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Issued: November, 2014 IBM ® Platform LSF ® Best Practices IBM Platform LSF 9.1.3 and IBM GPFS in Large Clusters Jin Ma Platform LSF Developer IBM Canada

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Issued: November, 2014

IBM® Platform LSF®

Best Practices IBM Platform LSF 9.1.3 and

IBM GPFS in Large Clusters

Jin Ma

Platform LSF Developer

IBM Canada

Issued: November, 2014

Table of Contents

IBM Platform LSF 9.1.3 and IBM GPFS in Large Clusters ............................ 1

Executive Summary ............................................................................................. 3

Introduction .......................................................................................................... 4

Minimizing the impact of network connection and node failures ............... 5

Minimizing interference among LSF, GPFS, and applications running on

GPFS ....................................................................................................................... 5

Deploy dedicated Network Shared Disk (NSD) servers and storage for

LSF .................................................................................................................... 5

Pre-configure a large inode pool.................................................................. 6

Install GPFS V3.5.0.19 or above.................................................................... 6

Configure LSB_JOB_TMPDIR and LSF_TMPDIR ..................................... 7

Configure JOB_SPOOL_DIR ........................................................................ 8

Specify the LSF job current working directory and output directory .... 9

Best Practices....................................................................................................... 11

Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 12

Further reading................................................................................................... 13

Contributors ........................................................................................................ 13

Notices ................................................................................................................. 14

Trademarks ................................................................................................... 15

Contacting IBM ............................................................................................ 15

Issued: November, 2014

Executive Summary This Best Practice Guide provides suggestions and solutions for smooth deployment of

IBM Platform LSF and IBM General Parallel File System (GPFS) in a large cluster to

achieve high job throughput and cluster reliability, performance, and scalability.

Issued: November, 2014

Introduction Experience from past deployment of Platform LSF and IBM GPFS together on large

clusters reveals that additional fine-tuning of the two systems is required to minimize

interference and to achieve high job throughput as well as optimal cluster stability,

performance, and scalability.

Possible issues fall into the following groups:

1. LSF and GPFS both depend on network stability and robustness of recovery.

If LSF is installed on GPFS, this dependency is amplified – if GPFS fails, LSF will

also crash. Common problems include:

Node expel issue

GPFS unmount causing LSF daemon crash if installed on GPFS

2. LSF and GPFS are affected by heavy application load (CPU, memory, network

I/O), resulting in node expel issues.

3. GPFS performance issue: inode pool auto expansion can cause GPFS to hang for

several minutes.

4. GPFS hangs because of how LSF accesses the file system. If LSF is also installed

on GPFS or needs to accesses GPFS, LSF does not respond or crashes.

/tmp requires at least 100 MB of free space. If many users mount /tmp to a

shared GPFS directory GPFS can crash due to lack of /tmp space.

GPFS also can hang when tokens are revoked with multiple clients creating

and removing sub-directories or frequent file read/write under the same top

directory. For example, if /tmp is mounted on a shared GPFS directory on a

diskless node, LSF creates a job temporary directory (/tmp/.<jobID>) when

each job is dispatched. This directory is then removed after the job finishes,

which can cause GPFS to hang.

This Best Practice Guide provides solutions aimed at avoiding or minimizing these


Note: IBM Platform LSF 9.1.3 patch #247132 or later is required for these


Issued: November, 2014

Minimizing the impact of network connection and

node failures Both GPFS and LSF rely on a healthy network and nodes to function properly. Network

and node failures can be catastrophic to workload efficiency and data integrity.

Maintaining a healthy network and nodes are key for smooth cluster operations.

A single node failure or connection issue triggers GPFS to expel the node from the cluster

to recover and protect data integrity. Node expel operations not only affect the

problematic nodes but can also have a ripple effect cascading onto other healthy nodes.

If LSF is also installed on GPFS, LSF daemon processes crash if GPFS is unmounted.

It is better to make LSF use a totally different network from that of GPFS and


Before installing, testing, and starting LSF and GPFS, you must run a network and node

health check. IBM has published best practices for node and network health checking

tools and procedures. See the references in “Further reading” for more information.

Minimizing interference among LSF, GPFS, and

applications running on GPFS

Deploy dedicated Network Shared Disk (NSD) servers and

storage for LSF The main idea is to isolate LSF from GPFS and applications running on it. Ideally, the file

systems for LSF and GPFS that are used by applications should be totally separated. If

this is difficult to be implemented and LSF must be installed on GPFS, the next best

option is to assign dedicated NSD servers and storage for LSF. User applications should

not access these NSD servers and storage for LSF.

Issued: November, 2014

The following diagram illustrates the recommended configurations:

Pre-configure a large inode pool When GPFS automatically expands the inode pool, you might see a delay in response. If

LSF is also installed on GPFS, LSF can be affected by such delay and temporarily stops

responding to requests. It is highly recommended to pre-configure a large inode pool in

GPFS so that there are always enough inode entries in GPFS, and automatic expansion

can be avoided.

Install GPFS V3.5.0.19 or above As mentioned above, GPFS V3.5.0.19 (with fix to APAR IV61627 (defect 927501)) or

higher is recommended. This fix contains enhancements to handle node expel issues. The

impact to LSF is reduced.

Issued: November, 2014

Configure LSB_JOB_TMPDIR and LSF_TMPDIR The GPFS daemon requires 100 MB of free space under /tmp on each node. In order to

avoid LSF jobs from competing with GPFS for /tmp space, set LSF_TMPDIR in

lsf.conf to a directory to GPFS.

LSF creates job-specific temporary directory for each job (<jobID>.tmpdir) and

removes this directory after the job finishes. Frequent directory creation and deletion

under the same directory by multiple GPFS clients can cause GPFS to revoke tokens to

protect data integrity. This can significantly affect LSF performance and job throughput.

Set the following parameters in lsf.conf:


LSF_TMPDIR=/tmp # Or not defined.

You should create LSB_JOB_TMPDIR as well as all sub-directories of LSF server host

names with the right permission before running jobs in LSF. If LSB_JOB_TMPDIR is

defined on a shared file system, all users should be able to write to this directory from all

hosts. If LSB_JOB_TMPDIR sub-directories are not created ahead of time, LSF creates


If you change LSB_JOB_TMPDIR run

badmin hrestart all to make the new setting take effect.

Issued: November, 2014

Configure JOB_SPOOL_DIR In lsb.params, set JOB_SPOOL_DIR to the directory where you want to store the job

files as well as stderr and stdout files for each job after job is dispatched to a host.

These LSF temporary files are cleaned after job finishes. The default location is user's

HOME directory ($HOME/.lsbatch).

Similar to the job-specific temporary directory, multiple clients reading and writing files

under the same directory triggers the token revoke action, which can cause delays in

accessing GPFS. Job setup becomes sequential with direct impact on LSF job throughput

and longer turnaround time.

If JOB_SPOOL_DIR is set on GPFS or user HOME directory is on GPFS, you must add %H

to the path so that JOB_SPOOL_DIR will be located under the sub-directory with the

name of the first execution host for the job:




If you specify JOB_SPOOL_DIR=%H, the actual job spool directory is created under


LSF creates the %H subdirectory with permission 700.

If you specify JOB_SPOOL_DIR=/gpfs/shared/%H, LSF creates the %H subdirectory

with permission 777.

You can use other patterns in JOB_SPOOL_DIR:

%H #first execution host

%U #job exec user name

%C #Execution cluster name

%JG #job group

%P #job project

Issued: November, 2014

Put %H %U before all other variable patterns in directory


It is also highly recommended that these directories are created ahead of time, so that

LSF does not need to create them. Make sure the permission is set properly:

If JOB_SPOOL_DIR is under $HOME, it should have 700 permission.

If JOB_SPOOL_DIR is under a shared directory, it should have 777 permission.

One exception is that if JOB_SPOOL_DIR=/shared_top/%U/ where %U is the first

pattern in the JOB_SPOOL_DIR, it should be of permission 700.

If JOB_SPOOL_DIR is pre-created, LSF will not change permissions. The LSF

administrator must create the JOB_SPOOL_DIR with proper permissions.

Specify the LSF job current working directory and output

directory You can specify the LSF job current working directory and output directory in LSF the

following ways:

bsub -cwd

LSB_JOB_CWD environment variable

JOB_CWD in application profile

DEFAULT_JOB_CWD in lsb.parms

bsub -outdir

DEFAULT_JOB_OUTDIR in lsb.params

The job will run under the specified working directory and generate files to the specified

output directory. If many jobs create and delete subdirectories under the same working

directory, the GPFS token revoke behavior is triggered and the response of GPFS will be

slowed down.

This can impact the overall job throughput as well as LSF performance if LSF is installed

and run on GPFS.

LSF supports the %H (host-based) pattern in the job working directory and output

directory. %H is replaced with host name of the first execution host of the job.

Issued: November, 2014

In addition to %H, you can also use the following patterns in the job current working

directory and output directory:

%J - jobid

%JG - job group

%I - index

%EJ - execution job id

%EI - execution index

%P - project name

%U - user name

%H - 1st execution host

%G – user group

Put %U and %H before any other subdirectories In general, you should put %U and %H before any other subdirectories in job current

working directory (cwd) and output directory (outdir) specifications. If access to

specified cwd or outdir is shared by multiple users, create subdirectories before the

cluster is started. See the topic Using Platform LSF job directories on the LSF product

family wiki on IBM developerWorks.

Issued: November, 2014

Best Practices

The key items of the best practices is to maintain healthy network

connections and isolate LSF from the application on GPFS in terms

of storage and servers to minimize interference.

Complete node health check and network connection verification.

Prepare and configure dedicated NSD servers and storage for LSF

use only. User applications use separate servers and storage.

Always keep LSF and GPFS binaries up-to-date.

Configure GPFS and LSF to use separate NSD servers and storage.

Configure a large inode pool in GPFS.

Configure LSB_JOB_TMPDIR, JOB_SPOOL_DIR, job current

working directory, and job output directory with %H (host-based)

pattern so that if LSF daemons can concurrently create or delete

sub-directories and read and write files on GPFS.

Pre-create per-host based directories with appropriate permission

on GPFS before you start LSF.

Issued: November, 2014

Conclusion The purpose of this best practice guide is to make LSF and GPFS deployment smooth and

simple by minimizing the impact from OS/network/hardware as well as interferences of

these two systems.

By completing the cluster health check and configuring LSF and GPFS in the

recommended way, the LSF job throughput should be improved. The cluster

performance, scalability, and usability are also enhanced.

Issued: November, 2014

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Issued: November, 2014

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