benefit of brisk walking


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Post on 04-Dec-2014




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This document by, illustrate that what are the benefits of Brisk Walking, how it can give you a healthy life and how much calorie it can burn


Page 1: Benefit of Brisk Walking

Brisk WalkingBenefits of

Page 2: Benefit of Brisk Walking


aDD life to DaYs, not DaYs to life3

PiCk Walking as a HaBit 4

Before YoU start 5

PraCtiCe soMe stretCHing Before Walking BrisklY 6

learn tHe rigHt PostUre7

Calorie CHart8

karisHMa - e- kaDaM 9

treaDMill Vs Brisk Walking10

a feW More faCts11

Page 3: Benefit of Brisk Walking

aDD life to DaYs, not DaYs to life

live for the now. live for the moments that punch you in the stomach and leave you breathless. live for the moments that adds value to your life.

Don’t come at life as if it’s a race to see who lives the longest. Because that’s a race you’ll win with no smile on your face. all what makes you a winner is your health and spirit.

so, nourish your spirit and care for your health because HealtH is WealtH .

Page 4: Benefit of Brisk Walking

PiCk Walking as a HaBit

Walking is one of the best way of keeping good health. You may have a busy life but still you should try to start walking at least for 60 minutes ideally in a day because it actually helps in keeping you healthy. even 30 minutes is good enough in starting which may be increased gradually.

This kind of aerobic fitness also helps in lifting your mood and improves your quality of life. the next time anyone asks you about your habits, do mention walking as one of them.

Page 5: Benefit of Brisk Walking

Before YoU start

it is very important to get a good pair of walking shoes for oneself as cheaper quality shoes are going to give you ankle pain and other negative effects. also before and while walking one should drink waterbecause it involves loads of dehydration and the bodyshould be properly watered for better results.

Page 6: Benefit of Brisk Walking

PraCtiCe soMe stretCHing BeforeWalking BrisklY

Reach Wall Push Knee Pull Leg Curl Hamstring reach one arm over your head and to the side. keep your hips steady and shoulders straight to the right. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat on theother side.

lean your hands on a wall with your feet about 3 to 4 feet away from the wall. Bend one knee and point it towards the wall. keep your back leg straight with your foot flat and your toes pointed straight ahead. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat with the other leg.

lean your back against a wall. keep your head, hips and feet in a straight line. Pull one knee to your chest, hold for 10

seconds, then repeat with the other leg.

Pull your right foot to your buttocks with your right hand. stand straight and keep your knee pointing straight to the ground. Hold for 10seconds and repeat your left foot and hand.

sit on a sturdy bench or hard surface so that your left leg is stretched out on the bench with your toes pointing up. Keep your right foot flat on the floor. Straighten your back, and if you feel a stretch in the back of your thigh, hold for 10 seconds and repeat with your right leg (if you do not yet feel a stretch, lean forward from your hips until you do feel a stretch) .

Page 7: Benefit of Brisk Walking

learn tHe rigHt PostUre

Page 8: Benefit of Brisk Walking

Calorie CHart

time in Minutes

Distance (Miles) Calories Burned leisuerly fitness Brisk

3 mph 5 mph 6 mph

1 100 20 12 10

2 200 40 24 20

3 300 60 36 30

4 400 80 48 40

5 500 100 60 50

6 600 120 72 60

7 700 140 84 70

8 800 160 96 80

9 900 180 108 90

10 1000 200 120 100

Page 9: Benefit of Brisk Walking

karisHMa - e- kaDaM

Way to a healthy heart

reduces hypertension and diabetes

Minimise the risk of cancer

freshens the mind

Provides protection against miscarriage

improves sexual disorders

Helps getting a leaner body

enhances brainpower

Brisk walking has enormous benefits on health. A few of them are :

Page 10: Benefit of Brisk Walking

treaDMill Vs Brisk Walking

Walking briskly is a great workout option that’s easy on the joints or one which you can squeeze into your workday. You could hit the gym and walk on a treadmill, but if you want to burn more calories, here are three reasons you should take your walking feet outside.

A treadmill belt is flat, consistent, predictable, and constantly moving. All these factors mean it doesn’t take much effort to propel your body forward with each step. On the contrary, if you take a walk outside, you’re constantly having to react to uneven roads, or obstacles such as people, holes, or sticks. this strains yourmuscles more than using a treadmill, which translates to extra calories burned per minute.

You can pump up the incline on your treadmill to work your butt and thigh muscles, but you can find even steeper hills outdoors. the steeper the incline, the more calories you’ll burn, so when you head outside be sure your workout includes some major hills.

stepping outdoors for your workout is much more inspirational than a repetitive walk on your gym’s treadmill. the beautiful landscape, fresh air, and constantly changing environment has been shown to inspire people to walk longer. increase the duration of your workout, and you’ll end up burning more calories.

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a feW More faCts...

Mortality rates among retired men who walked less than one mile per day were almost twice as much as those who walked more than 2 miles per day.

Walking helps prevent osteoporosis. research shows that postmenopausal women who walk around one mile per day have higher whole-body bone density than women who walk less. a 20-minute walk, or about 2,000 steps, equal a mile.

the most popular form of exercise in the United states is walking.

Walking is the only exercise in which the rate of participation does not decline in the middle and later years.

going for a walk is a great way to reduce stress and promote an overall sense of wellness.

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tHank YoU

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