui tii

ik. r. ... ^ t»,.. Rr.-. u- ;:an M. E.< 1> archThe Scu'.h IViUir. w T r. will

m> >.t t!;:? H?ttrn-.-on u: th* home cf Mrs.W l!i r ^ JI> t*-r ii BcliiK'iit

M:ii% i: !;<..!. \ I-...., . t1" \\..«t Mi. :i n... f Mrs.

P. M . 1 h . .. \v-M- r- . I.

Basketball, Notes.The hasketbai. team? in th" t &d*

schools lis-, e been orjcsnu'd The «ev>

? nth and *:eK,h erades w:'l *H h* r* Pr'>-b\ (. *ii»v V-tli £irl.« .Ti l h-.-> >¦

T^i* i>p v:t .¦. i- under «av at th<-differ- n* ?

. "1 i-im ,n M-Mnb- r« of t l:oKv |s«iik -i'«'f P' '1 win* Of the

Hi2h"<.,l t i r .- are couching t l»oyoun?*t. r:*The s>t J [ i rh 1 1« -r. I N-\« iinv

organized :i Ki.-fc-. i*HI r. -»!». Th»v liiV--»e <j ,..!«¦. f r i h.- .. school --f-flOt»ts» U> »!>... til'- !<./ . II'U gv ni'iftgluirie*rh Tu^ dx v .v>ni".e Ti.- I'.'tm »\:'l(¦lay -I. -v!i-di;t» uf u"»ni' *

Church Naira.Serve* pre pi ra tory to communion

wert- held lH*t mgfc* n :Iio Second P; . s

byterian «-hur- I-. l>i. !' 1. <'re»-t. th«:pastor ,i>reieh«dThe Kompart B:t-'e ..! t.'< f the Virst

R-forrn- >1 '-hu" l> v- . >>< i -l-t ' tluhome of th-- i»;u h- r. \\ il'iutu K"nipiri,««ji Th)r*\ .sixth »t i . '

Tea--iiers of ibe h;raf. M. K. Sundayschool rn< ' '«.¦>' nijfht to ro\ i;*e the Sun-dav srh""l lesson.

Memb*. rs of the ilvmnii B.bie via^s "fth« fir««t Reformed church will be »-n-

t*rta!n»d v '*><. home of Y;r« l.ouisaShahne Harrison s'r**t t«>n:sh'.The M'-sti'nnry .>..¦."'1* ->nd th->,

Standard Bearers -f th- Y'irst M. K.olriroh W'M I'oM i ipoT" ^ t'Mnjrb'at the iwn'i! of Mrs. C iarenct U. I'awcitton l:e Inont ."'re*'

Revival «> rvii'Cj, a' »li<> S. u'ii 1»elli r>

M. E ihu" h sr> 'nr:nuin«r with muchinterest

Rev. if. I. I'reet of th>* i>«cond Pres¬byterian church returned to Bellalr<» .c^-

t-rday frim Fo'.vhatan ¦.('"r' h' rr'aoh. d at revival scrvic*s Monday 'nul T'J's-day nigiits.

liocai D»nc«»Tho S ..V.t!.»h . |ub dai'- "- last

ntg!;t at tht <_»ui fellows hall pru\t<i a

Easy to Make ThisPine Cough RemedyTbnnatml* of f»rolll»« « ¦»w by lt«

prooint r««n1««. In*i ».

aad win about K,i « » « « »

Vou know that rme ;» u»e<l .n nearlr.II prescription.* and for couc'ns.The reason i« p ne ronton*

v peculiar elements thit h.i*e % 'emark-¦.ble effeel in soothin; no'l thomembranes of the throit and <*hest. Piniif> f.imous for t h » purpo««.

r'r»r» couch *vr»p9 are '-o-Tib nationsof pme and nvrup. The '\«vrup ' part1» tisuallv p'am «'icar srrup.To mike tb» be«t p:ae couff'n r»merir

that mon'v can buv. put C'i ounce*

of P;p»x in a pint bottle, an<5 fi'l up.with home ma'fe sucar 'Trup -Or tou

| c»n use clirilied mo.a.*4e». hon^r, o<- .'o^n

I ivrup, instead of » izsr *rrip. Knh»rIwit. vou make a full pint.moro 'hanA\"U can buy r<-adv-made for tbr<*i» t^the raon»T It is pure, good and verypleasant.chiidr^o tak» it cjtf-rlr.Vou can fee' th a take hol'l oi a

or cold ^n a w*y that means bus ne<*.

The couch tu.iv be drr. hoarse and t ipH t .

or miy be persistently loose from fh»!¦formation oi rhln:®. lii» cati»<' is t'nenm» nt!»med! thisi'loex and Syrup comb nat.on «'<! «fopit.usuallv >n 2t hour? or le>.« Splrml d,too, for b'Onchia' asthma, hoar.-i-aesa,or anv ord:na-y 'hroa? ai!m»nt.

Pirex 's a h trblv roneeptrat' I o<im¬

pound Of Norw.iv p ne extra' t,and is fnmou» wrld «<v.-r for iti

prompt effect up«-n eoujhs.Bcw.i'e of ulo't'i'CJ. '.-k rour

d "tiers: - 1 for .vwer* o» p n« \ w ill

direction^, s^l d»ri t ac » invth n;e)*e. Gtwrant»ed to c *». .ib.->o''it<« »<»i«-

faction or money refunded. Th* PiociCo., FL Wayne, !nd.

most interesting eaent. It w as s'nctlyi Masonic and was l.irccly at'ended. Ar»

»'ivh#>>.tra tin, totisir.Tli^ Young .Mom's i*luh will bold a.

|dano.- tvMght at the ha!l on Thirty-.-eoul'd iitrrtThe Moose I'luh will g, ve h. dnrtoe to-

trght a* M'-ov. hill "ti I :fr<-..t.

Uemtiaii' .-..'I room Jot .sale. of wal!paper :h.:- wtak only.ha-i;-.! .1 L'tiKKENLKK CO.

Adjourned Mooting Toaigrht.i.'ity council « 1 1 1 hold an adjourned

chambcr. It is ..» continuation of thon»c of Tu'-dav evening. which saw

»ini> !i hi.siivss in. tor ciisid' ration.Th-' in-je'uiK w i.s !!'.' vs.-nrj to I"- con-tlllU"d lh frii' r that a< I* ii fiiubt b«taken <>n the mi annual ai .nronriatlouordmatu .*. Tl" ..nimaii' i was r«adyf. .r > i>iisii3' miikii Til- .-day iiiii'ii, wheni* was t'"UM«| ti>.-ii iii.- amounts aj'pro-priat d «! .?.!. v d r. M-nu"on lmni| .aim tl><- .uno mat'd i> venue

ltoli»ll 1 fot ' 1 kmiiii.v s v months. Theilna't. ii «t i.>n, oftnial.s am-. will

ihc hit; on- l< r the it'y . ouacil t"settle uunri£ the present \<a r. I'-iviJJones. ' Oun< ilihan of 'h. Third ward, isthe chairman of the titi.nn . . onmnttee.

We sell awnings now for 1920.Wheeling Tent & Awning- Co. Tel. ((63.

Will Take Up Pvanchlse-The ord'>.afM ..OK'Miittoe of city

coun.dl and '"ity Solicitor '*hist«r C?edcwi-k will me.', in rho tvnr futuret'-r di«<"'i- sing ' . PHIH" t<' i frii!"hi>. !'..» th. W" h . ...¦! i 1 1 Tra<-tior> company. ' "ouneij. >» j* undfr-stooo. s most d< mt<>uj> of settling the

I franehis.- »i* !'. >\> y5>> They fear thatif I; i« 'i.. i C |- 'f ii may hold uv> th«jre pa\ ir*K^rnni t'ouncil. it is be¬lieved. will j*iie<.jst provisions that arenot unr- ;i «einablc. Should th- traction(.¦.mraii- fail to how a. ¦¦.>ri' iliatorvspirit i'. I.-. ii»-t ii nl k* ly that nvre drat-tic action m.'i.v h- tik-n.

Elect Director*..M the annual meeting of th- stock-

I holders ot th* Farmers and MerchantsBank the following directors were

¦ elected: Johr DuBoiS, John Schick. R. I.Bow rna". «"harles \rnotd. Oraw fordX>ff. J. M McPonald, T. V Ward.'

«>ors< %\ Ball and I W M^hois. Thedirectors orcantzed by .stleetint; JohnPuPota president. John Schick and J. M.McDonald \Mcc presidents. R. I,. Row-man < ashler and W. O. Simpson arMlst-ant cashicr.

High School in Shape.The hieh s-'hocl football team is now

lnr*adlncss for tho double bill sched¬uled for 'his week. Final practice wilthe held tonight ar r o'clock nt. th*

I ''iravel Hilt sywnaslum fiarti.e wash'ld af'cr seh"oi rday. Much ise\pe<>te/| of l.ope^mn. forward, and Mc-Dcrmttt. cuard. in the contest * t!i'sw»k with .Mar'tps Kerry and Mounds-

Nille high h""l iiitntets. t'u'hey andKiliC're will alternate, at ernt-"r andl^haeKleford and Starr, t? «.!' :ilt»rnat»

|nf ciard. Sniveiy will play i>'hT

Execntive Committee.> nv . link; of tho ov.m u'iv. ¦...nitrilt-

t ee of 'he Tiellnlre post. Amcrlean T.'-->;ioi>. will h«- held tor»lgh» at tin- fifTi'"0of \rrnrnev Ot'Ster >' Seditwick in th*»V and V. Bank huildnisr. \t tin* meet¬ing final arran2"tiien'«i will h>- tnad"f«r th ot..*»r\ ani'i of >l'.Kinlev davh\ th. k"n- orirani/a' >on on tann^rv^.a <>th<r " v ill al««. h. »;lvcn..onsid- ra tmti.

Elect Directors\* the n;»f "ia I t»ie/»titic r>e . |,o

holders of ?'»«. l*i rst Vstional Batik,hnild "ir d"*eetor«t f.-p the ensuing >esrwore re-'-'ecfe^ a«. of J a | Ttie follow< ,-'<rg> tV Tost. A i> M-'loti l'r»ukM' |nf . M. R<>def»-r. John r; (low.i;» org- Robinson and J A <'larl<

Teun Held FracMce.Tv»o lor*| tnd< peiiilent hASkettvall

' ejims held pra. tie. >«ft nieli' The<lr lis (\-ere lfth heirj at > ho ^';r>.l Wnrdsell' Ol g\ t innsi':n>. The "estll r« pre-. e 1 tt (f the a oiinj; Mori's . I i.»« of tho>¦ 'jtli Fella i . M K. church ^e|d Its

1 r.r->. ti(.,. and 'v>" 'e<itn renrese nt iiii: ; ho: \oi»ric»n I .eg on a'«o pro-tieed. II* re.

ifter 'tie .* as« team nil! praefji . ¦.ti\lentla\o a»d tno l.»gre. ..n U odneadaynigl.i "

Second To Tlnlrh.I'harles Trisler. the federal eensus

enumeratcr for precinct A l^urth

'Ward has completed hts nvork Hefinished '! p y««terdny. He was the see-ond of the lo> al enumerators to completeh:.» -i «'al\m W aM r was the firstenumerator 111 thi;» uty to complete his

^duties.No. 2 Furnace on soon.

The NV» ? furnace at the Cameg!®Steel works plant \\:ll V>« rla -d m oper¬ation In the near future. Th* furm< ohas b^n dried out. it is understood thatit innv b' pln.c-J in operation on Friday.Th local tniil is now working: in a!! do-rirrments cxccpttng the N<-> ? furtive*".Wnticallv "til f tli'i '"ornur employe-*are now baci. at. thuir former work

nemr:'n» jf:.] room lot sale of ^^11pa in ... tli;.. weoV onlv34-ia-j j. l. ukkknlkl ('».

Aimjr Recruiting Notes.Ir^v n Fnn,*i5. well known voung

I man, hv- applied at the Columbus re-

ji!U'»iii goflice for enlistment in thejrn<>.

' His mother his resolved a. oom-

j wunii-it ion from the recruiting office1 1 :i. »-*.. asking for an affidavit ,ts t.> hisJg".Th* special recruiting party whnh

[was hero in the interest of securing re.

; emits r> r the medical department of th.:j army has completed Us work and re I

i turned to Columbus. Purl up th* sta>. of jtho parry her.- about ten recruits were

(accepted for the service.

"Violated child I,abor Law.Many prosecutions are likely in Bel- |I In. re. it is said. for violations of the

' ch'lil lab r law. espe.MV.l for employinggir'i under lo rears of ane Tohn Aprill.manager f T'io Roma theatre, facedSquire Msrifler yesterday, he being

| charged with employing a cirt under is jyears of age. He was rtn**d $Ti *»ndcost.- The arrest was made by Constable George Conners

Ballalre BriefsLenta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Jos.

epn Corbet t of West Bellaire. :s con¬fined to the famil} home quite ill.Chief cf Police A. S. Mahone was a

business visitor at M. Clalrsville jiS-terdoy.Coroner John K. Wyatt of Soutli Bel

lairo was a witness before the grandjury at St. datrsvIPe yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. I'nd Davis have re¬turned to their homo at Marietta after'visiting with friends and relatives here, jThe semi-monthly of the Ameneus

club will be held thlr- » veiling in the.Ni'-holso" building.

M;ss Martha Jane Wallace has re¬turned t" to r lioni" at Cambridge- aftera visit with Kclluire relative...

I Attorney Kenneth il Cooper lias r°; turned from a business \isit at St.


BRIDGEPORT IIl.eave news Items for TV: In'clll-

ti-po'r at Hickey's News stand,s, tby & Reed's Priin Store or theBridgeport Hardware Company orcall Martin's Kerry CC7 JAlbert \V. Otto, I<ocal Correspondent. I


Bridgeport Has a Record for Achtov-ment la All Drives Which Justifies

High KopeH In Thin.

In view of the fact that both of theneighboring cities of this county havefallen d<>*vn badly In th< ir .l< wish !;e.lief drive-. the committee !uvn .-tar:*d'to put forth a special effort t" Kuaran-!" that this city will r< !i her ouoct.and hold tip the good record. for achieve¬ment which has Vun made in the. \ari-

[ou.s of the fortner drives which havobe«*ii made m this city. The quota Pithis drive is noi larg'\ amounting tothe .sum of only fifty cents tor each ofthe residents of the .'¦.inmuitiiy. orJ.'.Oftn for t >« entire community, includ¬ing: Brookside. West Wheeling, Lansingand Elaine, and tl « hairmen of the| rommitfe expresses confidence that! this Koa! will be reached. If all will

j givri as largely a.s they are able, thereis no question of the final su :>ess of

!the efforts ot the committee. wlu« ar-.unselfishly Riving of their tim- andmoney for th* sako or humanity, andI to assist in preserving life for th« thou¬sands of war Miff- rerv. who are suffer¬ing through no cause ot their awm,most of whom, are w jrn. n ai;J children.

A_nnnal Election.Th» annual meeting for the election

of officer? of the Bridgeport ciiid ofth'' National Rifle Association. -,v I beheld in the club rooms to-"iglii, ;«pd n.iof th' club members :¦ re »>*reote<l to b<'present. Several other l>usm«s:. ma'.-tcr:» ar<- expected to p.- disposed of.

ZtOdgr* Affair Enjoyed.Th'- installation of 'he newly elected'officers of Guiding Star <oun. il of the

Sons and I uuu: liters of Liberty too\placo at the m-eiing held l ist" night,land a good crowd of the member.-. \> rr.jprest nt_ Following th.. Puv.nese. a so-

. clal session concluding w Mi an e\,-e>.J I* nt and appetising lunclu n. whi,-n t\a.-hi^ibly enjoyed.

tanslng Man Dead.Onrl's Klea hnian, resident ' ne*r

T.atisim:. dl»-d y» sti rda\ morning at,'t:l5 nVlock, following t Pn» f lllii'ssof a complication ot dls-ease-.. He washorn at Woodsfield, O. June 11th 1S.V*,.wa- tij \ < -t rs of asr- a' tl" t 1 1 » .- of.]>-atl». and had only he.-.n a r. ..!¦ m o*thi' vicinity for little more than a

Besides the wife, t w <> daughter.*.Mioses Marg ire'. and Josephine. Mir.iveto mourn his loss, both of whom are

jat home The funeral services will be.conducted from th' family home thi>] *fterno<<n a' C o'.-l.i.-k, mi charce ot"

TJ M' L'Hiul. of liie First Papt'stI church of Martins Kerry,^and the iv-

j mains v ill be shipped to Wt>oOsf;«.ld ;''. r

| inlcrnv nt on Friday inornu.g

B. B. ft T. Co. Stockholders Meet,The annua' meetinu of th% stockhold¬

ers of the Brid^epori Hank a.nd Tru>:company, was held in the directors'rooms of the bank yesterday afternoon,a? which time the r< port of_i_he veir ?

busiTiese whs' read and appro\7d. Tli#report showed the business in a flour,ishlng iord:t|on. a')d all wre well pl'us-td with the Increase in earnings. Th »

old bi'i'd of directors was rc-eieoielto «orve for another yar." conmf inrrot th-; fotlowing. C. A. Ilobiii.-oo, ,t r



! Banish them by using Dr. IBell's Pine-Tar-Honey

TTTOUSANDS recommend it. Dr. IBell's Pine-Tar- Honev isn't in

experiment, b»!t a cousjh and coldremedy that his steadily gToxvn popu-. i

lar because it is quickly fnectiveFor lingering cokis or rough* or frr? *»

attacks Us balsamic and healing .infiseptics are sure to bf beneficial .Itbring* tpeedv relief from phlegm-con-igestion, inflammation, tickling brnn-thial tube*. Good also for hoarseness,coughs due to grippe, and kirdred ail-ments. Economical.a bottle goes a|long way. 30c., C>0c-» $1.20.


Jor Coughs and ColdsA Fine Family I axative

^?-Oo-t-u. N»Mrr'» as<u«r»nt. «.'"»dM Wf and (Pf'« th« Itvrr on th» ;o*> ' niik*e»IoroW. Po-LVvlj* ii fjiicl b'.'t por'iv« m

>. onrr""* < r>r>»tipatrjn in


H"ln>in. EverIcy South. J. X.. Hlggin«,Henry Bf*rber*cn, August Kraatz. Jo¬seph Meiftter, Senneea Lyje. Thomas .1.Maher. W. V". Th'-ma* #tnl F. .V Ilogg-i.Tho board of directors did not perfect

their organization for tho >ear. 1»*j » a

matins will bo held for tins purposelater.

Wednesday Afternoon Clnb.The members or the Wednesday ,\f- j

Urtir.on Club spent an enjoyable aft-r-inoon yeMerday as th" gucst6 of Mrs.John Kuhn at her home on BennettSt r"f. The hours w< re d"V0trd Jo 'heusual club diversions, and 'he affairconcluded with a dainty lunchcon for jthe members.

Kadosavic runera.1. .

'I'ho funeral services for the late «,ath-erine Radoscvje, who .lied at h'-r honv jstop ?7 on the Barton Line, will b"<-ondu«Med from St Anthony's Catho¬lic church in this city this morning at

J» o'clock In cb«rge of R^v. <*». M. VoaLintel, 'Mid th>> body v. ill l>. laid at

lr';i in Li nwood centaury.

Amartoan Laglon.\-i important meeting of all of the ex- '

soMi«»rs of this vicinity, whether or jii"i they are members of the AmericanLegion. has been e tiled t" take place at1'he rooms of the Rifle club tomorrowevening. The annual election <">f <>tfi-jcf-rf- t<>r the local post will be the chiefl»UM!ics}. for consideration.

"The Han Hant«r."The management of the Family th'*a- 1

tre in this city takes pleasure In an- fflouncing the gnatest of All Famumthrillers In "The Man Hunter," whichwill be shown at the theatre this after¬noon and evening. This is the wonderstory <>f years, in winch Famum trai!.ihis man more than ten thousand nulenover the continent and finally "gets''him.

Mr. McOrtw*! Condition S«rto*a.The condition of William McGraw.

w ho wis injured near the Lansing mino jwhen his wagon was demolished by an

automobile Tuesday, is reported to bo i

in serious condition a' 'he Bellatre he>s- jpilot. The man's Injuries are mostly jabout the h^ad and the attaches of thoinstitution hcsitau to j' ' tin- out-)come.

Maccabees Meeting.Thv regular m'eitng i t the membcr.i '

of i'. I,. Fenny tent of the Knights of jthe Maccabeus will be held in this city]tomorrow evening and .<11 of the nietit- Ibers have been urged to attend, as *

special program of interest has beeo jprepared for the meeting. 1

Ajrreed to Pav tha Bill.The daughter of ('onsiable John Moore

of this ell v was kti'u kej down and in-'rifMl bv an aulomobilt >>ii West Mam jstreet about a wee* ago. Yesterdaymorning a voung man named Hammond,of SI. t.'lairsv ille. »as arrestedcharged with the offense, as he was

drivinc the ear concerned in tho acci¬dent. II' sioutlv denied having be.;ndriving i he cur at the time, lui agreedto j«av all of tlic doctor's bill, on eoi»-

dit ion thai the caso against turn ho

dropped.StocLholdari X«et.

The annual meeting of the stockhold- jcrs of ihe I'ollar Saving4- l ank «>t thiscity will beld In ti»e bank this aitfr-

noon. at which time thrv will r«e«tv'/the report of the vcar's buslutss. and >

he>ard of directors wilt be elected to

handle ihf affairs of the l-n»>k tor the

ensuiuc var It is lik>l> tliat tin.- Kinio

board will be re-elected.Sarprisa Party.

Mrs Umma Miller was delightfullysurur:sed last evening at the home ofher daughter. Mrs. illiam Kittler.Stop N'o. 7 West Wheeling m honor ofher hirthrtav. The evening was upent Iin enjoying a ver> good time. Membersof tho" Mother McKinK.v Orclt were,present and gave t!ie hostess manybeuutifiil presents Music durlrc tho|evening was furnished b\ a siring or¬

chestra of Etellalre. ,\t a |atr h«»ur i h^Clients repaired 'e> th" dining iv<»m

w here tliev ctiji'j cd a virv deliciousluncheon.

Brldreoort Brlef«. jHoward H Wilson. local undertaker.'

was called on a business trip to Btoch '

Bottom vcsterdav aftornoon. JTh' mas <1. Hielow and Karri.* <~hlppf! !

loft v<-stcrdav for Cclunibu*. 10 at- jend Mi'- meeting <>f tiio el.usuc i f Ohio 1

Sportsmen.William Mcfjraw of I.anslnr. ft,, 1* !

r'-p.>rt»d sotn»>wliai improved at ihe D<jl- |lalro hospital. follow iuc hes recent In- Jjury. |

.1 « lTHnlci?i bas arrived limine aftera few du\ * spent tit 1 "leveled. O.. o<* |business of Importance.

T. Varm»r arrived home last ninht Jafter attending the funeral of .'i relativeat Kltishlnc. O.T W. \V 1 1 1 1 ;.m « enntinues srr'oijslv 111 I

hi his hopie in K ri. wood. and his condl-t:r>n is nr»t much improve.]

Stiocia! S'.rvi'-. s nr. heme oorduefdin the West A\ he»l mc M. K. .'hurch »a<~h''\ciuii: .<r ihis u k. with the e.vceptlon|of Saturdftv.

1 ,oe;il resident* nro Interest"! in I If

annoum-emeni ih*it .> n. w pl'is* plan, is

contemplated for Martins l'er*"hrts Veins, toMnacr of the V amity j

theatre in tli.s nt\. bus arrived homo!nf'T a business trui t" F'it'«bur;;h

Mrs. I.. T Kariner. i*f Klrkwood. hs«

arrived homo si f 'T a f'-w da;, s' "ts I s 1 1

with r»tati\e* »t V'usblnc i"1

Thomas Mc<f"'jffh. of HrooUs d'. 's

si>cnditic ii few n .1 s in t'olumbus. O..on busin»s« |Mrs Will M'-'-itria JChv inntin'ix »o

Jmprov follow nr h/r aoei<Jerital hr.' a r - I'Imp of an atikl" in a fall more than a

\\ t < K t foMr*. Honr. r-irtcs* l« reported to be I

imi.rovinc inc. l\ 'it o.-r liomr m Kirk-!wood follow nur lor fall i" v 'nc'i «ho

j.m'-i 1 ted ;i l-rokfii :«'il>l'. Ia«t Saturday.

'The wfek I v meotlnc o f:hr Kt.ljhts

«.f the M*o.ahr.-« will !>'. held in this ',

» ? \ * <»nu»rr< »\v 11 cht .

MARTINS FERRYi.eare items for Th* InteiliC-neer

a» the Furd N'*s A peney. SouthFour'h 1-treot, or call Martina Kerry

CTT .T.Mhrrt W . Otto. t,o> :il < '..rrespondem. (




Mike Veurdas. charged w ith the.

lrorrl^'or of j. cambl'tt;; house. as weM|as ,l -hn fans a: id Mikr I'oina^ harred jwith caniblmc. w.-r- civn « hearing he-;for« Mayor .".larl** ''..leman 'avt mchtThe ro^ii wfr<- arrested h; otfi'-or> Hoy. I.< y n:^d Muhl'mai' nt t hv \orfii ITnd |Tu*«di: i'Uh! Th. y i>iiIim| fl .v of |*; 1 1 1 i-> t'" hire :i nd t n. d J 1 " ,

:ilid i«o.'t« . aclirw others harceil w Iiji ;f!> *.!'¦ rrtrii '

v . rh- offict rs \< 1 r« <!:».. h:i rc« d -"i ac

. ,.r lark 01 t \ iden

Water Work Still Oolntr1 ii® pumpii'K |»la'it and the tugine* n- '

ti.f I. Ml'ii'lp:il r works w en -.tin If 1 ». : i > 1 .* with all of tin o*d r itgnict r* on j11,. i-d. |->>-< ji.<r»it r--ir<rdi'*r or ,< f .>\«

. .. r-o><« \> . iihH'ij; n . i.tivi«i.'|H 1

< (T..11 ;o Ii.t. . <u; ¦ r' 11: . nd' r ' ,tenl;'>isjp. nioved fr>"> 1 ro Hid l'»Il.;at .¦n> jt'. »irii ».i |||.; pla'" 1 ln*l 11 C to j- . 1 1 I

I'ir.vl.T of >. r\ 1. <. O.arl. t 1< r 1 1 <>-

vlii'. d la*! t R H » " \|t of »t>. turn ¦ m- trl"> -d S" !l>- (lift III :ir. w 1 1 1 1 l,sli.»d« l'i i-r> «« 1.1 .-Iii'dil Ion.- hi ih»- |dan' a»d |ill'. rt'iibl". t h' r* is not b> itn; d:

b? 1 b'pi hut ,<s .s 1 >i > «d ^ 'lit . rda v !I Mi' !li|f< ii<'rr li> h f. \> mdiv idunls who.1 t. 1 'iiio Id with ill- ,

Pocahontas InstallationI'lo :~t r : m.i-iint; f.»r iho new \'"»r of j

1 1-. 1 1 I'o'-ahotM « ; of thi> .. » x Iwill |ip ti#> Id :i' lb** r..#.pi« ,>f ii-.,- |">j.I . riial II «

* I -I'ls *¦ 'iilpj; mi uhi'li-;iil of Mi. off I* 'I r* e Io. ' / d for IV rti sill ri (f jlorn. m|| i"M a I In) wnb tli" proper''fiiiin1' v \ brif-r <.i». i.-'l ««i'i|, has!a!*.. I'lanu'd t" follow I'o work.

Club Entertained jMr« 1 1; Kiackfor.i w«t 1 1- riiarni- I

if k host,., to .» larc iMimli. r nf tho'101 'libel's ..f ;h- edn- .--diiy Vfterno.in1TMinblf no.- at I" r !>¦ n,r . . X(,r,h' O'lrtb vr.;. r v^ft»rdro <f,"rn"«n . orn

r>l iiii'tit u ry t>. tirr inothof. \frs j;l("bb« I t.s \m;'.» 1 'a|. who is \|sit

"K If re. Th. usual .lub dl\ n-sion.s w.r-

. I" 1 whi.'h :i I- ll'flirt; lun-h-\\:i * «.r r

Mlsalonary Mestlng\ vr w.n hi tended a>.d en" liu«lavt ^

hits lo ss m^. tiMK of the memh. rs of thef oreign Mlssjoiarv »ocletv of

the I- Irst I resbyt' rlan church na« hold'J



*R0Mll>£Standard cold remedy lot 20 yeara

1 .in tablet form.late. *ure, no

opiates.break* up a cold in 24hours.relieve* crip in 3 day*.

k Money back if it fail*. Thogenuine box has a Redtop with Mr. Hill's

picture.At All Drug St»u

in th'- church on South Fourth streetyesterday afternoon ?i nrl .ill of the mat¬ters concerning the organization l'or themonili were il)sj».'s'-a f

Radiator Covers save yonr walls.Wheeling Tent at Awning Co. Tel. 663.

Mechanics MeetingThe weekly business meeting of flu

local council of Junior Order or" 1 tilted IAmcican Mechanics will b< I" id in therooms on Hanuvtr M reel this «.. n n (C jand .i special program of Interest ha.«born rreparcd for the evening All ofthe members arc urged to attend.

Notices PostedNotices ot' tho ruling of the Wheeling

Traction company with regard to thochange in zones, charging an additionalfare for patrons who hoard the earson Main street at the Steel bride- cor¬

ner. beginning with next Monday morn¬

ing. have been posted on :ill of the carscoming to the i »h «» side. This it isclaimed w ill relieve the congestion oftrait n. at th< bridge corner.

LOST.A fo?c terrier dog. black andwhit*, short hair and short tail, wore

i col la r wi! h hell. If found 'all MartinsKerry 180-M nr bring to HI'S Xo. Fifth S;..Martins F« rry. and re. « jve reward. Th#dog i*. owned by Frank Harris.

ja- 1 l it

Committee to HustleTh' membership ..¦-.inm 1 1 of tiiej

local Hoard of Trade, consist nig of Wil¬bur II' slop. Rof. r t >. I.upton. and \ .1,Fallen, have nlreadj begun in wurn >'fhustling tor th- new membership !'. -rthe year and there is a del erminat tonh'ing expressed t-> increase the numberi.f new members bc)oiaj tut itgurereadied last year.

Orchestra Secnrad'.no of tic best orchestras procurable

in the valley has been secured for theri"\t of the series of square danceswhich will be given by the ItnoMer com¬mittee of t lie f;rd Men in t lie Frat Hallthis evening and ilioSc who attend havobeen promised the tune of their lives,

Installs Officers.Mother McKinby i ir. le So. 4 l.adies jof tin i \. II. held th' annual installs- |lion of ofii>-ers «i rlnlr last meet rig in

thejr rooms in this utv. I.argi number:i'f the' member* weer preset. i who wit-lnessed tip- installing of tl;« new of* Ilicers. I'ast "r* sidetii vVildn Morgan, Iwas m charge of rh.. ai^ning

Kid lowing the busirte?.. pecsWm themembers enjoyed a sociu.1 linv whichwas followed bt the ser> in; of delicious |refreshments. Followincr is the <(ftb < rsthat w> re installed

I 'resident. Mar> i'. .leff'-re\'iee pre-idenr. ,t. nnie Marshall.Junior vice ui esiden t. Worotliy i\rii>.r.Treasurer. Mwilda Morgan.S«'eret»r\, I'laia W'eiser.. 'hardain. .\tr> Johnson

\ 'ondtiet or. Angeiia lYdd'.-ordAssistant conductor. Ml la t'oss.iJuard, Kmtna Miller.Assistant curd, .lane llall.I'airiotie instructor. Maggie Cos-.-.

Body Shipped.T'l reniams Ot' tilt Jate ||.->III>M- V

Wallace, well Known resident ot' \..riiiiThird Street, win- di-d a few iia> - ago.Here -IllOt'ed t.' \V'eI!.sbllr»;. ».»ter

da> afternoon. w ii. r* int. rnieii! will 1»mad. }«<\eral !...¦;. relatives ..f tinJ. e. "1 .!... . d til. !».||> .

Musical Cotncdy of Class.Tin m. nibers .>t" tne Parisian Ko'.uc.

who began m fi>ur da.vs i ngag^nv nt »'the \'-w l'astiine theatre last night, arelainied :.. h. among the best which

liavv \ ett app. .ir-d :i. tins c!f> <i u r i n «cth> pre s» tit ^e.i^oii. ml tli.-'r Woi"\ :timu-i' i' coin, dy ami \.iud>'\ 1 1-* is s"tn; - jthing tile

Planning- Bazaar.\. ., .oi-..|ii m. e':i g o|' th. m. m'i.

,.f i n.-Me- t'oiiiniiit". i.f tn. : ¦ dM. n. plans w.-re pi:n e.| on t'emt t'.-r .«bazaar and festival, which will ffi\enbv the tub. at - r.i. time in .!.. mar.frit 'i re. Hii.| th'*-<- t.» to.* doubt that loejt' (r-u;dititb will loot, '.irwurd t.« the affiir'with pleas<irab!>' till ;.'ipat iioi.

. "name of the Desert."

. o-raidi'o l-'.irrar ." tin wond< rf|pr..d'1'Mf.'i . nt it led "l'";in f th-jiesert." will I'.- -.i n> a' 1 1:.' I-'.ira> tli.'8ir> H.i- v-ni'ig. ii tins t*i.rowiiing :i.'ii;. vivrii! I.. gr-.,<

star's I are. I-. Till- a .. ile ant »»..ryI.f a great .ii|v'iir.-| !.> I'.. fje»ertstar- .fid ear':. > .. "i t r.«iti * ili/edIfivur!"" ...' t.. ndoe. t.i. barbaricspli t« -i ... rs- . "Id Kg> ;¦!

Entertains C*ub.t',.. member's i.i t!" H "1 jb ef

th'- ':t>. « III !.<. entertained a- the;;ti..'t» of Mrs I*. >1 ! "a .. jt hi r b.jtn.-i-in Virginia str> . t. l-'ridaj eMiiln^ of


New Elixir, Called Aspiron-al, Medicated With Latest]Scientific Remedies, Usedand Endorsed by Euro¬pean and American ArmySurgeons to Cut Short aCold and Prevent Compli¬cations.

Every Druggist in U. S. In-!structed to Refund PriceWhile You Wait at Count¬er If Relief Does Not ComeWithin Two Minutes.


Delightful Taste, ImmediateRelief, Quick Warm Up.Tk' >.-nsaf '<¦>» th* »».ir n i lr;ia

trsd.- if \«ptrorni the iw <v'it.- coldiP'l <oi)Rh 4 nt horlt am el vpruarante.Mj bj the labnrat.or ^

ipprovcd an<1 mo»t »nf huj>ia?t:>-.tll.* <.!>-

Jor^.d to the h'.lfhi-st aiithor:ti.. andproclaim, d by the .-ommon penplo asr. 1 time?- *..' «itjirU a'i(i effeeMvf a.<i |»htskr>. roek and rye, or :iny other!old ktnl i*oug!i remedy they ha>" f ri« rlAll il-ue .in now surnlifd with

tlio wonderful new clt*ir. po all youhave to do to ft rid of that <-old toFt- p ntu the mart-si drup store. handHi. ,-T. t'k half a dollar for a bottle of i.Vsplronal. ."itirl » o ! J him to »tvc you j

i w o t* a^p^onful* »H'i four faeoonfuls t

¦,f ^ r r (n .t WUli your watchii. >"'ir hand. tak. the dr'.nk *1 oneuw alien and call for your money barkin U'.1 minute.- if you cannot f.i.l your)old fading away 1'kc a dream w.Ui.n'

th.; time limit. rvn't b: bashful, forill druPKists ln\lt<* you and .\\p. .:t > ouo try it Kverybody's doing: it.

ti your co'd >.-r cou^h I.- relievedlal<>' the remainder of the bpMlr h<>m» jlo your wife snJ bahlr-5. for Aspironal i

* by far the saf. m and most ^ffertiveIho ea«ie*t ¦*> take sod the most atree-»?jU- cold and c..u»?h remedy for Infantaind children. Adv.

'tins w«k, and all of the- members whoattend she affair have been promised a

most enjoyable evening.Elks Dance.

Tho members or the social elub o; thelocal Elks lodge, will give another ortheir enjoyable series of dances at tlieirhome on North Fourth street this even-ing. and the committee in charge have Ipromised to leave nothing undone to

make this Wit biggest affair of the kindyet held.

Prayer Meetings To-night.The following Is the schedule or tna

places where the home prayer meetingsof tho members of the congregation ofthe I'nited Presbyterian church win be¬held this evening:

<iro;ip.s 1 and ". homo of Mrs. Robert.I 'arrah. N. Third street, K. L. ROtli-ermund. leader. *».._«

. ¦roups :t and 4. hotii" of Mrs. IIIM' .

lie'th x.-al. Old Cemetery road, i>. i-|Kerr, leader. _4L,Croups " and S. home of IT. r.~ Moore, I

70S l ark street. Ft. K. Kerr, leader..Irotips o and home of Miss fcthel

Herdmati, t>2'> Hanover street, £>. A. jKutledk,'' . leader. ,

Group home of Edward kuckuck.LaugUiti liLighti. Kev. K. W. Jameison,leader.

Terry vs. Beliaire.T !>» basketball attraction at the tin*

school jvmnasium for this clt.v tomor¬row night will be a game between thelo.-al High school team, and the teamfr mi th. Bella! re high school and withgood practice every evening of this weekthe local team is expected to cop tne

gam.. An interested crowd of footerswill b-. present at the game.

Coal Miner Injured.Angclo Oambycy. one of the employes

of tho Aetna Standard coal mine, *'as

taken to the local hospital yesterdaymorning suffering from injuries to hisback, which he received in a fill orston>- while at work. He was reportedby i t Laches of the hospital to bo doingnicely last night.

Had Finger Amputated.Frank Nevin. Barton coal miner, had

the middle finger of his right hand am¬

putate) at the loi^il hospital yesterdaymorning, following an Accident at themine, in which the members were se¬verely injured. The man '. reported tobe got ting along nicely.

Stltchery Club.Th" members of the: Thursday Night

Stltchery club of this oily will be en¬tertained at the home of Mrs. JamesStarling, "ii Virginia street this even¬ing. and a vry enjoyable time is protn-ised the members. The usual social di¬versions of the club will be followed bythe ser\ing of a tempting luncheon.

X>oses ringer in Accident..lames Kan is, one of the residents of

Hanov. r street, was so unfortunate asto haw or.e of his lingers of his righthand aceldentallj amputated while atwork at the plant of the Wheeling Cor¬rugating ornpany jesterday morning.He was taken to the hospital where hisInjury was given attention.

Arm Broken En Fall.Mrs. Walter Hums, of this city, was

:)>. \lctini of a |>a«l fall on Jeffersonstreet yesterday afternoon, in which shebroke both of the bones in her rightarm >he was reported to be restingeasy and doing as well as could be- ex¬pected las-, night.

Martins Ferry Briefs.1 'hie f Fd H via ml. of this city, spent

yeMerday in St. Clairsville. O., on bus¬iness.The weekly meeting of the members

of the local (rib*- of Red Men will beheld in the Fraternal hall tomorrownight.

Miss Augusta I.uskey who underwentan operation nt the local hospital a fewda\* ago, is reported improving nicely.Mrv W. W. L>avls, of this city, is

spending a few duys «t Fostoria, O.,attending a s'are meeting of the Ser-\ !... Star Legion.

Ke\. ei. K. Bartlett. of the First Bap¬tist church, of Parkersburg, W. Va..conducted the services at the First Bap-tis' church in this city hist night.Th* regular me, tmg of the members

of the ivgree of I 'ocohontas. will beheid this evening and officers will beinstall* d.

Tile work of ri nio\ mg the fire hosefrom th< l.nughllti mine pit was started\ est. rda> and it is a big job *>f work.

Wallet Morgan will remove his familytr«'m \orth Fifth street lo VirginiaM reel ' o,i:n

Officer !'. te Heddy will make a bus¬iness trip to St. e'lairsvillu today asa w itness in a case.

Mrs. 'lerhart Summers was th<; hostessto the members of the Katherire VonBo til Sewing eluti at her home on Kim«t reel last night.

\\ ilhatn Wilson w ill remove to hithotn- on West Washington street to-<l t \ .is it is now ready for occupaucy.

ST. CUE !Belmont County Seat News


Slxtr Caws to Probs.WU1 Require atueu.t Tlue« Pays.

Th. -r-tni) tti r \ roii'm-n.'' d their work;n 'Iihiiod oil as rourt Wedncstiav. TheyhHVO about to ltlVl'Sti(8ll>and will t>c 111 «. ..««ion at leaft three |

in.' followinc persons ar i on tlio t;rr.itnl lurv: W. I:. Slet'raokon. Flush- init. I rank Wllhams. St c'lalrsvllle. il.K ' M. "racked. Kairnoini llarvev Love. ISt ist rpy 1 1> William lI'Mielit. Ann--ii-.-i'c - .M » - .1 .1 ( *(i 1 1 1 1 »»h. Mlcdcnia. !"r. <i M'^'aruifv. li.'iuJr.sburc. -fl }. jWilliams. Uaiton. K. Uocuo. J'i<*d-j

m<>ni l*'i J'. Kr*'M. MHmont. Samuel Ii>ll»ri 'lairpville; lino MH""on« Iiii.tjih'- sr. i 'la r>vi|o. Jam<\« T' '"ross .

land. St. !air>vill». U. Li. Koyd. St. Ii iirs III*:. Henr\ Adams. St. Clalrs- I\ ll-v

Common Pleas Court.Court Entries.I 'it ts.mrsh Mining Machinerv Co. v?. I

Frank Gable Motion of defendant fornew trial overruled. Judsnu-iit on \er-dte'\ |{. Scott \ h. A rni«"-onsr Porler. i

ii Sal-- i.opflreirtd, d'.tds "rd' rtd. {ir.1' distributioni, h s Truav Jr.. .. «. T'ioma s A.

Marian. ([ al. V'. (\ I'tiMola appointedKuardian ad Hi in !".» r minor defendantsm i'li I' a\<- to at.Hv *r w ithiti three da> «.Lcnora . 'onner u John C. t**onner. !

r»i\or'T rrnnted plaintiff on eronnd of Iadultery. I >efendant to pay costs.

Kat|jrrln< Alexander v«. A R, Aie\-|ander Alitrtonv awarded to plaintiff b\-rrr.-. i.i.'nt a* fi'Hi'W* To pn> plaintiff< ... .'.m. a« follows t A 00 within l'» da>.< i; balance within si\ months, th'' >am.-.«. hereby tn.'tdt h Hon on oil real estateof defendant. 1 'f fondant to pay coats.

Probate Court.Martha A tJrfRff, dee. Notice of pro¬

bate returned and 'Hod endorsed withproof L.f service "'anse continued

In r^.ieooijnt « for MUlrntrnt Jan .It.1'' ..f i>. hi ir (i ion of in.tic- of tilinga'-'ouina and llin*- of settlement there-¦.I' A ai proved and ord> r> d re-orded

of A" * H M 1.U.'U« ' Proof ofI-iil'li- i: ion of not if. I''d. aurro\.-d and ord'-r- .1 recorded.

l».;,ii. of Kmnci :;i .' pin n«. df.- Proof .

of publication of none of appointment !UK d. approw d and ordi-rr-l r-'.-.-rded.

Theltim hu^a* a minor. Partial or-I'Otint filed s« t for h' arine !.". h. .'v. No-1 1. ord'Ti d and .<nl khj.-i!

Morn*. H« rzl>.'i't:. d> ¦.. PartiHl aft'ounit' l"d. . t for h. ariinr Ki b. Notii1'*' ii'd and oniirni. il I

Ai fl>on\ Mn lia^l . ari v. Tisli-monv of Mdu ard I/" taU< n r<" durod towritme and fil-.l 'A ill admitted to ;>to-liati and record ord* n-.lM rop I ! (ol., .iMi'r. of Parhari

I d«"'\ ' Arder of publti- nali' ri«- jturned and 'lird 'fidors^d firf niiir* »oldl*'"i* GO. 1 ? 9 to Peter Wderman forJ1 ten «-ij. .'.-.ntlrnj. d at:d deed ordi r-ed ost« i-\p<»i»e«. t a \ c* and \alur ofd-'wr ord^rrd uanl. Pi'.'..rd ordered

"«a M. Smith. <!¦'... \ pnli'-nt for di'trrtnmat n-n of .'ollatcral in-heritap.'C t h v Heal «i*|i> ordered ao-rrm«. d. apprai««'ra appoiniod. order ofBpt»i-« i«"'Tni'ii wMii'd and ..ontinue.tM * ril, \\ 1 la';''. Hdinr'x.. of Kli.-lia

i> >i. ¦'. - I.undo \\ 1.iu:u.«. it alS;Minii'.ii« n tiAriif'd and *ili d tnlorsedwith i'in.rn of m'T'. In Sheriff ofSiaik rount ''.

He«ltT D«ed« TUad. |Ja« II Hr\ ant er au to Jot. B. Moore i

et »ix. I.ot A In Centervtlle. J10Win. MoGraw and wife and Louis a


Enthusiastic Texan Tells of BadFix He Was In and How HeGot Out by Using Black-

Draught LiverMedicine.

Holland. Texas..Mr. J. N. MeSser,who lives a short distance from hereout in the country, says: "Black-Draught is without doubt the bestliver medicine made. I do not hesi¬tate to say it will do all it is recom¬

mended to do and more,"f am strong and healthy, but we

all need a little active medicine once

in a while, and Black-Draught is goodenough for me. It does the work welland cleans the liver, carrying awaybile, the easiest of any purgative Ihave ever seen.

"Once, some years ago, I had Blowfever and my stomach was In a badfix, and Black-Draught gave me reliefand helped me a wonderful sight Itcured me of indigestion and the badfeeling after eating. I keep it for myfamily; they use it and have foryears, and, too, it saves doctor billsand is not expensive."A stitch in time saves nine, and

most sickness is caused by a badliver. A few doses of Black-Draughtfixes that', and I don't see why peopledon't use it, and they would see, as Ihave, what a help it would be."Ask your druggist for Thedford'a


Eustersic to Krank Pultorak. Lot inColerain ti>. ITM.60.

L. Witt to Giovonni Miloni et al. Lot4 in Bellairo. II.Camcsie S. Rinehaxt and G. P. Rine-

harf. to C. K Albus. Land in Somersettp. 51.

Henrv Harris and Mary Ann Harrist<> JoscDh A. Jones et <U. Land inPease to. 110.

Verso&/Ua.Mr?. A_ L. left Wednesday

for a visit with relatives at Cincinnati.Miss Marv Shepherd will be hostess

to the members of tflc Kilabluc club onSaturday evening.

Mrs. D. A. Elkins will entertain theModern Priscilla club at her home onWest Main street. Thursday evening.

B. W. Hopkins, of Hcllaire, was a vis¬itor in town Tuesday.The Phllath<a class of the Presbyter¬

ian Sundav school will hold a social atth* churrh on Thursdav evening.A number of local people have receiv¬

ed invitations to a dancs in Wheeling<fcon Friday, Jan. 2". Dance to be giv¬en bv th^ Club of 1020 in the AuditoriumConvention hall.

SHADYSIDEThe "W i 1 1 i nk Workers Society will

meet this afternoon at the homo of Mrs.John A. Futhey, on South Central ave¬nue.

Mrs. Loretta Caldwell, of Centralavenue, will be hostess this afternoonto the other members of the ladles'class of the Christian Rible school.Both boys and 'girls of the high

school will po to-morrow evening tf-Kenwood for basketball games with theteams of that school.

.Mrs. Belle Chambers has added arestaurant business to her confection¬ery on Central avenue. She is now pre-pared to serve luncheon or meals at


any time.Members of the Wlakakec Club will

meet this evening at the home of theMisses Hilda and Carrie Landkrohn onLincoln avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Foreman expectto move front their present home onCentral avenue to their new residenceon Lincoln avenue some time nextwe*k.The house is practically completed.

Mrs. Wilbur Boston, of Central ave¬nue is spending a few days with rela¬tives near Jacobsburg.Two of the children of Mr. and Mrs.

Martin Weekley, of Summons" Place, arcill with measles.

Miss Algaretta Ault of Smithfieldstreet, who is at the Bellairo hospital,where on last Monday sbc underwent an

openation for appendicitis, js now im¬proving.

Mr. John Beveridge, who has beenpoorly for several weeks, is now con¬fined to his bed at the home of hisdaughter. Mrs. Peter Schramm, onWest Thirty-sixth street. He is suf¬fering from a severe cold and infirmi¬ties incident to his advanced age.Stockholders of the Futhey Lumber

and Hardware Company, will hold theirannual meeting on January 30th.

Evangelistic services are being «on-

tlnued in both Chriatian and Methodistchurches this week. Special music isprovide**, for the various services.

Mrs. Irvln Whitehair, of Stewarts-ville, is spending the week here withher parents, Mr., and Mrs. Jaeob Long,of Avondale, and other relatives.

Mr. Harry Kaylor. of West Forty-fourth street, has returned from Cen-t err i lie, where ho had spent a few.days with ins mother, who fell on icysteps at her home last week and sus¬tained a broken hip.

Mr. Thomas Leasure, of Futhoy addi¬tion. returned Sunday evening from a

trip of several weeks to Colorado andTexas.

Mrs. P. A. Dorff and daughter, ofNorth Central avenue, spenp Sundaywith relatives in McMechen.

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