benefactor (helper)benefactor and a submissive beneficiary was ^the practice that constitutes the...


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Page 1: Benefactor (helper)benefactor and a submissive beneficiary was ^The practice that constitutes the chief bond of human society. _ Seneca Ben 1.4.2 . Benefactor. Mediator. Beneficiary
Page 2: Benefactor (helper)benefactor and a submissive beneficiary was ^The practice that constitutes the chief bond of human society. _ Seneca Ben 1.4.2 . Benefactor. Mediator. Beneficiary

Benefactor (helper) &

Beneficiary (helped)

Page 3: Benefactor (helper)benefactor and a submissive beneficiary was ^The practice that constitutes the chief bond of human society. _ Seneca Ben 1.4.2 . Benefactor. Mediator. Beneficiary


Page 4: Benefactor (helper)benefactor and a submissive beneficiary was ^The practice that constitutes the chief bond of human society. _ Seneca Ben 1.4.2 . Benefactor. Mediator. Beneficiary

The practice of a powerful benefactor and a submissive beneficiary was “The practice that constitutes the chief bond of human society.”Seneca Ben 1.4.2

Page 5: Benefactor (helper)benefactor and a submissive beneficiary was ^The practice that constitutes the chief bond of human society. _ Seneca Ben 1.4.2 . Benefactor. Mediator. Beneficiary


Page 6: Benefactor (helper)benefactor and a submissive beneficiary was ^The practice that constitutes the chief bond of human society. _ Seneca Ben 1.4.2 . Benefactor. Mediator. Beneficiary

“I am welcome everywhere; everyman salutes me, And those who want your favour seek my ear, Since I know how to manage what they ask” Oed. Tyr. 771-774.

Page 7: Benefactor (helper)benefactor and a submissive beneficiary was ^The practice that constitutes the chief bond of human society. _ Seneca Ben 1.4.2 . Benefactor. Mediator. Beneficiary


Page 8: Benefactor (helper)benefactor and a submissive beneficiary was ^The practice that constitutes the chief bond of human society. _ Seneca Ben 1.4.2 . Benefactor. Mediator. Beneficiary


Page 9: Benefactor (helper)benefactor and a submissive beneficiary was ^The practice that constitutes the chief bond of human society. _ Seneca Ben 1.4.2 . Benefactor. Mediator. Beneficiary

“The greater the favour, the more earnestly must we express ourselves,

resorting to such compliments as… ‘I shall never be able to repay you my gratitude, but, at

any rate, I shall not cease from declaring everywhere that I am unable to repay it…’ Let us show how grateful we are for the blessing that has come to us by pouring forth our feelings,

and let us bear witness to them, not merely in the hearing of the giver, but

everywhere.” Seneca Ben, 2.24.2; 2.22.1

Page 10: Benefactor (helper)benefactor and a submissive beneficiary was ^The practice that constitutes the chief bond of human society. _ Seneca Ben 1.4.2 . Benefactor. Mediator. Beneficiary
Page 11: Benefactor (helper)benefactor and a submissive beneficiary was ^The practice that constitutes the chief bond of human society. _ Seneca Ben 1.4.2 . Benefactor. Mediator. Beneficiary

A dispute also arose among them as to which of them was considered to be greatest. Jesus said to them, “The kings of the Gentiles lord it

over them; and those who exercise authority over them call themselves Benefactors. But you are not to be like that. Instead, the

greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves. For who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one who is at the table? But I am among you as one who serves.”

Page 12: Benefactor (helper)benefactor and a submissive beneficiary was ^The practice that constitutes the chief bond of human society. _ Seneca Ben 1.4.2 . Benefactor. Mediator. Beneficiary

The practice of a powerful benefactor and a submissive beneficiary was “The practice that constitutes the chief bond of human society.”Seneca Ben 1.4.2

Page 13: Benefactor (helper)benefactor and a submissive beneficiary was ^The practice that constitutes the chief bond of human society. _ Seneca Ben 1.4.2 . Benefactor. Mediator. Beneficiary


Page 14: Benefactor (helper)benefactor and a submissive beneficiary was ^The practice that constitutes the chief bond of human society. _ Seneca Ben 1.4.2 . Benefactor. Mediator. Beneficiary


Page 15: Benefactor (helper)benefactor and a submissive beneficiary was ^The practice that constitutes the chief bond of human society. _ Seneca Ben 1.4.2 . Benefactor. Mediator. Beneficiary


Page 16: Benefactor (helper)benefactor and a submissive beneficiary was ^The practice that constitutes the chief bond of human society. _ Seneca Ben 1.4.2 . Benefactor. Mediator. Beneficiary

Acts 5.1-11

Page 17: Benefactor (helper)benefactor and a submissive beneficiary was ^The practice that constitutes the chief bond of human society. _ Seneca Ben 1.4.2 . Benefactor. Mediator. Beneficiary


Page 18: Benefactor (helper)benefactor and a submissive beneficiary was ^The practice that constitutes the chief bond of human society. _ Seneca Ben 1.4.2 . Benefactor. Mediator. Beneficiary


Page 19: Benefactor (helper)benefactor and a submissive beneficiary was ^The practice that constitutes the chief bond of human society. _ Seneca Ben 1.4.2 . Benefactor. Mediator. Beneficiary

They wanted the credit and the prestige for sacrificial

generosity, without the inconvenience of it. So, in

order to gain a reputation to which they had no right,

they told a brazen lie. Their motive in giving was not torelieve the poor, but to fatten their own ego.

Page 20: Benefactor (helper)benefactor and a submissive beneficiary was ^The practice that constitutes the chief bond of human society. _ Seneca Ben 1.4.2 . Benefactor. Mediator. Beneficiary


Page 21: Benefactor (helper)benefactor and a submissive beneficiary was ^The practice that constitutes the chief bond of human society. _ Seneca Ben 1.4.2 . Benefactor. Mediator. Beneficiary

Most merciful God,

we confess that we have sinned against you

in thought, word, and deed,

by what we have done,

and by what we have left undone.

We have not loved you with our whole heart;

we have not loved our neighbours as ourselves.

We are truly sorry and we humbly repent.

For the sake of your Son Jesus Christ,

have mercy on us and forgive us;

that we may delight in your will,

and walk in your ways,

to the glory of your Name.


Page 22: Benefactor (helper)benefactor and a submissive beneficiary was ^The practice that constitutes the chief bond of human society. _ Seneca Ben 1.4.2 . Benefactor. Mediator. Beneficiary

Benefactor: GodMediator: JesusBeneficiary: You and me