belmar sales days - february 12-13-14-15 the coast … · 2015-02-03 · \vt joi belmar sales days...

\vt JOI BELMAR SALES DAYS - FEBRUARY 12-13-14-15 There Are Better Bum In Belmar THE COAST ADVERTISER Keep Yonr Mind OS Your Driving and Ymir Eyes On The Road Seventy-Kirat Veal-, No. 4 I —X1'agen "r.vl.MAl!. NKW .'HUSKY, THUUSPAY. KKBIU'AUY (,, 11)B4 waii Township Tercentenary !h eDa rtment Of Nuclear Medicine r :»*»/. Uaarc Rpltnrfc ' . . n. i n III •. I Committee Hears Reports More than 50 members oil lire Wall Township Tercente- nary Committee heard re- ports from representatives from civic groups, clubs, or- ganization municipal deport- ments and committee chair- men for the Wall Township Tercentenary Celebration to be held Sept. U at Allaire State Park. Mrs. Evelyn SnodgraM, chairman, pre * The "Qreen Thumb Com- mittee' will nave a sectional mop ot Wall TWWrtW •*"* ed in a variety o! flowevsjn Spring Lake Road To Be Made Wider SPRING LAKE-Ihe Bor oush Council adopted a reso- lution Monday night to widen ocean avenue by 10 feet be HH Atlantic and Mercei iiTtnmn councilman C. Qilbei t LCM dale, chairman of the street committee, sold road craws mil take thc 10 feel from the at* of the road, add gravel this year and black top next year. industrial committee mem „,,,• said 20 signs telling of the'celebration will be placed on main thoroughfares in the area Girls Scout troops Wffl nave a three-part display de- picting old-style and new-style scouting. William Krott of the Police Department, told of the «*£ diving exhibition to be given oy members of the V. a Na- val Air Force find plnns (W« skin-diving performance by Police members Cub Pack? 78 and 104will ,,.( tffl BuHan Villages show I d imlinn activity and handi MM Josf-ijh Swain an- MDMH the Order 0( " l e A1 '; luW nve lioiier MAW) "' BcoiitH who iw-'e wo" nuniei mn eeBMftl pelformingau ,v.,,r,D,, Indian fhtnees will •• Opened At Red Bank Hospital DR. VINCENT M. WHELAN, Serves As Director DR. ANDREW P. DEDICK. Associate Director School Boards' Election Review School Board elections will l»ke place Tuesday. Feb. U I,, Belmor, Sou* Belinm, Wall Township and Spring Lake Heights. Proposal of Sweeper Purchase Held For Further Study SALARY ORDINANCE ADOPTED BOROUGH BUDGET INTRODUCED Bi r fire M Hunting eui plav antiuui apparatus. All local groups will p "The traffic sitx section is fcottinv. lice OtM Kus ' sstd. '-The ition in that caliei.s fvom to to 5:30 P. •l\ Harden thai the AUenwoutl Town I as wide a L> ******mA Association it was in Vhe 'hoi-se md bug gy 1 days." . Mrs. Herbert Ciabtree ol U Brown avenue. miW»Wrftfl the borough on snow removal and trash collection. South Belmar May Get 12* Tax Drop A public hearinlt on the South Belmar Municipal bud get will be held > • ' « * 3 ", 8 10 P. M, la was announced at the Borough Council meet- inc last Tuesday mgM to Bor ough Hall. At tha' <»"'• *• exhibit . Items. Apartments In Wall Considered bents, Harry Cooper, George regular meeuus IM »«. . T. C»rr Jr. and Robert Sch-' ell last Tuesday the main sub- rum are seeking re-election,, lect of old business on the itji Mrs. Marilyn J. Byrne aKetida was the discussion of nniiuf as a fourth candi- the bon:l ordinance, planning nopposed for the one-year expired term of former improvement Councilman Mil i, who had searrh h „,,!,. Walter Jewell Chambers art U for re-election. Mrs is not •»•» who ha slbilitit-s of the ireku unabl ii' elcctk Wfcl! To [ i ad MM. Doris '•'" ,,n.l I imuUii.m BarMrt O. Kotfier ,r« m the race tut the "j,!hn »#rtl an4 Hans Burr „ ; , , < . opposition in Spring Heights. and e,l all the I JJJ.Q proposed p nately WM the nicptiiit; io prsstoi i findings; twCftUSfl Bi W " illness he bftd been order by his doctor to remain home. After I di-i . ami cons by those pw W roll call broauiit > votes from Councilmr-,, Wil liam T. Wilson and Per Keynton Sr. ad ones from Couniilmfn Ste vor of the plan. Since the passage of the ordinance would require a majority vote—in this case, specifically, four affirmatives, the ordinance was not passed, but, rather, will be held over for further study by Council. Another milinanep. raising thi hourly wages ol IJ*»M p ,;>(•»• utility employee^ ami '•, mporory employees, was passed witli no genera! dls- Council accepted with r.:- gftt thp resignation of Mrs. I Wonltey, vpgbitrar of vi- ttt&ea, commanding her . d'i years ol devoted •••, rite borough. St Catharine's HNS to Hold Father-Son Ajiui-ovftl was givsn, - "j ffi-,-,™a*i,..> ( request of the MonmmiMi atitm to solicit business anrl imSustry, ami door to door, to a drivf to fumis ftvfelfl ttfl M«k, May 1 - May 8; ap- iiifAiii was also given to the n , 6U Rciiool and North i Stflte University, has tailback for nine yens Ih" WHll Towuship CommlEtfe •- ttie Wall Developing Co. ;,rtfto«W""*" me and OW Mill roa »85 announced at the neetihK last Monrlay OMrn M"e»er. ch „„. board. «M t : cunent 81 era mtttad m nu ?inf by tht 1 Ampri of Rediolocy m P Dtdick as new Bank I)i. WMtM ^' n( i •'•' wwwn* •*• "• ' Indict! arc liccnsfd by tne *othe patient for general di- 1 .. f^-.^rr-j Commission, agnostic procedure, and (Jiis is "foliuwpd by meHsuiement ft the activity b.v spnsitive flltOllOBle equipment." These i-j7 ; radioisotopps measure blood In d i s c as sins Bivfivicw flow, blood volunip, digestion, Hospitals f ( '* (U'pai'mpnt, ' metabolism, excretion, and a hv Whpliui tmntlflMHl tliat number of other body func Uunf;. Radiatitm Malso ttH4 tu elimiaat? diseased or ex- (•*>«•> tissue, with M viaR to, mi. of 12 cents- To this. 76 MBti Hfor muni cipal purposes, down 3 cent*; $1 30 MAtl for schoois. down 28cents; 55 cents for the coun *, up 4 cents, anda new !•- | up I 'for OiBfr fwtf •**** . - muni- Lrn.-^M^^^^^ ' J JfiS SMIM •*!«•! (il Adjustinr-ni *»4Ttt*» Frank A. Schuchardt Named Bank Director jif pltiKt. The great •itii the work. A iihor ol a »ov*l j dates. July IB Aug. l i th»* Fire Company, AUK- 15-AUff. 29, and I" tn e Babe Ruth Ut- tle League Tag Day dates, July 3 and July 4. new budget was intro- [auceu for first reading, untl its publication in The Coast j Advertiser was authorized for ppbruary 20. The M ttl is In coi—- gg-Tj ! Thos. B. Toohey Joins Gas Co. I!M!\ sun.fieiit lor mn>!. (iiag ^ thMW citlzena and veterans tM tlfjnfi. Oerwrnl ai)pniprl«tl'»" "" mutilctpBl purposes arc »1IO 182 clown 14,005. The reserve for uncollccted Uxn Is !••• REV. R.I GANNON TO SPEAK AT TEA mmbn »< H » ""• !ld n tiim •( IUIWH n I M, >.;,'h;;.-ii,.i'il M B ' 1!l •' •i,,,,!,,,, ,,,rh<Ti lisa i-«>i> ', ,!„. lurm.T Keton Williams with Hi' ' ' ,,! . iUHB B DM schools of ,!,„• .-,ly. Upon I.' UMI [rotn IM ('•.alipilriil Hwii School !«• aUcndeci *»s «r«l- , uatrd frura R«lpr Ca«W . Trratnn. ami "»> k » "" .......,.,,.,. ,.„„. a ot II,- i ton School, Univer.i'v "I p, uiviilVBiiia. ., economy •'We absorbed 111** ritlzetis anrl veterans t; still came out with s tlon," h G said. "K5«M BOMfl ' n " n Hi-fure HMH the Central V.i v ' ' ,,,,,„ ,,!•! „ , , HI.HK unit Trust Co. t »nd non, K *., ( « » " redue- a*-venty-nlne new books have been adjed to the Wall 1 !,! awaTn ,•( Nil .'i'' 1 [, i ,,, ""'• Mr, „„..„ and Trust Co , MthMM WUN aasocl- „„„,.„, ,,l l he Trenton ,'.,,,,„',,, Al,,(.rl,,,n institute GROUP TO DONATE HYDROCOLLATOR ] SEA QIRT-Tlie Sea Olrt , .njxiliwiy of the Jamea F. ' AcKei man Federation of Jit- Kin Mrmorhil Hospital met Jan. 27 st the home ol **~" [,=i > Cain, 514 Be -aril. TtV El'lHiJl VOtl-tl tO I •A liydroeoHator to the ; therapy departmeRt of trie fliiirlfs Wieak.l m will be accompanied ay iwv. und Mr- <;•::: Hrndbet'lc Benedict Joseph Uudlry, • « u,- W t M as co-clwir- QI u . >.. j,I,,in for thr. iiifn ot (lie luncheon bridge Giants i tl [grade up may m- ,,,'•„ p .,... ,„, | i. less radioactivity tiian the'oa.'i Company. It r liimlriou.o dial of a watch, he, ann'mncctl b\- Dale explained. Nevertheless, In president. spite of the waall dosage Riv i nvWw MomlUl h.l lak™ 1 in announcmt the new every measure to protect pa- " r olt0 I' 0 " 1 "' 11 " " " " Ncii! , ;iri(i ft :' -inni-I from n posure. Pimwuitl , xj... , is muiiiliired with film bad gea. and work an,;i tored reiiutarly with a rail,, h,,ii UK v v In EH.JIIVII! '.ci... I iii.UH'K pan iii',. i • ' tlon of Walls, (until"!<• .,!.<! Misf; Alielaidi- !' I Hprinw Lake |l tin- <),,r* ,:u 'jijii'., h'i Hiiiclan nf the dc PtfUlMilt Her (lulic.s UirHl.'ic the preparation of patien! da I the operation of radia- been Otto anrl aFiurlnff liiitniun BWSttCT&f «-f t h r a to avoid contami m\\K nation. The IliciiniM 'i' " ' ^ " " • • . Ubrary Association at tne library. 8hc also announced in that 59 new borrowers Have I registered and more tnan 14IH) books were In circulation dur- inK the months ot November iintl December. Attending the meetlnj were Mrs Cliarles ORtwald, preal- j...' »hn presided: Mr', i Jed c a d , fttr . TO TflKlKMI' VOTFRS ,, F HAix ram fllSTIUCT NO. « Public notice M l hereny that on saturday^e •» •tiildien at _ I SprinfT Lake. ...-•• - W,- schuclmrdl W Mon L, » junior al. Monmoiill, f> "ih cunly chairman, Unl-l f ,e an.l H..H il»u 'M-r. Bu vnrlto of Pennsylvania *1" ••«». ' » '•">'«""]"'' 1 ,'" , ' n,,i Annual Giving, and d.vl M M W * • * * B' 1 ' ,„„ gjutrmu » ""' M ""- »»r. moutfl Colleef F'und Drive MM' - HOISKHDHK Steady Saturday worlc. Cou- ple. New home nlslrlbuUnii VBt ttUM «B.-....nt of l«oi.opPH la ton- trnllcd bv 'he Aatomle Ener- gy Commission. newly ormirdwel at GOY A. Chante ' flcyt (iiuiual hruAh nmwr. NOTK.'K (If kUUIKM TAKE HOnslt of Election '3 years), auu ~ - of 1 member of Fire Commls- the amount of money to be loners of Wall District No. 3 raised for the ensuing year, will be held on February 15, " " 1964, between the hours of 6 and J P, M. at South Wall Fire House, At the same time approval B JIMAlt VACUUM Mulntnln.i top efficiency; oil makes repaired; quality ser- vice. Call «81 1228. Clerk. 44 i»3.20i At the same time approval j FOR HISNT of tlie following appropriation Mmull nice. 3 room bungalow, m the num of $10,000 la nelnif, unfurnished, oil heat, garaffe, m the nti requested. ts 1 • 44 Albert Ttiompion. t unfurnished, oil heat, g close tostores. 1 or 2 pernons. [ Kent HS.OO per month. Call Secretary. <|J.4O) 4 P M from **: °"* r KI'WIA!.! W1I,!I WRI1 8EKD 25 111 only |i« Taylor's Hardware WE KKIJ. VthTtMUtX Taylors Hardware, !"„ » Ul Avenue. Telephone e««H MOM HiaUTV 803 F 8t , 8elmnr, between 'otn and &th; Dialfi«l51173 Mocierute prices, clo -ed M'>n duy. KLKrTItlC Hot HI WIKINd N. J Statr Lie. and Permit i' 100 Joseph Berirer,fl81389U t o n »AI.E 1961 Chevrolet 2 Dr. Bl»cnyne, excellent condition, must sell, 11.35000 Call after 6 P.M. B81 (1692. KVI1, ( AKI'KT CI.KJJNINO In home, high quality work, Oliver Nik,- Rug * Carpet Cleaning Co, Call 8813185; free estimates Storm Wluil.m, R r » l m l metal and wood, nlao window Rhad«« Taylor's Hardware,... __ _ , 701 »Ui Ave M, Ml 0411. 'of ceremonies. MISS PETERSON CROWNED QUEEN !";,,*.'. l««BH U • meetlnB GEO. HAULENBEEK OPENS NEWOFFICE * Oeoree HaulenBeek, lleen- .„,) real estate Broker, has 'opened new offices uml. . > ! " ,,,m<' uf DMfl Haull'"l"'f* 1,,,, ;,( 1M WUtW »«"«• ,,,„;,„ Utt. H.' '"'* W" > , ' ' Ha iu> b»n , result'"! ... r.u.'ll.' tor the lost eight years luivine fw- merlv livfd m Belmar TO ,, m.,,,ied to the tormer El«lne Smilli * I"'"" ! „„, n,'iu-h, l-hell W> 1»»«»- l(,i . fjiuiie and Oall. alteml uuiKiiia tuth Mr llaulenbeek atwiiilea ,e Bdmsr School, the *«• jry PM* ll'« h sch01>1 anA eicc-rburs Acadi-my. lte ,, i Weld II. ivillg Down wilh the 5«i Air nice in New Guinea, where men el w ,„,, ,- ".—••• Io beheld Fcb M Girt Lighthouse In lieu of I meeting. It was announced tit,'* I us trip to the New York World's Fair has been »ch«l ted for members and friends .pill 28. Mrs. Henry C 'heaton Is In charge. Mrs. Fred Koechlein, vul unteer chairman, announced 594 Hours of volunteer work ,. ,n donated by mem Hers during U» t»«' tb " 1 ' rnontha, i aa » FollwiiiK "' e business . Ha, I'liul Mlcelll o/ Sea dirt illii'li ali'il a talk on $ I.) the Union of GoiiUi A( ,,, ,, i,nil Rhodesia with Jldes \U Micrlli. who w it'-'l (He hoi"' : ' Atrl kaan fi 'cnil v> , Ii)!-, on tour. ihowed iMa <<< 8»»1 ; ""' oni.iinl lift'- ""I"'' villase.H. ,ii;l ostrich fann-i Hllihllght Of Ii. ,- rtMM OHBhodeslu , am vuli'ifii Falls US B. TOO1IKV flying II tU coiripan.v's sulti-ll SsasM He received 14 rlecor lon «nd citntlons. He «, (,,i oimmomler of the .W MIT i MOUU George bled i ot the T(>f ,), ov, GOY A. Chanter l %J] . T(>f ,), ov, eerlid i Braun'n flret aimuul diuic. ,,,.r.,,n,,iuiir,, was Bradu»t«d ,„,, ptiday nleht ut the He& . ( f|omWal , ( , trnlverslty a , rt Inn . jerry Kolaltln ol of ,' ivsa , n i , a Bachelor ol Brooklyn, vice t-halrmttn of „,, degree In coiiiui'-i'i f l H h m '? J A IMMVM I, perforinetl Vu to> | ors before more than 350 r*''- sonB Mlsa Peterson will compete for the title n( Mtss nreek Jrvdependence Feb 15 at trw Btatler Hilton H o t e l , New York Named to the queen's court are the Ml«se» Oayle Pappay lion, fynUila Keromlt««. Kelly and Connie Cofltarls, all of As- bury Park. Arthur Pepayllon Coutros, Ooldle Karakoglou of Atbur? Park was inuKr .Science M M IB commerce He Is a member of the Amer- „.;,„ inlltule of CPA's and the Iowa Ht«tf fticirfy ot CPAS. Before moving to Belmar With his family. Mr, Toohey conducted an accounting prai: tlce In oelweln. Iowa, where he wa« a member nf the Oel weln Youth Council. Rotary Club and the Elk» Club, JJOBTOAOE IXMNH to tuy, build «' refinance Selmtr 8«v1ng» ft Lo»". nth Ave. Tei mum. ,,,,an River Oolf Club und the Mnnasiiunn Rlvei Viuhl Club, < | l l MUM1 with a low cost auto loan from Hie Belmar Wall Nation ul M,'"k tllKU Umlled Time, Only SMOKE TEMPO GLASSES of The Finest F.ltW'r.' lay Llbbey Owens One FREE with !••«>" Incoming Dry Cleaning Order ot |t.T» or More. I. Knlt»> hnnae Weekly Sfli'lNd I.ARKCOl.t'MBIAN MITNnnV - CLEANERS 1308 - 3rd Ave., Spring Lake fNear Post Office) 449 8212 (also available on our routes) AnTTODAYTOCOI.I,ir YOUR COMPLETE SET ffl'BINO LARIMOII'MBIAN MIWOBV - CI.EANF.lt9 1308 - 3rd Ave., Spring LaUe (Near Po»t Office) , us sail (»l«o ovall»We onour J-ouU'e) FISH ^ ' 'in Take out 8SC. Friday and Sat Vr,l»y. oroh-s, Ht. 71. Belmar 1681 9(105. MANTAMERK AVS ore buying diamonds a« • hedne Bgaltwl InflaUon. JIM » B««l Idea. Buy diamonds dl- reet from cutler thru ua. Trie Price Is rlstit J f »« R Tac * reitmed gemulogist, 1317 3rd Ave., Sprlnll Lake. OEOKOE KI.ATER watchmaker *•"«£ , Main « . O».. *""" R«» tMd Station.

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Page 1: BELMAR SALES DAYS - FEBRUARY 12-13-14-15 THE COAST … · 2015-02-03 · \vt JOI BELMAR SALES DAYS - FEBRUARY 12-13-14-15 There Are Better Bum In Belmar THE COAST ADVERTISEKeepYour



There Are BetterBum In Belmar


Your Driving andYmir Eyes

On The Road

Seventy-Kirat Veal-, No. 4 I — X 1'agen

"r.vl.MAl!. NKW .'HUSKY, THUUSPAY. KKBIU'AUY (,, 11)B4

waii Township Tercentenary ! h e D a r t m e n t O f Nuclear Medic iner :»*»/. Uaarc Rpltnrfc ' . . n. i n I I I •. ICommittee Hears Reports

More than 50 members oillire Wall Township Tercente-nary Committee heard re-ports from representativesfrom civic groups, clubs, or-ganization municipal deport-ments and committee chair-men for the Wall TownshipTercentenary Celebration tobe held Sept. U at AllaireState Park. Mrs. EvelynSnodgraM, chairman, pre

* The "Qreen Thumb Com-mittee' will nave a sectionalmop ot Wall TWWrtW • * " *ed in a variety o! flowevsjn

Spring Lake RoadTo Be Made Wider

SPRING LAKE-Ihe Boroush Council adopted a reso-lution Monday night to widenocean avenue by 10 feet beH H Atlantic and Mercei

iiTtnmncouncilman C. Qilbei t LCM

dale, chairman of the streetcommittee, sold road crawsmil take thc 10 feel from theat* of the road, add gravelthis year and black top nextyear.

industrial committee mem„,,,• said 20 signs telling ofthe'celebration will be placedon main thoroughfares in thearea Girls Scout troops Wfflnave a three-part display de-picting old-style and new-stylescouting.

William Krott of the PoliceDepartment, told of the «*£diving exhibition to be givenoy members of the V. a N a -val Air Force find plnns (W«skin-diving performance byPolice members

Cub Pack? 78 and 104 will,,.( tffl BuHan Villages showI d imlinn activity and handiM M Josf-ijh Swain an-MDMH the Order 0 ( " l e A1';l u W nve lioiier MAW) "'BcoiitH who iw-'e wo" nunieimn eeBMftl pel forming au,v.,,r,D,, Indian fhtnees will • •

Opened At Red Bank HospitalDR. VINCENT M. WHELAN, Serves As Director

DR. ANDREW P. DEDICK. Associate Director

School Boards'Election Review

School Board elections willl»ke place Tuesday. Feb. UI,, Belmor, Sou* Belinm,Wall Township and SpringLake Heights.

Proposal of Sweeper PurchaseHeld For Further Study



Bi r fire M

Hunting euiplav antiuuiapparatus.

All localgroups will p

"The traffic sitxsection is fcottinv.lice OtM K u s 'sstd. '-The

ition in that caliei.s fvom to to 5:30 P.

•l\ Harden thai the AUenwoutl Town Ias wide aL> ******mA Association •

it was in Vhe 'hoi-se md buggy1 days." .

Mrs. Herbert Ciabtree olU Brown avenue. miW»Wrftflthe borough on snow removaland trash collection.

South Belmar MayGet 12* Tax DropA public hearinlt on the

South Belmar Municipal budget will be held > • ' «* 3 ",8 10 P. M, la was announcedat the Borough Council meet-inc last Tuesday mgM to Borough Hall. At tha' <»"'• * •

exhibit . Items.

Apartments InWall Considered

bents, Harry Cooper, George regular meeuus IM »«. .T. C»rr Jr. and Robert Sch-' ell last Tuesday the main sub-rum are seeking re-election,, lect of old business on the

itji Mrs. Marilyn J. Byrne aKetida was the discussion ofnniiuf as a fourth candi- the bon:l ordinance, planning

nopposed for the one-yearexpired term of former • improvement

Councilman Mili, who had searrh

h„,,!,. WalterJewell Chambers art

U for re-election. Mrsis not •»•»

who haslbilitit-s of the


i i '

elcctkWfcl! To

[ iad MM. Doris

'•'" ,,n.l I imuUii.mBarMrt O. Kotfier

,r« m the race tut the

"j,!hn »#rtl an4 Hans Burr„; , ,<. opposition in Spring


a n d e,l all the IJJJ.Q proposed p

nately WMthe nicptiiit; io prsstoi ifindings; twCftUSfl Bi W "illness he bftd been orderby his doctor to remainhome.

After I di-i .ami cons by those pw Wroll call broauiit >votes from Councilmr-,, William T. Wilson and PerKeynton Sr. a dones from Couniilmfn Ste

vor of the plan.

Since the passage of theordinance would require amajority vote—in this case,specifically, four affirmatives,the ordinance was not passed,but, rather, will be held overfor further study by Council.

Another milinanep. raisingthi hourly wages ol IJ*»Mp ,;>(•»• utility employee^ ami'•, mporory employees, waspassed witli no genera! dls-

Council accepted with r.:-gftt thp resignation of Mrs.I • Wonltey, vpgbitrar of vi-

ttt&ea, commanding her• . d'i years ol devoted

•••, rite borough.

St Catharine's HNS toHold Father-Son

Ajiui-ovftl was givsn, - • •"j ffi-,-,™a*i,..>(request of the MonmmiMi

atitm to solicit business anrlimSustry, ami door to door, toa drivf to fumis ftvfelfl ttflM«k, May 1 - May 8; ap-iiifAiii was also given to the

n , 6 U Rciiool and Northi Stflte University, hastailback for nine yens

Ih" WHll Towuship CommlEtfe•- ttie Wall Developing Co.

;,rtfto«W""*"me and OW Mill roa

»8 5 announced at theneetihK last MonrlayOMrn M"e»er. ch

„ „„. board. «M t

: cunent 81

era mtttad m nu

?inf by tht1 Ampriof Rediolocy m

P Dtdick as


Bank I)i. WMtM ^'n(i •'•' w w w n * • * • "•' Indict! arc liccnsfd by tne *o the patient for general di-1 . . f^-.^rr-j Commission, agnostic procedure, and (Jiis

is "foliuwpd by meHsuiementft the activity b.v spnsitiveflltOllOBle equipment." These

i-j7 ; radioisotopps measure bloodIn d i s c a s sins Bivfivicw flow, blood volunip, digestion,

Hospitals f('* (U'pai'mpnt, ' metabolism, excretion, and ahv Whpliui tmntlflMHl tliat number of other body func

Uunf;. Radiatitm M also ttH4tu elimiaat? diseased or ex-(•*>«•> tissue, with M viaR to ,


of 12 cents-To this. 76 MBti H for muni

cipal purposes, down 3 cent*;$1 30 MAtl for schoois. down28cents; 55 cents for the coun*, up 4 cents, and a new !•-

| up I

'for OiBfr fwtf •**** . -

muni- Lrn.-^M^^^^^ ' J

J f i S SMIM •*!«•! (ilAdjustinr-ni *»4Tt t*»

Frank A. SchuchardtNamed Bank Director

jif pltiKt.The great

•itii the work. A

iihor ol a »ov*l j

dates. July IB Aug. l i th»*Fire Company, AUK- 15-AUff.29, and I" tne Babe Ruth Ut-tle League Tag Day dates,July 3 and July 4.

new budget was intro-[auceu for first reading, untlits publication in The Coast

j Advertiser was authorized forppbruary 20.


M ttl

is In coi—-

gg-Tj !

Thos. B. TooheyJoins Gas Co.

I!M!\ sun.fieiit lor mn>!. (iiag ^ thMW

citlzena and veterans t Mtlfjnfi.

Oerwrnl ai)pniprl«tl'»" " "mutilctpBl purposes arc »1IO182 clown 14,005. The reservefor uncollccted Uxn Is !•••


m m b n »< H» " " • ! l d

n tiim •( IUIWHn I

M , > . ; , ' h ; ; . - i i , . i ' i l M B ' 1 ! l • '

• i , , , , ! , , , , , , , r h < T i l i s a i - « > i >

', ,!„. lurm.T Keton Williamswith Hi' ' '

,,! . iUHB B DM schools of,!,„• .-,ly. Upon I.'UMI [rotn IM ('•.alipilriil HwiiSchool !«• aUcndeci *»s «r«l-

, uatrd frura R«lpr Ca«W. Trratnn. ami "»>k » " "• .......,.,,.,. ,.„„. a ot II,- W «

i ton School, Univer.i'v "Ip, uiviilVBiiia.


economy•'We absorbed 111**

ritlzetis anrl veterans t;still came out with stlon," hG said.

" K 5 « M BOMfl ' n " n Hi-fure HMH the CentralV.i v ' ' ,,,,,„ ,,!•! „ , , HI.HK unit Trust Co.t »nd non, K *., ( « » "


a*-venty-nlne new b o o k shave been adjed to the Wall

1 !,!awaTn

,•( Nil . ' i ' ' 1 [, i , , ,

" " ' • M r ,

„„..„ and Trust Co ,MthMM WUN aasocl-

„„„,.„, ,,l l he Trenton,'.,,,,„',,, Al,,(.rl,,,n institute


] SEA QIRT-Tlie Sea Olrt, .njxiliwiy of the Jamea F.' AcKei man Federation of Ji t-Kin Mrmorhil Hospital metJan. 27 st the home ol **~"[,=i > Cain, 514 Be-aril.

TtV El'lHiJl VOtl-tl tO I•A liydroeoHator to the ;therapy departmeRt of trie

fliiirlfs Wieak.l mwill be accompanied ay iwv. und Mr- <;•: : : Hrndbet'lcB e n e d i c t Joseph Uudlry, • « u , - W t M a s co-clwir-Q I u . >.. j,I,,in for t h r . iiifn ot (lie luncheon bridge

Giantsi tl

[grade up may

m- , , , ' • „ p . , . . . , „ , | i.

less radioactivity tiian the'oa.'i Company. It rliimlriou.o dial of a watch, he, ann'mncctl b\- Daleexplained. Nevertheless, In president.spite of the waall dosage Riv invWw MomlUl h. l lak™1 in announcmt the newevery measure to protect pa- " r o l t 0 I'0"1"'11 " " " "Ncii! , ;iri(i ft :' -inni-I from nposure. Pimwuitl , xj... ,is muiiiliired with film badgea. and work an,;itored reiiutarly with a rail,,h,,ii UK v v In EH .JIIVII! '.ci... Iiii.UH'K pan iii ',. i • 'tlon of Walls, (until"!<• .,!.<!

Misf; Alielaidi- !' • IHprinw Lake | l tin- < ),,r* ,:u'jijii'., h'i Hiiiclan nf the dcPtfUlMilt Her (lulic.s UirHl.'icthe preparat ion of patien!da I the operation of radia-


anrla F i u r l n f f l i i i t n i u n

BWSttCT&f «-f thra to avoid contami



I l i c i i n i M 'i' " ' ^ " " • • .

Ubrary Association at tnelibrary. 8hc also announced inthat 59 new borrowers Have Iregistered and more tnan 14IH)books were In circulation dur-inK the months ot Novemberiintl December.

Attending the meetlnj wereMrs Cliarles ORtwald, preal-j . . . ' »hn presided: Mr',


Jed ca d



Public notice Ml hereny g »that on saturday^e • »

•tiildien at_ I SprinfT Lake. . . . -•• -W,- schuclmrdl W Mon L, » junior al. Monmoiill, f>" i h c u n l y cha i rman , U n l - l f , e an.l H..H il»u 'M-r . Bu

v n r l t o of Pennsylvania * 1 " ••«». ' » '•">'«""]"''1 ,'" , 'n,,i Annual Giving, and d.vl M M W * • * * B ' 1 ',„„ gjutrmu » ""' M""- »»r.

moutfl Colleef F'und Drive


Steady Saturday worlc. Cou-ple. New home

nlslrlbuUnii VBt ttUM«B.-....nt of l«oi.opPH la ton-trnllcd bv 'he Aatomle Ener-gy Commission.

newly ormirdwel atGOY A. C h a n t e

' flcyt (iiuiual

hruAh nmwr.NOTK.'K (If kUUIKM

TAKE HOnslt of Election '3 years), auu ~ -of 1 member of Fire Commls- the amount of money to beloners of Wall District No. 3 raised for the ensuing year,will be held on February 15, " "1964, between the hours of 6and J P, M. at South WallFire House,

At the same time approval

B J IM Alt VACUUMMulntnln.i top efficiency; oil

makes repaired; quality ser-vice. Call «81 1228.

Clerk.44 i»3.20i

At the same time approval j FOR HISNTof tlie following appropriation Mmull nice. 3 room bungalow,m the num of $10,000 la nelnif, unfurnished, oil heat, garaffe,m the ntirequested.

ts 1 • 44

Albert Ttiompion.t

unfurnished, oil heat, gclose to stores. 1 or 2 pernons.

[ Kent HS.OO per month. Call

Secretary.<|J.4O) 4 P M

from **: °"*r

KI'WIA!.!W1I,!I WRI1 8EKD25 111 only | i «

Taylor's Hardware

WE KKIJ. VthTtMUtXTaylors Hardware, ! " „ »Ul

Avenue. Telephone e « « H

MOM HiaUTV803 F 8t , 8e lmnr , between

'otn and &th; Dial fi«l 51173Mocierute prices, clo -ed M'>nduy.

KLKrTItlC Hot HI WIKINdN. J Statr Lie. and Permiti' 100 Joseph Berirer, fl81 389U

ton »AI.E1961 Chevrolet 2 Dr. Bl»cnyne,excellent condition, must sell,11.35000 Call after 6 P.M.B81 (1692.

KVI1, ( AKI'KT CI.KJJNINOIn home, high quality work,Oliver Nik,- Rug * CarpetCleaning Co, Call 8813185;free estimates

Storm Wluil.m, R r » l m lmetal and wood, nlao windowRhad«« Taylor's Hardware,... __ _ ,701 »Ui Ave M , Ml 0411. 'of ceremonies.


!";,,*.'. l««BH U • • meetlnB


. „ , ) real estate Broker, has'opened new offices uml. . >!",,,m<' uf D M f l Haull'"l"'f*1,,,, ;,( 1M WUtW » « " « •,,,„;,„ U t t . H.' '"'* W "

„ • > , • • • • ' '

Ha iu> b»n, result'"! ... r.u.'ll.' tor thelost eight years luivine fw-merlv livfd m Belmar TO,, m.,,,ied to the tormerEl«lne Smilli * I"'"" !

„„, n,'iu-h, l-hell W> 1»»«»-l(,i . fjiuiie and Oall. altemluuiKiiia tuth

Mr llaulenbeek atwiiilea,e Bdmsr School, the *«•jry PM* ll'«h s c h 0 1 > 1 anA

eicc-rburs Acadi-my. lte '»,, i Weld W« II.

ivillg Down wilh the 5«i Airnice in New Guinea, where

men el w ,„,, ,- " . — • • •

Io be held Fcb MGirt Lighthouse In lieu of Imeeting.

It was announced tit,'* Ius trip to the New York

World's Fair has been »ch«lted for members and friends.pill 28. Mrs. Henry C'heaton Is In charge.Mrs. Fred Koechlein, vul

unteer chairman, announced594 Hours of volunteer work

,. , n donated by memHers during U» t»«' tb"1'rnontha,

i aa »

FollwiiiK " ' e b u s i n e s s. H a , I'liul Mlcelll o/

Sea dir t illii'li ali'il a talk on$ I.) the Union of GoiiUi

A ( , , , ,, i,nil Rhodesia withJldes

\U Micrlli. who w it'-'l(He hoi"' : '' A t r l

kaan fi 'cnil • v>, Ii)!-, on tour.ihowed i M a <<< 8»»1 ;""'oni.iinl lift'- " " I " ' ' villase.H.,ii;l ostr ich fann-i HllihllghtOf Ii. ,- rtMM OH Bhodeslu, am vul i ' i f i i Falls

US B. TOO1IKV flying

II tUcoiripan.v's


SsasMHe received 14 rlecor

lon «nd citntlons. He «,(,,i oimmomler of the


George bled iot the T ( > f , ) ,o v ,G O Y A. C h a n t e r l %J]. T ( > f , ) ,o v , „ eerlid i

Braun'n flret aimuul diuic. ,,,.r.,,n,,iuiir,, was Bradu»t«d,„, , ptiday nleht ut the He& . ( f | o m W a l , ( , trnlverslty

a , r t I n n . jerry Kolaltln ol o f , ' i v s a , n i , a Bachelor olBrooklyn, vice t-halrmttn of „, , degree In coiiiui'-i'i

f l H hm '? J AIMMVM I, perforinetl Vu to>| ors before more than 350 r*''-sonB

Mlsa Peterson will competefor the title n( Mtss nreekJrvdependence Feb 15 at trwBtatler Hilton H o t e l , NewYork

Named to the queen's courtare the Ml«se» Oayle Pappaylion, fynUila Keromlt««. Kellyand Connie Cofltarls, all of As-bury Park. Arthur PepayllonCoutros, Ooldle Karakoglouof Atbur? Park was inuKr

.Science M M IB commerceHe Is a member of the Amer-„.;,„ inlltule of CPA's andthe Iowa Ht«tf fticirfy otCPAS.

Before moving to BelmarWith his family. Mr, Tooheyconducted an accounting prai:tlce In oelweln. Iowa, wherehe wa« a member nf the Oelweln Youth Council. RotaryClub and the Elk» Club,

JJOBTOAOE IXMNHto tuy, build «' refinanceSelmtr 8«v1ng» ft Lo»". " »nth Ave. Tei mum.

,,,,an River Oolf Clubund the Mnnasiiunn RlveiViuhl Club,

< | l l MUM 1with a low cost auto loanfrom Hie Belmar Wall Nationul M,'"k

tllKUUmlled Time, Only

SMOKE TEMPO GLASSESof The Finest F.ltW'r.'

lay Llbbey OwensOne 0l .ni FREE with !••«>"Incoming Dry Cleaning Order

ot |t.T» or More.

I. Knlt»>hnnae Weekly


1308 - 3rd Ave., Spring LakefNear Post Office)

449 8212(also available on our routes)



1308 - 3rd Ave., Spring LaUe(Near Po»t Office)

, us sail(»l«o ovall»We on our J-ouU'e)

FISH ^ ' ' inTake out 8SC. Friday and SatVr,l»y. oroh-s, Ht. 71. Belmar1681 9(105.

MANTAMERK AVSore buying diamonds a« •hedne Bgaltwl InflaUon. JIM »B««l Idea. Buy diamonds dl-reet from cutler thru ua. TriePrice Is rlstit J f»« R T a c *reitmed gemulogist, 1317 3rdAve., Sprlnll Lake.

OEOKOE KI.ATERwatchmaker • * • " « £ ,

Main « . O » . . *""" R « » t M d


Page 2: BELMAR SALES DAYS - FEBRUARY 12-13-14-15 THE COAST … · 2015-02-03 · \vt JOI BELMAR SALES DAYS - FEBRUARY 12-13-14-15 There Are Better Bum In Belmar THE COAST ADVERTISEKeepYour


Have YOU Heard....? Engagement ToldDorothy tfromall Newly weds Areonl dp Mr$. Williams Joins

j JWV Ladies Auxiliary_ vm , Mr.-, Jeiiii.'l.- Williams « M

To fort Lander dtl•"' >«»«"'* •• li

of he

Marine Oo?$OfftJ l&MB 8 . j Bunkers Association Emer- JiticJ as her guest Miss MaryTontfinson, son of Me and Igoncy Planning conference nt Ho^y ol Spring Lake,Mrs. Albert Tomiinson of 15Sunset t e r r a n . Belmtvserving with Marine BaUlion Landing Team 3'2 curently serving a tour wlUi thsixth Fleet in the Me-dite

He recently participated iuti amnhibtous exercise callpMEDIANDEX 1-04 a nine firing exercise i t PortScuiio. Sardinia. Upon comyletion of the exercise, thlanding team resumed Itspositfon as the amphibiou,-tiikjng force of the SjxtlFleet.

Airman Sabato A, DeNardlson of Mr. and Mrs. Basil Lt)eNardl of 1413 Prancesdrive, Belmar, is being re-assigned to Keeslev AFB.Miss., for technical trainingas a United Btates Air Forceuidar operator.

Airman DeNardi, who enHated in the Air Force a shrotime ago, has completed hisinitial basic military trainingat Lackland AFB, Texas, HPwas graduated from WaiHigh School and attendedMofimouth College.

John j . Hoggins ot the <tfal Bank & Trust Co., Free-hold, and Frank Durand andHerbert J. Miller, both ofFirst National Bank of SpringIjftlte, were among the sixMoiimouth County bunkerswho attended the New Jersey

Princeton.Mtsa MnryBi'th Smith has

Timothy J. Smith oj spelng returned to her studies at Ca-UxKe Heights, Iia3 been pro- brini College, Radnor, Pa.,

to airman third class after spending her rntd-sonies-Uniteti States Atv ter vacation at home with her

Airman Smith, son of pp.reiils. Mv. and Mrs. F. J.tlie


SEA GIRT -- Thp engage-! polNT PLEASANT BEACH H M'meilt of Miss Dorothy Patrl- p-NJr, oticl Mrs, Charles E. Lucerne blue. Theyriii Broomall tfi Jumps Waynv v mi Winkle 3rd, mar •Hatching pillboxes with cii'-Patilin, son of Mrs, Arthur rt&gi took p&M last Satin Millar veils and curned cas-Catamaran of 68 South street, di»:> lr, &. Peter's Church, now aide hmiqunts of royal blueMnmtwrniiin. nnd thi* late Mr. Rre on their wedding trip to cunuitions and white sweetM a n a q n , an aJ, W, Pftultn, has been »n- Ft, Laudev«i<ile, Fla. The cere- peas.

d b R CUntmncrd bv her mother, Mrs. ninny wfts jievformed liy Rpv.Dorothy Whytf Broomall ol Bernardine Golden. O.F.M. AII Beacon boulevard.

Miss BrocmiaJ), who was

CtlftflH B. O'Neill of Avon,m best man, Ushers were

.„.. followed at the Beau JabQ R Olaccum or BtUnftr!ivftge Spring Lake Height" Thomas F1. X Loughran Jr. of

Mr, and Mrs. Walter C, Smith Smith of 1302 B street, B& **&*£* '«>" """SSI ™ ****** *2£ m *i i!S K ' t t l f i W l l f S r tIf m Lake drive, now is a may. Miss Smith is tm tf* » * School, l | in b g Junior n P W home ftt 408 Woodland bride. 1 OUfl C. Makl>tudent at the Keesler Tech- cation major, and will receive ' WM a t iWTOMW* State Lol-1 avenue. A

nical Training Center, Missis- her degree May 31.Jppi, He is a graduate of j

lea Auxiliary of theBecker Poit, i i

500 Persons al-St. Rose Party

p gUanastjuan High School.

During his Hip to Florida.

Thomas K, Marr, sonMr. and Mrs. Arthur Q. Marrof an Eighth avenue. Spring

ack Rosenberg: of 909 J* Lake Heights, recently begartreet, Belmar, visited the basic training at the Navalalace of Jai-Alai in Dania. T r a i n i n g Center, Great

• * * Lakes, 111.Army Pvt. Frank S. Mal-y, 23, whose wife, Barbara, Robert O. Shoemaker, flre-j

\\ege. She is the groudaiiehter 1 The brideof Dr. and Mrs. Robert II.

£ Whyte of 111 Ludlow Ave.,Spring Lake.

Ml1. Paulin was tsradufttedfrom Manasquan High School. bridegroom is the .and attended Monmouth Co., {and Mr*, Charles

after Feb. 16. New V,,IK and Patrick V*the former nen t>{ Princeton.

than 500 pOMottf ftt-Vu'ei-ana. jjHmar, m % tended thcanmml midwinter

rrcri'f. .'Ti.'ptlm: ftl (lie Jewish r f l r t | party and fashion show,OoaimUQ&j O n U e r , Mrs. sponai>i'ed hy the Rositry-Al-PlnlMi KU'tn pSWrtdsS- tar Society of St. R o s e

ThP grffljp votL(( ti) muke a ch',ir<:h, Bciniflr, last Fridaylomuion to Uiv K<i Nappln ftBfet at Ved Elva, PointScholavsMn !-'Lii!((. 'E'ho aux- pitM.^ i v will s, >i.i'v u tood toi* i ,.

kr w u i r e ^ - . \^UTan',fam- «&" " I l d o a s u a I • " • l n

il\ » i rt M.ui MO v u n-al- blazers, suits, and coats wereniKhl keynotes aE the cruise w»»ra v e . und spi'ing collection s:hown

Iwyn. by th e Belnmr Fashion Cor-don r-r

MV-IP t&aafrom v.he rt*ce!

HH&ir. recordingrv Mr^, Harry G

lr«. ii-.m-in Sims.

Miss Sara Elizabeth trifflgftran. dailphit'r of Mr. and Urs.Tliomas F. X. Loughran Sr.of 917 Bay avenue. The

m of Mi'.E. Van

jlpge, Weat Long Branch. Hejy/ickle Jr. of 20(f Third flVP-is employpd by Electronic As- jmie, Belmai

man apprentice, U8N, son ofves at 814 Alluii'e road, pprlng Lake Heights, has 'Mr. and Mrs, W. G. Shoe-•en assigned to the 6lst Ar-; maker Jr. of 28 Norwood ave-

7 [nue, Avon, is serving aboardthe guided missile frigate U

lery on Okinawa, Jan. 17.

Malley was graduated fromCounty Vocational and

Technical High School inVewark in 1958. He was em-ployed by Atlantic TruckEquipment. Red Bank, beforeentering the Army,

His parents, Mr, and MrsFrank MtUtey. live at 305 Hallavenue. Point Pleasant.

Mv. aivdBiivdge, 162(

BelmruiHelfrich, Son

Miss MaryrtnuA Anplegate, p r ^f,1Ttt[.i second-yeai avtdent-nurse m.t &. Vincent's Hospital, New

York has iMt i'?tm-nod to heraining after emending a

week'a vacation at the Stane-'ost Inn, Spring Lake. She

Luce, operating out of May

LltftttM R Magee, daughterof Me. and Mrs. Leroy Ma-gee, 15'Ji Hamiiton road, Bel-rm\r; Ernest J. Burdge, son

sociates Inc., Long Branch.

Miss Poole toMarry in June

Announcement had b c e amade by Mr. and Mrs. How-ard J. Finley of Spc'iig I-iake

gtoney lane. Short Hills,

The britlf, n vi'ntluafe frfRose High Sc!i"ol, I-'-.-.- Iemployed by '."'. C. tiw h •.. , •Agency. Astmry P»ra

The bridegroom «r*a > n •.u,itt:d from \sbury P&ri HighSchool ant! ottf-nded WckttJfc»i

•ilege, Cwltale, Pa. Ha fa! JerseyNeptune

of the engagement of herdaughter. Mis:

Escorted oy her father, thebride wore a white satin gown employedtrimmed vfth Alencon lace aa n t- & ffaaunA fashiont-d with Sflbrina g j ^neckline. Her vptl fell froma matching Mttp and lfteeheadpiece, ^ t e c a i r n d ' A f l e n w . >d P T G Tospray of white roses and ""of the valley.

Mis-s Mary Jane L-oukPoint Pleasant Beach,

Sponsor MflNFrank V, BuJ]iv»n/a blic

oinatd of honor for her ststPr.


Mrs. Ernest; (o Thomas O. Stanley

She wore a street length povvnMuriel Poole, \al royal blue satin peril wlm

son of (detachable /luoilength oveier street, [«jjf, and Mr

ley ot For iHills. Tfed ccwedding.

Miss Pool?

Mrs.1689 K rt^ti

w p s t Belmar, have enlisted,n the U, 9. N^vy. according . tiSenior Chief Petty Officer N. IER. Scuttl, of the Astiury Park ! K

Pt i rv c. Stan-i&kirt and nutfhiny pUibOKt drive. Short • with circular veil, She carAe yUn a June ried a flWWMU bouquet of Li:

•piiie blur andl loyal blue car-,&tiona.Hoiuir anondanti were the

ffium Marianne T. IHIHTl

also is theof th? tftfil Rlcliard

Poolf, is B gi'iidvi&te of O»koll School and attended



By CtCl ALLISON Scott Hcme Serv( Dear i'tee; Where can a f,ir\

Vttp frequently used groom-ing i'ems like tumb, brush,lipMlick and powder ? i sharea dreaser with my youngernister and there's no Npace forB ^rt'ssinK lahle in our room,


Dear l.aura: Congratukiions! Inthinking ebmii waji to organize>our room >o«'te taWing a aiaruviep t w i n in growing haven't space foe a J t gttfele why not plan a pretty''flcauly Corner" for your person'si Mooming. This corner can twbuilt to fit nearly any waft spacelarge enough for a diair, Measurethe wall tpace available 30J ihcnaA Dad if be *il! crar-^a^clionof 94 inch plywood liTWt forytMi, He'll probably also fe« gladto heip you fasten the shelf se-curely to the wall with shelfhrackeEi. The Scoit Hone Ser-M e Center MJ^,• ,*s coveringvour shelf with adhesive backedpaper in marble, or if there'smm lft f hp p , eresmm paper left over from thelast time your room was det-waled, match your jhtlf 10 yourwait. Ta completo your "BeautyCtmtst," paper iowe[< can bemounietl in a pretty pasicl col-urea iowel holder on the side 0your shelf, handy for mai%h(K shines and other gr

fte«r Cect-.My daurhtrr k 10and 1 know I xhoHld talk tohtt about ftrowinfr up. I 1*.putting it off because I'm•fraid of becoming *ml>i-ras-"vi and doiitR mote harm (haltgood. Several other motbera IUnow share thin feefinjf. Vieduppreciute your BUggrsUomt onhow to handle this delicateflituation-Mri. 3. t.Dear Mrs. J J.: Many mother*find it difficult lo A n n personalhygiene wiih their daughters,

QMHtfaKi and comment* \hmihi be addreCtnw, Kam 1440. 42o LgxlHitm As

That's why the makers of CM*fuieH hiive prepared s bool/.'tespecially for >oung ghh anjtheir moiher* called "World ofa Girl" This attractively de-Mgneil pamphlet give? modern,HBfntfflj facts about menstrua-tion in a way that is readily un*derstandable, and. at (he sametime interesting and helpful, Mlhe happy to send you a top),You wjil be interested, too, inthe brand new color film, "Worldof a Girl," Jt's available free otcharge to organizations for groupshowings. Why not check withyour local PTA about presentingthis film to fcirli id Jth through8th gtacte cU»<i<

D m $MM I'm 10 worriedabout my complexion. Up un-til this scar it v u c{«i« toperfect, and now it'* in oi\yneu. I'm II Joan.3eai Joan: First of all I doubthat your skin is really "a. mtss."

A few hltmUhet are a temporarything and a part of growing up.Take heat Many of the att

iavy recrutinff station. [Mount Aloysms Cnllegf. SheThe three- now are under-1 (eaches at Our \Afa W$ ^'

S'.iing reci'tiit training at their i c h r i >s ti n n s School, Eastrespective training centers, IQ\ | f | |< Mr. fttaiiH'.v. an alvsnv |Miss Maeee at BainbridKc. j I U 1 . ^ of MiHburn Hmh Wtfrt .]Md., and Helfiich and Burdge | i.s a st'tuor at VtHaiwva Uiii-t Great Lakes. HI. upon j versity, v l<ere he is a membev

completion of ttieir recruit jOf t^e stL.Jent council,raining thev wili be granted

14 days furlough btfore re-ting tc their new assien-


. .'lations -.upervi.Hor of theNew Jersey Ball Trlc-iJhone (

8 I D l l & 'Co., yjve an i l l u s t r a t e dtalked mi "U*» A m r -

.r s t iJ t i l the re-nt Fathers' Night iupptinc

ol (he AHetitfOpd ParentTfftfctiev Group (tf .Ml^nwood

p. School.

I Mrs. C a m e r o n Hlilmati, Jp chairman, told e{ the plans

Lake, (Utd C.NOI Ktij i-1 ,• i:. n ; U W tt«Mof J t t U I CU r . thai Rov toutU and ScoutI bride, and Lor- Nicht wlU be observed at the( H M pad l l f i j fell 5? meeting.

ichulniiiii., Rinouncfd that the A g r o u p «f active golf-loiin.- dimiu' will be held' r t | l , w e a r WHS a 5 s o , sho W n ,

v- nt th* Post Capitol J w e ] 1 a s COflt-(ires.i ea^em^lb el, l,;.kewood. tbles, knif> and swimsults.

• Mi.rria Stone will be! w 0 , ; (. 11 n ^ w e r e Normach»ii rt»Q for the paid-up gteinrr, Margiry May, Nan-tv >ubcr?-iitp and past prest- Cy Bennett, Tofej Lowenstei^.i'Tit-' eight that will be held , ; t v n e gcttOsa and Margi'-F/> 24 av the Cfntei. Shy H-jusen. Mrs Saul Sokohw\Ua w t l nnmed chairman lor commentated[•'• Qu rn if H» Year din-HT, Mrs- Gokiwyn was »p-' Prises were won hy Mr*.">intpd chairman ol the twml- K:u-vy JuA&e. WpteM, aatl&f committee. :mlnk stole; Mrs. Aiittiotiy

Trevolebe. P o i n t PleasantWilliams wilt be in j a d l p ^ ciot!ung; Joan Duffy.

of (he le,en-agt. dance W a n T [ ) W n s ! M p , 'ftnd M r s D O r 'at the center, which o t h y V o n R i v ^ b u v g e v , Bel-

ipostcr44 by the m a r a l e i e v i H 1 . . ) n .



were ce-7'he Uible pn*Read The Coast Advertiser lamic ashtrays.

Whether H'l about inuniclpat The Rev. JtrOfiM LearyaHei r i . achooi.s. BUMlMatiBBl [WWH honorary chairman and», in.. iai ir t ivmts, you'll Und Mrs Peter Caplello, genpraiit in Thp 6ftMl Adv(rn-*i*5 Ithuivniftn.

Herb Bread

fflB- Itltirt.yth c>(

Miss Strains RetiresFrom Penn Railroad

Following the b u ^ m e s i

(til] rp»: .l.:y noard of Ed-'11 1 'jjmfctv They H N

!',|iii H-ilvaior. f-'rank Hall[sad l i r l Denis Weiss, all in!c,irnijfh> , Mid Herbert K"f-tflpi- Jr .

j . . . WILLS ,..Marine Private First Ch

William 3. Mercer, 111, sf Mr. and Mrs William _.

Mercer Jr., of 4 Dogwood; SPRING LAKE — After 45 WHS I telephony BP**M«f «UM, Sea Girt section of Wall y P 8 r s of service as a cleric *orketl 12 v^ars for the

Township, Is serving aboard j with the Pennsylvania Rail- road.fel destroyer UHS Strlbling , r o a d , Miss Haze! strain of 319 T V Q o t Mw« Strain's broth j PHEEHOr n - - Among theavwvaUngoutofMavport.Fla I Atlantic a"enue has ietired c . 5 . t n . U w a d h e r p t(J t h f i t r a . \ w m i e w n M y probatrd at the

h L ! L i Una thus ends a chapter in » fl w h o office of Monmouth Co-intyA Nash, aviation | r a m U y tradition that started ^ . ^ 4g ^ ^ a c l e r k S y r r o g a t P E d w 8 r d C . ft**

lor Ihp company and James i are M follows:

Take heart, Many of the attrac-tive older gtrli you ste about youhad (he same worries at yourxge. For now, you can do a lotabout keying: your tkin piub-lew- io a rDinitftunt. Try to keepyour hands away from bump*and tlcmisfct, Sacrifice tweet,sticky carlwnated bevetagci, cho-coHte bars and potal't chips infavor of three well balancedmeals. Because your skin h gfl*

• it several limes a day withsoap and warm water. Do have•our own wash cloths and towelsmJ change them frequently.'nwder piifFi deserve attentionJO, Be sure lo icplace them oi-Mt If you really follow (bisimple propram find your com-'lexjon doesn't improve, ask yourjother about s,oriiUlting <* derm-ologist.

d to Scm- f/fltne ServireSen' York 17, S Y.

Michafl A Nftshmachmist's mate s e c o n dclass, USN, son of Mrs;, AnneNash of Route I. Bt'lmar. andJamea E. Lynch Jr., airman

pprentice, USN, non ofand Mrs. James L.>nch 8r. o(500 10th avenae, Spfing LakeHeights, are serving withFighter Squadron 174, home-based at the Naval Air Station, Cecil Field, Fla.

• * •Marine Private John %.

JTiilly. son o! Mr. and Mrs.[Joseph E Tully ol 211 Wash-inffton avenue, Spring Ijakt1,reported for duty with the Secand Marine Division's TenthRegiment, an Atlantic FleetMarine Force unit, based atCamp Lejeune, ft- C.

that startedi«4fi During those 118

B r s " • « « members 0'. *eS tamily have worked |

•clerk, who

ha*, served 30 years and islot the comBany. [ ^ g o t o g -,ti-ong.

With her retiremea: : • * * • •nontn. Miss Strain now ! > • * » , r ,i . ,

((me to pursue of >• • ui»-TVK C a t h a r i n e I

MUtuol 1-158?

llaiirl 1.801 D Street

llrilh Fufli'iiil i!Belmar,

Situated on beautiful Silver Lake convenie

located to serve the enfire Shore Area

eieN. J.


to pi.._Interests, travel!' She

tikes people and watw to en-large her cirrle oT friends • Iatso WfjuU like to do aornecharitable work, perhaps witha hospital." she said.

firandlather WasThe family railroad trad

ion started when her grandfather, Bernard, picked uphis tool kit one spring morntug and went to work for the

as & boilermaker. Heput ln 50 years' service before retiring, but Miss Strain'sfather, Daniel, also a boilermaker, topped that a n dworked i'l years for the road

Miss Strain:; b r o t h e r ,Charles, also became A boiler-maker, end put in «ix yearsnth the company, while herister, Mrs, Gertrude Braun,

PTAHears Missionary

SPRING T f t W BIT Ber-Mfd Wernor, u.OP , wasguest speaker ft' th« Jan. 2Bmeeting oi &t C»thavine'sPTA in the school Auditorium.;

Father Werner has been amember of tne Dominican

EXfte -\ Romain AMM ">fWall Xvtm hip, who di«d Oct.25, VM'i.t In bpi 'vill writtenirj ' 3.;4, riti k'ft her estate to i

Lucefl -JetvM'-- 15- Holier; broth-'[W Jj'in E Romuinf; Mary,tfl t>iinicovick; the Methodist jv?i>uu-K e | New Egypt; EthelRomaine King, and in trust jto Blanche • » « « Mathesheln. '. The Broad Sfreet Na- 1tionul Btink, Trenton, execu jtor, Jennie E Baaer wasnamed co-executor,

Florpnc? A. M. Crichton of

Vuur imilf-fthH Ifert) Hre-'iti will beurcttano ami Batonj: seasoniiwfl, and havf Hint wnttilfiftil yewpotdttMl of fresh bread, fettl from flip BTM Mii'l -'in in ihick life* \it is rfellfioiis generously bi read wlib softened bilttftr ur UMlifiUP.

IIome:»iarfe bread offers a memoraWe M^H exptriprce fur yourvultre f.Miilly. of WPII Art secretly conti^niti* ht^HrtkOt niUfit'uta tatiit-ir rtiet. All thf baVed iu"(lutt» ft* ||I>1TI wifti enriched M8V-ire rit li lu the tss^nt. >1 BT^WBtll thiamtne, utarfn aiul ilboilHViaunA t»e mineral iron,

VERB BREAD2 Pa'.kaaei ve*»t. wmprtttft 2 Uaspttmi talt

Mission Band for 23 yeafs, ' wall Township, died Dec. 22,h 1


Z tableipoon* i

• drywater (lukewarm)tipre»«=d yeast,• dry)

or oil

& cups siTled tftricdtd Poi(about)

2 egg«{/2 teaspoon each bail',

nutmeg-Melted buTtcr OP margaMne

serving in China.

Father Werner told thegroup that there Is a need forspiritual dwelling of. the Holy

11963, will VrtSttf In 19«0. Shebpaueatlipd h?r estate to son.Arthur M Cncliton, :o execu-tor with diiiighter, Ruth II.C. Bryson. Si'd yranddftugh-Hr. Dorothy C Psrrington.

U niJik, Mr;i Add I.ot Des. 0BM to I


revaiencp oJ sin in the world.Mra. Phillip Croak, litera-ire chairman, NfOHtfl MM

Most Rev James J. Hogan,jasior, had presented 1 ,S00ew volumes published by

paullst Press, to the schoolibrary.

Young Awer/cs J

Calico Batter Bread

SPECIALOnly $7.50 fhi person

KENNtDYINTERNATIONAL(3 people minimum)

20 minutei

asi, Sdft futPiptft-i • | ••. • o r s i n g l e ,



MONMOUn, AIRPORTTef.: tZ\- 701


p*n. It'i wonder/ul hot - lerwith huuet ball» of tpfead

CAHCO iATfff HUUO(Maffei Il«df»

' i cup< warm water(JWMlVP.)

1 package or cakefleiichmann'* Ye»», activedry or can^nuM

1 teaspwon *t!t2 uhlespOQtts FUis^htflinn'j

Margarine| U i.uj>i unsifted flour!i cup whole wheat flnur

Milttd Fli-ischmann'lMazarine

Mcawire w«mIarj{e warm mixing H v iSprinkle «t tnwMe n Rff*dimaun'* YiM*! stir until diwikefl.Add Wf«, «fe, HUMfeWM1!Matp,arine and 2 Nfl whileflour. Beat 2 minute ai m.iltinnspetd on at*ff Ol W M* Why hand. SrrJJ1^ tWMl W*1 bptf h


will written ir 195fl. Estateto wife, Mrs Mabel Cardiff,,who also was nam<?d execu-;trlx.

Lottie Ann Barkalow otfipiir.g Lake Heights; diedJan. 4, will w»8 written In1954. Estate to daughter, EllaLavania Lansing, who alsowas named executrix-

Charles F. A Hal) of Sea ,Girt: died. Jan. 13, will writen in L86< Estate was leto hts wt£e, Agnes I, Hall,

named executrix.

Wo Buy and PayCaih for Scrap Iron,Steel, Old Rags, Baf-tenes, Junk Cars andail kinds of metals.

Wai! Auto WreckersINCORPORATED

1832 M Nt. v' f BflmarI'hon? at-4200-1

?often yeafit in water.' $nm »nd suit Into lai-g«| cuiJiK Jiidifl and sugar di.1 IU CUPH flour ami beat well. Beat hi M M N MM i»i"l cttK . (-uuu-

bie basfl, orcwino ami thyme in Pulm Ml tMM Mi '" WttM wiilintttttf. ^Hr ]a enough WS« fl<«w to makfl a soft (IOUKJI. 'litili o>i'-(iii lightly ili-iiifil li ;i'.>! ( r MHfJT (Uitti um! kiica'l until BHtooth fi'! iKttfatl ^tiiii-'1 iuta h:ill and t»Un o in li^l'lly Rr(-;i.«eil bowl, turningta B » M « Kurface ot bait Oef» am! lei- rise in warm MSM (»*S5-t') iniUJ tfoublPiJ, ahotit l t a hours. Punch down, etVnU ABQ) Iliiti 2 e<)"«I portions awl shaiw Into ballH. C'lv^r and IM mrt MliuimN^. IkAH 1'ito > inavea. I'Uoe in fttUtt i\i s H^inih i'»;it(.ana. Ugbtfl1 gWNIM iUrfKM ol loaves. Let r M in winm jfeet im'iidoubled, abuiit 1 hour. HsV1* in moilpnitp tiven t3TT< (•" I M W K

) tfl v,iih buHcv or mHrearliif. KlfeM twn 1-[KJIU»I loaves.•If yon l a s t put arn\ In sbaeni'w of oUifr ftftt&OM, HSM ftBOT

dlreftly fitjui en^<Ht Into 1 MB rtry HMtttfT*, IPVPI off. tdsn i1'1-inove two li VPI Ut>!< spootifula arcoi-ilInK U> I'SlM rWWUmnolUBlHi

;:OTK: Is E-H-riHiup I n s )« used, omtt ^alt. .


yf howlf hainr


Calico Yeast-Raised t m i Makes a Hit

ofDu MR| hue a ten w h* Jif-

fffinrJ Howfriends hake [hdr OWt rIf they (ion'r, j'ou can be * hitjuit by bakitiK MJIHC yi'a*(-raiwddelicacies. 1/ they d.< Itake, youmight if5' liiu lotallv differentCalico Bailer Bread for yourpr*t K« ttipethtr. I

It'j a gootf recipe |M begin,tier cook) to try. Made hy theSuiter meihod, you don't have!o knead It. The attractiverhetkethoard panern h MsaffMby mixing whula *htat fl«urwiili half ihe battft, then ftlttr-nsting datk and light batten ai;hty'« ipoflned into the loaf

smooth lo Of nriuina»» IlllJ

both' hnrfaj let ri«- in warmplace, fr« from draff, unciidoubled in bulk, about tfi minUtf(.

Stir ttA Vmiitr d»*n !>>' Iwaf-

•mountt of U*?ht ami vttt Hat'lees alwrnalel)' ifit» urt^seil c^^Jt-incli lifead pan to givt marhitn

fffect (B«rtef trig he •titrkj.>Smoofh out tnp of loaf bv flour-ing hand and patting tsH sh«pf-Cover; Jet ti«c in warm place.fre« /nun draft, until doubledin bulk, about 40 minutes.

Pake in roodctate ov*n ($?J*F.i 4S-5O minut«, ot until don«»

avc from ('•"< itid bnilbwith nt'-lu'il rit'KbaiiDo'i Mar*(irlnr . -


BUYa housefor what

I payin rent?

•h$ homt heatingoil that* premium tit

iVtry way but j>rie«S


701 11,..(I. A.- CelnwMUtual 1-2300Glbion 9-7047

"Dependable Farrenheflt11

Do.M TAKE any bcls on th6t~not until you've talkedto one ol our home loan counselors. He')l tell youmany people are paying for a home with >-.Mt theyused to pay the landlord. What's fflors, those pay-ments include principal, inleresi, t«xe.i, tnd Insurant?.The reason issimple. We moke sure payments fit yourbudget., .keep costs to a minimum. Why not pay us

a visit and see!Hours — 9 lo 3 Weekdays

Wednosday Evening* — 7 to 830

or Phone 681-2800



Page 3: BELMAR SALES DAYS - FEBRUARY 12-13-14-15 THE COAST … · 2015-02-03 · \vt JOI BELMAR SALES DAYS - FEBRUARY 12-13-14-15 There Are Better Bum In Belmar THE COAST ADVERTISEKeepYour


Fact and OpinionPortable Dishwasher I O B I T U A R I E S

Tlie heuilJohnson, n liltfflcturiiig

rt th

o/ Johnson ttiding drug IBM


tion ar« tuklns ti new took titstore li»htllM( IB a" •••*• to

isrhten their sales. The ovet1-iiig n ^ j i c p i n, sayn. w t s H w «• •wlirt tho pharmaceutical In- all tMUJt is to pduatry h»s went dpfciirUnc it- lieht on the BU

Whington nd otlier strnti o! the tota

apot-hiiotlise ln-


-ji Washingtonparts of the world tlfour yeftfB, in terms Qnnwei «»d mon^y, 1M stagger- tw Ham***°nB What started out e.a #*• 8§fct iW*«ferenct'H ol -pinion b*tws#fl t W » » P*8ttra«tetfrs'ia4«W»«i«v*rn lining, insm c r n investigating conuoil |0»BQ1M.

)«• steud of the tola! r.tore. One• last of the m-oijli'tm thai has beenman- 'ovpreoini1 with

thai ol excessivertg&MMMi whichattention to thed of the raer-

U S AH1 Force are.marxei. iwr *fighting one of the jto offer mirm-ion

ton Miter;, and tW ricochetsare reaching oil the way tothe junglefl of South Vietnam.Tlie Issue Is « simple one, butcrucial to the nation's de-fenses. The Army wants tobuild a huge air force of itsown, and the Air Force Is battitan to stop It. Never In tho19 years that I've been report

, ma on military tSkM have 1seen such rancor between the


According to

i- * runalns tt» eamut fwaa toast-U R to to automatic defrostingrefrigerators.

Ralph T Moore writes inI OMfOn Voter: "History

xiiuid to be ini^/Ii'd..,. «i*.nt refusal to

Fits Pee-WeeA imall kitchen n«*

jou (rora enjoying Ilicfrom tediousthat big, IMS

'"if you're a home-maker operal,1-liko kitchen, i»

40 (100 dirty dishes ami «S S , yearly Th.t impre,«ivetiStlft 5 the CT. to the W

ol family average-recently diiclosed by » d i s h i n g surve

You'll also be 1'leasei) o »e


Itu, i i

I 111


^NUI.AND'S l'AMKI.A FKANKUN sppiher first aiovic at the aft of three wii It I ioi*ah

In fuel there are tew arnonus contemimraries who ranalvi> lo^tcul answer to thisfZtto nobablv, m mnii.reason (ut uur almost « W «intransiui'liiT u'one W« »••is Ml lurutualmn with 018

Fiolii I Mil • . l . ' " l i ' " l l J

barge t r a m " " • '<" ' • 'l lnal inland » » * • « * » • » "drag on the (ititlon •> ' t unoun •ili.irs UK v i e * of ffia, I SUt A

Ol « - Urn i( " « • ;

•aterway interests, he goe^I U l l M M t i ' • » • " '

. ;,',,,|.|r !•»>. makin:;ot i once-a <!«• opt-r;

, -jshr* ton E * »»rl,h "' 1'if',',II at once; can lie rolled nul «I

tchen than » larse <>»''.• l»rlable rtishwasliH-5e'»ln««'BV« !! l 'S!r

Lon E. Crandall,Retired Teacher

funeral services for Lon E.Crandall of 1215 U street, Bel-mar, were held S a t u r d a ymorning at the J. HenryDangler Funeral Home, smKiehth avenue, Belmar. Rev.gianchard l) nomnnie, pas-lor of the First PresbyterianChunli of Belmar. Anntlirrsnvice was beld Monday inMunU-imrsville, Pa. Burialjlso was In Montpoursvllle

Mr. crandall. who was W.died last Tl.nrsday at FltkinMemorial Hospital. He was! - „ ,n Elmlra. W. Y « Jhad been a manual aitsteacher In the Bclmav Gram

les E. It, of Belmor. withwhom she made her home,and John s. of Nuttey; adaughter, Mr;; John H. DerbyJr. or Glen Polls, N Y•; livegvandchlltlren and one great-grandchild.

•etiretl In 1957,li,. l.ili. I I "CrandftH

His 'rub a

Mr. Tr ndall 'of HIP


a formern's Broth |! Preahy-1

memner ICluli I

Requiem Mass SaidFor Geo. W. Davis

SPRING LAKE-The funer-.1 of George W. Davis of iI2Vroom avenue was held WWFriday from toe MeLiiuulilinit Son Funeral Home, Brooklyn A Beauiem Mass was of-fered ln Oar Lady ol the Augels cliuiTli, Brooklyn, Burialwas in Holy Cross Cemetery,Brooklyn.

Mr. Davis, who was 77 diedJan 21 at hi> home. He w»»retired in 1982 from the Pottereon and S a r g e n t Co.,I

(Brooklyn paint mamiractur-rers, after 61 years of ser-vice. He lived In Spring Lakefor the last seven years. MrDavis was a communicant ofSt. Catharine's Church.

Surviving are his wife. MrsVeronica Sands Davis; twosons, John of Red Bank. ftn<(Robert of Uniondale, N. Y.: «daughter, Mrs. Doris o'Shefcof Oleonvale, N. T.. and 12crandchildren.Tlie Meehan Funeral Home,

55S Warren fcmftl fl. SpringI>ake Heights, was in clkarijbof local arrungements.

Don't lose 'aill. « Immun-ity Uiin* 0 [ " l ! ""• •*xvlta *11,,. ;r,iltfd Btate: who *av8„,-,,, i.lnyca you » Witt

tii^k.-Elhert ilutibard

,.„„,„ of wa>hl»c »f , "":""; ";; ,„ , . , , mathmt until t»We

aisairS3!:i=s-"lu.fperinlirinnei'rP1"111111"!r«!.Sl..»,l'»»H«'«''fiI0MK i l .™»mv lam»»•'*• "

i '•>- / ' " > [M.!BW ami " ' « ' ° ™ ;

. . . . , . • • , - < « » s " "

hO Tcm»km Him >» " " *

,her 'MM ln


' ," \ , . . | mi'!<t consider • con-JLi] | e m o d ) ' TJ«M ili-shwli^'i

" ' ' ' . I,, V - . i • pOTt«N ' ! )

,!a.i.,,..i »)>.•.!'. ; i.11 . M

torlan Chnich, and •ol the Belnwr Kiwi"«ntl the RetiredA-ili

Survlvir.'; •" I B 't,el;i King of B.'lli".l!l

niece, iind *VOTft3

Mrs, Peter HellerFuneral Tomorrow


. Mil OlI ill be

H e b r o n

Mn B«ll« »


Provides Right Edueotionol Climate


On her l in t trip"1 »HMfted I'alif

• •

1 •

A." :N ' " '°Sl,I I f*

iti.ii. Ij • • • • • • • • • • • pay thp raiJroarl.'i fo

lUJWI tt i l . t'.i-.t'1!

the Councilf i a m b g of Com

Ce&gnMi l a •I • ! ifw In a d

R d m i l rftt'on budthat the appropriat

on, theU- tins effect: It co

Ijitw h much Mergerthere hat! b*"p|s i I

Effl-lid it "A

E• " • ' '

fhTV wri». in »i a

„ ; own te™-»ite mannerliiM." «h«l ? fin k

, Bdm,.MtlhOSt* WI,.I;,. .uid Kl WKM

: , • ltelraar1( ohc.n ciui, .ma a pastBe

WilamannerliiM. « «iP.tty «t»w«. "If •

I.1.',,! M » W

n i



" 1|11:,v.:,


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will nnivr m M ! d

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islation ol ' • '

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j• , i • - . !

. . . . . . . P»I*

Matt 'inn. IM i->

! P t ta J H<'U«.jt Belmar a »l>-, .;,. Wi-ii.s n( Oei

I many, anil '.'I'drrn Frienda may call W

,l,..Bim unit'

1 • ., i- mtdUfenUUitor« • -i"

• , !-i\i>wt a com-, ' , , storage

i accessories.

, .r i : t ,1ir .« aw! ran«»e f 1 ^ -1 ".t'E

, relay's s. >»•! ll«;

tiaii » son boni 1"

« • *

M l . ,H,1 • ''•• w f *

. . . I

(>„„„. Ml-I7« William M. M y

Shamrock Jenitorial Service


f l o o r Waiting — Window CleaningComplete Janitorial Service

Full Insurance Coverage419 W M h A«nu. Wm.r, N, J.

/,, n


uotn to Mr-


] • • •




Unity, Nkn ii 1 m wui»» M l„ 1 m wui»» in• •

c f e e e j . - : . • ' . . . K.vium: • .1 a «J», , i , . , . . •

. ! . ( i i ! i . ' i , ; i . ; . f ! • • , - ' . ! I ; . • . 1 l 'i t a


Mrs. CHds. VwWas Buried Monday

I Ml .

• • i in « r.

v i • i WicMe. *

,.| y-B««a WK'KI.'

.,- I-I i,- i i( i- <«I I'l.iii



MffSaa . . ar»l ae<mirnmit l l " * »ral. Naturaliy. tht;


• -

* * *


fttqrtrt -

NARCISSUSfrom $2.50 up


1204 D Sf. Bolmar, N, J.Pfcono: 681!135




when presented to

Ripley Cleaners

921 - " F " Street

Belmar, N, J.


Salej and Service


f>»Wy Used Can

Belmar Motors481-2727

8th Ave., F. St.Belmar, N. J.


"Women! . . . they'reall alike!"


roomy I"-1" • J l "! ' ; l!

M , . . • I ' l . i ' - r i l . u ' V

onn m-

ate dramatic torea in Jfupon »MS





Private and Group Lessons Available

Instruction Under Direction of Paul and Marion 8ati

Eileen Kessler School of Dance

Cor. Main St. h Hwy. 7t MarM&quan

Second Boor Above Pharmacy

For Additional Ballroom Information Phone 775-8772

Instruction In BalleV, Toe, T*p, Baton «nd Jaw

Phone 223-1116 Evenings

Page 4: BELMAR SALES DAYS - FEBRUARY 12-13-14-15 THE COAST … · 2015-02-03 · \vt JOI BELMAR SALES DAYS - FEBRUARY 12-13-14-15 There Are Better Bum In Belmar THE COAST ADVERTISEKeepYour


< htrtnl 'Primp'A" i^t"-,iiiot,ro_Mi

Courageous Farm Girl Is Polio Victim jig

: The iruek farm is J»B|« ''•>>BtW's prolact With l.jniu u

fruiu of h« labor.Un tn now th.. traitor hi

What They Worc...byPHmisjov«

ilU to k« i.'datulforma most

ifc*.•>ioi-s cleacriliosiaai\t outlook on fire."

When in her iron tttlfi Iwrends, enjoys TV, her hi-fi orradio, and visits f » « kt\r ™anyfriends. She's an avid basel/allfan and jokingly explains "whenI watch the flBM on TV throiiirhmy mirror mounted to the ironJune, the hatter always runs tothird base rather than first. Rut,one soon gets used t« *PV**fthings in reverse, and so I BBS tmind this one bit."

Writing letters, typing, t»Ik-(HI on the telephone, doingnt-edlciioint, are what Rtr^Mterms "my outside interest a.Her mother adds, 'Vrv.n* H•ritrawl'oi's' to assist l.ynri andmyself plan. u r i M l an'l main-

feff* in another one of her fMWjjito pastimes when she's out of


fill •


OUT ON WE CP1 » » J J ™ r

VVOMfcN WOBE - >'•*'.' ' "H P Boptces ucg» «**N




&ROUN? . ' , ' ' ,

LATtC ON A BRI&hfLV EM- «•> O•iA«resEt>suncorE TRIMMED W . J

' V MTU FU12 WAfi WORN OSER ^ {[ l ' ATlOHrLV LACEPINNER , - ' ' 't i '' BOB£ WITH U3Na 5i-EEVE& y f ; .


T I W K S H A Y , raWU-'ARY C, IIKil

C L A S S I f •• I E D

WANT APSCall 681-2900 to pIsco a * <" ma i l t o


CLASSIFIED AD BATE20 words OK LESS SEVENTY FIVE CENTSMore than 20 word, 3 cents P e r word

tJWdM II per inch


ned. Hand saws, cir-cular saws, hediie shears,lOiMOrs, chisels, planes, plan-er knives, kitchen knives andIce skates sharpened.

Phone 681 2145sXlTWPES Electric Sandersfor Kent. Headquarters (orWoolsey Marine Paint.

Carvel'« Hardware- 10lh Ave. - 681 3911

3' ^ room apartment. Newlydc-corated. $85.00 mo. 1700 r

JVIah, Wnitl l M»,,»i'1'rincess Laughing _, —.

They Kave h«r this n&iue n>1MI at tribal ceremonies staged..socially 'or her in an Oklahomalily hospital vhere »he v»a« re-coveiln* after becoming seri-ously ill (luring: a vacation tripto the Southwest with her par-ents, farmer Lynn Boyette, and.his attractive wife, Janie.

Marilyn was a victim of bothluibar and spinal polio in U »when only nine fears old. Alterthe attack she spent nearly ninemonths at Warm Springs, Ca. |

• uuy ana i n a respirator after!she Mucked out," her mother re-'calls. "Another minute or twoati.l it would have lieen too late.

Marilyn knew Iliat her octivi-ties in the future would n-y<sarily l« ahari>ly ™.r. w ™,1,,. ,,,iil,nufd to radiate sincerecheerful,,™. Hospital personnel•teii/lr tiv her courage, smoke

he Kiovas about thisteenairer. The In-

diana came to meet Marilyn, anddecided then and there to induct,

* from Tennes-

. With the memory of that raceto the Oklahoma City hospitalnever climmiriK. th'1 WffWM wor-ried about what iniirht haprK'n ifthe operation of lutilfBI ironlung were affected, for instance,tlirotUFl] puwti iiiutruption.

"We weren't too concernedabout a momentary power inter-:ruption," Mrs. atWMM •«•• "Hutwhat would happen if tile niter-ni(,tk,n Usted i-eVMfL.I Marilyn aability to breath without the aidoi the respirator; It certainly,would have meant a very fast'trip to a Nashville or Memphis

tort."The solution to their problem

came quite unexpectedly one daywhile Marilyn's father was visit-ing the Lake County ImplementCo., Inc., the Allis-Chalmers

Sd. "Thi» unit with it,



5 9unDWil&T TO ELBOW


wal'nut dinlne table with four[•Hairs. Cull 223-4581rtW 9UVIN

APPAREL LOOK FOETnliS LABEL . . .THE White uniforms 3 l«n»«li

HMVMi size 40. Practicnew; 701 Brooklyn Blvd.. 55«O l r t - _ —

KMimmr n i M In pnml ion-dUton, leasonable, ©81-1936.

Store Building IS X 40 leet.Ideal location for your busi-ness, short or long term 'ease.1709 V Street, South Belmar,N J Also 3!'a room apart-ment furnished or unfurnish-ed gas heat and hot water.Newly reflnlshed and Insu-lated Contact a m t r . Carl n .Keener, Dial 531 2681.

welcome. Phone I

n n s k i l > ' | « l The oi.lj i>''"< -" ! ' < • • " » l ; " •* • * " *

' laUlfsJilrmt.iW J"-t """-' the H • •»•« Jg

menl tthirli , ,,i provide (hepower n»"re»*ary lo operastii- duufhler Mmit.ii'. ironlung. In ( hp cent of powerintcrrmnion,

Wi , Marilyn « . . .

'Z, strS r J.Ee'p'.Scai' P.,"ta aM g th, yj.nstand-by power source for Man-; who withdrew "into a shell after•tft]yn iron'lune l» J i v i n" a",'11"" '*" hir" com;

lelanJ Johnston, the dealer', pletely l>eh.le». A t.r aeveralman, demonstrated the trat-' vi«iU with him, Marilyn »as aM»

tor and it seemed like a real to convince the boy that he reallyhandy tool to take care of a lot I had a lot to live for. Now h. at-3 chore.. We us. it now to cot tends church and Sunday school,the lawn, and to plow, cultivate, | visits with old <'••"'!>• <«°/Jand till the 154 acre truck gar-: meeting new ones and in genir.l,meetine new nes, a

appnelatea hi • ' "And Marilyn{ d

d in' I '

l«r la e«»« » ' pawer imerrwpliMiS farden Ir.ctor.

.»...r«.« «.rilr».. "•»!•allaf hrd Hi the rtar ol

den on our Barton fan,,.Boyette owns the l54-acr« Bar- ( Ana « • ' y " ' " :;7 M",

ton /arm north of Kulherford, to / • « , and t u « « " ™ 1 'and eight miles further north he ! each n««/ challenge with aowns another farm «( 1M acres. I U« m her eyesandI la that370 of which a n under cultiva- again and again prove just ho*tio». Both farm, are in cotton, correct th« Kiowa Indian tribe ssoybeans, and rorn. In addition,' jodgmwt and d.csion was whenhe rents a third farm of 108 they crowned her • Princess Pah-acres, in soybeans and cotton. I Man back in 60.

What's so super about the Chevelle Malibu Super Sports?1 0 K ,,,,,. .,,,„, ..inll,.(.,,.,,,,.,allir bruk.. lining urn! .port-

ImttM Kront M M m* ***"& ' ,!•"„„. ,,,,,ulu,.,i . t ! M siimilui...! mttMl ^.'WHIK whwl, to M M fmoil preMiri' unil n M J1'"'1' l!l"'*<'.'. , ' " " ' , , i , 4. « fi'W 0/ thorn. _ ,sliaiKhUino a«ft h W lor I i>v.'-iilli.u I «.»UL»i.U-? Si^iul moHings and «*»x\ conn, W. uli-n-( iu i , i , | ,? S|wiul moHings and h

(ificulion. Actiuillv, ahuul ull that's no( super aboulihl k th .r pjteillllll ss <„„„„ ;in,| j

An(l a,,, llt.s( ny t o fm,i o u t what twmktai• is that m:ikM them «o «iper i» to drive one.

i n hi, H i optional 155-hp'. Thm- Vr«, rffl^ i UKlltn.-in. up l« (you're- m.ilin« ii i ' ^ ] •;127.™-l,i.' Try Ihi* one lo flati™ out hilh.

Options'? Eteclric tachomrtfr, M M H W

THE CHEAT HICHWAV PERFORMERS Ch.»roW • I M t l • Chevy U • Crv^r. Cr>.tt.§m Ikm ill »»»'• ' ' * " ' "W Khmrmim


Group To AHendBroadway Musical

Tlie regular meeting of theAuxiliary of the Belmar Lionswas presided uver by theVice President, Mrs. Abra-ham Rosen at the MunicipalBuilding in Belmar, In the ab-sence ol the President. MraJoseph Kelly. A memorialprayer »'»« recited for a de-ceased member. Mrs. U»UeThompson A p P r oximately

collected for theIjr t l t l"* cake sale which wasone of the projects ol the !a*tmonth.

The iroup will attend thealumina: of 110 In the Shade •on March 1« and spend thedav shopt,ln« and dining in

JNBW York Mrs. Boaen waschosen to attend the Tercen-tennial Committee meeting atthe Belmar School on r r t r ut ry 22 to comply with *n ln-vltttlon Irom the Boro ol Bel-mar.

A covered dish W P " ' s

being planned lor e » r 1 yupring The hostess tor Uieevening was Mrs. John Carrand the winner of the attend-ance award was Mrs Ken-leth Flelde


The Jersey shore GermanShepherd Doe Club will hold

obedience graduation onJonday February 10 begin

I e 00 P. M at the



2054 Nav Bedford RoadWall Towiibip, N. J .

7 to 7 Daily • 449 4203




Cleaning andServicing Burner.


Ocean Tow.isliip RecreationI Center, West Park avenue,Oakhurst.

Tin Club will beiiin its newobedience training for subnovice and novice classes be-Binnins on Monday, February17 nt 8:00 P M. with a demons t r a 11 o n and registration.These classes held at t^above address are open to allbreeds.

The Club also conducts amonthly showhandling classon the third Wednesday ofeach month at the same loca-tion. T h e s e showhandiingclasses are restricted to Oer-man shepherds and are conducted by a professional per-son.

All are welcome U> takepart In these activities. Forfurther Information call:

449 7H2J or M:M397or 4497m


The Girl Scout troopsSpring Lake, Spring IJ- -Heights and Sea Girt will hold» Card Party Friday. February 7, at t P. M, at the BeauRtvage Restaurant in Wai"Township for the benefit othe Monmouth Council ol 01rScouts.

I A showing of spring hats b>'orona Beckjord, modelled byscout mothers, will be featured entertainment of theevening. The party chairman, Mrs. William H Weisei» being unlited by Mrs. Bobert Foerg, Mrs. Walter Newberry, Mrs Kenneth BaileyMrs Everritt Newman, MrsWayne Howell. Mrs JesseParker, Mm. Frank DietrichMrs. Ruby Towle, Mrs. E. PRafter. Mrs L. Bourgeault,and MM Thomas J Har/ord


SPAKE TIME INCOMEKetillinn and collecting moneyfrom NEW TYPE high quail-

I ty coin operated dispenser*In this area. No selling. Toqualify you must have cat,references, JSOO U> HSM cashgeven to twelve hours weeklycan net excellent monthly in-come More full time. For

.personal Interview write P O.Box 4185, Pittsburgh 2, P«Include phone number

Bead Tne Coast Advertiser.Whether ll'a about municipalaffairs, schools, ornanlzatlonsor social activities, you'll findIt In The Coast Advertiser

LOCAL M E "Handy wlth'tools and able todo small appliance repairs.Opportunity $90(135 weekly.AT ONCE in your own area.

Frl., Pat., or Moa., 10-1 50a Prospect Ave..Silver. II unable to

co"n-'e at those times, sendr.sume (strictly m confi-dence).


BILL HILLEngine Service

! | l4Hwy, 71 W. Belmar

Lawn Mower i , >•

Small Engine*Repaired,

Machine AsiemblyPhone 68I-2W2



COLD WAVE $5.00f l l A F Street Phone i l l - 9 8 4 9



Sterners, Inc.12ThAv».S Railroad


Call MU1-1900

For Imursnce Information Conwlt.,



Insurance — «••!&••••W N , N T H A V £ K U e M M U t M |




"Over 33 i'eam Dependable Sernee"

712 Hinlti Avenue 681-1191

wh«r«v«r you 90 on your.

n«v«r carrythan you can afford to too

WMlw n a h MI to nH, ild or wfrni. mmmlnatm ptettet rear Irani cart with I00%«rf»

hXiinlli Meagnlitd my-»h«« la ttw iraU torian gag) BBU ttwd.II M a Moltn. youfl a pram* Mtad fjsai

BELMAR.WALLNational Bank

lt^3THREE CONVENUNT COMMUNITY OFHCEf 5 * M ,1 »th A«i•out. B . I IIHt/

Ucmbi • Federal Dcmonit Insurance Corporation• Federal Reserve SyiUm

Page 5: BELMAR SALES DAYS - FEBRUARY 12-13-14-15 THE COAST … · 2015-02-03 · \vt JOI BELMAR SALES DAYS - FEBRUARY 12-13-14-15 There Are Better Bum In Belmar THE COAST ADVERTISEKeepYour


Page 5

. . . . „' Ot'Pgn. proiirnl education of

, „ ! „ . -,, ,,i I; 111 v e r 3 ity;M , .den M. Tllen, Niucotlc

Will Represent Jr. Order LodgeMonmou^ Jcouh Plan* I " * * * * "

EATONTOWN - A 17-year- Charles H. Hlchaefcon, gUMold Fair Haven girl vlll have secretary, announced_at » ican eight week aurnmer ndvcu-1 cent meeting




AGAINST ESTATEEstate of Effie a . Romslne

Asson, deceased,i

»„ light w»k mmm.r rfvw:«»• «lure ill South America as n Council, No. 110.

f United Amerlure ill South America as n Council, No.representative from the Man- of United American Mr.

t W t °™n«fLJSL


1 Modern Funeral HomeOffering a Dignified

iyrvlce to Meet Everyrinancial Need.

Kijrhth Ave. andSmith Lake Drive

Iklmar 6H1-3900

en or women.dvised to write to the reore-

sntallv ol the New JerseyWCTT) Scholarship Commit

before Marchteeholarship Commurea before March

this opportunityabout life in another country.

. A member of Pair HavenSenior Oirl Scout Troop No.199. Penny was named by the

Pursuant to the ordEdward C. BtoeW. Surrotat.-

is will be | Councils Selection committee j this day made, on the applltieiTto"t'eadiVrs in sym- >° ' h e Regional Committee |c a t(on of the^ . * d t o f e a c l . e r . i y

palhy with the aims of theWCTU.

Mrs ElBln B. Mayer, presi-dent of New Jersey WCTU.has appointed Miss FlorenceVann, U Cookman avenue.

cean Grove. N. J . repre-,,.ntatIVe of the WCTU Sch-lursliip Committfe In Monirioutit County.

of the county of Monmouthde, on the appl

ndersigned. WH

Telephone MUtu«l I (XW6

BOB BROWN BUILDERMason and Plastering Co.


i • 16th Avenue Belmar, N. J.

10 toe neKiunui unnsunaw I cation ts mm iww;-«• ••which made the final decl-jiam A Sweetland and Fideston. penny ts a student at tv union Trust Company, aRed BanK Catholic H i g h icutOTl of the estate of the

jld Jessie P. Sweetland, deceased, notice Is hereby givento the creditors of said deCHHKl to nresent to the saidU n e a t e n their claims under




Public notice Is hereby..iven that on Saturday, the

! 15th day of February. 1964.(between the hours o? 2 o'clock ,'and 5 o'clock in the afternoon. ]'at Wail Fire House No. ifWest Belmar, the legal votersol Wall Fire District No. 11will meet to elect two (2>members of the Board of FireCommissioners of the afore-said district, for a full term(3 years) and to determinethe amount of money *«. be

[notice Is hereby given to the

Estate of Jessie P. Sweet- present to the said Executorsland, deceased. | their claims under oath with

Pursuant to the order of in six months from this date.•- Dated: January 23rd, 198*

Jane Bauer,405 Clarldge Court,Point Pleasant, N. J.'Hie Broad Street NationalBank of Trenton<By; Edward H. Black-mail, Vice-President andTrust Officer):!00 East State Street,Trenton, N. JExecutors.

.Messrs: Wlcoft & Voorhee^,(705 Broad StreetBank Building.Trenton 8, New Jersey,

Attorneys,U 4 - M ($24,Ml


CHURCH OF BEIJUARSeventh Ave., a»d D St.

l,f. Staci D. Mjer.. Mtalst.8 45 A M -Sunday School.11:00 A. M . - Morning Wor

(hip; sermon by pastor.ST. JAMES El'ISCOPAL

Fourth and Hammond AveaBradley B«ach

Sev. D. Stewart AleM.atooter™ 45 A M. - Celebration ofHoly Eucharist and Medlt»-


I CHURCH.! Fourth and West Lake Ate. .

spi ln« Lake, N. 1-Rev. Lawrence E- M*»r»


8:30 A. M. Morning worshipand sermon.

9:45 A. M. Sunday SchoolI for all ages.

11:00 A. M

Executors their claims unoath within six months fromthis date.Dated: January 15th, 1984

William A, sweetland,203 First Avenue,Belmar, Hew Jersey

oi.dFidelity Union TrustCompanyBy: Frank C JessopAssistant Trust Officer165 Broad Street.Newark 2. New Jersey,Executors.

Messrs. Riker, DanzlB.Scherer & Brow..

Straised for the ensuing year. '744 Broad Street,EAfiL W. ,<STINE3, Newark 2, New Jersey.Clerk, Attorneys,

1. 1 14 <»3.36i t s4 -43 -47 <M4.»6>

T'oo A. M. - Family Ser-vice including celebration ofthe Holy Eucharist and 8'in-(Jay school.

11:00 A. M . - Mornln« Pray-er and Sermon,•iT CATI1ABINES CHUBCHIV«»I hike Drive. Sprln« L»k»M»l tuy, I- '• HMa», P««l«r

Sunday Masses • On thehour from 1 A. M. to 12 Noon.

Weekday MaS3 - 8 A. M.Monday, 8 P. M. - Mlracu-

ous Medal Novena devotions.

Morning wor-J

11:00 A. M. M gship and sermon Mrs.E. Baunders. organist.


If. v Howard Lord8:45 A, M. Early WoranlD9:4S A. M. Church School


11 A. M. — Morning Wor-7:30 P. M — Evening wor-



tColllngwood parklRev. firuee Harrison. PaRtor

Charon Organist:Lllla V- Warren.

B:4S A. M— Sunday School.U K. M- — Morning Wor-


d C

State of Ve« JerseyOeparlment of SlateCFRTIFH'ATE OF

DISSOLUTIONTo all to whom these present'

FIBiVf BAFT1SRev. J. D- Thomas. Pastor

Ninth *ve.. Near D St.10 A M. — Sunday School.H A M —Worship Service

ST MARKS B. C. CHURCH3rd Ave., * Crescent Phwr.

Sea GirtBe». 1. Frederick CWW j A 1 I ( , n l v M a Itoad.

Sunday M « > • 8. •» a»d ] " ^ J R R n | i M v l 0 M

"wee^d . , M . « « - M l J * ' M ' - K 0 l ) r C ° m m U n 'A- M. , j A M Morning Prayer.

CHRIST CHURCH UNITV I Sung Eucharist wltt IMtruc-Jrd Are., and Emory 81., 1 lions and Churcii School

ST. ROSE R ('•• KH11BCBseventh Ave., * E St.

CHRIST CHURCH I/3rd Ate., and Emory 81.,

i -i.nn Park, N. J.Rev. John Manola, Paitor11 A. M. — Morning ser

ing Service.Friday 8 P M . — Leasona

:am 7:30 Ut 8 P. M. i la Tryth, tiltefnfitiGg eacbThe Perpetual Novena ID I Friday eveniatf with prayer

- «:4S, 8 and 9 A MConfesslona every Raturday

irom i to 5:45 P. M., andfrom 7:30 to 9 P.



TheCoast Advertiser

Wa Can fill Your Printing Requirementt Now!



We Cixrry the



701 Seventh Av»nue Belmar, N. J.

may come, GreetingsWhtriftl, It appears to my

.siitiNfiicUan. by duly anthems•ated record of the proceedmxs fur the voluntary!u jion thereoi by the unanimous J

»,,!! ,'ht of nil the Ktocktiold-jf 11 di'posited in my sfflesthuf Bflty Taylor. Inr a cor jorali'-'Ji of this State, whoseprincipal office Is PiUuted a

• No, 315 Main Street, in th.(Borough o( Avmi by tin- BM'County of Monmnuth, State olNew Jersey .EhzabftJi DCroiik being the agent thereIn and In clump thereof. uponwhom p r o c e s s may MstM-ved', has complied with JHi.- irquirfnifiits of Title 14.f-njiuiali'-'iis. General, of fifrteN .stututes of New Jtr**/,T;= f iitnina- v IS H» l » S ^ I (""thi* Certificate of DtsKoliitioti

NQW Therefore, I, the Sec-retary of State of the State ofNew 'jersey, Do Hereby Certi-

that the said corporation

CM.VARV BAPTISTThhternth Ave., >l E SIBe». Theodore C. Darto

Pallor.Sunday:Church School 9:30 A. MTwo morning services, 8:30

1 MTo

and 11 A. M


Mo«t Rev i . J H«V», P»»l«Weekday Mass - 7 A MFriday fl P. M- — Noven»

donor of Our Lady of the ] group.Miraculous Medal la held, HAP'I,ver y Monday evening at ft. j mm^M^WMimtion ftnd Church School. j F ^ S o u l h p c l m a r |

! ^ V ' - ^ r i S f e o o l l I0;45A" W. -Mornmg wor-'hour from 7 to 11 A. «. la-

] Edward C Bro " "••••• 'I tendant.

9 30 A. M

M o n i l n w o r . hour from 1 toraeMa», by • clialv..

did on the Seventeenth day ofOeierober. 1««3, We in my of-ii'-e a duly executed und at-ti-atci consent in writing to

ituUon of said coipor-

sRtd consent and the record ot• the proceeding* aforesaid arenow on file In my said officei.s provided by law-

In Testimony Whereof. Ihave hereto set my hand and

, affined my official seal, at[Trenton, this Seventeenth dayof December A D one thousand nine hundred and Msty

Robert J Burfcharitt,Secretary of State,

ts 3 « - «

. „ _ _ Morning wor--tnp sermon by the pastor

H A M — Second worship.*rvice similar to tlw tint. ,

. p y _ United preaby- jMrtan Y o u t b FeUowaMpmeettn*-


111-1 jCOPAl( M Girt

tUT. Oiwn ». H MlH«rSunday. • 8 A. M. - Holy

[ship service; _

" V ' P ' ' M. _ Evening gospel j P I F ™ AVENDB CHAl-Ei,service; pastor's message. Finil A»enne, Belmar

OF WEST BE1.MAB U i M _ P , m i ! y 8 1 M ,l»h Are.. Weil Belmar : H o u r a i m d a ScbMlgey. Richard I,. Hldeoer,

Paster.9 45 A. M —Church School

C'asses for all ages. Richard {

Hour: Sunday School.1 P M - Oo,ipel Meeting

niKNnoi,A Bmr.EP*»TEST»»T rHllRCH

genet M suKrmten- ' R , , n » v H E . Mill". r»«««« : « A. M. -«inflay School.

_ Morning wor- c l , s m , s for all ages; J i n "*—-»•-—*"- Hardy, superintendent.

II A M Morning wor-

1st and sermon-10:10 - Holy Communtoa1



11 A M -ihlp; Message by the pastor.

7-30 P. M. Evening servicelo tba sanctuary.

CHRISTIAN 8CJENCErir»t Clrnrch •< C i t r t

-, wini'iO.aod aad Fonrtt Areo.ea.

Asbury P»rk8und»y service, It A- at.Sunday School 11 A. M,Wadnesday «:!» P M- -

tesumony meetln*-

' ^p M — Truth for Votlth1 p. M — Eveolnf service.


Key, O, S. M»«»»'l. <*»*"17th Are. SoaUi Brfm»r

• -4I A. M. mtkitS ScttPOl.11 A. M.— Morning aervtcc.




AOAINST ESTATEEstate of Frank Silvermim.

deceased.Pursuant u> the order ol

Edward C. Broege, Surrogateif the County of Ithis day made, on the appli-cation of the undersigned.Hannah K Sllvermaii. Aiimintstratrlx ol the estate of themid; frank Stlverman. de-ceased, notice Is hereby givento the creditors of said deceased to |Hi,,'n! to the saidAdministratrix their claimsunder oath within six monthsfrom this date.I>;itod January 15th, 1904

Ilarin .11 K Sllverman,BOX 6.Rr,ir!l<,y Beach, New JerseyAdministratrix.

Solomon Lautman, Esa .603 Mattison Avenue,isbury park, Ne»ittorney.* 4 - 41 45 (*»•»>



Notice Is hereby elven tole legal voters or the SchoolStrict of the Boioiigh of Bel-rai, New Jersey in the Coun-' of Monmouth. that the an

inal RlMllng for the election.f ttuec fi] iiunibers of the

rard of Education for fullms of three years and one, member for an unexpired•m ol one year will be held

n the School on Wednesday."ebruary llth, 1»«4. from Sclock P, M. to S o'clock. M.. and as much longer aslay be necessary to enablele legal voters present to1st tliolr ballots.At said meeting will be subiltted the question of voting

i tax tor the following pur-io»e« ior the ensuing schoolear i * i i <;.


I 4.18S.1S

'or currentExpenses

'or CapitalOutlayThe totalamount thoughtnecessary Is «413,310.7»Dated tilts 30th day of Janu-v I'KM

3 •« M

RICI1ABD II LYON.aecietary.



Now Only!Get faster »1Icmj with a Flying A Dry- PIJI nrCharged Battery, li staysstronger longer becausefluid i> not added until EASY PAYMENT PLANbattery i installed,

wi l l !>•• b»p|»j



Page 6: BELMAR SALES DAYS - FEBRUARY 12-13-14-15 THE COAST … · 2015-02-03 · \vt JOI BELMAR SALES DAYS - FEBRUARY 12-13-14-15 There Are Better Bum In Belmar THE COAST ADVERTISEKeepYour


Printed and published every Thursday at 701 SeventhAvenue, Belmar. N. J., and entered as second classmatter at the postoffJce at Belmar, Jf. J., under &n Actjf Congress of March 3, 1879.


ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTSAmerica for a great many yearn has been plagued

by a unique problem—where to store all the food thatwe grow, cannot eat and cannot sell. By contrast, moatof tlie countries around the world already face a chronicshortage of food supplies. And if population growthcontinues at the present rate, they will move inexorablycloser to the hard reality of starvation itself.

An official study recently completed by the U. S.Department of Agriculture confirms what has beengrowing worry in the minds of many of the worldleaders—that unless some presently unforeseen break-through occurs, wovhl food production can no lungekeep up with the explosive growth in the number of th

world's people.Commenting on this study, U. 8. News & World

Report observes that, "In the foreseeable future, faminelooms as a prospect that e n become moi\> serious thatthe threat of nuclear war. Vnltas a way soon U iuiuuto control the problem of worldwide population explosion, starvation will take over as a partial solution tothat problem,"

The facts of the Department o( Agriculture reportare startling, (.ivain provides must of the 989?%) Uhuman diet, either directly ov through Hi use as fmlin the production of meat, poultry nml dairy products.Two thirds of tha woild's people Jive in Latin Americaand Asia, and in these areas, with tlif (.•si.-eptiuii of thfUSSIt, output v? grain per person from the mid 1683*1to 11)61 has fallen. U h&$ decreased 2 pec vent in AMI\und 16 per cent in Latin America. Starting from | fawlewl of production, output of gffft&l per person in East-ern Europe, Russia and Africa has increased only .slight-ly during tlie same period. As things nw stand, justthree areas containing but one fifth fif the world's peo-ple have the capability of producing a food supply suf-ficient to meet the needs of their growing populations infuture years. These are Australia-Xew Zealand, NorthAmerica and Western Europe, where grain output perperson from the mid 1930's to 19fit has increased re-spectively 51 per cent, 44 per cent ami ID per tent.

At the present time, grain exports from Canadaand the United States are the primary barrier againstfamine in vast areas of the world. Vor three years,Canadian grain has bven a major prop sustaining Com-munist China. Exports from ths U. S. are now helpingto meet a erisis in Russia and are holding back hungerin Pakistan, India, South Korea and many nations ofAfrica, the Middle East and Latin America.

The Agriculture Department survey indicates that(Train surpluses in the United States and C&nudn avail-able for export will increase sharply in the yeans ahead,but that this supply cm he expected to metd tm)y a frac-tion of the world's needs.

One clear impression emerges from all this. If i\uhuman nice is to escape tlif MiUtlrusian prediction thaiincreases in world population would inevitably lead Umass starvation, there must be a concerted eiToH to tunthe beat in technology and research toward achievingnew and more efficient methods of producing the suste-nance by which man lives.

This is indeed a formidable efaftBfUgt for WSA de-veloped areas t4 Hie world. Raiding their food {tion capabilities involves, not only capital investment nfhuge proportions, but n vastly accelerated advance ofUieir people into iho modern world, t'roduftive agri-euHmoxueh as we ktimv in the t'mted States is not easyof achievement. It rfsU upon an. t.'xm'<l in j?ly hroju! bttMof tiThnk-ai kn<»w-hriw, education and industrial capa-bility making available the machinery, the specializedfeeds ititd Wttfa and the chemicals to enrich the landand control crop destroying, diseases and pests.

Only through careful but intensive use of all tfcmfactors ciH m.'in hope to tip the totfMHg of nature in hisfavor, and pei'lmps tap as yet unknown Kuurws of foodproduction. He may reach the Mara, but it looks as ifhis toughest job in the foreseeable future will be Kirn-ing to feed himself on earth.

IN THE SAME SCALESFrom i ica<! editorial in (he New York Tiling:

"Kvery Vice Pttt!Am\ is a pnlcnliiil IVsidwit am!should he vttgfegd in tlif HIWW KSSM as tiic ttomiBM

far the I'ri-siiii'iirv. \vv hope Out th» RgpahllcsM toSun Fram/isrii ami the DtDHXTOtl in Atlantic City tillwill fgeofnto that aliilily, rhimu'ler ;uul exlii'ticnifhoubl I'IMIIII tor nini'i' than psnonsllty, Petition ot pintti resilience in IBltng tin' second jthn-v OB thi'ir tickets



This Is (he fifty -seventh ola srrlrs of •<orle» on NewJersey In connection withthe staie'i Tercentenarycelebr&tkra scheduled for


Wig-Wag To SucceuSeries — No. 15

» j John T lunntalliani

Every stock market plungerdreams of two big days: firstwhen he gets good news Be-fore anyone else and placesMa bets that a stort will rise—followed by another daywhen he get? bad news andunloads Ms stock before therest of the speculators start,to sell.

That is supposed to be hardto llo today, but 12S years agoa small knot ol stock dealersachieved phenomonul successby using a secret wigwagtrriegi iiph s y s t e m betweenMonmoutll ami Cnmden eoun-


New York and Philadelphiamoney men Klinl the nation'seconomy, o! course, and theykept ears attuned tor dlsas-

and triumphs. A ship »r-rtvtng trom Europe with

news sent stocks soar-j ship docking with bad

tidings sent the m a r k e tsharply down. The key to suecess lay in getting informstion !ir*t

yew SMemSpeculators wise in thF-

ways of science turned to •new telegraph system in1820ssystem ol *-— •tween Ihe Hollands of theNavesink in Monmoutti Countv and » broker's building in

York Certain specula-

p>M>,. „, _ ships and wordsTheir telegraph w a s a ' stock market use


tors in tely af teon the

highlands was « • • »Ships orrivins "II h t l™ ] l

Hook were met by men insmall boats, waiting to pickUD news-BOod or bad-drop-

B ,er the side. First the | phi

Type of Telesraplihills in tlie l»30v.

who rend throughscope. In turn, hi;layed the messasiYork,

Names and numbers 01ships and _ words i n ^ m m o n

(hatuk n-porls aeros« New Jersey

a tele.-aide re-to New

to tr.nirart. The number olthe ship Napoleon, for example was 8336 and to re-port her the operator set thearms In seaucnee. to 63.J5,

York beean to T 1 , operators b e c a m e so- — ' - uful that a message could

.sent Irom the HighlandsNew York in one minute

rhe real killins, however,,i«tle by getting

„.„ ,« slate to PhiladelAt flrsl it took a dny

-S=i:,»*«"" ""'

med earn. J . ' | ™ ' m d e n \ A m b o y RailroadS "he « the 1830s cut tn»t to r,,»e

STeTclie'a th" semaphore!hour,,ators In the Highlands eone

many hours before the ships go-could dock » the city.

T h e TO foot-high «<• rn aphores bore wooden arms•hich could be placed in vai •)11S positions to sienfy num-

b , r t from one to ten, pluspositions lor the words tatE F and "repeat » The Ml

the 1830s cut that to nineSeeminglv. man Had

,bout as far as he could

Bridie •» SkWI Suddenly a Philadelphiaslock broker named W. cBiidees began to siww im-cannv skill on the local ex-change in th,, !all of 1841 »

j he sold


I work from the High-I to PhlladelpliiiiI built a series of sema-e towers on high ridgesss coastal plains of Newey The exact locationsill the towers are not>-n today, bat it is Known

rel and ArMJ'i Mount In Bur-lington County.

Work be.san as soon M Ijjmorning mists cleared andcontinued all day. B nle»-sages continued after dark,different colored lights glowedin the towers.

Operators were not "up-posed to understand the sec-ret code, but they Inventedtheir own code and amusedthemselves by Hashing »•»sonal or amusliw • " • " • g lS stack times, in 1B44 the„„,.,,,!«• of a Medtord hotelHivnrd Ihls operator's codeto his own advantage

of presidential decNewstions tra elied slowly te 1844



what like

FLIES. AWAYHH#I1 tliti S l m o f l y i . laut « l i l

Jiijl r '-tih.ln in t in- .'iiniP riHbWKHM tli '1 p l m i t i>nilx srfl

' i i le tQ'inlf.x». but {>erlmr>M Hie tt(p« M M of si put Is mure niiile tQAt »ny rate, tlie jilmit l» uttmrtlvo with Inree, U|bMjI»«, -»-l]Hf

i 'iilciptl, i]i(jshHited ftev*n< Why not tiy It tliln yt'nr to fieo if It:icliclH (lies lit your momfl'f

| rijint the needs In P«IB if you want to imp tfje plants intloors.jTlipy'll siJiout hi a feu- ilnys nnrt 611 dnys from planting «l)l be In


the familiar iMil,phores of ttxlav

•Telegraphic Diet ionanV the o p e r a t o r s

Wail BoostersTo Hold Dance

nans for a Valentine I)..iand a drawimt wm 8MB « ' , ,a recent meetlnd of the Wall w a 1 cHiRh Boosters Association tn budgetthe school auditorium. The"fair W.H be held Feb. 14a ,,,e ved Elva Pmni P l«sint Mrs. Fred Hunsdorfei.

Mrs Henry PvWbowloswklan-i' Robert Fisk will be Incharge ot arraneements MrsFrederic Wilson and Mrs.John Ottmf were named tohandle publicity.

•rawinss «M be held for •weekend in Bermmia for two:•Iv nuMi on party boat. "Ju-Lc •'• wo " c k ' t s ' " E r < B < ! '

my show, "Never Too Ute "and dinner tor two at wmlliville Inn. ,

!o»ch Harry Mndsen thankod On oreFinization for theportable hasketball rebound,,. „ ( whirlpool ' » " ! PW-•luised for the students Mis

fmini'l" "no"'key-except that *'P|?l krt'M'" lc»"w''t 'hrouehS 3 U M imporiant news f ,,n

k'Jf Jperato, at Mountwithin a hal' hour aftet ' ' ' ' ' . , , , l h ( U N ( ,w York hadbroke in New York £ 1 > mocratie Joyfullv .

B, idees simply h a c u w w d j f o m _ u .

WASHINGTON—SpeediiBi.lifv H a O H l * • *^i ™ntfressi<imil attitude to

expanded welfare

Hash MessagesYet science hud moved on.

By 1844 Samuel P. B. Morseand Alfred Vail had provedthat they could flash mes-sages over wires and the' - ! - . J .V« nf w C. Britiges

T |, e Philadelphia PublicLedger carried the semaphoretelegraphs obituary on Janu-

:y 7, !fl46:

•The pvtvate signal tele-gj'aph, the Burlington Gazettesays, haa Just been ftband-.ned having done eonrl ser-vice for the owners. No doubt

! it was a great affair when firstI established:; many mysterious movements in the Phila-delphia exchange and producemarket were laid at the doorsof speculators who workedthe telegraph.

•No doubt speculation paidthem well but though a goodthins it has Been, rt has beensuperseded by a better '•

Copyright. 1964, State ofNew J e r s e > TercentenaryCommission-

Edwards HeadsRealtors Group

I, D. Edwards, Sea Girtrealtor was installed M pre*ident of'the New Jersey C l wter. No. 1. Institute of RealEstate Manimement of th»



OPPORTUNITY FOR GREATNESSThe Senate 1ms n sinKiihir opportunity to strike R

wsitive blow for acceleration of Uui nation's economu-

dictated by twon-efutahie fads:tXlnrfttiW of cuts.

This actionI As the "foi'tfottt'ii man" in (£

,h, niiihlU'-inconie taxpayer U certainly MtftM H »

"'aV '- It will ho in the tat M M k * $» entire coun-try btctW if the «&&****>» tiiKpayer is all«w«

\ e ^ moio of his earning h. will -v,M mm mie o n t X u viUilly to • stewwd-up vconomic p W * M*which svill bring lienclits to nil Americans,

At atime when m M« pUffU-i by • **» «»!MriMM unemployment probtem, whet, we « * « »

irgett by Mr. John• ! s , 'a t ( , 0 ( N e w Jersey Janthe Missouri Congress


pd •Is the any doubt but thateeding budscts will »sktill higher ajnojnts?11

State of Newat a dinner at th 744 Club,Newark, Mrs, Edwards, whohas been active in the realstate business at the Shoreluce 1026. Is a past president

Johnson s •"""""rr MKce(.(iing budsets will ask V ? " V £ ^ g ^ ' CountygfitimZS* , 'o, U» mm -ountsr. JMJ^ ^,alt(ir and a for

rth"enthusiastic s u p p o r t ! T h ( , n . t r o m wisdom a c - ^ e , m e m b e r oi he Mon^,' , the economy bloc, | l l l r e a during his 41 years o! „ „ „ ( „ county P l a n n i n g

,„ A p p , W r i a service m the House, he —

,s plan ear ly fd:noney bills—


Leaditions C

[actionbut ma

,be i inl"I for futiout that pvepolin »p|)rnpriatlonhisher oKliendiiu



new officers are Johnof Newark. David

S l O| \ium of Newark.

, N e w programs not unconi- ! K r u g m a I 1 of Clifton, Sol O.begin modestly and [ s i l d m ( l t E a 5 t Orange andI'l.iin Him a curb must ' m l ) n | y begin modestly tm<l

(f.,',"^",, <,f East Orange andifd on HJinlttnl Plans t)M,n invariably accelei'ate.' H ( , n r y T,.Psch of Newark, all-e years They point , , „ „ „ „ « . . necessity vice presidents: Robert D.-B» » • « » » • necessity | vic

ill the mifldle-income tax brackets, for they arechance-takers, the yentrjrers who will unhesitatinglyrisk their investment funds in business enterprises inorder to prosper, and in so doing, spark an ex|>umling(

vibrant t>o>m>ni> junvidiriK morv and better job oppor-tunities and higher living standards.

SOUND PRECEDENTThe State Senate has a^ain passed I bill that would

elablish a ItIIUHllKf Little Hoover commission to ex-plore state government operations and costs, A similarbill riinl in Ihe Democratic Assembly hist year. Nowthat Kcpuhlicans control the Assembly, pmngl seems

assured.The bill provides the ftovernor, the Senate presi-

dent and Assembly speaker would each appoint fourmembers of" ihe commission. The governor's nppointeeswould lie noit-oH'iecholduiK citizens. The Senate presi-dent mid Assembly speaker uottld each appoint twolegislators, and two private citizens. Tlie bill providesthat the appointees must he recruited equally from thetwo political parties,

Last year this quest for economy and efficiency in.slate jroveninient was t'riistrated by (lov. liu^he.s' in-sistence that he appoint all members of the commission.The Itcpubliean lejrislative leaders concluded not unrea-sonably, that this would amount to the executive de-partment investigating itself.

The method of appointment provided in the Senatehill is based on sound precedent. It was how ('onyrreyain 1947 set up the original Hoover commission, the mod-el for the proposed New Jersey survey. That commis-sion consisted of four members of Conjri'esa, two gov-ernment officials and six non-officeholdinn citizens, with

gmi and the ('resident sharing the appointments.What was food enouKh for Harry Truman surelyit to be food enough for liichai'd Hughes.


The S103.8 billion of n**;;,a Javierwney that President MM- L ^ ^ — j ^ill ia IMkkW BMB9ftfM WiW wsao«»."

W fStimatcci $102-61964.


uvulloni.tlUN .lollai

' , , , 1 l,y Clifford Komi'llwlB l» A«ra FVI. 28 m sP. M. , , ,,, M

Ojorse Bciss. w(.(.Btcd a 5 n s t i u ' Amerirnnp u on behalf of the stiiii-ntsn,,d faculty from Mrs. Herman siemers, who I"'1""'1'' JIt on behalf of Mrs, WilliamBoptarthrs in memory ol herhusband, .. ,

Mr Heiss announced that,jeanett.Murphy, a senior, has

•n selected (or Reelon 2


i now worth"la sul>sune result ofiiu'imie year

fur spending thnn ta uftiuuito be disbursed cimine » sPp

citii- yta*Plai^ of leglslHtoru to tri

II u-lKrt, he told 0» WMnBMBt'Ifiscal experts present "I expect and anticipate that thrCongress will make even fur


Committee- the eroup that lie wHl»ri< i ^ ^

Robert Keroy. Herbert Kof-Itev Jr.. Frank O. Hall, Johnftalvalore and Mr.1, Doris AWeiss, candidates for Boardif Education, spoke.

initially imss'v ui"«< [.>'->••. -t tlal spendinn plans—tolrl ihc

House that Mr. Johnson's bud-get, "while commendable Inmany respects, does not point,to siny lasting reversal of theupward trend ol f e d e r a l-*•"— - - [,, -gtart Small—Oo Big'Is the

"" iC 'examlnta* the Ust o l l r t r . W ol t h . btt spenders."

a k lopic was "B Relict 10Bight for Real Estate UnderII,,. Future New Jersey Fiscal



,, Robertson i rJ-'coast Advertiser,of Hie »n..le n,mkillB , m a ] . „ |

„„,,.,. told the Senate .=II,,. Johnsun budget pro-, Deal sir,a •repicscnl u HiallUlnK O l l behalf of the members

,.,. toward fiscal sanity i t . a E o s 0 A l t e r B osary So-, federal 1,-vel which I _»m j ^ { M n , e s p r M a o u r

grateful appreciation tor yourwonderful coverage on our re-cent card party. I know yourgenerous publicity helped tomake our party the tremen-dous success that It was.

Thank you so very much.

Sincerely,Marge Matron,(Mrs. Stephen J.)Publicity ChairmanBt. Rose AltarBosary Society

. , not only to supportut to accelerate,"UP took HH position thati' »»' 9 In"""1 spm^i'lS n s '

much BS »a l>tlllon more

he thinks'•ould M cut « * m " l l o n m o r e

n m | the "shot to the moon•500 million.

As for the, welfare ami 08MIsuch programs, he asserted:

Page 7: BELMAR SALES DAYS - FEBRUARY 12-13-14-15 THE COAST … · 2015-02-03 · \vt JOI BELMAR SALES DAYS - FEBRUARY 12-13-14-15 There Are Better Bum In Belmar THE COAST ADVERTISEKeepYour



Listen Americans!By DR. aEORQE S. BENSON

President — National Kthicaliuh I'rogtnmSearcy, Arkansas

All kinds of observers, in-terprpter-H, and commentators(l()ok turns at describing thestate of thP nation In the<iuys following the assassina-tion or President Kennedy.For awhile, a.x Senator Tower,,f Texas quickly noted, ano r g y of Kelf-iTcrlmUiuUimthreatened to engulf the na-Uon. The anguish and shamsof it all seemed normalenough, but decent peoplewere soon inking themselveswhy "we" let it happen to abeloved, honored, and respect-r-d leader. The hysteria wasnbout to become misdirected.It was hardly true that ran-cor and hatred were consum-ing our people.

Cries went up about the.shame of Dallas," IN "ha-

tred and malevolence" of anywho opposed him, the ' »ttvmUtl of the right" who bysome strange reasoning wereWarned at once. Emotionalanalysts (WW the left keptasking "wtw" with such tn-tensity that till blame, whentheir seavefc Wt| fruitlessspilled out upon alt Amevtcans As tor tt» people. fflWwere more ready to blamethemselves and their neigh-bors it seems, than to impli-Ofttt an Ideology foreign toAmerica, Yet, all evidencshowed that H was CommuHUM that had helped create(he derranged uerson capableef a deed so foul.

Whose FaultThen came attempt to as-

sess the moral condition ofAmerica, leading quickly topessimism. What manner ofpeople could produce & Lee

we fl nation so poorly tnformed about Communism

own heritage that somany could honestly accusehla neighbor and himself

lame on the God-

servatlve ideas fttvd idealsthat are found to thp. right ofLiberalism. The argument

B H I # l l i ie Qoa- comes to a pleft for no strongl e s s international scourge views on anything, an absurdt h » t apparently controlled reduction of an appeal lorLee Oswald's mind? (If there moderation. It amounts alsois fault, it is ours for giving to an attack on dissent, with-Cornmunlsts free run of the out which there would haveland, despite a Supreme Court been no Declaration of Inde-decisioro |pendence,

Could the burden of the / False Premisesguilt, as some said, lie in the 1 It Is a false premise thatneopte? It is simply not so. j America is obessed with ha-

t> American people and the tred and violence and that. u^.'ihflBR nijaiities permeate the

- **>la<tt This w a S a ^•ative

, are iLine

res. Outlty,, Senator J.

attack on the consiviews, apparently.and sowo

no, Nevertheless, Senator j,iTtna< «i-i- »,( William Fulbvlght claimed tn • the conservatives are &ccus*a Wafiiiineton speech that the tomed to resisting Cotnmu-

i assassination was a by-prod- [ ntsm, Therefore, It wafi intl-uct of the American heritage: [muted, both aiUicommtmismthe puritanical way of think-, and Communism arP penallying and the frontier mytho-j guilty for the President'*

On Tne TV Channels

logy.death Mate sense? This wasabout' os clear as pravda Idcrliirnlion that clrcumstan-

indicate "the M MTdward the Ali*urd

The lautor'i highly gen-,rrallMd land political! at)-i c n >nt"c» le "•' - " - - - ,Broach mm£* that the SSfSSL^ "*""* "f *core ot SB. democratic W t r t j | ^ " ^ i j ^ f " * " j

ol .cknowledgi-ot talllbilll.v, hence the ele-ment o! timibt about our con

Senator Simpson felt calledupon to remind the B. S. »


, "« Je" tu r i n , t t a H M l H BMptUl, and Dr. Marie* Spoevlein, « .ser ia te » « ( « « • •< lUWWHWI *[he M M Collfn- of 1'batnwi > In Nrwaik. are •»•»•

re"e..reh „ III M I- I b ' " « un<l«i.l»»"»W of mratel ill-


profit organization, will Pr°;SUM s a n t l H and niiwicaiplays within the context ofil,e community of artistic andodiionuoml institutions "t theUnooln Center for the per-formlng arts. It w»l >>e "«UUtp»l tenant of tl.e Newiurlt State Theater, one olUH Kmup of miilclines helngooMtruoU* in the Lincoln(Voter complex.

Current plans are for i•tamten this summer, with, o ijroduetiuns of Bw « • * •

each, Hie opfnir« o[ thetheater will piu.UU.lth. fust

dimmer M M <!l «*• " *Vork Worlds Fair.

day. Febb. J» in col"'1

P M Partlclpatins in therrlebration program of song

s& •n,e address *1U " 1 " " ™,,„„„»l campaign for the Cath•„" Bishops' Belief P™<1.T». u, , m will be tape-record-

„ advance for presenta-

rd Bo


iUc fNEWARK - Picture some-

one trying to make long dis-'Vangp Veterans Admim.sira-


% ? S S 3 S E a w g r 7" s"""s":! L , eo, iv <•! . ' N e i t h e r is ' rolling to tlie dictates ol his ,„„ ac,,,nl,,,t seeking 0 bette, ^ ( p h ( , m ) M l

S Sector n" Ml* 5 W o.ii um-xplainable WWrM underalanding J " ™ ' ' 1 1 ';(,,,.u i..llv found in m m l l,lhe Senotoi nttj ' ,1 p ^ Insintiaiiiw that n P 5 S tn,.0u8h studies < * " • - „ , „„„. „,.,. .„.,,,„,

uorks to M VHism** m * •m u s i c iliriiler Hi- Mill actlve-I, iup»fvlM i.n wlWIe » •M M of eiirii unwl'"'1'"11

•II,,. tJldtWr will presentBerHirnilujKJ ol A»i!ii«."i'a n d E u i i l i l - . . n > ! » ! • " » " " - '

> *

nfield (rf ltffii

H ii'.i in mice.

I** Hjiwili'isi •\w\ Viuisipi-liciieve they have du-


lowinK the advice he gave, (dementiit. Insinuating thati Self incrimination is b I d I cnn.scrvativc e l e m e n t s inenough, but to incriminate America are to blame for theconservative thought makes killing makes about as muchno MUM whatever. But the sense as blarnine BU]vSetiatrii 's statements w e r e ell /or the Itypical nt many whichit!Uicks, not upon Comin

to he

, „ at the I(ege of Phaini.Lfy.

• tt may prove to be 1ymi know), but upon the


tara uiiich tpsdfie by-prod-» - ,)!•[, o! this rsub^tance causes

muim^-l Dr. M a « T . spoe.lrir, Jiv; , , . , . « , -

medical researcher at East

ij ,' gfid musiesil

Oeoree Burnsty tn a f '[,> MiiHiui' a n d


,, a man cfto"'u w t u rt» 10. « • « • •Along Wltll M i n n 1 I"

inn to

SIIIHI IV JONES,. , ;; K Shirley

, • ,in«in^

I:.;;1:' « • • " ' • "

. :.tra

! Actor-)>n«!ucr P * Bf0'

„,. ABf B;.d.o Nrtwork,„,.,! inclusive radio

,," ,n ill,- D • . l t 3 P°3"' tcn-Kiincs. Hn Can-'t',,' ijromlcast tUP Hravy-

,,,„ Chiunpionslilp Fight„„.„ Bonny l,ist»n andlleueci Casslus Cl»y Tues-

Frf, 25 A B C S » » « 1 », tl,e air at 10:05 P.,m Miami Beafh Con-,' n a | | witli V- K''1''1

.,, me blow-By No* a c ;

,11 will * , II,. I,,,;,» and rlngsMf Inlri-

special de-,. itii' 'anv-

OgSQ til .••'

Ins i l i e

K i n g d o m • 1 *64..•, U» C

• . : •

! ,ire Juf,l!l,,H


Whatever the temperature outside

For the latest weather information and temper-

ature tune to Belmar-Wall National's early morn-

ing forecasts on WJLK at 7:30.

For whatever you need in banking service, go to

the most convenient of this full-service Bank's

three offices.

One account makes you a customer at all three

— with service 'till 8 p.m. daily at all three.

Whichever office you use, you'll like the friendly

personal attention given to your banking and bor-

rowing needs.

BELMAR-WALLNational • Bank


F S t t e e t a t 9 t h A v e n u e , B e l m a r

R o u t e 3 5 a t 1 6 t h A v e n u e , W a l l

Route 35 at Manasquan C i r c l e P l a z a

Loan Dept. Waif Office Open ContinuouslyTo 8 p.m. Daily.


Min are llq-oi inhibitbraid mi

A-hic-h bring

\> tfeto i an pnnKiii,-,: ... • viHI,:ti causes

•, . po ,UIM\ .stuporobserved in mice

i ifrnphtta* .-ivni'.ar to those-, •, ,ii faBflHffl])l'ircnia.W drugs fitn in- i

, •); i,-,-t MII.H behavior. Suchdrugs may have application19 ttvatrnfiif of same aspectsif mental Illness in humans.

t<Hltlfl*l1ilWl rf 'li(' fhPtni"<i\ process In 00 hi'awvhiL-h may (AS I V& fStKVtOi>f'iutvior, to even n-•U v: ihnii interpreting tliP b**-i iiii i"iiig utis ••' iM-iiui*' ta

,u\ ifcDTi. according tohe pharmacologists They fle-icrlbe the body «* fl highlyiompl 'X <'hefni< ;> I

jreatJiiB J>!"' "•i.mpounds by a va

I'iety of k M M M :

,! , , (i puthways.

A', jiiltt U 1 t ! r i 'Drs. Spoerlein anri Vnncl*'rWi p ti iii'iiyze iIn the brains Bi Ianimals under Mtlons. Nfuiuhimitifda which :mi

about physical actions

Siibi'fii'il'H' jivoncl.'. •brain which average about

apparatus 'fti/vmr.-^ ••,] quantities •>! I

nfurHhumom Imacologl.sts hupp (0 m lthp Cftus^ ol the »W

m i ihroufrh ex-amination of UMM subceJIu

; I I

Dr Spo^rlPin said the to-•

••nil b»<In | i Ml -t'lii1 • * • • • «l flux


,, rawtbutlaito Ibf mHl.'i-'nnfltriS o* ^" p

• ,••) i a m m

,; a m W « •• •

tend in. rt«M of Parkin

• "

. ' . , . . . , ••

Officials ol Bw H

. •

tor tin' i

Liza MinneiliAt Paper Mill

6-.W 1" M

the «!»« I•

• rid • » » •,i, v',, Doujlae. Juraes,;,,L.,,ry Pec*. TonyAnthony 9*»

M i *1U. Whnm

.aide her <M Bia last year, will

opt'n In "Carnival 1 atper Mill W»»»Mwuni nest Tuesdfcy.

'vi,,. M. uric kl wfcuh ',1,1,1, i i*o ypars on Brmway. Is based on it''1 in<"


be Altai™ I, , ,.

. • d i l l i l I l l l l ' '•:' ' ' I !

, : , , . , 1 1 . . , i l . ' i


: ' , , •

( l u l l 1 l ' h .

'lie group'1. 01 • 'II,,. i t l , . , f 1 op AlHIre

ii', Arthur r inrner of * M,;irt, prcsulinl MpiKentsr oi Allaire; Itl i fie*

" • ' i l d i ' i i l . Mi • •'•"via i i r c i . i i III Ml '

r ' r a z e o of M B n n s ( i M l ! l •im Moratory; MiMncKay at Spring L a k eKeKtits, eonnpooOMi : ' '1" 'i.\ry, and Mrs. taf Allaire, treaa1

• Liir1 wlilcli starred M»H<Caiuii With Km MUIIU'III m



rtU Mir* CMSTrf/llK) W(

poH», IMS

,1 *HI run m


, 8 MBl », , | | ||,,. suml.iv .•velum1.



'may register >« cnlllnB the

,,,„! Mr M.r.'.l,",,,| Mrs Hiiinvull

SH 70251

1 " • • " ' • : ,

i in the W"« »',, Wa-.hlneton,.,al Brwtmgs to

a n d i l i w i antl " l " 1 m a ) '., . : , , -on can Wisure

., ,, ooneror later, those tax.;: hit you i l«M » • " • • " ' "

" ! : ' ; , . i ' - i .•

iluMi «av l» adoption so tl»t,„„ m,,,,,r ',lwr,. of liwlr coll_

6 . * ' , "

mmlclp.1 t»M'.'., m t o loca l l a -

' 'T nrM t»«IM MM J'""' l f « *

I.BV- Al>pr»!-:

mittM will i)>- P"u""« ° v ",!„• covprnor's H * ^

,„! lr»Ml»UM

While Mishtlv l w « '

tance Hornled tuninguds »f eollecti

cos•£js10 New Wcount uvrr«e«l JU

m»n. worrhilrl IHal w«s "M I

cars IIt .', rising


1• out.

l h , u I c i i i n

does It.I

Han i » • i « « » " " .

l,,,n pll •

(rain i-ij.'ti o) wind mI cold.

Mitel » CMi*« win-i n , t,,,-t « * * ^

. , , i, or I'k-gMiei-, «••«

chicken sire to •*»*» " J

tlilouBh It to breilt the ! o i «

Bat •>" i ' l ^ " 1

, • • •

* ,„„, „,„ mink * » « », , , , tad Ihr IffWf JJWJ^

' . - * » MOW IVittlUwinter.

Page 8: BELMAR SALES DAYS - FEBRUARY 12-13-14-15 THE COAST … · 2015-02-03 · \vt JOI BELMAR SALES DAYS - FEBRUARY 12-13-14-15 There Are Better Bum In Belmar THE COAST ADVERTISEKeepYour


Dinner Given in Honor ofVFW Department President

Mi'3. Fiances (Rlctiavdt Ne (James) Callrey of Mctuchenbus. President o( the Ladles stated one hundred and fortAuxiliary, V.F.W. District No. seven members and guest6 and s member ot the Key- were served a roast beef dinport Auxiliary No. 1347, j>re- ner. Present at the dinner tsided at the last meeting held j pxtend greetings to the Dein the ••American Legion partment President and theHall", West Front street, Key-port. One hundred and twentymembers were present repre-senting sixteen Auxiliaries inMonmouth County,

Pas t Department president,Mrs. Rosemary iJohn) Sammer, Keyport, Chairman ofthe dinner served prior to the

Officers and members of theLadies Auxiliary, Districtfl were; Mr. Edward Kwik oHighlands, Coiiuiiunder of HIPVP.W. District No.6 who piesetited Mrs, Cnfi'ey with "orchid corsage; a n d Mi'Oeorge Bienon of CliffwootiBeach, Commander



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of theleeting in honor of the of- Monmouth County Council.

Jiclal v i s i t of Department v.P.W. who presented Mrs.president Mrs. E l e a n o r Nebua with a corsage of roses.

Also present were; Mi\ JamesWood of Hflzlet, Commanderof the Keyport Post No. 4247

I who extended greetings andwelcomed those present toKeyport; stating the postmembers were pvoud to haven member of the Auxiliary toKeyport post No. 4247; Presi-

J dent of HIP Ladies Auxiliary.I 6th District this year. Otherpost members present were;Mi*. Richard Nebus; Mr. OsleThome; Mr. John Sommerand Mr. Warren Van Clief.

Department President, Mrs,Caffffrey and District Presi-dent. Mrs. Nebus spoke brief-ly and expressed their thanksto the Commanders for thetaking time to visit theeorsages and appreciation foriliary.

During the mttt&g Senior.Vice President, Wtt- EdithHarry) Kern of Giiadacanal

Auxiliary No. 4745 Cliffwooci,gave a compiled report of theAuxiliaries prating Hie various

f communityService projects each had par-

New Jersey Turnpike FacesIts Greatest Challenge Now

NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J — 'pike—Uie nation's busiest toilThe New Jersey Turnpike,! road—la to meet the demandsmnrkiriK n continuing 12-year of the future."traffic record that reached anall time peak ol 56,877,379 ve-

The Turnpike's safetyord for 1983, on an all-acci-

Manasauan lllfli School Band and Twlrlen Midwinter Concert, Thursday cvenlnc, February «, [Ml, 8:15 V. M.Adults 50C, at Manaiqnan High School Auditorium. Harry Elokliorn, Director; March, Ilia Honor, Illlmore; Ballett-arlalen, imi-nbai-h; Trumpeter's I.ollabye, Anderson, Trumoet »olo, Tim Broe«e; Parade March »7, Goldman;Vrtlude * Fliaire in O Minor. Bach; 'Block Four; March, Americana IVc, Flllmore; (amalot; March, Strike I'P theBand, Gershwin; Little Snorts Car. Anderjon; Hear That Ulxlc land Band, Arr. Voder; March, Red Skin Ramble.Voder; Flight .if the Bumble, Flute Solo, Odette Coireia.

Marriage Held j Coast GuardIn Brookville

The Immaculate Conception

The contthe Third

acting officer ofoast Guard Dis-York, will open

Woman's Club jBrown-lsenbergPlans 2 Tripsj Engagement Told

in*1863. laces its great-1 dent basts, was second best•st challenge as a "multt-lof the other 22 toll roads in

million dollar public servant."The challenge, as seen by

[lie commissioners of the NewJersey Turnpike Authority 1

itl annual report lor 196!represented by the to'

load's future need1) to benerlt "not only the. motorists oNew Jersey but also millionof Americans all over the naton."

The commissioners s a l that in assessing the need foriew major works, they were[Hided by the ever-lncre;raffle volumes which, inncreased by 3.2% over 1862s•(,900.745 vr- venue vehicles.

The Authority dso reportedhat since I9t;*i tt has ve-eemed or made provision «»edeem, a total of $111,206,000r 23.fi1,'- of its total bonded•lit of $466,200,000.

the nation, the Report stated.

805 F St. - Belmar

Between 8th & 9thAvenues

Dial - 681-5675Roman Catholic Church in | b i d rnoSliilv Feb lfi for tlie ! trips have been scheduled by P 0 1 ' ^ M a e ******** t o Air-1 awareness of what must stillBi-ookvllle, Pa., was the scene \Cun^im.Umi"ot a new watch thd Spring Lake Woman's1™" 3 p R(mal<* J ' Brown. I be accomplished If the Turn-of the wedding of Miss Hazel h o u s p o n t h p 9xmB* s0. f ( )o t c m b p according to | report • •" % ^ ,^ r i l; ,Ed

iwf t1 '? - —

! LAKE — Two bus r

The Annual Report, issuedv Authority chairman Jos-ph Morecraft jr. , Vice Chair-

man William A. Sternkopf Jr.,and Tt-casurer Angus M. Har-ris, expressed satisfaction on

j the work accomplished duringMiss, 1963 and H "greater sense of

Joanne Brosius and Richavd j ],A. Leonard Dec. 28.ceremony was performed byRev. Joseph A. Cialola. A re-ception followed at the Green

Valley Club. Bi-ookvlHe.The bride is the daughter

f Mi*, and Mrs. Les

tower of the Coast; by Mrs- Frank DiUiichIle Quiml Lifeboat Station

T h e C ( J i l s t G l l a r d , o o k o u t iow

at at the groups meKUig lasta. i Monday in tfas Community

The cJub will travel

W. Brown of 125 H streetBelmar, lias been announcedby her parents, Mr. and AJames D. Isenbp;wood Park, Wall

icipated in since July 1, 1063. |Jm of BrookvillcEach Auxiliary President that \ groom is the son'as in attendance was prc-ented with a Golden Poppyorsage by 8th District Presi-ent, Mrs, Nebus.

The brkle-if Mr. and

Airlines have one unsung[vantage over railroads «_

iey kill fewer motorists. Ac-rding to the Institute forfSf Living1 of the American

Mutual Liability InsurancejCo., more than 1,000 lipvsonsstill die in railway crossingaccidents each year, despite

Mrs. Richard H. Leonard of219 Ludlow avenue, SpringLake.

Escorted by her father, the| bride wore a sown o! whiteI Chnntilly lace over taffeta •and carried a lace heart,adorned with white carnations 'and stephanotis.

Mr, and Mrs, Michael J.Oiblin of East Orange, attend-ed the couple. Mrs. Oiblin isthe sister of the bridegroom,Miss Brpnda Sue. Miller of


W ia located on the beach o/f to Radio City Music Hall, Newtiie Boardwalk at First five-) York, March 18 and to Die

Miss MiU'ie Murucci, whomm will 'resemble an »ft-! »"—»« « Oa meeUns in Me I " ' " "Mrt control tower with In- ; ">»£JSh ^ I l U t I Alnnan Bvown. alSo a »

uite of Wall High School,


new 16 by JB-foot watch? office at ]

^cpaitment S t o r e , Asb

dined green glass sides. i brook, reminded tiie membersinfo^atlon re,ardin, bid- that Hahne'« Day *m oo held | i S ^ t l c S & ! K

ding nuiterial may be ob - M a r c h 5. A program work- MiiissiDDitained from the Contracting.'shop lfi planned for Feb. 25, m s e ' g M " " ^ B l

I over

lOStoK, Third Coast Guard at Cherry Hill Mall- I have sworn upon the altDistrict. Room 74Q. U. S. Cu&- j Mrs. Evans Wiilte. music • o j G w l ^ t e v n a I hostittorn House, New York, N. Y. • chairman, introduced Mrs.10004. Phone area code 212 Daniel Kelly, who played BtV*422 570O ext. 707. eral piano selections. I t was

The Coast Qusti'd year announced that Ira Jacobsonhad the watch house re-placed of ib? BVIPIIP China nnd Giftat its Lifeboat Station Mana- [ Shop wilt be guest speaker atsruian at Point Pleasant. Simi- j the Feb. 17 meeting,Jar construction has been con-, Following the b u s i n e s s

every form of tyrannthe mind 0/ man.

—Thomas JefTers

belter crosslns protection and . . „ , "„ " ' ,„ .„ „,,,',:,„ , ,n d traded Jor the replacement meetine. Frilz Cleary of thethe elimination of many dan- V' „ , • , , " 1 , n k »' the watch house at the Life-1 Asbury Park Press illustratedgenius crossovers. As al- vllle Thomas M-Leonard of " " ^ S t B t i o n A t l M t i c C l t y - i h l s h i a t o ™ t r a c l n B oS w c h 1 'ways, tile best protection hi Spring Lake, brother of the"stop, look. listen" before bridegroom, was ringiearer.driving on the tracks.

F I S H & C H I P STAKE OUT - 85c


GROH'SROUTE 7 ) . BELMAR 681-9605

The bvide ffU graduatedfrom BvookviUe Area HighSchool. She is employed bythe Brookville Bank and TrustCo.

The bridegroom, a graduateof St. Rose High School, Bel-

I mar, is stationed in the Armyat Fort Leonard Wood, Ma.

It is ouv civic duty to guardand rise in defense of our ownand our neighbor's rights. Wemust answer with outspokencriticism every attempt by alocal or federal governmentto infringe upon our rights.

—Dr. S. h- PeLove -Silent Betrayal

lecture the last 3Q0 years withj The unfortunate thing about slides of "OJd Home at the'biilmy spring weather is that shore".it appears to affect some mo-J Mrs. Pillsbury Hillyei" andtorlats the same way. Thf in-! Mrs. John C. Gallagher weresUtule lor Safer Living says in charge of decoration. HosUnever permit spring exuber- j esses wen? Mrs. Adrienne Mil-ance to affect common sense'Jer, Mrs. Charles A. Connelly,driving: practices. (and Mrs. John A. Megargee.

JOHNSONFuneral HomeRoute 38, Wall TownshipModern Funeral Home

Modernly Equipped

Walter J. JohnsonDirector

661 -4455


C o n g r e s s t o Aid LBJBy R e d u c i n g T a x e sAnd Controlling Spending

By Rep. John W. McCormackSpeaker, AW»™/ Horn of Rtpmmlitltn

Looking for more car for the money ?

asmsYou nnme it . . . O!dsntobilt''s new J?-88 has it!V-8s o»d V-(ia! Sedana anil coupes with moreroom Ihim ever, plus big-cnr rkle and small-carmaneuverability. Wapotig with 20% more cargospace. And if you're interested in a Sporty car,three new Cutlasa models fenture a new 290-h.n.CutlasaV-8! Yvt F-85 prices start lower than ever!Get tlie details at your Olds Quality Dealer's!

IWWNIS!AT Ylttm Bias Of4iOTS

'resident Johmon and the 89th Congrwj have made «KP ••••mifiress toward icJli*vlltg two objectives of the !,iti' Prwidenimedy—to cut taxes ,md reduce jjovernnifiu txpeniBS.

While it seems to nuny people the Fed-eral budget keeps iiwreniing at ,m aJannlnj rate,It slinulj be pointed out that the Pedsra] budgetin recent years his not risen proportionately tothe increase of our Griw, Hawonal I'nnKict.The Federal debt sinc< WotW Var II his risenonly 5 percent while the debt of Sutc and IQCAISOVftfttmSBU KJS ri'tii 328 perC4Bt< The num-ber of Tetlerjl employeei is actually dropping in

relation to our gfOwiflg population.Since \9S4 (fid up to 1962 there has been an

increase of 2,6t>S,lM)f) employees on the State andhere lus been



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709 I Oth Avenue, Belmaralso Highway 35 at Old Mill Rd.


MU 1-1600 GI 9-6597

loc i level whilean increase of only 162,000 atthr I:cc(cral level.

President Johnson and theDemocratic leadership in Con-grc^ .ire determined that a pro-

economy .mil BHH»8WMIKI com-bined WvtK a rcjuciion prn-

convumec incomes and businessprofits.

> Since the tax cut is JI per-manent one, tlii' siM.iinmj; effecton the economy will be a con-tinuing one.

• Will make recession unlike-

p\ can result in an .itt,iiruble

kilanced budget within j fewycirs.

KoOWing the dctcrinin.ilion ofthe President and bfi Cabinei.inJ kbowing how deeply aware3 majority of thfl Congressmenire of the economic urgency ofimmediate tax relief, I h Iwonli.) be safe to predict that jtaxpayers will ofljoy the

• Will result in a s t r o n g t.ixban and Rive the nation 3 betterchance of OVtfCQlfUQg lh'p budg-et de&ckndst of recent vears.

One of the stock objectionsio ihf Admlnistrstion'a tax re-duction bill has beeni "thereshould be no tax cut unless ac-oiiip.inietl by CQBUBMlMrtte rc-

.lm,iion of Federal ^pt-nJiiiR."ThU has an tJSJMiling poltt-

eal rtng to it—M it i.s meant

oral I


ence of having their Fed- to have—but it cirrW someeduced and sei'inf;; fai

conomy in governmentMCfinetng Importantof educiticm, health,

and other

flttB im mtnmut* mmt iwrrr K«ft.,. HUIIUIIII HI NiMmiui. mum mou HWHK n,xtnu i mnuH,m••

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implications. It overlooksAdrambtrarioo'i record of

aovcfnrneflt economiesI, it ij;norcs ihc

bmanpower retr.uninR,domestic responsibilities.

The tax program which h:passed the House and is being I &considered by the Senate wouldICCOmpUlb these things:

> Rt'ducc net Ffldtril uxes foindividiLih b>' -in average of one-fiftb of their pwwnt tax.

V Large torporitions will grla reduction of about 8 percent;for small corporations, tiie cutwill be about 27 percent,

• Will release billions of dol-lars of purchasing power andinvestment incentive to the pri-V J « economy.

I M , j ; g,nti(in being t.ilu-n by I'resiiltn

d d i ddiiin demanding *dditfonalinomJei in tlw entire Execu-_ Branch, it eschews the

pressing and growing problems„( education, health, welfare,nuss transportation, nationaleconomy and all other problemsthat have been building up un-der the pressure of » growingmil rapid urbanization.

\i'lien the record of the 88thCongress is fuully ul|icd t 1.hink the people will find thaiKit jince the first Congr«s un-

der President ROOJCVCII in 1933-\4 has more been accomplished

of lasting lignifkancc

go strahenrt f

Order il today for your wipr swRefheaft — and mother,foo-for Valentine's Day, Feb-ruary H Just $7.50 deliveredlocally (standard hondlinflcharges added on out-of-town


» Will create expansion of and WeJ*1 and economic prog-rodiiriiorti create jobs, rai-if' "*'•


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