bellringer directions: fill in the descriptions (using the information from the boxes) for each...

Bellringer Directions: Fill in the descriptions (using the information from the boxes) for each Essential. Essential 1 Essential 2 Essential 3 Essential 4 Essential 5 Essential 6 Essential 7 Essential 8 Essential 9 Essential 10 Essential 11 Student Selecti on Collaborati on Inquiry Emphasis Active Site Team Trained Tutors Voluntary Participati on Writing & Reading School Commitment AVID Elective Class Rigorous Curriculum Data Collection & Analysis

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Bellringer Directions: Fill in the descriptions (using the information from the boxes) for each Essential. Essential 1 Essential 2 Essential 3 Essential 4 Essential 5 Essential 6 Essential 7 Essential 8 Essential 9 Essential 10 Essential 11 Slide 2 Self-Check Essential 1Student Selection Essential 2Voluntary Participation Essential 3AVID Elective Class Essential 4Rigorous Curriculum Essential 5Writing and Reading Essential 6Inquiry Emphasis Essential 7Collaboration Essential 8Trained Tutors Essential 9Data Collection and Analysis Essential 10School Commitment Essential 11Active Site Team Slide 3 Strengthening AVID by Building a Stronger Site Team Phil Pautienus August 9-10, 2012 Slide 4 Common Board Configuration Date: August 10, 2012 Benchmark: Essential 10: 2 ; Essential 11:1 - 7 Bell Ringer : AVID Connection Activity Essential Question(s) Have we increased our site teams size and influence? How can diversity promote a strong AVID Site Team? How can a strong site team lead to increase school-wide expectations and instructional resources? Essential Question(s) Have we increased our site teams size and influence? How can diversity promote a strong AVID Site Team? How can a strong site team lead to increase school-wide expectations and instructional resources? Vocabulary: AVID, Essential, Site Team, Coordinator, WICOR Objective: Participants will design a plan that uses teachers/faculty strengths in each Essential of the ISS/CSS certification reports as indicated by the AVID standards for success. Agenda: (Gradual Release) 1.Bellringer 2.Background Info 3.(I do) Essential 8 4.(We do) Essential 10 5.(You do) Assigned Essential 6.Summarizing Activity Agenda: (Gradual Release) 1.Bellringer 2.Background Info 3.(I do) Essential 8 4.(We do) Essential 10 5.(You do) Assigned Essential 6.Summarizing Activity Summarizing Activity: Participants will present information discussed in their groups about their assigned essential. Summarizing Activity: Participants will present information discussed in their groups about their assigned essential. Homework: Participants will place the AVID Site team monthly meetings onto their school calendar for the 2012-2013 school year and assign site team members responsibilities for ensuring success of the AVID program at their school sites. Homework: Participants will place the AVID Site team monthly meetings onto their school calendar for the 2012-2013 school year and assign site team members responsibilities for ensuring success of the AVID program at their school sites. Learning Goal: To build a stronger AVID Site Team at each school that fully participates in the Program. Slide 5 Lake County Schools Vision StatementVision Statement A dynamic, progressive and collaborative learning community embracing change and diversity where every student will graduate with the skills needed to succeed in postsecondary education and the workplace. Mission StatementMission Statement The mission of the Lake County Schools is to provide every student with individual opportunities to excel. Lake County Schools is committed to excellence in all curricular opportunities and instructional best practices. This focus area addresses closing the achievement gap, increased graduation rate, decreased dropout rate, increase in Level 3 and above scores on the FCAT, achieving an increase in the number of students enrolled in advanced placement and dual enrollment opportunities and implementing the best practices in instructional methodology. Summer Leadership Institute Slide 6 21 st Century Skills Tony Wagner, The Global Achievement Gap Summer Leadership Institute 1. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving 2. Collaboration and Leadership 3. Agility and Adaptability 4. Initiative and Entrepreneurialism 5. Effective Oral and Written Communication 6. Accessing and Analyzing Information 7. Curiosity and Imagination Slide 7 High Effect Size IndicatorsHigh Effect Size Indicators Summer Leadership Institute The Departments identified set of indicators on high effect size instructional and leadership strategies with a causal relationship to student learning growth constitute priority issues for deliberate practice and faculty development. -Florida Department of Education, 2012 Slide 8 Learning Goal with Scales Tracking Student Progress Established Content Standards Multi-tiered System of Supports Clear Goals Text Complexity ESOL Students Summer Leadership Institute School Leadership High Effect Indicators Classroom Teacher High Effect Indicators Feedback Practices Facilitating Professional Learning Clear Goals and Expectations Instructional Resources High Effect Size Strategies Instructional Initiatives Monitoring Text Complexity Interventions Instructional Adaptations ESOL Strategies Slide 9 Vocabulary: AVID, Essential, Site Team, Coordinator, WICOR Slide 10 AVID Schools SPEAK! Slide 11 Signs of Life Slide 12 Lifeless! Slide 13 AVID Leadership Know the Program Read the AVID materials Visit the Elective Classroom Participate Fully Attend Site Team Meetings Attend Social Events Know the Strategies and Practices Take Responsibility for the Success of AVID Slide 14 Hands-On Directions: Understanding the Rating System Institutionalization (Level 3): No more than one Indicator is below Level 3 (i.e. 3 out of 4, or 4 out of 5, or 5 out of 6 etc.; no Indicator may be at level 0. Routine Use (Level 2): No more than one Indicator is below Level 2. No Indicator may be at level 0. Meets Certification Standards (Level 1): No more than one Indicator is below Level 1; there must be a plan in place and implemented to bring that Indicator to Level 1 or higher for the following school year. Not AVID (Level 0): Certification requirements for Level 1 are not met (more than 1 Indicator is below Level 1). There was no plan or the plan from the previous year was not implemented effectively. Slide 15 Hands-On Directions: Reviewing the 11 Essentials Define the responsibilities needed for the success of that essential. Decide what type of team member (Adm., Guidance, Elective Teacher, Coordinator, Interdisciplinary Site Team Teacher) would be suited for this task. Describe how the site team might be able to show documented evidence of this essential for the CSS binder. Slide 16 Essential 8 Trained Tutors Slide 17 Establish a Recruitment Process for Tutors (Peer Tutoring) Ensure tutors get trained (TA? At the beginning of the school year) Assign trained site personnel to provide on-going coaching and support for tutors Establish and monitor time sheets Collaborate with elective teachers in evaluating tutor performances Monitor and coach tutors to sustain effective tutorials (Ratio 7:1) Ensure consistent tutorial practices throughout all AVID sections Provide on-going modeling for tutors regarding the use of higher level questions and ways to push students thinking. Develop ways to show appreciation for Tutors Slide 18 Essential 8 Trained Tutors Slide 19 1.Tutor Training Plan 2.Tutor Training Documents (Sign in Sheets, Tutor Certificates, Spreadsheet, Etc.) 3.Tutorial Request Forms (1 showcasing each subject area) 4.Video of a Tutorial Session 5.Documentation of Higher Order Questions Asked (Tutorial Request Forms) 6.Documentation of Elective Teachers AVID Training Slide 20 Essential 10 School Commitment Slide 21 Slide 22 Slide 23 Slide 24 Hands-On Directions: Looking at the Essential Assigned to your Group: Define the responsibilities needed for the success of that essential. Decide what type of team member (Adm., Guidance, Elective Teacher, Coordinator, Interdisciplinary Site Team Teacher) would be suited for this task. Describe how the site team might be able to show documented evidence of this essential for the CSS binder. Slide 25 Share Out! Present your Essential (What is the focus?) Name 2-3 Responsibilities Suggest a Possible Site Team Member Quickly Explain why? Name an additional documentation not suggested by AVID. Slide 26 Slide 27 A strong site team = A strong AVID Program One person cant do this alone! AVID done right can allow teachers feedback opportunities, offer a venue for facilitating Professional Learning, establish clear goals and expectations for school sites, offer teachers instructional resources and strategies, and establish school base instructional initiatives. Slide 28 Participant Scale and Reflection (Please complete and turn in) Summer Leadership Institute 0-Not Using No understanding or implementatio n steps taken away 1-Beginning Little understanding and inconsistent implementation steps taken away 2-Developing Moderate understanding and implementation steps taken away 3-Applying Consistent understanding and implementation steps taken away along with monitoring componets for effective execution 4-Innovating In addition to criteria of Applying, enhanced understanding, implementation, monitoring, and execution take aways