@bem: initiatives for insurtech innovation

Initiatives for InsurTech Innovation

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Post on 11-Feb-2017




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Initiatives for

InsurTech Innovation

Page 2: @BEM: Initiatives for InsurTech Innovation


We tend to think of the United States, and sometimes Europe, as the hub of innovation, but technology has made it inexpensive and easy to build a business from anywhere, and risk-tolerant investors are looking overseas for new opportunities.

On top of that, there is a big market opportunity: in 2015, Insurance in Brazil was a USD 74.4B market(*), but representing only 1.3% of the GDP.

Moreover, most of the back office systems are not fully optimized for the local demands, or leveraging all opportunities.

(*) ex-DPVAT, Redeemable Life Insurance, Capitalization

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Opportunities for innovation

Now with new cloud services, social network, blockchain, IoT and chatbots platforms that make technologies more accessible, leaders from the industry are beginning to take note of the resulting profound and disruptive implications in a range of settings, including:

Distribution, Client services and assistance, Payments, Big data processing and analysis, Pricing tools, Monitoring, Anti-fraud, New products development: tailored insurance X group risk , Cross-selling,

and more…

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Now with new cloud services, social network, blockchain, IoT and chatbots platforms that make technologies more accessible, leaders from the industry are beginning to take note of the resulting profound and disruptive implications in a range of settings, including:

Distribution, Client services and assistance, Payments, Big data processing and analysis, Pricing tools, Monitoring, Anti-fraud, New products development: tailored insurance X group risk , Cross-selling,

The new Entrepreneurs

The market in Brazil is growing. While Internet penetration hits 63.7% of total population, young people are demanding Internet services at rates rivaling other global regions, and smartphone penetration is expected to break 25 percent in 2016. To cater to them, two types of companies have emerged: “Improvisers” startups adopting models that were proven successful elsewhere, with an Brazilian twist. The second group of companies, “Problem Solvers,” are focused on local challenges. Many of these companies are oriented with a social mission to better attend the new middle class.

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The market in Brazil is growing. While Internet penetration hits 63.7% of total population, young people are demanding Internet services at rates rivaling other global regions, and smartphone penetration is expected to break 25 percent in 2016. To cater to them, two types of companies have emerged: “Improvisers” startups adopting models that were proven successful elsewhere, with an Brazilian twist. The second group of companies, “Problem Solvers,” are focused on local challenges. Many of these companies are oriented with a social mission to better attend the new middle class.

How to make them work for you?


ACCELERATOR: provides to early and growth-stage companies the platform to develop, trial and prove their proposition in short (6-week) mentorship program .

INCUBATOR PROGRAM: provides co-working space, seed capital, and mentoring for a longer period .

INVESTMENT FUND: strategic investment in growth-companies.


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Is an Innovation Initiative Builder advisory company formed by a

group of visionary professionals:

Who can help you

Product Designers PMO TeamLeader Partners

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Corporate and C-level Mentoring

New business opportunities advisoring

Build products and services based on new technologies

On demand solution: Chatbots, IoT, Blockchain, Payment solutions

Corporate Venture Initiatives Management

Venture Capital Management

Our offerings

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