best 10 easy & effective healthy tips for women


Upload: moazzem-hossain

Post on 09-Aug-2015




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If your body is healthy only then it is capable of converting food into energy effectively, making sure that there is enough energy in reserve, enough for the task in hand, plenty to be used instantly, and most of all, runs your body at optimum speed obtained by nutrients from your balance diet.

The working of the body and the mind in harmony, leads to a balanced life.

You just not only need physical health but mental health needs to go side by side. Your health is the determinant of your long and short term memory, mental agility and power or critical decision making.

Being a woman, why wouldn’t you worry about your figure, your facial appearance, your dressing and all?

Maintaining a quality health will deteriorate the chances of out of shape figure ultimately creating problems in the dressing, wrinkle-full face, and hair fall to a maximum level.

It is very easy to keep up a positive outlook towards your life when you are healthy physically and mentally. You can focus on result-oriented goals, you can tolerate the distractions and annoy with ease, not moving away from the motivation.

Your healthiness shall make you less reliant on others. The feeling of independence that being healthy brings is priceless, it makes you plan out for your life more confidently, and unhealthy people are more likely to depend on you, then you are on them.

Anyone of us can be struck down by any number of sicknesses at any time throughout life. But what we need to understand here is that healthy body also has a healthy immune system that is well able to deal with countless daily assaults from various bugs, toxins and viruses whereas an unhealthy body doesn’t have the same level of protection from an ailment, and doesn’t help much in recovery too.

A healthy person is more dependable and reliable compared to an unhealthy person. Healthier you means you are smart enough to deal with everyone. Just see, like the prospective employer will prefer a fit and healthy applicant disfavoring an unhealthy, poor health applicant as she might just would take too much leaves and go absent for too many days, for you know that the first impression is the last impression.

Sometimes the most productive thing one can do is sleep, as sleep is the time when your body recuperates. An efficient machine creates a natural remedy for sleeplessness as it demands rest when it needs to repair the body.

A healthy body ensures adequate weight. Overall fitness comes from living a healthy lifestyle as maintaining a healthy and fit body becomes easy.

Your body will have no reason at all of storing fat as it will not anticipate starvation at rough times if you’ll eat the right proportion of fats, carbohydrates and protein in 5 to 6 mini meals.

What’s the point of living to any age if you are not physically able to enjoy yourself?

Ladies should be healthy enough to go country skiing, mountain climbing, ice camping even after 60 years of their life.