benefits of using assistive technology

Benefits of using Assistive Technology for people with learning disabilities Wilfredo Portillo Spring 2013

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  • 1. Wilfredo PortilloSpring 2013

2. Purpose of the literature review Background Introduction Methodology Findings Discussion Conclusion 3. The purpose of the literature review is toassess the use of assistive technology withpeople LD. 4. What is learning disabilities? What is Assistive technology? What is a literature review? 5. How assistive technologies contributes to thelearning process of people with learningdisability? How people with learning disability benefitsfrom assistive technology? How to make assistive technology moreavailable for people with learning disabilitiesat school, work, or at home? 6. Learning disability Assistance Technology Benefits of assistance technology 7. Database-specific subject headings andkeywords representing the core concepts ofAssistive Technology for learning disabilities. Studies were limited to the English language 8. Studies were identified by searching thefollowing e-databases:1. ERIC2. Google Scholar Reference lists of relevant studies were alsoscanned 9. Keywords Assistive Technologies (any technology tohelp students with learning disabilities) Mobile technology (for people with learningdisabilities) Learning Disabilities ( all ages) Assistive Technology (Postsecondaryeducation) 10. 140 citations were retrieved, results from all databases werecombined and duplicates removed. After scanning these articles (title and abstract) a total of 35articles were found to be related to the topic. 35 articles met the following inclusions/exclusion criteria1. Assistive technology: assessed the use of assistivetechnologyWith people with LD2. Type of interventions: any intervention using assistivetechnology 11. A total of 35 articles were found to be closerelated my the topic Technologies Ipad apps Eric database charge for most of the articles 12. Assistive technology Benefits for people with Learning Disability 13. Bryant B. R., Crews S. P., (1998). The Technology Related Assistance to Individuals with Disabilities Act: Relevance to Individuals with Learning Disabilities and Their Advocates.Journal of learning disability Vol. 31, Number 1, pag 4-15 Burgstahler S., (2012). Working together: People with Disabilities and Computer Technology Chiang Y. H., Liu Chien-Hsiou., (2011). Evolution of the Benefits of Assistive Reading Software: Perceptions of High School Students with Learning Disabilities Castillo R., Hilkey J., (2004). Assistive Technology for individuals with Learning Disabilities. AOTA Continuing Education Article Holmes A., Silvestri R., (2012). Assistive Technology Use by Students with LD in Postsecondary Education: A case of Application before Investigation? Klemes J., Epstein A., Zuker M., Grinberg N., Ilovitch T., (2006). An assistive computerized learning environment for distance learning students with learning disabilities. Vol. 21, No.1, February 2006, pp. 1932 LoPresti F. E., Mihailidis A., Kirsch N., (2004). Assistive technology for cognitive rehabilitation: state of the art Lane P. J., Parette P. H., (2008). Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits Delivering on the D in R&D: Recommendations for Increasing Transfer Outcomes from DevelopmentProjects Merino T. M., Sameshima P., Beecher C. C., (2009). Enhancing TPACK with Assistive Technology: Promoting Inclusive Practices in Preservice Teacher Education Parette P., Bausch M., Bodine C., Edyburn D., Erickson K., Fonner K., Hasselbring T., Malouf D., Peterson-Karlan G., Smith S., Zabala J., (2006). Assistive Technology outcomes andBenefits. Vol. 3 Num. 1 Shrieber B., Seifert T., (2009). College Students with Learning Disabilities and/or ADHD Use of Handheld Computer Compared to conventional planners. Vickers Z. M., (2010). Accommodating College Students with Learning Disabilities