bend sons. beos, - · sui'biuyevening. jone 23 1900.. localmatters....

SUI'BIUY EVENING. JONE 23 1900. . LOCAL MATTERS. ~«»-?ubecribere who fail to receive the O·· ietto regularly will pleaao report promptly at _ U raes tomorrow at 4:42 ¦ m taxi , 7 i_* r·. m. High «ater at fitfhi a, ro. ,,.< ¦-, :s p, m. . . mm ¦»¦- ¦l ¡'KOB4RII.ITIKS . For ::.i .j lain* iftnt.i and sunday; cooler iii*.h uortliaastoilf wind«, Church Skrvickh, ¿fcc.# Sunday _( : i-i Church..Services at 11a. in. ao.i S:45 p. m. by R*v. Berrvman (Jreen. ? i'aul'» Church..Holy communion Service at 11 a.m. by Rev. \ i,ndall and 5:30 p. m. by Rev! \\ ?. l'mllips. '«'nice (7iurcA..Holy oommunloo7:15 a. m Services at 11 a. m. by Rev. J. \V. ? tchell and 8 p. m. by Rev. C. E lu ? Mary's Church..First Mass at 7 a m. Solemn timh mas« at 10:30 a. m. and -. rmon by Rev. Father J. Con- »ii, ^ J. Vtsnets at 4 p. m. iommì Lutheran Church..Regular ? «? lia. m. in Euglieb by Rey. M L Luecke. Service in German at m. Irsssy«Wsw Church..Sunday ut v:M a. m. Services at 11 a.m. an.i 8 ?», m. bv Rev. F J. Brooke. Church. . Suiidavsohool at ·. m. P.eeobing at 11 a. n. and 8 μ. iu. by Rev. Dr. U. L. Huut. y \leth. Epi*. Church..Sunday 9-J3Û a. m. Preaching at 11 ·». u- and 8 p. m. y Rev. J. A. JetJere. g Peoples' prayer meeting at 7 p. in. \l ih. Epi*. Church South..9:15 a. m. - «y acbool. Services at 11 a. m l>. m. by Rev. E. V. ReRest er. I'rot. Church..9:15 a. m. Sun- >ol. Services at 11 a m. and bv liev. E. A. Warfield. . Methodist Church.Lee street, VVilkes..Services at 11 a. ra. and p. m. by Rev. Vlr C+meroD. age Chapel, M. E. Church South.. ¦a street near Alfred..Class meeiiug at y a. m. Sunday school at p, m. Hay Chapel, M. E. Church South.. lay school at 2:30. Epworlh League al S p. m. Meeting at Midland Railroad reading r oms at 4 p. m. Service of prayer anu c with a short address. Alms House..Services at 3 p. m. '¦¦ade Chapel, Protestant Episcopal ( vlored)..Sunday sohool at 3 p. m. Kvening prayer and sermon with ad¬ ministering ol holy confirmation by R li v. Robt. A. Gibeon, D. D., at 3:30 p m. Roberte Chapel, ?. E. Church (colored) G:«.aching at 11 a. m. and at 7.30 p. m. Musicale.-The pupils of Mr. Wm. H. >tartiell'e music cla->e gave their turd annual musicale at tbe Opera House last night. Tbe stage was ar¬ tistically decorated which gave it a very home like appearance, thus mak¬ ing trie pupils feel more at ease. Bpaoi will not allow special mention of the playing of each of the pupil«, but suffice it to say that all accquitted themselves most ad¬ mirably and reflected muoh credit upon their teacher. The pupils were assisted in their evening's entertain¬ ment by vocal selections by some of Alexandria and Washington's bes talent. The trio, "O, Restless Sea," sun¿ by Mise Nellie McNulty, Mr. Cbas. Moore and Mr. Walter Birch, all of Wasbinglou, was beautifully rendered, their voioee blending most harmonious¬ ly. Mi«s Florence Sullivan appeared before tbe footlights for the first time as a contralto soloist and ber rendition of "The Song of the Heart," wa« con¬ sidered excellent and showed oil to good advantage tbe rich quality of her VOICe. She was warmly eocored and sung in fine style Bartlet's "Dream." Tbe duet, "O That we Two Were May¬ ing," sung by Mise Greeowell and Mr. Bench, proved them both to be artists of rare ability. Their number wa« most highly appreciated by tbe large audience. Mia« McNulty was also heard to good advantage ia tbe solo "For All Eternity." She has a voice of great power and sweetness and ber range is considered above tbe ordinary. Mr. Chas. Moore came in for hie share of the applause of the audience. He has gained a well deserved reputation among tbe music loving people of this cry aud be may always be eure of a warm welcome. Last but not least we would mention tbe solo, "Proposal," Bung by Mr. Walter Birch. He is well known to Alexandria audiences and hie voice never fails to satisfy. He was in good voice last ni«ht and did mnple justice to hie selection. The ac- companimente were played by Prof. Hberman Fowler in hie usual good style. Washington Garbage..Mr. Joshua N. Warfield bae submitted to the Com¬ missioners of the District of Columbia a new proposition for continuing the work ol removing and disposing of gar¬ bage and dead animale until December 1, at whiob time it is confidently expect¬ ed Mr. Marvin Chamberlain, tbe new contractor, will have completed bis plant for the disposal of tbe refuse. Mr. Warfitdd'e fir t propoeition wae to do the work lor $35,744. Yesterday be replaced thie figure with a proposition to do the work for $35,800. The increase of $r>6 ie to cover tbe expenses of pro¬ viding canvas tope for the soowe on which tbe garbage ie moved down the river. In hie yeeterday'e proposition he agrees to waive tbe condition named in the first one, that be should be per¬ mitted to aoload such garbage as might he desired at Giesboro Point. It ie un¬ derstood ble second proposition will be accepted by the Commissioners. feT. Mart's Church..Tomorrow morning at tbe 10:30 o'clock service at St Mary's Church eolemn high ma^s will be celebrated, with Rev. H. J. Cutler as celebrant; Rev. J. Cooway, deacon, and Rev. W. Coleman, sab- deacon. Rev. Father Conway, of Gon zaga College, Washington, will deliver the sermon. Doting the servtcee tbe handsome etained glass, recently put in as a memorial to Rev. Fathers L»e Wolf and Keating, will be unveiled. Tbe exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will close after vespers tomorrow. The Bea* Pr«e«»oHpttoii for OhilU »nd Fever a bottle of Gaova*· Tastile« Chiù. Tomo. It la «imply Iron and quinine 'n a taetelaae form. No ear·.no pay. 60c Ivy poisoning, poUon wound« and all other accidental injuries may qeickly «urea by using DeWitfe Witch Haael Salve. It also a certain our« for pli·· »nd skin diseases. Take no other t_, To Cur* Constipation Forever. Take Casca rets Cand ? Cathartic. 10c or 25a tl GO 0. t^tcauaà.at\i£a.uài»rox\ìoiiwooc9. M. E. Ci u roh South..The ?. E. Church Sou h was tilled last nìRht with an audience to hear Bishop Cand- ler'saddr«»* on the 20th century er}«, catinn fund. After a solo by Miss Pol¬ lard the congr» BH'ion joined in singing a hymn, a'ter w> ich R*v. D. L. Retri of Poole*viile, Md.. led in prayer. This was followed by ? ahop C »tidier, who siart>d out »y giving a thvory of tbe 20lh ceururv movement, which he sai I was started in view of t he many mercies and blessingsaho?eredupou the people called Methodists duriug tbe last cec- tury and the added tesponsibiliiy that bad come upon them at the close of the century which called upon the people to bring and lay upon God's altar nome portiou of tneir worldly possessions, as a thank otiVriog. This fund in South¬ ern Methodism is to be dt-voted chit fly to educational purpose*. Ho then took bis text from E-uher 4tu chap. 13oh and Hthversesand preached t sermou whioh was full of pithy sayings aud rich in go»-pel truth*. At theolose a collection waa lifted amounlinc to about $1,600. Grounded Circuit»..Mr. W. C. Alleu, the District ol Columbi* electri¬ cal eugineer, has advined tbe commis sioners:lut the Washington, Aiexan dria and «Hi. Vernon Electric Railway Company should not i>e permitted to connect grounded circuit macuines to us metallic circuit system within tbe city limits. This wouid nappen, says Mr. Allen, if the company should op¬ erate the city potttaa oliti rohd from trolley wir*e coming over tne Long Bridge from Us Virginia power house. To peim>t :he company to do thi-, Mr. Alleu belifVeH, Wuuld further compii cale tbe Situation regarding the pre¬ lection of underground pipes and cables. Eveiyihing possible should he dont, he urges, to protect these pipes and ca les, and he is. therefore, strong- ly oi the opinion that tho compiili) V propo'ed method of operating the ci'y portion of its lines should not be pet· mitted. It is understood the recom¬ mandations of Mr. Alleu will bo ap¬ proved by tbe comuiissionort?. Personal..Mies Sue Atbey, of Leeeburg, is visiting friends in this city. Mr. Arthur H. Mitchell, of this city, has been appointed mttuager of tbe Postal Telegraph office here, vice Mr. C. R. Hoy* r, who han been transferred to ibe Richmond (thee. Mr. Mitchell is a native ot A exandria, hut has olk late been employed iu North Carolina. Miss Loui.-o Bowie is «Ftti wig tier aunt, Mrs. M. A. Wood, near Sperry· ville. Miss Nannie Jones, of this city, at the recent commencement of Mount I)a Sales Convent, where she attended school,was medalist of the French das-, an honor but rarely obtained in the history of tha school. Mr. W. A. Cnrietian id iu the city vis- iting relatives. Mr. ?. L. ' ogan bas tone to Oreenbrier White Sulphur bpnn«/e t.-r sevoiai w okf. Mr. It 15*«.i, jr., continuos ill with typhoid fever at his former tunic iu Owrgetown. Excursion to (??e May..News¬ paper men ol Baltimore, Wnshiligion, Wilmington, Del., Puiiudolphia, Wash¬ ington, Alexaiiiiria and other places will be the guests of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company at Cape May for three days, beginning today. Tnere will also be some newspaper women in the party, and the men will be accom¬ panied by their wives or other members of their families. Tue party will num¬ ber over a hundred. Tne special tram left Washington at 9:30 taie morning stopping at Baltimore and Wilmington. ?a arrival in Philadelphia luncheon was served at the Broad street station restuarant. Wnile at Cape May the en¬ tire party will be entertained at tbe well-known Stockton Hotel. The spec¬ ial train will leave Cipe May at eleven o'clock Tuesday morning lor tbe home¬ ward trip. A Serious Accident..A little boy named Marvin Markey, 12 years Old, son of Mr. Isadort« Markey, baggage master on tbe South¬ ern Railway, was the victim of a serious accident this morning, resulting from hanging to a moving wagon. Tbe vehicle had reached this city from the country and the driver was engaged in selling produce on south Washington street when the lit¬ tle fellow ran after it and clung to the tail board. One of bis legs wad caught in tbe revolving wheel and the 11 sh twisted almost from the hone.the lot ter, in fact, being canst d to protrili:!'. The boy was picked up by some per¬ sons who witnessed the accident aud Drs. Jones aid O'Brien summoned. They found that apart fro ? uuly flesh wounds the child had sustained a se¬ rious compound fracture of the knee joint. Property Sales..Capt. R. F. Knox sold at auction today a farm containing about 33 acres of land with good dwell¬ ing house, barn and otber outbuildings thereon, situated in Mt.Vernon district, Fairfax county, property of the late Geo. Baylies, to Mr, Joseph Fahenline for $1,625. Mr. S. H. hunt offered for sale at auction today in separate parcels, all the real estate property of the lite I. C. O'Neal, but withdrew the same from tbe Insufficiency of bids. The personul property of the deceased, a gold watch and chain was sold to Mr. Louie O'Neal forf&ó. Land near Gum Springs, property oi Lovelace Brown, was also offered for aale by Mr. Samuel H. Lunt, but with¬ drawn for want of bi 1s. A Brakeman Iniurkd.Mr. Kid- well, a braaeman on tbe Southern Railway.wasseriously hurt lart night at Burke's station by slipping from the top of a freight oar to the tender of an en¬ gine. In his fall Mr. Kulwell's abdo¬ men oame in violent contact with the side of the tender. He was picked up in an unconscious condition by the train hands and later was sent to his home, 1313 Duke street, where be was attend¬ ed by Dr. O'Brien. A LONG Walk..A man named Har¬ ris, wbo says his borne is iu Pennsylva¬ nia, oame to tie s'ation house last night in a pitiable cot di oa, after havirg walked from Richmond to thin city. His feet were in a terrible condition, so much so that a physician bad to be summoned. Harris could give no coherent account of himself, and it is supposed be is laboring under some mental trouble. . · » » The 1114 eloctiic train from Mr. Vein m wa* detainrd about ha fan hour roar Wel¬ lington station, by the trolley wire falling. All who suffer from piles will be glad to to learo that leWitt's Witch H»w»i 8»lve will live them instant »nd pormnent relief. It will iure ecaema and all «kin disease*. Be¬ ware of counterfoil*. No-Toit»* lor lift} Oeste Guaranteed lolataoo nablt cure, makes we** .baoooiMtft. **.·*· t*aJrti*T»M DRY GOODS. LANSBURGH & BRO., Washington'« Favorite Store. Extraordinary Clearing Sale of Boys' Wash Clothing. All onr $1 and$l.'25 Blou-e Huit« mado of flue «alato· ami cheviot, iksil to 10, to closo. 63c suit Allour$1.3Hand $150 Blouse suit«, in striked cheviots warranted fait oolor sir.os 3 to 10, to closo, 79c suit. All our $175 Blouo Suit», in imported j cheviots, laigc variety, fi/.es I lo 10, to «lose, ' $1.17. ¡ A 1 our $2 Itluu«o Huit«, in Engli-«h crash, with brown or blue trimuiini;'', sizes, 3 fo 10 I to «lose, $1.11) Douliled-tireasteil Wash Suits, Sizes 7 to 15. ^A line of well-made crash suit«, ti cIo»e, 67c suit. A line of well-male English ("rash Huit«, nicely cut. to dfsa, H,'lc «uit. * lino of suini Ch. ki.l heviot, 'z. t «col¬ or, to elfso, Hue r-uit 500 Salts of Farf··· Kieo Pacts, He pjir. 3f>0 pairs Cheviot and »'rauh Pauls, 2 pars for 25«·. 980 piirs English Crash ani Oalstm PanH 21c pair 1G.0 Crssb Golf Caps. i>c eaeh. 235 «laik fotta« Shir· (?*** '\ fur 25c (Bays' Department.Thud Fioor.) Free Daily Deliveries to Alexandria. Lansburgh&Bro., 420 to 426 Seventh street, WASHINGTON', D. C. Masonic.At the meeting of An¬ drew Jackson Lodge ol Mi 01m laet Thursday niebr .h« worshipfol master, senior and JQBtOf ward« nn, necrettry and tn-asur r were eiecied. The fol- lowiug 1 Bosn v>avH sine* be>< ap¬ pointed : B.fOf Deoobe, R.D. W.ittles; Junior Deacon, J. E. W. Timbernur; Steward«, J E. King and Geo. E War- field; TiJer, W. A. Moore The instal¬ lation of officers will take place at 7:15 Monday evening. Alexandria-Wash¬ ington Lodge will hold its installation .t 8 o'clock end the Coinmandery at 8:30 o'clock the same niaht Thk Lath Hugh Chaklfs Fmith . The death at Wnverly. Muus, olHngh C.iarles Smith, jr., eon of Hush Chae. Smith, who formerly resided In this city, wae announced in yesterday's Ga¬ zette. The remains were brought here today aud buried a' Ivy Hill Thefetni- ly was once a very large acd iufltieniial one in Alexandria, carrying oo several kiDdh of business ou a large scale, hut nearly all of ite members have now passed away, ^omeaiil reside in Balti¬ more and a few here. Missionary ckbmon. .Mr. lasse E. Yo- hanuon, » uuUv» ot UroevrU, Pania and a candidato for tln> muniiry under the care of ùnt Hanover Pr«sbytcry and a éludent ol Onion Theological K«mins»y. Richmond, will deliver an addresaon loreigii missions in the rocond Presbyterian Church tomorrow morn- ini; at 11 o'clock, ani wi 1 proach at nijtht Mr Yohannon in tilting himself to re¬ turn as a missionary to his own anintry and has one moro year of preparation 111 tho sein:- naiy. Try those delicious devilled crabs prepared at ammoi's Restaurant, I ynntiavon hard thill crabs steamed twi<o daily. Soft rh II ero In on toisf. L'ttle ncrk clams. Claras «nd oysters in all stjlüs. Homo 'phono 03. LOCAL BREVITIES. There were no cases for trial in the Police Court tlin morning. Two lodgers were accommodated at the station house las: night. The funeral ol the late Capt. J. H. Beaoh will take place tomorrow after¬ noon from hie late horn' on south Lee street. Rev. B. F. Bidirjger, the recently ap¬ pointed eynodical evangelist, the suc¬ cessor io thet field to Dr. Brooke, will work in this Presbytery during July and Auguel..Presbyterian. At a meeting of Potomac Post, No. 11, G. A. R., held in Washington last uight, resolutions favoring the con ht ruction of the proposed memorial bridge were unanimously adopted. The services at St. Mary's Cuurch last night attrae'ed a large congrega¬ tion. Consecration services were con- ftacied by Rev. J. H. Cutler, tbe rector. Hign muss now take? place every morn¬ ing while the devotion of the Forty Hours ie in progress. The handsome eloop Ella Treadwell wee sold several days ago by Mr. Wil¬ liam A. Mills, of Washington, to Messrs. (Jeorge A. Neifzy and William A. Far- rell of this city. The Treadwell wae in her day one of the fastest vessels of her class on the Potomac, and won many races in the latter part of the year 1S70 and in the early '80s. Thus far only 420 do«- licensee have been istued, although the city, judging from the number of dogs running at largo, baa almost as large a population of th» canine as of the human race, Mrs. Martha Barns, living on Wilkos street, between Fairfax and Leo, fell from a ladder at her home this morning and sustained se¬ rious injuries, bhe was a'tendod by Dr. Kllp- stcin. The steamer Dennis Simmons, which plies between this port and Williamson, N. C, was inspected by government cm'core this af- tornoon. The Norton Manufacturing Company held a mooting in this city yis.erday and elected othcers. Tboy wero all vVaehiugtonians Mrs. Hayes, living in the south western part of the city, lost a pockotbook containing $67 last night. 8ee Messrs. Isaac Eichborg A Bon's adver¬ tisement of trunks in today's Qasette. TO CURB A GOLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if It fail· to cure E W. O roves'» signature on each box. 2fte. Neglect is the short step so many take from a cough or cold to consumption. Tbe early nee of ( ne Minute Cough Cure, prev. nta consumption. It is the only naimless rumedv that give« immediate results. It cures all throat and lnr.g trouble·. Children all like it and mothers endone it. Ilon't To' mroSiiit »ml Mimi.·.· ? nur lite Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, 1·? mag Detta, füllet life, ner\<; and rigor, take No-To ilac, the wonder-worker, tlifit makes weak men strong. All rtruppists,M>c orli. Cureguaran- teed. Booklet and sample free. Address lawlira Baxr*û» Oa taut*«« or r*ew Yoty Unles« food is digested quickly it will fer· ment and irritate the stomach Alter each meal take a toaspoonfnl of Kedn! Dyspepsia t ure. It digests what you eat and will allow you to eat all you need of what you like It never (ails to cure the worst case· of dyspep¬ sia. It is pleasant to take. WANTS. W~Tntíd quickly -a ran hand* to work In the factory. Experienced bend« preferred; temporary work. Apply this afternoon, if possi hie. je23 2t HILL BAKEBY. DKY ÜOODS. D. Bend heim &. Sons. :0·~ A Strong Array of Specials. .'t9c I «dies' Putnmcr ( orseta at. 25c 4Í).· Ladle«' Crash i-kirtn M.mZoC OHc Ladiee' Covort Cloth i-kirUi »t.... '"C 98c Navy Blue Dur k sklrt>, »t..0"C r>OcL«dic*· 8birt Waist.« at.....«^"^ 12V White Pi.jiie. in remnant« r-tO/^C l<)c Tabbithl Cloth, remnants fJï/ r> Í^IOÜ yards, at.¦ ¿72** 10c Ladie-' Black and Tan Heatnleas JTft Hoer. at........ .»*** l«5c lliys' and Olrls' Faat B'wk, 'u 1 qo*m- le«*, Dotili e Knee ???? hiae« Sto t ?? 9% »t._.*vt 5<· Ludica' Kot! Li«le ????, plslu OC/"» i!roi*titchod, at.ß»...'.1·'*' 12V OinU' Fuü ftcamlc·"» Fine |Ap MM -cm 1.- black and tans, ¦* - G * "·» 35 and (lau Tin· talk (if the dty amongst th» ladles our 5c Dress Ginghams The hist lot. one hundred pieces, go, ON SALE THIS WEEK.' t nel All-wíroi Bine Twilled Flan-Q/^ /r\ I, for Batblng Suit«...«¿UL yU' Fine Black Batiste, worth 15c q j White Hotted MwifSfs, atJ 2/^C yd, N'ew lot Whit« Organdy remnant«, ? p- doible width, at .IOC A Peautlful L'ue ¿ïïi.'.ï..IOandl2Jicl I The Popol r "Fonlardinee." in \r\\/ * I the latest «tylee, at.IZ/2CI ValencenneeLeioelOC CiOZ yds. Odd lot B. ? ? , »ni W B Corsets, £» r worth 76c »nd $1.00, at.OOO Crash Suits, at. .O^C Y Q . India Linens, 10 inrhoe wide, a big q bargain, at.^..OC D.Bendheim&Sons, 316 KING STREET, ALEXANDRIA VIRGINIA. DRY COODH. I.Eichberg&Son's Special Sale of Strong, Honestly-built TRUNKS. All trunks may look alike to tho nntnitiated, i>m there*! ¦ great dif¬ ference In thoir o instruction. Our trunks are substantially built from l'osi materiale, and are just ? good M they look, They're built to with¬ stand ju-t such hard usage to the bag· gage smasher In throwing the trunks out of the car. Lot I, $&60 Trunk DOW $2^5. Lot 2, $2.7;'. " " $260. Lot 3, $5.00 M " 12.76, Lot 4, $'..2·'. " " $8-00. Lot 5,$4.00 M " tWh These are canvvs>covered Trunk-, .strong and serviceable. Canvae-eovered Trunks with braes trimmings, with two straps on each. Lot 1, $160 Trunk now$4.00. Lot 2, 5 00 M " *U0. Lot 3, f,.:>0 M " 5.00. Ask to fee tho Roller Tray Trunk. Al-o Satchel·, VaÜM- and Tele¬ scopes. "The ; Dixie" Mosquito Frames and Nets. The hUetl novelty in a canopy which is easily attached to any style Of wood, bra**, iron or folding bed, without defacing the same. Althougwger.' feaWdoced,«« is be- ing adopted by t.'.COU. kjeoees, .IK «ppianooa, v- ·. hotels aud hospital·! in M , y where it is shown. It requires no step ladderto put it up and is always in working on ¡er. (..Cole's Patent ") I.Eichberg&Son. I>KY U00D8. Pennsylvania A venue and Seventh st., Washington, D. C. Extraordinary Specials in Boys' Clothing. Afl the season grows older the op¬ portunities grow greater. The pur- cnaslng power of our dollar grows stronger, bringing ¡privileges for your advantage and your -aving that the most enterprising selling has been unable to accomplish before. Thus Saturday should tint! every parent of a boy ear¬ ly at our counters pluckinti thrxe plums. . 100 Boys' Nee* Check .Cheviot Double-breasted and Brownie Suits ; the Brownies made In both t'jf pop¬ ular styles, with small coat collar or wide sailor collar trimmed with braid. There are all sizes from 8 to 16 years and every suit in this lot is worth $2. With <g 1 1 Q special choice for . . · * ... Roys' gnaranteedWashington Mills Blue Serge Suits, strictly all wool fait co'or. made up in Double-breast- ed Rrownie and Sailor styles; some silked Aced; others braid[Irlmmedj all thoroughly reliable and gentee y dressy Suits;' all sices. Everybody quotes them as worth Mio What a bargain CO KO to buy them for · . . .P-*'·«-7^ Boys' Light and Dark Rlue Striped Wash Sailor Suits, with full cut blouse and eyerr seam carefully BOW« ed and finishe«!. Full line of sizes. Splendid value for 30c. Spe- O %C.\ cial for tomorrow .... ^*^^ A number of small Ots of Boys' Wash Sailor Suits, in plain white aud fancy effects; suits that have had ready aale at II..V), $2 and $2.ó0 ; -i/.es range from 3 to 12 years. Ajir> Choice.*1O«L< Roys' Wash Knee Pants, 260 pairs, cut and made properly ; sizes 4 to 14 year- ; worth 2"x· a pair. Spe- 11/-» cial lor Saturday . . · · 1 lv Pally Free DeUverie* are Made In Al· exandrin direct to jour doors. Saks & Company. ^JiBOCERLrM._ EfTRammy Seil* the Beet. 5 Half Barrels POTOMAC SHAD FOB SALE BY G.WM. RAMSAY Cox & Gordon's Fine Sugar-Cured Hams, SMALL AND MEDIUM 8IZES. (4. WM. RAMSAY VERY FINE AMERICAN GINGER! ALE, 75 Cents a Dozen. G.WM.RAMSAY. VERY FINE NEW Roe Herring AND SHAD ROE. PRICE i COI PACKING. 130 PACKAGES. BARRELS, HALVES AND KITS. G.WM.RAMSAY. DRY GOODS._I ____ DRY GOODS. ___ SWAN BEOS, SUCCESSORS TO J. ?*. CK^PMAJN- KING NEAR PITT STREET. ONE PRICE ONLY. Your money refunded cheerfully on any unsatisfactory purchase We are always prepared to «cash railroad checks, school totehaw1 checks and pension cheeks gratis. White Goods. 15c yard. We otfer at specially reduced prieos^two pieces very pretty white goods, 2rt-iu. wide, very suitable for waists. Special price. White Duck We are showing «omeelegantqualitv Whito Ducb, 30-in. wide, just the proper material for summer rkirts. Exceptionally low in price for like quality. 10c and 12 l-2c yard Linen Crash. ived recer For skirt all linen. 12 1-2,20, and 25c yd. Beceived recently is several pieces of Linen Crash. For skirts. Elegant quality, and gnar· anteed all linen. Waist Linen. We offer a genuine bargain in Waist Linen, a material which is very sheer and suitable for waists. Worth 2«5c a yard. Only 12 l-2c yd. Batchers' Linen. The best quality White Butchers' Linen. .35c yd. Bosom Linen. An unusually fino quality Shirt Bosom Lin¬ en. Every thread guaranteed. All pure linen, 36-in. wide. 50c yd. Toweling. A good Cotton Crash for 5c yd. Linen Crash. All Linen Crash for towols, splendid quality 6,8, 10 and 12-12c yd. India Linen. We have three oxee lent bargain« 40-in India Linens, all splondid quality, and veiy low in price. 6 1-2, S 1-2 and 10c yd. Mosquito Netting. All colors of Mosquito Netting, the best quality. Sold by the yard or by tho bolt, 8 yards to the bolt. 45c. Velvet Ribbon. Whit« polka dot Velvet Ribbon, satin back. Very fine quality. 22 and 25c yd White Satin Ribbon. An extra quality of double far« Whit«· gitili Ribbon, 3 in« lies wide. Very roasonhlo for this quality 39c yd. Remnents. We offer many SPECIAL BARGAINS in remnants. Lots of them will be found near the h<tlf price mark .as fol'oas Light and dark Calia*.t'4<· Y»nl. Good Hootch I.awns..4'.>' KlegaHt Dimity Lawns.^....7·· " Good Apron Gingham...«'v " One yard wide Percales.Ö'sjc " Good Dress Ginghams.M.6 "¿e Bate·'Seersucker Ginghams.^'^c 8plendid White Pique._7V " " ....}>V " " ..... ...... ??? " Elegant White Organdie.10c Check and «tripod white Dimity.·.\< " " " " " "^c " .0V " Gcol Unbleached Cotton.3\e Heavy Cotion Crash.4c Inserting« and Edgings.·.·.;"><¦ ·« '. elf. " " ......7c Men's Department. Wo endeavor to keep a line of everything stylish and up-todi\te for the men folks, and quote a few solidale bo below. Hen's bummer-weight Cambric Night Bob" Very light and oool. 50c each. Men's finest quality Cambric Night Sobos. 75c each. The new Bubber Col ¡are, far superior to celluloid. Very durable and comfortable. 25c each. Men's best Suspenders. 25 and 50c. Men's Balbriggan Summer Underwear 50c suit. Men's fine Lisle Underwear. $1.00 suit. SPECIAL. s H IH 75c to 49c each. We havo several down MEN'S HIGH GRADE SHIRTS, with collars attached, which wo have rodutjod from Washington Stores, 1810 and;2808 Fourteenth st. CLOTHING, FURNISHING, &c. CLOTHING FURNISHINGS, Ac. LATEST | OUT. \ We have it. j Kaufmann's Wo do*» at 7 p. m., ex-opt ol datnrday . Our Two Trump Cards.Goods the Customer Wants===Prices the Customer Likes. Crash Coats, 47c. Office Coatta, 48c. Otti re Coat», '¿5c. Crash Tranters, 4!>c Dork Trousers, $1. Flaiinoletto Coat«, $1.3!). Alpaca Coats, $1.49. Blue 8ergo Coati, $3. "" FUnnel Coate and Veste, í'i.Os. Crash Suits for Men, fili». Crash Suits Boys, M* Crash Bailor gaits, 49c. Crash Mat- an'l Caps. lOc, Boy*' Fancy Gaps, 5c. Boy«' Doable-knee Hose, 10c. Boys' Negligo Shirt«, V?·"»«.·. Nobby Imperial Tie«, i¿5c. White Lawn Boire, 5c. Poy·' Crash Pants, 9c. Brownie Overall·, 25c. Lisle Fabric Falf Hoe«·. 12ic Pocket Combs, 5c Novelty Cuff Bottora, 359, Sospender·, 50c values, at '25c. KAUFMANN'S, 402 King street. CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS. &C. CLOTHING FOB MEN Si BOYS, In all the latest styles and most reasonable prices. Spring Samples For custom work now ready. All goods marked in plain figures. R. Lee Field, One-Price Clothier and Fürniíker, No. 304 King stree' BOOTS AND 8HOE8. A $3 SHOE FOR 80 CENTS We cannot sell; but we do soll tho BEBT 8HOE8 that can possibly bo put on tbo mar¬ ket for the money. If yon want something deed swell we can give it to yon. If you want something eiv we have it. If you want something no other merchant in town has got «»me to ns for it Ladies, see our High Roots for short skirts gee oar line of Oxfords. Priée 75c to 13. French Heel euing Slippers, kid and patent leather. Gentlemen, se« our line of Hess uno bbooa at $3.«50, $4 and $5. Patent Leather Oxford« f3, $3.50, $4 and S5. We «til! bave «orne Clothing left which we will «ell below manufacturer«' cost to close. U Marshall &Bro., Leading Up-to date Shoe Dealers, 422 King street.

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Page 1: Bend Sons. BEOS, - · SUI'BIUYEVENING. JONE 23 1900.. LOCALMATTERS. ~«»-?ubecribere whofail to receivetheO·· ietto regularly will pleaao reportpromptlyat



~«»-?ubecribere who fail to receive the O··ietto regularly will pleaao report promptly at


U raes tomorrow at 4:42 ¦ m taxi, 7 i_* r·. m. High «ater at fitfhi a, ro.

,,.< ¦-, :s p, m.. . mm ¦»¦-

¦l ¡'KOB4RII.ITIKS . For ::.i .jlain* iftnt.i and sunday; cooler

iii*.h uortliaastoilf wind«,

Church Skrvickh, ¿fcc.# Sunday_( : i-i Church..Services at 11a. S:45 p. m. by R*v. Berrvman (Jreen.

? i'aul'» Church..Holy communionService at 11 a.m. by Rev.

\ i,ndall and 5:30 p. m. by Rev!\\ ?. l'mllips.

'«'nice (7iurcA..Holy oommunloo7:15a. m Services at 11 a. m. by Rev. J.\V. ? tchell and 8 p. m. by Rev. C. Elu

? Mary's Church..First Mass at 7a m. Solemn timh mas« at 10:30 a. m.and -. rmon by Rev. Father J. Con-»ii, ^ J. Vtsnets at 4 p. m.

iommì Lutheran Church..Regular? «? lia. m. in Euglieb by Rey.

M L Luecke. Service in German atm.

Irsssy«Wsw Church..Sundayut v:M a. m. Services at 11 a.m.

an.i 8 ?», m. bv Rev. F J. Brooke.Church. . Suiidavsohool at

·. m. P.eeobing at 11 a. n. and 8µ. iu. by Rev. Dr. U. L. Huut.

y \leth. Epi*. Church..Sunday9-J3Û a. m. Preaching at 11 ·».

u- and 8 p. m. y Rev. J. A. JetJere.g Peoples' prayer meeting at 7

p. in.\l ih. Epi*. Church South..9:15 a. m.

- «y acbool. Services at 11 a. ml>. m. by Rev. E. V. ReRester.

I'rot. Church..9:15 a. m. Sun->ol. Services at 11 a m. andbv liev. E. A. Warfield.

. Methodist Church.Lee street,VVilkes..Services at 11 a. ra. and

p. m. by Rev. Vlr C+meroD.age Chapel, M. E. Church South..¦a street near Alfred..Class

meeiiug at y a. m. Sunday school atp, m.

Hay Chapel, M. E. Church South..lay school at 2:30. Epworlh League

al S p. m.

Meeting at Midland Railroad readingr oms at 4 p. m. Service of prayer anu

c with a short address.Alms House..Services at 3 p. m.'¦¦ade Chapel, Protestant Episcopal

( vlored)..Sunday sohool at 3 p. m.

Kvening prayer and sermon with ad¬ministering ol holy confirmation by Rli v. Robt. A. Gibeon, D. D., at 3:30p m.

Roberte Chapel, ?. E. Church (colored)G:«.aching at 11 a. m. and at 7.30 p. m.

Musicale.-The pupils of Mr. Wm.H. >tartiell'e music cla->e gave theirturd annual musicale at tbe OperaHouse last night. Tbe stage was ar¬

tistically decorated which gave it a

very home like appearance, thus mak¬ing trie pupils feel more at ease.

Bpaoi will not allow special mentionof the playing of each of the pupil«,but suffice it to say that allaccquitted themselves most ad¬mirably and reflected muoh creditupon their teacher. The pupils were

assisted in their evening's entertain¬ment by vocal selections by some ofAlexandria and Washington's bestalent. The trio, "O, Restless Sea," sun¿by Mise Nellie McNulty, Mr. Cbas.Moore and Mr. Walter Birch, all ofWasbinglou, was beautifully rendered,their voioee blending most harmonious¬ly. Mi«s Florence Sullivan appearedbefore tbe footlights for the first timeas a contralto soloist and ber renditionof "The Song of the Heart," wa« con¬

sidered excellent and showed oil to

good advantage tbe rich quality of herVOICe. She was warmly eocored and

sung in fine style Bartlet's "Dream."Tbe duet, "O That we Two Were May¬ing," sung by Mise Greeowell and Mr.Bench, proved them both to be artistsof rare ability. Their number wa«

most highly appreciated by tbe largeaudience. Mia« McNulty was alsoheard to good advantage ia tbe solo"For All Eternity." She has a voiceof great power and sweetness and berrange is considered above tbe ordinary.Mr. Chas. Moore came in for hie shareof the applause of the audience. Hehas gained a well deserved reputationamong tbe music loving people of thiscry aud be may always be eure of a

warm welcome. Last but not leastwe would mention tbe solo, "Proposal,"Bung by Mr. Walter Birch. He is wellknown to Alexandria audiences andhie voice never fails to satisfy. Hewas in good voice last ni«ht and didmnple justice to hie selection. The ac-

companimente were played by Prof.Hberman Fowler in hie usual goodstyle.Washington Garbage..Mr. Joshua

N. Warfield bae submitted to the Com¬missioners of the District of Columbiaa new proposition for continuing thework ol removing and disposing of gar¬bage and dead animale until December1, at whiob time it is confidently expect¬ed Mr. Marvin Chamberlain, tbe new

contractor, will have completed bis

plant for the disposal of tbe refuse. Mr.Warfitdd'e fir t propoeition wae to dothe work lor $35,744. Yesterday bereplaced thie figure with a propositionto do the work for $35,800. The increaseof $r>6 ie to cover tbe expenses of pro¬viding canvas tope for the soowe on

which tbe garbage ie moved down theriver. In hie yeeterday'e propositionhe agrees to waive tbe condition namedin the first one, that be should be per¬mitted to aoload such garbage as mighthe desired at Giesboro Point. It ie un¬

derstood ble second proposition will be

accepted by the Commissioners.

feT. Mart's Church..Tomorrowmorning at tbe 10:30 o'clock service atSt Mary's Church eolemn high ma^s

will be celebrated, with Rev. H. J.

Cutler as celebrant; Rev. J. Cooway,deacon, and Rev. W. Coleman, sab-

deacon. Rev. Father Conway, of Gon

zaga College, Washington, will deliverthe sermon. Doting the servtcee tbehandsome etained glass, recently put in

as a memorial to Rev. Fathers L»e Wolfand Keating, will be unveiled. Tbeexposition of the Blessed Sacramentwill close after vespers tomorrow.

The Bea* Pr«e«»oHpttoii for OhilU»nd Fever i« a bottle of Gaova*· Tastile«Chiù. Tomo. It la «imply Iron and quinine'n a taetelaae form. No ear·.no pay. 60c

Ivy poisoning, poUon wound« and all otheraccidental injuries may b· qeickly «urea byusing DeWitfe Witch Haael Salve. It i« alsoa certain our« for pli·· »nd skin diseases.Take no other t_,

To Cur* Constipation Forever.

Take Casca rets Cand? Cathartic. 10c or 25a

tl GO 0. t^tcauaà.at\i£a.uài»rox\ìoiiwooc9.

M. E. Ci u roh South..The ?. E.Church Sou h was tilled last nìRhtwith an audience to hear Bishop Cand-ler'saddr«»* on the 20th century er}«,catinn fund. After a solo by Miss Pol¬lard the congr» BH'ion joined in singinga hymn, a'ter w> ich R*v. D. L. Retriof Poole*viile, Md.. led in prayer. Thiswas followed by ? ahop C »tidier, whosiart>d out »y giving a thvory of tbe20lh ceururv movement, which he sai Iwas started in view of t he many merciesand blessingsaho?eredupou the peoplecalled Methodists duriug tbe last cec-tury and the added tesponsibiliiy thatbad come upon them at the close of thecentury which called upon the peopleto bring and lay upon God's altar nomeportiou of tneir worldly possessions, asa thank otiVriog. This fund in South¬ern Methodism is to be dt-voted chit flyto educational purpose*. Ho then tookbis text from E-uher 4tu chap. 13oh andHthversesand preached t sermou whiohwas full of pithy sayings aud rich ingo»-pel truth*. At theolose a collectionwaa lifted amounlinc to about $1,600.Grounded Circuit»..Mr. W. C.

Alleu, the District ol Columbi* electri¬cal eugineer, has advined tbe commissioners:lut the Washington, Aiexandria and «Hi. Vernon Electric RailwayCompany should not i>e permitted toconnect grounded circuit macuines tous metallic circuit system within tbecity limits. This wouid nappen, saysMr. Allen, if the company should op¬erate the city potttaa oliti rohd fromtrolley wir*e coming over tne LongBridge from Us Virginia power house.To peim>t :he company to do thi-, Mr.Alleu belifVeH, Wuuld further compiicale tbe Situation regarding the pre¬lection of underground pipes andcables. Eveiyihing possible should hedont, he urges, to protect these pipesand ca les, and he is. therefore, strong-ly oi the opinion that tho compiili) Vpropo'ed method of operating the ci'yportion of its lines should not be pet·mitted. It is understood the recom¬mandations of Mr. Alleu will bo ap¬proved by tbe comuiissionort?.

Personal..Mies Sue Atbey, ofLeeeburg, is visiting friends in thiscity.Mr. Arthur H. Mitchell, of this city,

has been appointed mttuager of tbePostal Telegraph office here, vice Mr.C. R. Hoy* r, who han been transferredto ibe Richmond (thee. Mr. Mitchellis a native ot A exandria, hut has olklate been employed iu North Carolina.Miss Loui.-o Bowie is «Ftti wig tier

aunt, Mrs. M. A. Wood, near Sperry·ville.

Miss Nannie Jones, of this city, at therecent commencement of Mount I)aSales Convent, where she attendedschool,was medalist of the French das-,an honor but rarely obtained in thehistory of tha school.Mr. W. A. Cnrietian id iu the city vis-

iting relatives.Mr. ?. L. ' ogan bas tone to Oreenbrier

White Sulphur bpnn«/e t.-r sevoiai w okf.Mr. It 15*«.i, jr., continuos ill with typhoid

fever at his former tunic iu Owrgetown.

Excursion to (??e May..News¬paper men ol Baltimore, Wnshiligion,Wilmington, Del., Puiiudolphia, Wash¬ington, Alexaiiiiria and other placeswill be the guests of the PennsylvaniaRailroad Company at Cape May forthree days, beginning today. Tnerewill also be some newspaper women inthe party, and the men will be accom¬

panied by their wives or other membersof their families. Tue party will num¬

ber over a hundred. Tne special tramleft Washington at 9:30 taie morningstopping at Baltimore and Wilmington.?a arrival in Philadelphia luncheonwas served at the Broad street stationrestuarant. Wnile at Cape May the en¬

tire party will be entertained at tbewell-known Stockton Hotel. The spec¬ial train will leave Cipe May at eleveno'clock Tuesday morning lor tbe home¬ward trip.A Serious Accident..A little boy

named Marvin Markey, 12 yearsOld, son of Mr. Isadort« Markey,baggage master on tbe South¬ern Railway, was the victim ofa serious accident this morning,resulting from hanging to a movingwagon. Tbe vehicle had reached thiscity from the country and the driverwas engaged in selling produce on

south Washington street when the lit¬tle fellow ran after it and clung to thetail board. One of bis legs wad caughtin tbe revolving wheel and the 11 shtwisted almost from the hone.the lotter, in fact, being canst d to protrili:!'.The boy was picked up by some per¬sons who witnessed the accident audDrs. Jones aid O'Brien summoned.They found that apart fro ? uuly fleshwounds the child had sustained a se¬

rious compound fracture of the knee

joint.Property Sales..Capt. R. F. Knox

sold at auction today a farm containingabout 33 acres of land with good dwell¬ing house, barn and otber outbuildingsthereon, situated in Mt.Vernon district,Fairfax county, property of the lateGeo. Baylies, to Mr, Joseph Fahenlinefor $1,625.Mr. S. H. hunt offered for sale at

auction today in separate parcels, allthe real estate property of the lite I.C. O'Neal, but withdrew the same fromtbe Insufficiency of bids. The personulproperty of the deceased, a gold watchand chain was sold to Mr. Louie O'Nealforf&ó.Land near Gum Springs, property oi

Lovelace Brown, was also offered foraale by Mr. Samuel H. Lunt, but with¬drawn for want of bi 1s.

A Brakeman Iniurkd.Mr. Kid-well, a braaeman on tbe SouthernRailway.wasseriously hurt lart night atBurke's station by slipping from the topof a freight oar to the tender of an en¬

gine. In his fall Mr. Kulwell's abdo¬men oame in violent contact with theside of the tender. He was picked upin an unconscious condition by the trainhands and later was sent to his home,1313 Duke street, where be was attend¬ed by Dr. O'Brien.

A LONG Walk..A man named Har¬ris, wbo says his borne is iu Pennsylva¬nia, oame to tie s'ation house last nightin a pitiable cot di oa, after havirgwalked from Richmond to thin city.His feet were in a terrible condition, so

much so that a physician bad to

be summoned. Harris could give no

coherent account of himself, and it is

supposed be is laboring under some

mental trouble.. · » »

The 1114 eloctiic train from Mr. Vein m

wa* detainrd about ha fan hour roar Wel¬lington station, by the trolley wire falling.

All who suffer from piles will be glad to

to learo that leWitt's Witch H»w»i 8»lvewill live them instant »nd pormnent relief.It will iure ecaema and all «kin disease*. Be¬ware of counterfoil*.

No-Toit»* lor lift} OesteGuaranteed lolataoo nablt cure, makes we**

.baoooiMtft. **.·*· t*aJrti*T»M

DRY GOODS.LANSBURGH & BRO.,Washington'« Favorite Store.

ExtraordinaryClearing Sale ofBoys' Wash Clothing.All onr $1 and$l.'25 Blou-e Huit« mado of

flue «alato· ami cheviot, iksil to 10, tocloso. 63c suitAllour$1.3Hand $150 Blouse suit«, in

striked cheviots warranted fait oolor sir.os 3to 10, to closo, 79c suit.

All our $175 Blouo Suit», in imported jcheviots, laigc variety, fi/.es I lo 10, to «lose, '

$1.17. ¡A 1 our $2 Itluu«o Huit«, in Engli-«h crash,

with brown or blue trimuiini;'', sizes, 3 fo 10 Ito «lose, $1.11)

Douliled-tireasteil Wash Suits,Sizes 7 to 15.

^A line of well-made crash suit«, ti cIo»e,67c suit.A line of well-male English ("rash Huit«,

nicely cut. to dfsa, H,'lc «uit.* lino of suini Ch. ki.l heviot, 'z. t «col¬

or, to elfso, Hue r-uit500 Salts of Farf··· Kieo Pacts, He pjir.3f>0 pairs Cheviot and »'rauh Pauls, 2 pars

for 25«·.980 piirs English Crash ani Oalstm PanH

21c pair1G.0 Crssb Golf Caps. i>c eaeh.235 «laik fotta« Shir· (?*** '\ fur 25c

(Bays' Department.Thud Fioor.)Free Daily Deliveries to Alexandria.

Lansburgh&Bro.,420 to 426 Seventh street,


Masonic.At the meeting of An¬drew Jackson Lodge ol Mi 01m laetThursday niebr .h« worshipfol master,senior and JQBtOf ward« nn, necrettryand tn-asur r were eiecied. The fol-lowiug 1 Bosn v>avH sine* be>< ap¬pointed : B.fOf Deoobe, R.D. W.ittles;Junior Deacon, J. E. W. Timbernur;Steward«, J E. King and Geo. E War-field; TiJer, W. A. Moore The instal¬lation of officers will take place at 7:15Monday evening. Alexandria-Wash¬ington Lodge will hold its installation.t 8 o'clock end the Coinmandery at8:30 o'clock the same niaht

Thk Lath Hugh Chaklfs Fmith .The death at Wnverly. Muus, olHnghC.iarles Smith, jr., eon of Hush Chae.Smith, who formerly resided In thiscity, wae announced in yesterday's Ga¬zette. The remains were brought heretoday aud buried a' Ivy Hill Thefetni-ly was once a very large acd iufltieniialone in Alexandria, carrying oo severalkiDdh of business ou a large scale, hutnearly all of ite members have now

passed away, ^omeaiil reside in Balti¬more and a few here.

Missionary ckbmon. .Mr. lasse E. Yo-hanuon, » uuUv» ot UroevrU, Pania and a

candidato for tln> muniiry under the care ofùnt Hanover Pr«sbytcry and a éludent olOnion Theological K«mins»y. Richmond, willdeliver an addresaon loreigii missions in therocond Presbyterian Church tomorrow morn-

ini; at 11 o'clock, ani wi 1 proach at

nijtht Mr Yohannon in tilting himself to re¬

turn as a missionary to his own anintry andhas one moro year of preparation 111 tho sein:-


Try those delicious devilled crabs preparedat ammoi's Restaurant, I ynntiavon hardthill crabs steamed twi<o daily. Soft rh IIero In on toisf. L'ttle ncrk clams. Claras«nd oysters in all stjlüs. Homo 'phono 03.

LOCAL BREVITIES.There were no cases for trial in the

Police Court tlin morning.Two lodgers were accommodated at

the station house las: night.The funeral ol the late Capt. J. H.

Beaoh will take place tomorrow after¬noon from hie late horn' on south Leestreet.Rev. B. F. Bidirjger, the recently ap¬

pointed eynodical evangelist, the suc¬cessor io thet field to Dr. Brooke, willwork in this Presbytery during Julyand Auguel..Presbyterian.At a meeting of Potomac Post, No.

11, G. A. R., held in Washington lastuight, resolutions favoring the conht ruction of the proposed memorialbridge were unanimously adopted.The services at St. Mary's Cuurch

last night attrae'ed a large congrega¬tion. Consecration services were con-ftacied by Rev. J. H. Cutler, tbe rector.Hign muss now take? place every morn¬

ing while the devotion of the FortyHours ie in progress.The handsome eloop Ella Treadwell

wee sold several days ago by Mr. Wil¬liam A. Mills, of Washington, to Messrs.(Jeorge A. Neifzy and William A. Far-rell of this city. The Treadwell wae inher day one of the fastest vessels of herclass on the Potomac, and won manyraces in the latter part of the year 1S70and in the early '80s.Thus far only 420 do«- licensee have been

istued, although the city, judging from thenumber of dogs running at largo, baa almostas large a population of th» canine as of thehuman race,

Mrs. Martha Barns, living on Wilkos street,between Fairfax and Leo, fell from a ladderat her home this morning and sustained se¬

rious injuries, bhe was a'tendod by Dr. Kllp-stcin.The steamer Dennis Simmons, which plies

between this port and Williamson, N. C,was inspected by government cm'core this af-tornoon.The Norton Manufacturing Company held

a mooting in this city yis.erday and electedothcers. Tboy wero all vVaehiugtonians

Mrs. Hayes, living in the south western partof the city, lost a pockotbook containing $67last night.8ee Messrs. Isaac Eichborg A Bon's adver¬

tisement of trunks in today's Qasette.

TO CURB A GOLD IN ONE DAYTake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.All druggists refund the money if It fail· tocure E W. Oroves'» signature on eachbox. 2fte.

Neglect is the short step so many takefrom a cough or cold to consumption. Tbeearly nee of ( ne MinuteCough Cure, prev. nta

consumption. It is the only naimless rumedvthat give« immediate results. It cures allthroat and lnr.g trouble·. Children all likeit and mothers endone it.

Ilon't To' mroSiiit »ml Mimi.·.· ? nur lite Away.To quit tobacco easily and forever, 1·? mag

Detta, füllet life, ner\<; and rigor, take No-Toilac, the wonder-worker, tlifit makes weak menstrong. All rtruppists,M>c orli. Cureguaran-teed. Booklet and sample free. Addresslawlira Baxr*û» Oa taut*«« or r*ew Yoty

Unles« food is digested quickly it will fer·ment and irritate the stomach Alter eachmeal take a toaspoonfnl of Kedn! Dyspepsiat ure. It digests what you eat and will allowyou to eat all you need of what you like Itnever (ails to cure the worst case· of dyspep¬sia. It is pleasant to take.


W~Tntíd quickly -a ran hand*to work In the factory. Experienced

bend« preferred; temporary work. Applythis afternoon, if possi hie.je23 2t HILL BAKEBY.


D. Bend heim &. Sons.:0·~

A StrongArray of Specials.

.'t9c I «dies' Putnmcr ( orseta at. 25c4Í).· Ladle«' Crash i-kirtn M.mZoCOHc Ladiee' Covort Cloth i-kirUi »t.... '"C

98c Navy Blue Dur k sklrt>, »t..0"Cr>OcL«dic*· 8birt Waist.« at.....«^"^

12V White Pi.jiie. in remnant« r-tO/^Cl<)c Tabbithl Cloth, remnants fJï/ r>

Í^IOÜ yards,at.¦ ¿72**10c Ladie-' Black and Tan Heatnleas JTft

Hoer. at........ .»***l«5c lliys' and Olrls' Faat B'wk, 'u 1 qo*m-

le«*, Dotili e Knee ???? hiae« Sto t ??9%»t._.*vt

5<· Ludica' Kot! Li«le ????, plslu OC/"»i!roi*titchod, at.ß»...'.1·'*'

12V OinU' Fuü ftcamlc·"» Fine |ApMM -cm 1.- black and tans, ¦* -

G * "·»



Tin· talk (if the dty amongst th»

ladles l· our

5c Dress GinghamsThe hist lot. one hundred pieces, go,ON SALE THIS WEEK.' t

nelAll-wíroi Bine Twilled Flan-Q/^ /r\I, for Batblng Suit«...«¿UL yU'Fine Black Batiste, worth 15c q j

White Hotted MwifSfs, atJ 2/^C yd,N'ew lot Whit« Organdy remnant«, ? p-

doible width, at .IOCA Peautlful L'ue


The Popol r "Fonlardinee." in \r\\/ * Ithe latest «tylee, at.IZ/2CI

ValencenneeLeioelOC CiOZ yds.Odd lot B. ? ? , »ni W B Corsets, £» rworth 76c »nd $1.00, at.OOO

Crash Suits, at. .O^C YQ .

India Linens, 10 inrhoe wide, a big qbargain, at.^..OC

D.Bendheim&Sons,316 KING STREET,


I.Eichberg&Son'sSpecial Sale of Strong,


All trunks may look alike to tho

nntnitiated, i>m there*! ¦ great dif¬

ference In thoir o instruction. Our

trunks are substantially built from

l'osi materiale, and are just ? good

M they look, They're built to with¬

stand ju-t such hard usage to the bag·

gage smasher In throwing the trunks

out of the car.

Lot I, $&60 Trunk DOW $2^5.Lot 2, $2.7;'. " " $260.

Lot 3, $5.00 M " 12.76,Lot 4, $'..2·'. " " $8-00.

Lot 5,$4.00 M " tWh

These are canvvs>covered Trunk-,

.strong and serviceable.

Canvae-eovered Trunks with braes

trimmings, with two straps on each.

Lot 1, $160 Trunk now$4.00.Lot 2, 5 00 M " *U0.

Lot 3, f,.:>0 M " 5.00.

Ask to fee tho Roller Tray Trunk.

Al-o Satchel·, VaÜM- and Tele¬

scopes."The ; Dixie" Mosquito

Frames and Nets.The hUetl novelty in a canopy

which is easily attached to any styleOfwood, bra**, iron or folding bed,without defacing the same.

Althougwger.' feaWdoced,«« is be-

ing adopted by t.'.COU. kjeoees,.IK «ppianooa, v- ·.

hotels aud hospital·! in M , y

where it is shown.

It requires no step ladderto put it

up and is always in working on ¡er.

(..Cole's Patent ")


I>KY U00D8.

Pennsylvania A venue and Seventh st.,

Washington, D. C.

Extraordinary Specialsin

Boys' Clothing.Afl the season

grows older the op¬portunities growgreater. The pur-cnaslng power ofour dollar growsstronger, bringing¡privileges for youradvantage and your-aving that the mostenterprising sellinghas been unable toaccomplish before.Thus Saturdayshould tint! everyparent of a boy ear¬

ly at our counters

pluckinti thrxe plums. .

100 Boys' Nee* Check .CheviotDouble-breasted and Brownie Suits ;

the Brownies made In both t'jf pop¬ular styles, with small coat collar or

wide sailor collar trimmed withbraid. There are all sizes from 8 to16 years and every suit inthis lot is worth $2. With <g 1 1 Qspecial choice for . . ·


Roys' gnaranteedWashington MillsBlue Serge Suits, strictly all woolfait co'or. made up in Double-breast-ed Rrownie and Sailor styles; somesilked Aced; others braid[Irlmmedjall thoroughly reliable and gentee ydressy Suits;' all sices. Everybodyquotes them as worthMio What a bargain CO KOto buy them for ·

. ..P-*'·«-7^

Boys' Light and Dark Rlue StripedWash Sailor Suits, with full cutblouse and eyerr seam carefully BOW«ed and finishe«!. Full line of sizes.

Splendid value for 30c. Spe- O %C.\cial for tomorrow ....^*^^

A number of small Ots of Boys'Wash Sailor Suits, in plain white audfancy effects; suits that have hadready aale at II..V), $2 and $2.ó0 ;-i/.es range from 3 to 12 years. Ajir>Choice.*1O«L<Roys' Wash Knee Pants, 260 pairs,

cut and made properly ; sizes 4 to 14year- ; worth 2"x· a pair. Spe- 11/-»cial lor Saturday . .

· · 1 lv

Pally Free DeUverie* are Made In Al·exandrin direct to jour doors.

Saks & Company.^JiBOCERLrM._EfTRammy Seil* the Beet.

5 Half Barrels



Cox & Gordon's

Fine Sugar-CuredHams,





75 Cents a Dozen.



Roe HerringAND









Your money refunded cheerfully on any unsatisfactory purchaseWe are always prepared to «cash railroad checks, school totehaw1 checks

and pension cheeks gratis.White Goods.

15c yard.

We otfer at specially reduced prieos^twopieces very pretty white goods, 2rt-iu. wide,very suitable for waists. Special price.

White DuckWe are showing «omeelegantqualitv Whito

Ducb, 30-in. wide, just the proper materialfor summer rkirts. Exceptionally low inprice for like quality.

10c and 12 l-2c yardLinen Crash.

ived recerFor skirtall linen.12 1-2,20, and 25c yd.

Beceived recently is several pieces of LinenCrash. For skirts. Elegant quality, and gnar·anteed all linen.

Waist Linen.We offer a genuine bargain in Waist Linen,

a material which is very sheer and suitablefor waists. Worth 2«5c a yard.

Only 12 l-2c yd.Batchers' Linen.The best quality White Butchers' Linen.

.35c yd.Bosom Linen.An unusually fino quality Shirt Bosom Lin¬

en. Every thread guaranteed. All purelinen, 36-in. wide.

50c yd.Toweling.A good Cotton Crash for

5c yd.Linen Crash.

All Linen Crash for towols, splendid quality6,8, 10 and 12-12c yd.

India Linen.We have three oxee lent bargain« 40-in

India Linens, all splondid quality, and veiylow in price.

6 1-2, S 1-2 and 10c yd.

Mosquito Netting.All colors of Mosquito Netting, the best

quality. Sold by the yard or by tho bolt, 8yards to the bolt.


Velvet Ribbon.Whit« polka dot Velvet Ribbon, satin back.

Very fine quality.22 and 25c yd

White Satin Ribbon.An extra quality of double far« Whit«·

gitili Ribbon, 3 in« lies wide. Very roasonhlofor this quality

39c yd.Remnents.We offer many SPECIAL BARGAINS in

remnants. Lots of them will be found nearthe h<tlf price mark .as fol'oas

Light and dark Calia*.t'4<· Y»nl.Good Hootch I.awns..4'.>'KlegaHt Dimity Lawns.^....7·· "

Good Apron Gingham...«'v "

One yard wide Percales.Ö'sjc "

Good Dress Ginghams.M.6 "¿eBate·'Seersucker Ginghams.^'^c8plendid White Pique._7V "

" ....}>V "

"..... ......??? "

Elegant White Organdie.10cCheck and «tripod white Dimity.·.\<" " " " " "^c "

.0V "

Gcol Unbleached Cotton.3\eHeavy Cotion Crash.4cInserting« and Edgings.·.·.;"><¦·«'. elf."

" ......7c

Men's Department.Wo endeavor to keep a line of everythingstylish and up-todi\te for the men folks, and

quote a few solidale bo below.Hen's bummer-weight Cambric Night Bob"Very light and oool.

50c each.Men's finest quality Cambric Night Sobos.

75c each.The new Bubber Col ¡are, far superior to

celluloid. Very durable and comfortable.25c each.

Men's best Suspenders.25 and 50c.

Men's Balbriggan Summer Underwear50c suit.

Men's fine Lisle Underwear.

$1.00 suit.


75c to 49c each.

We havo several down MEN'S HIGHGRADE SHIRTS, with collars attached,which wo have rodutjod from

Washington Stores, 1810 and;2808 Fourteenth st.


OUT. \We have it. j Kaufmann's

Wo do*» at 7p. m., ex-optol datnrday .

Our Two Trump Cards.Goods the Customer

Wants===Prices the Customer Likes.Crash Coats, 47c.Office Coatta, 48c.Otti re Coat», '¿5c.Crash Tranters, 4!>cDork Trousers, $1.Flaiinoletto Coat«, $1.3!).Alpaca Coats, $1.49.Blue 8ergo Coati, $3. ""

FUnnel Coate and Veste, í'i.Os.Crash Suits for Men, fili».Crash Suits Boys, M*Crash Bailor gaits, 49c.Crash Mat- an'l Caps. lOc,Boy*' Fancy Gaps, 5c.Boy«' Doable-knee Hose, 10c.Boys' Negligo Shirt«, V?·"»«.·.Nobby Imperial Tie«, i¿5c.White Lawn Boire, 5c.Poy·' Crash Pants, 9c.Brownie Overall·, 25c.Lisle Fabric Falf Hoe«·. 12icPocket Combs, 5cNovelty Cuff Bottora, 359,Sospender·, 50c values, at '25c.



In all the latest styles and most

reasonable prices.

Spring SamplesFor custom work now ready.

All goods marked in plainfigures.

R. Lee Field,One-Price Clothier and Fürniíker,

No. 304 King stree'



80 CENTSWe cannot sell; but we do soll tho BEBT8HOE8 that can possibly bo put on tbo mar¬

ket for the money.If yon want something deed swell we can

give it to yon. If you want something eiv

we have it. If you want something no other

merchant in town has got «»me to ns for it

Ladies, see our High Roots for short skirts

gee oar line of Oxfords. Priée 75c to 13.French Heel E· euing Slippers, kid and

patent leather.Gentlemen, se« our line of Hess uno bbooa

at $3.«50, $4 and $5.Patent Leather Oxford« f3, $3.50, $4 and

S5.We «til! bave «orne Clothing left which we

will «ell below manufacturer«' cost to close.

U Marshall &Bro.,Leading Up-to date Shoe

Dealers,422 King street.