bellfield bulletin

Important Dates Term 3 22 nd & 23 rd July Parent Teacher Interviews 31 st July 2020 Eid Al Adha Closure 20th & 21 st August School Photos 20 th August Muharram Begins 28 th August ASHURA Bellfield Bulletin Term 2 2020 Dear Parents, Asalamu Alaykum! Welcome to our second newsletter of the year. We will be issuing newsletters once a term and aim to use it as a celebration of the extraordinary opportunities and achievements your children have by being members of the Bellfield community. It promises to be a rich and comprehensive publication, which I trust you will read with interest and pride. The school weeklies are issued every Friday and I trust you are finding it valuable. We are happy to receive feedback on communication at any time and it is because of feedback these changes have been made.

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Important Dates

Term 3

22nd & 23rd July Parent Teacher Interviews

31st July 2020 Eid Al Adha Closure

20th & 21st August School Photos

20th August

Muharram Begins

28th August ASHURA

Bellfield Bulletin Term 2 2020 Dear Parents,

Asalamu Alaykum!

Welcome to our second newsletter of the year. We will be issuing

newsletters once a term and aim to use it as a celebration of the

extraordinary opportunities and achievements your children have by

being members of the Bellfield community. It promises to be a rich and

comprehensive publication, which I trust you will read with interest and


The school weeklies are issued every Friday and I trust you are finding it

valuable. We are happy to receive feedback on communication at any

time and it is because of feedback these changes have been made.


Message from the CEO

Dr. Sam Jebeile Asalamu Alaykum

Dear Parents and Carers

Peace and blessings upon our Holy Prophet and His Pure Progeny.

I am writing this Bulletin update and reflecting on how the last two

months are unlike anything we have experienced as a school or a nation. I

wish to extend a thank you to our Bellfield College community for your

engagement and support as we have transitioned back to school full time.

Whilst the Holy Month of Ramadan this year lacked the togetherness of

community prayers at the mosque and the warmth of large family

gatherings at home, the spirit remained alive by spending time at home in

reflection & prayer. I hope that your Eid was joyful and undeterred by


Despite so much change in our world, the fundamental values and goals of

Bellfield College have not changed. We pray that Allah (SWT) blesses the

College, our students and their families and guides us through this time.

Our students need to be commended on their adaptability in transitioning

back into classrooms and face to face teaching. We look forward to the

Government restrictions being lifted and in time welcoming our parents

back to the College.

I am pleased to announce that the Bellfield Football Club will have its first

inaugural game of the 2020 football season on Saturday, 4th July 2020. I

would like to take this opportunity to wish the teams, coaches and all the

staff who are involved in the Club the very best of luck. I look forward to

following up on your progress and coming to some home games in the

coming weeks.

Finally, we encourage all students to register now to participate in the

End of Year Qur’an Competition that will be hosted at Bellfield College

on Saturday, 28th November 2020. It is our hope that during their practice

our students will achieve a closer relationship to the book of Allah (SWT)

and applying those Quranic morals to their everyday life.


Peace and blessings,

Dr. Sam Jebeile

College CEO


Hajj Day 2020

“Call all people to the Pilgrimage. They will come to

you on foot and on every kind of transport, from every

distant track.” Holy Qur'an 22:27

All students from Years 4 – 10 will be participating in a Hajj Day this

year due to restrictions for the sleeping component of our usual Hajj


This event will be an exciting incursion with workshops delivering

informative and engaging sessions about the philosophy and actions of

each ritual surrounding the Hajj pilgrimage.

These workshops will all be unique and tailored to our students ages.

The Hajj Day is a compulsory event for all students from Years 4 – 10

and will take place on the following days.

Junior Hajj Day: Wednesday 29th July

Senior Hajj Day: Thursday 30th July

School Closed for EID: Friday 31st July


A Message from our

Head of Junior School

Ms. Jennie Harold Asalamu Alaykum

Dear Bellfield families,

Congratulations to students, staff, parents, and all members of our wider school community for reaching the

end of Semester 2, 2020.

Teachers have been busy assessing, marking, and compiling half yearly academic reports as we race towards the

end of Term 2. Academic reports will be issued to parents on campus at our combined Junior/ Senior School

Parent Teacher Interview evenings scheduled Week 1, Term 3. Please ensure you book an interview slot with

your child’s teacher using the Sentral parent portal app. All parent interviews on junior campus will take place

in your child’s classroom, and the number of parents permitted in each room will be closely monitored as we

continue to adhere to safe social distancing practices.

As I reflect on what has been one of the most challenging times for Education since I commenced teaching 17

years ago, I have to say how very proud I am of our brave and resilient young students as they settled back into school life during Term 2. Now, more than ever before, is the time to sit with your children, reflect on their day

with them and the choices they made. Celebrate their successes, and share solutions with your child if they have

not made the right choices at school that day. Remind your children of your faith and the Islamic ethos which

underpins our wonderful college. Encourage mutually respectful relationships and always model positive

behaviour and respect to your children. As per our college handbook, positive partnerships with parents begin

with parents guiding and assisting their children to meet college obligations. To further support parents to meet

their responsibilities, the newly established IHSAN team can help. Please do not hesitate to contact the school

should you wish to speak to a member of the IHSAN team for further assistance.

I would like to remind families that we are still adhering to government health advice and as such, parents should

not be entering the school grounds without prior permission from staff. As social distancing regulations and

rules slowly continue to be lifted, so too will measures we have implemented at Bellfield. As I mentioned in the

Week 9 Junior School Weekly, Term 3 will welcome several changes and improvements in teaching and learning,

and in the playground and canteen. I eagerly await the time when parents can visit us on campus without

invitation, to see these changes, share their ideas, visit my office for a chat, join us for student assemblies and

celebratory occasions. Slowly but surely, we will resume ‘normal’. Until then, stay safe and have a wonderful

school break with your families.

Yours sincerely,

Ms Jennie Harold

Head of Junior School



Travel Policy

Please ensure that

prior to booking any holidays during term

time, that you seek approval from the

college. We only allow 2 school weeks’

leave during term time. Any families who are

in breach of our travel policy will be asked

to repeat their current grade.

Please note that students enrolled in the

Compression classes will not be granted

leave during term time.

Withdrawing from

the College

If you are withdrawing a student from the

College, please be advised that 10 weeks’

notice is required.

If you do not provide the College 10 school

weeks’ notice of withdrawing from the

college, a term’s fees will be charged to your


If you have any further enquiries, please

don’t hesitate to contact the administration


Add Bellfield College to your WhatsApp contact list

0430 842 666

“Let them play; the earth is the pasture of the children!” - Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Majma az zawaid, v 8, p 15

School Photo Day 2020 All students are required to dress in full winter school uniform (no

sport’s uniform), including their blazer. Please ensure that your child’s

shoes are polished, hair is neatly combed and the correct hijab is worn.

Any student who is not in full school uniform, will not be permitted

to have their photos taken.


Junior School Updates Early Stage 1

Ms Bianca Cardinale

Asalamu Alaykum,

Dear Parents,

What a fantastic second term it has been of learning and fun for Kindergarten!


Kindergarten have shown immense improvement in their reading and writing this term. We

have learnt a range of sounds and are competent in reading and writing 3-letter words.

Throughout our literacy lessons, students have been exposed to narratives and procedures.

Our favourite activity this term was writing and following a procedure to make fairy bread!


Throughout numeracy lessons, students engaged in lots of fun and creative maths play. We

learnt how to add and subtract using stuffed animals and giant di, we learned how to count

by 2’s by using beads and patterns as well as learn about division by sharing M&Ms and dividing

cupcakes in equal halves.


Throughout history lessons, students have been learning about special celebrations.

Kindergarten have learnt about a range of celebrations that different countries, cultures and

religions celebrate and why they are special. We were able to watch some fun videos and

create some beautiful artworks to accompany our learning, such as a Chinese dragon for

Chinese New Year, colourful Diwali paintings and red poppy flowers for ANZAC Day.

We look forward to a fun-filled term 3!

Miss Cardinale (KC)

Miss Paras (KP)

Mrs Hioki (KH)




How to access Bellfield Parent Portal

through Sentral in 3 simple steps: Step 1:

Go to using any web browser

Step 2:

• Click ‘Login’ if you already have an account

• Click ‘Register’ if you do not have an existing account:

Step 3:

Click on ‘My Access’ on left hand

side and add Access Key for your


You can obtain

an access key

from any of our


offices by calling

(02) 9606 2666


Stage 1

Mrs Marina Boussi

Asalamu Alaykum

Dear Parents,

Term 2 has been an INTERACTIVE term, students transitioned from their virtual classroom

back to their physical classroom. Stage 1 Teachers are absolutely glad to be surrounded by

their students CURIOUS growing minds.

With the course of the Term 2 Science Program, Stage 1 have become LITTLE


Both Year 1 and 2 students were taken on a journey through the SCIENTIST’S GOGGLES.

Science is a way of learning about the WORLD through observations and logical reasoning.

Students explored their senses to gather information about the MATERIAL WORLD.

Predicting ... Classifying ... Evaluating … Investigating and analysing how materials are

manipulated and combined.

Stage 1 students have been investigating the effect of MIXING and COMBINING various

materials through INVESTIGATION and EXPERIMENTATION! All students took part in

investigating concepts and planning physical experiments which helped them gain a DEEPER

INSIGHTS into the world around them. We LOVED our JELLY investigation where we

observed the changes which occur when materials are heated and combined.

2C and 2M students are learning to use DIAGRAMS and MODELS to present the

information they collect through conducting investigations; and to compare their

OBSERVATIONS with their PREDICTIONS. We look forward to DELVING DEEPER into

investigations, to keep fostering our Year 2 students’ CURIOSITY about the ‘why and how’

of things through our science units and to support them as they continue to grow as

lifelong learners.

1M also had the opportunity to make CUPCAKES. They COMBINED a range of

MATERIALS including eggs, milk, butter and cupcake mix and observed the changes that

were made. Students were also able to IDENTIFY the batter as a LIQUID, but after placing

it in the oven it turned into a SOLID. They absolutely loved taking part in


1B particularly ENJOYED choosing an item from home and creating a poster, a video or

PowerPoint presentation. They shared their DISCOVERIES such as the door is made of

wood and wood comes from trees. Windows are made of glass and glass comes from sand!


They EVALUATED that many of the items we have around us come from NATURAL

MATERIALS, which is super cool!

Our Stage 1 Scientists have grown interest in the WORLD around them and

CONNECTED more with the ALMIGHTY (s.w.t) that created it for them. Spiritually and

Academically, these harmoniously will nurture these beautiful students into becoming the

best they can possibly be!

Always Learning

Stage 1 Coordinator

Mrs Marina Boussi


Stage 2

Mrs Lina Saleh Asalamu alaykum,

Dear Parents,

I hope you and your families are all in good health inshaAllah. This has been a term that seems

to have flown by, but what a great term it has been for Stage 2!

In English, Year 3 and 4 students have been

learning about different types of persuasive

texts. They not only explored expositions

and persuasive letters, they delved in

deeper and explored other types of

persuasive texts such as debates and


When learning about the persuasive

techniques used in advertisements,

students explored both TV and radio ads.

They learnt how TV ads use visuals and

sound and often include a slogan or song to make them memorable. They explored how radio

ads only have sound to engage their audience so there needs to dramatic sounds or

memorable tones of voice used to capture the attention of the listener.

Students viewed some TV ads from these last few years, as well

as popular TV ads that some of you, as parents, might

remember. Students really enjoyed viewing the Chicken Tonight

ad from 2010 and were often quoting “Can we have Chicken

Tonight, tomorrow?” or singing “I feel like Chicken Tonight, like

Chicken Tonight!” while doing the movements. They also loved

the Banana Boat ad which used a voiceover on a baby so it

sounded like the baby was speaking in an adult voice.

It has been an enjoyable term in Stage 2! On behalf of all the Stage 2 teachers, I would like to

personally wish all our students a fun, safe and relaxing break between Term 2 and 3.

Stay safe, stay happy and stay well

Mrs Lina Saleh

Stage 3 Coordinator


REMINDER: College Dates 2020 Start Finish

Term 1 Tuesday, 28th January 2020 Thursday, 9th April 2020

School Holidays Monday, 13th April 2020 Friday, 24th April 2020

Term 2 Monday, 27th April 2020 Friday, 15th May 2020

Mid Term Break - 1 week Monday, 18th May 2020 Tuesday, 26th May 2020

Term 2 continues Wednesday, 27th May 2020 Friday, 3rd July 2020

School Holidays Monday, 6th July 2020 Friday, 17th July 2020

Term 3 Monday, 20th July 2020 Friday, 25th September 2020

School Holidays Monday, 28th September 2020 Friday 9th October 2020

Term 4 Monday, 12th October 2020 Thursday, 10th December 2020

School Holidays Friday, 11th December 2020


Bellfield College is a phone-free school

Students are provided the opportunity to hand in phones every morning at roll call.

If a mobile phone is seen, heard or used during school hours they will be confiscated

immediately and held on campus for 2 weeks.

All students are aware of the 2-week protocol.


Stage 3

Ms Fatima Mchawrab Asalamu alaykum,

Dear Parents,

We are all extremely proud of our students and how quickly they adjusted to online learning then back to school settling in and straight back into learning. Students have gained many skills this past term, both life long

and academic. They should all feel immensely proud of themselves!

Year 6 are also

excited to have just

received their Year 6


We look forward to

seeing students

wearing them on

Wednesday and

Friday on their sport


Read below for some ‘Stage 3 highlights’ from Term 2!

Students in 5/6M are currently studying a book called ‘The Wishing Cupboard’ by Libby Hathorn. They were

asked to come up with an item they would place in the wishing cupboard which will come true over time.

Students came up with heartfelt responses which really allowed them to reflect on the last couple of months.


Year 5 have been hard at work learning about the concepts of sequencing and patterns within numbers and

geometry. This also complimented the Creative Arts lesson on abstract art where students had to create

rhythmic patterns via line work and shapes. In Mathematics students discussed the unending repetition of a

number pattern and the infinite nature of Allah (S.W.T.) as well as life after death. In Creative Arts, the circular

shapes helped students discuss how Allah (S.W.T) such as that circle has no beginning and no end.


Students are undertaking an engaging investigation on creating their own gelato flavours to sell in a Gelato

shop. They had to come up with a design brief, brainstorm different ideas, try out different flavours together

and finally they will create their flavour and have it taste tested by the teachers. This process has been engaging

for the students and has brought out their creative ideas.


In History this term, students have explored Federation and the process Australia has gone through to

become a Federation. They have enjoyed looking into the History of Australia and linking this in with their

History unit from last term where they looked at Indigenous Rights and Freedoms. Year 6 students will have

the opportunity to go to Canberra next term and put this learning into practice where they will visit the

parliament house, the Education Electoral Centre and the war memorial. They will share all they have learnt

with the Year 5 students when we return!

Ms Fatima Mchawrab


Junior School Illuminations

Sister Julie Karaki

Asalamu Alaykum,

One of the greatest blessings that can be acquired

in this worldly life is a connection with the ultimate

source of creation. Not only does this connection

bring about tranquility to the hearts but it also

provides a sense of clarity and purpose during the

turbulent parts of our lives.

At Bellfield College, by the Grace of Allah (SWT)

we are truly blessed to be able to provide an

opportunity to connect with our creator every


As the school continues to grow we are always coming

up with new ways of accommodating for our students

and their needs in prayer. This term we have introduced

a ‘Transition to Prayer’ room for Year 3. This room

teaches students the correct pronunciation of prayer, as

well as different ruling around the prayer. Towards the

end of the year each student will be assessed to ensure

that they move on to year 4 reciting their prayers

correctly with a sound understanding of the prayer which

stands to be the pillar of our faith.

There are different techniques we utilise in the prayer

room to bring about mindfulness before students start

prayer. Some examples include; reciting ‘Silent Salawat’,

Tasbihat al Arba’a, slow deep breathing, closing our eyes

and thinking thoughts of gratitude. It would be great if

these ways of increasing mindfulness could also be

implemented at home to create a calmer and more

connected prayer.


We have recently organised some star and moon lights to go into the prayer room to remind students to start

preparing their minds to speak to their creator. A range of signs have also been custom made to assist

students with understanding the positions of prayer and their meanings (pictures below).

As we continue to nurture our students’ connection with Allah (SWT) we pray that all families are blessed

with the opportunity to uphold this connection at home as well.



Brother Mohamed Wehby

“Indeed, Allah loves those who do Ihsan”

Holy Qur’an 2:195

IHSAN as a Virtue

To do Ihsan is to bear witness to the beauty of God and the beauty that He has created for us. His signature

is husn and those who truly wish to live a life of Ihsan not only bear witness to the beauty that is creation

itself but also seek to manifest beauty in everything they do.

Whether we look at the artwork in the domes of the grand mosques or listen to the delicacy of thought

and depth of love in poetry, immerse in the haunting and deeply moving recitations of the holy Qur’an and

calls for prayers (Azan), or simply behold a calligraphic rendering of the Qur’an—the manifestations of Ihsan

are inescapable.

IHSAN’s Vision

The creative inter-play between academic standards and IHSAN is a win-win situation. IHSAN organises a

team to learn from what is around the learner within and outside of the school’s academic and disciplinary

framework. IHSAN refines the way Bellfield College presents itself to its community. A good College does not

build palaces for itself. It lives at the level of its community as a whole. In short, IHSAN becomes associated


with how our community

defines itself.

IHSAN ensures that Bellfield

College is culturally

engaged and sustainable.

Engaged means being fully

present for the community

that supports the College.

For example, on a wider

scale, IHSAN is not shy

about addressing questions

of family challenges inside

the home, which are

connected at an elementary level to the character struggles of the child at school; it conceives of parents as

the primary educators of their children. Hence, IHSAN does not wait to guess what the community

needs by way of skills but partners with the community directly. Providing that inclusive space for everybody to

play a role allows families and community members to pull a community forward. Some cultural workers call

this mission ‘extending the yoke.’ The longer the yoke the more horses we can harness to pull our wagon –

and the faster and farther we can go.

Sustainable means the capacity to flourish over the long run. IHSAN is structured according to what the

Bellfield College community (through the Tri-partnership model – the parent, student, and school) needs for

improved outcomes in the long-term, not just what the learner needs in the short-term.

Br Mohamed Wehby

IHSAN Coordinator


Senior School Updates


PDHPE/Sports Mr Hussein Akil

Friday Sports The return of Friday sports has been a success in

Term 2.

Students were involved in a 2 period rotation where

they had sport for 1 hour and a wellbeing IHSAN

workshop for the 2nd hour.

The boys and girls were split and experiencing both

rotations in their respective genders.

Sports included: Fitness, soccer, volleyball, softball

handball and touch footy.

PDHPE Practical Back to practical lessons in PDHPE and it has

been exciting to see students going back in full


With the Athletics Carnival being cancelled, we

thought that experiencing more Athletics events

at school will keep the students in the Athletics


High jump was a fan favourite where students were in competition on who would jump the

highest. Some students who found it difficult were just happy to land on the mat successfully

with a beautiful smile on their faces. times forever.


Creative Arts, Languages & English (CALE)

Ms Ayah Balloot

Asalamu Alaykum Dear Bellfield Parents & Community,

What an incredible year we have had so far. We began 2020 with a number of major world

events that impacted the way we teach and learn in the 21st century. I always knew we were

working ahead of the state when it came to online engagement and that our students were

prepared well before COVID-19 for online learning. Our virtual classrooms were being utilised

to their fullest potential and are still a source of student engagement.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the wonderful teachers for the consistent effort

and dedication they show for our student’s education. They have worked countless hours and

taken the time to cater for each student and their learning styles/needs. A very special thanks

goes to Miss Derbas, Mrs Jbarah, Mrs Mahmood, Mrs Chebli, Mrs Hayes, Mr Hussain, Mrs

Bazzi and Miss Rammal for taking the Creative Arts, English and Language Syllabi and turning

them into dynamic and vibrant online units of work.

An exceptional thanks to our parents who adapted so well and helped their children navigate

the ‘new’ and unknown world we were entering back in February. Your support, time and

effort does not go unnoticed.

And now, the most important element of it all, the students. Many of you have proved to be

diligent and responsible young adults who took charge of your learning and embraced the

rapidly changing education landscape. I sat with your teachers upon our return to school and

we had many stories of students who took on the challenge of being self-directed learners and

students who thrived and strived for excellence. A very special thanks is given to the students

below who actively participated online, were prepared for each lesson and who completed the

set tasks given each week/lesson. A special certificate will be presented to these students in an

end of term assembly in Week 10.


Stage 4


Stage 4


Stage 4

Creative Arts

Stage 5


Stage 5

Creative Arts

Stage 6


Year 7

Ellie Nazha



Zain AlAnsari

Ali Aghyly

Zahra Saymarli



Zahra Moula





Mehdi Syed

Mishal Jaffri

Year 7

Zahra Al Ali

Zahra Moula

Riza El Ali









Mehdi Syed

Ali Aghyly



Ellie Nazha

Visual Arts

Zahra Al Ali

Mishal Jaffri

Zahra Moula




Rayann Farhat


Mehdi Syed





Ellie Nazha

Azan Akbar


Year 9




Jad Karaki



Zahra Fouladi





Jasmine Al


Ali Aqbaly

Erfan Hussaini

Visual Arts

Safa AlHirz

Mya Nazha

Kasim Farhat

Zainab Yassine

Fatima Toufaili

Layal Ibrahim

Mariam Al


Ali Ridha


Sakina Kazmi

Year 8

Nasser Ali


Asiya Rahimi

Farzad Hazara

Faraz Rahimi

Seena Raza


Samara Karaki

Ali Assaf

Sabilla Karnib Mariam Hassan

Abbas Tawbe

Rodayna Saleh

Year 8

Roya Hussaini

Ammar Rahimi

Sahar Safar Ali

Jamil Karimi

Ali Assaf

Sabilla Karnib




Fatima Hijazi

Zahra Golbou

Roya Hussaini

Year 10

Safa AlHirz

Ali Ibrahim

Ilhaam Hyder

Hussain Karnib

Mariam Hodroj


Nour Haidar

Zainab Yassine

Mariam Hodroj



Congratulations to all students on your outstanding work ethic and diligence during the online

learning period. I would like to wish you all a happy and well-deserved mid-term break.


Senior School Recognition Assembly

Friday 3rd July 2020


Human Society and its Environment (HSIE)

Mr Wassim Hijazi

Stage 6 Business Studies class has now completed half of the HSC course and are receiving

amazing results and doing some of the best work I have ever seen from a group of students. I

am very proud to be teaching this group of students and Inshallah they will get the results that

their hard work deserves.




Studying History is important because it allows us to understand our past, which in turn allows us to

understand our present. If we want to know how and why our world is the way it is today, we have to look to

history for answers. People often say “history repeats itself,” but if we study the successes and failures of the

past, we may, ideally, be able to learn from our mistakes and avoid repeating them in the future.

Furthermore, the study of history is important because it allows one to make more sense of the current

world. One can look at past economic and cultural trends and be able to offer reasonable predictions of what

will happen next in today's world. One can also understand why some rules exist in the modern world.

If those are not good reasons for studying history, one can study history because it allows one to exercise

their critical thinking skills. These critical thinking skills are important for all areas in life, academic and

otherwise. Historians also write a great deal; a study of history allows one to practice writing for different


Year 7 study Ancient Egypt as part of their course Year 8 study the Medieval Europe as part of their


Year 9 study the World Wars as part of their course Year 10 study the Vietnam war as part of their


Studying history can provide us with insight into our cultures of origin as well as cultures with which we

might be less familiar, thereby increasing cross-cultural awareness and understanding.


Introduction to Stage 6 Subject Selection

Wednesday 1st July 2020



Thank you for reading our
