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Cornerstone Family Dentistry 1470 SW Knoll Avenue Suite 103 Bend, Oregon 97702 (541) 389-2885 Cornerstone Family Dentistry is a private dental practice located in Bend, Oregon and founded by Yoli Di Giulio D.M.D. Her practice concentrates on general and cosmetic dentistry, and she created this bend dental office with passion and the vision of creating a dental practice that treats every patient individually and with comprehensive first-rate care.


Page 1: Bend Dentist

Know The Reasons For Going To ABend Implant Dentist

You need an alternative to replace teeth that are missing. Nowadays implants have become

more popular than dentures and crowns. Hence, the best option is to approach a Bend

Implant Dentist. Implants are not the only solution for missing teeth. But they can also help

solve problems related to jaw joints, those that are likely to arise from the shifting of teeth.

After introducing implants, your face no longer appears to be sunken. You can improve your

ability to chew, with a solution that is more permanent than either crown or dentures.

A Source of Support

It is important to understand the technique that guides the installation and introduction of

implants. If you go to a Bend Implant Dentist; then, you will find that he surgically attaches

the implant to the bone of your jaw. The implant thus introduced is used for holding the

artificial tooth. The top part is used for holding the artificial tooth. You can even use an

extensive set of implants for supporting more than one tooth. In that case, implant serves

as a stable foundationfor a sequence of teeth. Thus, in this way, instead of having a

removable bridge, you have one that is fixed. In this case, implant serves as a source of


The Beneficial Features

There are aged customers who don’t even have a single natural tooth. If you are one of

those, you have every reason to solicit the expertise of the Bend Implant Dentist. That’s

because the implants have the potential to fortify an entire set of detachable dentures. With

the use and introduction of dentures, you can give a new look and luster to your face that

was appearing sunk, all this while. Most importantly, implants make up for the gap caused

by misplaced teeth. Now that the dentist has introduced the implant, as the primary source

of support; the gaps not only go away, but you can also chew and smile with lots more

confidence than before.

Points To Remember

You may instantly decide to install implants, but do bear in mind that the proposition takes

long-term planning and preparation. Here again, the Bend Implant Dentist is supposed to

inform you of the total healing time. After the introduction of implants, it takes six months’

time for the surgically introduced implant to heal. Only after six months can you think of

adding the false set of teeth. But then, it pays to wait for the said time span of six months.

You already know the reasons why the implanted teeth that you have are as good as the

natural set of teeth that you have lost.

Change Your Smile

In case, the price is not a cause of constraint; then dental implants are supposed to be the

best option. If you have to choose between the removable bridge and dental implant; then,

it is better to opt for implants. But then, you should be in a position to undertake the

ordeals of surgery.

Page 2: Bend Dentist

Does Bend Family Dentist Have Several Roles To Play?

You are proud of your radiant smile. It is fine that you are smiling, but you should be in a

position to retain the glistening luster of that smile. With a regular and timely visit to the

Bend Family Dentist, you do stand the chance of smiling forever. Well, some issues come in

the way of a healthy smile. Just think of the prospect of plague accumulation.

Undertakes a Detailed Examination

You learn why and how it is important to arrest the accumulation of plague, and thereby

keep the oral space (including the teeth and gum) healthy. With regular dental checkups,

you can keep yourself and your family away from serious issues and ailments including oral

cancer, and gum related diseases. In the course of an examination, the Bend Family Dentist

makes it a point to get x-rays. With the help of electromagnetic images, he can detect and

determine the symptoms of infection. Signs and symptoms of gum recession, tooth decays,

and other anomalies also come to the light. All these take place, in the course of your visit

to the dentist.

Brings The Causes To Light

So, now you know why it is important to you and your family members to visit the Bend

Dentist, on a regular basis. Young children including the school going kids and teenagers are

all too likely to develop cavities. The dentist not only adopts treatment measures for getting

the cavities filled up but also highlights the importance of practicing a good oral hygiene. In

this context, it is worth mentioning that the dietary habit that you are used to is

significantly responsible for influencing your oral health. If your kids are more prone to

taking processed food than those that are high in nutrition; then they are most susceptible

to developing cavities. The dentist is supposed to bring these dietary fads and fallacies to

the light.

Highlights The Role of Nutrition

In the course of your regular visit, you can expect the Bend Dentist to adopt nutrition

strategies which are conducive for healthy gum and teeth. For instance, you are likely to

have periodontal diseases if your blood level has a shortage of vitamin. Similarly important

is the role of minerals. In other words, you should focus on maintaining a dietary plan that

includes sufficient amount of vitamin, in addition to mineral and protein. Besides playing an

educative role, the family dentist of yours is also supposed to refer your case to the relevant


Makes Necessary References

There are occasions when you may need the involvement and intervention of orthodontist

because your dentures may necessitate straightening. Then, you may be in the dire need

for root canal therapy. Here again, the family dentist will turn out to be the decision maker

in referring your case to an endodontist. If you need cosmetic correction or oral surgery;

then, you first need to solicit the counseling of your family dentist, who in turn, will refer

your case to a dental surgeon.

Page 3: Bend Dentist

Techniques Used By Bend Cosmetic Dentist

It is of importance to maintain good dental hygiene. With that, you can feel lots better

about your oral health. But then it is equally important to have a beautiful smiling mouth,

one that smiles and shimmers, in confidence. You may not be naturally blessed with a

glistening set of teeth that looks flawless in its appeal and organization. But then it is

possible to do away with the defective issues, and give a new look and dimension to your

denture. Rapid advancement in dental science and technology is responsible for making the

different. If you visit a Bend Cosmetic Dentist, then you will find that he makes use of the

updated tools and techniques.

Discover The Difference

You may have failed to smile with confidence, but you can see the difference for yourself

after your teeth undergo the process of whitening. Tooth whitening is not the only aspect

that the Bend Cosmetic Dentist addresses. The cosmetic dentistry also has the provisions

for shaping and closing spaces that exist within teeth. As a result, of these techniques, your

smile not only improves, by numerous counts but you appear more beautiful than before. It

is a fact that cosmetic dentistry can cause remarkable changes in your outlook.

Relevance of Bonding

Be it the question of doing away with the gaps or giving a new shape to teeth that you

have. Either way, you will feel more confident than what you previously felt. The prospect,

in turn, goes to make way for improved social as well as economic opportunities. So now

you know why you have to be thankful to your Bend Cosmetic Dentist.

Details of The Technique

It is just not possible to look beautiful if you have one or more than one chipped or broken

tooth. Here again, the dentist will use the bonding technique to cover up the defects. The

procedure is easy to carry out. You hardly require more than one visit to the Bend Cosmetic

Dentist to accomplish the process. First, the dentist prepares a solution for etching, and

then he applies the solution to the affected tooth/teeth. The dentist then makes use of

colored materials for covering the chipped tooth. Materials used are similar in color to the

natural color of tooth. The colored materials are applied to the teeth’s surface.

Usage of Veneers

Cosmetic dentistry makes frequent use of whitening and bonding. These are two of the most

commonly used techniques. It is also customary to use veneers for covering up spaces that

exist between teeth. In fact, if you have to make a choice between bonding and installation

of veneers; then it is always better to opt for veneers because these serve as a long-term,

cost-effective solution for teeth that have spaces, or have become permanently stained. You

can also overcome the issue of teeth chipping by using veneers. The concept comes in

handy for teeth that are poor or crooked in shape.

Page 4: Bend Dentist

Glimpse Into The Details Of The Bend Teeth Whitening

With the passage of time, teeth tend to get stained. Age is not the only factor of staining. If

you are not careful about maintaining good dental hygiene, then staining is likely to take

place. Using tobacco and taking caffeinated beverages are two other reasons for dental

decay and discoloration. But once the staining has set in, what should you do? The only

alternative is to approach the Bend Teeth Whitening facility. It can provide you with the

solution that you have been looking for, and undertake the process of whitening. But the

success rate of tooth whitening is dependent on large numbers of factors.

Preparation Is Necessary

For instance, if you have cavities; then the dentist has to address the issue before starting

off with the whitening process. Similarly the problems of dental decay and gum recession

need treatment before the whitening process can take place. If you have a gum related

problem such as recession; then the use of whitening agents will make your teeth more

sensitive than before. So, treatment of these odds and issues is a necessary prerequisite.

You should also remember that whitening doesn’t yield results if you have porcelain-made

veneers. Similarly, if you use a ceramic crown; then also whitening will not produce

desirable effects.

The Different Steps

The process of whitening has to follow a sequential series of steps. The Bend Teeth

Whitening service is particular about following these steps. As soon as you visit the dentist’s

office; he will make it a point to take a photograph of your teeth. The photograph helps him

to keep a check on the rate of progress. Just as you can see the difference that results after

whitening; similarly, he can analyze the outcomes for himself. The dentist also ascertains

the cause of discoloration, after making an in-depth examination of your teeth. Cleaning of

teeth and removing the bacterial and plaque buildup are two of the other steps. The dentist

gets your teeth cleaned, and bacteria removed, before beginning the whitening process.

Two Leading Methods

It is important to select the most appropriate whitening gel, one that goes well with the

type and nature of your teeth. The Bend Teeth Whitening facility is particular about

choosing the most suitable solution. The dentist goes according to the needs of the

situation, and may also prefer whitening strips over gel as the former may serve the needs

of a few special cases. There are two basic categories of whitening. Here again, the dental

facility goes according to the needs of the patients. For the teeth with live nerves, the

dentist selects the process of vital whitening. On the other hand, for teeth that have

undergone root canal therapy, whitening of the non vital type is used.

Total Time Taken

In the course of vital whitening, the surface of your tooth comes in direct contact with the

gel formation. Non vital form of whitening is a bit different from the vital form. If you visit

the Bend Teeth Whitening; then, you will see that whitening of tooth that has undergone

root canal therapy takes place with the placement of a filling agent.