bengaluru | thursday, 12 january 2017 · pdf filebengaluru | thursday, 12 january 2017 economy...

BENGALURU | THURSDAY, 12 JANUARY 2017 ECONOMY & PUBLIC AFFAIRS 5 . < Budget might restore standard deduction INDIVJAL DHASMANA New Delhi, 11 January S tandard deduction for personal income tax might return after over a decade in the Union Budget for 2017-18, if the finance min- istry accepts recommenda- tions of the tax simplification committee chaired by ex- judge R V Easwar. Sources say the panel, in its second report given recent- ly to the ministry, has sug- gested doing so. Standard deduction was given as a lump-sum benefit towards cost to income till 2003-04. In simple terms, it refers to a deduction allowed in income tax, irrespective of expenses incurred or invest- ment made by assessees. "Standard deduction is simple to administer," said Amit Maheshwari, partner, Ashok Maheshwary & Associates. For the deduction, there was no need for a tax- payer to keep proof of expens- es such as bills. Then finance minister P Chidambaram did away with standard deduction for salaried personnel in 2004-05, on the reasoning that there was an equivalent increase in the basic exemp- tion limit and other deduc- tions. It was then abolished after the tax exemption ceiling on investment was raised to ~1 lakh. The standard deduc- tion slab was ~30,000 for total income under ~5 lakh a year and ~20,000 for income over ~5 lakh. The Easwar panel has reportedly not recommended any particular rate or amount for standard deduction. It wants smaller deductions giv- en in income tax to be done away after standard deduc- tion comes back. The panel has called for reviewing med- ical reimbursements. Restoration of standard deduction will not affect the threshold for income tax exemption, currently ~2.5 lakh a year. In its first report, the pan- el suggested revision of the threshold and rates on tax deduction at source. These formed part of the previous Budget. The 10-member panel has also suggested incorporation of 'masala' bonds (issued abroad but denominated in rupees, not the local currency) in the Income Tax Act, to bring clarity on the capital gains tax on these. The report also went into non-resident taxation, assessment proce- dure, property income and salaries, among others. “Review of the non-resi- dent tax issue, of Section 9 with respect to section 195 of the Act, has been examined by the committee, which forms a major chunk of litiga- tion,” said a source. These sec- tions talk about the income deemed to accrue or arise in India from payments to a non- resident, be it salaries, tech- nical fees, capital gains and royalties, and the procedures. The issues pertain to whether income will be clas- sified as business profit or fees for technical services or some other head, all of which have different rates. | Standard deduction was given as a lump-sum benefit towards cost to income till 2003-04 | It refers to a deduction allowed in income tax, irrespective of expenses incurred or investment made by assessees | The Easwar panel has reportedly not recommended any particular rate or amount for standard deduction | It wants smaller deductions given in income tax to be done away after standard deduction comes back | Restoration of standard deduction will not affect the threshold for income tax exemption, currently ~2.5 lakh a year THE TAXING FUTURE N TURBULENCE IN TATA SONS N Mistry presented Welspun deal as fait accompli: Tata Sons DEV CHATTERJEE Mumbai, 11 January Tata Sons has said the acqui- sition of the Welspun group’s renewable energy subsidiary by Tata Power was presented to its board as a fait accompli. In its petition to the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT), Tata Sons, the holding company of the Tata group, said the Welspun transaction was expected to cost ~6,700 crore ($1 billion) and any additional debt would affect Tata Power’s credit rating. Rating agencies, presum- ing support from Tata Sons, had assigned a higher rating to Tata Power, over and above which the additional debt was undertaken. “As a promoter, Tata Sons was practically left in the dark about such a significant trans- action while (Cyrus) Mistry was chairman of Tata Power,” the Tata Sons petition said. A note on the proposed Welspun acquisition was cir- culated to directors of Tata Sons on May 31, 2016. But it was not clarified that defini- tive agreements were to be signed imminently. On June 12, 2016, Tata Power annou- nced the Welspun acquisition. Former Tata Sons chair- man Cyrus Mistry had earli- er said Tata Power’s debt was a legacy issue because it had bid aggressively for the Mundra project based on cheap Indonesian coal. “As regulations changed, the losses in 2013-14 alone amounted to ~1,500 crore. Given that Mundra consti- tutes ~18,000 crore of capital employed (40 per cent of the total), this substantially depresses the return on capi- tal for Tata Power as well as carries the risk of considerable future impairment,” Mistry had said in a letter to Tata Sons soon after his ouster on October 24, 2016. Mistry investment firms file contempt petition against Tatas DEV CHATTERJEE Mumbai, 11 January The two investment companies of the Mistry family, Cyrus Investments and Sterling Investment Corporation, on Wednesday filed a contempt petition against Tata Sons, Tata Trusts and their officials in the National Company Law Tribunal for violation of the NCLT order. The contempt petition said despite assurances by Tata lawyers that they would not take any action against Mistry (pic- tured), pending the hearing of a petition, Tata Sons has called an extraordinary general meet- ing of its shareholders on February 6 to remove Mistry from its board. This action, the petition said, was against the NCLT consent order dated December 22 in which the Tatas had promised they wouldn’t ini- tiate any action on Mistry’s removal from the Tata Sons board. But according to a special notice dated January 3, 2017 — received from four Tata trusts, which own 13.66 per cent stake in Tata Sons, and signed by its executive trustee R Venkatara- manan — the trusts asked Tata Sons to convene a shareholders meeting to remove Mistry. Following the notice, Tata Sons sent a notice dated January 5 to its shareholders to call an EGM on February 6 to remove Mistry as director. In response to the contempt petition filed by Mistry at the NCLT, a Tata Sons group spokesperson said, “There is no contempt. We will make our submissions to NCLT.” More on Printed and Published by Afroz Khan on behalf of Business Standard Private Limited and printed at MNS Printers Private Limited, 345/4, Bhattrahalli, Old Madras Road, Bengaluru-560 049 and published at A-1, First Floor, 25/3, Lavelle Road, Bengaluru -560 001 Editor : Shyamal Majumdar RNI NO: 71187/1998 Readers should write their feedback at [email protected] Ph: 080-22484968 Fax : 080-22484967 For Subscription and Circulation enquiries please contact: Ms. Mansi Singh Head-Customer Relations Business Standard Private Limited. 3rd & 4th floor, Building H, Paragon Condominium, Opp Century Mills, P B Marg, Worli, Mumbai - 400 013 E-mail: [email protected] “or sms, SUB BS to 57007” DISCLAIMER News reports and feature articles in Business Standard seek to present an unbiased picture of developments in the markets, the corporate world and the government. Actual developments can turn out to be different owing to circumstances beyond Business Standard’s control and knowledge. Business Standard does not take any responsibility for investment or business decisions taken by readers on the basis of reports and articles published in the newspaper. Readers are expected to form their own judgement. Business Standard does not associate itself with or stand by the contents of any of the advertisements accepted in good faith and published by it. Any claim related to the advertisements should be directed to the advertisers concerned. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all rights reserved by M/s Business Standard Pvt. Ltd. Any printing, publication, reproduction, transmission or redissemination of the contents, in any form or by any means, is prohibited without the prior written consent of M/s Business Standard Pvt. Ltd. Any such prohibited and unauthorised act by any person/legal entity shall invite civil and criminal liabilities. 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Page 1: BENGALURU | THURSDAY, 12 JANUARY 2017 · PDF fileBENGALURU | THURSDAY, 12 JANUARY 2017 ECONOMY & PUBLIC AFFAIRS5. < Budgetmight restore standard deduction INDIVJALDHASMANA New Delhi,


Budget mightrestore standarddeduction


New Delhi, 11 January

Standard deduction forpersonal income taxmight return after over a

decade in the Union Budgetfor 2017-18, if the finance min-istry accepts recommenda-tions of the tax simplificationcommittee chaired by ex-judge R V Easwar.

Sources say the panel, inits second report given recent-ly to the ministry, has sug-gested doing so.

Standard deduction wasgiven as a lump-sum benefittowards cost to income till2003-04. In simple terms, itrefers to a deduction allowedin income tax, irrespective ofexpenses incurred or invest-ment made by assessees.

"Standard deduction issimple to administer," saidAmit Maheshwari, partner,Ashok Maheshwary &Associates. For the deduction,there was no need for a tax-payer to keep proof of expens-es such as bills. Then financeminister P Chidambaram did

away with standard deductionfor salaried personnel in2004-05, on the reasoningthat there was an equivalentincrease in the basic exemp-tion limit and other deduc-tions. It was then abolishedafter the tax exemption ceilingon investment was raised to~1 lakh. The standard deduc-tion slab was ~30,000 for totalincome under ~5 lakh a yearand ~20,000 for income over~5 lakh.

The Easwar panel hasreportedly not recommendedany particular rate or amountfor standard deduction. Itwants smaller deductions giv-en in income tax to be doneaway after standard deduc-tion comes back. The panelhas called for reviewing med-ical reimbursements.

Restoration of standarddeduction will not affect thethreshold for income taxexemption, currently ~2.5 lakha year.

In its first report, the pan-el suggested revision of thethreshold and rates on tax deduction at source. These

formed part of the previousBudget.

The 10-member panel hasalso suggested incorporationof 'masala' bonds (issuedabroad but denominated inrupees, not the local currency)in the Income Tax Act, tobring clarity on the capitalgains tax on these. The reportalso went into non-residenttaxation, assessment proce-dure, property income andsalaries, among others.

“Review of the non-resi-dent tax issue, of Section 9with respect to section 195 ofthe Act, has been examinedby the committee, whichforms a major chunk of litiga-tion,” said a source. These sec-tions talk about the incomedeemed to accrue or arise inIndia from payments to a non-resident, be it salaries, tech-nical fees, capital gains androyalties, and the procedures.

The issues pertain towhether income will be clas-sified as business profit or feesfor technical services or someother head, all of which havedifferent rates.

| Standard deduction was given as alump-sum benefit towards cost toincome till 2003-04

| It refers to a deduction allowed inincome tax, irrespective of expensesincurred or investment made byassessees

| The Easwar panel has reportedly notrecommended any particular rate oramount for standard deduction

| It wants smaller deductions given inincome tax to be done away afterstandard deduction comes back

| Restoration of standard deductionwill not affect the threshold forincome tax exemption, currently~2.5 lakh a year



Mistry presentedWelspun deal asfait accompli:Tata Sons


Mumbai, 11 January

Tata Sons has said the acqui-sition of the Welspun group’srenewable energy subsidiaryby Tata Power was presentedto its board as a fait accompli.

In its petition to theNational Company LawTribunal (NCLT), Tata Sons,the holding company of theTata group, said the Welspuntransaction was expected tocost ~6,700 crore ($1 billion)and any additional debtwould affect Tata Power’scredit rating.

Rating agencies, presum-ing support from Tata Sons,had assigned a higher ratingto Tata Power, over andabove which the additionaldebt was undertaken.

“As a promoter, Tata Sonswas practically left in the darkabout such a significant trans-action while (Cyrus) Mistrywas chairman of Tata Power,”the Tata Sons petition said.

A note on the proposedWelspun acquisition was cir-culated to directors of TataSons on May 31, 2016. But itwas not clarified that defini-tive agreements were to besigned imminently. On June12, 2016, Tata Power annou-nced the Welspun acquisition.

Former Tata Sons chair-man Cyrus Mistry had earli-er said Tata Power’s debt wasa legacy issue because it hadbid aggressively for theMundra project based oncheap Indonesian coal.

“As regulations changed,the losses in 2013-14 aloneamounted to ~1,500 crore.Given that Mundra consti-tutes ~18,000 crore of capitalemployed (40 per cent of thetotal), this substantiallydepresses the return on capi-tal for Tata Power as well ascarries the risk of considerablefuture impairment,” Mistryhad said in a letter to TataSons soon after his ouster onOctober 24, 2016.

Mistry investment firms file contemptpetition against TatasDEV CHATTERJEE

Mumbai, 11 January

The two investment companiesof the Mistry family, CyrusInvestments and SterlingInvestment Corporation, onWednesday filed a contemptpetition against Tata Sons, TataTrusts and their officials in theNational Company LawTribunal for violation of theNCLT order.

The contempt petition saiddespite assurances by Tatalawyers that they would not takeany action against Mistry (pic-tured), pending the hearing of apetition, Tata Sons has calledan extraordinary general meet-ing of its shareholders onFebruary 6 to remove Mistryfrom its board. This action, thepetition said, was against theNCLT consent order datedDecember 22 in which the Tatas

had promised they wouldn’t ini-tiate any action on Mistry’sremoval from the Tata Sonsboard.

But according to a specialnotice dated January 3, 2017 —received from four Tata trusts,which own 13.66 per cent stakein Tata Sons, and signed by itsexecutive trustee R Venkatara-manan — the trusts asked TataSons to convene a shareholdersmeeting to remove Mistry.

Following the notice, Tata Sonssent a notice dated January 5 toits shareholders to call an EGMon February 6 to remove Mistryas director.

In response to the contemptpetition filed by Mistry at theNCLT, a Tata Sons groupspokesperson said, “There is nocontempt. We will make oursubmissions to NCLT.”

More on

Printed and Published by Afroz Khan onbehalf of Business Standard PrivateLimited and printed at MNS Printers

Private Limited, 345/4, Bhattrahalli, OldMadras Road, Bengaluru-560 049 and

published at A-1, First Floor, 25/3, LavelleRoad, Bengaluru -560 001

Editor : Shyamal Majumdar

RNI NO: 71187/1998

Readers should write their feedback [email protected]

Ph: 080-22484968 Fax : 080-22484967

For Subscription and Circulationenquiries please contact:

Ms. Mansi SinghHead-Customer Relations

Business Standard Private Limited.3rd & 4th floor, Building H,

Paragon Condominium, Opp Century Mills,P B Marg, Worli, Mumbai - 400 013

E-mail: [email protected]“or sms, SUB BS to 57007”

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