bellefontaine republican (bellefontaine, ohio : 1855). (bellefontaine… · 2017-12-20 · lawrence...

... I iiiiwflitiifiiif Get the Official Republican Paper To Do Your PRINTING. Of the City. VOLUME XLIV. BELLEFONTAINE, LOGAN COUNTY, OHIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1898. NUMBER 88. Thanksgiving Proclamation. Turnpike Notice. manufacturers became so scared that they A FEW POINTERS DO NO MAN DR. W. G. STINCHCOMB. and SorReon. Special ItnYSICHN to rt meases of theeyeard titling Blasses. 15) North Main street, Bellelon-alri- e, Ohio. so reduced the color in their product lor the Columbus market that It waa with great difficulty that your inspector could detect colored samples, and had this course Washington, Oct. 28 The President, Tbe persons named in the following schednle after the Cabinet meeting today, issued continued oleo would have been driven out AN INJUSTICE. ABOUT TAXES, Orimv fino-e- r marks of the Columbus market. are hereby notified that the amount set oppo- site their names therein, re.pectively, have been assessed on lands and lots owned by or listed to them to pay the estimated expense of the construction of the Zauesfield Depot CAPtn tn trrmo on the woodwork the following Thanksgiving procla- mation;: By the President of the United States Y'ou know at this junction your president, !. P. Webster, aud his business partner. Tli rnmp pasiIv and JOHN C. HOVER, Special attention ATTOTtNF.Y-AI.-t.AW- . office practice, settlement of e"tntes. collection and loans. Office 6 and 8, Lawrence Block, Bellefontaine, Ohio. nmk- - in pursuance ot title . O. P. Chapman, for reasons beyond the power of human mind to comprehend, took the matter into their own hands, told your chapter 8, Revised Statutes of Ohio, authoriz- ing County Commissioners to construct and they stick, too unless you get rid of them with A Proclamation. The approaching November brings to Get the Facts as to the Sale improve roaas oil petition oi a majiiruj ui resident land owners along and adiacentto inspector to stop, and he stopped. You of Oleomargarine. know that your committee then asked Mr. 1808 Taxes now due. First half payable December; The hit half falls due next June. Became a lien on property April 1898. mind the custom of oar ancestors, hal- lowed by time and .rooted in oar most the line of said road, within two .miles thereof and to repeal an act therein named, and by virtue of the proceedings of the County Com- missioners of Logn County, Ohio, and of viewers and apportioning committe by them appointe-1- all according to law, and which S. A. BUCHANAN, AD OIVIT. ENGINEER. SURVEYOR experience. Will do all kinds oftovnand country work. Room" eud 8, Lawrence Building, Btl efontaine, O 10. sacred traditions, of giving thanks to Blackburn to appoint another Inspector, and he obeyed. You know that the new appointee worked for more than two months under the directions of Mr. Web- ster and Mr. Chapman, and in that time he did not get a case, and the Columbus market was again flooded with oleo as yel 3Um Powder, BLACKBUEN MAKES PLAIN Almighty God for all the blessings ha haa vouchsafed to us during the past Those owing last Jane's tax, are a sessments are more iiiuy set ion. in tne report of said apportioning committee, filed in tbe office of the Auditor of Logan County, Ohio, on the 21st, day of October, 1S98, and subject to inspection there. ' II makes all cleaning easy. year. low as gold, ion know that Mr. Web Few years in our hietoryjbave afforded THE N. K. FAIB.BAHK COMPANY, New York. - Chicago. St iiOnis. A. JAY MILLER, TTORNTCY AT LAW. Special attention liven to collections and settlement ot sta'es. Rooms 8 and 9, Empire Block, Belle-ontain- e, Ohio. such cause for thanksgiving. We have 'i ne owners ot assessed lots ana lanas are further notified that the Commissioners of Dow Jnstly He Has Treated Dairy Philadelphia. .Boston. said Logan County, Ohio, will meet at the Auditor's office in said county, on Tuesday Interests of Ohio. ster's article In the Ohio Farmer of Oct. 20, and your manifesto issued abont the same date, wherein it Is stated that Mr. Blackburn blocked the oleo prosecutions and so handicapped your inspectors that their work was of no avail, are misrep-- . reservations of facts. You know that Mr. Webster, who Is head, body and legs of uecemoer oin, iro, at iu:ii o'ciock a. m., to been blesseJ by abundant harvests, oar trade and commerce have been wonder- fully increased, oar public credit has been improved and strengthened, all ave said report and any and all exceptions k0 thereto by any person interested, and also to have evidence in suntort of such exceptions. in ... HEBE'S UNQUESTIONED TESTIMONY sec 'lions of our common country have been brought together and knitted into the Ohio Dairy union. Is a large manufac- turer of part skim cheese, and that he and and continue from day to day until all ar heard, and modify or recommit said report as shall be legal and Just. The following is a schedule of persons whose lands are assessed, with the amount assessed against the lands of each respectively, t: loser bonds' of national purpose and acity. delinquent. All Bucb must pay not la'er than December 20, 1898. If not, all each property will then be advertised for sale; And told for ttxea on the third Tues- day in January, 1899 After becoming delinquent, penalty on real estate is 15 per cent; And on all delinquent personal tax, the penalty is 10 per cent. These penalties do not belong to the Treasurer, therefore can not be remitted, After tax sale, penalty to tax title purchaser is 15 per centers year, pins 6 per cent interest.. Second year, the penalty is 25 per cent, plus 6 per cent interest. If not redeemed within two years, tbe property goes to the tax title purchaser. And if not bid on at the January sale, That tbe State Dairy and Food Gomrola- - others by this practice have reduced tha price of all Ohio cheese in the markets one-ha- lf to 2 cents per pound, and cheesemakers by this practice in this and other states have reduced the nation's export trade. In 10 years preceding 1896, over 300 per cent, Zanetfield Lott The skies hsve been for a time dark ened by the cloud of " war, bat as we DR. C-- W. HEFFNER, OHYMCIIAN Bnrireno. No. 116 East Co-- I Iambus Ave. Treatment of the Eyes and fitting glasses for defective vision, a specialty J. W. YOUNG, M. D.. and Surgeon. Oeneral PHYSICIAN medicine. Have special test lenses for accurately fitting glasses for those who need them. Office 136 West Columbus Ave. Residence 402 Eat Sandusky Ave. HAMILTON BROS AT LAW, and Real Estate ATTORNEYS in Hamilton's Building, east of the Logan Honse, Bellefontaine, Ohio. Particular attention given to collections and settlement of estates. Will practice la State and TJ. S. Courts. Ail basiness promptly .d to. while Canada, with strict laws prohibiting xnlssioner Has More Than Dona His Duty During the Pe- riod He Has Keen In Office. - were compelled to take up the sword in Bolan, Annie is. a a Meecnara vvniiam 8o Rrown, Omer 7 50 Marmon, Nancy.. 50 Brown. Omer 11 00 Outland, James... 60 the skimmer, has Increased her export trade nearly 400 per cent. The above facts Brown, John 5 00 Outland, James... 2 00 re a few nuts for you to crack If you can, and for the Ohio farmers to consider. the cause of humanity, we are permitted to rejoice that the conflict has been of brief duration, and the losses we have had to mourn, though grievous and lm. portant, have been so few, considering Mr. Blackburn has granted the Ohio Collins, D. C 5 00 Outland, James... 2 CO Coover, Elizabeth 5 00 Outland, W. H 6 on Corwin, James.... 7 50 Outland, Knit.. 6 00 Courter, G. T 7 50 Outland, E. W.... 6 00 Crouse, Joseph 5 00 Outland, E. W 8 00 Cation, Nancy... 7 50 Piper, Catherine.. 6 00 Dairy union everything asked. He did not stop the oleo prosecutions: the president The following circular haa been of the Dairy union did, about May 10. published by State Dairy and Food Downing, Robert 5 00 Plummer, Ben. 9 00 Commissioner Blackburn, which most nearly three months before the force was reduced by Mr. Blackburn. , the great results accomplished, as to inspire ns with gratitude and praise to the Lord of Hosts. We may Downing, Robert 5 00 Plummer, Jas F. 5 00 Everingham, H.. 7 50 Pope, Mary E 6 00 Fawcett, Sarah J.. 7 50 Polk, Maria B 5 no Fawcett, Charles 5 00 Reames Franklin 4 50 Fawcett. Cavus... 7 50 R ames Joshua M 8 00 The oleo laws In Ohio can be enforced. completely answers the shameful as- saults made upon him by political the property is forfeited to the State of laud and magnify his holy name that the Horn. John 5 00 Reames Solomon L 6 00 Ohio. "ulsiier Amelia U 6 00 Hobb, Aran sou and Mr. Blackburn is our only salvation at this time. Mr. Baker, the' Democratic nominee for dairy and food commissioner, is a lawyer and a thorough politician, as shown by his methods in getting the nom schemers. The circular appears under the head of cessation of hostilities came so soon, as tnskeen J. D.. ir 6 00 Scott. Winfield 6 00 Taxpayers have option of paying full SPAIN J. SOUTHARD. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Special attention of title, loaning money and drafting of all legal instrnments. Prompt r ttentton paid to all business left with him. Ooilections. Are and lnV insurance. Office Jacobs, Robert.... 9 00 Scott, Reb'cca B.. 5 00 to spare both aides the countless sorrows GOTO BARTRAM'S IF YOU WANT A Fall Suit, A Single Garment, Fashionable Goods, and A Heat Fit. WEST COLUMBUS AV., BELLEFONTAINE. September 23, 1898. years tax during December collection 6 00 Jacobs, Robert... 6 00 Sidesinger M. E.- Jacobs, Rebert... 6 0) Small, John W... and disasters that attend protracted war. ination at Dayton, while Mr. Cowden, a The Wolf In Sheep's Cluthlng. Printed circulars from E. F. Webster, period; Jacobs, Robert.... 9 00 Small, John W ... ikrath Main street over 1. It. Abraham Oo.'s I do, therefore, invite all my fellow 7 60 7 50 2 (10 7 50 But are required to pay first half, with president, and F. A. Stranahaa, Secre ames, E'izabetb 8 00 Smith Dor W ame. Eliztbeth 4 00 Sm'th.lDoraQ farmer, who is capable and whose charac- ter is beyond reproach, went to the Demo- cratic convention indorsed by the best farmers of the state, yet he did not get grocery. citizens, as well those at home aa those delinquencies, December 20, '98, and the Lease, Vary Ellen 9 00 Townsend Wesley 2 00 1 00 who may be at eea or sojourning in for tary of the Ohio Dairy union, making a vicious attack on me and recom- mending my opponent, have been cir remaining half during the June collect ghost of a show among the politicians. DR. J. H. WILSON, eign lands, to set apart and observe ion period. In asking for statement, re Special attention given HOMEOPATHTBT. Nose and Throat. Offloe V Mr. S. H. Ellis, a wonderfully good man and a farmer, is on the Union ticket, but It is utterly Impossible to elect any one Marmon, Laura... 7 00 Townsend Wesley Marmon, Mary A. 7 0 Townsend Wesley Marmon, Asa . 7 50 Vaughn, Martha... Marquis, Wm. A 6 00 Wade, Deiilah....... Marquis, Wm. A... 6 00 I, O. O. F. Lodge.. Marquis. Wm. A.. 6 00 I. O. O. F. Lodge. McCulloch Hannah 6 00 Wickersham Job. Thursday, the 24th day of November, as culated in some parts of the state. If 2 00 7 5(1 5 00 3 00 2 00 7 50 member property stands on Treasurer's on South Main Street, Bellefontaine, O. books, in name of owner on April 10 on that ticket. a day of national thanksgivang, to come together in their several places of wor you have received this issue of false- hood and deceit, please consider the following: The writer for the past 20 years has de 1898. MoCulloch Hannah 5 00 voted his best energies to the Improvement JAMES 0. WONDEBS. ship for a service of praise and thanka to Zanesfield Land- s- The system of transfers are not kept, Mr. E. F. Webster boasts that he Is or dairy stock and their product. He has nothing but scorn end contempt for those Almighty God for all the blessings of 1TVTL Engineer. Rooms I ft t Empire Block. up each day, as in the office of Auditor j Bellefontaine, uaio. the largest manufacturer of skimmed Brown, Ellen 18 00 James, Levi 4 00 Brown, Ira 12 00 McCulloch Elliott 4 00 Brown, Mary F 11 00 McCormick John. 5 00 Brown. Mary F.... 7 00 Outland, W. H.... 5 00 who in any way market their products in the year; for the mildness of the season a and Recorder. cheese in the state. The legislature any other form than in its purity and best quality. For the law requires Treasurer's books Clark, Rose L 1 00 Outland, Nora C. 5 00 and the fruitf alness of the soil, for the continued prospsrity of the people, for Coram, John J 1 00 Outland, Nora C 1 CO This Is a critical period In the enforce F. S. DEFREES, k TTORNEY AT LAW. Bellefontaine. O, o show property as it stood when lien Corwin, Jane 1 00 Pennoch R. J 5 00 the devotion and valor of oar country ment of the law against adulterated dairy products, and I ask farmers and dairymen took effect. Fawcett, Ellen J 7 00 Robb. James S... 5 (J last winter doubled the percentage of fats as the legal standard for cheese, and Mr. Webster was notified that ha would be expected to comply with the law. A Room 1 and 2, Bellefontaine National Bank Building. Money loaned and secured at Fawcett, Oliver H 7 oo snort, eusan x uu to give the best thoughts herein offered a Therefore the Treasurer's duplicates, Folaom, Charles men, for the glory of oar victory, and the hope of a righteous peace, and to 6 ou small, Henry I reasonable rate. 18 00 passing notice, at least. and John i Hamilton, J. 4 00 delivered in the Fall, remain unchanged Smith. Rose L 2 00 M. &E. W. Shortly afterward an Inspector ar Hamilton, J. for one year. , . Smith, Rose L 10 00 w IT!:-- nn pray that tbe divine guidance which has brought ua heretofore to safety and W. H. ROWAND, L. P. BAILEY. Attorney Dillon's Statement. Statement of E. P. Dillon, the lawyer M. & K. W. rested Mr. W. S. Crates of Cleveland Remember also, that a tax year and s -- RNTIST. Omca-J-TJ- 7 Morgenroth's for selling oleomargarine as butter. He Lclothing st st. opposite Court calendar year are not the same. Henry.iCook 6 01 Townsend Wesley 8 00 Hockett, Sarah.... 1 00 Vaughn, Martha.. 6 00 Hockett, F. 0 1 00 Wanzer, C. M 9 00 Huffman Levina F 5 00 Wanzer, Hannah. 6 00 selected by the Dairy union: honor may be graciously continued in the years to come. rionse. To aid and assist the Dairy union Mr. So that the last half of 1898 taxes may Hensaker. S. is. ... e 00 Adams, lieo. u la 00 Blackburn informed them that he would WE WILL 8DIT YOD. be paid as late as July. 1899 over 15 In witness whereof, etc., WILLAM M'KINLEY. James, Allie .... 4 00 give them an attorney of their own selec claimed innocence at first, but after Mr. Stranahan of Young & Stranahan, and secretary of the Ohio Dairy union, had called upon him, he (Crates) plead guilty and paid a fine of $50; but in the meantime he had shown an invoice or months after the lien attached. Zanesfield M. SD. tion, an inspector of their own selection By tbe President: In case of street assessments, part are and likewise a chemist. Thereupon about the middle of February the Ohio Dairy Allroon, Thomss.. 4 00 Scott, Charles E. 1 00 Allmon, Thomas.. 2 70 shoots, Joseph GO 00 Arbpsrast William 1 SO Shoots, Joseph. 20 00 JOHN HAY, Secretary of State. payable during December collection, and Ml m some during June, with interest on un Blackburn iianna w amitn, nose a,... . t uu Rrown. Ira.... 15 00 Smith, D. F 2 00 bill for the purchase of one tub of butter from Young & Stranahan, of nnion designated and selected me to act as the attorney in such nro6ecutlons, se- lected Mr. L. P. Bailey as inspector and Professor H. A. Weber of the Ohio State university as chemist. For myself, I was Brown. Ellen 5 00 Tharp, Samuel S 12 00 paid principal. No penalty. The Cannon Still King, B. PT. CflAMBBHUW. H. . HEWELt. CHAMBERLIN & NEWELL, Oeneral and commercial TAWYERS. of estates and collections. Opposite Court House, Main street, Bellefon- taine, Ohio. WEST & WEST, AT LAW. Collections given ATTORNEY Partition and settle- ment of estates a specia'tv. . Practice in the St ate and U. S. Court. Offloe on Main street, directly opposite front entrance of th. Court House, Bellefontaine Ohio. Bushey Thomas Ii 50 00 Parsonage, M. E. 2 00 Bushev Thomas L 4 00 Van Hvninar. M.... 22 00 which firm Mr. F. A. Stranahan, sec The levy for taxation is made annually perfect stranger to Mr. Blackburn; he m by the proper authorities, and may be Campbell, 1 , m Wonders, Frank... 2 00 Emma K. et al. ( " Wickersham, E. O 25 00 Clark, James H... 55 70 Wonders, S. L 18 00 Clark. James. H... 2 40 Wonders, S. L 13 00 retary of the Ohio Dairy union, Is a member. Mr. Crates says the oleo- margarine came from the tub of but changed with each succeeding year. The tool that haa done the moat bril 101 irv had never heard of me In his life. Never- theless we were all appointed and paid by Mr. Blackburn and entered upon the work. Mr. Blackburn gave us full sway to do as Dog tax and rood tax payable anaally at Cleveland Jedidah- - 2 50 Wonders, Frank.. 1 00 mi Collins. John. S 30 Wonders, 8. L 2 20 ter (?) purchased from this firm. the December collection. Where road tax liant and splendid offensive work in the naval part of the war haa been the old cannon. we deemed best and as was considered best . i 1 1 F I Cooper, Husan 1 00 Williams, E. C 3 60 Courter, Geo 1 20 Fawcett, E. J 20 00 The Principal Tarn haa been worked out, no charge for same by the Dairy nnion. I do not recall that any request from me of any kind whatso ! Creviston. Geo. D 1 00 Fawcett Elizabeth 1 00 they are telling is that the oleomar appeara on Treasurer's books. . Corwin, Jane 37 00 Fawcett, A. J 8 00 Corwin. Jane 1 80 Fawcett. O H 13 50 ever was ever refused by Mr. Blackburn. garine laws are not enforced, and this The ram hasn't been naed. Torpedoes haven't blown ap anything, W. W. RIDDLE, and Counselor at Law. Office ATTORNEY National Bank, Bellefon-tai- e, Ohio. Free turnpike assessments an township do know that upon entering my work I Dau liberty Susie (. la nn Fawcett, E. T 20 bo in spite of the fact that I have made I and JesBie. Folsom Charles... 25 00 from two to 20 times as many prose property, are payable same as other taxes, one-ha- lf during the December Dautrhertv. Lvdia 9 80 Folsom Charles J 12 00 F . , . r., . i, i .r nn although two of them discharged by the Spaniard's have been found stranded on We have opened to the public one of the finest tailoring establishments in this section of the State. All the Latest Novelties In Woolens, both Foreign and Domestic. Our Prices Are Right, Consistent with good work, and our work is not excelled anywhere. Call on us and we will show you a line of goods that will be sure to please you. m was very mnch prejudiced against Mr. Blackburn, honestly supposing he had de- served some of the attacks made upon him, and I believe so expressed myself. I may say right here that my experience has cutions against oleo as any man that ueviue, duuu...... w muiy. wcu. i Devine, John ...... 2 00 Holiday & Hinkle 20 Devine Jane 12 80 Horn, John - 4 30 collection, and one-h-alf daring the Jane a Cuban beach. ever held the office in the same length M. G- - BELL, AT LAW, Bellefontaine, Ohio. ATTORNEY New Block. Elliott. Geo 8 70 Jacobs, IN. 15 1 uu collection. The torpedo boat has accomplished of time. Pennock, R. J... 8 00 Jacobs, Robert.... 1 00 thoroughly and absolutely convinced me that the present dairy and food commis m Remember that a ehecks given in pay Another imaginary grievance: They Pennock, T. K 12 00 Kinney, Israel..... l uu almost nothing beyond carrying dis- patches, five Spanish boata and one Pennock. T. E 2 60 Knight, H. E .. 1 00 sioner, Mr. Blackburn, has done more work claim that I have ignored the Dairy Peters. Elizabeth.. 55 00 Lasby. Ben 1 uu in the labor of suppressing the growth of ment of taxes, does not liquidate the county's claim, until honored at the Peters. Elizabeth 5 00 McCormick, John 100 union. At their request I have ap 01 American having been completely dis oleomargarine in the state of Ohio than any person In this state. Plummer, Dau P. 1 00 Myers, Frank T... 1 50 Potee. Ruth E.... 2 00 Outland. James... 2 70 HOWENSTINE & HUSTON. A TTOKNEYS and Counselors at Law, Belle- - tontaine, Ohio. Particular attention given .o collections and settlement of estate. Office In the Watson Building. Entrance on main St. bank. abled to date. pointed two inspectors, one chemist and one attorney of their selection. Mr. Blackburn permitted the nnion to Reames, James S 1 50 Outland, W. H 5 00 The submarine mine baa hart no one When, therefore, check are not paid on Jefferson T. P. m to do nothing but look after their in select a new inspector later on in the year, Mr. A. P. Reynolds of Cleveland, likewise since the Maine waa destroyed, the two Fawcett, Ellen... 14 00 Williams, E. C 1 00 terests, and I am the only man that presentation, the taxes will be restored to the duplicate without notice, and re m a perfect stranger to him, and he Is still serving as inspector under the department. ever held this office that recognized this McKinney Ellen O 12 00 Brown, Tnos. S... 1 00 Wickersham. T 13 00 Coram, John J. 6 90 Fisher, W. W 2 00 Brown, Omer 18 20 that exploded in Manila bay merely stir- ring ap the mud. if ceipts given declared null and void. I can state, I believe, wlto absolute cer Wickersham Thos 12 00 Brown. Omer 7 SO organization or the people they claim to represent, to this extent. But as tainty, that every dairyman and every in In writing for information, give name The pneumatic guns of the Vesuvius Wickersham Thos 6 00 Brown, Thomas 8 12 90 Myers, Frank T 1 00 Coram John J 9 70 of owner on April 10, '98, addition or soon as the president and secretary person Interested in dairy products who votes against Mr. Blackburn at the coming election, will have by his side CASTING have made a great noise and frightened the enemy, but whether tbe projectiles Brown, inos. . . o uu crimes, v. o i w Brown. Omer 28 60 Reams, C. W 8 40 subdivision, number of lot, if in city or had the fact impressed upon them that THE SAME BALLOT, those very offenders Brown, Omer 2 50 Reams, Nelson. ... 1 00 Blackburn. A. M. 12 00 Reams. Nelson 1 60 have done much material damage or not, village; what township or school district, Doty & Gregg, against the law whom we are so vigorously they, too, must comply with the law, they concluded that I was unfit to be Fawcett. Ellen. 10 60 Taylor, James..... 6 00 and number of acres if otherwise. En or can be made to in tbe future, is still prosecuting, nd who, as the result, are i Garwood. Ezra B . 2 00 Brown. Omer 10 50 now working against Mr. Blackburn. close stamp. problematical. Johnson. Elmer E 8 60 Daugherty Susie ) , an Xf .. . . . Oai 1X7 qq nn a .. H Tanc I 1 Portland CEMENT WORK Plain or Ornamental. Far superior to all other masonry for FOUNDATIONS OP EVERY KIND. I guar- antee my work in appearance, strength and durability equal to best quality of Berea stone. Prices moderate, and compare favorably in competition with stone work. PLANS AND ESTIMATES PROMPTLY FURNISHED AND SOLICITED. CORRE- SPONDENCE SOLICITED. Address, A. Buchanan, CM Engineer, Bellefontaine, Ohio, Room No. 7. New Law- rence Building. April 22, 1SU8. I make this statement, net out of any commissioner, in spite of the fact that three out of four of the gentlemen of their own selection are still connected If calling in person, please bring along But when it comes to the eight or ten feeling toward the members of the Ohio Dairy union, for whom I have the greatest The Leading Merchant Tailors. M preceding receipt. It often assists in Marmom, Jos. E... 2 00 Downing, L .... 12 00 Meacban, James... 1 50 Bishop, Wm 5 f0 Peele, Joshua M... 1 ( 0 ( ampbell Mrie H 3 50 Piper, George 4 00 Crouse, George... 1 00 or (welve-inc- h rifled guns, with a nervy, sober, mechanical Yankee rqninting through the sights, that meana business. respect aud to whom I owe my appoint- ment, but feel that it Is due the dairy and with this department. I even offered to appoint F. A. Stranahan as inspector 1 icating the property, and tends to avoid errora. For the officials are not infalli Bcott, Frank l uu downing, it t vu food commissioner, whom I may have anzer. C. M 5 20 Crouse. Le is 8.0 (before the Crates incident), but he 130 West Columbus Avenue. July 29, 1898. Williams, E.0 2 00 Crouse, 1 ewis 100 ble. wronged in my earlier career by not giving him the fullest confidence and trust as to finds it easier to criticise than to Stant n, Benj 15 00 Sidesinger, L. W.. 5 (in Arbesast. Wm 21 CO Sidesinger, John. 3 70 Be sure that ycur tax bill contains Bricka and mortar are going to crumble and war ships boilera are going to be searched oat and blown np. the sincerity of his work. Respectfully, Atkin. Dow, t al. 5 00 Yoder. Lydia 9 60 E. B. DILLON. fall list of all yoar property' and none The records of this office which are Brannan, John) . Van Hymn?, Al. 6 (Mi and Marv, f ' " Ola- - k, James n ... 3 00 other. You may have either purchased The old cannon,, reinforced in the open to the world, show these facts in I will be glad to furnish any further information to any one Interested in Canmbell Marie E 7 60 Clark, James H... 30 00 or sold some property since April 10, DeWitt Alexander 12 00 Hass, Benncville. 12 00 reference to oleomargarine: this subject. Respectfully submitted. Devine, John . 1 (to Hass. Bennevme.. l ju Kinnev Israel 6 !K Knight, Harold E 1 CO Samples of oleomargarine taken and 1898. J. E. BLACKBURN. analyed by Dr. McNeal, the year end Daring his three years' of service, the breech, with twisting ribs cut through the bore, loaded with chunka of brown stuff and holding a large, pointed steel prescription for Spanish big head in Its throat that old cannon ia still king. Chicago Journal. Kinney, Israel.... 12 30 Myers, Frank, T... 1 50 Leonard, Nath... 9 70 Rndasill James W 3 00 Shick, Geo 4 00 Arthur, C. w 2 60 Aiken. Dow. et al. 25 00 Arthur, C. W 2 40 ing Feb. 15, 1S97: undersigned haa observed that many WOOL IMPORTATIONS. Adulterated 9 lira!? taxpayers have formed the habit of pay Pure Arbngast, Wm 9 00 Louden, Wm. A... 9 50 DeWitt. Alex S 00 Marmon, Jas. E... 4 70 ing the December and preceding Jane tax Inskeep, Celia 1 00 Newsome, Simon 8 70 together, in December, thinking they Krouae, Lewis..- - 2 70 wanzer, J. m 7 bu Total 12 Samples of oleomargarine taken and Adams, Geo. D 4 50 Peele, John H... 1 00 This tells the story: Under the McKinley protection law the annual importation of wool are paying the full year's tax; Brown. Th' 8. 8 Revolutionary Widows. 13 00 reeie. jonn a tu analyzed by J. E. Blackburn, the Coram, John J... ending Feb. 15, 1898: "TH Old H.olict1olo." The Cincinnati Weekly Commercial Gazette. 3 00 Peele, Robert D... 11 !S0 1 00 Peele, Joshua 4.. I 80 3 00 Marmon Elizabeth 2 00 2 20 Andersons 9 60 Coram. John. J... Garwood, Ezra D While in reality, all such are paying the last of one year's tax, and the first half of another year, and consequently was only 120,000,000 pounds, Adulterated 87 Pure 14 Loudon, wm. A. Boat. Lamb, Ptbs. J. B. Wituam, Vloa Pr. 1 50 Tbe Columbus 1 Mattox. Geo. D... while under the Democratic free Brown Omer 6 20 Lima s xnortn llju uu 15 per cent penalty on one preceding Total 101 Western R. Co ) Louden, Wm. A... 9 70 trade law the annual importa June half. The proper way of paying 6 50 Wanzer, C. M.. Dr. McNeal secured six convictions, JL. U. KBLLBB, uasiuer. THE PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK. BLLBvoirrtim, ohio. Capital, fl00,000. Surplus, 188,000. piaaoroaa: n tit . Until. Lamb Grand Total f2,C24 30 fines amounting to $ 350 fall year's tax, at one time, without tion of wool was 351,000,000 J. E. Blackburn secured 37 ooiivio Persons aggrieved by said apportionment penalty, ia to pay in December for the tions, fines amounting to 1,043 pounds. Farmers, will you not win rue mfir exceptions merew lu writing iu the Auditor's office in Bellefontaine. Ohio, on December and succeeding June. There are still seven old ladies in the United Statea drawing money that waa granted for service with Washing- ton's troops in the War of Independence against King George. A young recruit from the Bay State, for instance, enlist- ed just before hostilities ceased, secured his pension for self and wife, married a girl of fifteen in hia eightieth year, and left her provided with a pension' un- til this day. m "RioVr- -r i. B. Williams An Open Letter. Jno. M. Riddle. B.B. Keller or before December 6th, lh98, the day set for the hearing, and support the same by lawful evidence, and each one will be heard in the While every effort will be made to ac Open letter of L. P. Bailey, one of give your votes on Nov. 8 to the party that thus works for the inspectors selected by the Dairy commodate the public, taxpayera are ( Weekly Edition of the Commercial Tribune.) union and a dairyman himself: especially et joined to call in the early order ox the date of tiling his petition. CHARLKS D. CAMPBELL, Auditor, Logan County, Ohio. Oct. 28, '98 3t " CHEAP MONEY. At the request of the Dairy union lost you ? Ail Talorem Versus Specific Dotiea. days of the collection period, when more December Mr. Blackburn permitted you to select a special inspector whose duty it attention can be given each patron. 50 CENTS PER YEAR. TEN PACES WEEKLY . . The farmers have been protected t make loans In sums of SOO to a,000 was to enforce the oleo laws. You know Office hours to the public, from 8 A. ML on first mortgage at straight 6 per cent. i i i - rA tiAvm &ltjir annllcation. W. H. ELWELL that at the request of said inspector Mr. Blackburn gave him authority to select an to 4 P. M. continuously, Central Stand l.U.U n HUBCTI .. . ... .. ..... rr Less expense for commissions and abstract from unreasonable and unjust impor- tations of agricultural products from Canada, Mexico and other foreign ard time. The remainder of the day is other chemist. You know that at the re- quest of your inspector and the executive committee Mr. Blackburn granted another absolutely necssary for the other essen countries. The greatest change, how New Cash than neretoiore cnargou wj Privilege of making partial payment. No gold clause. The most liberal terms to the borrower. You will ave money by coming to me. tial clerical dutiea. attorney, whose duty it would be to do the lesal work of the oleo prosecutions. ever, that can be found in the bill is tbe substitution of specific rates for ad valorem. The demand for this change The Dingley. comes not alone from Republicans. You know that this trio, all selected by the Ohio D&iry union, secured a sample of colored oleo from the Capital City Dairy company, Columbus, and brought suit against said company In Franklin county and, after two days' hard fight, won. You Ben. S. Jonnston, Attorney at Law. Room 8 over Bellefontaine National Bank. Deo. 31, 1897. Honest Democrats and honest import Grocery 231 W. Columbus St. ers have united with Republicans and The Chicago Inter-Ocea- n thua apt-al-i know that this is the only case ever won all classes of manufacturers in asking the ways and means committee to do of the result of the present Republican Send 5c in Stamps for our 132-pag- e Large Illustrated Catalogue . of Premiums offered with the Weekly Com- mercial Gazette. Published every Tuesday morning. It has the most complete and reliable Market Reports. It is Republican to the core, but never offensive. Its departments relating to Farming, Labor, Manufacturing and Legislation are of the greatest value to every reader. It is an ate family newspaper, I has ten pages com- pactly filled with the most important news of the world, and just what the family fireside most enjoy. .Special inducements to club agents. Sample copies mailed on application. Address COMMERCIAL TRIBUNE CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. by the state against said company. You Col. Rowan, who has been making a tour of the island of Cuba in the inter-e-at of our Government, gives a different account of tbe Cabana than haa been given ns by certain newspapers. He says: "The insurgents deaerve some consideration. They made tremendous sacrifices when they went to the woods. They have endured - privationa without end. As fighters they are aa good aa any aoldiera I know. Their officers are supe- rior to Spaniah officers of the aame grade in intelligence and bravery. If the bot- tom had not dropped oat of the Spanish war after the battle of Santiago the American army would have found them invaluable allies in their advance upon Havana. Without their aid aa guides and aconts the overland march to Havana would have been all but impossible." know that your inspector was refused nn tariff law: away with the system of advalorem more samples by said company, and that Best stock of groceries in Bellefontaine. "The Dingley law pat the country in rates and restore specific duties, so that your inspector, Dy me advice of vonr at Prices the lowest. Your patronage respect- - good condition for war and helped the system of undervaluation, by which luiiy bujicilvu. marcu a, lows. everv dav durine the war. It put the WILBUR A. GINN, EXPERT LAND SURVEYOR CIVIL -:- - ENGINEER torney and other eminent counsel, did the enly thing thnt he could do nnder the law began taking samples from dealers in Columbus, many of whom plead guilty without trial. balance of trade in our favor before the Administrator's Notice. the government has been robbed of mil- lions of money, may be stopped, and honest importers placed on an equality with dishonest ones importlag goods into this country and placing them on our markets. Hon. Albert J. Hopkins war and it has held it there under the extraordinary conditions of the last four Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed and Qualified as ad You could have known, had you been so Mind you could not see, that this course taised mout bitter antagonism against your months. It waa intended aa a peace law ministrator ot the estate of James Prall, late ,.- -, Levels. Hap. Drawings, Plan hut it haa done good service aa a war ot Logan county, unio, deceased. JOHN F. PRALL. inspector ujr lue uieo people, and as tesult of these vigorous prosecutions, tha j Illinois. Oct. 21, 1898-S- t. Administrator. abort notioe. vitn measure." sain.

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Page 1: Bellefontaine Republican (Bellefontaine, Ohio : 1855). (Bellefontaine… · 2017-12-20 · Lawrence Block, Bellefontaine, Ohio. nmk--in pursuance ot title. O. P. Chapman, for reasons

... I

iiiiwflitiifiiifGet the OfficialRepublican Paper

To Do Your

PRINTING. Of the City.


Thanksgiving Proclamation.Turnpike Notice. manufacturers became so scared that they A FEW POINTERSDO NO MANDR. W. G. STINCHCOMB.

and SorReon. SpecialItnYSICHN to rt meases of theeyeard titlingBlasses. 15) North Main street, Bellelon-alri- e,


so reduced the color in their product lorthe Columbus market that It waa withgreat difficulty that your inspector coulddetect colored samples, and had this course

Washington, Oct. 28 The President,Tbe persons named in the following schednleafter the Cabinet meeting today, issuedcontinued oleo would have been driven outAN INJUSTICE. ABOUT TAXES,Orimv fino-e- r marks of the Columbus market.

are hereby notified that the amount set oppo-site their names therein, re.pectively, havebeen assessed on lands and lots owned by orlisted to them to pay the estimated expense ofthe construction of the Zauesfield DepotCAPtn tn trrmo on the woodwork

the following Thanksgiving procla-mation;:By the President of the United States

Y'ou know at this junction your president,!. P. Webster, aud his business partner.Tli rnmp pasiIv and

JOHN C. HOVER,Special attention


office practice, settlement ofe"tntes. collection and loans. Office 6 and 8,Lawrence Block, Bellefontaine, Ohio.

nmk- - in pursuance ot title . O. P. Chapman, for reasons beyond thepower of human mind to comprehend, tookthe matter into their own hands, told your

chapter 8, Revised Statutes of Ohio, authoriz-ing County Commissioners to construct andthey stick, too unless you get rid of them with A Proclamation.

The approaching November brings toGet the Facts as to the Saleimprove roaas oil petition oi a majiiruj uiresident land owners along and adiacentto inspector to stop, and he stopped. You

of Oleomargarine. know that your committee then asked Mr.


Taxes now due.First half payable December;

The hit half falls due next June.Became a lien on property April


mind the custom of oar ancestors, hal-lowed by time and .rooted in oar most

the line of said road, within two .miles thereofand to repeal an act therein named, and byvirtue of the proceedings of the County Com-missioners of Logn County, Ohio, and ofviewers and apportioning committe by themappointe-1- all according to law, and which


kinds oftovnand country work. Room"eud 8, Lawrence Building, Btl efontaine, O

10. sacred traditions, of giving thanks toBlackburn to appoint another Inspector,and he obeyed. You know that the newappointee worked for more than twomonths under the directions of Mr. Web-ster and Mr. Chapman, and in that timehe did not get a case, and the Columbusmarket was again flooded with oleo as yel

3Um Powder, BLACKBUEN MAKES PLAINAlmighty God for all the blessings hahaa vouchsafed to us during the pastThose owing last Jane's tax, area sessments are more iiiuy set ion. in tne

report of said apportioning committee, filedin tbe office of the Auditor of Logan County,Ohio, on the 21st, day of October, 1S98, andsubject to inspection there.

' II makes all cleaning easy. year.low as gold, ion know that Mr. Web Few years in our hietoryjbave affordedTHE N. K. FAIB.BAHK COMPANY,

New York. -Chicago. St iiOnis.

A. JAY MILLER,TTORNTCY AT LAW. Special attentionliven to collections and settlement ot

sta'es. Rooms 8 and 9, Empire Block, Belle-ontain- e,


such cause for thanksgiving. We have'i ne owners ot assessed lots ana lanas arefurther notified that the Commissioners of Dow Jnstly He Has Treated DairyPhiladelphia..Boston.said Logan County, Ohio, will meet at theAuditor's office in said county, on Tuesday Interests of Ohio.

ster's article In the Ohio Farmer of Oct.20, and your manifesto issued abont thesame date, wherein it Is stated that Mr.Blackburn blocked the oleo prosecutionsand so handicapped your inspectors thattheir work was of no avail, are misrep-- .reservations of facts. You know that Mr.Webster, who Is head, body and legs of

uecemoer oin, iro, at iu:ii o'ciock a. m., tobeen blesseJ by abundant harvests, oartrade and commerce have been wonder-fully increased, oar public credit hasbeen improved and strengthened, all

ave said report and any and all exceptionsk0 thereto by any person interested, and also tohave evidence in suntort of such exceptions.

in ...HEBE'S UNQUESTIONED TESTIMONY sec 'lions of our common country have

been brought together and knitted intothe Ohio Dairy union. Is a large manufac-turer of part skim cheese, and that he and

and continue from day to day until all arheard, and modify or recommit said report asshall be legal and Just.

The following is a schedule of persons whoselands are assessed, with the amount assessedagainst the lands of each respectively, t:

loser bonds' of national purpose andacity.

delinquent.All Bucb must pay not la'er than

December 20, 1898.

If not, all each property will then beadvertised for sale;

And told for ttxea on the third Tues-day in January, 1899

After becoming delinquent, penalty onreal estate is 15 per cent;

And on all delinquent personal tax,the penalty is 10 per cent.

These penalties do not belong to theTreasurer, therefore can not be remitted,

After tax sale, penalty to tax titlepurchaser is 15 per centers year, pins 6per cent interest..

Second year, the penalty is 25 per cent,plus 6 per cent interest.

If not redeemed within two years, tbeproperty goes to the tax title purchaser.

And if not bid on at the January sale,

That tbe State Dairy and Food Gomrola- -

others by this practice have reduced thaprice of all Ohio cheese in the markets one-ha- lf

to 2 cents per pound, and cheesemakersby this practice in this and other stateshave reduced the nation's export trade. In10 years preceding 1896, over 300 per cent,

Zanetfield Lott The skies hsve been for a time darkened by the cloud of " war, bat as we

DR. C-- W. HEFFNER,OHYMCIIAN Bnrireno. No. 116 East Co-- I

Iambus Ave. Treatment of the Eyes andfitting glasses for defective vision, a specialty

J. W. YOUNG, M. D..and Surgeon. OeneralPHYSICIAN medicine. Have special test

lenses for accurately fitting glasses for thosewho need them. Office 136 West ColumbusAve. Residence 402 Eat Sandusky Ave.

HAMILTON BROSAT LAW, and Real EstateATTORNEYS in Hamilton's Building,

east of the Logan Honse, Bellefontaine, Ohio.Particular attention given to collections andsettlement of estates. Will practice la Stateand TJ. S. Courts. Ail basiness promptly .d


while Canada, with strict laws prohibiting

xnlssioner Has More Than DonaHis Duty During the Pe-

riod He Has Keen

In Office. -

were compelled to take up the sword inBolan, Annie is. a a Meecnara vvniiam 8 oRrown, Omer 7 50 Marmon, Nancy.. 5 0Brown. Omer 11 00 Outland, James... 6 0 the skimmer, has Increased her export

trade nearly 400 per cent. The above factsBrown, John 5 00 Outland, James... 2 00re a few nuts for you to crack If you can,

and for the Ohio farmers to consider.

the cause of humanity, we are permittedto rejoice that the conflict has been ofbrief duration, and the losses we havehad to mourn, though grievous and lm.portant, have been so few, considering

Mr. Blackburn has granted the Ohio

Collins, D. C 5 00 Outland, James... 2 CO

Coover, Elizabeth 5 00 Outland, W. H 6 onCorwin, James.... 7 50 Outland, Knit.. 6 00Courter, G. T 7 50 Outland, E. W.... 6 00Crouse, Joseph 5 00 Outland, E. W 8 00

Cation, Nancy... 7 50 Piper, Catherine.. 6 00Dairy union everything asked. He did notstop the oleo prosecutions: the presidentThe following circular haa beenof the Dairy union did, about May 10.published by State Dairy and FoodDowning, Robert 5 00 Plummer, Ben. 9 00

Commissioner Blackburn, which most nearly three months before the force wasreduced by Mr. Blackburn. ,

the great results accomplished, asto inspire ns with gratitude andpraise to the Lord of Hosts. We may

Downing, Robert 5 00 Plummer, Jas F. 5 00Everingham, H.. 7 50 Pope, Mary E 6 00Fawcett, Sarah J.. 7 50 Polk, Maria B 5 no

Fawcett, Charles 5 00 Reames Franklin 4 50

Fawcett. Cavus... 7 50 R ames Joshua M 8 00

The oleo laws In Ohio can be enforced.completely answers the shameful as-

saults made upon him by political the property is forfeited to the State oflaud and magnify his holy name that theHorn. John 5 00 Reames Solomon L 6 00 Ohio.

"ulsiier Amelia U 6 00 Hobb, Aran sou

and Mr. Blackburn is our only salvationat this time. Mr. Baker, the' Democraticnominee for dairy and food commissioner,is a lawyer and a thorough politician, asshown by his methods in getting the nom

schemers. The circular appears underthe head of cessation of hostilities came so soon, astnskeen J. D.. ir 6 00 Scott. Winfield 6 00 Taxpayers have option of paying full


ATTORNEY AT LAW. Special attentionof title, loaning money

and drafting of all legal instrnments. Promptr ttentton paid to all business left with him.Ooilections. Are and lnV insurance. Office

Jacobs, Robert.... 9 00 Scott, Reb'cca B.. 5 00 to spare both aides the countless sorrows




A Fall Suit,

A Single Garment,

Fashionable Goods,

and A Heat Fit.


BELLEFONTAINE.September 23, 1898.

years tax during December collection6 00Jacobs, Robert... 6 00 Sidesinger M. E.-

Jacobs, Rebert... 6 0) Small, John W... and disasters that attend protracted war.ination at Dayton, while Mr. Cowden, aThe Wolf In Sheep's Cluthlng.Printed circulars from E. F. Webster, period;

Jacobs, Robert.... 9 00 Small, John W ...ikrath Main street over 1. It. Abraham Oo.'s I do, therefore, invite all my fellow7 607 502 (10

7 50But are required to pay first half, withpresident, and F. A. Stranahaa, Secreames, E'izabetb 8 00 Smith Dor W

ame. Eliztbeth 4 00 Sm'th.lDoraQ

farmer, who is capable and whose charac-ter is beyond reproach, went to the Demo-cratic convention indorsed by the bestfarmers of the state, yet he did not get

grocery. citizens, as well those at home aa thosedelinquencies, December 20, '98, and theLease, Vary Ellen 9 00 Townsend Wesley 2 001 00 who may be at eea or sojourning in for

tary of the Ohio Dairy union, makinga vicious attack on me and recom-mending my opponent, have been cir

remaining half during the June collectghost of a show among the politicians.DR. J. H. WILSON, eign lands, to set apart and observeion period. In asking for statement, reSpecial attention givenHOMEOPATHTBT. Nose and Throat. OffloeVMr. S. H. Ellis, a wonderfully good manand a farmer, is on the Union ticket, butIt is utterly Impossible to elect any one

Marmon, Laura... 7 00 Townsend WesleyMarmon, Mary A. 7 0 Townsend WesleyMarmon, Asa . 7 50 Vaughn, Martha...Marquis, Wm. A 6 00 Wade, Deiilah.......Marquis, Wm. A... 6 00 I, O. O. F. Lodge..Marquis. Wm. A.. 6 00 I. O. O. F. Lodge.McCulloch Hannah 6 00 Wickersham Job.

Thursday, the 24th day of November, asculated in some parts of the state. If

2 007 5(1

5 003 002 007 50

member property stands on Treasurer'son South Main Street, Bellefontaine, O. books, in name of owner on April 10on that ticket. a day of national thanksgivang, to come

together in their several places of woryou have received this issue of false-

hood and deceit, please consider thefollowing:

The writer for the past 20 years has de 1898.MoCulloch Hannah 5 00 voted his best energies to the ImprovementJAMES 0. WONDEBS. ship for a service of praise and thanka toZanesfield Land- s- The system of transfers are not kept,Mr. E. F. Webster boasts that he Is or dairy stock and their product. He has

nothing but scorn end contempt for those Almighty God for all the blessings of1TVTL Engineer. Rooms I ft t Empire Block. up each day, as in the office of Auditorj Bellefontaine, uaio. the largest manufacturer of skimmedBrown, Ellen 18 00 James, Levi 4 00Brown, Ira 12 00 McCulloch Elliott 4 00

Brown, Mary F 11 00 McCormick John. 5 00Brown. Mary F.... 7 00 Outland, W. H.... 5 00

who in any way market their products in the year; for the mildness of the season aand Recorder.cheese in the state. The legislature any other form than in its purity and bestquality. For the law requires Treasurer's booksClark, Rose L 1 00 Outland, Nora C. 5 00 and the fruitf alness of the soil, for the

continued prospsrity of the people, forCoram, John J 1 00 Outland, Nora C 1 CO This Is a critical period In the enforceF. S. DEFREES,k TTORNEY AT LAW. Bellefontaine. O, o show property as it stood when lienCorwin, Jane 1 00 Pennoch R. J 5 00 the devotion and valor of oar countryment of the law against adulterated dairy

products, and I ask farmers and dairymen took effect.Fawcett, Ellen J 7 00 Robb. James S... 5 (J

last winter doubled the percentage offats as the legal standard for cheese,and Mr. Webster was notified that hawould be expected to comply with thelaw.

A Room 1 and 2, Bellefontaine NationalBank Building. Money loaned and secured at Fawcett, Oliver H 7 oo snort, eusan x uu to give the best thoughts herein offered a Therefore the Treasurer's duplicates,Folaom, Charles

men, for the glory of oar victory, andthe hope of a righteous peace, and to6 ou small, Henry Ireasonable rate. 18 00 passing notice, at least.and John iHamilton, J. 4 00 delivered in the Fall, remain unchangedSmith. Rose L 2 00M. &E. W.

Shortly afterward an Inspector arHamilton, J. for one year., . Smith, Rose L 10 00w IT!:-- nnpray that tbe divine guidance whichhas brought ua heretofore to safety andW. H. ROWAND,

L. P. BAILEY.Attorney Dillon's Statement.

Statement of E. P. Dillon, the lawyerM. & K. W. rested Mr. W. S. Crates of Cleveland Remember also, that a tax year and s-- RNTIST. Omca-J-TJ- 7 Morgenroth's

for selling oleomargarine as butter. HeLclothing st st. opposite Court calendar year are not the same.Henry.iCook 6 01 Townsend Wesley 8 00

Hockett, Sarah.... 1 00 Vaughn, Martha.. 6 00

Hockett, F. 0 1 00 Wanzer, C. M 9 00Huffman Levina F 5 00 Wanzer, Hannah. 6 00

selected by the Dairy union: honor may be graciously continued inthe years to come.rionse. To aid and assist the Dairy union Mr. So that the last half of 1898 taxes may

Hensaker. S. is. ... e 00 Adams, lieo. u la 00 Blackburn informed them that he wouldWE WILL 8DIT YOD. be paid as late as July. 1899 over 15 In witness whereof, etc.,WILLAM M'KINLEY.James, Allie .... 4 00 give them an attorney of their own selec

claimed innocence at first, but afterMr. Stranahan of Young & Stranahan,and secretary of the Ohio Dairy union,had called upon him, he (Crates) pleadguilty and paid a fine of $50; but in themeantime he had shown an invoice or

months after the lien attached.Zanesfield M. SD. tion, an inspector of their own selectionBy tbe President:In case of street assessments, part areand likewise a chemist. Thereupon about

the middle of February the Ohio DairyAllroon, Thomss.. 4 00 Scott, Charles E. 1 00Allmon, Thomas.. 2 70 shoots, Joseph GO 00Arbpsrast William 1 SO Shoots, Joseph. 20 00 JOHN HAY, Secretary of State.payable during December collection, andMl

msome during June, with interest on unBlackburn iianna w amitn, nose a,... . t uu

Rrown. Ira.... 15 00 Smith, D. F 2 00 bill for the purchase of one tub ofbutter from Young & Stranahan, of

nnion designated and selected me to actas the attorney in such nro6ecutlons, se-

lected Mr. L. P. Bailey as inspector andProfessor H. A. Weber of the Ohio Stateuniversity as chemist. For myself, I was

Brown. Ellen 5 00 Tharp, Samuel S 12 00 paid principal. No penalty. The Cannon Still King,


Oeneral and commercialTAWYERS. of estates and collections.Opposite Court House, Main street, Bellefon-taine, Ohio.

WEST & WEST,AT LAW. Collections givenATTORNEY Partition and settle-

ment of estates a specia'tv. . Practice in theSt ate and U. S. Court. Offloe on Main street,directly opposite front entrance of th. CourtHouse, Bellefontaine Ohio.

Bushey Thomas Ii 50 00 Parsonage, M. E. 2 00Bushev Thomas L 4 00 Van Hvninar. M.... 22 00 which firm Mr. F. A. Stranahan, sec The levy for taxation is made annually

perfect stranger to Mr. Blackburn; hem by the proper authorities, and may beCampbell, 1 , m Wonders, Frank... 2 00

Emma K. et al. ( " Wickersham, E. O 25 00

Clark, James H... 55 70 Wonders, S. L 18 00

Clark. James. H... 2 40 Wonders, S. L 13 00

retary of the Ohio Dairy union, Is amember. Mr. Crates says the oleo-

margarine came from the tub of butchanged with each succeeding year. The tool that haa done the moat bril101irv

had never heard of me In his life. Never-theless we were all appointed and paid byMr. Blackburn and entered upon the work.Mr. Blackburn gave us full sway to do as

Dog tax and rood tax payable anaally atCleveland Jedidah- - 2 50 Wonders, Frank.. 1 00mi Collins. John. S 30 Wonders, 8. L 2 20 ter (?) purchased from this firm. the December collection. Where road taxliant and splendid offensive work in thenaval part of the war haa been the oldcannon.

we deemed best and as was considered best

. i

1 1



Cooper, Husan 1 00 Williams, E. C 3 60

Courter, Geo 1 20 Fawcett, E. J 20 00 The Principal Tarn haa been worked out, no charge for sameby the Dairy nnion. I do not recall thatany request from me of any kind whatso

! Creviston. Geo. D 1 00 Fawcett Elizabeth 1 00 they are telling is that the oleomar appeara on Treasurer's books. .Corwin, Jane 37 00 Fawcett, A. J 8 00Corwin. Jane 1 80 Fawcett. O H 13 50 ever was ever refused by Mr. Blackburn.garine laws are not enforced, and this The ram hasn't been naed.

Torpedoes haven't blown ap anything,W. W. RIDDLE,and Counselor at Law. Office

ATTORNEY National Bank, Bellefon-tai- e,

Ohio.Free turnpike assessments an townshipdo know that upon entering my work IDau liberty Susie (. la nn Fawcett, E. T 20 bo in spite of the fact that I have madeI and JesBie. Folsom Charles... 25 00

from two to 20 times as many prose property, are payable same as othertaxes, one-ha- lf during the DecemberDautrhertv. Lvdia 9 80 Folsom Charles J 12 00

F . , . r., . i, i .r nnalthough two of them discharged by theSpaniard's have been found stranded on

We have opened to the public one of thefinest tailoring establishments in this sectionof the State.

All the Latest Novelties

In Woolens, both Foreign and Domestic.

Our Prices Are Right,Consistent with good work, and our work is notexcelled anywhere.

Call on us and we will show you a lineof goods that will be sure to please you.

mwas very mnch prejudiced against Mr.Blackburn, honestly supposing he had de-served some of the attacks made uponhim, and I believe so expressed myself. Imay say right here that my experience has

cutions against oleo as any man thatueviue, duuu...... w muiy. wcu. iDevine, John ...... 2 00 Holiday & Hinkle 20Devine Jane 12 80 Horn, John - 4 30 collection, and one-h-alf daring the Jane a Cuban beach.ever held the office in the same lengthM. G- - BELL,

AT LAW, Bellefontaine, Ohio.ATTORNEY New Block.

Elliott. Geo 8 70 Jacobs, IN. 15 1 uu collection. The torpedo boat has accomplishedof time.Pennock, R. J... 8 00 Jacobs, Robert.... 1 00 thoroughly and absolutely convinced methat the present dairy and food commism Remember that a ehecks given in payAnother imaginary grievance: TheyPennock, T. K 12 00 Kinney, Israel..... l uu almost nothing beyond carrying dis-

patches, five Spanish boata and onePennock. T. E 2 60 Knight, H. E .. 1 00 sioner, Mr. Blackburn, has done more workclaim that I have ignored the DairyPeters. Elizabeth.. 55 00 Lasby. Ben 1 uu in the labor of suppressing the growth of ment of taxes, does not liquidate thecounty's claim, until honored at thePeters. Elizabeth 5 00 McCormick, John 100 union. At their request I have ap01 American having been completely disoleomargarine in the state of Ohio than

any person In this state.Plummer, Dau P. 1 00 Myers, Frank T... 1 50

Potee. Ruth E.... 2 00 Outland. James... 2 70

HOWENSTINE & HUSTON.A TTOKNEYS and Counselors at Law, Belle- -

tontaine, Ohio. Particular attention given.o collections and settlement of estate. OfficeIn the Watson Building. Entrance on main St.

bank. abled to date.pointed two inspectors, one chemistand one attorney of their selection. Mr. Blackburn permitted the nnion toReames, James S 1 50 Outland, W. H 5 00

The submarine mine baa hart no oneWhen, therefore, check are not paid onJefferson T. P.m to do nothing but look after their in select a new inspector later on in the year,Mr. A. P. Reynolds of Cleveland, likewise since the Maine waa destroyed, the twoFawcett, Ellen... 14 00 Williams, E. C 1 00 terests, and I am the only man that presentation, the taxes will be restored to

the duplicate without notice, and rem a perfect stranger to him, and he Is stillserving as inspector under the department.ever held this office that recognized this

McKinney Ellen O 12 00 Brown, Tnos. S... 1 00Wickersham. T 13 00 Coram, John J. 6 90

Fisher, W. W 2 00 Brown, Omer 18 20

that exploded in Manila bay merely stir-

ring ap the mud.if ceipts given declared null and void.I can state, I believe, wlto absolute cerWickersham Thos 12 00 Brown. Omer 7 SO organization or the people they claim

to represent, to this extent. But as tainty, that every dairyman and everyin In writing for information, give name The pneumatic guns of the VesuviusWickersham Thos 6 00 Brown, Thomas 8 12 90Myers, Frank T 1 00 Coram John J 9 70 of owner on April 10, '98, addition orsoon as the president and secretary

person Interested in dairy products whovotes against Mr. Blackburn at the comingelection, will have by his side CASTING

have made a great noise and frightenedthe enemy, but whether tbe projectiles

Brown, inos. . . o uu crimes, v. o i wBrown. Omer 28 60 Reams, C. W 8 40 subdivision, number of lot, if in city orhad the fact impressed upon them that

THE SAME BALLOT, those very offendersBrown, Omer 2 50 Reams, Nelson. ... 1 00Blackburn. A. M. 12 00 Reams. Nelson 1 60 have done much material damage or not,village; what township or school district,Doty & Gregg, against the law whom we are so vigorouslythey, too, must comply with the law,

they concluded that I was unfit to beFawcett. Ellen. 10 60 Taylor, James..... 6 00 and number of acres if otherwise. En or can be made to in tbe future, is stillprosecuting, nd who, as the result, arei Garwood. Ezra B . 2 00 Brown. Omer 10 50now working against Mr. Blackburn. close stamp. problematical.Johnson. Elmer E 8 60 Daugherty Susie ) , an

Xf .. . . . Oai 1X7 qq nn a .. H Tanc I 1


Plain or Ornamental.Far superior to all other masonry for

FOUNDATIONS OP EVERY KIND. I guar-antee my work in appearance, strength anddurability equal to best quality of Berea stone.Prices moderate, and compare favorably incompetition with stone work.


A. Buchanan, CM Engineer,

Bellefontaine, Ohio, Room No. 7. New Law-rence Building. April 22, 1SU8.

I make this statement, net out of anycommissioner, in spite of the fact thatthree out of four of the gentlemen oftheir own selection are still connected

If calling in person, please bring along But when it comes to the eight or tenfeeling toward the members of the OhioDairy union, for whom I have the greatestThe Leading Merchant Tailors. M preceding receipt. It often assists in

Marmom, Jos. E... 2 00 Downing, L .... 12 00Meacban, James... 1 50 Bishop, Wm 5 f 0Peele, Joshua M... 1 ( 0 ( ampbell Mrie H 3 50Piper, George 4 00 Crouse, George... 1 00

or (welve-inc- h rifled guns, with a nervy,sober, mechanical Yankee rqnintingthrough the sights, that meana business.

respect aud to whom I owe my appoint-ment, but feel that it Is due the dairy and

with this department. I even offeredto appoint F. A. Stranahan as inspector

1 icating the property, and tends to avoiderrora. For the officials are not infalliBcott, Frank l uu downing, it t vu

food commissioner, whom I may haveanzer. C. M 5 20 Crouse. Le is 8.0 (before the Crates incident), but he130 West Columbus Avenue.July 29, 1898. Williams, E.0 2 00 Crouse, 1 ewis 100 ble.wronged in my earlier career by not giving

him the fullest confidence and trust as tofinds it easier to criticise than toStant n, Benj 15 00 Sidesinger, L. W.. 5 (in

Arbesast. Wm 21 CO Sidesinger, John. 3 70 Be sure that ycur tax bill containsBricka and mortar are going to crumbleand war ships boilera are going to besearched oat and blown np.

the sincerity of his work. Respectfully,Atkin. Dow, t al. 5 00 Yoder. Lydia 9 60 E. B. DILLON. fall list of all yoar property' and noneThe records of this office which areBrannan, John) . Van Hymn?, Al. 6 (Mi

and Marv, f ' " Ola- - k, James n ... 3 00 other. You may have either purchased The old cannon,, reinforced in theopen to the world, show these facts in I will be glad to furnish any furtherinformation to any one Interested inCanmbell Marie E 7 60 Clark, James H... 30 00

or sold some property since April 10,DeWitt Alexander 12 00 Hass, Benncville. 12 00 reference to oleomargarine:this subject. Respectfully submitted.Devine, John . 1 (to Hass. Bennevme.. l ju

Kinnev Israel 6 !K Knight, Harold E 1 CO Samples of oleomargarine taken and 1898.J. E. BLACKBURN.analyed by Dr. McNeal, the year end Daring his three years' of service, the

breech, with twisting ribs cut throughthe bore, loaded with chunka of brownstuff and holding a large, pointed steelprescription for Spanish big head in Itsthroat that old cannon ia still king.Chicago Journal.

Kinney, Israel.... 12 30 Myers, Frank, T... 1 50Leonard, Nath... 9 70 Rndasill James W 3 00

Shick, Geo 4 00 Arthur, C. w 2 60Aiken. Dow. et al. 25 00 Arthur, C. W 2 40

ing Feb. 15, 1S97: undersigned haa observed that manyWOOL IMPORTATIONS.Adulterated 9lira!? taxpayers have formed the habit of payPureArbngast, Wm 9 00 Louden, Wm. A... 9 50DeWitt. Alex S 00 Marmon, Jas. E... 4 70 ing the December and preceding Jane taxInskeep, Celia 1 00 Newsome, Simon 8 70

together, in December, thinking theyKrouae, Lewis..-- 2 70 wanzer, J. m 7 bu Total 12Samples of oleomargarine taken andAdams, Geo. D 4 50 Peele, John H... 1 00

This tells the story: Underthe McKinley protection lawthe annual importation of wool

are paying the full year's tax;Brown. Th' 8. 8 Revolutionary Widows.13 00 reeie. jonn a tu analyzed by J. E. Blackburn, the ye.irCoram, John J...ending Feb. 15, 1898:

"TH Old H.olict1olo."

The CincinnatiWeekly

Commercial Gazette.

3 00 Peele, Robert D... 11 !S0

1 00 Peele, Joshua 4.. I 803 00 Marmon Elizabeth 2 002 20 Andersons 9 60

Coram. John. J...Garwood, Ezra D

While in reality, all such are payingthe last of one year's tax, and the firsthalf of another year, and consequently

was only 120,000,000 pounds,Adulterated 87Pure 14Loudon, wm. A.Boat. Lamb, Ptbs. J. B. Wituam, Vloa Pr.

1 50 Tbe Columbus 1Mattox. Geo. D... while under the Democratic freeBrown Omer 6 20 Lima s xnortn llju uu 15 per cent penalty on one precedingTotal 101Western R. Co )Louden, Wm. A... 9 70 trade law the annual importa June half. The proper way of paying6 50Wanzer, C. M.. Dr. McNeal secured six convictions,

JL. U. KBLLBB, uasiuer.


BLLBvoirrtim, ohio.Capital, fl00,000. Surplus, 188,000.

piaaoroaa:n tit . Until. Lamb

Grand Total f2,C24 30 fines amounting to $ 350 fall year's tax, at one time, withouttion of wool was 351,000,000J. E. Blackburn secured 37 ooiivioPersons aggrieved by said apportionment penalty, ia to pay in December for thetions, fines amounting to 1,043 pounds. Farmers, will you notwin rue mfir exceptions merew lu writing iuthe Auditor's office in Bellefontaine. Ohio, on December and succeeding June.

There are still seven old ladies inthe United Statea drawing money thatwaa granted for service with Washing-ton's troops in the War of Independenceagainst King George. A young recruitfrom the Bay State, for instance, enlist-ed just before hostilities ceased, securedhis pension for self and wife, married agirl of fifteen in hia eightieth year, andleft her provided with a pension' un-

til this day.

m "RioVr--r i. B. Williams An Open Letter.Jno. M. Riddle. B.B. Keller

or before December 6th, lh98, the day set forthe hearing, and support the same by lawfulevidence, and each one will be heard in the While every effort will be made to acOpen letter of L. P. Bailey, one of give your votes on Nov. 8 to

the party that thus works forthe inspectors selected by the Dairy commodate the public, taxpayera are( Weekly Edition of the Commercial Tribune.) union and a dairyman himself: especially et joined to call in the early

order ox the date of tiling his petition.CHARLKS D. CAMPBELL,

Auditor, Logan County, Ohio.Oct. 28, '98 3t "CHEAP MONEY. At the request of the Dairy union lost

you ?

Ail Talorem Versus Specific Dotiea.days of the collection period, when more

December Mr. Blackburn permitted you toselect a special inspector whose duty it attention can be given each patron.50 CENTS PER YEAR.TEN PACES

WEEKLY . . The farmers have been protectedt make loans In sums of SOO to a,000 was to enforce the oleo laws. You know Office hours to the public, from 8 A. MLon first mortgage at straight 6 per cent.

i i i - rA tiAvm &ltjir annllcation. W. H. ELWELL that at the request of said inspector Mr.Blackburn gave him authority to select an to 4 P. M. continuously, Central Standl.U.U n HUBCTI .. . ... .. ..... rr

Less expense for commissions and abstractfrom unreasonable and unjust impor-tations of agricultural products fromCanada, Mexico and other foreign ard time. The remainder of the day isother chemist. You know that at the re-

quest of your inspector and the executivecommittee Mr. Blackburn granted another absolutely necssary for the other essencountries. The greatest change, howNew Cash

than neretoiore cnargou wjPrivilege of making partial payment.No gold clause.The most liberal terms to the borrower.You will ave money by coming to me. tial clerical, whose duty it would be to do

the lesal work of the oleo prosecutions.ever, that can be found in the bill istbe substitution of specific rates for advalorem. The demand for this change The Dingley.comes not alone from Republicans.

You know that this trio, all selected by theOhio D&iry union, secured a sample ofcolored oleo from the Capital City Dairycompany, Columbus, and brought suitagainst said company In Franklin countyand, after two days' hard fight, won. You

Ben. S. Jonnston,Attorney at Law.

Room 8 over Bellefontaine National Bank.Deo. 31, 1897.

Honest Democrats and honest importGrocery231 W. Columbus St.

ers have united with Republicans andThe Chicago Inter-Ocea- n thua apt-al-i

know that this is the only case ever won all classes of manufacturers in askingthe ways and means committee to do of the result of the present Republican

Send 5c in Stamps for our 132-pag- e Large Illustrated Catalogue .

of Premiums offered with the Weekly Com-

mercial Gazette.

Published every Tuesday morning.It has the most complete and reliable Market Reports.It is Republican to the core, but never offensive.Its departments relating to Farming, Labor, Manufacturing and

Legislation are of the greatest value to every reader.It is an ate family newspaper, I has ten pages com-

pactly filled with the most important news of the world, and justwhat the family fireside most enjoy.

.Special inducements to club agents. Sample copies mailed on

application. Address


by the state against said company. You

Col. Rowan, who has been making atour of the island of Cuba in the inter-e-at

of our Government, gives a differentaccount of tbe Cabana than haa beengiven ns by certain newspapers. Hesays: "The insurgents deaerve someconsideration. They made tremendoussacrifices when they went to the woods.They have endured - privationa withoutend. As fighters they are aa good aa anyaoldiera I know. Their officers are supe-

rior to Spaniah officers of the aame gradein intelligence and bravery. If the bot-

tom had not dropped oat of the Spanishwar after the battle of Santiago theAmerican army would have found theminvaluable allies in their advance uponHavana. Without their aid aa guidesand aconts the overland march to Havanawould have been all but impossible."

know that your inspector was refused nn tariff law:away with the system of advaloremmore samples by said company, and thatBest stock of groceries in Bellefontaine. "The Dingley law pat the country inrates and restore specific duties, so thatyour inspector, Dy me advice of vonr atPrices the lowest. Your patronage respect- -good condition for war and helpedthe system of undervaluation, by whichluiiy bujicilvu. marcu a, lows.

everv dav durine the war. It put the




torney and other eminent counsel, did theenly thing thnt he could do nnder the law

began taking samples from dealers inColumbus, many of whom plead guiltywithout trial.

balance of trade in our favor before theAdministrator's Notice.the government has been robbed of mil-

lions of money, may be stopped, andhonest importers placed on an equalitywith dishonest ones importlag goodsinto this country and placing them onour markets. Hon. Albert J. Hopkins

war and it has held it there under theextraordinary conditions of the last fourNotice is hereby given that the undersigned

has been duly appointed and Qualified as adYou could have known, had you been so

Mind you could not see, that this coursetaised mout bitter antagonism against your months. It waa intended aa a peace lawministrator ot the estate of James Prall, late,.- -, Levels. Hap. Drawings, Plan

hut it haa done good service aa a warot Logan county, unio, deceased.JOHN F. PRALL.

inspector ujr lue uieo people, and astesult of these vigorous prosecutions, tha j Illinois.

Oct. 21, 1898-S- t. Administrator.abort notioe. vitn measure."sain.