belief in allah / tevhid/english


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Page 1: Belief in Allah / Tevhid/English
Page 2: Belief in Allah / Tevhid/English

The most important point in Islam is to believe in Allah.

Islam is like a large beautiful palace. Only those, who believe in Allah and his messenger, can enter this palace. And those, who don’t have faith, will stay outside the palace.

The non-believer needs to know Allah to get free of his disbelief. Also mumin needs to know Allah to observe his worship consciously.

The Importance of Belief

Page 3: Belief in Allah / Tevhid/English

As a result, everyone needs to know his creator. Because human is smart, wise. He can find his creator with the help of is intelligence.

Who sent me to this earth? My parents are human beings like me so who created all

humans? Where am I going to go after death?

These are the questions we deal and we can find the answers only in Islam.

Page 4: Belief in Allah / Tevhid/English

Let’s think logically; Is it possible, that a creature start existing by itself?

Lifeless, a simple small thing for instance a pin; if you say this pin is existing by itself, who will believe in you.

Even a simple pin could not be made without any master, how come that all living beings exist without a Creator?

Some Evidences of Allah’s Existence

Page 5: Belief in Allah / Tevhid/English

Let’s think an apple…

With its unique taste, smell, color and shell isn’t it a wonderful piece of art?

To become an apple it needs four things. Water, air, soil, and sunlight. Even of these miss the seed couldn’t become an apple. Can one of these causes create the apple? Absolutely not, because one needs the others.

Page 6: Belief in Allah / Tevhid/English

Water consists of 2 hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom. These are flammable elements. From both dangerous element something is created, which is extinguishing our fire inside.

The Quran says on importance of water as: “and We have made of water everything living, will they not then believe?” (Al Anbiya, 21/30)

Page 7: Belief in Allah / Tevhid/English

From this ayah we see that living things are made of water or water is the source of life.

This is true scientifically.

Water covers 75% of the world’s surface and human body consists of water by the same amount.

Page 8: Belief in Allah / Tevhid/English

Then who is giving the rain through the sky? Let us think about these questions:

1 – What would happen if the rain never fell? Who would give life to dead soil?

2 – What would happen if the rainfall never stopped? Who could stop it falling?

3 - What would it be like if the rain came down in big masses?

Page 9: Belief in Allah / Tevhid/English

These tree conditions would simply mean natural disaster. Allah is saving us from such disasters and He shows his mercy by giving us rain. We must thank Allah a lot for this blessing.

Allah says in The Quran: “And Allah sends down water(rain) from the sky, then He revives the earth therewith after its death.Verly, in this is a sign for people who listen.”

(An-Nahl 16-65)

Page 10: Belief in Allah / Tevhid/English

Let’s think the sun…

None of human being being can reach sun, then who placed it into the sky?

Or the sun thinks by himself no the let human in a darkness. Who fixed the distance between sun and earth with a perfect measurement?

Page 11: Belief in Allah / Tevhid/English

This distance is about 150 million km. If the earth was closer we would have been burned.

And otherwise if it was far we would have frozen.

Who can claim that this job requiring a detailed calculation can be done by itself?

Page 12: Belief in Allah / Tevhid/English

How can the sun find that much energy?

Everyday sun needs to provide all forest and oceans of gas of earth to supply one days energy.

What will we do after 2 days?

For billions of years sun is heating the earth without lack of gas. If only there is a power undertook this heating as a duty.

Page 13: Belief in Allah / Tevhid/English

There were some people believed that this power is belonging to sun and they worshipped even sun itself. Whereas sun is a mass lifeless. How can it give life?

In The Quran Allah says: “And from among Allah signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Do not worship to Allah who created them” (Fussilat, 41-37)

Page 14: Belief in Allah / Tevhid/English

And in another verse Allah said: “We created sun as a lamp.”

In this verse 2 points are explained.

1. First, treasures of Allah are so large that he orders the huge sun only as a lamp and heating for earth; the palace.

2. The sun has a duty as a lamp. It does not deserve to be worshipped.