benjamin franklin en ingles 2do xd

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  • 8/13/2019 Benjamin Franklin en Ingles 2do xD


    Benjamin Franklin ( Boston, January 17, 1706 - Philadelphia , April 17, 1790 ) was a politician ,

    scientist and inventor . It is considered one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. Benjamin

    Franklin was the fifteenth child of a total of seventeen brothers ( four half brothers father and

    brothers other parents) [citation needed] . Son of Josiah Franklin (1656-1744) and his second wife,

    Abiah Folger . His training was limited to basic studies in the South Grammar School, and one to

    ten years. First he worked helping his father in the candle and soap factory property . After seek

    satisfaction in other trades ( ocean, carpenter , mason, turner ) , at twelve he started working as

    an apprentice in the printing of his brother, James Franklin. For indication, write his only two

    poems , " The Lighthouse Tragedy " and " Song of ocean " when arrested the notorious pirate

    Edward Teach, aka " Blackbeard " . He left this genre by criticism of his father. When he was 15, his

    brother founded the New England Courant , considered the first truly independent newspaper in

    the British colonies. In this paper, Benjamin wrote his first works under the pseudonym Silence

    Dogood (silent intrusive) . With he wrote his first newspaper articles, critical tone with the

    authorities of the time. In 1723 settled in Philadelphia, but in 1724 he traveled to England to

    complete and finish his training as a printer in the printing of Palmer. There he published

    dissertation on liberty and necessity, pleasure and pain. He returned to Philadelphia on October

    11, 1726 . Initially he worked as an administrative to Denham . In 1727 , after recovering from

    pleurisy , co-founded the Together intellectual club, and the following year with his partner

    Meredith established his first own printing . In September 1729 he bought the Pennsylvania

    Gazette newspaper , which published until 1730 1748.En married Deborah Read, with whom he

    had three children, William ( 1731 ), Francis ( 1733 ) and Sarah ( 1743 ) . Also published Poor

    Richard 's Almanack (1733-1757) and was responsible for the issuance of paper currency in the

    British colonies in America ( 1727 ) . In 1731 he participated in the founding of the first public

    library in Philadelphia, and that same year adhered to the masonry . In 1736 he founded the Union

    Fire Company, the first fire department in Philadelphia. He also participated in the founding of the

    University of Pennsylvania ( 1749 ) and the first hospital in the city. In 1763 engaged in voyages to

    New Jersey, New York and New England to study and improve the Postal Service of the United

    States . He spent most of his life bedridden last year , got sick again pleuritis . However, he ceased

    his political activities during that period. Finally, he died with worsening of disease in 1790 , at the

    age of 84. Fortunately, there is much information on the lives and views of Franklin, because at

    age 40 began writing his autobiography (supposedly for his son) . This was published

    posthumously under the title of The Private Life of Benjamin Franklin. The first edition came out in

    Paris in March 1791 ( Memoires de la vie prive ) , less than a year after his death , and in 1793 an

    English translation (The Private Life of the Late Benjamin Franklin) was available. In 1723, at 17, is

    engaged to Deborah Read , 15 . They finally married in 1730. At age 24 , Franklin acknowledged

    paternity of an illegitimate son named William , welcoming him at home. The couple also had two

    legitimate sons , Francis Folger Franklin , who died at age 4 due to smallpox and Sarah Franklin ,

    born in 1743 , who would in turn seven hijos.Franklin was an expert chess player , getting to write

    essays about the game. In his later years suffered from obesity Franklin made that caused

  • 8/13/2019 Benjamin Franklin en Ingles 2do xD


    numerous health problems and psoriasis that had had all his life got worse . Kite experiment ,

    which led him to invent the lightning rod. His interest in scientific issues began in the mid-

    eighteenth century, and coincided with the beginning of his political activity. He was clearly

    influenced by contemporary scientists such as Isaac Newton, and Joseph Addison (especially his

    works Essay on the Understanding of Locke and the viewer ) . In 1743 he was elected president of

    the Philosophical Society unidense State. From 1747 he devoted himself mainly to the study of

    electrical phenomena . He enunciated the principle of conservation of electricity. From his studies

    his outstanding scientific work, Experiments and Observations on Electricity born. In 1752 took

    place in Philadelphia his famous kite experiment . He tied a kite with a metal skeleton of a silk

    thread , one end of which also carried a metal key . Making flying a stormy day , confirmed that

    the key was carrying electricity , demonstrating that the clouds are full of lightning is electricity

    and electric shock. With this experiment he created his most famous invention , the lightning rod.

    From there , they settled throughout the state (and there were 400 in 1782 ) , reaching Europe in

    the 1760s . Presented the theory of single fluid ( this was stated that any electrical phenomenon

    was caused by an electrical fluid "positive electricity", while the absence of it could be considered

    " negative electricity " ) to explain the two types of atmospheric electricity from observing the

    behavior of the rods of amber, or electrical conductor, among others. Franklin was a scientist and

    prolific inventor . Besides the lightning rod invented also called Franklin Furnace or chimney of

    Pennsylvania ( 1744), metal and safer than traditional fireplaces , bifocal lenses , for their own use

    , a humidifier for stoves and fireplaces , one of the first urinary catheters flexible to treat urinary

    calculi his brother John , the odometer in his time working at the Post Office ; swimmer fins , the

    glass harmonica , etc. . Also studied the warm ocean currents off the east coast of North America

    and was the first to describe the current Golfo.2En 1756 he was elected to the prestigious Royal

    Society, and in 1772 the Academy of Sciences of Paris was designated as one of the most notable

    non-French living scientists . In 1736 year he was elected to the General Assembly in Philadelphia.

    In 1747 organized the first volunteer militia to defend Pennsylvania, was appointed member of the

    committee negotiating with the native Indians in 1749. He actively participated in the process of

    independence of the United States . He began making several trips to London between 1757 and

    1775 , as a representative to advocate for the interests of Pennsylvania. He came to speak before

    the House of Commons in 1766.Rostro of Benjamin Franklin on the $ 100 bills . He participated in a

    very intense way in this process. Influenced the drafting of the Declaration of Independence ( 1776

    ) , helping to Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, and went to France for support to continue the

    campaign against British troops . There he was appointed official U.S. representative in 1775 ,

    signed a Trade and Cooperation ( 1778 ) and reached the position of Minister to France.

    Contributes to the end of the War of Independence, the Treaty of Paris (1783 ) . From there , he

    contributed to the writing of the U.S. Constitution ( 1787 ) . In 1785 he was elected governor of

    Pennsylvania, and devoted himself fully to the building of the American nation